HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 8'a' 11 ti 1J X E T E K T 1 Al C. S APRIL 22nd 1000
} :-.1•+ +S-4-•.'•1••F•t•}'f +++++++++♦+++•F•(�++++T7TT�
ARE YOU READY? are with the
best arraSpe
y of ypcialties that we have s ever shown.
Hats for Ladies
0111 short in;( is certainly fine. Ribbonb and flowers are very
strot g this season. \Vhile the hats are large the styles are very
becoruil.g. Our Milliners are experts. We think they can please
you, Conte and spend a pleasant hour studying the new styles.
There is much to see and lots to admire. Colne, you are always
welcome at Stewarts. You'll not be asked to buy.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++4+4.+
Hats for tt
lien 1
We are sole selling agents
for Exeter for the celebrat-
King . Hat
Tho King Hat comes to
us direct. We save you all
the middle profits and al-
ways give you the very
West styles. y;,_
You Know Dressy Young
Men all wear King Hats +±
•i• +
Men's Spring Overcoats
We ate allowing a very fine range of Men's high-class Spring
Overcoats. The •are
t Hardt.
from pure
wool Cheviot, ot invisible
twill. silk faced, satin lined, workmanship the best, style down
to the latest minute.
Men's Fine Shoes
Da yon know there is no better place in town for men's fine
footwear. We show all the latest lasts in the new American
shapes in Tans, \Villows, Ox Bloods and Blacks. Our Bearsfor'l
and Model shoes iu•e the recognized leaders, $3 50, $1.00, $4.50.
Wall Papers
Yes! Walt Papers are going
out fast. We control some
splendid lines. They are the
best values you'll see.
Sc the roll for neat papers for
led rooms and kitchens.
IOe the roll for lovely glim-
mer and gold papers, suit-
able for any room. Some
Beauties at this price.
12j to 23c. for the finest range
of new wall papers you'll
see this season. Lovely
floral and stripe effects in
natural )tower shades.
Room Rugs
Scotch Linoleums
You can't afford to pass us.
We show the prettiest seam-
less Room Pugs in the trade.
They conte in Floral and Me-
dallion patterns in rich natur-
al autumn tints; Wools, Ta-
pestry, Brussels, Wfltons.
$0.50 to $30.
Our Linoleum are winners.
They come from Nairne, the
best people in the world in
their line. 2, 3 and 4 yards
wide. Buy your Linoleums
and Rugs from us and we will
lay them free of charge, and
do it well too.
Redpath's Sugir is best b teat. We sell none other.
Farm produce is just as good as cash.
Our stock of wall paper is complete in every detail. If you have
a room that does not suit you, and has not that attractive appear-
ance that you wish just go to R. N. Rowe and get some of that
lovely paper he is showing. Also look at his linoleumns and lace
curtains. They are very pretty. And prices are the lowest. We
can prove it to you.
One door north P. O.
SEALED TENDERS addressed 10
the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, of Fri-
dey, the 1lth of May 1909 for the
conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on
a proposed contract for four years,
six times per week ench way between
Exeter and tit. Marys. from the 1st
' of July next. Printed notices .con -
FROM CLOTII TO COMPLETED ' mining further information ns to the
COAT 1 proposed contract may be seen and
every step in the tailoring of the gar- blank forms of tender may be obtain-
ment will stand inspection. The parte ed at fhr 1'ost Offices on the route
Of a coat. like the interlining. etc.. and at the office of the Post Office
which you never see. are ns carefully Inspector at London. '
toned after ns those in plain sight.' G.C. ANDERSON
MAKES YOUR TAILORING DUR- 1 Post Office Departtnent. Ser -
AIME 1 vier
Illy that tie 1,an more then the near -i 1909.
Ing quality of the fabric. We mean
that the long wear of the garments \WOOD FOR HALE. -We are now
will he equalled by the lasting shap. -prepared to deliver to any pnrt of
liners we put into your apparel. 7t the town first class elm slabs. All
will look good as long ns you weer it. orders promptly attended to
and that swill be long indeed. It. GILL1ES.
t Branch, Ottawa, 27th March
Merchant Tailor.
