HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 6CURIOUS. PRESCRIPT
WHEN 11.1. 1OU MIGHT '1'R1'
People Billeted In Thele 255 Years
Ago and They Might Still
Do Good.
A copy of "Tho London Dispen-
satory" by Nich Culpeper, dated
i e5 years ago, has cume to light
Some of its theories and prescrip-
cript.ions follow :
"Hounds -tongue cold and dry;
against the biting of dogs. Soule
say if you put the herb under your
feet within your stockings, no dog
will bark at you.
"free ivy • is admirable for ill
effects coming of drunkenness and
therefore the poets feigned Bacchus
to have his head bound with them.
Your best way is to boil them in
the same liquor you got your sur-
feit by drinking.
"Cowslips strengthen the brain,
senses, and the memory exceeding-
ly, quell all t..seases there as con-
vulsions, palsies, &c.
"Tho flesh of vipers being oaten
clears the sight, helps the vices of
the nerves, resists poison exceed-
ingly, neither is there any better
remedy under the sun for their bit-
ings than the head of the viper that
bit you, bruised and applied to the
place, and the flesh eaten, you need
sot cat above a dram at. a time, and
make is up as you shell be taught
"Earthworms are an admirable
remedy for cut nerves, being ap-
plied to the place. Earthworms
shade into a powder and put into a
hollow tooth snakes it drop out.
"To draw a tooth without pain,
fill an earthen crucible full of
emutets or ants, call them by which
nave you will, eggs and all, and
when you have burut thorn, keep
the ashes, with which if you touch
a tooth it will fall out.
"Eels being put into wine or beer
and suffered to die in it, he that
drinks it will never indure that sort
of liquor again. Grasshoppers be-
ing eaten case the cholick. Swal-
lows being eaten preserve the sight
and preserve from drunkenness.
"A head tliouse dried and beaten
into a powder and given at a time
kelp such as have diabetes. Uni-
corns horns repels poison and the
pestilence. The skull of a man that
was never buried being beaten in-
to a powder and given inwardly re-
pels palsies. A ring made of an
elks claw helps the cramp. The
froth of the sea makes teeth white
and helps baldness."
Dr. Culpeper devotes a chapter
to metals, minerals and stories:
"Gold is temperate in quality, it
wonderfully strengthens the heart
and % itai spirits.
"The emerald being worn in a
ring takes away vain and foolish
fears, as of devils, hobgoblins, &c.
It takes away folly and anger, and
if it do so, being worn about one,
reason will tell him that being beat-
en into a powder and taken inward-
ly it will do much more.
"A diamond is reported to make
hint that bears it unfortunate.
There is a stone about the bigness
of a bean found in the gizard of an
old cock which makes him that
bears it beloved, constant and bold,
valiant in fighting, beloved by WO -
Queen 11111 Wear it Separate From
('ru%%I on State Occasions.
The King and Queen, anxious
to make the fullest possible pra.ti-
cable use of the Transvaal's mag -
How Best to Get New Healtb nificient gift, the Ctillinan dia-
mond, have consulted the court
and Strength in Spring. jewelers, Messrs. Gerrard, of Lon-
don, as to whether it can bo ar-
The winter months ere trying to ranged that the splendid gem shall
the health of even the most robust.' be so set in the Imperial Cruet' as
Confinement in -doors in over -heat- to be detachable for wear by her
ed and nearly always badly venti Majesty on great state occasions, as
luted rooms -ill the home, the office, it was 1'_t the recent opening of Par-
tho shop and the school -taxes the Bement. The feasibility of tite
vitality of even the strongest. The plan having been demonstrated,
blued becomes thin and watery or the jc%le!ers have been honored
clogged with impurities. Sometimes with his Majesty's commands to
you get up in the morning just as carry out the work. Thus tht,
tired as when you went to bed. Cullinau, while retaining a status
Some people have headaches; of a crown jewel, will be available
• Lave
i h
LUSO' spirited; � ho - noes on occa-
areL t
others Q
pimples and skin eruptions. These suns on which the Crown itself is
are all spring symptoms that the not in actual use.
