Exeter Times, 1909-04-29, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, APR 1.29th1909
Our Spring
House Furnishings
Our spring stock is now complete in every line. We have made special
purchases in House Furnishings and can show an iwrnense line of Tapestry
and Brussels Carpets, Rugs, etc. in all sizes and all qualities. Beautiful pat-
terns and colorings. Prices from $8 to $25 each.
We have received a direct importation of Nairn's linoleums in two and
lour yd widths in the veru latest patterns, prices as low as you can get in any I
city store.
Wall Papers
We have a complete new stock of the very latest patterns and colors. We
start the price from 5e a roll to Loc a roll. Do not fail to see our stock before
making your selection for spring. Our values cannot be beaten.
Lace Curtains
We have a very large stock in this lino. We made extensive purchases
and have a beautiful range of patterns. See them, 50c to $5 per pair.
Our Millinery department is now in full swing under the charge of Miss
Inman. We have the largest display we have ever shown in the most fash-
ionable goads we could procure. Do not fail to give this department a call
and inspect our stock and compare prices.
Dress Goods
We have a complete line of all the latest fabrics and shades and it will pay
you to look over them. Our prices are right. We have also a large stock of
Prints, Shirtings, Cottonades. Ginghams, Silks, Etc.
Do not fail to see our Gent's Furnishings and Clothing; all lines complete.
We are open to buy Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Clover and Timothy
Seed for which we will pay the highest prices. A call solicited.
Ladies fine Neckwear,
Ruchings, Belts, Net
for Waists, Summer
Suitings, Silks, Fancy
Hosiery, Ready -[Wade
Waists of Net and
White Lawn, etc. all
appeal to the discern-
ing buyer.
We sell Nothing but
Dependable Goods
Special exhibition of
Spring Millinery. Mil-
linery fashions all rep-
resented in our show
rooms will be of inter-
est to all buyers. The
newest creations in bats
are attracting attention
Compare prices, conoid•
ering quality of goods
and workmanship.
We have the largest range we have ever carried. Every popular cloth is
There in every shade, tint, color and pattern. Our best, highest class Dress
Goods are popular priced, which forms a pivot to swing the greatest trade at
thismallest living profit.
House Furnishings
Spring is here and the busy house -cleaner will commence her essential
duty. You will find us well equipped in the different lines that you will need
to brighten the home. It is a well known fact that we carry a very large
stock of Wall Papers Carpets, Rugs. Oil Clothe, Linoleurns, Lace Curtains, etc
Gents Furnishings
)'f`'` We excell in this line and only ask'you to call, promising you a complete
range of anything that goes to making up the pt oper male attire.
Open for large quantities of Potatoes. Seeds, Onions, and all kinds of pro-
duce for which highest market prices are paid.
Batailess.otOlover and Alsyke Seeds, Timothy, Mixed Seeds, Millett. etc. at
right prices.
Buggies Buggies
Just Arrived
A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario
in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do
well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited.
Trevethi k & Hodgins
machine Repairin
We have just added a new Lathe to our shop and nre now in
a position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair your
r' Mower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine
repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will make it as
good as new for you,
Repairing Grain Separators and Engines
Our Prices are Right
Blacksmith and Machine Repairing.
When every bite you c: t scans to turn to gas
and your stomach and intestines cause you end-
less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en-
tire system needs a thorough housecleaning.
'4,1i 491f
cures flatulence is, c use ('f the disturb-
ance— inactive
ance---inactive liwcr. Take ::n \t. tablet to -nig -lit
and you'll feel better in the rnsreinss
Better than Pills for Liver Ills `o
For `ale 1 W. S Cole, Exeter.
The old fashioned way of dosing a
steak stomach. or stimulating the
Hear, or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error.
This is why his prescription—Dr.
Snoop's Restorative—is directed en-
tirely to the enure of thes.• ailments
the went; 'mild., or controlling nerves.
it isn't so difficult. says ilr. Shoop.
to strengthen a weak Stomach.
