HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-29, Page 8'1' .a i± i X E T E r 'r 1 M z S APRIL 29th 1909
++•: +++4.4-+++++++++4-+++++++ 4 -Hal
2 The Biggest and best bargain you'll see this season
Hose fur ladies, big boys and big girls. The lot is
for mixed in quality. mixed in 'size. assorted colorer in
Black and Tan. There are about six hundred pair's in
26Ci• the lot, some ribbed. sou:e plain Lisle thread. Others
plain Tan and plain Black. The dyes are perfect. Regular val-
ue'25(•. Coote and take your choice 2 pairs for 21 cents.
Going out Quick \Vali pipers are moving fast. We
you in style, in quality and in value.
Sc. the roll for very neat
papers suitable for Bed
Rooms and kitchens. Border
same price.. 5c.
1Oc. the roll for a nice lot
of papers in floral and ori-
ental patterns suitable for
Hall. Parlor and Dining -room
borders s,.ure price., 10c.
have ;t range t hat should please
15e. the roll for a swell
lot of gold and glimmer pa-
pers all new patterns in Hotels
scrolls and stripes., borders
saute price., 15c.
2Oc... the roll for the dain-
tiest lot of gold and Burlap
papers that we have seen,pat-
terns confined to ourselves.,
borders same price., :plc.
The hats are growing larger and nicer as the
yu3eas,.n adv tnces. There is a distinctiveness a-
bout our haus. They have that touch of Style so hard to get in or-
dinary Lead wear. Our trimmers are artists. Miss Auld is in
Admired by Many
Our Room Ruga are the talk of the ladies and no wonder, for
they are certainly lovely. Seamless Rugs lay perfectly flat nn
the floor -that's the kind we sell, in Wools. Balmoral Brussels,
\Viltons and Velvets. They come in Floral. Oriental and Me-
daliinn patterns in rich autumn tints of Brown. Green, Fawn
and Reds $0.50 to $30,00
Wo rccornrrsend and sell Stool Briggs Sends.
We know of no better. They have stood the test of years.
We don't know of a disappointed customer, Mangles, Sugar
Mange's, Sugar Beets and Turnips. You know it pays to pay
for quality.
Men's NiftyNew Shoes in: (Oxfords. :Bluchers
,hand Bale. Black. Tao.
Willow and Ox Blood, 3.00, 350, 4.00, and $4.50. Every pair sold
tinder double guarantee. the maker's and our's. Your money
back. That's what talks.
We have a dandy lot of LADtes READY-TO-WEAR TAILOR
MADE SUITS, Greens, Blues and Blacks, silk -lined and trimmed
wvith self•stitching and large buttons. $11.50 and $15.50.
Are you getting Redpaths Sugar. We eell none other, it's
beet by test.
Our stock of wall paper is complete in every detail. 1f you have
a room that does not suit you, and has not that attractive appear-
ance that you wish just go to R. N. Rowe and get soe of that
lovely paper he is showing.m
Also look at his linoleumns and lace
curtains. They are very pretty. And prices are the lowest. \Ve
can prove it to you.
One door north P. 0.
Exchange ; Thos. Johnston. Colborne
W. W. Snults. shop. Seaforth.-Mc-
Lennan & lirondfoot. Commercial : 1).
T. Pickney, Royal ; James Dick, Dick
House : Mrs. Christiana Stephens.
Queen's: E. Rawson, shop. James-
town. -Thos. McEwen. Beer and wine.
Crnnbrook. - Jacob Long. Ethcl.-
John Putland. Molesworth. -Mrs. R.
Seehnver, Colborne Township. t- J.
' Miller, Carlow ; Wm. Glazier. Anthony
Allan's Corner. McKillop Township. -
Louis Wolff. Dublin.
every step in the tailoring of the gar-
Rtent will stand inspection. The harts
pf a cont. like the interlining. etc.,
which you never see, are as carefully
loord after as those in plain sight.
