HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 2rr
/Now eitwarmosm.
All Uiiexoeeted €0111CSS1011;
A cry of pity burst from her as
she noticed a great unsightly bruise
upon his forehead sled a cut upon
uta se•ilp, from Kltich the blood was
trickling and matting the glossy ------------
browu hair about his whits tete-M.R. M. R.
plea. a GOWGANDA, with its magnificent silver veins, PROPERTIES.35 1• M. It 3S 1.
Springing to her feet, she ran is being heralded far and wide as the second Cobalt, z�i;, about 40 awes each, about 1 w i;, 513 at the
into the kitchen, procured a bowl and since test fall tuitions have been invested by a: nth cud and east of Go nyanda L.ake, all,
Promising ].h }loge ('Its F urlilshe� C:'1u67
of Nater and a towel; then, quick- Capitalists on the reports of the leading alining because of the splendid lis.ura leads on the propis =r Problems et Ad:ninly
�� yli returning, alio luaad l filo C1gineers of the continent. Cobalt nt'.nes have paid ties, and because they aro surrounded by splendid 2 e
}OLISIg Inalt'a collar And necktie siker cunt. trataea.
$11,600,000 in dividends. GOIVGANDA will We confidently expect that these properties will and began to baths his face and"London is in a!I probabili'y the
The Story of ,~lies Percival's Early Life. head equal if 0not surpass it in richness, and the IlaC� p •r rich in silver and that large profits will be
But her efforts appeared to pro-QRIC(iIOR properties are in the rich section. made by the me,ilbers u. this Jte. tat -gent city that e%er existed,
paid Mr. J. Georg, head, in the
duce no beneficial effect, and fin- course of a lecture intend-tl. its
"'�� ally, laying the wet folded towel �"
!father, assisting him into hie blan- over the unsightly bruise, sl)e ' ``i + 'j � �d�: said
London's vastness within
CHAPTER. 11. (Cunl'd) IVES SYNDICATE the limits .v of lecture
Esther we•tit quickly from the' Ke't nightrobe, and then into the turned her attwise n to the. other Mae C +• ��T � � given at tt,e tint\c ors'
q Y! adjoining Lo.•iro,sm, where ho was psuffererpiteously who way now moaning SILVER L lecture w+�
roan . a deeper look of caro es her spun comfortably settled for the ppiteously and saw agling to free . Institution, was Lund t the subjr•ca
young face than it had hitherto eight. herself from her wrap. ' being "Giant London• ' Ho tire•`
worn. It acetosa a terrible respun- ! Now go' go 1" he nervously st'e1fith nimble fingers Esther un -!Mares =100.00 [nab. pail Shartee 351.00. �0 ferao tail Llttbillip. gave a few dationdon.o fact sura
aibility to her to have charge of I cried, as he sank weaklyback u >*� as that the Adulini►.tare i (bums
up -
fastened the cape and tendo -cd the
CACI! precious gnus. on his pillows. "I'm all right;but of London is 117 agorae. miles in
She above,nt+d to her own chem. pheavy scarf which had been wound YJ, area, that 't contains re 'mho. of
those poor wretches out there in around her fano and neck, when Z,gD PL&N. TheMacC3A®QO}3Syndiratei.
her where she concealed the storm -ugh! Gel go! and she found herself gazing upon andSAFDPY.-Oar confidence in the safety of the ,t rets, t.;°,5it1 houses, rheltertng
the leaden ease at the bottom of being canard for aso,uao. s16,000 will go to pay investment is expressed in the fact that we have r� five million souls, and 3l9 railway
shut the door." elderly woman, who might have for the properties, and $o. $. a beteg pia oto the
a small trunk, locking it securely Father %Steered at his words as ;beau sixty or sixty-five years of Treasury for stripping vein., initial development taken So Blares in she Syndicate. We thil k it is stations. Thirty-six Brightonss
afterward and hiding the key in- she tucked the covers snugly aboutr s Grst•:►ass iu\<stmcnis and we offer it to careful, ,fir. Bead calculated, would be
aide a little clock that stood uponago. She was small and slight in am/such work„ as may be deemed necessary tortt►e co,sservative men as such, in our belief. We cat!
hien; then she went quietly cut, figure, .carcely weighing a hundred wtccseso[the Syndicate, necessary to farm one L
her bureau. shutting him in as he bad bidden pounds. t Ths three properties will be absolutely owned by it a unique opportunity for men of moderate means; SPEEDY Londou.
