HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-29, Page 4HE EXEZ 1 R TIMES, APRIL 29th 1909. Coughs and Colds the uppearauce that the whole as- tronomical world is eagerly looking ((rtward to. Luring February and .March, 1910, the comet may be ex- pected to become visible to the naked eye. It will torn be in the evening ,kits. Even now the heavens are being photographed in the boar that the sensitive plate will reveal it.. lo- cution. Probably in May, 1910, at will be eeeu in the morning sky, and is June it will ba at it, best, and prompt relief and will puss near Pollux. 1)r. Stuart has For the p calculated that in May. 1910, it may cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse- ' probably rise about four hours before n. es, Less cf Voice, oral all i the sun. and be a brilliant object affections of the Throat and with rapidly increasing light. and luugs and for general debility• that it may pass near Capella. Its ' Get a bottle of Perry's Com- l nearest upproacb to the earth will and Syrup of White Pine be about 3,000,000 utiles. th Tar or Perry's EmulsionI In 1910 the comet may be a brighter Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- and grander object than any which phosphites of Litre and !kala, we have seen in this hemisphere since Sold at 118'2, but it will not be at its nearest approach to the sun. The science of astronomy has trade such wonderful strides in the 53 years that have clap - Brownings Drug Store Fed since 1lttlley's comet last op - neared, �-'" -� neared, that there is every reason to CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT expectt we hall e d er- present re - Home iml-ortant amendments to the turn. especially respecting its phy- •great OTimir,al code are proposed in a bill sical features. But the one intrude cd last week by the minister fact s the ares e comet c of uulsnotr us plans Of ]us ate. .At ,cs;:tlt a person found guilty of our system beyond the confines of carrying an offensive weapon. such Neptune. It the comet fails to appear abs A dagger. a knife, a dirk is pun- at the predicted time the delay may i111oble by faire• Mr. Aylesworth pro- be attributed to the attract'on of P6 es to make the penalty imprison- this far distant planet. There are n•. and in view of tit. frequency i few living in the world to -day who O Stubbing affrays. particularly a- have any recollection of the last ap- ng European immigrants such pearance of this historic comet, and Mutton appears to be necessary. for the vast majority this will be the , eu{•pression of the manufacture only glimpse that they will ever have itculation of indecent or immoral of it, so that the present should find lications or pictures, is aimed at, us eagerly awaiting news of its dis- other clause of the bill, which' covery, and curious as to its appear- ro•idcs for the extension of the pen- aome.a Even n ifit should olprove to be many allies of the statue not only to per- [inconspicuous,. sons who offend against the law as it brilliant appearances in the past, and pow tltands. bat also to those who the story of the age that its returns either assist in the circulation ordis; emphasize, will snake it worthy of tribution of such publications or pie- our attention step and ser to interest, nand bring Sures, or have them in their posses - 1 re - ion for the purpose of distribution. grasp for t weare aand ofe tawhose ways ose IThe exhibition or circulation of plates for the manufacture of such immoral are so ignorant and unheeding. pictures or literautre is also made punishable. The punishment of persons convict- i ed of procuring women is increased! irons two to five years by another! clause of the bill, and following out the provisions of the statute of last session prohibiting the use of opium, it is trade an indictable offense to Cep an opium "joint," The stealing of gold or silver -bear- I ins qutirtz is made punishable by an - ethyl provision which also snakes it less difficult to convict for that of- f,n-e. which appears to be quite pre- valent in the Cobalt and elsewhere. This is .imilar to the Australian and South African laws. It is also made a criminal offense to reproduce or sell musical composi- tions which