C7 411. A'1' CD XL X XL •
Beare the The Kira You Hatt Always Bourii
r •,
113y that we man more than the wear- SEALED TENDEi1S nddressed 4o
ing quality of the fabric. We mean the l'ostrnnsler General. will be re -
that the long wear of the garments ceived at Ottawa until Noon, of Fri -
will be equalled by the lasting shap- day. the Ilth of May 1905 for the
1iness tt•e put into yoar apparel. It conveyance of itis Majesty's Mails on
will look good as long ns you wear it, it proposed contract for four years.
and that will be long indeed. six tunes per week each way between
Exeter and St. Marys, from the 1st
t July next. Printed notices con -
mining further information as to the
proposed contract may be seen and
Merchant Tailor. blank fortes of tender may be obtain-
ed at the Post. Offices on the route
EXETER, - ONTARIO, and at the office of the Post Office
The Centre Huron license ,board.
Met in Senforlh on Monday. of last
week and granted applications for li-
ter• •N for the ensuing year, ns follows
Clinton. -Joe E. Reinhardt. \Vaver-
lep : S. !r. Cooper. Normandie : Joe
Ito (tut hury. ltattenbury 1louse ; Dav-
id Crawford. Commercial ; 11. Irra-
hnrn. Graham douse; C. 11. Pugh,
Shop. Itrn'seh• - Joseph Querin,
Queen's: McDonald and Emigh. Cent-
ral : 11, nrs• .Tames. American, C
months to fix lip.
G derrc .-
Fred. FARM TO i11:NT, for pasture. 2 1-2
Davis. Bedford : Ilen. Snults• Hnnits utiles north of Exeter. Lot 11, Con.
Nouse: Mrs. Annie Kine. King Ed- I.ifay. 100 acres. Good pasture and
ward: Mrs. Lillie ('rate. Iluron, 3 water, Apply It. It. BOSS, Ilyron, Ont
months for repairs : M. Farr. 3
months for repairs: William ilabb. Mr. 11. 8. Lang. of 8t. Mary' was
Ocean house ; E. It. Fwwart:. British in town yesterday.
Inspector at London.
Post Office Department. Mail Ser-
vice Branch, 0ttnww•a, 27th March
WOOD FOR SALE -We nre now
-prepared to deliver to env part of
the town first class elm slabs. All
orders promptly nttended to
11. GILLil?9.
Market Report. -Tb
the report of Exeter
rested up to April 29th
Wheat $1.15
Pests 80 to 90.
markets, cor- A free notice will be given horse- In the matter of the estate of
• urea who get their route cards printed Robert McDonald. of the Townshipat th. 'Times office. of t'sborne, in the County of Iluron.
Oats 43 to 45.
Mr. Toni Carling arrived home fanner. deceased.
(tastes 55e \1'edue:duy evening of last week Notice is hereby given( pursuant to
Shorts. $'25. from Kingston college. R. S. 0.. 18.7, chap. !_►,
that all
creditors and others having claims
Bran $24Mr. Frank Knight, jr., has +e- against the estate of the late Robert
lilendid Flour. STA It, $300. cured a position as brakeman on the
Feed Four x1.40 to 1.45.McDonald, wwho died on or about
G. T. It. and will leave shortly to the .21st du of March. 11909.
Alsyke $0 to :hhel. commence his duties. )
Cover i 5. to $8 $�•per. btMr. \Vill Knight left Wednesday are required on or about the 5th
T.motby $1 to $2 per. bushel.
evening for Ontario, Calif., where he drty of may. 1.►0.� to send by
Mutter 18c pound. will visit his grandmother Mrs. Ed, post prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Eggs 17c (i(z• Ur,•w, until the fall 1.-rrn of the Medi-;Glndman &Stnnbury, of the village
Ilay$7.50 to $8.50• cu, L ehool opens next B; ptemb, r. ' of Exeter, solicitors for the execu-
Hogs. liveweight, &7.15 tors of the said deceased their
!•:very housekeeper who has used ,
llogs. dressed $8.50 to $fP0. Campbell's Varnish Stain is delight -
and chs dest la and Burne ('ites, addressoa
Coal, $7.25 a ton. ed with results obtained. Nothing and descriptions, the full statement Apples 6 centtl. else like it they say. So easy roup -Mars of their claims. the statement
ply, and so durable. W. J. Heitman srcur'itics. if :tliy, hold by man , of I h ir'accounts and the Iraro of
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• curries rt full lire of this popularthem.
stain. And further lake notize that after
• ♦ such last mentioned date the said
• ♦ A meeting of the Exeter Bowling executors will proceed -to distri-
• syndicate wns held last Friday even-
• bute assets of the deceased anion;
N•••••• • •••••♦ ing and arranged for the erection of (tic pat lieu entitled thereto. havinz
+ +++++++•i•++++++++•i•+++++++•c
The 'Pius.' till Jan, 1010
Seventy Cents
• 'fell your Neighbors a-
bout it.
geon. will bo at the Commercial
Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and die -
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Monday, May 171h.
