HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-15, Page 51 '.t•Rl EXETER TIMES, APRIL 15th1909 OREDITON NEWS Our Spring Crediton !Ars. San,' Lanliwrt is .lr �. 'J•. and Easter a'Ih t , Leiner, of Condon. Miss el. 1'iukbeincr. of London, is spending her holidays tvith h r parentis. Mr. Mat Sim and niece are spending the holidays in London. Several at tended the shooting match at Exeter Good Friday. Mr. Landon, of VVoodstock, ha been engaged to work for Mr. 11. Brown our shoe merchant. Mr. Ed. Fahner and i1. Link spent a few days at Shipka. Mr. O. and \V. Wolf and 11. llaist spent Easter Sunday itt Dashwood. Mr. Clarence Holtzman has been engaged to work for Mr. Ed. Nestle. of Usborne for the summer. Mr. Albert Faliner spent .nudity and have a beautiful range of patterns See them, 50c to $o per pair. in Exeter. I Furnishings lir House Our spring stock• is now complete in every line. We have made special purchases in !louse Furnishings and can show an immense line of Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, Bugs. etc. in all sizes and all qualities. Beautiful pat- terns and colorings. Prices froze, $S to $2.i each. We have received a direct importation of Nairn's linoleums in two and four yd widths in the very latest patterns, prices as low as you can get 'u any City store. 11 Wall Papers We have a cjutptete new stock of the very latest patterns and colors. We •tart the price from 5c a roll to 20c a roll. Do not fail to see our stock before making your selection for spring. Our values cannot be beaten. Lace Curtains We have a very large stock in this line. We made extensive purchases STEPHEN COUNCIL. 1 The council of the Township of Step- hen convened in the Town 11all, Credi- 1011. ou Monday. the 5th, day of April 1190. at 1 p. w. All members were ._.�.- i present. The minutes of the previous e- meeting were read and adopted. The pians and specifications of 1'. • W. 1•'tuucomb. 'Township ,Engin •er, ?ending fur the construction of abutments s \\', bink- ' for the bridge across the Sauble River it Crediton. wr_ submitted to the Council board and the clerk was Milliner :\1r. Fred and Edna lirosk, of Exe- jr ter, spent. Good Friday with Mr. and Our Millinery department is now in full swing under the charge of Miss Mrs. 11. C. ('lark. Inman. Wo have the largest display we have ever shown in the most fash• Mr. Thos. Appleton jr., spent a few able gocds we could procure. Do not fail to give this department a call I days in Ifiddnlph on business. Ion I and inspect our stock and compare prices. J: ^s Cocktvill our general mat.. Agent is doing a good busi- ness Gee spring. Mr. August. Kuhn, of the hank of Comtnercc Stratford, is spending Easter at hie hotne. Fishing has commenced and the boys report lots of fish this spring. Mr. Ulmer Gower spent Good Fri- day in London. Mrs. Frank Behnke, of Detroit. is the guest. of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Wentzel. Miss Melinda Trick, of Stratford. is visil.ing her parents for a Jew weeks. Mr. Tbov. Trevethick was laid up with a severe week crib u• dart last tc.k of r 1 cold. Missionary services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday last when ltev. Mr. Hart, of .Nippen, preached I wo able sermons. The pastor Rev. lir. !licks took Mr. harts work at Kipper. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark. of Ailsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark. of Usborne, visited their father Mr. Jas. 