HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-08, Page 61000000.000000100000000111111 YOUNG FOLKS cs000000tltw UNCLE DAN'S BEAR STORY. A MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Doae With Purgati>rea, A Tonle is 111 You lead. "Well," said Uncle I)au, when Not exactly sick—but not feeling the children teased for a story, quite well. That's the way most "since you all wont something dif- people feel in the spring. Easily fcrent, 1 think I sleall have to de- tired, appetite fickle, sometimes cide myself. flow would you like headaches and a feeling of depres- to have me tell you about a bear sion. Perhaps pimples or eruptions that has frightened more people may appear on the skin, or there than any other in the world, and may bo twinges of rheumatism or that frightened nye lots and luta of neuralgia. Any of then indicate times?" that the blood is out of order; that "O -o -o -o ! Goody!" cried all of the indoor life of winter has left its thrum together. mark upon you and may easily de - "It's about a grizzly bear," said velop into more serious trouble. Lyman. Don't dose yourself with purge - "No, a polar bear," guessed tines, as many people foolishly do, Lizzie. in the hope tlutt you can put your "I think it's a cinnamon bear," blood right. Purgatives gallop declared Bob. through the system and weaken Uncle Dan laughed. "No," he instead,pt(-giyigg strength. What said, "it isn't nary ono of those you ilea' ring ris a tonic that bears. It's a kind of bear you never will pethellew blood and build up strap o f habits, ts, andboar fat is has differe t Pills is fl +'dr /r.the I Williams' ►thatican their brethren in the lighting lino g should there ever arise an emer- front any other bear in the world. do this spcdily, safely and surely.gency desperate enough to require "In the first place, this bear is Every dose of this medicine helps their services. They propose that found all over the country, not only to make new blood, which clears the many women throughout the in wild places in the woods and the skin, strengthens the appetite, British Empire who possess the mountains, but, even more often and slakes tired depressed then saute qualifications as themselves near log houses and little villages, and woven bright, active and shall be formed into a league on and especially about old pastures strong. Miss Mary 0. Ayer, Ward the lines of the British Legion of where you go to drive the cows in Brook, N. S., says :—"I cannot n Frontiersmen, thus becoming aa the morning and to get then again speak too highly in favor of Dr. Fr eriul rintent of Amazons, w n at night.. \Villiams' Pink Pills. I was weak branches a event colony, ready to "Tile strangest thing about this and run down and quite unable to answer the call to arms whenever kind of bear is that you never see work. 1 often had headaches, and it is sounded. him in the daytime or in the morn- my appetite was poor. I began ing, but only when it has begun taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ENTIRELY FEMININE. to get dark a little at evening, and and in a short time there was a on nights when there is just a tiny marked improvement, and to -day bit of moon. I am in better health than I, have "When I was a boy I had to take been for years." my father's cows to pasture every Sold by all medicine dealers or morning and go atter them every by mail at 50 cents a box or six night. I never met one of these boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Wil - bears in the morning, but some- Batas' Medicine Co., Brockville, times 1 would sec three or four in Ont, n single evening, and they would 3' frighten me so that I would run all the way home." "Did they chase you, Uncle Dan, or did you shoot thein, or scare then away 1" "No dear, I don't think any of them ever chased me. though I ran too hard to see; and I ani surd I never shut one, partly because I has! no gun with me then, and part - AMAZON CORPS FOR ARMY \SOME\ ANXIOUS TO FIG IRI: ON HRH 'IS1I FIRING LINE. I'ropo'ted That Regiment Should 1i''euiuiue From Colonel to Drummer. be Good progress is being made in the formatiou in London, England, of a mounted corps of women nurses, whose duty it. will bo to fol- low the army in battle and render first aid to the wounded. The lat- est feminine candidates for mili- tary honors, however, are not satis- fied with the scopt, offered them as members of a nursing corps. These women alt lead an open air life, and are good horsemen and fine game shots, and they think these qualifications could be put to better practical use than in do- ing hospital work. They want to stand shoulder to shoulder with SEEKS HEALTH B1 STARVING. Niece of a Famous Faster Begins Experiments. To prove that complete abstin- ence from food for indefinite peri- ods is not only conducive to good health, but also to perennial youth, Miss Claire