HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-15, Page 8•
4 f 4 -e+.1.+++++++++++ -S++++++++ +++++++++++++++
AIIE VOL' READY: \Ve are with the
hest array of Specialties that we have
ever shown.
Hats for Ladies
Our shooing is certainly fine. Ribbonb and flowers are very
Ftro:•)g this l eaton \Vhiie the hats ate large the styles are very
bee+nnit.g. Our Milliners are experts. \Ve think they can please
you. (:owe and spend a pleasant hour studying the new styles.
There is much to bee and lots to admire. Corse. you are always
welcome at A:ewatts. You'll not be asked to buy.
Hats for
We are sole selling agents
for Exeter for the celebrat-
King Hat
The King Hat comes to
us direct. We save you all
the middle profits and al-
ways give you the very
latest styles.
You Know Dressy Young
Men all wear King Hats
Men's Spring Overcoats
eare bhow1nga very flue range of Men's hi h•clas
ea ring
O:erc•oate. They are made from pure wool Cheviot, invisible
twit!. silk faced, satin lined, workmanship the best, style down
to the latest minute.
Men's Fine Shoes
1)a you know there is no better place in town for men's fine
footwear. \Ve Show all thy latest lasts in the new American
shapes in Taus, Willows. Ox Bloods and Blacks. Our Bearsford
and Model shoes are the recognized leaders, 83 50, $4.00, $1.50.
Wall Papers
+ Yes! Wall Papers are going
ont fast. We control some
splend1d lines. They are the
•I• nest values you'll see.
5e the r:&l for neat papers for
bed rooms and kitchens,
10e the roa for lovely glint -
neer and gold papers, suit-
able for any root n. Some
Beauties at this price.
124 to 2.5c. for the finest range
of new wall papers you'll
fee this season. Lovely
floc a1 snot stripe effects in
natural flower shades.
Room Rugs
Scotch Linoleums
You can't afford to pass us.
We show the prettiest seam-
less Room Pugs in the trade.
They conie in Floral and Me-
dallion patterns in rich natur-
al autumn tints; Wools, Ta-
pestry, Brussels, Wiltone.
$6.50 to $30.
Our Linoleum are winners.
They come from Nairns. the
best people in the world in
their line. 2, 3 and 4 yards
wide. Buy your Linoleums
and Rugs from us and we will
lay them free of charge, and
do it well too.
Redpath's Sugar is beat by test. We sell none other.
Farm produce is just as good as cash.
4++++4•, - -:-++-H-+-:- :-• +++ :•+4•++++++ ;•++++•t•++++++++
+++++++++++++4'++++++4.++++-I' '+++++++++++'1•+++++
Our stock of wall paper is complete in every detail. If you have
a room that does not suit you, and has not that attractive appear-
ance that you wish just go to R. N. Rowe and get some of that
lovely paper he is showing. Also look nt his linoleumne and lace
curtains. They are very pretty. And prices are the lowest. We
can prove it to you.
One door north P. O.
every step in th.• tailoring of the g:lr-;
intent will stand inspection. The parts
of a coat. like the interlining, etc.,
which you never see. are as carefully
looed after as those in plain sight.'
Ely that we mean mor.' Iha•t the wenr-
Ing quality of the fabric. We mean
that the long wear of the garments'
will be equalled by the lasting shnp-
liness we put into yo.ir npparel. • It
'will look good as longns yon wear i
and that will be long indeed.
Merchant Tailor.
Llranci s3ond
Too late for Inst week.
1t is our fad ditty to report the
death of atiotli- r of our very oldest
residents in the per'on of Mr. John
Allister. of th.• 21St concession of
[Stephen, who di'•d on NInrch 28th, be -
Lot 71 years of age nt the time of his
death. Ile lcnves to mourn his Toss
besides a sorrowing wife. two sons
and five dnnghtcrs. being John of
Had Ate. Mich.. Prank. of Grand
Bend. Firs. Kennedy and Mrs. Sans.