This done, she went nch again, her to do. p Her face was thin, wrinkled and i gy S r"'oate' y
where she prepared the punch and o plan the Syndicate members come in on the that others appreciate it to be so is shown by the Tracie the growth of the grew
k . Hastening to the back stairway, Fallow, although it still betrayed actual purchase of the properties, and reap the keen dermad tor ►ba+eits. metropoga, !D said that it de-c1.\p-
µrrang r a ua d p lunch upon a she aroused Pero, telling him there evidenoes of former beauty. profit. that usually go to promoters.
tray, which she carried into the had bcen Peteaoci, t lithat he must got hair, was also thin and very od rho most rapidly after the Nal
sitting room and placed it upon a lianght his lantern and go_ CNA MAN, LYNCH EC CO.,Opuleunic Kiss, when the whole of
Na -
small table beside her father, get up, gray, and she was poorly clad ins t«ta1 M res► apNi,atiset at •taw tar w w,awy i1f'r+s ,. the Northern portions of Marla-
out to help the sufferers. traveling suit of dark, coarse flan-hhas ee�v+tM Nem tOsttake vas* or asst and rine. pr.tutw 704 703 Traders 8. ol, Sufldln>i. t ORONTO
Re had fallen asleep, his long Then she Kent to the outer door, diel, made with rho utmost s - asasiew/►eat•NK bone, St. John's Wood, Candace
He loused restlessly as Esther opened it, and peered forth into simpli-
city. and Kentish Towns, Clcrkeuwell,
He mover rdstand as Esther Y . '. , :' y •: �✓t
, ,, -• :. ,.:� . '"`• 1'k•.:" � •+� � `f''•� Hackney and the Northern Sub -
tate darkness. The only article a any value up-` '"'and
rano to his side, and a sob broke The storm was still raging fear-beaon her person was the fur cape; and orbs, fate to the west, Paddington,
front his lips. fully, and the rain and sleet this, r hough of fine fur
n ; ale, y ;fila s\vater NottingHill, Pimlico
"'I did levo you, Dora,"he tun rd- and cY into her faro, while shticks had evidently seen many years of going to need quint, if he pulls Dr. Crawford was in and out sev- ing down. l:xercisp is necessary and Chelsea; to the east, Stepney,
his ,pathetically, thea c pe t and cries of fear and anguish fell through." erat times during the uight, divid- to snake her and her progeny' struu
service. Esther assented to this arrange- ing his time between the sufferer and healthy. Limehoueo and Poplar, and to the
his eyes. "Oh, lather i" he a appallingly upon her ears above •Oh, where am I t what has hap-grainle I south Greenwich, Lambeth Peck-
tnenclaimed, in a tone of disappoint- the din of the eleion r and the
peeled 1" she murmured, faintly, as meat, though she grew a shade iu the cottage and sono other sic lucatte of ne }size that onabs ham, Camberwell, Brixton, Stock -
"is it you t I thought it was roar of the swollen river. i she Esther bent over her. paler, if that were possible, at the tuns of the disaster, who had also p purl and !lel ham had been L'iilt
will he obliged to \salt; around sari
your mother. ane I can unser boar it." h aician's last words. They fallen under bis caro. is
S 1 over. Nowdita had passed even the
''iters is your punch, father, and"lou are with Friends madamt p Y
moaned, and involuntarily cover -the girl quietly returned,
as she bounded ominous to her, and a Either scarcely left her post at stand while she is gathering it u'' ample boundartcc of the admin;-
it is nice and hot," the girl re-ing her face with her hands, as if q shock of dismay went thrilling tido bedside of the young Irian dud- (live her small lock of closet over. ve county, and was overflow -