blood is out of order. You can't ,p
cure these troubles with purgative
medicines, which merely gallop
through the system, leaving you
still weaker. \Vhat you need to
give you health and strength in the
spring is a tonic medicine, and the
one always reliable tonic and blood
1 t'ilder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
These Pills not only banish spring
ills, but guard you against the
more serious ailments that follow,
such as anaemia, nervous debility,
rheumatism, indigestion and kidney
trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make new, rich blood which
strengthens every nerve, every or-
gan and every part of the body.
Try this medicine this spring and
you will have strength and energy
to resist the torrid heat of the
coming summer. Mr. J. R. John-
son, Loch Broom, N. B., says: -
"Some two years ago I began to
`eel that my constitution was weak-
enieg. 1 could not stand any ex-
posure or knocking about. I finally t
sought the aid of a doctor who '
said my system was very much run GROWTII OF GRAND TRUNK
down, and that the trouble might
end in nervous prostration. As his Marvelous Progress Made Yoder
medicine did not help me I decided, Manager !lays.
on the advice of a friend, to give Since January', 1890, the Grand
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. Trunk Railway System has increas- ono else who would tako a chance
I had used less than a half dozen ed the operating mileage by 11 per of being his creditor."
boxes when my health was fully re- cent., through the acquisition of
stored, and 1 think no other medi- the C. A. Railway. The tonnage
Gino can equal these Pills when one Itepeatlt:-'•ehiloh'erurew111always
for 1907 -the last complete year's Quromrcoughs and colds."
is run down and out of health." report of the company -was 111.9' -Sold by all medicine dealers or per cent. greater than the num- f The man who thinks he knows itby mail at 50 cents a box or six her of tons moved in 1890. l never misses ar. opportunity to
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil -
Gross earnings for 1907 topped butt in.
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
those for 1E96 by an even t9 per Nerves. cent. -net earnings being 85.7 per They Soothe Excited Nerves. -
4'cent. over those for 1990. Nervous affections are usually at -
Fixed charges and rentals for tributable to defective digestion, as
1907 were but 3.2 per cent. above the stomach dominates the nerve
those for 1590. New Year's day, centres. A course of Parntelee's
1590, showed a deficit of approxi- Vegetable Pills will still all distur-
mately $1,500,030; December 31, bances of this character, and by
1907, was passed with the payment restoring the stomach to normal ac -
of $4,100,139 in dividends as the tion relieve tho nerves from irrita-
tion. There is no sedative like
result of a year's work.
Tho first six months of 1908 pro- them and in the correction of irre-
duced $928,110 dividends on the 4 sularities of the digestive pro-
per cent. guaranteed stock of the cesses, no preparation has done so
company. effective work, as can be testified
These figures, few as they are, to by thousands.
speak volumes for the brilliant ad-
ministration of the trust reposed in Love
to locksmiths ha eiafor
laughing Melville Hays when he was smih~. at
and 1o
elected seson(' vice-president and
general manager of the Grand Srlbina fro Nsrr•• with rap+urs nn m,)
'Trunk system. Nor did it take a Nle Bre gh, hitt the
ln4em with �il goes Ir•nn bt•1
dozen years to demonstrate the :tot
Al'.o's l.uug IL:tbm, cnntatsing no
wisdom of giving him absolute away ,plum, gne. 1. otitis
,root •.f the tr,nbl• ami curet
deep•wated a lectioas s,f tbr.,at and lunge.
ever this transportation system, -_-
which prior to his appointment had Alother--"Jane, you must choose
been largely managed from London, between the two. Will you marry
England. the man who loves you or the man
--•1' %the can dress you 7" l)aughter-
A Pill for All Seasons. -Winter "Mamma, as an up-to-date girl, 1
and summer, in any latitude, who- must reply to your question that,
they in torpid zone or Arctic tern• although love is a very desirable
perature, Parmelee's Vegetable thing, clothes are an absolute nec-
1'ills can be depended upon to do cssity."