are the subject of copy- right. but have not been printed. Another provision has regard to the leng.h of time during which cattle may br confined in railway cars with- out removal in course of transit, and is introduced on the representations of hoards of trade and other bodies. The law at present limits the period to 28 hours and it is proposed to ext Send it to 36 hours. Parliament will do we ll to weigh this clause e car eful- Iy as many humanitarians say the present period of detention is too long. The withdrawal of all cases of hom- icide trout the jurisdiction of courts of quarter sessions is contemplated by anuiher clause. That is at present n provision of the Ontario statute on with the u c t. but it conflicts t the subject. provisions of the criminal code, which permits cases of manslaughter to be tried at tho sessions. It is to remove this lack of harmony between Feder- al a tt•l Provincial legislation that this Rmendtn:•nt to the code is proposed. The most important of a number of proposed amendments in regard to methods of procedure is a provision tnaktng at corporation a municipality or a company clearly liable to be pro- ceeded against by a summary pro- cess Lefore a justice of the peaces In the past. difficulty hits frequently beta experienced in bringing troch body corporate before the court in the absence of any express provision making a tnttnicipality or a com- patty liable to the t;unimary jurisdic- tion of a justice of t he peace. BIRDS' TONGUES. Why the Parrot Is Able to Imitate Hu- man Speech. One of the government naturalists at Washington has recently gathered some fresh information concerning tho tongues of birds. Many people suppose that w•oedpeck• ers use their sharp non:ed tongues as darts with which to transfix their prey. It is true that the woodpecker, like the humming bird. cau dart out its tongue with astonishing rapidity and that its mouth is furnished with an elaborate mechanism for this purpose. yet, according to the authority men- tioned, investigation shows that the object of this swift motion Its only to catch the prey, not to pierce it. For the purpose of holding the cnpturial victim the woodpecker's tongue Is far lashed with a sticky secretion. Considering its powers of imitating s; eech. it Is not surprising to learn :.::at the parrot's tongue re:•emb!es t'•;•! of taau more closely than any o':ter bird's. It Is n- t because the parrot more intelligent than the other 1:1: but because its tongue. i9 better stares for articulation than theirs. that it I, -tl:!r to amuse us with Its ia1 ticry . '1":e humming bard's toneee ii• 1.1 nee respect:( the moat ren::.:::':'•• rill. It is doable nearly fries • reel, so t'.tal the little bird i:: .: • .. g:' eo Its Insect prey with its t,:': - rerseI as if its muuili Wes ft:::.:.:• . Leith a pair of tinware. A special committee appointed to consider Mr. Lewis' daylight saving bill, met and agreed to report the bill to the llouse. The committee had issued a circular to each municipal- ity, board of trade and railway com- pany in Canada with a request for an expression of opinion as to the usefulness or otherwise of the pro- posed measures and a large number of replies were received favorable to the proposed change. The committee found that there would be no practi- cal difficulty in adjusting clocks and watches, as simply advancing bands of clock one hour the first Sunday of April in each year and punting them back one hour on the first Sun- day in November would attain the ob- tect desired. The bill was amended by substituting first Sunday in April for the last day of April as time for making change and first Sunday in November for last day of October as time to revert to ordinary time. Word local is Also changed to stand- ard time in bill. Somewhere. out in the unfathom- able ,tenths of space, there is rushing tot, ails us with incredible swiftness. t. cuant•t. The most famous of 811 comet,. The first one to verify by its return. its predicted retippearttnce• Seventy-five years ago this comet l d theA% 011d, and vindicated pAasTJRTA. dear. the The Kind You Nate Always 6-404Signature Z:AM-BUK CURED HER BABY.Mothers will find the following stt.tement of more than passing in- terest, showing. as it does, how Zam- : - ends the skin diseases oC child- ren, cd ren, even when ordinary remedies have completely failed. Mrs. C. %V. Itowerbunk, of 1'20, Denison .Avenue, Toronto. says :— "Not long ago my baby's face broke out in an eruption. The Spots would crack and be very irritating and sore. At other times they itched fearfully, and caused the child to scratch and rub, thus making the pores very in- flamed and painful. 