HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-08, Page 4HE EXE ER TIME 8, APRIL SU: 1909. Coughs and Colds For the prompt relief and cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse nese, Loss of Voice, end all affections of the Throat and lungs and for general debility. Get a bottle of ferry'. Com- pound Syrup of Ve hite fine With Tar or ferry':; Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites of Lime and e. da. Sold at dollars ($,000) uyou the completion of the grating of the said portiou of the said ltailtt•ay ; 1`it c thousand dut- iers (`b,t•'Q) upon elle completion of the said grading and of the payment by Th St. Dl 'rye anti \V stcru Ontar- io Railway Co. of the steel mid tics to be used in the ca„astrectiou of the is hole of suid road, and the purchase or other acquisition of the remaiu- iug right of way fur the remaining portion of seid road; ttnd the remain- ing live thousand dollars, (3,000) im- mediately after the said Railway is in operation between the 'Town of St. Marys anal the Town of Sarnia or some other point on the tit. Clair River or Lake Huron and when said tatiot. buildings, freight sidings and cattle yards are completed ready to be used. AND WHEREAS it is advisable that the Corporation of the said Township of Usborne shall cuter into the said Agreement. TUEitEl'Ol.l. 111E Ml N IUII'AL Brownings Drug Store CUUNUIL 0.1.. "1.1117 l,Ol(1'OIt.tTION OF THE 'TO\VNs1111' O1' USBORNE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1 Aid to the extent of Twenty • thousand dollars, ($10,000) is hereby granted by the Corporation of the j.gtvushig Qf Usborne tq the St. DY -LAW to authorise the issue of ! Marys And Western Ontario Rail - debentures of the corporation of the way Company in aid of the said Itail- ta be cted from lrOwnehip of Usborne to the amount i tsh he 'Poe'ti of Elf Marys stouthe own Of Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($20,'1of Sarnia or some other point on the 1100) fur the purpose of granting aid 1St. Clair River or Lake Huron. The to the extent of 'Twenty thous:(nd dol- said Twenty thousand dollars, (420,- lars, ($20,000) to the et. Marys and 1i00) to be advanced to the Said The i St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail- way Ontario Railway Compnuy. way Company as set out in paragraph ,WHEREAS it is advisable that 2 of this l)y-law. the 'Corporation of the Township of 2 That if at any time within six Q]sborne grant aid to The St. Marys months after the final sussing of this and 'Western Ontario Railway to the By-law, the said Company enter into eZtent of 'Twenty Thousand Dollars,• an Agreement with the said Corpora - 020,000.) tion of the Township of Usborne to AND WHEREAS iu order thereto erect, equip and maintain a station it will be necessary to issue deben- and freight building, siding and Cat - tares of the Corporation of the Town- tle yards for the proper handling of ship of Usborne for the sum of passengers, express and freight, at flweuty Thousand Dollars, ($20,000) the roadway lcatling front the Post Ile hereinafter provided, which is the Office or Village known as Winohel- goaouut of the debt intended to be sea to the Post Office or Village created by this By -Law, the proceeds known as Elitnville at some point as pf the said debentures to be ap- nearly as possible equally distant plied to the said purpose and no from omvthe;lAnd shallillages f Winchelsea agrede Other. AND \V11EItEAS it is desirable to that they will erect, equip and main - issue the said debentures at one time lain a Station and Freight building and to make the principal of the said Siding and Cattle yards for the pro - debt repayable by yearly sums dur- per handling of passengers, express Ing the period of twenty years, be- and freight at the boundary line be- ing the currency of the said deben- tween the Townships of Blanchard tures, said yearly sums being of such and Usborne, at some point as near - respective utuounts that the aggro- ly as possible equally distant from gate amount payable in each year i the Villages of F irkton and Wood - for principal and interest in respect' ham; And shall further agree that of said debt, shall be as nearly as 1 they will erect, equip and maintain possible equal to the amount so pay- able in each of the other nineteen years of said period. as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually by a special rate for paying the said debt and interest is the sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy-one dollars and sixty-four ceuts, ($1471.04) for the period of twenty years. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Cor- poration of the Township of Us - borne according to the last revised Assessment Roll is $2,418,615.00. AND WHEREAS the said Corpor- ation bas not now any debenture debt whatever, AND WHEREAS the slid Company propose to erect, equip and maintain a Station and freight Building, Sid- ing and Cattle yards for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight at the roadway leading front tbe Post Office or Village known as .1Viuehelsea to the Post Office or Vdl- lage known as Elimville at some point as nearly as possible equally distant from the Villages of Win- chelsea and Eliwville. AND Whereas the said Company further agreed that they will erect, equip and maintain a Station and Freight building. Siding and Cattle .Yards, for the proper handling of of passengers, express and freight, at the boundary line between the Town- ships of Illenshard and Usborne at soave point as nearly as possible eq- ually distant from the Villages of Kirk ton and Woodham. AND WHEREAS the said Com- pany have further agreed that they will erect, equip and maintain a 43tatiou. Freight Building. Siding and Cattle yards. for the proper hand- ling of passengers, express and freight at borne point in the Village of Exe- ter. AND WHEREAS the s.tid Company propose to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Town- ship of Usborne to so erect aid eon- ,truct said stations, freight buildings, sidings and cattle lards. and for the completion of the said road on or be- fore the first day of December 1911, such Agreement to be entered into within six months (rota the date of the final ',foaming of this Ily-Ins. or some other point on the Ht. Clair AND \WIIEItE.\S the said Com- River or Lake Huron and schen said party require that the said Corpora- station buildings. freight sidings and tion :hall. when the said agreement is: cattle yards are completed ready to so executed deposit the sunt of Tawe►,- ire used ; and nll interest nccruing on ty thousand dollars 01:0,000) to the the money so deposited shall belong joint credit of the. said corporation :o the said corporation. and the said The St. Marys & West ANI) the agreement shall further ern Ontario Railway Co. in n charter provide that if the debentures issued ed ii;tnk in the Village of Exeter. and under the authority of this Ry -law also raquiie the said Corporation to „ha la t.ot yield the snot of 'Twenty enter into an Agreement with th• thousand dollars, ($20,0001 then, said Company to pay the said sum of .nil in such ease. the deposit by the Twenty thousand dollars 4040.0001 .aid Corporation of the proceeds of to the said Company ns follows: Five :Itch debentures shall be accepted by thousand dollars ($5.000) thereof up- the Company ns performance by tbe on the completion of the survey of Corporation of dant part of said the maid railway from the Town of I Agreement requiring deposit and the 8t. 3Ierys to the Town of Sarnia or to said Company shall accept such pro - some other point on t he St. Clair reeds in lieu of said sura of Twenty River or Lake Huron. rho approval Thaurand dollar. ($20.000), but the of t he plans thereof by the Board of said Company shall on final sett le - Railway Commissioners, and the rnent be entitled to so much but no completion of the parches,. or other more of the inter,, t awning on the acquisitilm of the necessary delight of Heaney so deposit •d as may be re - Way from the Town of St. Marys to 'mired to m:eke tap the full sum of the \•i;Iage of Exeter; Five thousand 1',•.enty '1,1» ..nl dollars ($20.000) BY-LAWNO a Station, Freight Building, Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight at some point in the Village of Exeter ; And shall further coven- ant that the construction of the said Railway, the erection of the said Stations, freight buildings, sidings and cattle yards, shall be completed at or before the first day of Decem- ber 1911; And shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Said Corporation, the suet of Five Hundred Dollars as security to the Said Corporation that the said sum of $20,000 shall be re- paid to the said Corporation without cost if the said Company fails to carry out its agreement, then, and in such case, the Corporation of the said Township of Usborne through its proper officers shall enter into