their work. The dyspeptic will find
tllenl a friend always and should A Merry Heart Goes all the Day.
carry them with him everywhere. -But one cannot have a merry
They aro made to withstand any heart if he has a pain in tho back
climate and are warranted to keep or a cold with a racking cough. To
their freshness and strength. They be merry ono must be well and
de not grow stale, a quality not free from aches and pains. Dr.
possessed in many pills now on tho Thomas' Eclectric 041 will relieve
market. all pains. muscular or otherwise,
4, - and for the speedy treatment of
"II1;mph I Him 1 IIe'd run be- colds and coughs it is a Ipleuclid
fore he'd fight me "1 guess he'd medicine.
have to."
- Every man on the job thinks he
Repeat it;-411111oh's (lure will alwayf knows more than the beta.
sure my oougL: and colds."
men and
"Lapis calcidonius being hung
about the neck helps melancholy il-
lusions and melnncholy fancies.
For the cure of warts -rub them
with fig leaves, bury the leaves in
the ground and the warts will con-
sume away."
Dr. Culpeper gives a recipe for
preparing earthworms.
"Slit them down the middle," he
writes. "and wash them in white
wine so often till they be cleansed
from their impurities, then dry
and keep there or your use."
The book concludes with an
apology by the author:
"If thou ftndest me here and
there a little Int hilt in such expres-
sions as ninny like not, I pray par-
son that. it is my dialect. 1 cannot
arite wittiout it ; I assure thee it
was not premeditnted. If thou
tltinkest i did it for gain thou are
to wid() from the truth that unless
thou change thy opinion 'tis to be
leered that truth and you will not
sleet again for a long time.
"I weigh not the ill language of
those that !Hind er.rthly things, I
Irish theta all the richest their
'carts can desire, for they have all
their wit already; 'tis comfortable
mongh for me, that 1 stn beloved
If the honest ; my reward 1 expect
sereafter in thnt place whereunto
[o earthly minded or selfish man
(hall come."
A short answerTmay turn n bliss -
honey ninon into a matrimonial
It rife
Born on a farm near i'ont.ypool,
a lamb had four ears. eight legs,
ISO., tails and two bodies joined at
the chest. It died soon after it.
Vegetarians in England are likely
10 be confrcantrd will) a vegetably
iamine as the direct result of the
Snow rod 11,u dry weather tthich
pieced." :s
SOON ('t -REI) ills BACK-
!low Malcolm McKinnon Foun•1
Complete and Permanent Relief
From Ilia Kidney and Stomach
Shunacadio, Cape Breton Co.,
N. S., April 19 (Special). -Suffer-
ing with Backache so much that he
could nut work, Malcolm McKinnon
a .
1 kiuwn resident of this
took a friend's advice and used
Dodd's Kidney Pills. The result is
that he is back at work and his
THE PRUDENT PIPER, BacYesheas," hgone.
e says, in speaking of
Andrew Carnegie is fond of tho his"Vcase, "I was troubled with
Scots' national instrument, the Backache. due to wet feet and hard
bagpipe, and when he is at home
at l;kibo Castle usually has his
pet piper to play for hint at din-
ner. Particularly is the musician
in attendance when the great
philanthropist has guests.
On one occasion a big company
of men sat down to table, and the
piper pranced up and down the
room as he piayea.
The whole thing was new to a
French literary man, who politely
asked the guest on his right, ' • 1Vhy
does he walk up and down when he
does this thing" Does it add to
the volume of the sound, or does
it make a cadence 7"
"No," said tho other, "I don't
think it's that. I fancy it's to pre-
vent the listeners getting his range
with a knife or a water -bottle."