de Serval, niece of the It, is suggested that the head- quarters should be in London. Tho regiment would be entirely fernin- iue, from drummer girl to officer. Influential and capable women would be appointed squadron lead- ers and troop officers, and the in- struction would include riding, scouting, driving, rifle and revol- ver practice, signaling (telegraphic, lamp, fing and heliograph), de- spatch carrying and all sorts of postal work. Such, in brief, is the scheme. The platter of uniform is offering no obstacle to the rapid growth of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry" Corps. All the members seem per- fectly content with a dress by no FRANCE'S RUM BILL LOWER. Statistics for 1907 Show Large De- crease. Statistics for 1907, just issued by the French Ministry of Finance, show that the consumption of al- cohol is gradually diminishing in France. The decrease is more ra- pid in the towns than in the coun- try, although the consumption is still much greater per head in tho cities. In north and west France consid- erably more alcohol is drunk than in other departments, the average consumption per inhabitant in the Seine Inferieure being three gal- lons per annum. In the centre and south-west the consumption is as low as half a gallon. Havre has earned an unenviable distinction, its consumption of alcohol being nearly four gallons per head. The consumption of absinthe is rapidly rising. Once More the Proof Is Given That Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure the Deadly Bright's Disease. Martin O'Crady Suffered From Bright's 01 for a Year, but the old Reli- able Kidney Remedy Cured Him. Emmet, Rertf, ew (,'u., Out., Apr. 5 (Special).—That the one sure cure for Bright's Disease, the most deadly of all kidney diseases is Dodd s Kidney Pills is again proved in the case of Martin O'Grady of this place. And for the benefit of ether sufferers, Mr. O'Grady has given the following statement for .� publication: "For over a year I suffered from Bright's disease. I was attended Stri'cy by a doctor, but he clic! me no good. My appetite was fitful, my sleep broken and unrefreshing. My mem- Switzerland has declared war on (.P.failed me and I was always "cart -wheel" millinery. Tho big tired and nervous. I had sharp hats which have latterly had so Fain and pressure at the top of toy much vogue among the women of lead' all nations are to be classed as ..Being advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, I bought a couple of boxes and found relief soon after I started taking them." This is only one of hundreds of cases in which Dodd's Kidney Pills have conquered the worst forts of kidney disease. They never fail to euro Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Lumbago or Siatica. WAR ON BiG HATS. Raileays ('lass Them as Diode \I heels. bicycle wheels on the Swiss State Railways, and will have to be con- veyed to the luggage vans. The official notice is said to read ar follows: "Ladies' hats more than 31% inches in diameter will, according to article 117 of the rail- way tariff adopted in February, 1906, henceforth be regarded as wheels. Any lady wearing a hat of larger dimensions who desires to travel by a Swiss passenger train must either ride in the baggage ran of deposit her hat with the lug- gage guard and enter the passen- gers' carriage bareheaded." "THE COWBOY BARONET." Sir Gcnille Cave -Brown -Cave, of 13trctton Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, who is bettor known in Canada as "the Cowboy Baro- net," has had a wide experience of Repeat it:-•inhtloh'aCarewlll always the %Glue of Zam-Buk. striting to cure ray coughs and colds." a friend recently, and speaking of A restaurant -keeper and a den- tist, who aro next-door neighbors iu a certain street, had fallen out, white belts and peaked cloth caps, and it is rather hard on the former all of which they have to provide and having it in constant use. Fur that the latter should have a glar- themselves, for the body is purely. the sprains and bruises which 1 ing announcement in his window voluntary'. Ihave incurred in my horsemanship, tc. the effect:—"Teeth sharpened Each applicant for admission to and in my cowboy life generally', to tackle tough steaks. the corps is told, "Your work in 1 have found it a reliable and war time will be to follow the fight- Fpcedy healer. Some of tho best ing line and catch the men as they riders in the West that I know, use lee's Vegetable Pills are so com- ing This prospect does not Zam-Buk regularly with the great- Pounded as to operate on both the discourage applicants, and a steady est benefit. I may mention that, stomach and the bowels, so that stream of smartly attired women, on one occasion, my horse, "Bob," they act along the whole alimentary many of them wives and daughters came down with me, rolling over not exec et nry thparage. but