Sharron. of Bnd Axe, \lith., Phoebe
Mid Etta. of Detroit, ,tiso Laura, who
is home tvit11 her mother.
A very pleasing e1101 1n0k place
on Wednesday. Marela 31st at the
residence of Mr. and Mt+. 0. Sh.•rritt.
being the marriage of their da:
ter Lila to Mr. Neal. of Ilrin'Ie
Jos Brenner. is having :t new
gasoline motor installed this week
in his new shop. It is a Toronto
machine. Ile intends using it for
pumping writer as well as other
)tarry Bosscnbcr'y intends moving
to 'fhedford in a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Patterson is sick at pre-
sent. We hope to soon see her around
Mrs. Thomas Holford is not very
well just now. but 110 11011b1 will
soon be better ngnin.
It has every nppearancc of spring
•i'he maple s.:gnr snaking is about
over for ano:h r year. not having
been a very )rood year in these
Hol. Pollock And a wood bee Inst
Week. 111 which Ile got over 100 cords
of wood cut.
WOOD FOit SALE. -\V0 are now
-prepared to deliver to any part of
the town first class elm slabs. All
orders promptly attended to.
I'AiRM TO RENT, for pasture, 2 1.2
smiles north of Exeter, Lot 11, Con.
1. Hay, 100 acres. Good pasture and
water. Apply It. 11. ROSS, ilyron, Ont
Women with pale co lorless faces
tt ho feel weak and discouraged, will
receive hots mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
are made for the blood, nerves and
1101'SE FOB SALE. -Directly south
on James Street church. on Simcoe Bt.
«hick bas been occupied by Mrs. R.
Harvey. if not sold privately before
the 21th will be sold by auction on
that date. together with the house-
hold effects. See bills. For infor-
mation apply to ilarvey ilros.
White Wyandottes
Good l.'ying Strain
1st pen. ?1.50 for 13 eggs.
2nd pen. ?1.00 for 13 eggs
Three settings or Incubator Iota at
special rates. 1st pen headed by bird
bred by .1. S. Martin. l'ort Dover ;
2nd pen headed by real good bird of
my own raising. Either pen needs no
comment as to giiality• Communica-
tio answered promptly.
(AE F. II() 'ER,
157. Exeter,
t i X 1i t L •i.' 1 !>,2 air 8 AP1tIL I3tli 1909
Market Report. -The following is Rev. Oaten, of Milverton. trill have
the report of Exeter markets. cot- • chnrgr of the s. rwices in the Main
tested up to April 1501.
1Lay$7.50 to $8.50.
Wheat $1.10.
I'ea.. 80 to 90.
Oats 43 to 45.
Barley 55c.
Shorts, $25.
lir:)n $24
lllendid Flour. STAR, $3.00.
Feed Four 61.40 to $1.45.
Alsyke `<6 to $8 per. busker.
C:over $5. to $6. �Srs..lcssc Elston was called to De-
Butothy 0i to $2 per. bushel. troit last Friday owing to the illness
Butter 20 outs per. pound if her brother, Mr. Fred Gidley, who
Hogs 16 cents. a f •:v days ago suffered a• sli.hd
(logs. liveweicht .7.00. paralytic stroke. Miss Hattie 1'ol-
Ilogs. 55ed t 8.50 to $9 t'00. lick accompanied her.
Coal, $7.25:t ton.
Dried Apples.6 centli.
!Street Mletbodist church net Hlunday•
ltev. Fear going to Milverton to
preach Epworth League anniversary
Mr. Garfield Sheers, and daughter
Madelim•, of Wont ford, spent a fele
drays Wilk '0r. Sheere's mother. Mr.
Sheer. returned Monday night and
Miss Madeline will remain for several
I weeks.
:The high wind
Wednesday of
last week did rot do much damage in
Exeter. although several barns suf-
fered in the country. Mr. \\'m. Smith
south of Winchelsea had a portion of
the roof of his barn blown off.
