HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-08, Page 5r 1 E EXETER TIMES, APRIL190 CREDITON NEWS Our Spring House Furnishings AFTER DASHWOOD NEWS FOURYEARS °` OF MISERY Creditonshwood Mr. and 'Mrs. Stcinucker. of •Ro- I stock, moved into the village hast week and are occupying the house forim'rly occupied by the Ritter's mother, who died tome time ago. We Our spring stock is now complete in every line. We have made special welcome them to our village. purchases in Ifouse Furnishings and can show an immense lino of Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, Hugs. etc. in all sizes and all qualities. Beautiful pest• terns and colorings. Prices from $ti to $25 each. NVe have received a direct importation of Nairn's linoleume in two and tour yd widths in the very latest patterns, prices as low as you can get in any city store. Wall Papers We have a complete new stock of the very latest patterns and colors. We start the price from 5c a roll to '3Uc a roll. Do not fail to see our stock before making your selection for spring. Our values cannot be beaten. Lace Curtains We have a very large stock in this line. We made extensive purchases and Kaye a beautiful range of patterns. See them, 50c to $5 per pair. 1 church on Sunday morning. Millinery Our Millinery department is now in full swing under the charge of Miss Iuivan. We have the largest display we have ever shown in the most fash- ionable goods we could procure. Do not fail to give this department a call and inspect our stock and compare prices. Dress Goods The muny friends of Mr. 1'red Young are pleased to see him out again after tr"tsCured by LydiaE' • ilk=Caarad runedoDe_ welt on Monday after spending a ham'sVegetableCompound month here visiting friends. Mr. Chris. r'uhne•r has improved the appearance of his home by re- moving the old fence and making other improvements. Special Easter services will be held in the Evangelical church next Sun- day morning and evening. Rev. J. A. Schmidt, of Berlin. oc- cupied the pulpit of the Evangelical Miss Lillie \Coin, who has been in London for the past year. is spend- ing her Easter holidays under the parental roof. Mrs. Claude Bluett and children rel.. '-ted home after spending a to . t. k ; visiting friends at For - esti We have a complete line of all the latest fabrics and shades and it will pay Mrs. Gottleib Geiser returned home you to look over them. Our prices are right. We have also a large stock of from her visit in Blenheim on Mon- rints, Shirtings, Cottonades, Ginghams, Silks, Etc. day [Horning. Mr. Chas. Zwicker has added to his already complete seed plant n new mill of recent invention for the pur- pose of taking out all the foreign seeds from clover seed. Mr. Zwick- er has now one of the most complete plants in Ontario for local dealers. s Mrs. It. Sweet. who was visiting in London Township. returned home on I' is r la• t 3 D Dir. Albert Me pure has added 11 a lathe, tehich he purchased Inst tt0ek from the R. Petrie Company. of Tor- onto and it will be used for repair work, especially for machines. Mr. Aiorlock can now boast of having one of the best equipped shops in this section of the country. and is now in • a position to do all kinds of repair Anticipating the phenomenal demand which has Arisen stork on the shortestknotice. 1 n 1 One day last week some persons en - f01' Satin Surface Fabrics we have secured some exceptional- tercd the home: of Mr. Robs, Sweet • while he arils engaged doing chorea ly desireable material ani! we invite your attention to thb and helped themselves to what money following: they could find and not being salis- ified visited Ids cellar and took some fruit,. This is the third time Mr. Sweet has missed fruit in n similar manner. the thieves evidently know- ing by his name that he keeps noth- ing but what is sweet. Ile does not object so much to 111001 helping them- selves to a little fruit. but he would San Toy Goods, exceptional values Poplinette in new like thein to return the money, and . says he has a sneaking idea who the shades. Panatnas in the new shades, special 75c. Chiffon Yana- chaps are. Mr. and Mrs James Clark Air. F mas in the new shades at different prices. Noiles, Henriettas, Venetians, Taffeta Cloths, Lustros, Mo- hairs, Poplins, Tricotines and all popular lines will be found here at right prices. Silks, Satins, Crinkle Cloth, Zei hers, Ginghams, Linens, Wash Goods, etc , in big variety. Do not fail to see our Cent's Furnishings and Clothing; all lines complete. We are open to