60c for
Miss 'Hazel Dignan visited friends
in London last week.
Miss Mary E. Taylor called on
friends in town Saturday.
Mr. Chester Stanlake left last week
for Lacombe, Alberta.
Mr. D. A. Ross is recovering from
his recent illness from Typhoid fever.
Mrs. 11. T. flower, of Ingersoll, is
visiting her sister Mrs. R. G. Seldom.
NOTIIiNG IIETTER to remove tan
and sunburn than Enjoyme cream.
25c. at the Purity.
Good hair ands clean scalp are the
result if Enjoyme flair Tonic is used
75c. a bottle at the Purity.
Mrs. 1). K(•rnick bas gone to visit
her niece Mrs. T. Wood. at Coiling
Mr. \V. J. Statham has installed
it dough mixing inrtchine in his
'•Squire"Leathorn. of London spent
the latter portion of last week in
Mrs. J. G. Jones is the guest of
Mrs. J. W. Harrison, in .Detroit, this serves.
Mr. \Vill Knight, son of Mr. F. J.
Dr. II. lie rliyndman returned Knight, town. made a creditable
Thursday y evening frorn Battle Creek showing in his examinations at the
Western Medical School London.
a new picket fence in front of the
lawn and also for the planting of
Evergreen shade trees. The member-
ship fee was placed at 85.00 per year.
The appointment of it caretaker will
be made at the next meeting.
Aceording to the new postal law
newspaper publishers can hold for
fraud anyone who takes a paper from
the postoffice and refuses payment,
and the man who allows subscription
to be unpaid, and then orders a post-
master to mark a paper refused and
sends notification to the publisher,
lays himself liable to arrest and fine.
The wedding took place at Blyth
on Wednesday. April 21st, of Miss
Jennie halls a former resident of Exe-
ter to Mr. J. Matheson. of Renssel-
aer, Ind. The ceremony ,was perform-
ed at the residence of the bride's sis-
ter. Mrs. Peter Gardiner at high noon
by ltev. J. L. Small. Mr. and Mrs.
Matheson will reside at Rensselaer.
Mr. Al. McDonnell is having the
south end of the Gordon -McKay
building put in shape for the new
bowling alleys which he intends in-
stalling. Mr. McDonnell was in To-
ronto lust week looking over the dif-
ferent makes and purchased two frorn
the Brunswick. 13alke. Callender firm.
The alleys will be shipped here as
soon as the building is ready.
Miss Bertha Mack left for (Chat-
ham Saturday where she has accep-
ted n position. Mr. McLachlan.
principal of the C. 13. C. Chatham.
Joys it affords him very special pleas-
ure to recommend Miss Mack. as she
put up one of the best final Examin-
ations that has been put up for years
in the Business department. Wish-
ing her the success she so well de -
very much improved wed i
n health.
Mr. \Vm. 13alkwill, of Andrew St.,
has been confined nfined to the house
for several weeks, is able to get out.
Mr. Harry itendlc. .lett Monday
morning for Spokane, Wash., where
he At i!l work on n. ranch during the
"I -9 J. Brown spent the former
p::.. of the week in Detroit, and at-
te.tdcd the graduating exercises ,at
Harper Hospital.
The ,first auto of the season passed
thicngh here Friday. a London gent -
Heinen making the trip from London
to Lucknow.
Commissioner Bissett had a gang
of men and teams busy Saturday
cleaning the winter's accumulation of
dirt and filth from Main Street.
Many of the residents are taking
ndvnntnge of the by-law prohibiting
cows to run ret large. by removing
fences front the front of their resid-
Mr. A. Hastings last week disposed
of his barber shop to Messrs A. Pen -
prase and W. Bourke. The new
proprietors will take possession on
Monday next.
\irs. 11. C. Cotter. who arrived
here several weeks ago to visit her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory.
returned to her home in Frankfort.
Indiana. last wveek.
