HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-22, Page 1) 11, '1 xeler HURON&M1DDL +'SEX GAZET 1 f rIIIRTY-SIXTJI YEAR -NO 1854 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22nd 1800, i$I.00 per year in advance _ •N•••• •••••••Nd� • JONES CLARKS' Pliottie No. 32. Springtime Wants • • • 1 This is the time to get busy with your Spring Wants. The 3 warm days will soon be here and you want to be ready with your Spring attire. NewS ria a ire. • dere are a Few of the Seasonable Goods •: Spring Dress Goods Better than ever. All the New Natty Dress Goods on market will b? foua•i here Plain Stripes or Checks in all the leading colors. There is no better place to buy your New Spring Dress than right here. Dress and Waist Nets Are very swell. Every lady will be wearing n[ thethis year. Our showing is the best in Black, White, Cream and Echru with trimmings to match. Prices from 33c. to $1.75 per yd. EXETER COUNCIL Council meeting Friday April 16th, 1''J09. Met in the Town hall. Absent Councillor Luker. Minutes of meet- ing held March 31st, read and ap- proved. A circular letter from The Cana- dian Municipal Journal re -subscrip- tions for 1909. The account was or- dered to be returned as the council in the noderbrnsh, he not being fleet are not subscribers. of foot enough to follow thein any Illy Wit -Ming lt•nr read and order- further. hunting stud turtles with ed to be paid Wm. Ilrickwood, labor to sharp axe is no( who( it is cracked at ccrnetEty, $1.90; Jas. Dennis, pt, up to he. salary its bell ringer, 10.00; Harvey Mr. Thomas Smelt.. the champion Bros., account for coal for Town 'hall, svell digger of Usborno has erected it 18.33; Jos. Senior, pt. salary, 33.00; new up-to-date fence across the front Thos. Brock, labor 6.15; ltd. Quance, of his lot. Well digging roust be a labor 5.25; Fred '!lector, labor 4.25; Paying business. \\'rn. Welsh, labor 4.65; Alfred 13ed- hi r. Joshua Johns, wife and family, fold, labor 3.00; Sid Sanders, labor Sttndayed in Elintville. 3.00; A'. alter •\Vestcott. Inbor 4.00; Mr. Merriot and Miss Annie Sin - Thos. holden, 1 abor 3.50. Clair, of St. Marys. spent Sunday Per Johns -Carling that the ac- here the guest of John Johns. count of I'. Hawkins & Son for glass School re -opened on Monday after amounting to $4.40 be "mid. scholars were added to the list. the Easter holidays. Several new \Ir. John Cornish has engaged as clerk with Mr. Wm. Kidd for the corning season. Melville Skinner has rented Mr. Joshua Johns farm for n term of two years. Mr. Robert Ballantyne has started out with his post driver again. Rath- er soft yet. Mr. George Hawkins spent Sunday with his brother. Mr. Joseph Jacques left on Tuesday for Manitoba, where he intends spend- ing the summer. Mr. A. Morley while on his away home Kirkton on Sunday last came in contact tt•ith a stumpt and was t a injured. somewhat inJ Mr. Jacques spent Sunday last visiting friends near 1St. Marys. Farmers in this vicinity are making i arrangements for their spring seed- ing, but on account of the recent heavy rains cannot make much head- way. Mr. J. l:ellctt has moved his furni- ture to Mr. Wood's house and intends to reside there during the summer. Mr. John Ogden, of dtiddulph, 111Ls the contract for making some im- provements to Mr. Skinner's barn. The approach to the bridge south of Elinis-ille has been in bad shape for sortie time 'end needs attention. t•++'I"I"I"1Mr'•�•t•'a"r"f"I"I'•!'1"r'Y'i"1••t •1"i'•,•'t' ALL NE\V GOODS. -Another stock of Dry Goods and Groceries just re- ceived at the Exeter Bargain Store. This crrtck'rng bargain sale will begin next Saturday morning at 0, o'clock and continue for ten clays Itattling pig Bargains as usual. The store is for sale or to rent. -J. \V. Broderick. Exeter, 22nd April. 1909. ti fP<:••.•r.fF•; .;.1.q , -S-4. ;.440.-1-- raVtge animal, they Ib crowed neighbor's sharp axe and started out. After tramping for a long tithe and not being successful with turtles they started cutting down trees, but before they had been long at the job the owner appeared Oa t ie scene and the boys quickly r!t.campcd, (he owner following tbeut up till he lost them • J'er Beaman that before this ac- count be paid that Mr. !Hawkins be • j invited to discuss this bill before the •• council. No seconder. The motion was declared carried. Accounis amounting to $101.43 pass- ed on motion of Johns and Carling Carried. Mr. L. 11. Dickson addressed the council regards a drain along William Street -Grunted. Jas. 