HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-29, Page 6RUGS L-01.7Cleanel, washed amt Repaired by Oriental Pr(ces.. we are the only epeelaii.ts in ('anadsIENTAL RUO CO., Rim.n (lajajian, Pr• p. ne Mein SOS lig Ring at., Nest. e.1•-i-1••t••M-1-4-1 +-1•i-I.4-i't-1-1.1-1.1 } 4 Z 1 Fashion tuts. ItMeti-Mi-•1'•1'.1.4•4-1.disk 1-1-lelet FADS AND FANCIES. Voiles and silks all have borders. The petticoat is being reinstated. Scarfs aro as much sought for as ever. Hat ornaments are largo and conspicuous. Giant bows close to hats. Children's hats turd up they aro rarely straight. Every hat sets kw un the head --even lower than the winter hat. Figured serge and figured tus- sore are both exceedingly popular. Loose Taco coats to wear over asnslin robes will be stylish. It seems that Irish crochet is to bo the popular Taco of the year. The gored skirt with plaited sides and panel front is conspicuous. Satin cloth is occupying an hon- ored place among the handsome wools. Shepherd's plaid suits are going to bo popular for the young girls. Foulards, radium, and all the soft satins aro scop in charming variety. Military effects in buttons and braids trim a. good many suits in novel ways. Hats and not hair this Beason are to be considered a woman's Browning glory. Oro of the new colors is Meri- tettc shade, matching the juice of crashed wild cherry. Plain, simple effects are coming to be more admired than the gold and glitter of the hour. Tho delicate faille ribLons are even more prominent than the soft elfile144 and glace silk upon hats. h...ementerie drop trimmings are -' - i'cd in all the modish colors, aI 'eeds as in jet and [metallic ef- ta,ce, . are popular, pinned or down; BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS �..t ss.arse nets aro liked especi- &L, sella for gowns which are made aver satins rather than duller silks. The cart wheel rosette is charm- ing; it is pinned at the throat, binding the two sides of the collar together. home of the new sleeves are trimmed with bands of different ma- terial; the niode is called bracelet trimming. Satin coats are to have r. big run for the summer coats that aro un- ined or that have bright, thin silk linings. Many children's hats have em- broidered scalloped borders of col- or on white, or of white on color, as the case may be. Net girdles of wide, soft mesh aro embroidered in ribbousine and fringed with it. They come in all the fashionable colors. Jet, as the modish touch, threat- ens to supersede in every kind of apparel the glint of gold that has had a full year's sway. I'ongeo ribbon about six inches wide, printed in oriental designs and colors, is one of the useful things brought in for dressmakers. Many of the handsomest gowns are still high in the waist at the back, though the front has come down in sumo cases to its normal place. Among the materials ono finds diagonal homespun back in its old plato, but brought out in colors rusher than this rough fabric over before appeared. Pig, round Eton collars will pro- bably hold their own all through tho spring. They may be made of _plain linea or decorated with squares of lace set in. Quid, both in lace and cords, is lunch used as a trimming for new !offs for spring. A narrow strip of gold is effective, used as a band on a white or black hefrilled ruff. Bveryone needs a ionto in the Spring to Build Op the Blood. 1f you want new health and strength in the spring you must build up your blood with a tome medicine. After the long indoor winter Months are past most people feel depressed and easily tired. This means that the blood is im- pure and watery. That is what causes pimples and unsightly erup- tions. To this sane condition is due stacks of rheumatism, the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia, poor appetite, frequent headaches and a desire to avoid exertion. These troubles can ell be banished by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every does of this medicine makes new, rich blood which drives out impurities, stimulates every or- gan, strengthens every nerve and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired out, ailing men and women. Mrs. Frank Mur- phy, Clark's Harbor, N. S., says :— "A year ago 1 was completely run down and my work becatne a bur- den to me. I felt tired all the time, and could hardly drag myself about. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after tak- ing three or four boxes was again in the best of health. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will prove a friend in need to all who are weak and ailing." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at e.0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. rrL VICTIM OF (REVOLUTIONISTS. MASTER OF DISGUISE. Glasgow Convict Posed as a Mara- thon Rattner. Edward Toye, a convict who es- caped about a month ago from the Duke Street Prison, Glasgow, was recaptured there recently on what was to have been his wedding day. 'thyro slipped out of his cell when the Warden's attention was at - trio tt d elsewhere, squeezed through the bars at the end of the corridor, and dropped twenty feet to the ground. Then he divested himself of his prison clothing, and clad only in his underclothing, he got out of the prison by lying along the axle of a lorry that had been delivering supplies. As soon as he got out he started to run, and those who saw him thought lie was a Marathon runner ir. training. One day recently the police learn- ed that Toye was to be married that day. but on going to the place ap- pointed they failed to find him. Then they learned that he was hid- ing in a house on the south side of the city and surrounded it. Toye, who wits in n room on the third ?tory. slid down a rain pipe, but lauded in the arms of the policemen elm wore w Aiting for him. 1t is Fail that during his period of Wooly le walked about tinder the t.e f thr police drrased as a woman and carryinta baby. • HOW A I'TIIdRS wawa.. Pepe Thought Beret When In lied-- ietor 11ugo Wrote Sanding. Alexander Pope, who was the literary pontiff of his time, thought best when in beef. Whenever a thought came to him he would jot it down on a scrap of paper. His servant often found bedclothes and floor covered with white bits con- taining aphorisms which have now become hackneyed quotations. Victor Hugo wrote "Les Miser - aides" standing , p, an attitude which Hawthorne also assumed when he wrote many of his ro- mances. One leg thrown over the arm of a chair or sitting on the arm of his secretary's chair were Napol- eon's favorite positions while dic- tating to Bonrricnr.e, a position which he varied now and then by patting that scribe on the head or pulling his ears. Sir Walter Scott could while re- clining on a lounge dictate to two amanuenses, who frequently had to stop writing, so funny the dictat- ed pasages seemed to them. Balzac, in a monk's robe, fre- quently wrote from midnight till noon, taking draughts of strong coffee when drowsiness attacked him, and thus shortening his life by many years no doubt. \Vm. Morris made one of his fa- mous translations from the Greek whlie riding on one steam ears. Walt Whitman and Horace Trau- bel, original in all things, were most original in the position they took while thinking. They worn wont, so Mr. Trauhel says. to climb upon a pile of lutao er and lie clown anon their backs. in that way each found out what the other's best thoughts were. Body of Young Alan Found in a Trunk at Rome. Tho discovery of the body of a young Russian in a trunk left in a garret of lite Via Fratt►ua, home, has created the deepest excitement. The body lay undiscovered from Feb. '28 until this week. 1t is considered certain that it is a case of vengeance by ltussian revolutionaries on a traitor or a spy, but the suggestion that the corpse is that of rtzoff, the notor- ious "Revolutionary" agent of the Russian secret police, is discredit- ed, the body is that of a young plan, while Azeff is middle -ages. An expert examination has es- tablished the fact that the victim