The weather Good friday was any-
thing but pleasant, n snow storm
prevailing all dray. This is the day
usually set aside for the planting of
sweet peas and other flower seeds.
but the work had to be postponed un-
til :onto future date.
A half pint can of Campbell's Stain
will restore the finish on fo:ir ordin-
ary chairs. Any lady can use it.
When applied it flows out tinder the
brush. and dries without showing
laps. A quart can of Campbell's
Floor Finish will do an ordinary floor
one coat. Ask W. J. Herman for
color card.
SOCIAL. -A unique social will be
given by the Ladies' .Aid, of the )fain
St. church on Friday evening, April
16t!h. The metro will consist partly
of biscuits. gems and maple syrup .to
be served from 6.30 to 8 o'clock. af-
ter which rt select program will be
rendered by members of the Ladies
Aid. 'Colne our and all and enjoy a
treat. Admission only 15 cents.
We are pleased to state that Mr.
W. it. Elliott. of Centralia, who was
operated on at St: Michael's hospital
Toronto, on Wednesday of last week.
has passed the danger point, but is
still in a very weak condition. The
physicians state that unless compli-
cations set in be will soon recover.
The trouble was an abcess and per-
foration in the upper portion of the
The F irkton Agricultural Society
has decided to take advantage of the
government's offer for field grain
competlon for next fall. And Secy.
Amos Doupe. of Kirkton, will receive
entries and furnish blanks upon appli-
cation. He has received word from
some who wish to enter and as the
number of entries is limited those
wishing to compete should send in
their names at once. Itn another
column will be found the conditions
of the contest.
Mr. Will Gillespie has been suffer-
ing for some time with an enlarge-
ment or some foreign substance in his
throat. causing him considerable in-
convenience and pain. Dr. 'McGilli-
cuddy operated on Sim and removed
from one of the glands of the throat
a hard limestone" snbstnnee the shape
of a date pit. only larger. Since the
operation Will has felt considerable
relief, although his throat is some-
what sore owing to the necessity of
culling into the gland to remove the
Special Easter services were held
in the James Street Methodist church
last Sunday. In the morning Rev.
Going and )rev. Butt. of Centralia, ex-
changed pulpits. Sermons were
preached in keeping with the Easter
season. Special misic was prep.•tred
by the (hoir. In the evening Miss
Lewis and Mr. i1. Southcott sang
140105, Misses 0. Treble and It. Chowen
a duet and a chorus by male voices.
Un Monday evening the W. M. 8. held
a lea meeting. After the ten n pro-
gramme was given itt the body of the
church. Mrs. E. Wyatt. soloist of
London. who is no stranger to the
people of Exeter. assisted in the pro-
Travellers will find the new forts
of Travellers' Cheque now being sold
by The Canadinn Bank of Commerce
n great convenience for obtaining
money sway from home or in foreign
countries. They can be bought Ott
tiny office of the Bank for 9111118 of
'$1O. fi20, t fO or $100 ns tnny suit the
purchaser. hotels and banks every-
where in the civilized world will cash
(them. and no dispute can arise as to
idenlificntioit or the amount of money
which the traveller may expect to
obtain for them. On the ince is
print,•(1 the slim in the principal Euro-
pean currencies which the holder is
entitled to receive. and in Canada and
the United States they pass every-
where n1 par. A list of hunks which
will cash therm accompanies all
cheques sold.
The regular meeting of the high
School Literary Hociety was held on
Friday. April 2nd, from 3 to 4.45 p.
nl. Following the business of the
meeting the following program was
given. Piano solo. Latimer Grieve:
Debate. "Resolved that it is setter
to live in Canada than the U. 14."
Affirmative. 11. McKny, W. Weis-
rniller: Negative 0. ilissetl. and n.
