HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-15, Page 4Coughs and
For the prompt relief and
cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse•
nese. Loss of Voice, and all
affections of the Throat and
lungs and for general debility.
Get a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of White Pine
with Tar or Perry's Emulsion
of Cod Liver (til with Hypo -
phosphites of Lime and Soda.
Sold at
ham. Cuuve'nors were named as fol.
lows.-Goderich, G. M. Elliott ; Clin-
ton. James Miller; \Vingbam, 8.13en-
nett : Seaton h. J. Govenlock ; lien -
still, Rev. H. 1.. 'Toll; hayfield, J.
Colwell: Plytb. A. H. Carr, :Brussels
itey. 1:. G. l'ow ell: Exeter. T. 11. Mc-
Callum.: \Vruxeter, .ltev. L. Perrin
Ashfield. Rey. Chas. M. Rutherford;
Colborne, J. Tiffin; Goderich Tp. J.
Colwell : Grey Thos. Strachan ; play.
S. Rooney ; 7lowick, W. Walters ; Hul
lett. John Finglaud; McKillop, 1t.
Scarlett; Morris, Thos. Ilielby; Stan-
ley, Thos. Wiley ; Stephen Jacob Hole
Z111111111 Tuckersmith, F. O'Brien;
Turnberry, Menson Cruickshank; Ue-
borne, Chas. Cann; East \
\\'. . Saulter ; \Vest. ".Vawanosh. \V,
Mr. Gibson told the officers that
the Convention was the most practi-
cal and encouraging Convention of its
kind he has ever attended and he
has attended many in bis day.
Brownings Drug StoreLocal Option campaigns will likely
be organized this year in the towns
of .\\'Ingham and Clinton; the villages
of Exeter, Hayfield and Blyth; and
A Scandal Refuted the townships of Stephen, Hay Tue.
kersmith. Colborne. '1'urnbcrry and
Mr. Andrew Campbell, of the Town-
ship of Usborne, has been greatly
annoyed ty a mean kind of a slan-
der, which has been circulated about
bim during the past few ,months,
rta}nd is taking vigorous steps to have
the story contradicted and the par- the loth inst., when their only .daugh
ties guilty of slandering him brought ter, Stella May, died in the flower of
to time. The statement of Mr. Thos. her youth at the age of 12 years and
Harris published below shows that 8 days. A short time ago she con-
there was not a particle of truth up- traded a severe cold, which result -
on which Mr. Campbell's defamers ed in spinal meningitis.
could base their story. Apologies and The news of her death came as a
retractions have been signed by shock to the community, as she was
Messrs. John Kay. James S. Batten- of n bright and loving disposition,
tyne, Thomas Ballantyne, John Bal- and was held in high esteem by all
lantyne. and Fred G. White. .Writs who knew her. She was the darling
are being issued against those who of the home, always full of life and
have not signed retractions. happiness. She was very fond of
"Usborne Township, March 29, 1909. music for which she had splendid abil-
Andrew Campbell. Esq., Thames Road sty and at school she was beloved
Dear Sir, -Having heard of the alike by the teacher and scholars,
BShe was preparing for the next En-
elanderous statements which were
circulated about you during the past
winter, I take this opportunity of
letting the public know that they are
absolutely untrue. Slow Such a story
could have originated I cannot tell,
as no turkeys had been stolen from
me and 1 had at no time told anyone
that any of my turkeys had been
taken. Nor is any otber part of this
malicious invention true with .re-
'spect to my finding a wallet and
checque of yours.
You are at liberty to use this let-
ter in any manner you deem advis-
able. Yours truly,
-Witness, J. G. Stanbury."
Obituary -A sad event which has
cast gloom over the entire neighbor-
hood occurred at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John McMahon on Saturday,
'Thursday of last week the second
annual Temperance Convention for
ifluron county convened in the I'res-
terian church. Myth, with President
Buchanan. of Wingham, in the chair.
Delegates were present from near-
ly all the municipalities in the coun-
ty and were full of enthusiasm at
the prospect of the abolition of the
bar and the treating system.
!After reports from the officers as grown too swweet;
to the work done during the year was She needs the sunshine, this dear lit-
denit with. The morning session was *le girl'
devoted to reports from the several flint gilds this side of the gates
municipalities. most of \w•bich were of pearl."
Said the children up in Heaven.
very encouraging and the prospects .•So the King called down from the
bright for tut early adoption of the
Local Option l aw which is now so pop-
ula tbrougbout the world. Rev. 8.