'Clark. The little son of Mrs. McMurray W110 has been so seriously ill is we are pleased to report recovering. Miss Zwickcr and Miss Kate Sw'eit- �Ve have the largest range we have ever carried. Every popular cloth is zer. of London. were the guests of here in every shade, tint, color and pattern. Our best, highest class Dress Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker during Hoods are popular priced, which forms a pivot to swing the greatest trade at the holidays.r. ra llrown spent Monday tile smallest living profit. and Tuesday in London. on business. Mr. 8. Brown shipped large quanti- ties of Dutch Setts and Clover Seed the past week to different points in Ontario. The following are the results of the prornotion examinations, required to pass GO per cent. honors 75 per • cent. Entrance honors Mabel Wen - Gents Furnishings zel, Queenie llodgins, Lydia Oestrei- cher. !'ass harry Mangnus. Loran Brown. Emerson !lean, novice ;hill, Sam Finkbeiner. From 111. to IV. Honors, Boy !Tedder), Merle Clark, Othella Motz. Pass, Elsa Kienzlc. Pearl Fahner. Hugo Shenk. Clifford Hill. Ezra Ewald, Mervin Winer, Gordon Appleton. Gordon Benedict. Earl Geiser. Front Jr. iII. to Sr. III. Pass. Vera Motz, Esther Jlaist, Edgar Treitz, Roland Mot z. henry Fink- beiner. From Sr. 1I. to Jr. III. Honors. Clara Oestreicher. Pass, Barrington Finkbeiner. Rothe Ring, Irene Wolf, Verna 11i11. front dr. II. sSambrook. to Int. IL Pass. Nathan m Fled Sweitzer. From Pt. 11. to Jr. II. Pass, Russell Clark. Verde ,)ioffman, Edward Finkbeiner. Clara Ilaist, Alma Finkbeiner. Notice, classes for children, who are of the leading firms of Ontario about to be sent to school for the first time. will be opened on the first Monday in May. Those tvho spent Easter in the vil- lage are A. E. Kuhn. of Stratford, Garnet Baker. Owen Sound, Ezra Ors- Tablets -will safely and quickly check I , treicher, Exeter, Clarence Holtzman, all colds and the Grip. Try them dears the of Exeter, Percy Manes. once.:tad sec 1 48-25e. Sold by W. S. Signature Mrs. J. A. Schmitt, of Berlin, is ilott•,.y• • • er spending a few weeks with her moth- I , cr. Mrs. Oestreicher. Rev. E. IL Bean, is nttending con- ference at 'llamburg this week. Mire. G. K. llrown was in Preston a few days consulting an optician. Rev. 0, Brown. of Chesley, accom- panied by his little grandson Ezra Kreig, spent a week in the village visiting relatives. and en Sunday the fo,rtner occupfcd the pulpit in the Ev- nngelicnl church. Miss Murtha Oestreicher, of Dash- wood, ii renewing acquaintances in and around the village. Miss Lilly Fnliucr gave .Dashwood a flying visit Monday last. . Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas, of 'Luna, are spending a week with their nuns Blacksmith and Machine R.ip'tiring. CIIEDiTON Sirs. Dan Oestreicher. The entertainment given in -the -- - -- - Methodist church Monday last was n Dress Goods We have a complete line of all the latest fabrics and shades and it will pay you to look oyer them. Our prices are right. \Ve have also a large stock of Prints, Shtrtings, Cottonades, Ginghams, Silks, Etc. Do not fail to see our Gent's Furnishings and Clothing; all lines complete. We are open to buy Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Clover and Timothy Seed for which we will pay the highest prices. A call solicited. C. ZWICKER Ladies fine Neckwear, Net Ruchinga, Belts, for Waists, Summer Hustings, Silks, Fancy Hosiery, Ready-made Waists of Net and White Lawn, etc. all appeal to the discern- ing buyer. �. Brown We sell Nothing but Dependable Goods Special exhibition of Spring Millinery. Mil- iodallre- liner fasb n rep- resented resented in our show rooms will be of inter- est to all buyers. The newest creations in hate are attracting attention Compare prices, consid- ering quality of goods and workmanship. DRESS GOODS SPLENDID SHOWING NEW STYLES NEW COLORS House Furnishings Spring is here and the busy house -cleaner will commence her essential duty. You will find us well equipped in the different lines that you will need to brighten