1 tried all sorts of ointments and salves. but they somehow did not aeeut able to remove the trouble. Zam-Iluk proved very different. and n few applica- tions gave the child relief. Tlc sores are now healed completely. "Since that titne my little daughter has had occasion to use Zatn-lluk for skin trouble. She broke out in blotches on her hands and arms. and in her case niso Zatm-ltuk effected a cure. "We now keep Zorn -110k handy as a household balm. and do not in- tends to be without it. "Not only for skin diseases. but for cuts, burns and bruises, it is n fine remedy. The other day I burned 8stont+ ►c ,stttiy hand badly. An application of the precision of astronomical pre- /ii -lick seemed to take the fire out dictions by arriving at its goal, Its of it at once. and it soon healed. In nearest approach to the Run, within - 1 the course of my experience 1 have two days of its calculated time. Dart ing around the SUM it went whirling pretty nearly all the salves and o{( into space. following its appoint -:ointments obtained. but there is noth- ed path. till 31 years ago it reached tor; to come near 'lnrn-link." the extremity of the mnjor axis of 'lean-Ill:k is Nature's own healing its Ma mulls orbs. and turned once balm, being composed of pure herbal more in its course to pny its periodical essences. It is it sure cure for pimp polar visitation. Through illi these les and eruptions. eczema, ring -worm. years. then. this renowned heavenly ulcers. cuts, bnr.is. bruises. poisoned body ha : been flying on its way. obey-. Sores. chro fiends, bad left, piles. ing the sane powerful and irresistible festerint! and all skin injuries laws that govern alike the falling of na(1 di-: Druggists and Stores n, twig tend the orbits of our vast every« h a e se11 at 50e. a box, or ulnnetttrp system. coven feeling tb„ IK,4t free for price from Min -link Co.. influence possibly of +ore_ far die- '1 pronto ; :) boxes $I.25. Yon nre Dint planet yet to he discovered be- `'nrned against cheap and harmful gond the orb:( of Neptune. 'Then. imitations sometimes represented to obedient like a hound to his toaster's be "just ns ;food." call. it is now speeding to th' fact of - the all powerful Eau. Every fair Read the pain formula on the bus i hteven nmw, the heavens o '' t T k THE ANT EATER. A Harmless Animal That 1Y i:1 r. Hard Whtn a. Day. po. uliar leu!:;a;t aui:nal I. Co- s: w :: 1 eater, tvhleh i-; ti:..e;r allied t , ate :-bolt• family +1: 110a 1 is dna•:•: ,.•, 1a:o u Tong. t:i::::t :t tau ae, u; t.•: e nd "f nide!) !; :t I::ty tsarina just e:,•:t,:h to lee::::t tae. Jt of Its lou;;. r.::!:::e ::t-:::• t :1 is coverers • ....IAA 1,•:feta:• is t:trtt>:t amens the heels ,,f a:::s with tt:e:u r.tpi.11ty, cone !:• . telek ettlen w: ire the tiny elscete ,.Ltai:► ll. prey the ant eater brealii ,;ilea Ian ant bills. when n:1 the active r::t:lbit:tuts swarm t" the breach and not ltetentnue -u-.ty swept away by the rested -selves Io:., t:e. T t:e Jaws of the ant eller ale entire- ty without teeth. nt:.1 the eyes nett (er.4 pee very send! ?n•::• lire severe% sre.•i :s of ural t•.tt er. tate I.trgv.:i Li:td b: i::; a:tout our feet long aha h :cin;; a tall covered with very king heir. fort^Ing a ht1i.0 bruRiI The el:iw on the 1itira 1ue •:f earn fore I:at!, is rf gre:a :lee Hud is ,::eJ for Dreekh:g open anti and ot::e; b aceta Heels Generally rpt•u':!n;, the ant eater 1, harmless nulnt.:l. I,:;t at ti nes woe:: at Iety it w•ttl tight w-Itli great t•a:ur • flee. ::ItIlti i up ou Its hind legs taut be Its (u.' with Its powerful arias CS:.rc•ss Tho Perfumed Cloud. The deatla;';, sleeve ww.ts smelt with a pale dust. Ile heat it vita his rslui, 11111 a I•crftuutal clout 11t•osc. -Makeup." he said. laughing. "the lay's usual bnr%t•st of makeup. Why the deuce. to front the fierce white light or a dental chair• a 111 w-ornea come to toe with makeup plastered thick on their pretty fnees't "il:ey WI, or nearly all. do it. Their lips nre re 1• deucd. their brows penciled. their cheeky rouged. and la n few' cases the tiny nelw•oik of veins In the temples is outlined in blue. Pegging away nl their teeth. 