Heart. or Kidneys. If one goett at It
correctly. Each inside organ has Its
c' -strolling or inside nerve. When
the.e nerves fail then those organs
must surely falter. These Fite]
truths are leading druggists every-
h •re to dispense and recommend Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few
days. and sec 1 impr. vement will
prornptly and surely follow. Sold
by W. S. Mower.
Mr. \Villiaut Braun bus accepted a
Position with Mr. Tiernan. of Dash-
wood. as tinsmith.
Miss Louise Fahner left for Exeter
on Monday where she intends to
Mr. Albert Cunningham. who was
working for Mr. hill. has secured a
position as bar tender at Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and child-
ren moved down the latter part of
last week.
Miss Vivian Beaver arrived home
after visiting her sister Mrs. Dr.
Orme, of Centralia.
ltev. Beton arrived (tome from con-
ference and we are pleased to say
that he twill be with us for the fourth
Mrs. 11. Brown had a successful
bee last Thursday.
The McMurray family are out of
quarantine and we are pleased to say
ih•'' Master Laverne is rapidly im-
Mr. Luxton, of Exeter was in town
Thursday evening.
Garfield and Luella Brown, of Zur
ich visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown
over Sunday.
Miss Ella (leaver is suffering from
an attack of lagrippe.
Mr. Merry, of llensull, was in town
on Friday and purchased a cart from
our popular carriagemuker, Mr. W.
Il. Wenzel.
Mrs. J. humble, of Sarnia, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mr. Fred Ramsay. who was work-
ing for Mr. A. Mill during the past
winter, has gone to Clandeboye and
will go into the onion business. We
wish him every success.
Mr. Jacob Brown. of Dashwood,
visited his brother on Friday.
Itev. R. (licks officiated at the wed-
ding of Miss Flynn and Mr. Corbett
of McGillivray.
Mr. August (till attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Schaefer, of Kip -
pen. The remains were taken to Zur-
ich for interment. She was a sister
of the late. John .Deichert, of Zurich
and Mrs. John Kraft, of Dashwood.
all of whom died within six months.
Mr. J. 'Clarke has purchased u
buggy from Trevethick and llodgins.
Miss Lavina Fahner has returned
from Exeter.
Miss Theo. llartleib spent Sunday
in Dashwood.
Frazer Brown and his dog had a
lively rabbit chase a few days ago.
Frazer depended on his dog, but he
thinks if he had rut after it instead
of the dog he would have captured it.
Miss ldella Brown is learning dress
making with Miss C. Fahner.
The nurse tvho was attending La-
verne McMurray has returned to her
home in London.
Mr. A. Morlock had the auto out
on Friday. It takes a good man like
Albert to run a benzine buggy.
.bliss Annie Yearley. of London, is
visiting her parents.
Mr. S. Brown has purchased a fine
driver from Mr. Snell. of Exeter.
Mrs. Holman, of Berlin, is visiting
her sister Mrs. Chas. Zwicker.
Mr. Ort. of Zurich, visited his
daughter Mrs. D. Mcisaac last week.
Mrs. tiehwulm. of Caledonia, is vis -
1 Ring Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill.
Miss Bertha Ewald is suffering
from an attack of pleurisy.
Mrs. Matthew Winer has moved 111-
Ito the dwelling recently occupied by
A. Cunningham.
I. Miss McCue. of London, is spend-
ing a few days in the village with
her brotbcr Dr. McCue.
Mr. Art Zwicker and Dr. Quarrle
spent Sunday in Dashwood.
Miss Inman spent Sunday in I)ash-
wood the guest of Miss llartleib.
Art %wyicker, of London, spent Sell
day in the village renewing acquain-
The auto of Mr. Lawson, our gen-
ial jeweller, is quite a novelty on
the street.
Mrs. Slahls is having the appear-
ance of her premesis improved by the
erection of at new fence.