buy Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Onions, Clover and Timothy Seed for which we will pay the highest prices. A call solicited. C. ZWICKER NEW GOODS Satin cloth in every shade you desire at 50c per yd. Satin Duchesse, a very new and heavy material for the money in blacks, blues, greens, red, at hoc yd. Other Weaves Give Us a Call Dealer in Clover, Alsyke, Mil- S let, Alfalfa Seeds, Dutch Sete MI kinds of Produce. Bi-ZOWN CREDITON. Buggies Buggies Just Arrived A large consignment of buggies from tire of the leading firms of Ontario in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. Trevethick & Hodgins CREDITON, ONTARIO. Announcement Baltimore, Md. — " For four years toy life was a misery to me. I suffered from irregulari- ties, terrible drag- ging sensations, extreme) nervous- ness, and that all };oras feeling in my .'tonlich. I had liven up 114ps of ever being well ela•tt 1 began to take Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable ',impound. '1'lten I felt as though new life had been given me, and I ant reconunending it to all my friends."—Mrs. W. 5. Foto), 1938 Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is 1,ydist E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-4lay is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of woolen who have been troubled with displacements, intlarn- ination, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had tailed. If you are suffering from anyof these ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia E. I'inkh:u:t's Vege- table Cou+ponnd a trial. 1f you would like special advice write to _Mrs. Pittkhant, Lynn, !lass., for it. She has guided thousands to health, free of eltnrge, INDIGESTION ENDS. You can cat anything your stomach craves without fear of n case of In- digestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasionally take a little 1)iapepsin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested: nothing can ferment of turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, it feeling •of fullness after eating. Nausea, In - Dir. 1). I'equate our up-to-date hardware merchant, has jest received a carload of Page wire (cure and gates. ase sure and call and get his prices before hnyinti el •!r he se. Mr. It. G. Mtleuutur. of Scttfm'tbe a former teacher here, is visiting ' friends in the village. Confirmation services were held in the Lutheran church on /Sunday morning last. The Misses Koch, of London, are visiting their parents. eh. and ear,. Geo. Koch. An cxeitine runaway ,took piece at the mill 011 Monday ,afteruo.e. when Mr. J. K. Ehlers' team became frightened at the steam and ran away j We breaking the ter ee,e of the wagon and several par, ; of the harness. The wagon was loaded with wheat and a few bags of the cereal were scattered along the road. Some of the farmers in this section commenced plowing on Monday. A very pretty wedding took place mi Wednesday. March :net, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maker when Mr. Clarence Kellermann eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keller - mann was married to !Hiss Laving Ehlers, second daughter of Mr. John Ehlers, Rev. L. K. Eidt officiating. Miss Tina \\'illert officiated at the organ. The bride wore white silk with the customary veil and orange blossoms and carried a beautiful bouquet of white carnations.. J1iss Amelia Ehlers, sister of the bride. act- ed as bridesmaid, wearing blue silk and carrying white carnations. Little !della Baker. neice of the bride made a pretty little flower girl, carrying a basket of white roses. Mr. '!'hos. Klumpp supported the groom. Im- mediately after the ceremony and MONEY SAVED congratulations were offered the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where refreshments were served. The guests numbered about two hundred and the gifts were both numerous and costly. Guests were present from Zurich. Crediton and Exeter. Afiss Mande Ilartieih and Alma Brenner visited friends in Zurich on Sunday. The many friends of Miss 'Tillie Eh- lers will be pleased to learn that she is recovering rapidly from her illness. Miss Annie Schlott spent Sunday with Exeter friends. Mr. A. Edighoffcr and Miss Nora Either. of Zurich, culled on friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Volker, of Zurich, visited at Rev. L. K. Eidt's on Sun- day(. Mr. 0. W. Grnybeil spent Sunday in Exeter. W. Clark and Miss Ethel Clark at- digestion (liken lump of lend in stem- Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz, of Greenway tended the funeral of the late Mrs.ache