L. 'roll. of Hensel'. gave an excellent
address on Local Option, quoting most
ly from his own town. showing clear-
ly that Local Option is a decided suc-
cess ill dtensall. 'It wits almost im
possible to rent a house ; hotel accom-
modation is better than under license
business is good and in some cases
better than under license. and there
was not one fiftieth of the drinking
done now as under former conditions
and for all of these statements he
could give proof as to their accuracy.
G. '11. Elliott. of Goderich, spoke of
the campaign in that town and also
led a Conference on Local Option or-
ganization which was practical and
Two strum!. addresses \ver.' deliver-
ed in t he evening. the first by Rev.
T. L. 11eleerroll. of Lucknow, who was
fresh from n splendid campaign in his
'home town. and as n former resident
Of Owen Sound. spok • with authority
concerning conditions there.
110 stron,cly urged the churches to
do more for Temperance and Local
Option 11111 II they had done, ns he was
convinced that it is the church's duty
to w1111:e war continually. until the
country is free Froin t he legaliz,•d liq-
uor traffic.
Mr. Jos. Gibson, of Ingersoll, Pres -
trance Examination, but she has
.now graduated into a far higher
"Where she no longer needs our
poor protection,
And Christ himself doth rule."
She leaves behind an only brother,
who with her parents have the sym-
pathy of the whole community ,in
their end bereavement. The funeral
took place on Monday afternoon to
the Exeter cemetery.
"Oh! whet do you think the angels
Said the children up in heaven,
"There's a dear little girl •coming
home to -day ;
She's almost ready to fly away.
Froin the earth we used to live in.
Lets go and open the gates of pearl
Open them wide for the -new little
Said the children up in heaven.
"God wanted her here, where his lit-
tle ones meet,"
Said the children up In Heaven.
"She will play with us in the Golden
She has grown too fair; she has
Said the children up in heaven.
"Jly little darling arise and come.
To the place prepared in thy Fath-
er's home.
To the home my children live in;
Lets go and watch by the gates of
Ready to welcome the new little girl"
Said the children up in heaven.
"Far down on the earth do you hear
there weep;"
Said the children up in Heaven.
"For the dear little girl has gone to
The shadows fall and the night
clouds sweep
O'er the earth we used to live in.
But we'll go and open the gates of
Ob 1 why do they weep for their dear
little girlf"
Said the children up in Heaven,
"Fly %vitt' her quick, 0 angels dear,
Said the children up in 'llenvcn.
"See. -she's coming I Look thsre I
Look there!
At the Jasper Jight on her sunny
Where the veiling clouds are riven;
011 hush ! hush 1 hush 1, all the swift
ovines furl,
1'or the King himself. at the gates
of pearl.
Is taking her hand. dear tired lit-
tleident of the Ontario Brunch of the girl,
J)dminion Alliance. closed the Conven-
tion with an inspiring address. He
urged the delegates not to lose sight
of the fact that the greatest work in
which 11 • church could concentrate
its force w) is the Temperance work
means congestion. blood pressure
and that thy should ower h 'p before
somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
1n c a pains.
b cls h ck e dwwomnnl
I c h
• a► tr •':r• in
hunt h, ids. of
t 3 - way
to crake the world better• pains. pain anywhere. Try one. and
It *solution was adopted urging the see! 20 for 25e. Sold by W. S. ilowwey.
Government to repeal ih•' three-fifths
cln Ise. find alsa one criticizing the
Local Government for the manner in
-vhioh the License instr. eto' and Com-
missioners had been appointed in
Centre 1Ir.ron.
a letter of thanks was ordered to
be sent to W. t'roudfoot. 51. P. 1'. for
Centre Huron. for the strong position
be took on the floor of the ,l.cprisla-
turr in regard to the thee -fifths
clans' find the abolition of ths bar.
The follon in't officers a ere appoint
ed for th0 cnrr•nt year. -President.
1•'. Itnchanan. \\•in'thntu ; Secretary,
T. Cooper. Clinton ; Te ensurer. J. P.
Brow n. Goderich ; Vic••-I'residmit a, G.
111. Elliott. Goderich ; It,•v. E. ,\dnrr.
Fear. Ezeter, and John Kerr. Wing -
Bead the pain formula on the box
of Pink fain Tablets. 'Then tisk your
Doctor if there is a better one. fain
Dn:ly until .April :loth. one-way
second-class colonist tickets ww ill be
issuer) by the Grand Trunk Railway
.i3'tem to the following points nt
very joie rates. -Vancouver. It. C.,
:-settle. \\''sh. Spokane. \Vnsh. Port -
:and. Ore.. Los Angeles. Cal.. sen
Frnnei-co. Cal., 'Mexico City. etc.