1 atop up nil that makeup tat my coat sleeve. 1 smear red over wltlte noses, binek over pink cheeks. ('beset Look out!" And. brushing his cuff again. he beeped back to escape the sweet smell- ing cloud that filled the air. — Cs- rhnnge. Difficult Feats. "Isere are 501110 extracts from a few modern popular novels," Fait{ :u1 au- thor as he tool; down a wrap tool: Then he read: ""The worthy pastor appeared at the manse door, his hands thrust deep In the pockets of his loose jacket. while he turned the leaves of his prayer itoolt thoughtfully and wiped his glasses with a distraught nlr.' "'After the door nos closed a stealthy foot slipped into the room and with cautious laattd extinguished tho light' 'Fitzgibbon lingered over his final lemonade, when a gentle voice tapped him on tho shoulder, nntl, turtling, ho beheld his old friend once again.' "The chariot of revolution is rolling onward, gnashing Its teeth as it rolls."' The Thud Ycu IIavo Always Item;let, and w,;llelt has been in use for over :;O years, 11:14 boron the t-ignaturo of aa-- and l::i t been. nettle under 111:•( per- 1.24;-4 er- •> .24;- •!/L, Sonat supervisiou Sineo its infancy. • Allow Ito oto todec.'i: o you in this. All Counterfeits, Imttatione fintI "Jttst-ae-;'00(1"aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—ENpericneo against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria is n, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other' Narcotic • .. r o 'Worms; c t It J Substance. Its ago is its guarantee. itnd allays Feverishness. It cures Iii:u r:::• :b atnl Wind Colle. It relieves Teething 'Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy crud natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR 1 A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Youllavo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC C.NTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY NCV/ YORK CITY. •N•••••••••NNN••NN•N•NN••N••N••NN•••N• 1 Bank The lVlolsons • Zurich Mr. 1'. '110ss sr., was in Goderich lust week in connection with the suit Tae Usborne and Hibbert Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL (Paid 110 •••• •.. ...• $3500.00000 • RESERVE FUND •••• $3.600,000_00 • Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transacted. s Savings Bank Department • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, • • Dickson ar Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager 1 ••N•NN•N•••N••••••••••a••N•••••N•••••••••N••M THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,009 a er6,000,000 General Manager LAIRD, DERFund ALEXANDER ><Reserve I TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Choques recently issued by this Bank are a most convey way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of' each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131 A Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. DR, G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S, D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Goni anu of Hay Township vs. U. Bissonette Head Office, Farquhar, and Napoleon It. President—J. L. RCS/SELL. Ont Conti bliss lila Sipple visited friends in, Detroit last week. Mrs. Henry Schafer. of Kippen.i died on Sunday after a short illness. The deceased lady was well known int town, bring a sister of the late John Doichert. who died a few weeks ago. The Into Mrs. Louis Kraft, of Dashwood, was a sister, and an-• other sister. Airs. Abel Waiver, isi living in Berlin. The remains were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on 'Tuesday afternoon. The relatives have the sincere sympathy of all in their affliction. The meeting for organizing the bowling club for 1909 was well at- tended. The members are very en- thusiastic and tt gooey season is looked for. The lawn has been en- 1:urged 1 a club house will