the home. It is a well known fact that we carry a very large •tock of Wall Papers, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths,Linoleums, Lace Curtains, etc We excels in this line and only ask you to call, promising you a complete Waage of anything that goes to making up the proper male attire. Open for large quantities of Potatoes, Seeds, Onions, and all kinds of pro- duce for which highest market prices are paid. $,tapers of Clover and Alsyke Seeds, Timothy, Mixed Seeds, .Mitten, etc. at right prices. se BROWN CREDiTON. Buggies Buggies Just Arrived A large consignment of buggies frorn five In all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. 'Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. Trevethick & Hodgins CRB DITON. - - oN TAR1o. Machine Repairing We have just added a new Lathe to our shop and are now in a position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair your Mower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. 11 you have any machine repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will snake it as good as new for you, Our Prices are Right ALBERT MORLOCK DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood MON E George Wambold, of myth. is vis - icing at his lome here. G. \V. Shore is spending th' vnea- t iut) in 5enforth and Toront•,. Th: Misses Emma and Lillie. Davis) instructed to adeno l for i. nlen- of London. are visiting their parentsl We will for the const ruction .hereof. len- here. ders to be received up to 12 o'clock " I Frazer Brown and the 3lisses Dell noon 011 Monday. the 3rd day of May. end Mildred. of Crediton, spent Sun- nexl. da • at \V. L. Sieberts. The follotting L'ath-masters, Fence- Miss Ethel Keltermatnn is visiting viewers and Pound -keepers tvere no- in Zurich. pointed : Mr. J.J. Merrier called on friends 1'A'1'lillAS'1'1s1tS:- \\'illinm Ilex- in town on Sunday. table. V. Maker. T. Oliver. Jas. Wal- Mrs. D. Ehlers is visiting at Mr. ker, WI,a. Itootcli(f, Geo. Hill. henry \Vilson. Nelson Maker, David Rich- ards, John t'resczattor, Geo. Snell, ‘Vitt. .antlers. \\'illiain White, Rich- ard I)atvey„ferry. Heitman. F.d. Sweit- zer, P'. 'Treibner, Frank Silas, Levi Stahl, John Wein, Ilertn:ut Oestrei- cher, Peter Marten., Edw. Carroll. Geo. letnson jr.. Wm. Finkbeiner, J. K. Schroeder, 'Henry Murtcne, John ;attend the Annual Conference. and Ford. Pat. Kilgallen, John Keys, John owing to his absence there will be no Ilatticrson u: the Babylon line. Mr. and `lea. Sam. .Maker are spending the holidays in Berlin. Mr. Will Tienutn who spent the we past few mons I: here, returned to Si rat ford on Mo,.e'ay. ltev. L. K. lids. Mrs. Eidt and daughter Myrtle left on Monday for New hamburg. where Mr. tlidt will Wilhelm. Lewis kraft, Thos. Clark, Dennis O'Connell, Jos. iler. (Mount Carmel) Theo. Dietrich. Chr..Dietrich, Alex. Neeb, Felix Wild, Stephen Mor- rison, Newton Clark. \Val. Smith, Alex. Wild, John Krueger, John Iloul- altnn, Fred Gaiser, Satn. Sweitzer (Shipka)..Iohn Dietrich, David \Vebb. Henry Rhode. James llodgens, Nicho- las Pollard, 'Harvey liesterd, Ab. Mol- ten!, .Vin. Dis.1ardine, Arch. Webb. Ed. (;ill jr.. Chr. Wolper. Richard Webb, Austin llayter, henry Isaac.. .1. 1t. Wilson, Joseph Brenner. Ed. (;ill. W. G. Reilly, .lames alel:eever, Ed. Hall, Itichard O'Rourke, Theo. ter Gun Club. Whiteside. C. 11. \Nilson, Fred Green, The auction sale of the estate of 5. Stanlake jr.. W. E. Sanders, Louis the late Mrs. 1)anl. Sachs on Mon - services on Snday Apriul 18th. The Y. 1'. A. will give 11 special pro- gramme in the evening. 