A writer in Nature calls atten
tion to the peculiar weather %%high
accompanied and follu%tcd the
great Sicilian earthquake. The
sudden fog which settled upon the
Strait of Messina was paralleled le
a heavy mist accompanying the
Mexican earthquake of January;
lee9, and the writer adds that rain-
fall is 50 frequently reported as
the inunedinte successor of an
earthquake that "we can no long-
er reject the hypothesis of a real
connection between the two." Prof.
Milne has suggested that the dis-
turbance of the ground when
transmitted to the overlying air
may determine precipitation, thus
explaining the apparent a: sociation
of severe earthquakes with mist and
A Woman's Sympathy
Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your palm
a heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to delkate wotucn-I have
been discouraged. too; but learned how to
cure myself. I want to relieve your bur-
dens. Why not end the pain and stop the
dootor'a big? I ran do thla for you and
will It you will assist me.
' All you need do is to write for a free
work. It got 80 severe at last 1 I pox of the remedy which has been placed
was quite unable to do my work. In my hands to Le given away.Perhaps
1 I this one box will cure you --it has done so
"It was through a friend's ad-' for others. If so. I shall be happy and
vice I started to use Dodd's Kidney1 you win bo cored ter 2e (the cost of a
stamp/. Your lettere held contl-
I'ills, and I was soon aware that dentlatlr.Write to-dav for my free treit-
t•hey were doing me good. My back tooat. DIRS. F. E CURRAI1, Windsor, oat.
was easier and 1 had less pain in It is far easier to mend a broken
urinating. i,heart than a broken rib.
' As Dodd's Kidney Ills had
done mo so much good I thought
I would try Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab- Repeat it:-•"Rhtloh'sCure,will always
lets and I did so with marvellous euro my coughs and colds'
effect. Two boxes set my stomach All men are born free and equal
right." -and remain that way until they
With Dodd's Kidney Pills to keep get married.
my Kidneys well and the blood
pure and Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab- mows, e• smog,• atter a storm i. the revel
lets t0 put the stomach in shape When an obstinate, pitiless oougfi bass been drivers
co that the body receives the nour- a .t eR.ct'14 ;u' z t; $ twiili �metwiib
ishment it needs you are assured pout tlis dry
of the two first essentials of
the health. Any doctor will tell you Money makes the mare go -but
that. it doesn't always stake her comp
under the wire first.
"Bliggins says he owes every-
thing to his wife." "Well," an-
swered the roan who never says a
kind word, "1 don't know of any -
In Saskatchewan They Are In-
dustrious and Prosperous.
The Indian of the great prairie
province of Saskatchewan are dis-
proving the theory that an Indian
won't work unless he has to. They
are becoming industrious and pros-
There are nearly 8,000 Indians in
the province and last year they
had about 9,000 acres under crops.
They raised 150,572 bushels of
grain and roots and 30,000 tons of
hay, worth $130,023.
The Departmeett of Indian Af
fairs reports that the Indians are
turning more and more to the soil
for a living. The agent of the As-
siniboine agency, which may be re-
garded as typical, writes:
"I was greatly pleased to Lind
that the area under crop was al-
most double what it was the year
before. The band had about 600
acres of wheat and 200 acres of
oats. The Indians of tnis agency
are beginning to farm on a large
scale, and if they continue to do
net well as they have in the last two
years there will be some good sized
farms among them. One man has
155 acres in crop and another 125
acres, and several had seventy
acres each. There was a decided
improvement in the way the land
had ben farmed."
"Why don't yez grace our dances
wid yer presence any morel"
"Sure, it's me nllslress' fault.
She is that dowdy and old-fash-
ioned that nut a single dress of hers
kin I wear at all, at all:"
O+O+0 4.0+t,+04+0+04-0+0♦0,
It's easier for the average man
to quit drinking if he wants to than
it is fur hire to want to.
Corns cause intolerable pain.