For further iefonnntion and tickets
apply to any Grand'I'runk agent.
For sny c:,e° of nes%ou•nens, sleep
les••ness. we.t;: S. OM eh, im!igrstintt,
dyspep.i.t, try Cu Ier's i,it;le Liver
Pitts. Relief i'• P. The only nerve
me/Heine in in i r ket.
3at_v. seiesan.• MMOI .ACT-ars4 .rs .'tri • - • e1E..••.+a:::.e3
fprrr't?ief;ts: Sulphur. r' a its. Qntt':t. Se:fie•n ehloefd.
- -_---- (a;.siwnt. Sart, Atco(wi. :'/et•_r. Perone.
Ask t!octor if there is anythingi:;�I(ii`)e1!4 here_.
Ask f;i�ii a:so there is not genuine iva'it here.
�!17C7, •
► • ,F•-r`�� Te�' Liri6e Ikia
-..t t
.qr, t+w. 1.. 1 •
Jacob 'feel, of Stephen 'Township
was placed in the )louse of Refuge at
Clinton last week.
Mr. Win. Aikens. of Clinton, died on
April 5th, aged e7 years. The de-
ceased was born in Nova Scotia and
in his younger days followed the
school teaching profusion.
At n ,fleeting held in Clinton last
week, it was decided to go ahead with
local option along with other muni-
Zarn-Iluk ltetnevcs there.
it is just at this season that pimp-
les, blotches, sores, serofulness ail-
ments, and eruptions generally, make
themselves most felt. Zeta -Bilk will
be found of wonderful use wherever
there is skin eruption or deep-seated
ulcerations. Pimples, blotches, and
irritating rashes on the face and
other parts of the body indicate a dis-
tutbanee of the functions of the skin.
Impure matter, which the blood
should discharge by means of the
skin, is allowed to remain in the
pores. the process of "exhalation"
is interrupted, and justwhere the
bad matter collects, there pimples.
ulcers, and sores quickly appear, and
the skin tissue suffers. To be com-
plete, the treatment roust be of two
kinds. The sufferer may help to di-
minish the supply of impurities by
taking no rich, greasy and indigest-
ible foods: but, to remove the im-
purities tbemselves, the pores must
be opened and the skin made health-
ier by the vigorous application of
'Lnm-13uk, morning and night, and
%ensiling frequently with sonic pure
soup. There is none better than the
antiseptic Zion -Bilk Medicinal and
Toilet Soap. Zana-ltuk baler stimu-
lates the functions of the skin by
the penetration of its refined herbal
essences, and thus reaches the root
of the disease.
5lr. Arthur B. Griffin, of 191, Pie -
011 Street, d•:. Hamilton, says
w•aa greatly troubled with pitnples
and blotches breaking out on my face.
I tried a number of remedies, and
also specially dieted, yet the pitnples
and teaches remained. Acting on the
suggestion of n friend, T began us-
ing Zinn -Bilk, and was much pleased
to find an improvement after several
applications. The itching was alle-
viated, and the inflammation seemed
less. As I continued the Zam-I3uk
treatment, the pimples and blotches
became Tess sore, the itching was
eared although, the inflammation
banished )n the course of a short
lime every blotch and pimple was re-
Zam-Bol: is also a sure cure for
cut:t, Incerations, burns, eczema, ring-
worm, poisoned wounds. festering
sores, bad leg. and all skin injuries
told diseases It is also a cure for
piles Druggists and Stores every-
where sell at 50c n box. or post-free
from Znm-hill( Co, Toronto. on receipt
of price
The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture have announced the rules and
regulations for the standing field crop
competition. 11109, and the Kirkton
Agricultural Society have decided to
enter the competition in fall wheat
for which $50 in prizes will be given
to he divided as follows, $15, 12, lq.
8, 5. Send entries at once to the
Secretary, Autos Donp'. l:irkton.
Following ere the rules: -
Having in view the excellent results
obtained in 1907 and 1908 in stimul-
ating a greater interest in the pro-
duction of hotter seed grain, agri-
cultural societies will ngnin be assis-
ted in the holding of competitions in
standing field crops during 1909 under
the following regulations:
Competitions \will be limited to one
crop. to be selected by the society,
which should be• the one of tnost im-
portance to the farmers of the dis-
trict. Entries for competition must
consist of tiol less than five acres,
and when beans and potatoes are en-
tered. the minimum plot trust not be
less than one acre.