Tenders For Concrete Abut-
Me:tle,i Tt niers tvill be received by
the umleteiene.l Ila to Monday. May
3rd. WOO at 12 t• eiock noon, for the
Construction of cement abutments in
DOUSE FOit SALT:. -Directly south
on James Street church. on Simeoe St.
which has been occupied by Mrs. 11.
I►arvey. if not told privately before
the 211h will be sold by auction on
that date. together with the house-
hold effects. Ser hills. For infer -
:nation apply to ifnrvey tiros.
About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley
ernen and kept for seed purposes
This is a new barley that hns prov-
en to possess a remarkable clean
Orediton f••r a bridge across the stiff strap•, excelling all other ear -
Santee River. Plana and apecifica- ictus. also gave the highest yield of
times c,tn be seen at the office of the grain per acre of all the burleys test-
uneers.igned. ed in 1907 at the 0. A. C. It has been
The lowest er any tender not nrcns- without exception the most popular
6aiily accepte,l. variety with the experimental union
HENRY Ei1.nEIt. throughout the province. Iver since
Clerk, Township of Stephen, ('rcdi- the first distribution in 1900 in two
ton. Ont. pound lots from the 0. A. C. Terms
n ie
on 11 nh .1011'
on. N ELDER. .11E •-
1',11t%1 1'O JIENT. for vesture, 21.2 8:\LI, 1'. O., 1,ot 16, Con. 2, thy,
miles north of Exeter. Lot 11, Con. -�-
l, .lay, 100 acres. Good pnstnre and Mrs. T. Penbale, is visiting• her son,
Water, Apply It. I3. noss, Myron, On !11r. (:co. Penhale.
Market Kenort.-The following ►a NOTICE TO HORSEMEN
the report of Exeter markets, CO(' A fret. notice will be given hor
rented up to April 22nd. men who get their route cards prin
at the '!'fuss office
Wheat 4.1.15
Peas RU to 90.
alts 43 to 45.
Marley- 55e.
6horts, $25.
Bran lr'24
Illendid Flour, STAR, $3.00.
Feed Four sL4U to $1.95.
A!syke $6 to $8 per. beagle!.
Cover e5. to $6.
T,wothy $1 to $2 per. bushel.
Butter 1Rc pound.
Eggs 16 cents.
Ilay$7.60 to $8.50.
.logs, liveweight.
Hogs, dressed $8.5U to $:1400.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 cent(I.
so•••••• .
hoc•The Tittles till Jau, 11)10
fur Seventy Certs
'fell yourNeighbors a-
bout It.
++++++4-+++++++++++++++o'-+•iDR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SCR-
geon, will be at tho Commercial
ilotel. .lours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p.
in. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eve car and nose treated.
Next visit Saturday, April 210h.
Mr. D. Russell left Friday for
Wilkie. Saskatchewan.
Mr. II. Oke is ill at the horse of his
son-in-law, Mr. Will 'liggins.
The Kinra(le murder inquest will
re -open again at. Hamilton to -day.
Mr. It WilcoxRobert lis confined to his
bed owing to an attack of pleurisy.
Mr. \Vm. Trout spent a few days
last week with friends in St. Marys.
Mr. T. E. lla ndford shipped a car-
load of horses to the pest last Fri-
Mr. James Iionthron, of Toronto.
visited his sisters during the past
Mr. Tom Cariing is expected hone
from Queen's University. Kingston
this week.
Miss Beatrice Luker was off duty
last week on account of the illness of
her parents.
Mrs. Wm. 'Blaney, of Exeter North,
has returned from Toronto, after a
month's visit.
Mr. Wilbur Perkins, of London, who
bas been visiting relatives here. re-
turned borne last Monday.
Mr. \Vm. Brimacornbe and family,
who moved to London over a year
ago. have returned to town.
A baseball league consisting of
Goderich. Seaforth, Clinton. .Mitchell
and Blyth has been formed.
Mrs. T. i3. Carling and daughter
Grace returned home Saturday after
visiting friends in Brantford.