in a tremulous tone, for to shut out some muchorrh—so
mle, ch!" '1 brow
with the tangled hair from her through every nerve at the thought ingthe longhours that followed; or alfalfa hayeach dayand she will fine Ealing
the u:ehtion of her mother always Have had so much—so much!" brow her cool, damp hand. of death in connection with the she watched every s}ntptpm, faith relish it, and it will also furnish
unnerved her. "You were brought hero after the 1 and Chiswick, �� illesden and Fincl►-
But the words were scarcely ut accident. I hope you are not se handsome young stranger. bully administering the prescribed as dinouation for the bo els as well 1 ino into Brentford, and VinodActon, Green, I1 -
The man sat yuand held out his tared when a breathless voice from verely injured. pAh!" se -
Mechanically she brought a light remedies at the stated intervals. as nourishment. al Wilsey
and Tottenham, R'nand Fito\v,
trembling hand for the drink. out the darkness exclaimed: and Jed the way up to her chem- ()roe only, she crept softly down- The dairyman who keeps three' Leyton, East and West Hames and
"For God's sake, let me in her, wirer the doctor, with Pate's stairs and looked iupon her fa- er four
of pigs s n s and
n raisKgith! Barking, Beskeuhant and 1 enge,
"I am afraid yea have talked too! This startled exolamation was
long. Hark! Oh, what was that 1 and the next moment a man stag -caused by a shriek from the wo assistance. undressed his patrol, they. But all was quiet within the quantity
Esther exclaimed, with a great edea upthe steps,bearing man, who had attempted itos changeand Kingst n, Richmond and a tin'
8an in- )offing on one, of fr. tVcllingion's room—he did not even move as crua'u or butter Bolling and the Pio- � blPtlpn, representing another one
start that nearly resulted in h� animate burden in his arms. her position, and immediately be-
ca,no convulaod with pain. ceede uses, after which he pro- the opened the door. Feeling eouducriun of fruit, has a continua hundred square miles and another
Chep abg the butyl of punch whir Instantly rising to the occasion, ''Where are you hurt 1" Esther corded to give him a critical ex -thankful to have aim rest iso trap- sours pigsf most be kept warm and;hie ;and a half millions in pcpula-
che was in the act a lifting from�luilly, while she was burdened
and utterly forgetting herself, Es- anxiously inquired, t►rninatiun. 1)o not confine, the griming j tion, and was stretching feelers to
Wine -
the table. flier swung wide the door. „ He found no broken bones nor with so many other caro,, she ❑ods drys to mall ns and yards.
Her cry had been caused by the Afy aide -oh ! oh ! at►d once any serious injuries sago those up- lessly shut the door again and went pigs pe
{{ The stranger entered depositedis unK Iso to use buckwheat ' fiett�l h ��loodf,,K Woodford,
Rumforndet� ere/ -
It. souud of a shrill, l.rolonged whistle, I upuu the floor a figure enveloped natio t st po She two uncunsciuuy on his head; "but they are bad rack to her duties above. straw as bedding for hog+. It is
then a terrible crash, followed by )atienta upon her hands. „ he said, "and likely to ('Po be continued.)
in a long fur cape; then, with a ] Again she sprang to her feet and ci)ough, apt to cause irr.tat:un of the skin. don and Sur ;tun.
groan of pain, slipped down beside B lay tum up for some time, to conic, 4e----
Use any other litter in preference. INCREASE it IN VALUES..