m aro of army officers, pours into the re- my limbs, and tearing pieces of d- cruiting office to interview Capt. skin off niy arms. By use of Zam- ly- purgative. and the pleasure of 13 As immediately the wounds and taking them is only equalled by bruises were cleanly and quickly the gratifying effect they produce. healed, and the raw parts covered Compounded only of vegetable sub - All members aro expected to re- with new, healthy skin. sub- stances the curative qualities of main in the corps for at least "When on the Mexican plains, which were fully tested, they afford twelve months and to attend riding I have used Zam-Buk for poisonous relief without chance of injury. school once a week. Applicants insert bites. must pass a corps doctor and ac- Zanelluk is Nature's own heal- It is surprising how much respect quire a knowledge of first aid. ing balm, being composed of pure worthless man is capable of gener- Many of the women who join herbal essences, It is a sure euro ating for himself. aro sufficiently well-to-do to have for eczema, ring -worm, ulcers, Repent It; ' shttnb'a Cure mill always horses of their own, but for those cuts, burns, bruises, poisoned cure my coughs and colds." who cannot afford the; expense sores, chronic wounds, bad leg, Capt. Baker is recruiting a corps piles, festering sores, and all skin r nursing infantry. In each case Injuries and diseases. Druggists he is ambitious, and says tint he and Stores everywhere sell at 50c. is aiming at a strength of one thou- a box, or post free for price from rand ycornanry and three thousand Gam-lluk Co., Toronto; 3 boxes, infantry. $1.25. You are warned against The minimum height for recruits harmful imitations, sometimes �rep- resented to be just as good. Mistress—"Are you not rather small for a nurse F' Nurse — "No, indeed, madam! The children don't fall so far when I drop them !" Month After Month a cold sticks, and seems So tear bolos in your throat. Are you aware that even a stubborn and long neglected cot1 is cured with A1les's 1.nny Balsam t In China, a pupil, when reciting his lesson, turns his back to his teacher. ly because this kind of bear is so fatuous "fasting" Dr. Tanner, has means elaborate. They look very this great balm, he says :— hard and tough that a bullet submitted herself to a remarkable smart in short dark blue skirts, I "I feel it is only my duty to let doesn't hurt him at all; nor can series of experiments at the Royal high black boots, scarlet tunics, ;You. know what great benefit I have Sou scare him away. Ho will not. Charity H spital in Berlin, Ger-derived by keeping Zam-Buk handy, run from anybody, no matter how many, much you shoot or how loud a noise Miss do Serval ended at noon your gun makes. He just stays the other day in perfect health a right there." fast of ten days without nourish - "How big aro they, and what Client of any kind, either liquid or color'?" asked Lyman, whose eyes solid, During that time she has were round with interest and ex- lived in a glass cage, into which citement. fresh air was pumped by a motor. "They are all sizes," said Uncle She was removed from the cage, Ilan, "sometimes not any larger and was placed in the ordinary than a Newfoundland dog, sumo- ward, but she intends to abstain times as tall as a big man; but they frons food for another twenty days, are always dark-colored—almost living in the meantime on mineral black, and they are always stand- water. Her weight has decreased ing very still. from ] 19 pounds to 101 pounds, but "The place where you are most her condition otherwise is perfect - likely to see them is in the shadows ly normal. near trees, and in fence corners, Most of the time Miss de Serval and along the edges of old pas- has communicated with the outer tures." world by means of a telephone, but "Well, but, Uncle Dan," began latterly she has written messages Rob, eagerly, "if you can't shootto the medical men who aro ob- thept and can't drive them away, serving the experiment, and held what can ycu do with this kind of thein to the side of her glass pri- bears? Do you always have to run son• away from thein 1 1 think that is She informed on interviewer that cowardly." she never once felt ill from lack "No, my boy," answered Uncle of food and drink, and was entire - Dan, with a senile, "there is an- ly free from fever or headache. other way. If you are bravo enough T•he young woman says that she to go right up to ono of these was induced to become a "faster" bears and touch hint with your is order to cure herself of chronic hand, ho will never hurt you, but headaches and lack of appetite, Bill disappear at once—so quickly that you can't see hits go. That is the only thing to do, but I didn't find it out fur a long time—until I was almost grown up." "But what is the strange bear?" asked Lizzie, with a puzzled look on her face. "What is the name of its" "IVliy, they call it the stump bear.