Biliousness, heartburn, Water visited the letter's parents Mr. and brash, fain in stomach and intestines Mrs. August Shrader on Sunday. Robert Fletcher nt !nekton last week. or other sytuptoms Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick and 'headaches from the stomach are A box social will be held under the Master Victor spent Sunday tt•ith absolute! unknown [where this effec-1 auspices of the Farquhar base ball friends at Sharon. ) club in Farquhar hall on Thursday, Rev. J. y serhartof s in n, will hoistach does alitive t the y work of a thenithn sally April 8th, 1`j03, A grand program [ missionary sermons in the Methodist t' tom- first class talent is being arranged church on Sunday next. Rev. Robt. itch. It digests }roar ,nettle when your g stomach can't. Each trittngule trillfor. During the evening the boxes lucks will take Rev. Hart's work at !:ippon. Mr. E. Feist has started his post driver. The regular meeting of the Stephen council was held here on Monday. The Ladies' Aid. of the Methodist church intend giving a concert in the church on .Monday evening next[ They have arranged a good program and the following are .expected ,to take port. Miss Ilart, soloist nnd elo- cutionist. of Ilensall ; !rets. Stead- man, of Grand Vend ; besides local talent. A gond time is -expected. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Dir. Hinton t\littleholtz, an old and respected resident of this section died at his home west of the village Saturday. April 3rd, aged 80 years. ile is survived by his widow, five sone and two daughters. The funeral was held Tuesday, interment ,being in the Mt. 'Cartmel cemetery. Mrs. Ilnllmatt. of Parkhill. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Mr. F. W. Clark. our genial her- nrssmnker. shipped five sets of har- ness Inst week to Manitoba. Mr. Clark is a good harness maker and understands his business thoroughly and Ian '; one of the best equipped To Residents of Farquhar and• V1CIIllty shops 111 the county. 110(1 111(. order from the west shows that his reputa- tion has extended to the fnr west. At We came to Fatqubar seeking a more congenial occupation and present he is kept very busy with his believe we shall like the work we have undertaken. Our purpose i,+ spring work, 1)111 ulwnys finds time to to do right and while we will doubtless ,wake many mistakes they show goods and take new orders. shall be of the herod and not of the heart. \\'e adopt the old motto Mr. Art. Zwicker. 1rareiler for the "Beet Goods at Hight Prices." it has been n principle with us to McCormick iliscuit Co. visited over rtand by our neighbors if their occupation was legitimate and on this Sunday with his friends here. Art. principle we solicit your patronage, is a clever young ,nen and there is no doubt but that he will make a re- putation for himself in his row posi- tion. Mr. •Chns. '/.wicker. *hie week ship- ped ten tons of hutch onion setts to Toronto. Quebec and other points. Spring is at hand and if you want Seeds for Field or Garden, Shov- els docs or Forks, Oil Cake, Stock Food, Sulphur or whatever it may be give us your order and we trill seek to serye you well. JOSHUA JOHNS FAIIQUII •\.R, ONTARIO rig) -THE COWBOYBARONET." have used Zam-ituk for poisonous in- ,,eet-bite', T Genille Cave -Brown -Cave !!roves • •"lam -Rik has yielded plc far more Zane -Bok excellent for I remarkable results and generally R11rts and Sores proved more reliable than anything - could have done in the way of mere Si G • Cave -1t w - 'a •e of . nolle ro n C t Sir tointments or onroc n 'ona . and i 8tretton halt, Ashby -de -In -Vouch, Lei-, think it unequalled for skin injuries fest( rehire. who is better : [.own in • and diseases." • ('aeada as "the Cowboy Ilaro..• t," has No clearer evidence than the above had a wide experience of the value 1 from this well-known Baronet could of %arn•Ihlk. Writing to of friend be needed to prove the nniquc merit recently. and speaking of this great of Zittn-lurk. ttnd to show the wisdom halm. he says:-- 1 of alway-s keeping handy a box of "1 feel it. is only toy duty to let this wonderful halts. Sou know what Brent benefit 1 have Znrn-link ie Nature's own bottling derived by keeping Znm-Bok handy. balm. being composed of pure herbal nue having it in r'•/nstnnt use. Forcase'ccs. It is n sure cute for the sprains nettbruises which 1 have I e' a"tne. tint! -worm. ulcers, cuts, incurred in my horeetnnn`hip. and int hunts. br,,is( e, poisoned sores, chronic my cowboy life generally. I .have, er e1nde, bad le •. piles, fe siering sores, found it a reliable and speedy heal-' Druggists and Stores everywhere sell er. Pottle of the best riders in the! at e0c. a box or post fn for price West that 1 know, use ?am -1111k re- nt rote. a Lot. o; post free for price gulnrly with the greatest benefit. I irvl• Xam-Ttuh Co., Toronto ; 3 boxes [nay mention thnt. on nee occasion, $1 L-• Yon are warned ngiinst h'trm• Centralia Mr. V. 11 Elliott who ha • been Hospital on Monday for Ir. atment. Hospital on Monday fro Iraatment. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Andrew and deezhter. Gertrude, of Elimvillc. vis- ited with Mr. Thos. Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Hodgins. of Rt. Thom - tie was the guest of Mrs. 'I'Itos. Willie la At week. Extensive preparations are being made for the Epworth Lent{ue An - nit.; r my ten -meeting on Good Fri- dny evening to be followed by nn il- lustrated leder,. by Rev. W. 11. Butt consisting of about 150 limelight views; picturing on the canvas all the points of interest throughout Cnn- 8rl:1. (sus. 'Coughlin moved his family to Toronto on Monday. ilia house will be occupied by .1. 1'. Colvin. Rev. \V. II. hart returner! Saturday from the National Missionary Con - glees in Toronto lest week. Ile gnve n•r interesting report of the great, in - flu serial convention. Maple syrup is the palatable de- ., r, a•i the table now. my hors. "Bob," (nine down with fill imitation! sometimes represented .Mnny aro suffering in this wicin- me. rolling over niy limbs, earl tear_ t t I • ' jest I1 ease-! .. it (tom la grippe. Ing pisses of skin off my arme ih talc of 7.nnt-Bok immediately the OAfI,TOill ZA• For any ease of nerrou.nesa, slecp- Ir wounds and bruises were cleanly and ImageTf•t R'id Y:11 Hal Altte1S 8'100 s'ness, weak at omsrh, in,liae et i m,Imagequickly h, al, d. and wounds raw parts t3 nsare d yspep'i I. 1 ry ('artrr'A Lit 11 + 1,i nerve' D ride. Relief is sure. The only nerveD ,, to? medicine is filet. covered with new'. h•n 1hy skirl. \\ h, n on the llleiiran pinte, 1 n to t. t' „est all the food you can eat and ; twill be sold to the highest bidder. ;Ad - leave frothing to ferment or sour. mission 15 cents. Ladies bringing box - Ge r a !arge 5U -cent case of Tape's es free. Everybody welcome. Uiup.•e,.in from your /iruggist andf Farquhar start taking today and by tomor- row you will actually bra,; about The young sten and boys of the your healthy, strong .Stomach, for you then can cut anything and every- thing you want tt•ithoutthe slight- est discomfort or misery, and every neighborhood have organized a base ball club and are going to open the season by having a box social on Thursday evening April 8th. in Ie'arqu- particle of impurity and Gas that is her hall. in your stomach and intestines ,is The sugar bush has kept a good going to be carried away without the runny people busy for some time. use of laxatives or any other assist- Mr. Vnrnpbell our genial mail car- anee. Her started his big covered rig on • I 'Tuesday morning, n sign of spring. Read the pain formula on the box The regular monthly meeting of the of fink fain Tablets. Then ask your fire insurance company was held here Doctor if there is a better one. fain here Monday. Considerable business means congestion, blood pressure was transacted. somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain' Preventics—those Candy Cold Cure Tablets check head pains. womanly ' T:thlets—will safely and quickly check pains. min anywhere. Try one, and all colds and the Grip. Try then[ see 1 20 for 25c. Sold by W S. llowey. once and see 1 48-25e. Sold by W. .9. !Howes'. BRANLs • UP Give it "CROWN BRAND S i:1 e ; a :0 ,,i no* o'i.y for children but for everyone—aud it i : us2c1 by everyone. It i. a table delicacy witiclt should Le in every home. it is the one tiling that 5atisfe.4 that longing for sweets which all hca?thy children and most adults have. Lrsul in the hoot_, it saves trouble in the making up of delicious deserts and other good thinks to cat. "CR(1\1'N DRAND S\'Rt'l"' ste►nds for the highest possible purity ie table syrup. It is prepared in 0 clean wholesome manner from the very finest i,:gre•lients, which develop a delicious fisher as cf tine honey and Lich cream. Thee are strong r• 1 ons why you should Insist on having "C WN BRAND S'_ ..:'1". Your 4.11,7 hu it to( you in 2, 5. 10 end 20 Ib sir-ti/h, tins with I f. --ed The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1868. W„•'.