Lady Carling, wife of Sir 'Sohn
In London, g died in that city
Wednesday last. aged 80 years.
;Hiss Elsie McCallum returned to
',owlet) Monday. after spending the
Has'.•r holidays with her parents.
s Margaret Kinsman, of Sarnia,
tt '.•I visited her Hunts during the Eas-
t, -• holidays returned home Monday.
Mr. J. 13. Brickwood left for London
Monday evening, where he has se-
cured a position nt his trade as
The electric railway engineers are
running a line about two miles south
of 'Zurich towards Exeter. -Zurich
Mr. G. Ernest Gregory, of Regina,
who was culled here on account of the
death of his father. returned to the
west Monday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Sidney Davis moved
into town last week. Mr. :Davis in-
tends taking n trip to the west in
the near future.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Sant.. Jory entertain-
ed the young men's bible class of the
imnes Street church to taffy pull
Thursday evening.
Al. McDonnell bas secured a lease
of the south hnlf of the Gordon Mc-
Kay building and intends installing
two bowling alleys.
The North Huron Licecss Commis-
sioners will meet in \Wimthaun on the
24th. of April. Eleven tavern licenses
have been applied for.
Mr. W. 0. Miller, of the Sentinel
Retiree. \Voodstork, was in Exeter
last Thursday attending the funeral
of the late 'Thomas Gregory.
Mr. Fred Gidley. of .Detroit, -who
recently suffered it slight paralytic
stroke. is now at the home of his par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Itichnrd Gidley.
Bliss Frances and Reilly Mothersill
who has been visiting at Rev. Going's
returned Inst Monday to their home
in l'ort Stanley accompanied by Mrs.
hiss Alice Deward entertained J.
A. Htewnrt's' employes lust Friday
evening in honor of Mr. Barry iten-
dle. who intends leaving shortly for
1 he west.
Rev. E. A. Fear conducted mission -
cry services at !Milverton last Senday.
itev. Oaten. of Milverton, occupied
the pulpit in the Mein Street church
during the day.
Mr. Will Knight has returned home
having eom•,Ieted his 'ecnnd tertn at
the Western University. London. He
eel return in it couple of weeks to
tree nnother exam.
Workmen were busy Mondny lear-
i e nut the front of the vacant build -
t belonging to Dr. Browning north
rhis drag store. A %linty glass
f ant will he put in.
Mr. J. Markham. who hes been en-
gaged ns orgnnist and choir master
of the Trivitt Merorinl church. com-
menced his duties lust Sunday end
gave excellent satisfaction.
Rev. it. Urquhart. of Kippen, will
occupy the pulpit of the (elven ;'res-
hyterinn church rext Anndny. in
the morning a special sermon still
he delivered to the. Odd/,•flows.
The Crossley and ((enter meetings
closed in St. Marys Tuesday and on
Monday afternoon n load of Exeter -
Hes (trove over to the stntle town to
attend the evening ineeline.
Miss Mnrearet and Master Fred
I:insmnr.. of Sarnin, who n re visiting program in which several Mesdnines.
rclntives herr. were plensently seer- dressed in gowns of Queen Ami and
prised Inst Friday evening by n nuns- Lydin I'inkhnm periods. had n very
ber of very young Indies and gentle- interesting time among themselves g t for lot. at
men. A pleasant andel lime was for several minutes. A selection on
an old and wheezly hand organ waw bred by .1. H Martin, Port Dover
.Mr. Thnt. Oke. whn hes leen con-' given rend pleased the "011 Maid:' 2nd pen headed by real good bird of
t C
d 1 1 11^•' , �v '
1 a hotel nt 1\111. t e I'
111 during n n immensely. s
nr ,n. \
g r i n 1� n sc a
a o n igen
Ir be a
The school re -opened Monday of
the halter vacation.
Mrs. J. C. humble, of Sarnia.
se- la the matter of the state of
Robert McDonald. of the 'township
of 1 sborne, in the County of Huron.
ter farrier. deceased.