•' answered Uncle 1)an, laugh- ing. "and, as I said, he has fright- ened more persons, especially small loss and girls, than any other kind of animal." And Uncle Dan laughed. Pur a second the children did not know what to think. Then Lizzie burst into a joyous laugh. "I know what it is!" she cried. "It isn't w x nr n l t all! It's just an old A Pleasant Purgative.—Parme- Baker, the commander of the corps. TWELVE MONTHS' COURSE. and also because she finds she in the yeomanry is 5 feet 3 inches, n3 a woman under that height has emerges rejuvenated after a period of self-imposed starvation. Prof. Kraus, the celebrated phy- sician, under whose auspices the experiment is taking place, hopes that the results will be of much scientific value. )1 RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN On the word of thousands of mothers in all parts of Canada who hese used Baby's Own Tablets there is no other medicine so good in curing all the minor ills of baby- hood and childhood. And we give you the guarantee of a government analyst that the medicine is safe and contains no opiate or peison- diffculty in mounting without help. There is no intention that these nurses when on active service shall encroach upon the work of the am- bulance corps. They will not re- move the wounded, but will render firstaid, further hospital work be- ing left to the organizations n ith- ia wh se province it falls. WILL G O INTO CAMP. in the summer it is proposed that the Yeomanry Corps shall go into camp, where they will attend personally to their homes and per- form many of the duties which fail upon a cavalryman under canvas. The establishment of this corps of trained nurses should do much to prevent a repetition of what etutnp that you think is a bear, ous drug. Mrs. I.. Murphy, St. llappr prevent during the Boer War, like that one near the spring, up $y Ivester, Que.. says:—"I find when n number of high -bred and at Klandpa•s: Baby's (hvn Tablets the safest and romantic women, reeking notoriety "Wes," admitted Uncle Dan, best medicine for all stomach and „ more than anything else, went out that is what f meant. I knew bowel troubles and strongly reeonr t,, South Africa es nurses. Tidally roti had seen them, too:" --Youth's Companion. 1:1,E('TRll' 11118-1:RO\WlNl:. Flue Growth Due to C-rass and High Frequency (ln'rent". At. a recent selling of the Aca- demy of Medicine. at Paris. Prof. �lallopcau introduced a young man of twenty seen. with a splendid crop of hair. The professor ex- plained that eighteen months ago the soung elan had been completely bald, but 1)r. Ch:cetct• had tried experiments on hila with astonish - hie success. 7'hc treatment consisted solely of the Alternate use of X rass and of electric high fregnenev currents. ('hicotot claimed no secrecy for his tfloth.•d, and had merely un• tlertaken the experiment to show what wonders could be worked by •lectricily in casts of baldness. mend them to other mothers. " Sold ineotn;'elent, these women were not by medicine dealers or by `nail et only in the way, but the cause of 93 cents a box from The 1)r. Wil- much unnecessary suffering on the Hams Medicine Co., Brocklille, part of the unfortunate patients who happened to fall into their "1' hands. "Vet, grandma, when I graduate 'Che first woman officesof the i intend following a literary ca' first. Aid Nursing Yeomanry ('urea reer -write for money. you know." to receive her cdrnmissio't is Lieut. "Why. Willie. my dear, you haven't Lady 1:1 11( t 00 Hunt, eldest dangle done anything else since you'10 ter of the Marquis of Allesbury. been at c•ollege." She will lend rine of the troops if will(] the eerie; will be composed. Milliner-''11.eally Miss l'assay, I;ll, i• well qualified for the work the white feather on your hat makes she has 11ndertake'it. hating reeeiv- you look at least five years young- efi n thorough training ns n nurse. er 1" Misv 1'asssy—"\Yell, you she w its a staff aur>e at Krugers- dorp tturing the Jameson Ita et Ont. may- er put a couple more white feathers on it." Old Chap—"Vcs sir, I'm ninety- three next birthday, and 1 don't recollect ever telling a lie." Young Man-"We'l. }••u can't expect sour memory to be eery reliable at t'tat age.,. ingirst se!Ic met' of 1r.tfrs -"How'sthat tout i1 Sect's.] Broker - "Splendid. Why. we '"1;1 dery share before we f, ...id the wire." l'NEMPLOYED IN OLDEN TIDIES "That man will never forget hie first and only love." "And n ho may that be 1" "Ilimself.