an Agreement with the said Company to deposit the said sum of Twenty Thous- and dollars, ($20,000) to the joint credit of the said corporation and The St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company in some Charter- ed Bank in the Village of Exeter, and shall further agree that the said Twenty thousand dollars ( $20.000) shall be paid to the said Company as follows:five thousand dollars ($5,000) thereof upon the completion of the survey of the said railway from the Town of 8t. Marys to the Town of point guff on the S:a nixor some other Sarnia to1 St. Clair ltivcr or Lake Huron, the approval of the plans thereof by the Ilo.trd of Railway Commissioners, and the completion of the purchase or other acquisition of the necessary right of way from the Town of St. :Marys to the Village of Exeter; Five thousand dollars ($,000) upon the completion of the grading of the said portion of the said Railway ; Five thousand dollars ($5,000) upon the completion of the acid grading of the skid portion and of the payment by The St. Marys and Western Ontario ltrailwny Company of the steel and ties to be used in construction of the whole of slid road and the purchase or other ncquisition of the necessary right of way for the remaining por- tion of said road. And the remain- ing Five thous•tnd dollats ($5.000) itntnediately after the said railway as in operation between the TO WO of St. Marys and the Town of Sarnia AND the Agreement shill also pro- vide that upon completion of the pay- ment of $,20,000 to the Feld company any balance rernnining deposited I: hall be paid out to said Corporation by such chartered bank on cheque signed by Treasurer or other proper officer of slid Corporation. AND the said Agreement shall be signed by the proper Officers of the said Township and shall have t he seal of the Corporation attached. 3 That for the purpose of raising ing the said suet debentures of the said Corporation of the Township of Usborne to the umoUtit of Twenty thous:end dollars (420,000) us afore- said, shall be issued in sums of not less than One hundred dollars ($IUU) each, and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration for the time being and coun- tersigned by the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation, and duly sealed with the Corporate Seal thereof, which Seal, the Clerk for the time being of the said Cor- poration is hereby authorized and dir- ected to attach to each of said De- bentures. 4 The said Debentures and inter- est may be payable at any place in Great Britain or in this province and may be made payable in sterling (Honey of Great Britain or in Cana- dian currency. 5 The said Debentures shall be dat- ed upon the date of the issue thereof, and as to both principal and inter- est shall be payable in annual instal- ments within twenty years from the date of the issue thereof. Such in- stalments to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year during the said period of twenty years shall be as nearly equal as may be to what is payable for prin- cipal and interest during each of the other years of such period of twenty years, as hereinafter set forth. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum from the date of issue there- of, and the said interest shall be payable yearly on the day of the month twhich the debentures are is- sued, the first of such instalments of interest to become due and be paid in one year after the date of the is- sue of the same. 6 During the currency of the said debentures, there shall be raised an- nually by n special rate on all the rateable property in the said Corpor- ation of the Township of Usborne the sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy one dollars and sixty four cents, ($1471.64) for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for the principal and interest in respect of the said debt, as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. .a...... s........r , .......,INI-..., ••••••r........... -- ar11.z sX:v1/.•.-1irx,2ar i*rezaa•rreame-n.anrC lot mars Is 1.1•G 17+cr7 N 1-3 a iarop of Pcogva ‘Vhat is a "tonic"? :1 medicine that increases th.:;lrcngth or tone of till whoksystem. IVhat is an "altcl'ativ.:"? medicine h.,t alters or e ., t A 1 t changes tM Ihlale t!l action utl to eaitlty' action. Name the best t"toni • and a' a " � a,l.l attcrt.11le ? 'cr'sSarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla enmirely flee heal ht:l. Ask your own doctor all atl(out it. Never t'4 c a 'ne doctors cannot endorse. j: c:: 7i-ec.,7.