Notice is hetet)). given pursuant to
It. S. 0.. 1897. chip. 1'_9,; [bat atl
spending the week with her sister..
Mrs. Esli Ileywood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart pleas -
nutty entertained a number of their.
friends Tuesday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Gauld, missionaries
to Formosa, and well known in Exe-
ier were at their appointment during
the euttbquake at Formosa last week,
but were uninjured.
Messrs. F. W. Gladman and S. M.
Sanders are in Toronto attending a
tweeting of the Independent Canners'
Association as representatives of the
Exeter Canning Company.
1)rs. ltoulston and Kinsman wish
to announce that their offices will
be closed on April 28, 2t, 30 and May
1. owing to their attendance at the
Ontario Dental Society meeting at
Miss Stella Gregory has asked the
School Board for leave of absence un-
til after the midsummer holidays.
Her request has been granted and
Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., of
Winghaw, has been engaged to fill
the vacancy.
Dr. 11. h. Ilyndman, who has been
taking treatment for bis health dur-
ing the past eleven weeks at London
and Battle Creek, is expected horns
to resume his practice next week.
having regained his usual good
Campbell's Stains and Floor Finish
is the inost durable finish for floors
and surfaces that are walked upon.
Made transparent and in colors imi-
tating natural svodds. W. J. llleaman
upon request will show a sample of
old flooring coated with this finish.
It wears longer than regular floor
Miss Margaret .Brown, of Exeter,
who has been taking a course of
training for nurse in Ilarper's hos-
pital, Detroit, last tveek passed her
final examination. The graduating
exercises still take place the latter
end of this week. after which Miss
Brown can go forth as a full fledged
We understand the ,Township of
Illanshard will again vote on the St.
Marys and Western Railway fly -law
which was defeated last week by 18
majority. Only five divisions voted
on the by-law the first time, but at
the coming voting the entire six di-
visions Will vote. It is expected ,it
will be submitted about the middle
of May.
There will be no shop liquor license
in Exeter after the 1st of May. Mr.
F. J. Knight, two has had it shop
license dor a number of years,
owing to ill health has withdrawn
his application, and intends disposing
of his stock prior to retiring from
business. The cotnlnissioners will
meet at Brucefield Friday to con-
sider the applications for the coming
Mrs. William Fisher. who was an
instate of the House of Refuge at
Clinton during the past four years.
died at that institution, Wednesday
April loth. in her nintieth year. The
remains were brought to Exeter and
interred in the Exeter cemetery Fri-
dny afternoon. Tt1e deceased was an
\old resident of Exeter, and owing to
advanced age she and her late hus-
band entered the Refuge to spend
their declining years. Mr. Fisher
died a couple of years ago.
The funeral of the late Thomas
Gregory was hold from his late re-
sidence Thursday afternoon, inter-
ment being in the Exeter cemetery,
and was nttendcd by a number of
friends. Besides the children who
ncrc able to be present, the following
from a distance attended :-\V. 0.
Miller. Woodstock : 11. C. Colter,
Frankfort. Ind.: Richard (Hampton.
Mount Forest. The services were con-
ducted by Rev. A. ti. Going. assisted
by Rev. Fear. of Exeter; Rev. Toll,
of 'Hensel! and Rev. G. 11. Cohbledick,
of Woodstock, the latter being tt for-
mer pupil of the deceased.
The snd news reached Exeter
Thursday of the death at Nanton,
Alberta, on that day of Simon Ilunter,
jr.. second son of Mr. Simon Ilunter
of Ushorne. aged 3R years, 3 months
and 8 days. The deceased had been
suffering from Bright's Disease for
some time. but was only critically ill
about n week when death overtook
hitn. I1r. Hunter went out 10 the
western country seventeen yenrs ago
and was prospering. The remains
were shipped frntn Nanton and ar-
rived in Exeter Tuesday evening. the
funeral felting place. yesterday after-
noon from the residence of his father
for interment in Ihr Exeter cemetery.