Royle. Judges decision was given in
favor of affirmative: Recitation. El-
mo llowey; Chorus. "When the sun-
set turns the ocean blue to gold."
Recitation. Ada Willis; Piano solo.
Stella (allies: Essay Owen Atkinson
Recitation. i,. 1'rnyne : Essay, C. Pic-
kard : Chorus. "Sweet violets," : Re-
citation. The old and the new; Jour-
nal. W. Bradt ; itendieg, C. Harvey :
Question drawer.
•••••••• ••••••••
The'Tiutei till Jan, 1911)
for Seventy Cents
'fell your Neighl.ors a-
bout it.
1)I1. OVENS EYE AND EAU 8(311-
geon, will he at the Commercial
Hotel. Hours !1.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis•
eases of eve ear and nose treated.
Next ei-it Saturday, April ''tth.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Rivers spent the
holidays in 1tiffnlo.
Bruce Anderson spent Easter with
friends in 'Godericb.
Miss Lang spent the holidays
friends in Ilamilton.
Miss Mae \Vood spent Thursday of
last week in London.
Miss Mabel Walter, of London, was
home for the holiday.
Mr. \'Val. 'Wood. of London. spent
Inst Saturday in town.
Miss Florrie Anderson spent the
Easter holidays in London.
Mr.I Percy
Hooper. of Lon
y 11no P don,
the holiday with his ►nother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Powell.
the past few days in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiros. Marton
the Easter holidays in London.
Miss Manns Kinsman spent Good
Friday with her brother in Sarnia.
Mrs. Malloy and son Archie spent
the holiday with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. Frank Dennis, of Toronto, visi-
ted his parents here during the week.
hlisi Vera Rowe, of .London, is
spending n few days with her par-
Mrs. Scott -Vernon, of Toronto, vis-
ited friends in town during the holi-
Mrs. T. 11. Carling and daughter
(:mace spent Good Friday in Brant-
Will Goodison and son Jack,
of srnia. are the guests of Mrs. 11).
J !:ns.
Mr. Chris. Luker is confined to his
bed with it slight attack of pneu-
Miss Lettie hook. of Detroit, visited
her mother, Mrs. 0. (took, during the
The bachelors or Exeter gave an
assembly in McDonnell's hall Tuesday
Mr. rind Mrs. It. G. Seldon and
family spent the Fnsler holidays in
Mrs. Billings
days with her
Mr. 'harry
the guest of
the holidays.
Mr. Earl Spackman. of the Molsons'
flank stnff. Alvinstoi, spent Easter
with his parents.
The Misses Winnie and Alice Ifow-
ard turd Edna Follick. spent Good
Friday in London.
Miss Jamieson. of St. Thomas, visi-
ted nt the hone of W. .1. Statham
over the holidays.
Miss Alice Handford spent the Eas-
ter holidays in London with her sis-
ter. Mrs. 'Thornton.
Mr. Wilbur Perkins. of .London,
spent the Easter holidays nt the home
of Mr. Thos. Harvey.
itev. E. A. Fear and Thos. IInrvey
attended the temperance convention
at illyth on Thursday.
Miss allazel Browning. returned
from Whitby to spent the Easter holi-
days with her parents.
Mrs. Ed. Irvin. of Norwich, spent
the holidays with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Bisset'. jr.
Mrs. Yager Icft last week for Swift
Current. Snsk., where she will re-
main during the summer.
The weather of Nast. week was any-
thing but what we should have nt the
close of the lenten season.
Mrs. Collins. Miss lionthron and
Miss Katie Collins. spent the Easter
holidays with friends in .'3enforth.
:%1r. It. Spaektnau and daughter. of
A'vinston. wore the guests of Mr.
n td Mrs. Hugh Spnckulnn over the
1 ,lidsyc ..
Miss itclla Hawkins returned to
Chatham Business College Tuesday
after spending the holidays with her
Mr. Case Howard. of the Molsons'
bank stnff, St. Thomas, is spending
his three weeks' holidays with his
parents here.