+ue/e ,1 0. action of the bowc's poisonous products must he absorbed. The have Iiousnnss, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills for c 7 .That it shall not be necessary for the purchaser or intending pur- chaser of the said debentures or any of them to enquire as to the perform- nnce by the said Railway Company of any or all of the conditions neces- sary under the provisions of this By- law to entitle the said Company to payment of the said money or any part thereof. 8 That this By-law shall come in- to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 9 That the votes of the Electors of the said Township of Usborne en- titled to vote on this Ily-law be tak- en on Monday, the Twelfth day of April, 1901(, commencing at nine o'- clock in the forenoon and continuing until Five o'clock in ttie afternoon of of the sarne day at the following places within the said Corporation of the Town,sbip of Usborne by the fol- lowing Deputy Returning Officers; Polling subdivision No. 1. Town- ship Hall. Elimville, Sidney Andrew, 1). 1t. 0., George Kellett, Poll Clerk ; No. 2, Lot 6, N. :fhames Road, John W. Horsey, D. It. O.. Daniel Dew, Poli Clerk ; No.3. S. 1-2 lot 3. Con. 10 Usborne, There Washburn, D. R. 0. ltugh (Barry, Poll Clerk; No. 4, Pub- lic llali. Farquhar, John Duncan. Jr. D. R. 0., Silas Shier, Poll Clerk. 10 That Saturday, the Third day or April 1909, nt Two o'clock. I'. M. shall he the day and the Clerk's Of - (ie • in the Township Hall in the Village of Elimville, shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend lit the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons in- terested in promoting or opposing the Passage of this Icy -law respectively. 11 That the Clerk of the Corpor. a tion of ttte said Township of ('s - borne shell attend at his office in the said Village of Elimville at nine o'clock, a. in. on Tuesday, the 13th day of April 1001), to sum up the num- ber of votes given for and against this lly-Into. NOTICE The 'above is a true copy of the proposed Ily-low which has been token into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne in the event of the nasent of the Electors being obtained there- to, after one month from the first publication in the Exeter Times news- paper, which first Publication wns on the 18th day of \larch. 190a, and at the hour, day and places herein fixed for taking the votes of the Electors, a poll will be held. Dated nt Usborne this Fifteenth day of March 190). 1'11ANCiS MOIRLEY Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne. Sehedele "A" referred to in the annexed IIy-Into No. .show- ing how the amount of $1171.61 there by required to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year Principal interest \mToount 471.61 800.00 171.61 al 1901 1;11A 6a8.36773.28 171.61 755.48 1!111 726.48 i 15.16 171.81• 1912 716.16 {71.61 783.7'2 d83.11{71.61 1911191:5 FI 1.16 651.48 17I.61 1915 F41.9F 021.761171.61 1910 $w;L 4 587.$0 1917 552.48 191 965.92 513.72 191')1 91,1.18 994.20 ( 1920 1033.96 431.6$477.1 1921 1075 32 il, a2 1922 1118.32 351sa.12 1137,ri 4 :30$.611 182 i 12031St 262.08 1925 11137.96 213.68 1926 1308.2* 18:1.'38 1927 1360.60 111.01 192a 1415.12 56.52 „*.,•IeNf'!..400/40'4sume,aaaa, 9 OU7)R PS • Promotesbigestlon,Chrerful- lill� ,Aneither 10��@ nor I' fc 11, NOT NARCOTIC. IIrce:a dQfd lj V/471 1'17C8i'R .dal- �.SJa- ��tM�as•SOF&/rvav • Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Co nvutsions,Feverl sh- uesS and LOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signuturc of lst� NEW YORK. _ see For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Al (a ntea,aths old 3i1<�t)ti,ti-.35c1-.I� EXACT copy OP WRAPPED. Ctar eOY�aat. N7tY waaa eaTt. N In Use For Over Thirty Years ir The Iffolsonir Bank Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to do is to open your bowels wide with 9 REG Si S RAr CE PR -TABLETS - That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and you'll get well in no time. if you have a cold or are con- stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles, take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. 54 Get a 25c Box than Pills 10 aLve For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. USBORNE 'T.. the Editor of the Times. In last week's issue of your valuable paper "Progress and one who pays more taxes than Ratepayers" sees fit to brand me as a poisoner of the minds of others against the Railway bonus. 