- A Good Medicine requires little advertising. I)r. Thomas' Eclect•ric Oil gained the good panic it now enjoys, not through elaborate ad- I pens to call on me 1% hen I ant out." Little Flossie Dimpleton — "Oh, we can see from our window whenever you go away." PHOTOGRAPH OF THE HAND. New Method of Identifying l'rimiu- als Devised. A novel teethed of identifying criminals with absolute certainty has been devised by Prof. Tamas- sia. When comparing the veins on the back of both hands a striking diversity will be observed. Far more important, however, are the differences noted in the hands of different persons. In order to cause the veins to stand out more distinctly the wrist should be bandaged for a short time. Their courses can then be photographed. Owing to the size of the hand it is far easier to discover slight di- versities than in minute prints of finger tips. Nor can any volun- tary alteration of the vein tissues lc feared, unless the hand should 1'e seriously injured. Long Distance Wireless Victorian and Virginian Up -to -Date',. Tho Marconi Company has re- ceived instructions to fit up the Al- lan lino turbine steamers Victorian end Virginian with long distance wireless equipment. These two vessels will be the first steamers on the Canadian route to be thus equipped, and the installation will enable them to be in communica- tion with either side of the Atlantic for the entire trip between Mont- real and Liverpool. t• Pecken—"You are not married yet, are you?" Y oungbach—"No ; but I'm engaged, and that's as good as being married." Peckem --"It's a whole lot better, if only you knew." Relpeat tt:-"Bhiloh•s Our* will always cure my coughs and Colds." "Can any little boy,n asked the new teacher, "tell inc the differ- ence between a lake and an ocean V' "I can," replied Edward, whose wisdom had been learned front experience. "Lakes are much pleasanter to swallow when you fall in.,, The merits of Bickle's Anti-Con- suntptive Syrup as a surd remedy for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving alnost instant relief when the throat is sore with coughing, and the whole pulmonarysregion disordered in consequence. A bot- tle of this world -famed Syrup will save doctor's bills, and a great deal of suffering. Price 23 cents, at all dealers. Mr. J. M. Barrie, upon whom the Edinburgh University has confer- red the degree of LL.D., is already an LL.D. of St. Andrew's Univer- sity. It was at Edinburgh Univer- sity that lie graduated 11. A. "A Craw yard Cough" 1s the cry nt torturol lungs for tnerclli.. them mercy in the form o1 Allen's i.nng Balsam, which is used with such {,,..l effort even in c,nsumptiun's early stages. Never neglect a cough ' Hicks--"Micnwher's wealth, 1 dare say, is wholly due to his own unaided efforts." \Vicks --"On the contrary, the most of it is due to his creditors; but they'll never get any of it." Repeat it; 'e9h11oh's Cure will always cure my cough.; and colds." Mrs. I)unleigh—"It is very singu- lar that your mother always hap- vertising, but on its great merits as a remedy for bodily pains and ailments of the respiratory organs. In February. IRI?, 'There Were has carried its Cause with it Nearly 101)00 Idle in Liverpool. wherever it has gone, and it is 1 prized nt the antipodes as well as Lack of employment is not a new at. home. Dose small, effect sure. question. Says the Liverpool Mer- Cory of Feb. 14, 1512: "It is of theIRU SSIAN NOBLEMAN'S WOOING highest importance that a commit - I tee of the legislature should int- Posed ,neclintely inquire into the causes of the present want of employment among the laboring classes, and whether Means might not be found in a nation of which the revenue is immense by which a succession of public works," etc., etc. There were at that time, nearly a hun- dred years ng('. 16,000 unemployed in Liverpool. The same writer, after asking, ''is war the only em- ployment that the state has to give the poor 1" goes on to show that the pyramids of Egypt and the "elegant edifices of Greece" were built with the one object of "giv- ing,c,ntinual employment to the laborer." 4119 lSyl•1; NO. 14 09 et. i vs a Lady's Maid to Make Love to Baroness. A St. Petersburg paper j, 'Wish- es details of a Russian romance iu which figures the wealthy and beau- tiful young Baroness tirusoff, the widow of a distinguished Russian Ooternment official. All the young cavaliers of Mos- cow were hopelessly in love nith her. The baroness, however, re- jected all attempts to obtain an introduction to her and lived in perfect seclusion, attended only by an elderly relat11c. Some months ago a young peasant girl began to isit the residence of the baroness, offering the rervan( s cheap articles for sale. Subsequently the baron- ess teed to buy different articles from the peasant, who was intel- ligetnt, had good manners and con- siderable conversational talents. The baroness eventually asked the girl whether she world enter her service as a lady's rnaid. Site ngreed and discharged her ditties to perfection for a fortnight and then revealed "herself" as a young Russian nobleman named Maximt'fi, wile. taking advantage of his fair hair and complexion, had masquer- aded as a domestic servant to break doe n the barriers with which the beautiful baroness had surround- ed herself. Tho baroness was s, ninth its j•tessed by his eatra',rtl;nary per seterance that she became engaged to trim. and the mart i:lge t place a few daj s ago. A Thorough Pill. --To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly aro l'nrmelee's Vegetable fills, PE -RU -NF: For Cramps 10t6tarr onrth of Ma fears' "1 was troubled with Cramps in the stomach for six years. I tried marry kinds of medicine, also was treated by three doctors. •'They said that 1 had ncro:,s dys- pepsia. 