HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-08, Page 8'1' ti , X E 1 L K 'L` 1 M. r, S APRIL title 1t U'U +•}-i•f :••:•+f-t+++++++t :-•e•+v++++++++++++++++++++++4 ♦•ii + } }.} t ; f+++f4 : f•:: +f+f++t+}++++++ttt ++ + S'TEWART's PHONE 16 Easter! alt[- YOU READY: We are with the studying the new etyles. nue at Istewarts. You'll not be asked to buy. best array of Specialties that ire hove' over shown. Fiats for Ladies Our showing is certainly tine. Ribbons and flowers are very stroll.; this bes-on \Mille the hate are large the styles are very Itecout t.g. Our Milliners are experts. \Ve think they can please you. . , Ther eis much to see arid lots to admire. Come. you are always weleuu Hats for nen We are sole selling agents for Exeter for the celebrat- ed King flat '•:?- - The King Hat comes to us direct. We save you all the middle profits anti al- ways give you the very ��/��^":::•i'��`/f/,'•_ latest styles. J JJ��77 You Know Dressy Young RED 1 tag Men all wear King Hats-- Hats ats Men's Spring Overcoats We are showing a very fine range of Men's high-class Spring Overcoats. They are made from pure wool Cheviot, invisible twill. bilk faced, satin lined, workmanship the best, style down to the latest minute. Men's Fine Shoes DI you know there is no Netter place in town for men's fine footwear. \Ve show all the latest lasts in the new American shapes in Tans, Willows. Ox Bloods and Blacks. Our Bearsford and Model shoes are the recognized leaders, $3.50, $1.00, $1.50. Wall Papers Yes! Wall Papers are going out fast. We control some splendid lines. They are the nest values you'll see. 5c the roil for neat papers for bsd roomy and kitchens. 10e the roll for lovely glim- mer and gold papers, suit- able for any room. Some Beauties at this price. 121 to 25c. for the finest range of new wall papers you'll see this season. Lovely floral and stripe effects in natural flower shades. Room Rugs Scotch Linoleums You can't afford to pass us. We show the prettiest seam- less Room Pugs in the trade. They conte in Floral and Me- dallion patterns in rich natur- al autumn tints; \Vools, Ta- pestry, Brussels, Wiltons. $0.50 to $30. Our Linoleums are winners. They conte from Nairne. the best people in the world in their line. 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. Buy your Linoleums and Rugs from us and we will lay them free of charge, and do it well too. Redpath's Sugar is best by test. We sell none other. Farre produce is just as good as cash. J. A. STEW AR'T ++++•7-4-4-1 -1.4-f-1.4- •-e-ee-e-e+++++++++-3•++++++++++•t•++ +++.++++++•:•+f+++ -4•t -t•++++ -F++++++++++++++++ PHONE 22 DISCOUNT SALE In order to reduce our stock we will give a discount of io per cent off all Dry goods and Boots and Shoes For the next 3o days. R. N. ROWE One door north 1'. 0. FROM BOY \VANTEi)-At once to learn tailoring. Apply \W, W. Taman. Don't forget the moving in the Opera Rouse. Monday pictures evening. \VOOD FOit HALE. -We are now -prepared to deliver to env part of the town first class elm slabs. All orders promptly nttended to. R. GiLLIES. FARM TO BENT. for posture, 21-2 miles north of Exeter, Lot 11, Con. 1. Tiny, 100 acres. Good pasture and water, .' pply R. 13. ROSS, Byron. Ont IiOIRSE 1'O1t SALE. -Good driving mare rising six years old, weighing CLOTH Ti) ('OSII'I.ETE1) about 1.190 pounds. Apply one door COAT south of the .