was poisoned by prussic acid. The poison hindered the composition of the body, which was found to have no wounds of any kind. The landlady stated that on Feb. 25 a person of some 45 years of age hired the room. The lodger's name was Romanoff. On Feb. 24 he call- ed at the hoarding house in the Via Frattina, which is almost exclu- sively frequented by Germans. On the morning of Feb. 20 he sent for a trunk. Towards noon on the same day he was visited by two friends. On the evening of the following clay he ordered supper, consisting of Ilam, cheese and wine. At 8 o'clock he returned with a friend. The latter left shortly to fetch another young man. At 0 o'clock ltomanoff went out with another young man, some 30 years of age, dark haired, and with a black moustache. The landlady declares she diff not notice that three arrived and only two left. On leaving ltomanoff gave up the key of his room, saying that he was going to spend a few day's with his friend Fiumicino. 1 A iO4IBB'3 CHIEF CABE - IS HBI; BMSI'S TBLFARE Every mother is anxious that her little ones shall bo healthy, good natured and bright. Every mother can keep her children in this condi- tion if she will give them an occa- sional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. Those Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy Roans, and make teething easy. Mrs. T. Cov- ert Massie, Toronto, Ont., says:— "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little boy since ho was three months old. and find that they agree with hint splendidly." Sold by ,t medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hex from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. nor FRIG. ON TO THE STOVE. THEY FIXED UP THE POSTMASTER DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA. That Alas Tilree Years Aga and He is Still c'ur'ed - Why You Should Try Dodd's Kidney Pills First. Elliston, Trinity Bay, Nfld., Apr. 20. (Special).—That Dudd's Kiduey I'ilis not only relieve Sciatica and lnunbago, but cure it once and for all, is the experience of Mr. Alfred Crew, postmaster here. "Yes," the postmaster says In telling his story, "it is three years since I was cured of Lumbago and Sciatica. 1)odd's Kidney I'ills did it, and 1 and happy to say the cure uas permanent. "1 had Pains in my Back, Cramps in my muscles, Shooting Pains across my Loins, and I often found it hard to get any rest at night, and when I did my sleep was unre- freshing. I was medically attend- ed, but without getting any bene- fit, and at last I was persuaded to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used six boxes altogether and they took the pains away and quite cured me.' Nearly every euro by Dodd's K:d- ney Pills tells of trying something else first. If you use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills first you will never nsed to try "something else." They al- ways cure all diseases of the Kid- neys, and all diseases that are caused by sick Kidneys. Mrs. T. S. Dougall, of 523 Flora tvenue, Winnipeg, says :—"My Contact with the ride of the hot stove. She sustained a serious burn, and her cries and screams were terrible. the child laughed through her tears. "1 sent out to the druggist for tho best remedy he had to use on 1, burn. He said there was nothing to equal Zam-13uL, and sent back a supply. 1 applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that 1 bound up the hand in Zam-Buk, and each day applied Zam-Buk frequently and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. The little ane was soon able to go on with her play, and we had no trouble with her during the time the burn was being healed. I feel very grateful for this cure, and would recommend all mothers to keep Zant-13uk handy for emergencies like this." Fifty cents ?pent on a box l.f Zam-Buk has saved score,' of people as many dollers, to say nothing of saving hours of pain 1 FROM (.l'N '10 Remarkable lime of a `oldicr In the french rmy. Among the promotions in the French Army just announced by the Minister