be built on the grounds. The following officers were elected Pres., 1)r. 11. A. Campbell' Vice Prey. Peter Lamont; He Worked on Floor. Hair Hardie, labor member of the British Parliament, is noted for tho carelessness of his attire. Not long ago, when some repairs were being done to the House of Commons, Mr. Hardie was lounging in the library, when ho was accosted by a friendly n a h l ar t 1 u k Pain 18OtCis flea ns your policeman, who failed to recognize scanned to catch it glimpse of this Doctor if there is a b ter one. lain him let his ehosomshabby clothes.recognize returning wander, r. and soon the may means congestion. blood T pressure ! „moo, matey," exclaimed shabby the man !n expect the seitsit:t-• elt•tln•rraphic somewhere. Dr. Shoots link I air I blue, "are matey," working 'errt h "YOsin plate to exhibit In I. i- t "hint 'rebels check tly.ld is:t,ne. wotnnnly of welcome 1:t:h;. e: •• a• to p::n• p+in anywhere. Try one, and I replied Mr. Llnrdie, laeoni labor teem gleam , see: vee 1 20 for 1'.e. Sold by W. S. 11ot . ; the tont?" "No."said the comir.Z al p. prance of t i er, with a quiet smile, "not on the timert' roof. T work on the floor of this ,•u-� - house." ! r3T ,osisible to be Well ' Origin of "Pall Mall." -t , i ' •'hl - to 1'c \yell simply impossihli,', if the 1 P. i pe come f paile 1111 30591 ..L ► all Mall " pronounced 1 mel from meile, an ancien \omen who are parsing through this t'oh';is are C41lstipated. You must tiny attention to the `grime ,apposed to have ben played critical {period or who arc suffering tall': of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested ' on the present site of fall Mall by from any . those distressing illtt pc- Notmnn monks, by ahem it wag in. collar to their sex should not lose sight lllittt'1'i�)l, waste 1'r0(Il::ts, poisonous SUllstances, must be. tlmtuc>nci intw England. of the (tet that for thirty years Lydia I est Oi1CC each day, or there' I The observant Pepys in his !among E. i'inkhan►'s Vegetable Compound, removed from the holly at let rr•:'e 'responsible for an diary makes mention of it thus: which is mute from roots and herbs, it %:. truullt:. A slta..t..n Iasi is 1 -t • •'April 1GG1. Into St. James' has been the standard remedy for TDR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman k Stanbury Main street—EXETER. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Next Homeseekers Excursions ALL HAIL VIA CHICAGO MAY 4th VLA RAIL AND BOAT Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p. t>iA DLAY 19th 1 Winnipeg and return $32.00 Vice-President—W.II PASS\tOItg t.T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. ( Edmonton and return $42.50 f► P. 8., Graduate Victoria Cri DIRECTORS. Proportionate rates to other point p i re[•ora office and neideueuce. Uon:lolou in Western Canada. Tickets goof \\'Jt. Roy, BORNHOLM P. et , laboratory. Exeter. y \V31. BRocie WINCI1EISEA P. U. ; Associate Coroner of Huron. for 00 da s. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. Oct �� Full information from ROBERT NORRIS, St -arta. I Bright, 111 D 111 (' P d' AGENTS, It. P. an I H.S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- ' J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. .1011N ESSN:i Y Exeter, •setts tot iversity fwo years resident physician or write d D MCDONALD Onio• (tsbortie znd Iiiddulph. !Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office Deuut, Toronto. Ont. �` LIVER HARRIS, Munro. a¢� o+ land residence, Dr. Amos' old stand O I Andrew Street, Exeter. for iIibbort, Fullerton and Ietgrn• a JOSHUA JOHNS %ONEY TO LOAN Secv.T roas. Farquhar I We have unlimited private funds nor forest ;1,p1)11AN, .`c H'i.%tilt 1'It\. '• ' r'•' I subup'n farm or Tillage rroperty at lower Ir .ata or Interest. PAIN .. Hcc-'I'rens., Andrew Hess; Executive i pain In the head—Dein anywheerr, has iia c oM committee air. 11. A. Catnpbell. 