'I'he Misses Mary, Jetvina and Amelia Koch. of Loudon. spent the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Eidt. of Park- hill. visited relatives and •friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Edighoffer and family spent Sunday nt Blake, the guest of the former's parents. Mr. llertnan Zimmer and Ed. Nadi• ger spent Good Friday in Exeter and took in the annual shoot of the Exe- Rader. A. Durk, Sam. Raker, Sam. Miller. John Rhode, C. Walper. S VIEW ERS Daniel 'Mc- Curdy. Curdy. Isaac 11111, Ezra Heist, Peter !McKenzie, Gco. Mawhinney, Eli Ring, Ca\\'iron. Geo..Down, and Austin !lava y. PO1!NI)-KEEPERS:-\Villiatn Mof- fatt, Hiram Simplon, Wtn. 11. Geiser, Bernard Cunningham. .los. hickey, Gco. Webb. Jos. Edwards, T. J. Amy. Christian Finkbeiner. Philip Maker .los. Dreamer, Fred l'rceter, Silas Stanlake jr., William Zimmer, Albert Musser and Chas. 11. Wilson. The following orders were passed :- Municipal World, Register for Births. Marriages and Deaths. $3.50; Express Company, Express on same. 35c.; Young Bros., account for nails, 3.56; Chester Prouty, Gratuity, $25.00; P. !taker. drawing tile on North Bound- ary, 5.00: Philip (taker, statute labor. (Wilson's) 2.00; .lances llodgins, rep. culvert. 2.II0; Jnities Flynn. rep. Mud Creek bridge. 1.00; ,Joseph Haist, wood, 10.50; A..11odgins and Co. gas, 3.45 ; Snot. Brown. Sundries, 2.05 ; Chas. Christie, (took elm lumber, 7.95; William Lewis. account, as Sanitary Inspector, hoard of health. 14.80; Dr. 1.'. J. McCue, account. of' !Medical . health Officers, 13.50. . The council adjourned to meet again in the Town Ilall. Crediton, on Mon- day. May 3rd 1909 act 10 a. zea. Henry Silber, Clerk. IIAltl'LEY nrs. David Webb, of Gilford. Michi- gan, ie visiting her brothers, sisters and other friends in this loctslity at present. The high wind on Wednesday of last week destroyed the wind►nill on Mr. Thomas Love's barn. Mr. Kienzlc, of Crediton, is im- proving the road. ber by the township grader. We are glad to report that Mr. John llayter is able to be out again :after his recent illness. Miss E. itader who has spent the Inst montl, with Mrs. T. Love intends going hoarse this week. Master W. 41. Love is spending bis holidays with his cousins of Ilrcwster. I'reventies-those Candy Cold Cure day. was well attended. Everything brought good prices. Mr. Geo. Kel- ttsc and t lermunn purchased the house lot. Miss Beldon. who has taught in one of the Junior departments in our public school sirce the resignation of the Misses Cnrliirt has served her connection with the school. The vac- ancy will be filled by Miss Horton. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the blood with Ilr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy -liq- uid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's book- let on rheumatism plainly and inter- estingly tells just how this is done. Tell some sufferer of this book, or better still. write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for the book and free test sam- ples. Send no money. Just join witb Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. W. S. Howey. Zurich Mrs. Paulin and two sons. of Goder- ich, visited at the: home of Mr. El. (tannic last week. A meeting was held in the Town Hall 'Tuesday evening to make ar- rangements for the placating of trees in the fair grounds% Mrs. Christian Decider aged eighty years was laid to -rest in the Amish cemetery on Sunday, April 3rd. De- ceased had been a resident of this section for many years. The smoke stack of the Zurich flax mill was blown down during the sev- ere windstorm on Wednesday of Inst week. Mrs. Christina Gabel widow of the late John Koch formerly of the Baby- lon Line, .flay, died nt the home of of her dnnghter Miss Kate Koch, Zur- ich. on Monday morning April 11th, having reached the age of 81 years, 11 months andd 26 , 1 t3s. Thec old 1 nd P was quite smart up to a short time ago. old nge being the cause of death. The children are Mrs. 