1 took the medicina for two years, then 1 got sick again and gave up hopes gettin1. "I sawall a teshoifrnonial ofg cure a L 1 whose case was similar to mioe, beim; cured by Peruna, so thought ; would cove it a trial. I procured a bottle at once, and commenced taking it. "I have taken sin: teen bottles, and am entirely cured. 1 believe Peruna Ss all that is claimed for it." --Mrs. J. C. Jamison, 6 I Marchant St., Watson. ville, Cal. Teacher—"Did Jimmy Green help you do this sum'?" Willie—"No'in." Teacher—"Are you sure be didn't help you•?" Willie---"Yos'm• Ifo didn't help me—he did it all." If your children are troubled -s,,;, worms, give them Mother (1taves' Worm Exterminator ; safe, sure and effectual. Try it., and mark the improvement in your child. How a lucky man does enjoy pointing with pride to his superior judgment! -- Repeat it:-"Shlloh's Our. will always curet my coughs and colds." Most men would bo glad to pay a largo income tax for the sake of having that kind of an income. All Mimes Know what 1s 1s vs have violent pain. Rome take ooe thing and some smother. Our ad- vice is to place "Thi n & I,•" Menthol Plaster over the sett of the pain; It will do more to giro you contort than anything. Danks --"I see that young Noodle and Miss Sharp have made a snatch of it. He's got no head at all, but she's a clever girl." Griggte — "\Well, you can't expect a match to have two heads to it." A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's VII a heavy financial load? Is your nein a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the4 doctor's bill? I can do this for yoga and Will If you will assist me. All you need do 1s to write for a free t,ox of the remedy which has been placed fn my hands to be elven away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so foryyy000will be If ettt for 2c1(the co irxof sed. (tostare stamp). Your lettere held confl- aentlally Write to -div for my free treat- stare a llts. Y'. R CU1Ut&U. Windsor, Ont. About this season of the year the old hen sleeps on her perch at,d dreams of what she will do to titi flower beds in the spring. Missionaries is All Lands are friends of Pato. kilter. Hundreds of letters te'tify to rho fact. For accidents and sudden emergencies. such as sprains, cuts And bruises. they and it invaluable. Avoid substitutes. there Is but one " Painkiller —Perry Davis' -2sc and 50c. "Ah, Mr. Flitter, I hear s sit have got into your new house! Are you all settled yet l" Mr. Flitter ---"All except the rent!" • Iil fitting boots and shoes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the article to use. Get a bottle at once and euro your corns. After a roan has acquired a mil- lion he can afford to call his waiet- eoat a vest. Repeat it.- "Ehueh's Cure will alwsys cure my coughs and colds." AGENTS It the arms from whom goo order your supplier are Riving sitisfact)nn, stick to them. iI n .1 try out florals. We supply pure teat, coffees. sldce► per. umes. toilet reynleites, etc.. at the invest prices. '1 fro 11, wo 5pec,alties Co., slept. ,1, •ennui., Ont. Fire Insurance Agents Wau`.cJ Rlehrr►rn 1,5 nrummind Fire insurance ('ori►. \. pang, Itead Office. Itl.hmond' Que. i .tabli.hed • 1879. e'.tpi sal 8130,0.01. For a 'e at unreppe- /ente.l points. I'r•sim e of Milano, a 14re.s J. II. EWA RT, thief Agent, Pio. 18 w'eillnl;t•m 8t., I:a.t, Tor..etn, which are mild in action but mighty e Raise Them Iv tie Miik.- in results. They purge painlessly CALVES a;�.tt,i ua.«ioo;um•t,rorona and effectively, and work a perman cat cure. They can be used with- ( ut fear by the most delicately constituted, as there aro no pain- W araCosshy. Thieisaeseskitsone one ful effects preceding their gentle' •I1RITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. operation. aesa ee►t1.elere b rya ..d .. sr,...e' • .. r.fy ARPET DYEIN a/drsee Ns 48. Montreal, '4 RAW FURS end IDES. Write ter Weekly Prioe Lists, Shlpmsnts Selloltsd. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, ONT. USED IN (ding Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and in thoutarids of homes %Acre a Hato of distinctive merit is a, preciatrj. The e I:eI is the ody piano with the uamuable RepeatingAC:L>c. ,A -KT Bend for (free) ('ats:ogee No. 7S. �1►i$LLL. PIANO Q Co.. Lrndad GLSCLPIi,vt(La.�.:�e pirANOS