1'. La-� esenusually Atnleaasi sobsa Dir bhooD and moat, A. Heideman. created little pink tablet TLs I effect I charming, "_"• surely driven out of the blood with � f ro ve It he hu ere• • D 4fab Headache ' Iica lsc ---celled Dr. Hhc,oD . tablet —called poisons are quickly and coaxes blood pressure away lydsllshtiu(hn Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—liq- uid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's book- let on rheumatism plainly and inter- estingly tells just bow this is done. Tell some sufferer of this book, or Netter still. write I)r. Shoop. Racine, Wis., for tato book and free test sam- ples. Send no money. Just join witb 1)r. Shoop and give sonic sufferer n pleasant surprise. W. S. llowey. HER PHYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio. — "I have taken Lydia E. 1'inkitam's Vegetable ('om- pound during change of life. My doctor told me it was good. and since taking it I feel so much bitter that I can do all my work '(gain. I think Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound a tine remedy for a 11 woman's troubles, and I never forget to tell my friends what it has done for me." —Mrs. K. li tv,oN, 304 East Long St., Columbus, (thin. Another Wonsan Helped. (;raniteville, Vt.—"I was parsing through the ('haligeof Life and suffered from nervousness and other astioving svmptemt. Lydia E. I'inkhant's t'ege- tebl" (' impound restored myhealtlland strenirtIt. and proved worth mountains of g,,ld to me. For the sake of other sefiering women I am willing you should publish my letter."—\It:t. I1.tltCLAl•, i1.F.1)., Granite - though safely, it sure y Baa& [see the blood circhA latlon. It you have a headache, It's blood pressers. It it's painful perlodt with women. earn. cattle, It you are sleepless. restless, nervous. It's bloods congestion—blood pressure. That surely 1s a certainty. t in 20 minutes and for Dr. the tablets distributesimplache yaiets lit011 the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't it set red, and swell. and pain you? Of course It does. It's con. (e`tion. blood Pressure. You'll and It where Data b—always. Its simply Common Sense. Me Nn at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommelq immense Ili!..J:1111Gf stirft':•ing antllst.rious disease. flat. park, where I saw the Duke of Yot finials ills. In almost every co,mmn- virir doctor about Ayer's Pills. 11' hI'O\\s \'�i't they act playing pelemctc, the fiat babe Qua nity you will find women who have M her i Pew the Wet." + been restored to bean by liver. 3 rust Lydia E. r. clirectiv on th ' him. C' eaa+ y►sirlea�s�a—sn.asx.v' T er C I .kelt mss. I'inkham. s Vage . el tabl mpoun Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. S. HOWEY. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter e DICKSON & CARLING, 1: arristere, Solicitor. Notaries. Conve aacer. Commissioners, Solicitors tor the Motions Bank, Eto. rates of to bereob. Mosey to Loos at lowest OFFICE t-11 AIN STREET, I11 arrr8. 1 a. OARLnfo 8. A. 4 ls. Dt0it0■ CONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of privets hands eononfarrm and Tillage properties at lowrate spopsis 01 meCo� anNo�1 W i 11031Et3TEAD RHOULATIO,3. Any person who is the sole head of a femile, or any male over 1• years old may homestead a quartet sectoni of available Dominion land is Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear its person at the Dominion LanrLs Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry tial proxy may be had at the agenoy, 00 certain conditions, by father, mother son, daughter, brother, or sister oil OLADMAN t STANHURY intending homesteader. Barrtaters Soticltors, Mala st.!Ezetet Duties :—Six months residence upo0 and cultivation of the land in eaohl of three years. A homesteader alar live within nine miles of his hotneo Conveyancer Accounts Collected on a (farm of at least 80 acres ERNEST ELLIOT solely owned and occupied by him or MONEY to loan .t lowest rates. hes father, mother, son, daughter. North west Iand,t for Sale. Office. Main Street. Exeter brother toosister.di In certain districts a bomestea3dt in good standing tiny pre-ompt a SEIlt,lllU , quarter section alongside his horns•,'J�(��V O stead. Price► �3. per aorr. 1►uticsr UUUMust reside six months inench of Bili Getting Back at England. I The man who is a judge of good "The English will ridicule ns for say- I clothes cas not fail to appreci tte the ing 'vary' and 'turrible' and `momma' excellence of our Spring patterns. when we go abroad," said a schools Our display of new routings, pantin s, ma'am, "but wo will have our answer vestinge, etc., fairly blooms will► Sprint; appropriateness. If you are a ready. 