Selections roust be made from the
following crops, viz., spring. fall or
goowe whent.ouls, burley. rye, corn.
pens. ilsike, clover. red clover, pota-
toes. beans or any other sample crop
produced for seed in Ontario.
' C0511'ETI'fO1tS-Com!:eli(iot will
le limited to :number:. of urn tigricnit-
oral society and the fields evtt'rcd
roust not be more than fifteen miles
front it headquarters. Compel .itors
shall be allowed to make entry in
only one society rind but one ran be
made by each competitor. -
3. SOCiETY'S ENTRY -Societies de-
siring to enter this competition meat
notify the superintendent not later
than the first tiny of May, and must
snake not less than ten entries nor
more than twenty-five.
The society will charge an entry
fee outside beans a member of the
-.: ci .t )•,
r t
4. INDIVII11'A1. EN1'Itll•;S-A11 in-
dividual entries must be forwarded
by the secretaries of the societies to
.1. Leckie Wilson. superintendent of
riculturtrl sne;'ties. Parliament
!dings. 'Toronto, before the first
u; .lune. 190;).
• :Societies wily. if thought ndvis-
:II•; •, charge competitors an entry fee
of not more thee one dollar.
An amount of nut less than $50
most be offered in prizes by each
society. to be divided as follows: $15
s12. 8(0, �fi, rind $5, (1f the above
nru•nurt the (halrtrio depott$11ont of
agriculture trill contribute $'10. The
hnlnnce is to be contributed by the
society. and this $u0 can be counted
ns expenditure for tiericniteral pur-
poses in the yearly fin:meirll saate-
1* I) ;ES --The Ontario department
Of ngrienitur' Will furnish expert
j'i lges free of charge.
I'A1IIM-i.nr;1' prizes will be offered
by the department for t wo bushel
sticks of grain at both Guelph and
Ottnwn winter fnirs. the competition
for which will b- confined to prize-
. -in. ers in the st:ndintt field crop
rain petitions. Full I1 1* iruilii 1's will
h.• furnished 1nt r to the prize a'
n -
'Ill' �I' 1•:\1111;Ir-lit addition to,
1 he above 11rrnug,•rn'nts have been
erode with the directors of the Canad-
ian Nntionn) Exhibition. In be held in
Tomtit(' Au frost 2,1 10 Seltteniber 13. •
to donut' :.210 in partes for a (then(
exhibit of ;trait, (roll* the fields. the
The Kind You Have Always Bought, nal which has bee
its use for over 30 years, l:us borne the alsa;tnro
and Itas been tondo under his po
somal supervision Eh:co its infante
• Z4e4oe Allow no one to deceive you it thi
All Counterfeit:;, Iumitations and "Just -as -good " are bt
ExplerIments that trifle with and endanger the health
Infants and Children -Experience against Exper ilaeu
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 11Iorl►hino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys W'ornte
Mid allays Feverishness. It cures Diarritaas and Wind
Colne. It relieves Teething Troubles, ('tares Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
j The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
• CAPITAL (paid up) • • • •
I Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
.... $3 500.000 00
.... $3.500.000.00
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson dt Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDUN, Manager
H. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0Q
Ar;=ANDER LAIR), General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,00
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most comical
way in which to carry money when travelling. fifty are issued in denominations
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, FratKfi Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swedca
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank, 131 s
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch Mao at Crediton.
In Use For Over 30 Years. DR. G. F. ROULeDo
D. D. S., Denttistt.. Member of
7Ne CCNTAua COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STRCCr, NEW YONA CITY. R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
owners of which were awarded prizes
in the standing field competitions..
For this sheaf exhibit the province
has been divided into three districts
end prizes amounting to $80 will be
awarded competitors in each of the
three divisions mentioned below for
the following kinds of grain :•
Wheat Oats Barley Rye
son, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D
before August 2, lPoel. JJ D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
(17 A. Es •r Ft 7.11. a University.
Sears the The Kma You Hare Alwals Bowen Dental Surgeon
SignatwtreOffice over Gladman .Sc Stanbury
ala44: Main street-ExKTEH.
First prize R 6 6 R The following is the report of the T vir. BROWNING, M. D„ M. C
Second prize 5 5 5 5 Promotion Examination held in 8. 6. • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Lu
Third prize 4 4 4 (1 No. 6 Usborne. Entrance Class, total fereltr. office and restdonence. Domlolon
Fourth prize 3 3 :t 3 790, Roy Fletcher 592; Ella Heywood Wboratary, Exeter.