A regular storm period is central
on the 25th.. covering the 23rd. to
28th.. having Moon at greatest declin-
ation north on the 24th.. and at first
quarter on the 27th. Another mark-
ed fall of the barometer will set in
to the west at the entrance of this
period. followed closely by cloudiness.
higher temp,•ratur(' and rain. Storm
nrcns will grow wider and gain in-
tensity ns they reach central parts
of their enstwnrd march. high bar-
ometer. west winds. and possible snow
moans to the northwnrd need ,not
11' it surprise. on the rear tangents
of these atone areas. Much cooler
peather with frost will he quite nnt-
•irnl during the Inst five nights of
the month.
The Ladies .Aid of the Main Street
Methodist church gave a very dninty
and unique socinl Friday evening.
Thr menu consisted of maple syrup.
biscuits. gems. etc.. after (which an
interesting and selected program was
riven Ly the ladies of th' aid. Mrs.
IS. A. 1'olliek. ns chairwoman. made
n decided success of Ahe position.
filling in idle time by telling stories
etc. Pest like a pian would do. The
ladies rang n hymn. sari so gond did
it •.nnn(1 they were asked to come
back. but didn't. Mrs. Hooper gave
n rendinu. The "Old (Maids Tea
1',urt'." pas n novel feature of the
• ..
creditors altil OI het II:IY111., claims
against the estate of the late Robert
\lc1)onald, who died on or about
the L'Ist day of March. V909.
are required on or about the .5th
day of .lay, 190it, So send by
post prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
la 1m:u1 & '
bt anburp, of t he village
of Exeter. solicitors for the execu-
to s of the said deceased their
Christ Ian and r.urn:.Ines. addresses
and desc:ipliona. the full p:lrticu.
late of their claims. the stiletnent
of 1Jt(•ir accounts and the nature of
the securities, if any, held by them.
And further take noli�0 Ihat after
such last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed :to distri-
bute asset's of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto. Navine
regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice and that
said executors shall not be liable
for the said assets or any part there-
of to any person or persons of %tells,
claims notice shall not have been t•e.
received by thein at the time of such
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated itt Exeter this 10th day of
April. 1903 ;
In the matter of the estate of
Israel Ilarl•is,late of the Township,
of Usborrte, in the County of Huron,
Laborer, deceased.
.Notice is hereby given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
l dii
cc tors ani.<.
1 otl..i.r •s•' .
h,l ui� claims
against the estate of the late Israel
Harris. who died on or about
the 15th day of Feby., 1909, are re-
quired oil or before the 15th day of
May, 1909 to send by post prepaid
or deliver to •,llessts. Gladman &
Stanbury, solicitors for the execu-
tor of the estate of the
said deceased their cliristian
and surnames, addresses and des
criptions. the full particulars of their
claims, the al al CHICHI,. of their ac-
counts and I.11e nature of the tie -
serif ie
s. tit s, i[ any, held by them. And
further fake :mike that after such
last mentioned date the said Execu-
tor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased amore; the
parties entitled thereto, Raving re-
gard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice and that
the said
executor will not o be fable
for the said :Issefs or any part there-
of to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been
received by thee* at the f line of lush
Solicitors for said executor.
Dated at Exeter, this 181 h day of
April. 1009.
In the matter cf the estate of
John 'Corlett. late of the Township
of Hay. in the County of Iluron,
farther deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursgant to
R. S. 0., 1007, chapter 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said
John Corbett. who died on or about
the 3rd day of April 1909
are required on or before the
13th day of :tiny, 1909, to send by
post prepaid. or deliver to
Messrs. Madman & Stanbury
of the Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Executor of the
said deceased, their christian and sur-
names, addresses and descriptions
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by them. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
(late the said Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to the
claims of which he shall then have
notice and thnt the said executor
will not be liable for said assets
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by hint
at. the time. of such distribution.
Solicitors for said executor .