'Hartung, Mrs. i). \Weseloh. and Rate all living here. George. of Dashwood, and Justus of \liehigan, besides a number of grand- children. 'l'be funeral took place on Wednesday. to the Lutheran ceme- tery. and twos largely attended. 041).9Ta'_71111.ZA. The Rlnd You Hare Always Ought AN4/Ai2Y 1909 I. As 77. / 1 grand success and highly nppreciated I all, and 'lis. \WeV. herr, of Win- *chelsca, spent the holidays with their relatives Isere. 1909 Dl �uct1 iaot•I Those wlto spent the holidays out Tutee months of this year have gone and you ere run of town were Miss Clara I'nbtler. end 1 , 2 1 3; .1 SII right down! if you arc �' played out" in 3 months how Milt Harris. Parkhill ; Mr. .lances, ° canyou hope to i.ec upfor the rest of the ear? Revd 9 id7 it l oIt P y :%lino hill. Berlin: Mr. Fouler, Seat- 4 15;14;), the follot.in3 story frorn 13 C. and receive the hope it gives to forth : Mr. Webster. Miss folly and ?. every weary. torn and played -out man and woman. Miss Dunlop. Goderich. COULD SCARCELY GET AROUND Mrs. flicks. of Usborne, i, visiting her son at the parsonage. .0. K. [Iron n will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church next Sun- dny morning and in the evening the adult bible classes willl take charge of the meeting. The program will consist of readings, anthems, qunr- t.Itee. (Netts and 8. S. male chorus, ltct•. Gco. !frown, of \Valkerton. spent n few days with his brother, Mr. 11. Brown, sr. Mr. \Win. Brown and Frazer spent Sunday i n Deshwood. Mnster Loran Brown is the Easter holidnys with in Znrirh. Miss Clara Kingsley. wlao has been attending high tchool in Toronto re- turned home on Monday. .�•, "Mrs. Norden has taken four bottles of PSYCIIINE and it has made a new woman of her. /core she started to take PSYCH! Nit she could scarcely get around to do her work, and now she can do it aithc•ut f.eling the least fatigue. 1 via trongly recom.nend PSl'CI:1NE to any one. It will relieve their suffering." W. J. \"OR DEN, Works Point Barracks, Victoria, B.C. This West treuttPSVC INwet innodcdtodo. Thnnatndsofv.carytoilers havopr.a:a.d God for J'2(Yt'111N h:, 111, Urea'"- • f T..n:oa, and many wero ou the vergo0f decline before they heard of it. pu; no matter boli t e- prone. I'SWC.'1NI' hti Pravc1 their friend and wrought do:iveraoro. l^1%'(II1 h goys to t..; sect of the tro',ble, Raul wiilo It Is creating Rich, Heil !)cast. it att toks any d :n i:d r ate of th' Throat, Lungs, Ch"4 and Stomach. I'SYCiiiN!•: rignlly mei th • lido given t' l y 1honsanda, tl ., 1119 "(treat Tonle, flatter." PSYCIiiN E is t:i,.b:r ree•ounn .tee bytba Malleal Peek:aloe Decauseof Its grc1t'ron:opropertiel. It mettles �n asett:o and gives now tiro when all else has fat:e,l. ... 7li II - All P rtgsl.ti end f?.o.'e. •ell PSV('11 i\1' nt .. n t•,:'wacl' Se 81(5 Nil and Rl.'•+, ;t bottle. Send to Dr. T. A. S1.00U M• Limited, Toronto. for a 6itEI': 'f111A1.. Tflt IsRtA1151 f+f TOWS fOR IiAlrn ars tNlP Y \\'itichelscn at her horse in Motherwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr %pent Mise Ethel (iodholt to:triter in Ill- the Easter holidays at Crediton. re- bury, is hoar.• with Ler mother Mre. turning home on Monday. '1'o certain ,points in Saskatchewan (leo. Colbof( for the Easter holidays. blr. Charlie Reid. of London, visit• •nulAlbert:t each Tuesday during Apl. elk. Ida 're w,' acre sorry 1" ed Mr. T. Coward one day !net week. Pall i11(ot a :ttinn nn,1 1irkete from any ens is on the sick list. i Miss Evyline Garret. of Highgate (Crawl I r • ,k Agent. Mrs. harry Dclbridee tens in Lan-' is the guest of Mies Ella Comm thi. don vis°til.;: her mother Mrs. Spicer week. CY ALI. '1'- 't X.A.. last t: eel:. Quite a number of young folks nt-1. Besn the i, 11l Kind 'hie Hare Vous Bditi !I r. 11:arty Mown wee in the vi 1- tended the box social at Fortin bit In.re for t •a S inst work. Thursday night last. some getting ni 8`g °'r a. • �� � �. ton ie visiting swift ride home. spending his uncle 1,0W: It.