'otos. Itellrnnn. Clans. Miners, Al.
Moore. Flossie Taylor, and Ethel
Sweet. of London, spent Good Friday
with friends in town.
Mt. Thos. llritdford's Sunday School
c;ass drove over In Ht. Marys Good
Fridny to attend the Crossley and
spent the Easter boli -
brother Thos. Oke.
Huston. of Clinton was
his parents here over
A ltenetionnry• .1;1torni Periiod is
central on the 181 h. 19th and 20111,
,tnbrncino Anon in Ionizer and on the
cel slinl eg0ntor on the 18111 and New
Hoon on the 19t1. 'This period pro -
Mises to be practically a prolong -
'Won of the preceding period. roused
by the continued influences of Mer
eery. Ent Oh Venus and Mars. The
disturbances of ibis period will be
Hunter meetings. ehnr:tcleriz, d mainly by ,Ih he same
ouch -
Rev. Voting. of Lortrsvi)Ir, occu-
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian ing the 18th end 19111 •udder high
church Inst Sunday and twill officiate temperature. with very threatening
again vest Sunday.barometer. and IhOnder, rain and
linwkshria was in De- Anil are nips' probable. Tornadoes
Mr. JohnIroil Inst Jlnwlweek. returning home tire not improbable in tinny sections
central t nd athtwnrd. period of
, I
in -la dal. nChrut. nicd by his son-
on•fh( days. Inking noon 0n the 1(1111
in-law. 11 r. Char. Crycr. as the center. is 0 lime of ureot
Mr. :ins Mrs. Gc0. \Will:s. of London, •.eisnaic prcbnbility. A enusnl %watch
Miss Elsie MI'Cnllum. of London and of the world's telegraphic reports will
Miss Edon Slecall,u,. of Toronto,' j confirm the truth of t hi : and nttit
were guests of 11r. and Mrs. T. '11. 1 similar forecasts. Fro :. and much
McCallum over the holidays. cooler will follow thi. period.
Much 01 the World's
Eesti Muslo
Is beyond the tossihilities of a Re-
cord of ordinary length. Edison Ant-
hem! Records,playiug longer than any
other Record, afford songs and selec-
tions not heretofore obtainable.
Have you heard the Edison Phono-
graph play Auiberol Records.
Spring! Spring! Spring!
Spring is here and we are here with the goods, ,!f_
the Latest and Newest.
Lace Curtains in Fishnet and Battenburg patterns. ranging
from 50c to $1.50. Art Muslin in patterns and good colors 10, 121,
and 15c per yard. Fancy Script in stripe and fancy patterns, full
10 in. wide at 20 and 25c. per yard. Real Madras Muslin in light
and dark woven colors, suitable for drapery and curtains. A very
full line of frilled Muslin and Robinette, a very special line at 25c
per vord. Bonne Femme Curtains. beautiful designs, ranging in
price froth 51)c to $1.50 per yard, Lace Curtain by the yard. A
very tine line for 23c per yard now selling at 1SSe. These are all
first class lines and will stand inspection. Come in and satisfy
yourself that we back our words with the goods,
J. Willis Powt I! Manager. W.
A T, P A r R
A flee notice will be given horse-
men who get their route cards printed
at the Times office.
Alis, Jennie Murray is visiting
relatives at Dundas.
Miss Irene ]landford is visiting re-
latives in Leamington.
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
spent Easter in Brantford.
Miss Hobbs. of !lire, is the guest
of Iter sister Mrs. (Rev.) Collins.
Mrs. Hiles, of hayfield. was the
guest of Mrs. John Pedlar on Mon-
,li. Harold Bissett.has
home from Toronto and will remain
for some time.
Miss Henn Dodds and Miss Ramsay
spent Easter with Mrs. Arthur Ram-
say at Ilamilton.
Mr. Oke, who spent the past win=
ter with her son at Kingsville, re-
turned here Tuesday.