Fifth prize 2 2 2 2 587; Lulu Godbolt 586; Rhea Godbolt Associate Coroner of Huron.
DIVISION 1. Includes Muskoka, 565; John Creery 537. IV. Sr. Pass
Parry Sound, 3laliburton, Nipissing, mark 365, Emma Heywood 606; John H
R. Bright, M. D., M.C. Y. and
Ma,.itouim. Algoma and other dis- Brock 430. IV. Jr. Pass mark 365, •8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
Iricts in New Ontario. Jean 'Campbell 504; Earl Coward 553 iversity. Two years resident physician
DIVISION 2. All counties east of Arnold 'Clarke 490. Sr. third class, Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
York and Simcoe. Inez Creery 590; Edward Kellett 568 and residence. Dr. Amos' old stand
DIVISION 3. York, Simcoe and all Roy Goulding 454; Erie Coward 390. Andrew Street, Exeter,
counties west and southwest of same Jr. Third class, Dia Cornish 573; II.
Each sheaf must contain not less Cornish 572; May Clarke 438; Inca
than 1.000 steins and must be boxed Heywood 431. Sr. 2nd class, Gordon
and shipped C. 0. D. to the superin- Duncan; Lloyd Johns 438; Gordon
tendent of agricultural products. Ex- Washburn 386; David Creery 0341
hibition Park. Toronto, not later than The pupils were all successful in ob-
August 20. All entries for this ex- twining the required number of marks
hibit must be trade to J. Lockie Wil- Jessie A. Hamilton, Teacher.
We know of no
cessftll in relieving c suffering of women,
many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. ''inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound.
In almost every community you Will find women who
have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has
either been benefited
by it, or knows some
Cho has.
In the Pinkhain Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., arc files con-
taining over one million one fiundred thousand letters from
women seeking health, in which many openly state over
their own signatures that they have regained their health
by taking Lydia I, 'Inkhorn 's Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved
many 1VO111e11 from surgical operations.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is lade ex-
clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harnllc .,
The reason why it is so successful is because it (contains
ingredients which act directly upon the female organists,
restoring it to healthy and normal activity.
Thousands of a;:solicited and genuine testimonials such
as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy.
iTelleriver,(Znr.-" Without Lydia 1:. I'inklmin's Vegetable
Compic)nntt 1 wiittlll not be alive. For five months i had painful
and irregular periods and intlantnlation of the uterus. I suf-
fered like s+ martyr and thought often of death. 1 consulted
two do.•1'r•: who could do nothing for ate. 1 '1% mat to a hospital,
and the hi.t ilseto '9 said i must submit to an operation, because
1 had tt t 1111: or. 1 went back home Touch discouraged. One of
my cousins nclvived too to take your ('omp))und, as it had cured
her. 1 did so 1172(1 Koon ('hntrneneell to feel better, and nlyappe-
tite cant,• h,te'I( with the first bottle. Now 1 feel aro pain and am
cured. Vonr ren►wly is de+erv-ing of praline." - 3Irs. Emma
('hotel, Valleyfield, litclleriver. ()twins'.
Women who are suffering from those distressing ills
peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts
or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to re store their health.
We have unlimited private fund. for tomb
`sat upon farm or village iroperty ab lows t ,
r +bee of tater DICHBON & CARLINO SygOpiS al ids .dollen Nati
Next Homeseekers'
APRIL 130th
Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 p.
April 21st, weather permitting.
Winnipeg and return $32.00
Edmonton and return $42.50
Proportionate rates to other pointe
in Western Canada. Tickets good
for 60 days.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Caine
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
IIICKSON & CARLING, Any person who is the solo head
of a family, or any male over 111
t: misters. Solloltor,r Notaries. Conveyancers I y c't' a old may homestead a quarte]
Commtuv Ionete, Solicitors *or the Motorcar1 sectoni of available Dominion land ha
Bank. Etc. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta,
Mone, to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. . The applicant must appear in Alberts'
OF1'lCSt-MAIN STREET, EBSTER at the DontiItion Lands Agency or
I a. CARLING B. A. g orclascs Sub -agency for the district. Entry b�
1 proxy may be had at the agency, 00
certain conditions, by father, mother
r1ONEY TO LOAN. son, daughter, brother. or sister of!
intending homesteader.