of \Var is one of pe- culiar interest, a man who enter- ed the army as a gunner having been raised to the rank of General. His name is Arroinaux, and Ito en- listed in 1517 at the age of eighteen, in a volunteer regiment of artil- lery. As a sergrant•lnajor he took part in the early stages of the Franco-German \Var. He escaped from Sedan, crossed into Belgium, and joined the French Navy at Grenohle. Returning to the front again he distinguished himself on rr%eral occasions. Even when a man proves that he IA a R omen's superior she doesn't Lehi -to it. e French school children are taught fire maxims, as a primary preven- tallte measure. uehs Cure will always srmy cougandcos, HORSE SAUSA GE. Nauseous Stuff Doctored and Of- fered as Genuine. The lastest cause cclebre in Ber- lin, Germany, I:i one R ith sausages as its object. A number of dealers in these savory articles, dear to the heart of Germans, have been in- dicted for purchasing unheard-of quantities of sausages made of horseflesh and selling them, after 'manufacture, for the products of the Black Forest and Thuringia. Koine thirty persons are impli- cated, both men and women. Their procedure seems to be some- thing as follows: From various parts of the country they ordered huge consignments of horse sau- sages, of the value of hundreds of thousands of marks. The "goods" were sort( d here, then sent to ('allr:ruhue, St. Johann, Saar - brio -ken and other remote places, where these traders had steam power works. Here this nauseous stuff was doctored up, sliced and flavored in various fashions and put on home and a pe. gaily on foreign markets as prime German sausages from the Black Forest, etc. The case, which naturally creates considerable stir, will last a week and the result will probably he hes'i- tntien on the part of confirmed sau• 'rive esters, both in Germany and to invest in such weird eon! • t:ble'. lam` 1 1: NO. 17-09. TROUBi.E IN STORE FOR JOHN Mrs. Freende—"Why, what are yocryout 1" Murs. Kiutt ewabout — "Well, you know John is away from huule ter a week ou busiuess." "He writes that ho gets out my photo and k—k—kisses it ever. IS A NICELY HOURISH:NC FOOD day. ''Well, that's surely nething for you to cry about." "Yes, it was just for a joke; 1 took my picture out of his batt he fore ho started, and put ono of in—m---mother's in its place." A Woman's Sympathy Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a hr+ y TRULY LITERARY. Jinks—Harkins doesn't strike me as literary. Yet ho declares that he never feels 80 comfortable as when he is snugly settled in his library. Biuks—Oh, that's not surprising His bookcase is a folding -bed. A small boy with his first watch has the time of his life. Bicklc's Anti-Copsumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it speaks for itself. Years of use in the treat- ment of colds and coughs and all affections of the throat has unques- tionably established its place among the very best medicines for such diseases. If you give it a trial you will not regret it. You will find it 25 cents well invested. If people could live on food for thought. the baker and butcher would have to retire from business. curs Repeat cough inti c colds.' will always Lots of people wouldn't know what to do with patience if they had it. Alien's Luag Balsam to e:pectally Intended to bre.lk up beglected o.uFhs anti misty h,peie%. ea -e. tarn Lee,' saved by Its use. Cuutatns uu opium iu any (vim. v tin n load? In yo.lr Fain a heavy pl:ysicul burden? I know what these mean to delicate wouteu--I have e BOVRIL can only he sold at its present low prig because we carry out the first pro:esses of manufacture on the ranches where the cattle are r.tised. The beef is prepared and concentrated where prime meat is chtal and the freight is much less thin it would he if the oxen were imrorted. A cur of BOVRIL taken regularly will sustain your strewth and thus enable you to avoid insidious attacks of illness. `- - _ . • been dlscouralrcd too; but learned how to euro 'myself. Rant