Mr. henry Eilber, jr., has been
laid up for a couple of days with n
slight attack of rheumatism.
Miss Crissy Brown has purchased
a piano from Mr. E. Brown, of Wood-
Messrs. It. and C. Coultia. of Exe-
ter, spent Sunday at the home of
..Irs. McMurray.
Mr..1. 11111, of Exeter, is doing some
drainage work for Mr. C. Eilber.
M iss Jennie Brock. of the Royal,
is visilii'g her parents in Exeter.
A number of the boys went fishing
Ione day Inst week and succeeded in
getting one fish.
Mrs. G. Shcardown and ron Elmer
Iof \11 ehel1 nre this week moving into
t11.• r house here.
fir. harry Edwards. of 'Mitchell,
'1a. in town a few days last week.
Mr. M. Barris. our paper hanger
is being kept busy these days.
MI':re. ell•o:Fahnererct1 Fahner spent Sunday
Messrs. Bert Clark and W. Wolfe'
spent n day in Dashwood last week.
Mr. M. Atkinson. wine clerk of the
Central hotel intends leaving for Tor-
onto shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Coultis. of Exe-
ter. spent a few dnys in town last
Our baseball boys had their first
p: nr:'e • 0,1 Friday night. The offi-
cers this year are. Mr. W. 11. Web-
ster manager and Ed. 1Vurm. Capt.l
1'h:• bowling green is now being put
in shape and it is expected thnt the
ground twill be in exc llent condition I
for playing on this slimmer. The of-
ficers are Dr. McCue. president and
C. 14. Illitett. secretary.
Mr. W. 1t. Webster. of the !lank
of 'Commerce branch herr. has b: en
transferred to Wirgbnin and left on
Tuesday for that town. Mr. Jloww•-
ser. of Winghain. is expected here this
week 1 o talcs Mr. Webster's place
Mr. lid. Lamport and Mrs. Thomas
Yearley. of Denfield, spent a few
Idnys with friends in t his tieinily.
Mr. '('hos. Mau hinney. of the (lo+- i
hen Lime. purchased n matched term
of greys last week. Ile purchns. d one
i from Mr .M. Doyle. of McGillivrayw
and t It • of her from Mr. M. Finkb.'in-
er. The team is well matched and
Mr. Lamport bus already been offer-
ed 425 for them.
Messrs. Trevethicl: & llodgins made
a large delivery of buggies one day
(lust week to farmers and others in
this vicinity. The buggies were all
1 of the latest style and were about
the finest lot of buggies ever seen
in Crediton.
What's the matter with our 24th
I of May celebrations committee? 'i This
has always been a good sportsman's
town and the postponed ,,meeting
should be called. The first meeting
was not %veil attended. the business
mets not turning out as was expected,
as it was a closed night, and was
postponed until the next week. I
think every one should attend .a
meeting to further agitate a day of
spot iss \Ve should have one day in
the year. IA have the people and
lots of boys to make the fun. W hy
should Crediton go to a neighboring
town and ask them if we will give in
to them or them to us?. Lets call the
meeting and go a head with the
celebration. There will be baseball
and why not let us furnish sports.
A Ratepayer.
Messrs. J. Webster. E. Seigo. .1.
and W. hatter, of Exeter, are work-
ing in the flax still here.
bliss Eliza lraynham, of London,
is visiting at her home here.
Mr. Chas. Finkbeiner. is on the sick
list at time of writing.
Horse racing on Main Street seems
to be the order of the day but warn-
ing should he taken to be careful as
it is the King's highway.
Mr. Simon Sweitzer, sold a young
ltakerfield and ufterwtards purchased
a Nordine colt.
Mr. J. A. Breen, was %in London
last week, on business.
Mr. James Adair. of Belfast, Ire-
land, is visiting at bis cousin's Mrs.
J. Gower.
Mr. 'Caires. and his wen of Park-
hill, are gathering rags, bones and
scrap iron in this place.