31y answer ,)s that truth never poisons the tuind, and he did not challenge a single statement of my. letter. Nor could he successfully as I simply give the facts as to what it would cost and corrected some mis- representations with regard to .the taxes that would be received from the railway. Ile also acuses me of opposing it because there are no fees for notices etc. in connection with the By-law, as there are with Drainage lly-l[aw•s. Ile must be very sure of the identity of "Ratepayer". They will also find that this Ily-law will cost the Town- ship 1 u'tsiueralbl) more than he is estimating it at. As to opposing it because I run far from the location of the road. 'llow tunny of the Progressives of Kirkton, \\'inchelsca nal Elimville would vote for it if the road had been located at Farquhar or Whalen?. N'ery few I think! Now selfishness aside, 1 ant opposed to the bonus system on principle and a look at the results of !misusing in the neighboring villages and towns will shoo how intelligently people vote on the question. Many who will vote for the bonus in I'shorne are opposed to the principle and call it rotten.. Are they honest to perpet- nate by their voice what their con- science condemns: it masa my privilege to attend one of the meetings in the Township of Illanshard . and the principle advo- favor ns it will be n greet conwen- cated by one of the principal speakers fence to everybody around here. in favor of the lis -Ins was. '`ever \1 r. and Mrs. John llrock are mov- mind the right or wrong of the bonus system hut look out for self". 1f that is the principle by which we are to Palpitation of the heart, Her- -- govern our lives. they should not only wousness, t rumblings. nervous heed- I 311. 13 itt I ey Leigh. who recently re- clbse their meetings by singing God 'ache, col.( hands and feel, pain in the turned to his duties ns operator at save the King. but open with the hack and other forms of wee knees Pine. has been promoted to ticket prayer God save the people. ere relieved by Carter's Iron Pills • :at honor:a. with a snbstantiel The same sp. alter made 4Ptite a nta•10 spcci ally for t he bleed nerves increase in salary. Discussion of the railway still con- tinues to be the chief topic of con- versation in our district. although on different points. the present being. "Who has a vote." We env] answer this in the swords of Jas. Graham, in Aberdeen Hall on Peby. 5th. when he said "Only In tidos% Here have it vote" By that we would infer that no mat- Incorporated 1655 CAPITAL (paid up) ... • $3 600,000 no RESERVE FUND • • $3.600,Goo•oo IHas 63 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents itt all the Principal Cities in the 1Vorld. General Banking Business Transacted. = Savings Bank Department jat all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. �j • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. IIURDON, Manager i 0••••NNH•e•••••eeO•••••..•a••HN••••••••••••••N•••.a THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1681 B. S. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,001 ag.e ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Mawr" Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convent way in which to carry money tvllen travelling. They are issued in denominations Q $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ilolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131♦ Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. GRAND TRUNKSYs EM EASTER spills 01 me 0 011011101 NO1113 1 EXCURSION HOMESTEAD REOULATIONB,;t Return tickets at Single Fare be - Any person who is the sole bead tween all stations in Canada, also to of a farnile, or any male over 18 Detroit and Pott Huron, Alich,, Buf- years old may homestead a quarter falo and Niagara Frills, N. Y. Good sectoni of available Dominion land in going April 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12111. Re - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, turn limit April 13th, 1909. • la The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agonoy or Homeseekors' Excursions Bub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be had at the agenoy, 00 Winnipeg and return $32.00 certain conditions. by father. mother Edmonton and return $42.50 set), daughter, brother, or sister of Tickets good for OO days, Propor- intcndiug homesteader. •i tionate rates to other points. in West. - Duties :-Six months residence upon ern Canada. First excursion Art and cultivation of the land in caoh 1 eth, via Chicago. April of three years. A homesteader may K live within nine miles of .his home- : I''ull inforhut(iuu from t, stead on a (farm of at least 89 acres J. J. KNIGIi'1', DC of A Zen', '�� solely owned and occupied by him of p g his father, mother, son, daug'lrtcr, ' or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union brother or sister. 