it, and lapsed Tutu unconscious -
se into t e xitelio you Orel or I stn much mistaken." \ #++++++++++++++ at Keep the young pigs warm. SeA The growth in value was Ito loss
nese.Phare was not notch that ho could + that no drafts of cold Kind under i P�traordinary. A pisco of land in
You must come," she cried in frau do just then, save to make his pati- ` zgt. Clement vanes rented by the
bled tones.)useable. Ho the floors and through cracks in fixe
CHAPTER III. I'so cumin', Miss Esther; aces tnt as comfortable as I flours. Pigs can not thrive if kept 1 Corporation of London for six
took a couple of stitches in the cut, pinched and shivering all tho time. As the stranger slipped , too an'calblamed stocind ' done got lost, repared a soothing lotion for theThe Hrtn
1 g St.hoCees was now \earth $15 or
Poor, Esther closed the uoor, feel- an' I couldn't lied 'stn, was the �♦ Dry leaves make capital hedd.ng $20 a square foot. Between l'�'.J8'�•c
cute°, thou leaving Pete as a for the pigs as well as a fertilizer ,
ing that she now had enough to reply front above. Katcher --who. under Est.her's and 1800 the price of freehold lat,d
But the girl had .pod back to the ♦
afterward. The pigs enjoy burrow- ! near the flank of England rose
teaching, had be_uma quite an t ing in them and the leaves grind Item �dri to 11:1,0 per square foot.
♦♦♦♦+♦♦;♦;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t•1 up into a powder that makes the Jn Old Broad Street a property lel
floor of the pen city' t $1,'00 per annum, sixty-three
r -W ._t •tel y, te.a 't: 'ere 4e►.k-,A!,'4,
OOWOANDA- The Second Cobalt
5t1.'I1: nuw1LtilltiNG Ell T3
a confusion of sounds wheel) arose
weirdly above the noise of the wind
and storm.
'The bridge' the bridge! Oh,
father! it has gone don and the
mine o'clock express with it!."
gasped the trembling girl, with
ashen lips.
Tho sick pian drew in his breath
sharply. Then ucizing tho bowl of uccupy all her thought and atten-
punch from the tray, he drank it tion, without seeking out other sir front hall, after calling him, and adept at nur�inq -lie went below to
eagerly, while his companion stood time of the disaster; moreover, she \,-Sou the buy fatally made his ap the other sufferer.
beside him motionless, a look of wasgladpoarnnce, ho bend- Ire tK tI to pain
inexpressible horror in her tnid
}t s
"I nm afraid you are right,
to shut out the storm, Evil!), her there • .; hstaudinq the intense IDEALS IN FARM STOCK.
and those terrible sounds on the Be aura to give the Lrp Rows t
iII over the prostrate forth of the a carnet of fund. rgo, man- }ears ago, was now worth $1:,,000.
banks of the rivet below. B leawhich the woman. tan appeared to en -
slight man, why was still insctl rdure, her
injuries proved to be aEventioi the most superficial exam -Y
Although only sixteen years of tiible; while the woman begnu n leas serious titan the physician had enation Kill convince any thought files, sugar beets, eto. Sows thus The rateabler1Sel"°fir amthe City of
$601100 a
age, she had been so long arcus- (;' apprehended; although they we .ul man that fanners as a clans fed seldom have fever or delirium. London tt
g to rano to herself again. way they The right heat for scalding hogs: year in lee9 to $36,661',•380 in 1p07.
tamed to sickness that she knpK' lltoaiiing with pain. Haute to subject her to considerable have no ideal toward which 160 It the tf water is heated togs were now in a d60 S0iun with
almost intuitively, what to do for "Fur do gond Lord's sake, ,fisc discomfort for n time. Zro wurkin in the broeeling of!
q is higher temperature the hair dues regard» to calors, and siin many
the contort of her pat.u!ntsi`t and Esther ! what ani de matter I" the Two ribs on her right side were !ire
Ilow serious a tr.i take th.s not, gCotne off so freely. `r saes the saleable seine of proper-
her first act was to1 B buy exclaimed, with a horrified found to be broken ; but atter they lis, is very forcibly shown by a f hogs aro I tiesaswas as nal,leuch as a0 per cent.
the silo of the man, who bed so Y had been set, and a sleeping p' ca titer in Fartn Life who tells us When a largo number o
appealingly solicited her aid, and faces. to La dressed, some regular system less than it wars in 1£00.