'Bern ask of a drain along Sanders St. connecting with drain on Carling street. Chas. F. Ilooper com- plained of having Crater in his celler and wishes council to inspect drain at the corner of Gidley and Carling Streets. Mr. B obicr presented a Qtetition signed d the several by ratcpnycrs along Wellington t ton Sfr ect asking for a cement walk from Main Street to the ltnilway property. On monion of Johns and Beaman, petition was re- ceived and request granted. subject to contra appeals -Carried. L. II, Dickson on behalf of a client ask• that the council grant a license for a howling alley within the municipality. Per Carling -Johns that a By-law be prepared granting the privilege and fixing the license fee said fee to be $5.00 for Inch alley per annurn Carried. Adj per Ileaman. .1. SENIOR. LiNEN SUITINGS S Are very much in 'use this season. In fact they are lead- ers. tt tJ:t;" We are fortunate in haying a splendid selection in all the popular shades. Blue, pink, tan or brown for 15 and lac. yd. Plain white for 30, 35, 40 50e yard _:_ Wnitewear Ladies do not fail to see oar superb showing of new All he New Whitewear. A l t lties in Novelties and Dainty h e White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns and Drawers at very moderate prices. kr=1 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Ourshow roosts are cornplete in every line of the Millinery business. Our Milliners are very busy and expect to be right through the Beason. Leave your order early for your New Hat so they will be able to look well to your wants. Gents' Furnishings made special effort to � r�ny The men and boys will be looked after this Spring. We have to r )pply their wants. INew Spring Sultlnps Something real smart is what we are showing in Tai- lored suits of Greens, Grays, Brown also a full line of Blues & Blacks. New Ties Just arrived the very r.New- estneckwear. We keep:right up with the tines. Have you seen the new striped? Real aweli. House Furnishings This is a very important factor with the busy housewife just now. House-cleaning is the order of the day and you will find us headquarters for Carpets, (tugs, Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Linoloums and Oilcloths. • A Jones & Clark 11 Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford t • Clothing alio high grade shoes and wall paper. • ••••••••••N••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••NNW••• 'The Eyes YOU NOW HAVE Are the only ones yon will have. There- fore take proper care of them. If you have any eye trouble consult the best qualified Opti- cian regarding them. My system of "Looking into the eye" is as far ahead of the old way as daylight is ahead of darkness .CONSULTATION FREE S. FITTON. opTicIAN JEWELER REPAIRING Bicycle repairing: (,unsmithing Lawn Mowers Sharpened Saws Gamed and Filed Knives and Scissors " New Wringer Rollers Morse Clippers Sharpened Umbrellas :111 kinds of Keys fitted and Locks Repaired -New Bicycles and Sundries, (;runs and Ammunition in stock. (moo Muskrat Skins Wanted. highest Market Prices) JOHN TRIEBNIIR Two i)oors North of Post Office. Centraila Clerk. Mr. and Airs. John Troth:in 'nd family are visiting at the fe- - . •r's father's. before leaving for the west. Miss Gladys Essery. who has been spending the holidays at her home herr, returned to Alma College St. 'Thomas on Wednesday. Miss Ida hicks, of Alma College St. Thomas. fornterally of Crystal City Manitoba, is visiting friends here. Dr. rind Mrs. Orme and baby Melen spent Sunday in Crediton. Mr. and Airs. William ('arsons, en- tertained a number of the young i e Wednesday. 1 last r dnesda •, in honor of i 3 their niece Miss Gladys Essery. Miss Sw;tn bas returned to her duties as school teacher after spend- ing the holidays at her home in Full - it rton. Among the sufferers from lagrippe are. Mr. 