Miss Robinson, who recently Te.
signed as teacher of S. S. No. 5 Us -
borne, intends shortly leaving for the
west. where she expects to remain
for some time.
Messrs. F. W. Madman and S. M.
Sanders returned Wednesday front
Toronto. where they attended the con-
vention of the Independent Canners'
Asocial fore
The annual meeting of the share-
holders of the Exeter Vanning and
Preserving Company will be held in
the Town hall (Thursday) co►nmenc-
ing at 1.30 p. tn. -
Drs. Roulaton and Kinsman wish
to announce that their offices will
he closed on April 28, 2:\ :10 and May
1, owing to their attendance at the
Ontario Dental Society meeting at
ltev. A. Ii. Going and .Dr. Roul-
ston attended a banquet in the
Methodist church Ilensall. Monday
evening. ltev. Going proposed the
toast to the Epworth League and Dr.
Itunlsloa re, lied.
Master Douglas Stanbury. the tal-
er'ed boy contralto singer. who re -
cc :Ily pleased Exeter audiences with
singing. has received four appli-
ealions for engngements to sing Vic -
4' in Day.
\irs. W. 0. Miller. of Woodstock.
w. ho was called hone owing to the
s:ckness and subsequent death of her
father. Mr. Thos. Gregory. returned
to her home last Wednesday accom-
panied by her son. Master Gregory
Rev. 1). Urquhart. of Rippen,
preached nn excellent sermon to th;
Exeter 1. 0. 0. F. lodge in 'Coven
Presbyterian church last Sunday
morning. The Oddfellows about
ninety strong marched to the church
in a body.
Mrs. 0. P. Oakes. Mrs. (Dr.) L. T.
Gill. and Mr. G. Ernest Gregory.
have returned to their respective
homes in Chicago. Gibsonberg Ohio,
and Regina. niter spending a week
here on account of the death of their,
father. Mr. Thos. Gregory.
'Will is a second year student and
passed in every subject, in physiology
he took second class o d cl 9s honors ; practical
chemistry first class honors ; histol-
ogy first class honors; practical ana-
tomy, first class honors: Materia
Medica, pass; anatomy, second class
The following appointments. pro-
motions, retirements and confirmat-
ions of rank are promulgated to the
militia by the honorable the minister
of militia and defence in militia coun-
cil. 33rd Iluron Regiment -The fol-
lowing provisional lientennnts (super-
numerary) are absorbed into the es-
tablishment its stated: W. S. Turn-
bull. vice It. C. Weir. resigned.
March 10 1909 J G R Stnnbury
regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice and that
said executors shall not be liable
for the said assets or any part there-
of to any person or persons of walrtose
claims notice shall not have been re -
received by then at the time of such
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated at Exeter this 10th day of
April. 1903;
In tho matter of the estate of
Israel Harris, late of the Township,
of Osborne, in the County of Huron.
Laborer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
IL S. 0.. 1897, chap. 129, that all
ct edit ore d others; htvf
ag claims
against the estate of the late Israel
Harris. r who died on or about
the 15th day of Feby., 1909, are re-
quired on or before lite 15th day of
May, 1909 to send by post prepaid
or deliver to 'Messrs. Gladman &
Stanbury, solicitors for the execu-
tor of the estate of the
said deceased their christian
and surnames. addresses and des•
criptions, the full particulars of their1
clai►ns, the skiteuteI,t. of their ac.
counts and the nature of the se-
suritics, if any, held by theca. And
further lake notice that after such
last mentioned date the s43 Execu-
tor twill proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased amore; the
earlier entitled thereto, having re
go rd only to the claims of which
they shell then have notice and that
the said executor will not be liable
for tlto said assets or any tart there-
of to any person or persons of whose
claims 'mike shall not have been
received by thane ret the time of such
dist ciliation.
Solicitors olt hors for said executor.
Dated at Exeter, this 18th day of
April. 1.009.