1 told you there had been a tion administered, she dropped into that :--
eare him gently to the floor, for"We have dairy cows of an in -
he was leaning in a sitting posture railway accident, '1'heso pevplo a prufound slumber, and Dr. Craw- --__--- -_ _--
taye injured, 1 came here ford told Esther that 1,11e nota feel ,liseriminate kind and mixture
It illy )t c
nig t eyes.
f 'd Fs
then" Mr. Wellington remarked,
with strange calmness, as he put
the empty bowl upon the table;
'and now you must be strong, and
do what you can for some of those
poor wretches cut yonder. Get mo
tc bed with all possible dispatch;
then arouse Petr to help you, in
case any of the wounded aro
brought here.
"Pete" was a strong colored boy
of fourteen. who worked for his
board, helping Esther in various
ways. and waiting upon the invalid
doriae the clay.
Mechanically the girl obeyed her
should be provided for handling
} been in ore'/ au< ore •
against the Kall' for shelter," lather explained. t,o Further anxious on her accoul often most illy adapted totheon
As she did this she removed Sia •Now I want you to lift this lady, i..r the remainder of the night. eIitneis and the ncc-ds of the farm -
hat, which and evil some p g rs and breeders who breed thein."
Lee❑ c rashest by the falling of some and lay her upon the lounge in filo Hut rho s•s, nc high
feverrs reel �. Y
then she saw that sitting room, she But
a pi,., a hi h asset- Vet appropriate:y this writer
heavyobject; L', t•cr careful, fur 1 fear she is bad- °ping itself, while he becaino very deprecates
the disposition of acme
tto Kash young man, not, over' Y and 1 ]' 1 and demand- farm papers to spells slightingly of
twenty-three }care of ago.
LOTH ES, 10 At perreelly, MUST 1N made to measure. The
Made Clothes
are all made e t
o fit
fs e
' n Ready
C01J iaaha ed
AVERAGE types, not REAL men. That's why they don't
fit You. p.�QuEr Guaranteed CLOT HIS are not Ready
Made. They are cut to your exact measurement 11F -FORE they
are made up at all. Our new method makes this possible. It is
the most perfect method of Clothes Making yet devised.
PAQIJET Guaranteed CLOTHES give you all the advantages
of Custom Tailoring at Half the expense. The Materials used
are absolutely rt:R1: 'tVOOt. of the highest grade procurah'e.
They are sold direct to YOU at \Vii,lesa'e Prices, and are
Guaranteed to he the best value in Canada today at from $Io vo
to $13.75 -worth 313 so to $is oo.
The most highly trained experts only are engaged in the pro•
r'u.•ti,•n o' t.AQt'liT Guaranteed CLOTHES.
Our handsome S•yle Book tells all about our exclusive method
o' Clcthes Making. 1l'rits for it to day. Don't put it off until
another time - a postcard will do - -you'll get the Style hook by
return mail. it'll surprise you.
i i Iii i®fall?
SS . I I Er) W * ! ft tit. a'A ti
4. -
Story of Note in Bouquet That
Wiiy for Years Unanswered.
restlrss < v lrtot s,
One of the longest delayed pro- business of tarnished hoose letting.
ly hurt."