Dated at Exeter this 19th day of
April 1909.
in the matter of the estate ' of
James l' . Ford, 1 ate of the Town-
ship of Stephen. in the County of
Huron. fanner deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. S. O., 1817. chapter 129. that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said
Jnrncr K. Ford, who died on or about
the 20th day of March 1009.
are required on or before the
8th day of May, 1909 to send by
post prepaid. or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury
of the Village of Exeter. So-
licitors for the Adntinistratrix of the
said deceased. their chriatian and sur-
names. addresses and descriptions
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the aeeeritiss. if any
held by thein. And further take
notice tltnt niter such last mentioned
date the said Administratrix will
proceed to distribute assets of the de-
ceased nntone the int -ties entitled
thereto having regard only to the
claims of which she shall then have
notice and that said Adntinistratrix
will not be linble for said assets
or any part thereof 10 tiny p;•rson
or persons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by her
at the time of such distribution.
t;1.ADttAN & 1ANPl !tY
Solicitors for Adminiktratrix.
Dated of Exeter this Pith day of
April 1909,
White Wyandottes
Good Laying Strain
1st pen. $1.50 for 13 eggs.
2nd pen. $1.00 for 13 eggs
Three settings or incl ba
special rates. 1st pen headed by bird
one of the ladies, the others joining my own raising. Either pen needs tee
rornment ns to quality. Cnmrnnn
in the chorus. Mrs. Fen r entertninrdi tions d answerepromptly.
wit h a sone. Mr. Willis Poe . 11 en CF. 11001'T:l{,
fertnined with selections on his phone-
grnpb during the evening. Ilox 157. Exeter, Ont.
the pest five yenta will rive eip pos-
session May 1s1. his lens• of the pre-
mises expiring on thnt date. Mr.
Oke intends to accept n position as
Spring! Spring! Spring!
Spring is here and we are here with the goods,
the Latest and Newest.
Lace Curtains in Fishnet and Battenburg patterns, ranging -
from 50c to $4.51). Art Muslin in patterns and good colors 10, 1.21,
and 15e per yard. Fancy Script in stripe and limey patterns, full
40 in. wide at 20 and 25c. per yard. Real Madras Muslin in light
and dark woven colors, suitable for drapery and curtains. A very
full line of frilled Muslin and Bobinette, a very special line at 25c
per yard. Bonne Femme ('urt.ains, beautiful designs, ranging in
price from 54)c to $1.50 per yard, Lace Curtain by the yard. A
very tine line for 21c per yard now selling at 18c. These are all
first class lines and will stand inspection. Come in and satisfy
yourself that we back our words with the goods,
We aro showing this year the finest assortment we have ever
offered. We cau give you all the latest and newest patterns and
colors with wide and narrow borders. to sell from 5c to 25c a roll.
Our embossed and silk finish are regular 25c for 20c and 15c.
SPECIAL -500 rolls of paper ranging from 10 to 25e for 6o
Don't forget that we have a first•class Milliner in con-
nection with the store in the person of Miss Morloek.
We Repaid
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
Blacksmith Shop For
First class stand doing good busi-
ness; also comfortable residence. Ill
health reason for selling. For terms
and porticulars apply to A. E. PYM,
Exeter, Ont.
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, I have placed a new and
up -to date rig on the road for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
specttuliy solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. !)ails at t110 office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
the error that all flour is alike. The
proof of it lies iii n triol of
The better baking and more of it you
can do with a sack or barrel of Star
flour will be a reetention to you.
We won't have to nsk you to try it
the second time. You'll do that of
your own accord.
10.000 bushels of reheat
l'atronize home industries.
Much of Vie World's
Rest MuMIG
is Beyond the possibilities of a Ile•
cord of ordinary length. Edison Aut-
herol Recor•d...petveer h.r,grr tl an any
other iteverd, effete i.onws and selec-
tions 11(1 hetetereie ohtninnLle.
[Live coil tested tl• 1' li•nn Phono-
griplt lilac .\tuhecol 1leceels
.1. Willis Powell Mnnnger,
CLINTON'lit'i+taFSS ('oi.1 ROM
hi..,'Cvn ttete•1 In the rrn.tiLle of r.pen i -
,•,pre, w5ih U e are el •.' id m, ,tad ha. not
is en folia. wi.t:nR. The ,iu-.ess of air
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