In the matter of the estate of
John Corbett, late of the Township
of Ilay, in the Cot)nty of Iluron,
farmer deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. S. 0., 1&)7, chapter 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said
John Corbett. who died on or about
the 3rd day of April 1909
vice it. N. Creech. resigned, March are required on or before the
10. 1909. 13th day of May, 1909, to send by
post prepaid. or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stnnbury
of the Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Executor of the
said deceased, their christian and sur-
names, nddresses and descriptions
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by them. And further take
notice that after such Inst mentioned
date the said Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled 1
thereto having regard only to the l
claims of which he shall then have the error that
notice and that the said executor proof of it lies
will not be liable for snid assets OUR STAR FAMILY
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice ( The better baking and more of it you
shall not have been received by him can do with it sack or barrel of Star
ret the time of each distrihntion, flour will be a revelation to you.
GI,ADMAN & STANBURY, We won't hnve to ask you to try it
Solicitors for said ozecutor the second tithe. You'll do that of
Dated ret Exeter this l9th day of your own accord.
April 1909. 10,000 bushels of wheat wanted.
- --- --- - Patronize horne industries.
We notice by the public nccounta
of Ontario that the expenses of the
elections Inst June in this and the
ndjoining county of Perth were as
follows: Centre Baron, T. I). Johns-
ton. returning officer, $1.011.29:
North Huron, W. McMillan, (5892.80:
South Huron. \Vm. Consitt, S1.051.70:
North Perth. T. Mngwood, 81.386.79:
South Perth. T. I1. Sharpe, $920.52.
The amounts for the Dominion elec-
tion will not be known until the pub -
lie accounts are issued.
s• •-F•+• .+++•7.4,+.}-S++++++-:--4.4- teeesti,
No time to open out the Drygoods
stock at the Exeter Bargain store,
but all th•• Drygoods' stock will be
opened out to -day (Thursday) 29th.
April. Cracking big bargains all this
week and th•• balance of the Groceries
and hoots and Shoes must go this
week. Rattling big bargains for
three day::. Thursday, Friday and
Announcement to the
EXCURSION- South Huron
Farmers' Institute has decided to
conduct an Excursion to the Ontario
Agricultnrnl College ret Guelph on
Friday. .Tune 11th. Keep this date in
mind and make arrangements to
take it in. Particulars later. W. D.
Sanders. Pres.; 11. S. Phillips. Secy.
In the matter of the estate of
August 1). Schroeder. of the town-
ship of Bay. in the County of Huron.
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
It. S. 0.. 18:)7. Chap. 129 that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the late August
D. Schroeder. who died on or about
the doth day of April. 1909.
nn• requested on or about the 20th
day of Mny. 1009, to send by
post paid or deliver to Messrs.
(Badman & Stnnbury. of the village
of Exeter. solicitors for the execu-
tors of the said deceased their
'christian and surnames. addresses
and de•criptiona. the full particulars
of their cleims. the statement of
their ncennnts and the nature of the
securities. if nn}. held by theta. And
farther take notice thnt after such
Inst mentioned date the executors
will proceed to distribute meets of
the &•erased among the parties en-
titled thereto. having regard nnly to
the claims of which they shall then
tinve notice and that said a ecutors
shall not he linble for the said as -
A very interesting debate will take sets or my part thereof to any per -
place Fredn} evening ig in the Town( eon or persons of whose cls'
ms not -
Ball between the lilyth and Exeter Y. ire shall not have been received by
M. C. A. The snbjeet for debate is them ret 1be time of such dI tribution
"Resolved that heredity is n greater (MADMAN & STAN III itY,
factor thnn environment". The nffir- Solicitors for i•:s. ••:•ori..
mative will be tnken by Exeter and Dated ret Exeter this 27t)' lay of
the negative by Blyth. April, 1909.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
We are showing a fine line in Men's and Boys' Clothing in the cor•
rect styles, price
Men's from $5.00 to $14 00
Youths from 3.0o to 7.50
Boys from 1.00 to 6 5o
Our Men's and Boys' Hats were NeverBetter
As to style price and quality. A very pretty hat for young
men in the new Emerald shade, in the best English felt.
Shirts We handle the Star Brand Snirt which is noted for
its style and fitting qualities. Also a very fine
line of duck shirts with reverseable collar, suitable for spring and
summer wear.
For One Week Only
We will sell all our Wool Carpets one yard wide ranging frota
65c to 95c to clear 49c and 69c.
Highest price for Produce.
e epalr��
All kinds of Boots and STRATFOR3, ONT.