TRE ILIA OP MARTRO°, Holloway's Corn Cure removes
��n OF rRILnsE�.
the trouble. Try it, and eve what
The ills of childhood are amount of pain is sated.
many, and may prove seri Sir Robert Anderson, the omin-
ous if not promptly attended Pitt police authority, says the Eng.
to. in all homes whereaBaby's lish are, in t, with all their)
Own Tablets are kept there We,
the most law-abiding people
is a prompt• cure at hand k'1 in the world.
such troubles as indigestion.
colic, diarrh:u a, ronet:pati.•n, times are so numerous in many
worms, and teetning tree- parishes in North Devon that
the guarantee of a gocetn 9
hies. And the slather hne farmers are reverting to the old
ment analyst that tits medi ♦
practice of giving 0 cents for each
• eine contains no coI,late or ; mole killed•
rroisonoue drug. !tits. 11.
Hammond! ('opetown, Ont., 1 !C( tliegham medical rand other
says :--- ''i have used Bahy s charities will receive $20,0.'1 under
Own Tablete end think no- the will of the late Mr. A. Keisall,
thing can equal them for a t'rorr.inent raft Mg man. --
Small children. I %%we'd not
he without them in tl:e ti.•use, Mis;, Ellen Pincott, on whom an
for they saved my little girl's inquest was held at Camberwell.
life." Sold by medicine deal- seas choked to depth by her fa1Fe
ers. or by mail at 2e cents a Y teeth 'tile at supper.
bee from The lir. 1V llilstil3' -
Medicine Co.. P.roekcitle, Last yenr 2:1,216 seal -skim were
Ont hrno(zht into the Ty Ile. Large as
is this timelier it is :,,700 les than in
Il,• nr•vintlVEAL,'
euro my 1t.. -
coughs and cods. w111 always
Repeat tt:-"Bhlloh's Cure will always
cure wy coughs and (.olds'"
"Did you hear that the daughter
of that rich man in the next street
had been driven from home 1" "No 1
When did it happen 1" "Just after
she got into the carriage."
The superiority of Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is
shown by its good effects on the
children. Purchase a bottle and
give it a trial.
"Now," said the mngistrate,
"you must testify only to what you
know, no hearsay evidence. Un-
derstand 1"
"Yes, sir," replied the female
"Your name is Mary Bright, I
believe. Now what's your age1"
"I won't tell you. I have only
hearsay evidence on that point."
If it wasn't for their famous
wives many men would never bo
heard of.
for Catarrh of Cie Threat of Tao
Years' Standing.
e'I was afilictt!J for tw) pars with
catarrh of the throat. At f,r,t it v. s
very slight, but every co!J 11J)o ( maiio
it worse.
"I foiloweJ your direct?,:ns ani in a
very short time 1 begin to ini,rove.
too!c one bottle rrrd ar:) now ta4in
my second. I can safely say that my
throat and head aro cleared from ca-
tarrh at the present time, but I still
continue to take my usual dose for a
spring tonic, and I find there is noth-
ing better."- Mrs. W. Pray, 260
Twelfth at, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Se trent et. East,
arts For Salo 7r..tit•payl °t. °
p 0
Farm., to 14 States Strout's
11111111eeRti111M1 New %1 nobly Ilnllctin of
Ileal Barg tins, profu.ely 111ustnte.I mailed (tee.
Be ply poor R.N. free. E. A, STnOUT CO , folk
01. World', Ltr-e-t Pato Potters, University
111,14., Syracuse, li.Y.
W Make the [mphaUo Statement that "he
neuralglabielame Plaster
lumbago will de 013 )toIG
and kindred
other plater. 13o this and 51
rolls.yd. n
One way to get out of a tight
place is to sober up.
Some persons aro more suscep-
tible to colds than others, con-
tracting derangements of tho pul-
monary organs from the slightest
causes. 'These should always have
at hand a bottle of Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup, the present
day sovereign rer_edy for coughs,
catarrh tine inflammation of the
lungs. It will effect u euro no mat-
ter how severe the cold may be.
You cannot afford to be without a
remedy like Bickle's, for it is the
1.S1 E NO 16 09.
(:!caned, %%-.,diol and Repaired
by Orient II 1'r..cess. We are
the only specialists In ('.mala.