\tension House, Exeter, every step in the tailoring of the gar- D. MACK. tnent a ill stand inspection. The parts of a coat, like the interlining, etc., \\ omen veil h No co lorless faces which you never see. ere as carefully f Mooed after as those in plash sight. who feel weak and discournged, will That receive bot b mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which MAKES YOUR TAILORING 1)1'R- are made for the blood, nerves and A Ill.E. complexion. Pr that we man more than the eear- ing quality of the fabric. We mean thnt the long wear of the garments will he equalled by the lasting shap- liness we put into your apparel. it will look good ns Tong ns yon wenr it. and that will be long indeed. W. W. TAMAN North West Lands nought and Mold. We have a number of npplicntione for northwest lands in quarter anti hell section lots. Any one having vvestern lands which they wish to dis- pose of. will do well to call nt the Times Office and get pnrticilnrs. FOelse it HALE in Dashwood. Lot containing half in ncre. with 1 1-2 storey brick ONT ARi0.. time [ling 21 by 2S. with n one -storey brick kitchen 11 by 20 attached; --bearing fruit trees of n1l kinds. On this property Is n good stable 20 by 30 and stood water. the property of the late Daniel Sachs. J. K. (;oetz and A. Schroeder. ):xecntors of Es- tate. Merchant Tailor. EXETER, White Wyandottes Good Laying Strain 1st pen. $1.50 for 13 eggs. 2nd pen. $1.00 for 13 eggs Three settings or Incubator /tperill rates. 1st pen headed bred by J. 8. M irtin. l'ort 2nd pen headed by real good RESiI)EN('E FOR SALE Handsome trance residence ; 10 lots at rooms in good repair. with 4 acres by bird of land ; 1 mile west of the Main St. �a • of c forth _In o h. ble. forhorses n c and Dover; cow. land is well planted with fruit bird of d ornnmentnl trees. comment as to quality. Communien• bud and soft water. E'urnaee my own raising. Either pen needs no no leafy time, answered promptly. Electric lights. side Welk to forth township taxes. Apply oh premises or to. 4t 1". ilolmested, Seat CIiAS. 1'. HOOPER, Itox 157, Exeter, Ont. of and Sert- the ortb. Market Report. -Tse following; u 1 A cur -load of 'Buggies just arrived thu report of Exet.ar markets. dor- at W. J. llissett's chow rooms. first reefed up to April 8th. i class buggies. Cull and tree. 1Lay. 7.5U to $8.50. I Miss E. Carling returned house last fess, b5c. IFriday after at pleasant visit with wheat $1.10. 1 friends in Toronto and Norwich. Oats 43 to 43. Mr. Owen Atkinson bad his right Ilnrley 55e•wand badly cut by a circular saw on tihorts, ti'23. 1 'Tuesday which severed t he i : udons Bain $'l4 Iof his thumb. Illeudid Flour. STAR, $3.00. Mr. Chas. Seawright has moved l.•t•d Flour $1.40 to $1.45. A',yke e.6 to $8 per. bushel. from the residence on Main •street Clover S5. to $6. recently purchased by James Whyte Timothy fig to $2 per. bushel. t from Capt. J. N. 11loward to the house Butter 20 cents per. pound 011 William street owned by John is gs 16 cents. ltr't't«d' [logs. livevveight6.RU, Mr. J. A. Stewart is showing the (loge. dressed $8.50. citizens of Exeter that it is not only Cool, $7.25 a ton. the big city stores that can make a Dried Apples 0 centie handsome window display. Ills Ens - ter display is the finest ever shown ♦etttttttttt••Nt••.t••.•: in Exeter. In one of the windows is • . a minature tree in full bloom. a -w • LOCALS bletnntic of the Easter season. It is •• worth while to take a look at the abeautiful display. SOCIAL. -A unique social will be +++++++++++++++++++++44+4-1. given by the Ladies' Aid, of the Main I'he'1`iuws till Jan, 1010 St. church on Friday evening. April 0 for Seventy Cents 16th. The menu will consist partly 7 Ce Tell your Neighbors a- of biscuits, gems and ruaplc syrup.to bout it. be served from 6.30 to 8 o'clock, af- ter which a select program will be ++++++++++++++++4-1-4 -1-44++++ 1)11. OVENS EYE AND BAR 8UR- geon. will be at the Commercial llutel. [lours 0.70 a. in. to 4.30 p. rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday. April 2tth. Mrs. I'oplestone is visiting her son S. A. Toplestonc, of Blyth. Wm. Davis. jr., of London is visit- ing friends at Exeter North. Mr. Geo. :Mantle is in the London hospital ttnl n cr ding treatment. Mr. Wm. fonteitlt. of the Thames Road. left Monday for the west. Dr. T ..L. Follick, of St. Marys, vis- 6unda. fled his parents here on y Don't forget the moving pictures in the Opera house, Monday evening. Mrs. (Rev.) Collins attended It meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary at London last week. Mrs. Ilird. of Westfield. N. Y., is visiting her daughter .Mrs. Chas. Seawright'. Miss May ()trance visited her sis- ter. Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of 'Usborne over Sunday. Rev. E. A. Fear attended the Can- adian National Congress held at To- ronto last week. Mr. John i:erslake returned home Monday after spending a few days visiting in London. Mr. Dan Itendle left Monday morn- ing for Calgary, where he expects to Exeter base ball club was held last crs of the program. The Misses Edna a situation. • Thursday evening, when the following Follick Mr. John Byrne, of Westminster, officers were elected: lion. Pres. G.I le and Alicei 'Howard maderan visit.cd with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. At- W. 'Harrison ; lion. Vice.. \y. \\'. {excellent impression with their duett, Taman; President, J. J. \Visite; ice, while Mr. 91erb. Southcott and Miss kinson over Sunday. ( Alice Howard made a decided hit Miss Rhoda Kerslake left Wednes- Pres.. W. J. 'Beaman; Secy., 1'. Fiem- with "Smarty". The newly organ- Miss morning for n two weeks' visit ing ; Treas.. Gco. 11. Palmer ; hien- ized orchestra nlso assisted in the in Toronto and Creswell. ager, R. N. Creech; executive the last program. giving two numbers and five named officers and 8. Bawden, A. had to respond both times. The nudi- Stewart. T. Creech, and Drs. Bright once was fairly good sized and should and McGillicuddy. The matter of the boys at. any future time put on joining the lakeside league was dis- another concert they can be assured cussed, and it was decided not eco of a good house. Mr. T. 'i1. Vic - join the league. Callum as chairman opened the pro - Don't forget the moving pictures gram with a short speech. in the Opera Ilouse, Monday evening. There leas much interest manifes- ted here over the Marathon race held Mr. Albert Pcnprase lenves this at New York last Saturday afternoon, week f.;r the west. having secured a in which Longboat and Hhrubb, who position w ith the Northern Railway. were favorites were hopelessly beat - Miss Celia Ferguson. of Minden,' en, by St. Yves. the French runner. Neb.. who has been ill for several S(• eves started out at such n pace weeks. is not improving very rapidly. that it was thought he would tire, Don't forget the moving picturesI and while the other runners tried to I jockey him. the Operas House, Monday evening.nt. he continued his pace to the finish. running the distance in Miss Marjorie hose, after a pleas -1 2.40, 50 3-5 being nearly five minutes ant visit with 1)r. and Mrs. lirighti ahead of 1)orando. the second man to returned to her home ill Guelph last finish. Hayes was third and Malo week. ney fourth. Longboat dropper[ out .Messrs. ilnwden and IMeDounell in the 20th mile and Shrubb in the have dissolved partnership, the Int- 2501. both exhausted. ter continuing the business of deal- ing in entire horses. A meeting of the bowling club of 1908 was held in the Town Hall last Thursday evening to wind Grp the nffairs of lust year. Mr. John Triebner has opened a re- pair shop in the building formerly occupied by D. 'llnrtleib. See his nd- vertieement in another column. MUGIi 01 the World's Bost Music Ia beyond the possibilities of a Re- cord of ordinary leu4th. Edison A,a- berol ltecurds,playing longer than any other Record, afford songs and selec- tions not heretofore obtainable. Have you heard the Edison Phono- graph play Antherol Records. THE PURITY J. Willis Powell Manager, given in Exeter for some time and boys are to be complimented for the excellent program provided. Each number was enthusiastically applau- rendered by members at the Ladiesded and enchores were demanded. Aid,. Come due and all and enjoy a The