Numbers from Crediton. were fish-
ing in the creek here one night last
week. catching one sucker.
Farmers are busy seeding here.
Mr. Anges McKinnon, is on The
.sick list. \Ve wish him a speedy re-
Messrs. I. Gower and .F. Gaiser,
are each sporting tt new buggy.
Wm Schroeder, of the Goshen line,
spent Sunday at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gower and .Mr.
and Mrs. I. Gower, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gower, the latter
being very ill.
Mr. J. Schroeder and son Russell,
were in Exeter last week on business.
Mrs. S. Sweitzer and daughter
Martha were i Fat la t k
Mr. Fred Gamer and IMr. Isaac
Gower purchased buggies from Mes-
srs. Trevethick & Hodgins last'
Messrs. Pat and Doc were in 'Credi-
ton last Friday on business.
Mr. Peter McL'hee, left last week
for Detroit, Mich., on business.
Miss Clara Kr ft f Dhod
e c n Exeter s %w•ee on
',lets Bertha Becker, left Monday M
'or London. where she has secured)
employ went.
M r . Simon Miller is in Gudc: ich this/
week, acting as juror.
A very quiet wedding took place
on the Goshen Line, on Thursday of
last %week when Miss Flossie Presz-
cator was united in marriage to Mr.
Henry Smith. The ceremony was
performed by the ltev. Mr. Thun.
The young coupe will start ,house
keeping at their farm on the Goshen
Line, south.
Mr. Jerrie Carriveatt who has been
in the empire of Mr. Jonas Hartleib
for the past few years, moved to
Drysdale on Saturday, and we under-
stand has been appointed postmaster
there. Mr. Carr.reau will also put
in a stock of shoes and do re-
ltcv. A. Geiger, of I'ernbroke,
preached in the Evangelical church
on Sunday morning.
Bev. L. K. Eidt has returned from
conference and we are pleased to
state that be is to remain with us for
another year.
Mr. Mike Penn. of Parkhill, and Mr.
Jack heed, of Leary, were visitors
in town on Sunday.
Miss Theo hurtleib. of Crediton,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. Will Brown. of Crediton, bas
engaged with D. Tiernan.
Mr. Art Zwicker spent Sunday with
friends here.
bliss Esther Overholt and Miss \Vil-
son, of Leary, visited friends here over
Mr. Quarry and Miss lninan, of
Crediton. visited at J. Ilartleib's on
The marriage of Mr. Duncan Snider
and Miss Susie Schrader takes place
on Wednesday of this week. Particu-
lars later.
Mr. 'Chas. Schroeder is busy im-
proving his property by puttui►)g a
stone wall under his residence and
by the addition of another story.
The Band under the leadership of
Mr. Ed. Siebert is making splendid
urogress and our citizens are looking
forward to band concerts this sum-
mer. Already the boys have been
asked to fill outside engagements.
An old and respected resident in
the person of Daniel Saran's died at
his home on the Bronson line on Sat-
urday at the ripe old age of 89 yrs.
The late M r. Saran's was widely
known and was highly esteemed by
all who knew him. The *funeral
which was a very large one took
place Gn Monday, interment being
in the Bronson Line cemetery.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co. are
building n handsome solid onk side -
hoard for the bar of the Brenner
douse. Grand Bend. The sideboard
is 14 ft. long and is a handsome piece
of work. The mill also have an order
for all the interior finish for it new
was visiting at the home of ll r. and hor1Se to be erected in Parkhill this
Mrs. J. Dieterich last week.
Mr. Fred Newlin. of Toronto. is at
tresent visiting friends in this vicin-
Miss Helen Russell. who for the last
few months has been staying with I
Miss Beatrice Clark, of I'oole, re-
turned home last week.
Miss Cora Vennor and Mr. Arch.
liodgert spent Sunday with friends
in Chiselhurst.
Mrs. J. MacKinnon and family:
spent the Easter holidays with fri-
ends in Hibbert.