We have slamfta amount of private fund. Duties :-Six months residence upon
oanoetarmaadvtllsgeprol)erttt►satlownbe and cultivation of the land alt eaoh
OLADSMAN & STANI)L'Ity of three years. A Homesteader may
nsrristere Solicitors. Maio St. Exeter
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at fox est rates.
North west hnd.+ for Sale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
JuOc 01Sulthioes
The man who is a judge of gond
clothes cas not fail to opined rte the
excellence of our Spring patterns.
Our display of new
t tine antin e
) y ft.p ,
vestings, etc., fairly blooms with
Spring apprcpriatenees. if you are a
good judge of goods and the makeup
we can certainly please you with a
suit of clothes. if you are not a judge
of goods or tailoring
hen Come Here by all Means
Conte for theteaeon that we have
the reputation of selling the hest goods
and knowing how to make them, and
we live up to our reputation. You
take no thttnce when buyinf,• hive. 1 Heart Strength,orIlex rttwenknrs.,moans Ne
Jnsttelett y'n'r goods, let 111 take Pin -oath, or Nerve Weakness-nothiagmore.
lovely, not ane weak herrn Ina hundre,1 li. t
your measure and you may Safety lett, nOually disoase1. It is almoa atony
leave the rest entirely to 1's. Give us
hidden tiny tittle nerve that re:aliy ball at fa
r This obscure never -the (anitac, or Heart Ne
an opportunity to demonstrate to you slmplyr..erd,•amlmualhaw.•,moropower,m
Ihat we know our buslnees from A to
atabillty. more rnntrontnaa more toner
%. Wt' sok you not to buy your
strength. with ut that the ll' rt must mntun
Mpt it.g Suit until you come nett aur to fart, and the stomach and kidneys also ha
these same controlling n. rv.•s.
what we can da for you. i 7h1, clearly explains why as a medtetr
Phoop'. Nest( hr, hi the past done sea
J. H. Holtzmann
for weak and oiling Heart!. Dr. Shno 1 e w,
I r. t etsD
! the cause all this /sinful. patpitttui Z, sut.x•ap
Int heart dlstr-sr. )r. shonp's N.a.lorttiv,_ this
Ct popular prescription -Ls alone dlruetal to thele
1.i' E1) I l ON . t wgak and wastingR nervo C. nton. 11 halide;
' It strengthens; It off.•rr real, gcnuh,. h. art help.
• 11 you would have trortg Hearts, strontr d:.
tendon, strengthen thew ,nerves - re-cstabllab
The old fashioned wayof dosingn' there as beefed, with
1 u:'rik stomach. or atimulnting hc �rShoop99
lirnrt orEndes,•:isellwrong.llr.f
Shoop first pointed out this error.,
This is why his prescription -Dr. ' Restoative
Shoop's Restorative -is directed en-
tirely to the cause of these ailments n --
the weak inside or controlling nerves. Coughs that nro tight or distressing
It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, tickling coughs, get quirk and certain
to strengthen a week Stomach, help from Dr. Shoop's Cotigh Remedy.
Heart. or Kidneys, if one goes at it On this account elruggist!, everywhere
correctly. Ench inside orgnn has its are favoring Dr. Shoop's C'ot•zh Rem -
controlling or inside nerve. When edy. The tender leaves of a harm -
these nerves fail then those or►zang less lung -healing mountainous shrub
mast surely falter. These Fitful give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Itemedy,
truths are leading druggists rvery- rls curaliwe properesos
wheretodispense and recommend Ur. I►ac: the power to ctialm. th:he mostseleavedis-
Shoops Restorative. Test it n 1'w tre,,eing cough. and to soothe, and
days, and see! Improvement tali heel the most sensetive bronchial
pbromptly!t, Ito\ nn, surely follow. Sold membrane. Test it one, yourself, and
y \\ . F see I Sold by W. 8. Howey.
live within tune miles of .his home+
stead on a ttarrn of at least 80 acres
solely owned and occupied by hire or
his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homestenidt
in good standing ►nny pre-empt a
quarter section alongside his homer,
stead. Prick, $3. per acre. Duties -i+
Must reside six months ineaoh of tail
years from date of homestead entry'
(uric:udirtg the time required to earn.
homestead patent) and outtivta
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot oL•
fain a pre-emption may take a pure
chased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Duties. -Must
reside six months in each of three
years, cultivate fifty ncres and erect
n house worth $300.07
w, iv, rola-,
Deputy of the Minister of the tatetlor
N. A. -Unauthorised pnblieatioo of this advertlN
meet will not be paid for
Heart Strengflt