- CAH!INAI„Ont. Oiices-?TUNTHEA t,.TORONTO 4SRANTEOttn By Dealing at Siebert:-;, offer all our Carnets consisting of Tata str1', Union and HIemp (atpets at a discount of 15 per cet,t. Don't Miss This We will also save you money in Dress Goods. We buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Come and take a look through our Dress Goods before you buy. make a specialty of Millinery 'and our prices are lower than the lowest, Farm Produce Taken in Exchange WANTED—A car of Potatoes this week. 1lighest prices paid for produce. Siebert Co. Ilartletb Block, U:kSIIWOOD Mers Spring Sultings Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit- ings ever shown in Dashw0^d. All the la'est patterns and colors. Call and see them before you purchase 3 -our spring suit. Prices right. Ali parties intending to purchase \\iso for, fencing will (10 well to give us a call. dole agents for Ideal Woven.wire fencing. Ilighest prices tor Farin Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASNWOOI) Fencing and Paints We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and Peerless fencing, 'also Coil, Barb Wire and Ilog Fencing. Prices as reasonable as yon can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Paints Mltig stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints. 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us Produce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood HensallThe foundry is main running on full time, Mrs. Walter Stewart and daughter Rheumatic poisons are quickly and Jennie, of Varna. were the guests of surely driven out of the blood with Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Stewart last week. Irr. Shoop's Rheumatic ilemcdy—liq. Miss , log the winter months with relatives. Jiurgnrct Moir has returned aid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's book - i to the west, after visiting herr dor- let on rheumatism plainly and inter- estingly tells just how this is done. Miss Mattie Sutherland was in Lon- Wis., Tell some sufferer of this book, or don tact week visiting friends. better still, write Dr. *hoop, Racine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis left last V. is., for the book and free test sa m• week for Itinscarth, Man., where they pies. Send no money. Just Join with will remain until the fall. Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a Mr. John Welsh tnovcd last week plcas-tnt surprise. W. S. Ilow•ry. into the house recently occeplod by Mr. James Coxworth. Miss Jessie Buchanan, who has been attending the Clinton ('ollcginte Institute, is borne owing to illness. Mrs. Albert Pee, Mrs. E. Dignnn and children left last week for the west. lir. Andrew Hemphill. of Cooks county, Minncsoln, visited his broth- er Thos. 'Hemphill during the past week. Weak Kidneys Weak kidne ,, tritely point to weak kidney Neves. Th. Kidneys. Ilk.' the:heart, and the Stomach, find their weakno.s, not In the organ 1t.•e1t, but In the nerves that rontrol and awes and strengthen th',n. Dr. Shoop's WKtorntive Is a n:• .Items st.eciflcally pr.•parid to reach these I controlling ncrt-es. TO doctor the Kidneys alone, Is futile. 1t Is a waste of time. and of mosey as w1f your back aches or it wake if the urine Walrls. or Is dark and ctrnng. l t you hsve symptoms of Brights or oth,•r dlatneeing or dangerous Me- wl- di..'ate. try ilr. Shoop's Restorative • month-. Tall, is or Liquid—and i,,e what It ran aad qll! do for you. Druggist recommend and sell Zurich Airs. Henry De.Jleth, of fort Are Our, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Casper \Valper. Miss Lydia [•'Bust has returned from tt visit with friends at Caro, Mich, The little seven-month •old child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey died on Friday, March 21Ith. The parents have the sympathy of n11 in their bereavement. Mrs. Catherine lieinnt11 a former resident of Zurich, died rat llaw•kcs- ville on Snturdny, March 2711), of the home of her daughter. Mrs. Henry Frey, with whom she has mnde her home for the past fete years. The de. ceased had reached the owe of 85 yrs. Mr. John Reichert sr., one of the pioneer business men and one of the most respected tiers in this commend ity. died rat his home on fuesdny morning of Inst week, after nn ill- ness of five or six weeks dome, aged 68 years The deceased had h. in business here for forty years. e nnly within the Ire -t few years 1 he lived retired. Resides his wi, his death is mourned by eeren el ren. The. funeral it -ns hcl(1 on TI r oo d, ment being In the Luth• 1 , ., D • I crmaycteinterrp, O$iOj1iIVe 0111sTSean the 1t1 K)W Haa Bstori Y. Blasters of tea,. , �.t:� •.:'`:,.')vel