Simon Alajajian, Pr'p.
Tet,phons Mala Seg 101 long St., West -
Advertiser Wall Sell
5-20 Farmers Bank $60
1000 Bartlett Mines Rao
Dos a, THE WIt-iCN PI:ES3, Toronto
JCO Wes Coaching. 14 CL.perb tette.
Our int eoa,preb•rt.iv• tour. Riviera, w it
Moutu Cario and Itotiand atdlti'w'! :n• ill tot,
Suit illustrated riograw flee. tee Jarvis at,
GENTSInt:it nd%onrt Anil
leo NRY t1 tl(1:It•.
lau•l•.on1 high grade lie fames. •t'..•t;et 0.:1a,
Tea.. l'u0o44, te.. wed severe pec,na:toot Nati)
reproa•nted.1 e '8 5. Ilomu •,1•eaaitlea Ctow:tiled if ru., Dept t5..�
Turont", Cauasla. -
ll_tte 1roa,urer I'roebyyteruu
Cbu:ch in U.tn4lal
Cobalt stocks twugbt sod SOLI 00 a. tum:.,tun.
Long Distance 1'hune4-41gi3 2370. Maio 231.
Members •roruaW stock Exchange.
rr&.1ers Hank handing. 15 ISa..acl streets
We are sowCOBALT Rteek•. Write W
4pectall:tng In furintern:atiou.
All expenses rid foc:udin;; tips and ..tmis. ors
everywhere. Lektlacd, Ireland, Se.tla,d. waled
1lollat:d, Germany. Swittedan 1, Awtria. It.i1
and France for e.5.wl, vi•lting echiniN
c-.aciIn5, heating and railway, aJuly tr
th . it,nestitrip Endorsed
Sept r the mr,t y cirossir Y the tAllantie
itiuera•y awl full;particul:us
Ai1t 3. V. 6Tiit'll6,NtiOY, tie Jarvis St., Toro0N
It's a good tiring that some peo-
ple are self-satisfied, fur they never
could satisfy anyone else.
Repeat 1t;--'11hiloh'a Curs will alwars
cure my coughs and colds."
Fred --"Yes, the old gentleman
will soon have another wife to sup-
port." Henry -"What? You don't
mean to tell the he is going to mar-
ry another wife while your mother
h alivel" "No; I am going to get
it Sudden $bI1 erten means sudden Innes.
Psi aklltu is all that is needed to want tt .0.
t•neynslled de. cramps and dlarrh's. Avoid
,uu,ttutes, there to but one " Painkiller Perm
"An auttymobile just went by,"
remarked the oldest inhabitant of
I'odunk Corners.
"How did he know thatl" de-
manded the rtranger. "I thought
he was both blind and deaf."
"He is," replied the village
oracle, "but I guess he kin smell."
:1 man can see more beauty in
the face of a homely heiress than
a woman can with the aid of a pow-
erful neereseope,
BOVRIL is pure corcentrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prime
Beef for our needs we have just recently acquired 438,082 acres of the
finest grazing land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,oco
acres in Nor: h \Vest Australia.
Over 200,000 head of horned cattle are on these estates at present,
and this number will be much increased. We are therefore in a better
position than ever toguarantee the purity and high character of BOVRIL.
BOVRIL LTD., 27 St. Peter St., Montreal.
Ink Pencil or fountain
Pen! Just what you
want for Cuing your
Homework! - . -
N ,- i
You ran Lovelorn, eve.. Fl EK ur r.!h•r of Mee- .a2n0`41. an4 or1,l art' 1•4.
(111a. fn•r• r.ry Ie.t fl ten.,a, Pmmt.ra Pro u gold-taandea). ter .e:c. r
oa17 r.!4000.+110 oln•rr Vu5.t•bie a. d Mower asnL. ee.2. a•. ...oriel -.11• Its
1n ht ferna11. and 1]:. ea•t+1 park.r-a . d.'e e,ey vII-u bend -1,044.7 -your a.rr.aaI 5.23reaa, 1.:1:..7
A, oat cud v..: e.n. Ike tellable Premiss Co L•1K f0, . Wateri o 1) i. x.
ao Too Wwaae 2MTesaaarzrT
es t., CA) weekly. • Mary or e,'nn'.Wen . N.. ex•
various, wort 1.att'y done on your own farm.