Mrs. Charters tvho has been visiting
relatives here returned to her home
nt Egmondville Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, of Clin-
ton are visiting the lrttter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman.
Misses Edna Ilissett and Bella
Hawkins were in Centralia Monday
evening on a pleasure trip.
Mr. Bert Luxton, of the Canadian
Hank of Commerce Montreal, staff,
visited here over the holiday.
Mr. I). Russell leaves this week for
Sasketchetwan. where be expects to
secure a position at his trade.
Mrs. E. P. Howe, of Toronto and
Miss Jeckell, of Uxbridge, are visiting
their mother London Road north.
Mics Annie Heideman. of Berlin,
who has been visiting her parents
here returned to Berlin on Monday.
The annual vestry meeting of the
Trivitt Memorial church was held on
Monday evening and the chief busi-
ness was the report of the church
wardens which shows that the fin-
ances of this congregation are in ex-
cellent condition. Messrs. Thos. Haw-
kins and J. J. Knight were re-elect-
ed rector's and the peoples' wardens
respectively : Auditors, N. D. Ilurdon
and C. 1i. Sanders ; delegates to the
synod, Thos. Case and C. ll. Sanders.
Two considerations mast he kept
ever in mind itt discussing the care
of infants. One is the (net that silly
superstitions. f'tr from being confined
to the slum mothers who give their
babies beer and dress tlient in wadded
flannels. are rampart to an aston-
ishing degree among women other-
wise intelligent and presumably sane.
'1'hc other is the fact that the ignor-
ance of the mother, even tvhen the
bnby pastes childhood in apparent
health and safely often paves the
way for suffering later on. -The De-
lineator for May.
SEA 1.E1) TENDERS addressed to
Die Postmaster General. will he re-
ceivers nt OItawa until Noon, of Fri-
day, the 1till of May 1901h for the
convey:ince of )lis Majesty's Mails on
a proposed contract for four years.
six times per week each way between
Exeter and Ht. Marys. from the 1st
of July next. Printed notices .con-
lainin; further information n5 to the
11010ed contract piny be seen and
blank forms of tender may be obtain-
ed at the Post Offices on the route
and nl the office of 1h.• l'ost Office
Inspector at London.
(1.(]. A N DERSON
We are showing this year the finest assortment we have ever
offered. We can give you all the latest and newest patterns and
colors with wide and narrow borders. to sell front 5c to 25c a roll.
Our embossed and silk finish aro regular 25e for We and 15c.
SPECIAL -500 rolls of paper ranging from 10 to 25c for 5o
Don't forget that we have a first-class Milliner in con-
nection with the store in the person of ?iIiss Morlock.
We Repair)
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for yon
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
Blacksmith Shop For
First class stand doing good busi-
ness; also comfortable residence. Ill
health reason for selling. For terms
and porticulars apply to A. E. PYM,
Exeter, Ont.
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, I have placed a new and
up -to date rig on the road for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. Calls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
of the work to be accomplished sys-
tematizes your efforts for the day.
First in importance conics the Flour
to be 115e(1.
is good enough to put into the Bread,
Cake and Pastry for your family to
eat.. \Ve furnish the most
flour that is milled. Try it.
1,000 'bushels of wheat wanted at
the trill.
Post Office Drp,artrucnt. Mail Her.NOTICE TO CItEI)ITOItS
fist• Ittnnch. Ottawa, 27t1 March In the matter of the estate of
100J. Robert McDonald. of the Township
of ttsborne, in the County of Huron.
farmer. deceased.