Mr. Archie McPhail who has been
confined to the house with measles is
able to be out again.
Miss Bella and Mr. George Brown
spent the Easter holidays with their
brother Mr. Wallace Brown, of To-
1t is the intention of Mr. O. Barris
and blr. A. llodgert to erect bank
barns this surnmer.
For Infante and Children.
the Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Coughs that are tight or distressing
tickling coughs, get quick and certain
help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy.
On this account druggists everywhere
are favoring I)r. Shoop's Cough Rem-
edy. The tender leaves of a harm-
less lung -healing mountainous shrub
give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy.
its curative properties. Those leaves
have the power to calm the most dis-
tressing cough. and to soothe. and
Leal the most sensative bronchial
membrane. Test it once yourself, and
sec 1 Sold by W. 8. 'Ifowey.
For Every Meal
At breakfast with porridge "Croton
Brand Syrup" is delicious.
Used with blain puddings or made
tip with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
At supper it is just the thing to cat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits,
is syrup at its best and in its most
(lelicious and wholesome
It is prepared in a perfect
inanuer from absolutely
pure ingredients. It is far
ahead of all other kinds in
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholesomeness --
don't you think it's worth
while insisting on "Crown
Brand Syrup? "
Your dealer has it for you iu
2, 3, 10 and 20 Ib. air -tight tins
with lift-off lids. Order some
to -day
The Edwardsburj Starch Co.
CAP 1)1' At., Ont. Office.: ),IONTRE I I.. TOR(•Nl., am! RR NS 11 01
By Dealing at >,SIebertM
We will offer all our Carpets consisting of Tapestry, Union and
Hemp Carpets at a discount of 15 per cent.
Don't Miss This
We will also save you money in Dress Goods. We
buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and
can save yon from 10 to 25 per cent. Come and take
a look through our Dress Goods before you buy.
We make a specialty of Millinery and
prices are lower than the lowest.
Faris Produce Taken in Exchange
WAN TED—.- car of Potatoes this week.
IIighest prices paid for produce.
Siebert t& Co.
Hartlelb Block.
Spring Suitings
Just arrived, Thc finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit.
Ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors.
Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices
All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do
well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal
Woven -wire fencing.
Highest prices for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, Also Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing. _
Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
A big stock of Martin-Senour ready Mixed Paints
100 per cent pure
Buy your Hardware From us
Prcduce taken in Exchange
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
Lumber Shingles and Lath
We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build•
ing material that we are in a better position than ever to supply your wants In
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
If you intend building a house or barn we will be pleased to quote prices
and assist you in any way we can.
Come in and get our prices.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited,
h,'Om ood, Ont.
Housecleaning Wants
House cleaning time is here with all its worries. Let us help you by
supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash iirushes. Soap, Dutch
Cleanser. Gillet's Lye, household Am monis. Bon Ami for cleaning winds
ows and in fnct anything needed for scouring and clenning.
Then you Ivill want some of our wall papers which wws are w•Iling at
greatly reduced prices.
Ask to see our patterns, we can please you.
PAINTS.—You need paint for renewing little things around the
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-\Villima..t faints, re-
cognized ns the best paint made, in sane! from 1ic. to 05c. Var.
nisi] stain nt 25e. n can is Just the thing for making old furni-
ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition
over with you.
('arm i'roduce wanted for which we will pay the highest price.
Th rr will be no liquor at the
military camps of instruction t his
summer. l,tstruclions have heen
sent out 1 headquarters that the
order aga:r•st liquor being sold in the
camps be rigidly enforced. There has
always been an order against selling
ligeor at tamps, but is has very set -
dour been fore, d and as long as ..
cantccrr sold only to members of tb •
regiment it was not molested. But
the change has come. The movement
against the canteen by the temper+
once nrg• mime. resulting in veil
diet, in ngnin+t the canteen bets
force. rtrn. nt to issue string•
ant t