committee was very fortunate in securing for the occasion ,Mester treat. Admission only 15 cents. Douglas Stanbury, the ten year old c ant tailor Mr. J.B. Lu t u rhea h x o ss . o t of Dr. 6tnnbur • of Toronto, r �, o o ala, anti of Pratt, Kansas, a former Exeter nephew of Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of Exe- boy, in renewing his subscription to ter. Master titanbury is the most the Times, says it is surely a welcome talented boy soprano singer in Can - weekly visitor to his home and he is ads, and his services are much in de- ededto note the improvements ibxe- mond, not only in 'Toronto, where he ter is planning. Mr. Luxton is do- sings regularly in a church choir, ing a good business and says he has but by outside places. The little orders ahead to keep him busy for fellow is a marvel, being /possessed some time. of a clear sweet voice and an ar- The transfer committee of the To- ticulation that is so perfect what ever • word can b•• heard.Il reale and London Conference of the y o d n ., e was Methodist church. which met in To- down for two numbers and so beauti- ronto last week. transferred Rev. A. fully did he give his first solo, that 11. Going from the London Conference be had to ,respond to itn enchore. to ilinruillon Conference and Jtev. ills second number way chdnged to Boggs. who has received :t call from it duett in which he was assisted by the Official hoard of the James St. his mother, whom it will be recalled church from Toronto to the. London sang Exeter whn c. Mrs. Conference. Stanbuinry iri also possesseden ofhildn good c•at vete ud the duett was highly A meeting of the License Com• nghly plens- rnissioners for South Iluron, will Coin - mg. Miss 'Amy Johns. who is always meet at Dixon's hall, Ilruecficld, on at favorite with Exeter audiences, li- wvts in good voice and gave two pleas - Friday. April 23rd, to consider appcations for liquor licenses for he sig selections.Mrs. \\ ,.tdcnhanuucr, Blacksmith Shop i or license year of 1909-10. For the cur- gitations and they were j; rent year there were twenty five tavern and two shop licenses issued and thisy car there are no new ap- plications. Any petition against granting a license to any a pplicant or premises must be .lodged with the license inspector four clays before the meeting. THE OLD RELIABLE Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring is [lore and we are hero with the goods, the Latest and Newest. Lace Curtains in Fishnet and Battenburg patterns, ranging from 50c to $4.50. Art Muslin in patterns and good colors 10, 12i, and 15c per yard. Fancy Scrim in stripe and fancy patterns, full 40 in. wide at 20 and 25c. per yard. Real Madras [Muslin in light and dark woven colors, suitable for drapery and curtains. A very full line of frilled Muslin and Robinette, a very special line at 25c per vard. Bonne Femme ('urtains, beautiful designs, ranging in price from 50e to $1.50 per yard. Lace Curtain by the yard. A very fine line for 23c per yard now selling at lite. These are all first class lines and will stand inspection. Coote in and satisfy yourself that we back our words with the goods, WALL PAPER. We are showing this year the finest assortment we have ever offered. We can give you all the latest and newest patterns and colors with wide and narrow borders. to sell from 5c to lac a roll. Our embossed and silk finish are regular 25c for 20c and 13c. SPECIAL -500 rolls of paper ranging from 10 to 25c for 50 Don't forget that we have a first-class Milliner in con- nection with the store in the person of Miss Morlock. CARLINC BROS. We Repaid All kinds ofBoot s and Shoes for yon CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. An enthusiastic meeting •of the so good. she had to .respond both times. Mr. E. J. 