The boy was a great, overgrown,'
crrgrown, ! ed constant attention. ►•eery kind of stock except some � pusnlR on reword is relate:! in a "In the time of Queen Eaiinheth,"
�,•ttt.cular bre c+d which in•ty hap-.1•rench story of a shy young sub-Ii''In Head remarked, iza K,"
uncouth looking fellow ; but he deft - -- - -----_1 thought that remarked,
woe getting
1) olid his stron arms beneath the (.�._.,. `_�.. teen to be a favorite with the pubo 1 the rs was oaring away k,
lishers of and the contributors to the Kars. Not daring to ',peak,
Those journals. In this way, he ho rent• a nosegay of yellow roses 1 too big, and means -:ere discussed
•ice!s sure, many farmers have been to the girl ho loved. with at little for red•.icing its size. It is now
led to give ftp "a breed which is ' note inside bogging her, if she re- fifty times as large, and is growing
v. ell adapted to their ferns and tinned his love, to wear one of the larger every sear. What is to re
their needs and take to senile less (lowers in her breast that night at its future1 ila\e we reached the
valuable animals that are- enjoy- the ball. She appeared without it, limit of sizo tinder whie•h can be
iag a boons at the time." No ben- and ho went away broken heart rd. adegnntely controlled under one
rible-minded person ceu1d dispute Years afterward, wi.vn he was a ,iireation, or is i.ondon bceon!i4g
that this has more than once been ' latae old general, he again duet his ; unweibly t Thos r aro the qur.s•
true in the case of young farmers old love, now a whit o haired wi hone which must be faced by one
1 who have no definite standards of 'slow.
�s5koslayed hiet hold y sweethad heartt er i stet( amen and municipal gotelr-
In 1001 there were 10,000 empty
houses in the County of tendon,
while in teal there were 21,000. In
a resume of the causes of this, ho
said that the growth of huge palace
hotels had nearly extinguisl,r(1 the
slight figure on the fluor, and raised
it, almost as gently as a !nether
would have lifted her child, and
bearing it into the other room,
carefully deposited it upon the
couch, as directed.
"Now, foto, go for Dr. ('raw -
ford as ctt1ickl3 es you can," com-
manded lath••r, w.thout ceasing tier
efforts to restore her still uncoil-
scious patient in the hall.
Ido was breathing, but his eyes
were still chaos!, and he was feeb-
ly rulliutf his heel front side to
side, as if it pained hint severely.
It renn'd an age to the anxious
girl before Pete returned Kith the
physician; although fifteen minutes
had not elapsed when she caught
the sound of !t•eps outside, fuel
knowing that help was at hand, ut-
tered a long sigh of relief.
"Child' childwhat docs this
meant" the doctor exclaimed in
astonishment. as be entered and
found her on her knees beside the
prostrate forst of the soling man.
Esther told him brietls what had
••IJtunph' you hate enough on
your hands already, with that sick
man in yonder, \.ithout adding to
eutir cares," the physician ro-
1:1rnrd, brtsowing a kindly leek
upon her es rnest face. ••1-1 in'- -.
►e garding the hatelsunle fellow on
the flour, w hile bis skilled fingers
sought the yenta; man's pulse
"an Mels cut and a bad bruise; the
.•hap has had some deuced hand
knocks. Who else have you in
yonder l•' glancing over his shoe;
tier int•, the other room, where the
meaning r,ntinetel.
'•I dent know: he brought her
I • re in a dead faint, and then
+1r' ppes1 like lead hm:se'1." Ether
Well," oat er‘ed 1)r. Clete ford.
gravely. "i think this case needs
attention first Here. Pete. lend
is hand. and well take him lip-
steirc into sour room, !Esther, for
it veil! Le quiet there; and he is
"I have taken Scott's
Emulsion for six weeks
and have found it a won-
derful remedy. Before I
took the Emulsion 1 had no
appetite; was weak; had
lost nearly fifty pounds of
flesh, and now I eat well
and am gaining every day.
I find Scott's Emulsion to
be very easily digested and
a good fool for all weak
BLEEKER, No. 1 Myrtle
Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J.
Thta is only one of thousands of
uses where
has given as appetite. It's so
easily digested that it doesn't las
the digeettvs organs and they rest;
�the bed; Is wonderfully nour-
Pri and built up. "the digestion
ie improved -then ordinary food
Le sufficient.
Growing boys and ;,,rte, who need
se ttiudtt food to keep them well
sad strong. and also ng,
should i t1 ewes a bottle ofSyms
E,ttiu)ott even few ***I. It
gees wander for them. It pre
'teats tests genie; roti down and
kiothh4 does them eo
meek good.
IAA•t reams 40. es A ellei (yd. Nso4 Mem
re V
1i N sal lb. aseesof the p ...