Sernetning ah.oh•t•ly nes. wo.k ly or a.
agent. Immense profit.. write quick.
VAlsli.TOOK YaTaRINAKY 00., Toronto.
s TAeta We1
Sheets Mltk,
a,.oa'N I
•e.l• arL.'!t•et.'o., LtdTerns'I
d W tied' ,rr Is nue Rao sisas,
Wnt• Moe •h.at ,
SSIMS8 &MY18AN SYSINO ea, Ns til. Ysatrma
Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools,
1 heaves, and in thousands of homes where a piano
of ditinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the
only piano with the lllunitable Repeating Action.
fire Insurance Agents Wanted
R!shlism11 nremeond F1.. rnsur.nr•p
.s', Row, Office Richmond' 9.• F'•tablidie 1
1r3. l'ap11a1 r•1n,yh) For a..ncie• at an rep...
Hated points, !Province of Ontario, addre..
J. III. EWARr, Chief Agent,
Iia it Waal..'., 55. Ita•a Totowa
Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75.
'flte1BLLL PIANO Cl Oreeen Co.. Limited GUL'LPH .ONTARTO.
Uncle -"Even though you aro my
brother's son I am obligee' to dis-
lfe---"Mv views on bringing up a charge you. But I not sorry, for
(+unity-" your mother's sake." Office -boy
She --"Never mind your views. Nephew ----"Oh, that's all right, sir.
"1'11 bring up the family. You Mother says she don't sea how i've
go and bring up the coal." put up with you as long as I have."
----�=--y -4
rou 1 s -
Mothers who have uFed Tarn-Iltik knew how It cures
Spring Skin Troubles In Children or Adults. Mothers
who have not yet tried It Should mite these facts:-
7.am-lick was unknown ten years ago, yet Foch is its
merit that to -day it has become the standard 'take 1n
the homes of four cnntinentir ! 7.arn-1111k LA purely herb:+) t
contains no poisonous colouring matter; is used by leading
medical melt ; used In the British Army and Navy ; used
by n11 hest fitted to know the needs of the akin. Mako
It your family balm 1
Mr. J. C. hates, of Parks Falls (Ont.!. save • -" 7.am.Puk cure,! my
three children. who wore all broken nut in gores to 0.14 t1 an extrnt that it
was pitiable to see then!. These sores had defied all rca:cdics previously
applie I, but t am glad to say 'Lata-ituk healed them."
Miss S. G. Hamilton, of Alliston ((art.) gays -"My fare and h i '4&
were one mass of pimples :and blotches. These would itch. and 'when
rubbed, broke out into sous. Whenever 1 put water near the affrrt .
its It caused a !tinging scowl and meth pain- just as 11 I ha
n v &1IM. Nothing th:al 1 applied seethed to do me any Rrx,41 until
1 tried Zara Ittk. That love ere reli. f• and a few wetly e l the
Zam-Buk ti eatment resulted in 'l P'e'rfect cure."
Zam•nnb ruses t iml;u, fain e.. j l,...t, rut., Ferns. Amite..
0{{•S. tevieranA *•.,el. I,iferl, a soma. •1nitt n7m.
bad k4. disr.ve.( stades anti all saes durosrs antiittutr,e4.
itubb,J veli 0.•1" Nu t,"is alto. let. 41 (We. n4uraliiri
,Iei,mati.n,, and .1
.cdnls,a. An r,w4�t1.1•.1.1
-. t r•,,,
riots' tee{ a1 Ae bol On.* Int 51 ,3. or #o'e
1r.. /rare ZaM that Cu., Terumo• 1•r 14.44.