1 Depot, Toronto. Ont. In certain districts a homesteazat 1 rlaarter section alongside his home - in good standing may pre-ompt a f day, April 2nd, and was interred in stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties- i the Union cemetery on Mondayr Aust reside ria months ineaeb of six ; April 5th, followed by a large Bath4 years from date of homestead entry Tim�s f relatives and friends. Tho - (inti:uding the time required to earn yml nthiscs with thtY homestead patent) and cultivtne dent ones in their sad bereavemtintL Whalen fifty acres extra. Owing to the muddy roads not A homesteader who has exhausted) much business was done in town his homestead right and cannot ob..USBORNE COU\CIL t during the pest week. tain a pre-emption may take a put-- Council met ut Township hall April Some of our young men have ac- chased homestead in certain districts 13rd. All the ntemhcra were present. cepted positions for this summer on Price e3. per acre. Duties. -Must thee i meeting, The minutesad of the. special mlast eeting regular the 10th of 131nnshnrd. reside six months in email of three P .ting Our genial merchant fell and hurt years, cultivate fifty [acres and erect` of March 15th. were read and ap. himself Saturday in Granton. Sorry n house worth $300.0(f proved( W. W. CORY, The Engineer's Report on Saublo to hero it George. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior River improvement was rend and con A number of yon ng people ctpent N. D.-Unauthorited pnblicatlon of this advertise sidered, owing to objections and dis- Monday evening pleasantly nt the mentwillnotbepatdfor pules it was laid over for further home of Mr. Aaron Davis, of Saints- consideration and advice. bury ; while Monday afternoon a flans and tenders for construction' of three cetneut concrete bridges wero foto of the older ones attended the stile of 'Mr. Anthony O'Dwyer near r received from John Gaffney & Co,, Clnndeboy• CANADIAN Kennicott $1400.00; Joseph Patter - About 75 per cent of the residents PAC- 1 F i C son, St. Marys, 1310.00; L. J. Looby, of this community have been nursing Dublin, 1300.00. Each submitted tie nasty colds. different plan of bridge constructiob Next Sunday Rev. 7T. J. Fair will and there was a difference of opinion as to which preach n special sermon for the WI. was the best bridge for DI. 8. of this church. Special Easter the mousy. music will be rendered by our cele- •EXCURSIONS The tender of L. J. booby was ace> grated choir under the leadership of TO c,•pG d specifications for cement work • Professor Millson. A large gathering Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta sante as last year. except that wings is looked for next Sunday. are to be reinforced to abutment' ?ASS Mate' Parish is visiting, SpacialTrainelearsTomato2.00p.m.on grills by iron steel rods embrdde APRIL II, 20 NAY 4, 18 JUNE 1, 11, 29 ir► the concreteor. 1T r. Bert Francis, of Bethany was! CavntiJULY 11, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 anions Contractorngand tofilldoln(, all n. eeelssnryeaving ex• n ungncst at Mr. Frank Morley's on, Sda}a. Seemed slags Saar from Oetario ations to partial inlh0 Northwest poi■rat road in condition for travel and 3liss • t 5 th' b lett t LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES return 32.00• Caraway sad recon 2rood to return within points daysfromm coin, date Tickets TOURIST SLEEPING CARS oa an eacunioss. Comfortable berths. fully equipped with bddiae, w be secured atm ate rates through « .rest. Early application must be made ASK iOK HOMESEERCHS• PAMPHLET enetaiaae rates and fun ieformatios. APIA ? to ssarM C Y. R. Armor to R . L. Tbemten. .., . Pass. Art., Toronto. NOMESEEKERS' friend; around here this week iss Get i. Saia r y is visiting a tt•aterconrses free from obstructions her mother':: in the village this week,' 44"rsradedrothe S T 1 t stork to le, c°rnplcted by July ,l,st, Din and .'+1rs. J. V. Dlillson spent , t.N)9. Thursday evening with friends at' The follotw{u1r I'nlhrnnsters w'ero EJimvillo. 