Shoes for yon
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
Pasture for Cattle
Can take a number of cattle to pas-
ture. Apply to
1). WOOD
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business u cess in Ex-
eter. I have placed a new and
up -to date rigroad ad for
P onh
tbe conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. galls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
all flour is
in it trial
alike. Tho
In the matter of the estate of
James K. Ford. late of the Town-
RIMS of farmer
in the County of Speod 0 kilo olid eIvo lour RIends
Huron- farmer deceased.
Nodes is hereby given pursuant to
It. 8. 0., 18:1.7, chapter 129, thnt all
crt•ditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said
James K. Ford. who died on or about You will always find theblatest
the 20th day of March 1909,
are required on or before the as well as the regular fancy cards
8th day of May. 190:► to send by and a splendid vaticty of town
post prepaid, or deliver to views at this store.
Messrs. Glndman & Stnnbury
of the Village o: Exeter. Ho- You are always welcome to
licitors for the Adntinistratrix of the come and see our display
said deceased, their christian and sur-
names. nddresscs and descriptions even if you do not buy.
the full particulars of their claims � •• jj r p
the statement of their accounts and II Ii001 61eeling Cords
the nntnre of the securities. if any
held by them. And further take are our latest. They are unique
notice that nfter such last mentioned -no mistake about that.
date the said Adntinistratrix will
proceed to distribute assets of th•- de- (:.Neon Phonographs turd Records,
ceased among the parties cntiticA
thereto having regard only to the
claims of which she :.hull then have
notice and that said Atlministrntrix
will not b•• linble for said assets
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose c.la'nt notice
shall not have been received by her
at the time of such distribution. 2 E,flte C
Solicitors for Administrntrix.
Dated at Exeter this lath day of Any Time
April 1909,•
h.•u t.een tested in the entente of experi •
once. with tin- fre of i-pite n, ams ha. not •
Leen found a a• t;arse Ti•e sure,. of our •
Rndnate4 ha. rot Leen evened. Not the •
br est, the hI hM eaitemodern I:1
.i •
• . r4 veA,xd in wl'e+ltern t►n411o. •
• Indl.klualinrtn,ctirn. No racat'on. •
• Matt Course. Enter any dao. •
Write for particular.. i
• ABO. SPOTTON, Principal,
0 DolloEs Wofin 01 PIe03oFe
Victor and 0-4u:tibia 10 melt discs 54/c
2 I)'sc Meel•ioe9 eheah f. r ta.,h.
J. Willis Powell Manager.
Eli mvtllo
Mr. Thornes Linanrd. of Granton.
visited friends at Elirnville last Sun-
Mr. \Witham Jncques is very low
n: th • titne of writing.
Mr. Osler Morley purchnsed a bi-
cycle last week and will not have
any use for the eart notw.
Fishing is the go now ; lots of fish-
ermen. but the fish are very scarce.
With twenty-two years' ex-
perience to its credit this college
is recognized as the geeatest
practical training school in
Weatern Ontario.
Three departments:
Our classes are the largest.
our courses most practical and
our instructora experienced.
Our graduates are assisted to
positions and succeed as none
others. Enter now. Get our
free catalogue.
Buys a Thoroughly
Louis XIV Style.
S. MdrUn & son
The old fasLiened %ray of taking
Cod Liver Oid was alright if the pati-
er,t's stomach didn't rebel at the
nauseous taste of the oil. if it did
the treatment was cruel.
Old fashioned Cod Liver 011 was
good but it had that nasty, greasy
draw back.
is the new Preparation.
and it's better than the old becauii"o
it's pleasant to take; po after greasy
taste, and in addition to the purest
of Cod Liver Oil. .BRICK'S TASTE•
LESS contains Compound Syrup pat
1lvpophophites. Liquid Extract of
Malt and Fluid Extract of Wild
Cherry Bark. which contains all that
in necessary to build up the run down
system. add flesh to the thin, streng-
then the nerves rind build up the
Physicians recommend it
Druggists sell it.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
To Farmers and Publl
if you have any old Iron,
Rubbers, Rags, Copper,
Brass, IA ad, Zinc, I lorse
Hair bring it to
M. Jackson & sons
The Old Reliable Firm
Where you can get
market price
in cash
Al sizes iron i,il)(', also
iroi posts on hand.
M. Jd61(son
1/41 ,in St, opposite Rlectrie
Power ilottse.