\'1'ES !'Olt SE•Ii 1.E11S. 11 .4 t 'EBF; i D CORN ILEN you order Syrup emphasize the name "CROWN BRAND" fur this name means that you want the beet -the purest - the most wholesome and reliable table syrup it is possible to produce. So perfect and genuinely deli- cious is "Crown Brand Syrup" that you'll enjoy its flavor about ten tittle; more than that of any other melte. It costs you no more titan ordi- nary syrup awl yet it is purer, better, and mere wholesome in every way. It is tl:e greatest food for *rowing children, cuts can be given in any quantity "Crown Brand Syrup" is put lip in 2. 5, to sod so lb. air -tight tins, with lift-off lids, When you buy "Crown Pranel'' veli obtain a Syrup as clear as crystal and of guaranteed purity and wholesomeness. A tie Edwardsburg Starch Co. LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1858. herb : ttfe,:: s 1;a0111111, ON. IOTA/ /l. 101411TO sea OlNTf0110. 1 46111111111114..... an_ "ki SAVED t> I ry B Dealing rcpt mile e y Dem offer all our Carpets consisting of Tapestry, Union Hemp Carpets at a discount of 15 per a nt. Don't Miss This We will also save you money in Dress Goods. We buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Colne and take a look throngh our Dress Goods before you buy. and make a specialty of Millinery and our prices are lower than the lowest. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange WAN TED -A car of Potatoes this week. I ighest prices paid tor produce. Siebert & Co. Hartletb Block. DASHWOOD Meo's Spring Suitings Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Sui Ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices right. All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do I well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal Woven -wire fencing. Highest prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, =111111111,1,.- DASHWOOD Fencing and Paints We have just receive a lot of wile for you to do your spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and Peerless fencing, 'ilso Coil, I3arb Wire and Hog Fencing. Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Paints Aibig stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us !'reduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TI EMAN, Dashwood Announcement To Residents of Farquhar and Vicinity We came to Farquhar seeking a snore congenial occupation and believe we shall like the work we have undertaken, Our purpose is to do right and while we will doubtless make many mistakes they shall be of the head and not of the heart. We adopt the old motto "!lest Goads at Right Prices." it has been a principle with us to nand by our neighbors if their occupation was legitimate and on this principle we solicit your patronage. Spring is at hand and if you want Seeds for hicld or Garden, Shot/ els hoes or Forks, Oil C.1'ce, Stock Food, Sulphur or whatever it may be give us your order and we will seek to scrye you well. JOSHUA JOHNS FARQUIH AR, ONTARIO Any Cold Can be Cur • without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and the like opiate filled medicines. All you have_to do is to open your bowels wide with 1'r t; ft U 3 1'Ar ors -me -t"ABtET'S- PR That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons array and ,you'll get well in no time. 1f you have a cold or are con- stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney tro.ddes, take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. s4 Get a 25c Box than pills For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. J