1 . : appointed for the current yenr. Did: ' 1 rofessur Ruse, of Exeter. has se- 1. \Vm. Essery, J. Sadler, S. Skinner, cured several pupils around here and oder M h will be here in the near future giv- I local John C. Snell, Jeffrey Fisher, Fe Dobbs, George Hunter, Wm. Itoucliffe, ing lessons. itohert Hillery, \W,n. Penrice. Robert .111 our prnntinenl. farmers and re- Skinner, 8. 'Hunter, Thos. '9male. 11. tired merchants are tniking about the Hodgins. Div. 2. P. McTaggart, Wel- new railroad. The majority are in - Iington Neit. henry Dougall, War, Kernick, 'Three Ilnrri,. Walter Keddy, Witt. Oke, Andrew Moir, \\'m. Ware ren. .1. T. Morean, .f. W. Ilorner, " itobet•t 31ellonnld : Thos. Passmore ; Fred l•:llerington. Noah Morton. M. DlcTrtggnrt. I)iv. 3. Philip .Meru, ►T, llern, jr, 1h'rtnnn fele, %V,•s.rl woo.I. 11. Itodd, Josh' horn, 1'. Was burn. James 31111., Wm. 'Hanna Blake. Clarkson Stwitzor, \\'m. kinson. lrn. Marshall, M. Egan. Ill 4. Philip Madge, James Cottle. Chas. Monteit h. Tin:.. Cameron, Thomas Ilunkire. John Bolton, Wm. .1. Vance Archie 'Powers, Arnold Harris, \Vm. 1'ollin. Louis Pletcher, Win. Ilallen- tyne, A. E. Shier, David ilnlfonr, \V, McGill. Accounts nmountine to $139.96 were ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS 1'.. 3. CARLING, Agent. sprend ns to the amount of taxes .._ Illanshnrd would receive from the new railway placing it at over $200. hlrkton The amount of taxes roc •ived by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rlloit, of Exe- lllanshnrd from the Grand 'trunk it. , ler were in 1h:• t•illa.t • wi •icing last in 1908. twnl only :'2'i l; 11, • tnx.'s from th' new rend could be very littl- more if ns much. and the Mitre of the week. Mrs. Knox. of 11uffalo. is visiting her cousin. Mr. \\',aa. \more. Provincinl tax cnnnot possibly be Misses Ethel Roadhouse and Nal- r passed and orders issued in payment., more than 5.00 w hen less than half lie '11n7Icwood visited in Ht. Marys ter whether n person owns 1.5 of nnCouncil than ndjournerl to meet on the total 1nx is divided among over eew,•r 81111(1113.• acre or 21)0 acres, or was part owner S:114;1(1111'. May 1st, at on.. o'clock. :even hundred municipalities accord Mr. 1'. llrirr has hired with Mr. of any land. that parson is certainly FRANCIS D1t11t1,I V, Clerk. ing to population. John 1'rgOra rt. of t he relict Line entitled to vote. for it is these who 1 ntn t:e,passtns• too much on yo•tr apace en 1 will jest sny that the cost 171.6!of this hargain is definite : the bene - 171.611 fits or competition. increased value 471.01 ,a of property and produce etc. is very 171.61 ; i; definite. may re.nlize or may not ; 171.61 ! and if poisoning the minds means to 471.61 fill them with something that is not 171.061 ' true perhnps T'rotrrese is doinu more 471.61 an that line than ii 47 L8S at ,payer. 171.01 4i1.f1 PILESMkt free 471,Gi' 471,81 %daft for six months. Rev. Venle is suffering from n cold rand was unable to flfI hie dutiesti ns on the circuit on Sunday Inst. and while sympnthiaing with hirn in his trouble. we congratel:at, ourselves rind his substitute Mr. H. 11. Tufts. we from n tree on his axe. cutting his for having sueh ability and talent in arm. severing two nrteries, which our midst marl air. THRs in hie render ea re dressed by the doctor. it will ing of his powerful sermon from probably keep him idle for s •v,•rnl P•n)tns 13-12. la hich di.epinyerl long' weeks. We wish hire speedy r••c av- nnd patient study and thorough know Fry. ledge of his sehjece. i `1' regret 1 Mr. D. 'll;vletvood has hired with rand h trial o \1 Hazlewood Ilree. of the 4th Line. :►rd liar• llinna n1 A hnv • to produce the nece.snry funds for tit . bonus. . are r.o holmof the acci- dent t ncu } dent of Mr. Ilert Crosier. who neva cutting wool o.t the Allan farm which he recently purchn ed. when he fell tiro/Once the depth .1ns. Stevens. of 1. who died on Fri• Coughs that are tight or distressing tiC kIin• coughs, get u . and certain n help from Itr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this nrcount druggists everywhere are ,r u moring 1)r. Shoop's Ceeigh Rem- edy. The tender leaves of a hnrrn- Irr- ; ,ng- healin:r mountainous shrub giw• 'o Dr. Shoops Coltgh Remedy. •• .Haa taro p:'rli:•4. 'Those leaves ,e a 1 he power to ca:ei t h' rnost dis- e.e cough. and to entire, and I. 1 the m st merles five bronchial membrane. Test it once yyonurself, and see I Bold W. 8 Uo,$C'7. 1 1