'Thos. Mitchell, Mr. Thos. Oliver. Airs. \V. 11. Itntt. Jas. Bradly and others. Ali-. Ai -Falls, of Exeter, has been engaged in the cheese factory and inrpors moving to this village. Iter•. W. I1. Hutt addressed his congregation Sunday evening on the Echos of the Laymen's Missionary Congress, which he. attended. The re- port was very interesting. and was enjoyed by those present. Rev. A. 11. Brown. It. A., 11. 1►., of Varna. is announced to preach Edo - rational sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday next. It,•v. W. iI. Butt. preaches Edu- cational sermons on the Varna cir- cuit next Sunday. hiss Mabel Butt. nurse at Victoria iIo•pital. spent Easter Sunday with her parents. A bee for improving the recreation grounds was held Thursday Inst. Our boys are making preparation to meet itll corners in baso ball. \\'c aro pleased to hear that \V, •11. Elliott is gradually improving. Too late for last week Whalen School has rt -opened and all feel the good of the easter holidays. A number from herr attended the Crossley and hunter meetings in St. Mary.;. ,m. Knowles is busy around herr driyirr. Posts. Miss Charlotte 1larness. Lottie St:ttton and ,lames Ogden visited at I•:limville on Sunday. No seeding has been dons around hero as yet. Out• baseball tram is talking of re- organizing and is anxiously trailing for warm weather to come. Mr. D. Ilodgson and .1. V. Millson hese rented the fifty acre grass farm from Air. Rider. south of Whalen, Mr. Geo. Millson is still unable to be around, but is improving rapidly. Aliss Ella Brooks. who had been home waiting on her mother. who bad been sick. returned to .London ,llondny. ;Hiss Ina Dickens. of Saintsbnry, who was visiting friends in t his neighborhood, returned home on Sun- day. Miss Bessie Morley and Miss Ella Brooks were the guests of Mrs. Fred Delbridge on Sunday. Air. Newton Millson spent Easter at his home here. Air. and Mrs. Duffield's home was made happy early Monday morning by the arrival of a new visitor. i1's a boy. At n meeting hold on Monday even- ing it was decided to hold the S. S. anniversary on the 20th of Juno. Mks Mabel 11utt nurse of Ile, Vie- hlrkton tori:► liosiita) London, spent Easter' lt.•w. Arch Dcucuu 1'ounl, of LondonSunday tiith her •parents in the Methodist i,arsonage. preached an excellent sermon in St. Miss Gladys Essery. of the Altna I'ael's Church last tiunday evening. ('ollege. St. Thorns, spent the holi-Miss Mabel Sawyer. of London, is days under the ieri•ntal roof. visiting friends in th:s vicinity. Mips ida lurks. of Alma College. \\ a it re pleased to see Mr. F. Stin- i5 visiting relalitis in this vicinity. son able to b,. at his old post at the Mr. and Mrs. .10o. Troth:ut. of Lon- will agaim dun. visited the fortitrr's parents over A meeting in th • interests of the Easter. railway by-law was hold in Bannock Mr. \`: m. Spencer. n[ Slratfur.l, on Monday evening last discussing 51001 En, ter with his acether -in-law the matter of re -submitting the by- Mr5..\nderson. law to the whole township on the '4r. Austin Dnpian. of Lucas 17th of May. 31 tof School. spent his holidays under the large nnntber ""r inhabitants trent over to St. Marys on 'Tuesday to attend the horse show. Kirkton is once more assuming its old aspect after Easter holidays and the election. Seeding is somewhat later this year than last. ants being then sown on th- 22nd. of April. a !erg,. canvass. All report a weep Aleph. syrup making is over and x hoil•e+ . realized a bountiful harvest.onJntr►bIs time. On Sunday morning The whole countryside is besieged A. iL Going occuicd the pulpit withthatterriblemalady"Lawhile Bet. \V. Ii. Butt took his work. on Sunday even;nc the pastor (;rii1r" with the aid of the chair fair a ver y The following is the report of the Kirkton school Easter test Exautin- ir.t,•rnsting song s^rmnrt' 0tions. Sr. 1\•. total number of Mt. and Mrs. Chas. '1'rothan. of Des marks 650, W. Vickers 591; M. lilack- triot. were Ihs guests of relatives on ler 488; L. Tufts 45:i; C. Leigh 15a; `Sunday. g Mr. and Mrs. E. Coltwilt spent sever_ ('' Itrott•n 434; A. ,Davis 431 ; F. floss al days in Trowbridge visiting Rev. f;. 