to n•Leve (tour bur- i.. dens. wily not end the p••ln and atop the doctor's LIUT this f you and wll1 if you w /ill you need do Is to write for a free )ox of the remedy which has been placed n my hands to be given away. Perhaps f rr othere Ibox tlil so.uI shall bo happys nand you will be cured for 2c ((be coat of a postage 1 stamp). Tour letters held conn. dentiasr, �Wr to to -day for my f'"e tie -t- alent ]LVA F. IS CUItRAil. Windsor. Ont. 1 ran do err o i 10 ass ins. BOON. Now is the time to start train- ing for that annual wrestle with the oleander. • WHY DO So many 1nstItutioul devoted to the hig!tcr F.du- cation select Bell pianos? Mlle fact that they title lad prefer the Pall is evid-nce of distinct merit! One lullo s ptolrssi)nel advice is acgtunn•tan education, why not foll„w professional custc.m is buying brei) piwos ) 111• only pianos with OH) Iitmitable ()lira Repeatias Acboa. ••)_ . err ---- Bend for (free) Catalogue No. 75. Away with Depression and Melon The Baty PIANO €11omen Co,. L'mi?.d GUC.LPH.ONTAR10a choly.—These two evils aro the ac- companiment o mach and torpid liter and moan wretchedness to all whom they visit. Tho surest and speediest way to b t th m is with Panne•ee's t� f a disordered stn L_ as h t mite. � 7 I WANT A rile MORS RELIASNOUN II MON t, bindle •.ur high grass* Perfumes. 'toilet (loads, seas, Coffees.lipices, etc. One hundred per cent. profit. Money refunded If goods not as repos rateJ. 'fire home Specialties t;u., Dept A. Turun1.4, Cauadi CALVES RsleeTR.oeottet s• os B•.Yr. ween. Brig:e deed Oo.„ L d. Toronto ALEXANDER WARDEN, coma o f ilxte tn•)+error 1're•b ter an Vegetable Pills, which will restore Church to Pre•b a) the healthful action of tho stomach OR SALE and bring relief. They have proved Trutt Poultry, Dur UrdnandOraxhlg their Una will 111 thousands 1n ,eery o sty In cases and wilt continue to give re- astat. ere. 1'bn western ileal Estate huhrnge, C•:L t+t •t^,-4 bonrht and *old o,lonnmi on. j•td.,'unduq u.tt. is TORO:TO STREET, TORONTO. CANADA lino tog the uthem. who aro wise — Lung Distance Phones --Iain :3-J, Main :S 1.D enough to use them. - --- STOCKS FARMS F CONDS A D Karma 1 usands of , , r' ' t'erte-n Uuta.lo. hens f..r N If a man marries for money lie may be able to make his wife be- lieve he didn't—for a Reek or ten days. -- Where can I get some of Hollo- way's Corn Cute i I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Old Chap—"Yes, sir, I'm ninety- three next birthday, and 1 don't recollect ever telling a lie." Young Man —"Well, you can't expect your memory to bo very reliable at that age." -- Repeat ithsncl."will aware curs mycougad colds." It isn't necessary to tell a booze fighter that he should love his en- emy. Painkiller In winter checks chills, breaks op e'Ids and thus prevents Ilr•,nrbflls, lagrlpos and RUenaatlsm. Luegnal:e,l a. a Ilnimeut for (ru>t bite., chilblains. Lrnu... sp.afus. x,.i.I by all druggists. Only unit I'eiukilier—ferry Dara.. The opinions would be more did not conflict of other people interesting if they with our own. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe iniclieine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. For Sale prur.t-psyinl { Writef-,r At the present time there are, F'arrn 1 anis 1n 14state •. Htrout'. y: - 'z ,..or \ew Mnnth'•Y B.tllean of t _:-�y�,•�2 EXTRA21,000 laborers at work on the Pan -1 peal Bargains, pr•,fuae:y illustrate I. u1•ttle t free. t. f a`Sli; HIGH ansa Canal. e, e pay r Mr R.R. free. F. A, LTROUT 00 , ro )k ; -,• s r P3/a.1 0 1, W•.,1,1'e ixrge•t Yams Oe.:lers, Uuirer- 4 Irl lg , Syrate» WY. epeatit:-"Shtlolt'sCure�wil11 a ways 1R 7 , 0 0 0 WOMEN'S RIGHTS. "Madame, (10 you believe in wo- man's rights 1" asked tho elan standing in the car. "I c1o," she replied shortly. "Excuse nle," he went on, "I am but an ignorant male seeking light. May 1 ark if you construe these rights 10 indudo tho privi- lege of spreading your readily be- coming skirts over thre scats 1" Thereupon she condensed herself, he took