'Christie made his debut before an audience and sang "Jcrro-Co". in great shape, Ed. didn't expect an enchore, but: the audience insisted and Ire come back with an- other song. which was also good( Miss Edna Follick pleased everybody with "Under the Southern Skies" as- sisted in the chorus by the other sing - :.1 a ster Gordon Bowe. of Toronto. iting his grandmother, Mrs. W. .11'4 ' 11, London [toad, North. -s T. J. \Vbite returned last .:.day evening after an exten- . •• trip to California points. Mr. 'Henry Smith, of Exeter, won ire• et of the prizes at the Clinton Set:ng fair in the Shorthorn class. Miss Stella, the ten-year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon ;of Ray, is quite ill with influenza.. Mitis 1,. 'McQueen, of London, is nurs- ing her. Mr. Frank Barrie and sister Miss Ada. of Monro, and Mist Reta Essery of Eden. spent. Sntnrdny and Sunday the guests of the Misses Rhoda and Etta Kerslake. The Legislature has passed a bill requiring tnunicipalities to secure a vote of the ratepayers before enter- ing civic contracts and franchises ex- tending over the enlendar year. The Wonderland Musical Company, will give n high class entertainment consisting of moving pictures ',end illustrated songs in the Exeter Opera House Monday evening April 12th. popular prices 20 and 10 cents. Beautiful Imitations of natural wood finished with varnish may be obtained by applying one cont of Ctmpbell's 'Varnish Stain. W. J. 11 •arnan carries it full line of all c !ors and size cans. Color card f ecr. Dr. and Mrs. :Banbury and con Douglas. of 'Toronto, were the guests ,,f Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stnnbnry dur- ing the past week. Master f4tnnhitry n..sisted at the Y. M. C. A. concert on Friday evening and sang in the Pres- byterian church Sunday morning and in the Trivitt Mernurinl church in the evening. Mr. J;:o. Corbett. of the Fourth Concession of [lay, died at his home on Saturday morning. April 3rd, aged G9 years. The deceased had been oiling for some time and his depth vena not. unexpected. Ile is survived by it inane family of grown np child- ren. The funernl was held 'Tne•dny afternoon interment being; in the Exeter cemetery. The ninny friends here of Mr. W. R. Elliott. of Centralia, will be pain- ed to learn of his serious illness. Mr. Elliott was taken ill over a week ago with some internal trouble and since that time has suffered intensely. Last week n consultation of his physicians was held and it was decided to have hint removed to St. :Michael's hospi- tal. Toronto for operation. Monday morning Mrs. Elliott and Or. Oahe accompauiede-hint ns far as London. where he was met by his brother .Dr. Elliott. of Toronto. 'The operation was performed yesterday morning and reports from his bedside stated that it was successful. Mrs. Elliott left yesterday for Toronto. Billy's numer- ous friends in Exeter hope for his speedy recovery. The Exeter Gant Club has made for itself the enviable reputation for bolding the most successful tourna- ments in Western Ontario. The fourth animal shoot will take place at the club grounds on Good Friday and crack shooters have seat word that they will be here for the event. Be- sides the trophy. many excellent prizes nae being offered, consisting of merchandise that cost consider. able money. The entrance fee for the entire list has been reduced to $5.00 instead of *20.00 ns formerly thus ensuring the club of a large list of entries. As the club is under heavy expense, a small ntlinission fee w•ili be charged nt the gate. Ladies will be admitted free and neennirnodation for seating the fair ones will he pro- vided. A ltegnlnr Storm Period embracing the central days of both the Mnrs and the Mercury periods. rovers the 11th to the 16th. heing rentrnl with Moon's last quart/r on the lath. This is another period when the character- istics of the Mars infleence will h, present to ,n marked degree. \'i - cions thunder storms. henry rains. wit h destructive hail in ninny