Notice is lietchy given pursuant to
About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley It. H. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
grown :and keptforKc d purposes cre►I rrawlothers hiving claims
This is a new barley that has prov- •tgninst the estnle of th late Robert
en to possess a remarkable clean McDonald. who died nn or shout
stiff straw, excelling all other var- the '21st day of Murch. V909'.
ieties, also gave the highest yield of are required on or nttnut the .5th
grain per acre of all the barleys test- day of \Ins. 19(4 ;o send by
ed in 1907 at the 0. A. C. It has been Post prep:•id or deliver to Messrs.
without exct'ption the most popular (1t m:in & Ht aanbury, of the village
variety with the experimental union of Exeter. solicitors for the execu-
throughout the province, ever since tors of the said decens •d their
the first distribution in 1906 in two chi -Whin and p11niti m,es. a11dr(•9set
pound lots from the O. A. C. Terms and descriptions. 1lic full 1.wr•ticu•
on application. JOHN ELI)F:It. 11EN- tars of their claims, the 1,1,11etnent
HAI.1. P. O., 'Lot 10, Con. 2, 111y. of their serntua18 :11111 the frit lire of
Ole serIuilic`s, if any, held by them.
And further take 1.0112e that after
Such Inst mentioned dale the staid
executors wi11 proceed to distri-
Sealed Tenders will be received by tette
ttep� ssets sof tlhl deceased
Ow undersigned ftp le► 'Monday, \fay 1 iperd only no the claims of which
led. 1l1OI)nt 12 o'clock neon, tut the they Anil then have notice and that
cor.••+rIntion of cement, ahnitnenls in paid executors shall not h. liable
Crediton for a bridge across the
8tuh'e River. Plans and specific I. f,,.. .h•• still assets 1or °tany't part there -
tions stn he seen nt. the Mlle.. of the "f a:, ;any pets"." nr persons of "Iv e
letsipne(1. r. •ins+ notice aluall 11n1 haws trees ae.
lowestThe by them nt Itt time of such
sn1 fly xcce ted. •••� tender •• . ii`''t!rnt ion.
Clerk, Township n( Stephen, Ctrdi• Ilatl1dir fr-fx'ior rrx etors.
loth day of
ton. Ont. tont . .,
Tenders For Concrete
With twenty-two years' ex-
perience to its credit this college
is recognized as the geeatest
practical training school in
Western Ontario.
Three departments:
Our classes are the largest,
our courses most practical and
our instructors experienced.
Our gradnates are assisted to
positions and succeed as none
others. Enter now. Get our
free catalogue.
A Man's Life
A Man's life is full of crosses a.hd
temptations. He cotnes into this
world without his consent and goes
out against his will and the road is ex-
ceedingly rocxy.
The rale of Contraries is one of the
important features of the trip.
When be is very little the big girls
kiss him and when be gets big he kiss-
es the little girls and some of the big
ones too.
[the raises a large family lie is ens
dorsed by the Premier., but if he rais-
e small cheque be is a thief.
But baying the right Piano from the
right People at the right Price snakes
him neither a chump, a thief or a bad
manager. And bis children will ries
up and call hini blessed.
We think we are the right people to
buy from. We Know our Pianos and
Prices are right; -Call and let us con-
vince you.
S. MdrtIo & Sod
of a kw pounds of net h is of more
importance to some people than the
gain of a few hundred dollars would
he to others --because health is bet-
ter ythan wealth.
If you're loo thin, or weak, or run
down: if you are nervous or irritable:
if art our nppetile is poor, take regul,
HP.1Cr:'S 'TASTEi,irSS
Brick's Tasteless is composed of
pure Cod Liver Oil without that
greasy tasle, Compound 'Syrup of
Ifypophosphiles, Liquid Extract of
Malt. Fluid Extract of Wild Cherry
li:►rk and that composition
All Druggists;
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
To Farmers and Public
if you have any old iron,
Rubbers, Rags, Copper,
Brass, i.ead, Zinc, 1 fosse
Bair bring it to
M. Jackson & sons
The Old Reliable firm
Where you can get
market price
in cash
'f sizes iron Ripe, 81st)
ir(t.. posts on hand.
M. J6ksou
1%; lin Mt, opposite Electric
Power Nouse.