a seat, and conversation flagged. I sure my coughs and colds. at 1 I' TO • s f., 1,� ti, �5 Housekeeper --- "You're a big, healthy men; why don't yon go to work 1' Tramp --"Lady, 11i tell ye me trouble. I'm an unhappy medium." "What do yo)t mean by that 1" ,'Well, ye see, l'in to.) heavy for light work, nn' too light for heavy work." Did you ever see a man who wasn't willing to make looney with- out earning itet — As Fire Spreads In dry grass, so 31es an inflam- mation in the throat grow (town into the lungs. Deal promptty with a c.ld ai with a ti.e, aiJ when you begin to cough use Allen's Luug Bale..w. \Ve blame Providence for our poverty, but take the credit our- selves when woo get rich. Repeat it.:—"Shtloles Cure will always care my coughs and . olds." Buggins—"And my wife satisfies herself with picking the gowns of the other women to pieces." A Simple and Cheap Medicine.— A simple, cheap and effective medi- cine is something to bo desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as 1'armoleo's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their beneficial action will prove their recommendation. They aro the medicine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. Lightning never strikes twice in he sa►no place, which is just as ,tell, considering how frequently it strikes in the wrong place. Welat (. t1'. Rest Titins t) strengthen weak b•sck 1 ""Che 1) A L 'iamb .1 1'iwster 11 will cure Icrnbag • and lb.um.tism. Rs rolls make some 2.0. plasters. Davis * Lawrence M••utreal. The less a man talks the less he may be suspected of belonging to an Ananias club. Bars nu coughs and RolCaro will erasers A college education furnishes many a young man with an excuse for not earning a living. Death Comes to All. --But it need not comp prematurely if proper precautions are taken. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. 1)r. Thomas' Eelectric Oil not only allays pains when applied externally, but Rill prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be convinced. GLEAMING"' oR . • e "" LADIES' comma SUITS Ow he dans perfectly by one !health Process Ti N BBtruN AMtSIOAN MINS EB. W X $$A1. TeluNTo, uTTAWA a ovum — E. T. CARTER & CO 42 Trent St. Cast, t0itONTU. ON r CUSS LISEBINCE 13 liTED lie—"You know, if you worry about every little thing, it's bound to affect your health." She --"Yes, I know. That's one of the things 1 worry about." ao Teas Mita* lllesssaosgy, fra.e y'n a little knowledge of lane Stock? Then waste us A7 ON(;rl. SS to 1'4 weekly, pal. sly or o.emteleatoe?in experience. Do part o4 Ike woo/ en your own rah. or set as scold. 11'meshing al►solstely sew. 0matwA easy aoaey making MST tn IOl CK Talta1RAAT 00.. ltsi it.. National provincial Plate t71au Insurance Coln. parry, ).united. Ilead OGice. Isond.•u. iluiland. Yetsbll:be.i .i+'s. t'appital, Fifty 1h:.usand 1'our.ds etc Ling. F. -r A:fancies at unupte.euted p.+lats, Yroviuss of Outario, add.ess J. 11. 11'•y Ail r, Chid Ailsa; No. 15 Welliuy-tw Street grad, Toa)nt4 Send for booklet —Mss insurance" WARREN GZOWSKI a CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. mater. Bank Building, is Broad )Strcot TORONTO. NSW YORIt STOCKS AND BONDS we6t k Write et are Mocks. olansusng In COBALT furiaformatioe. E Ter Eellin . Tlusvezaovee Otr.1t" seeds. t .`` l.usraUes• 1 ♦a l e e• l;r n t:., only t NAIL �1 ,,Irth z asLof fhwor and rogotablowda. The) only lane t'°:t ,1; fn ut• Roe at.a 8 •nd u. r4nl mar:. act sA4,4. . a d ,r.11 ._ - tn.11 r•,u t . a,a• t• , ' pc ■t b• .i- dl car Ito R.r Mrce F.•. 'scar ` a -'''''.774., Cwrite wt ones. Aoos1.;;� r /, 1d volt Re1lh a -.mss' s n:eltabla ' X^' Fent m 1 u to Opts. i;' N-a.i14q. The New DAIMLER THE PRINCIPAL CLAIMS- • is For this Marvellous New Motor are : Silence in Operation Flexibility Economy in Construction and Operation Absence of Small Parts Write for full particulars and illustrated lists from C. H. STAINTON, 73 Nest Adelaide Street, Toronto, Canada. The Daimler Motor Co., ('904) Ltd. COVENTRY, ENGLAND. sw e