'll ask them why, when they good judge of goods and the makeup want to know 1f we desire a cab, they we can certainly please you with a suit of clothes. if you are not a judge say: of goods or 'tailoring "'Fe wella, sat' "We'll ask thein why they say 'paw- hen Come Hers by all Means fah' and 'waltab' and 'Indian' and 'Idear.' Come for the reason that we have ".And, not torgetting the 'h,' we'll the reputation of selling the (test goods quote nt them the dialogue between tend knowing how to make theta, and we live up to our reputation. You take no chump when buying here. Just select your goods, let us take your measure and you may safely leave the rest entirely to its. Give its an opportunity to demonstrate to you that, we know our business front A to Z. \V0 ask vott not to buy your Spring Suit until you come and Ree ss bat we Can do for you. tho tnistress and the new maid: "'Is your name Anna or Hannah? • "'Hannah, mum.' "'Olt, Hannah?' "'No, noun; Hannah.' "'Ifannah, you said.' "'No, Il'atnnah.' "'Spell It.' "Hay, hen, hen, hay!' Weak on Mathematics. In a recent J H• Holtzmann trial a judge made arith r C1;Ei)ITON. metio a test of mental soundness. But if this test had been applied to certain great men they would have _.- been declared imbeciles, Dean Stan- COLONIST EXCI RSIONS 'D) I'ACi• ley, eminent author and divine, for FiC COAST ANO MEXICO. one, would have been set down as Daily until April 30th, one -tray hopeless had he been judged by his second-class colonist tickets will fi• incapacity to do a sum in simple ad issued by the Granrl Trunk Railtt dition or multiplication. Had Kehlo, Mystrm to the foliowing points anyt writer of famous hymns, depended very low rates.—Vancouver, 11. C.. 'wen his arithmetic Oxford would Seattle, West). Spokane. Wash. Port- very long have known him. When land. Ore., Los Angeles. Cal., San bursar he found. to his horror. that Francisco, Cal.. 'Mexico City, ole. certain ecaounfe came out nearly For further information and tickets 310.0(10 to the bad. in vain did the apply to any Grand Trunk agent. learned and pilus men rf the college f the heart. Her go over the feere.s a:th him. Not Palpitation r. until nn r: :T - . 'tar eier.'el els 1' vomttness, 1 rem blings, nervous listed - discovered t' ` er.'i'' en ache, cold han+la and feel, pain in the a c„lumn had t h 4:1,1;4 date ail t.14, hack and other forms of weakness are ills cr nT to ►''dt Mil^e^ madeeeupeclalle Carter's for the blend nerves years from date of homestead entrat (too:aiding the lima required to earn homestead patent) and cuItivtal fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted hie homestead right and cannot obs tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dist riots Price $3. per acre. Dutie•R.—Mud reside six months in enoh of threat Years. cultivate fifty acres and erect e house worth $300.011: w. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Inteiloe N. R.—L'nauthorlied pnblleatlon of this advertise men( will not be paid for CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Se.cial Traits's'', Tomato 2.00 pre. es APRIL Ii, 20 NAY /, 11 JUNE 1, 11, 21 JULY 13, 21 AUG. 10, 24 BUT. 7, 21 Secesd Jew.kkese from Ostari. ,tatisee so erieeiwl Northwest pews at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \L',.n'ees and return 332 00: Ldenontort sad return 342 50, ..d to .,(her rents in pro,n.twa. TNIew coed to retura withal (0 days firm nom. date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all'Truro:oas. Comfortable Forth,. fully equipped with bedcha., caa b. ,ecund al sedarsie rain tllror.gia local seat. Early application must be made ASK ►0R HOMESEIR(RS• PAMPHLET coataiains rates .ad 1,111 inlormat.os. Apply s.warm Ct R.Aral ertoR 1-Thempee. Dist. t'a e. A.t , Tway,. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE Of CARS \', J. C.\ItI.I'1,', Agent. 1 0. .•n) 1,8o 01 n:•' • fill oWe:+, t I ep- tessnesst weak Stu.,, ..... .u,llget. .Alit, lyspepsii, try Carter's Little I .ter I'i.ls. heli f i- eir1. ':le. ut.l. r•rv• 1 Pia•:,.i..la.: ..r W 1st L.