local- ities, will result atthis time. if boreal influences hnve not phenomennlly (lotninnted storm and weather thus fur in the Mars 'period. If snow. sleet and general cold have predo- minated. this period will bring en - seasonably heavy snow. sleet and cold. if warm tropical conditions prevail At the regular meeting of the Y. at this time. ninny dangerous, tor - M. C. A. on 'Monday evening a debate tindic storm• will be natural and in• was given by several of the members, evitnble. Oar "if"in this forecast "Resolved that cool is more useful need not confmse or perplex nny in- Ihan wood." The affirmative did•• telligent render. or ob:+erver; wlsnt- eon. Many interesting points were ever happens will be of nn ext retn1 brought out by hath 'ides. The bible order. and the general ehnracter of study for next Monday evening has what is coming will be indicated long been postponed till \Wednesdny even- be forehand.. after which a crokinok tourna- The Y. M. C. A. entertainment Inst tnent will he indulged in by the boys. Friday evening was •one of the best BORN IIEDDEN-In Crediton East on 'Tues- day, March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. -lledden, a daughter. DOYLE-in Stephen on 'Tuesday, March :10th. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doyle. a sou. t1eKEEVIat-iii Stephen on Thurs. day. Murch 25th. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever, 0 son. \WILSON -At 7.urich, on the 29th, March. to Dr. and Mrs. \Vilson, a SOW. TAYLOR -At the Sauble Line Ilny, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. a son. MELiCli-At the Bronson Line .flay, on March 291h. to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred \(click. a daughter. MARRIED 1tATCLIFFE-McK ENZiE - At Col mrnbus, Ont., on Thursday. March _el h. John N. Ratcliffe, formerly of Exeter to Mis. Nate McKenzie, of Columbus. • DIED DLICIIEItT.-At 7.0 rich. Tuesday, Murch 30111. John Reichert, sr., aged 68 yearn. MI'1'TLEl1OLTZ-in Crediton. on Sat- urday. April 3rd, Simon r'littleholtz, aged 80 years. CORBETT-in ilny 'Township. on April ::1.0, 190:1 John Corbett. awed 69 ears, 5 months. 19 days. III NTlat.--11 l.'sborne, on April 3rd, 190:1 Grace Ann Bunter. a•g,-d 50 years, 1• months, 17 days. SEED i3A'RLEY FOR SALE. About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes This is a new barley that has prov- en to possess a remarkable clean stiff o,excelling other ates.agavethh highest yield NOTICE TO CI{EI)ITOItS grain per acre of all the barleys test- In th •Surrogate Court of the Coun- ty in 1907 at the O. A. C. it has been of 1'erth. in the ,natter of the estate of William Crawford. of the Township of Ilihbert. in the County of Perth, 11 borer. deceased. Nnlgco is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0.. 1:97, chap. 120, that all r.rr.lilors :111,1 others 11:1vin,t claims against the estate or the late \Viili•trn Crawford. who died on or about the 25th day of January. 190", are refit:ir•d or or nitwit the lath day of April. 190' to !end h} post prepnid or deliver In Messrs. Madman & Sianbury, of the village of Exeter. solicitors for th•• exece- ,' tors of the said deceased their chriaiian and nmrntines, ad.lt'csse, and descriptions. the fill p:trtieu. Mary of Ilrcir claim•, the rtaterncnt of Ilieir accounts and the nature of the r.ertirities, if any, held by them. Sale First class stand doing goodbusi- ness; u ness; also comfortable residence. Ill health reason for selling. For terms and porticulars apply to A. E. PYM, Exeter, Ont. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business in Ex- eter, I have placed a new and up -to date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station and re- spectfully solicit a fair share of the business of the travelling public. Calls at the office, Phone 41a, cheerfully attend- ed to .' WM. ARNOLD AN OUTLINE of the work to be accomplished sys- tematizes your efforts for the day. First in importance copses the flour to be used. ONLY TILE I1EST is good enough to put Cake rind Pastry for eat. We furnish the into the Bread, your family to most 'IIEALTIIF(?T, ANi) MUSCLE - MAKING flour that ie milled. Try it. 1.00(1 bushels of whent wanted at the mill. HARVEY BROS. without exception the most popular variety with the experimental union throughout the province. ever since the first distribution in 1906 in two pound lots from the 0. A. C. Terms on application. 3011N ELI)F:K. i1EN- SALL 1'. 0.. l.ot 16, Con. 2, Bay. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the '1'(•114Il•r3 For CO11('1'( ti. mews. Sealed Tenders •ei11 be received I))' the unrier.igned np to Mondav, May :Mrd. 10t) *t. 12 o tint k non, for the cont+rraetion of cement abutment 5 ill Crediton for a bridge across the S.tuhle River. Plans soul Spet•ifica- lions can be seen at the office of the un 1etsigned. The lowest or ary tender ►tet, neces- watily accepted. HENRY EiLBER, Clerk, Townshipof Stephen, Credi- ton.:Ont. And further take nacre that atter such last mentioned date the Said executors will proceed to distri- bute assets of the deceased mmonz Ilia net lien entitled (hereto, bovine regeird only In the chew of which they shall then hnve notice and that cid executor+ shall not he linhle f-'• •h • said nss• c- wry part there- of lip any person or vet sons of wRys rl,irnrr nailed slu,ll nr,l hive been 1•0. r••ce:t-,.a by them nt ! h • time of such st r iltut i.+e). 1;1.'11)%1A 414 ,4 S'1'.\NI:1'Itl', Foliei•or = for Ex. enters 1),t.•e1 nt Fxeter this 223rd day of Mn rch• 1. • I SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1$t. 1 CEUT AL (atiedgiLe STRATVOF;)„ ONT. We have a large school, a high-grade school, with splendid equipment. Instructors are ex- perienced. Courses in Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments are thorough, up -to date and practical. Our gradu- ates are in demand as office as- sistants and Business College Teachers. Write for our free catalogue. Enter at any time, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. A Man's Life A Man's life is full of crosses and temptations. He comes into this world without his consent and goes out against his will and the road is ex. ceedingly rocxy.er. The rule of Contraries is one of t important features of the trip. When he is very little the big girls kiss him and when ho gets big he kiss- es the little girls and some of the big ones too. If he raises a large family he is en- dorsed by the Premier., but if he rain- s small cheque he is a thief. But buying the right Piano from the right People at the right Price makes hint neither a chump, a thief or a bad manager. And his children will rise up and call hint blessed. We think we are the right people to buy from. We Know our Pianos and Prices are right; -Call and let us con- vince you. S. MdrtIu & Son A COD'S LiVEIt contains the most valuable of oils for the cure of certain "ills that flesh Is heir to". It also contains grease or fat that has caused aversion to the tonic known as Cod Liver Oil. BP,ICK'S TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL is guaranteed to contain the actio¢ and curative principles of Cod Liver Oil the nauseous greasy taste re- moved. IIRICK'S TASTELESS I5 a blood purifier, at flesh producer. a tissue builder, at strength producer. because composed of ingredients, proved by science. to do those very things. But try it. that will prove it. All Druggists% W. S. Howey, Phm, B. Chemist. and Optician EXETER - ONTARIO. NOTICE: '1'o Farmers and Pal if you have any old Iron, Rubbers, Rags, Copper, Brass, bead, Zinc, Ilorse (fair bring it to M. Jackson & Sons The Old Reliable Firm Where you can get market price in cash .111 siz('A iron 1►ipP, also iv( ,1 posts an hand. M. Jd6I(SOD ?gain Mt. opposite Electric Power Ilouse. l