130 ; 'r. Roadhouse 427; \V. ilosrers 101 Salton. F. Brown :3; 2 ; S. Kemp San : N. dark ;areataI roof. The Epworth League Anniversary of Fridny evening was quite enjoyably although the strather was rot favor- able for n large crowd. The lecture on "Canada" by Rev. \\'. B. 111:t1 wits one of unique char:tctet. 150 in- teresting views brim! disilny•d upon Eltmvllle 313: N. Poops 280 ; E. poops 27't ; A. Sweitzer 261; A. Kirk 219 ; A. Doitr{,' 219; C. hardwood absent. Jr. i t . Snernment wit 1,e h. --Id at Flimville total marks 530. M. Bans t 379; G. neat Sunday. ( Sw•eitz••r :t20; G. Kirk 319 , :\. Road - One dny inst week sots•. of ourI house 289; Mack 219 : N1. Kirk tn yo q sports wont out on the hunt.' 220; T. \Nil ns 209 ; 1.. iMape 159. lookirn for mud turtles and thinking 111. total near s 53(1, W. ttlnekler 311: the turtles might be some kind of it 1. iloskin 2r: ; M. 111nekler 27.5; 1. ltogsr.s 244: L. Kirk 227; E. Nixon 21U: 1. !loupe 188; C. 'Taylor 163; E. Atkinson 140; R. Brown 138; A. Vickers 119; M. Kirk. 11. total marks :380, 5. Leigh 302 • M. Moore 11'.); E. Roadhouse 162 ; G. Kemp 151: S. Shier 149 ; Mildred Moore 116; W. Roodhouse UO ; L. Birk 78. N. Bubb, Teacher. ZION Air. \\'m. Smith is this svetk re- pairing the roof of his barn which the wind bI'w off eoore time ago. The Misses Emma and Della Peart and Minnie lawspent Wednesday in Crediton. Now that .spring is here it is poor Samson weather for wolf hunting. James being one of the lucky chaps managed For Walls, Silos, Floors and Walks, Prices are very low to catch his when the last snow was this spring. on. Tinsmithing Plumbing We (lo Tinsmith and Plumbing work of Every Description. Estimates cheerfully furnished. W. J. llielvillg is now in charge of (this department. . USE - Brand Portland Cement Sonic of the farmers have started plowing around here, while others have not started yet. Mr. !:'rank Brimacontbe, of .London, is this week visiting at Mr. P. Hera's. Mr. Nilson Totvl was nursing a had boil on his neck :t few days last [week. Thames Road One of our esteemed residents whose deft hands are capable of doing al- most anything around the farm, ran up against his Waterloo a couple of weeks ago. Ile had a lot of wood to cut up, and knowing that his saw was was in need of a sharp edge, he un- dertook to operate on it himself. It was always scustomary It n} to have the teeth set by a neighbor, but not wish- ing to trouble him. tried the machine himself. Theblade t• h bla lE was put in posi- tion. P tion. but was squeezed the wrong way. Consequently the teeth present- ed a straight row, instead of every other one being bent. outward. Seeing the condition of things he called in assistance to get the blade in saw - able condition. We can't mention his name except to say that his given name is George and is a good fellow. Ask Jack Allison about it. Winchelsea !Messrs. Geo. l;odbolt and Clarence Fletcher visited at the horse of Mr. Richard llodgins. Sainsbury Sunday even Hissing. Ethel Godbolt returned to Til- bury lionday, her mother accompany- ing her as far ns London. ND-. and Mrs. \V. G. Medd visited in Si. Marys Sunday and Monday and attended tt did the Crossley and hunter meetings white there. Hiss Ida Duncan. who bas been sick and under ths Dr's care. is we are Pleased to say on the mend. Airs. 11. Brown returned home Sat- urday after spending a week with her sun Fenton. in Croswell, Mich. Mr. Thos. Coward sold a valuable horse to Mr. Hewitt. of Kirkton on Tuesday. Shipka Mr. .1. D. llannon left Monday for Edmonton Alberta, where he intends staying for a few months. Mr.s r. Ito. s . fcrlinzic left Inst week for Chatham. after spending bis Eas- ter holidays at his hone here. Air. Wm. Sv.eitzer, iurchasrd a valuable driving mare Prot• Mr. \\ m. Grigg. of Grand Bend. After the first day of May Mr. Samuel Sweitzer will do chopping only on Saturdays, please bear in mind. Miss Lina Lochner left last week for Detroit. Mich.. [where she intends staying. for some time. Air. Jno. Mclsaac left lust week for Merrill. Mich., where he intends sttiyinu with his uncle Air. .1. Mc- k:inc. BORN (7I,:\Itl' I•;. -At St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Ont., on the 13th April, 1909. to lir. and Mrs. Wallace I). (bit k.