The W.Slastea S4., W. Twee**
;',heir own.
II Passing on to make sntno sug-married. •-Lladant," be answered
1 Restions for the guidance of all , somewhat sternly, "von ought te,
who are interested in the import- know best. 1f you had not refue d
ante of securing better stock for ' tc answer that note in tate bouquet
their farms the writer declares: of yellow roses 1 tnigL,t lave been
"It is a mistake not to have a happier man." Tae note in the
atter fixed model, an ideal, in year bouquet:" she repeated, growing
mini. It is a inistake to breed pale.
without some definite aim. In my She opened an o!!ei cabinet and wi.h the roe al family as placers of
epinion it cheese.sad mistake to a took out from a draena shrivelled strathspeys for over sixty years,
seine hubs bouquet of Khat had been Bellow and .lames trainee the Prins e of
1 it.'eelter not to have Y qlinter Prince relearn and the
1/o not take leave of yourself and roses, among hose 1 sal ase stalks t t
follow the fails and fancies of the lurked a scrapof J. p::' } I rincessee of that, day 'n the art
hour in the breeding of sour farm with age. "See! I rever had sour ,,f Highland dancing.
For `^ars
net.', aho iai-1, holding the bort- .Jar).•s Idlair ttr:ted as tl.c .pi
llre,x} for usefulness, earl. gust np. II I had I w„old not tiiltir• of ](ing F.d•vnrrl, with r.1
{clopment and uniformity rather have answered it ns you fancied.”and (,torso Ale sndrn. he w
"Then answer it, now, paid the grout favorite.
gallant old soldier. Anaccepted)ielung
delayed prop was
tf:1S KIN(.•l FiDDLER.
,lames Blair. eidely known
throughout Scotland as the h
fiddler, has pa"ed ay.ay at Aber-
deen, aged as. liner and his father.
Willie Blair, had been runee-ted
Islam points Amply pleasing to the
1$ ye and you will ho on safer
ground in bringing up and improv-
ing the desirable qualities in your
1 �•nimais than the roan who is led
tistray by fancy points or lines of
aeatit y..,
The anneuncenlont of the Mac -
(Gregor Minos Syndicate is attract-
ing much attention fr••m hat -stele
The old sow that has been a good eho have been waiting for an ep-
hreeiler and a geed !nether should portunity to get in on the gr' and
he retained. Keep her as long as floor in the wonderful Gowganda
she can eat well. Examine her Silver field. It is not often Chet
teeth and if any are long, sharp, or the investor of small means has the
uneven, file them into shape. opportunity to get in on the actual
There is no bettor feed for breod purchase of properties as splcndel
bows than oats. 1y heated as aro lila properties of
Oats furnish the protein eseen- the MacGregor Mines ,Synth; nte,
tial to building up hone and motels. at, well as an epportuuity of re
Some corn ran ho fed. but rare r•eiving the profits that ususily go
should bo taken that the hrovd to pi -ori ,ars'. Alt',g^,t��sitit ;IP
tic l
sows do not become o.erf•tt I,•'em to be
The brood sow is apt to Leeotne ,itoul,l r,;iunt!:t.I its 111 to thinking
logy and spend toe !aiteli time Iy to •u.
_ _•,•
Girl --"I want a pound of tea."
Grocer—"Creno nr ',lack
Girl- "it don't make n-) differ-
ence. it•s for n lady whnt•s • o:•,r-
wt._... _- -
•I'here is a certain bishop who is
nete'd for his Nutty stories, and hie
latest is paid to he nLout an old
reprobate who decided to repent,
and announced to e.erynne that
tr hate+ er wrong be heal done phou)d
1r made right ie a assn whom ha
had cheated out of large s•:t,t= of
money went round at maireKltt to
demand it. '•Ilut why did you come
At this hour and rake me up' Why
not wait til} to mole w 1" said the
old %inner, c roeely "I lame
cede," replied the mats, "10 avu1J
k 1110 1.ru,t."
\ - ---