•. of Exeter, a :on. (Theodore (;:tl..) 1111(K -in Dashwood. Wednesday, April 11th. to Mr. and Airs. Adapt Birk. a dnuithter. 5,\L'i'1•:I;-In Exeter. 'Thursday, April 170 h, to M r. and Airs. A1. F. Salter, ilaaght.•r. SCIII.t"NUT - in Dashwood. April lath, P'09, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sehltindt. it son. The Dashwood Planing still has MARRIED iIiEI1LiN ;-3IO\\'ALD-on th.• 16th Concession Stephen. on Tuesdny, April 131h. the ekii+ daughter 51r. rind S1rs. John llowald otf to 11,•nt w !Berlina. I:LOl'I'_\VALI'i:It ,\I Dashwood, Monday April 1lth. Miss Lorinda \\'slyer to Oscar K. I:lopp. Bn1'ilEItN:\1, f:1:1,1,i:R ►-. Con. 10 Stephen. \Vednesday April 14th Ella Beller In William Itoth. rural. 1)11:1) I'ISI11:It-In Clinton. Wednesday. April 11th. 1909 Aleetabel Boase, relict of the late William Fisher. Inn d t+!) years. 11 months rind it dar, SC11110F.i)Elt-in Dashwood. Monday, April 1' th. August Schroeder, aged 711 years. WALi'EIt-At Calgary Alh.,rta. 011 April 11t h. 1909. Emma 1loskin wife o; Loci. Walter. aged 41 yrs. 111'NTEit - In Nnnton. Alberta, Thursday. April i5th. Simon !hinter, formerly of 1 •sborne. ng.• d 29 yrs., :3 months rind 8 days. t't i ,. 1 i Exf ter help,Sun- day tn - day April 18th. the infant child n( lr. :ind .Airs. 'Thos. NV. lister. Public Notice Owing to th, increasing demand for our Gasoline Engine we find it advisable to direct oar whole atten- tion to its manufactory and on the cont;iletion of our ',resent engage. merits will till further notice bo ob- liged to refits^ all orders for job and repair work. Conner t1arhin(' Co. 44ccceding Connor Brns sntnrt apprentice boys Country boys preferred. Fencing 7 wires Ideal Fencing, all No, 9, 32c S wires Ideal Fencing, all No. 9, 33e No, 9, Coiled Spring Niro $2.50. Fence Hooks and Fence Staples Paints, Wall Finishes and Varnish Stains Ready Mixed Paint from 11) to 50c tin Wall Finishes, all colors 50c per pkge. Campbell's Varnish Stains 15, 25, 43 and SSC. tins Brushes 5, 10, 15 and 25c. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser 25c pkge. Preston Safe Lock Shingles Do not fail to call and enquire for our 28i 57.ge galvalized safe lock shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square, with an absolute guarantee that they are both wind and srot in poof. 1,Ve ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, .Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULARS Do von want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. Neve promised you satisfaction -promised you thats 1 ty e, fit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat, We Can Suit: You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontar1c Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S We have started a great slaughter sale com- prisinl; every article of furniture in our large stock at a great reduction on regular prices. Note some of the great bargains we are offering and what jt means to Furniture buyers, Bedroom Suites in I cut oak finish with large Bevel Plate Milroy regular price $10.50; discount sale price $13.00. Sideboards, regular price $13 1)1) discount 'nle pt ice $10.00 Couches, regular price $8 50 discount [tale price $0.00 Mattresses, regular price $3 541.... discount sale price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. A call will convince intending 1)ut(111Isers that tliis is the greatest. Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Horne Furnishers Roil Funeral Directors. • Five Farmers Wanted - Five I have !estenoughron far five r 1 +tries 111 our pri- vate car going to Saskatchewan and Alberta on April 211th. All parties will be shown over our land at our expense. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of first cash payment. SPRING WHEAT 1n the Eagle Lake district on the die( t route of the C. N. 11. from Saskatoon to Calgary, FALL WHEAT in Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from Way - burn to Lethbridge. tnnl`ri IJOHN GHNftLTON, fXE.TEKf Agent for Allison, Fair & Co.