HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-01, Page 8•
'.1.! ti Pi X WI' E h '1. 1 M r 8 APE. 1st 11.109
4-4 •:-+++++d•+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++
House Furnishing Time is Here and we are
ready with a
most complete stock of new furnishings; Carpets, hugs,
Linoleunte anti Curtains. You are respectfully solicited to come
iu and look through the new stock. You know its nice to study
the new styles and latest effects. Bring your friends with you.
You'll not be asked to buy the pleasure will be mutual.
We handle the celebrated NAIItNS line
We know of no better. We do them in
2, 3 and 4 yards wide. \Ve are showing
a nice range of floral, tile and Japanese
effects. Most of our patterns aro controlled by ourselves tor
Exeter. We buy by the ton and save a lot of middle profits.
Price $1.00 and up.
Room Rugs
Bugs are the correct floor covering so
dressy and such a snap when house
cleaning time comes, we show Wool
Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Balmoral Brussels Rugs, and Wilton
Rugs. all sizes, all colors, some very new and special lines with
medallion centres. The colorings are Red, Green, Brown, Fawns
and N cod Shades. In soft autumn tints. You'll enjoy an hour
spent in our Rug Department. You'll find no such assortment
in the county. Prices 80.50 to $30.00.
Wall Goverinus
Wall paper season is here, and
we are ready with a stock that
we are proud of. We show
over one hunched destinct lines; papers suited to any room or
taste. The very newest papers are the shaddow under stripes.
They make a very pleasing effect and the shadings are so true to
nature. Our papers ccrne to us direct from the makers, again
we save you the middle man's profit, which is quite a consider-
ation. Prices 5c to 23c.
Coutes' sults
Tailor made Suits for dressy ladies
in greens, Navys and Blacks;
made from mirror finished Broad-
cloth trimmed with self stitching
and large buttons. The fitting qualities of these suits are per-
fection. Drop it: and see our new line; you'll like thein.
Our new Spring hats are moving. The
shapes are moderately large with entirely
new effects trimmed very flat. MISS
AL LD is in charge and she will be delight-
ed to have you come as often as you wish and study the new
styles. Our show rooms are up to -date, new styles every day.
Cone and let us have your opinion of our new hate. Qby�
flfl6 shoes
For Men!
For Women!
It's not how cheap, but how good -
Goodness in shoes is what we offer
you. Every pair is sold under a
double l,it.ii•antee, ours backed by the makers. Your money al-
ways back if you are not satisfied. hair, isn't it.
King Hats Tor Men
Dressy Young Men Wear the
King Hat.
Do you? We are sole selling
agents for Exeter. New spring shapes now here.
Sugar Is Up
Sugar took a jump of 311 cents per hundred
last week and the wise heads say the top is
not yet. Have you got yo.ir supply. We
sell Itedpaths and none other. it's hest by testand you know it
pays to pay for quality.
Produce is as good as cash.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4++++++d'+++++++++
Southern Alberta Farm Lands
The undersigned have secured control of the
finest block of FALL \V!MAT LAMB IN ALBERTA.
This land is all level prairie and can easily be
Don't Miss This Chance
if you are thinking of going West, come and
talk it over. Our prices are right. Land sold to
suit pnachase a in sections or larger blocks
privilege of selection. This land will not be on the
market for long.
We have private car attached to regular trains
leaving Toronto and London first Tuesday of each
month, starting 11th of April. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Owing to weather conditions the special car
will leave on the 20th of April instead of 61b.
John Gharlton DKr,
Agent, for Allison.
Fair & Co.
in order to reduce our stock
we will give a discount of'
io per cent off all Drygoods
and Boots and Shoes
For the next 3o days.
One door north P. O.
Mrs. (Rev.) H. A. Graham, of Lon-
don, is the guest of Mrs. John White
Alain street.
Mr. Joseph Barley has purchased
the Farmer residence on Andrew st.
from Mr. It. Welsh.
The school was visited on Thursday
and Friday of last week by Mr. Cow-
ley, Dr. Spotton and Mr. Tom. Mr.
Cowley is the Continuation class In-
spector iiud 1)r. Spotton the High
Miss Itertha Mack. who has been
attending the Chathatn business col-
lege. has passed her final exnmina-
lions. She is just 16 and this is her
second diploma in the eomtnercial
1,1 I►:Ishuood. Lot containing half
an acre, with 1 1-2 storey brick
dwelling 21 by 28, with n one -storey
Krick kitchen 11 by 20 attached:
bearing fruit•t trees
of all kind;
this property is n good stable 20 by
311 and good eater. the property of
the late Daniel Sachs. J. K. Goetz
111111 and A. Hchroedt r. Executors of Es-
tate. :••
AL. sT.7Ill SAL.
Bars els The Bird You Nara Visa s Bll
school inspector
Mrs. Cotter.
is visiting her
Thos. Gregory,
for the Province.
of Frankfort, Indiana,
Wparents Mr. and Mrs.
VillilI,n Street.
James St. t . i
It t
ho -
dist ehutch intend holding a tea on
Monday. April 12th. The society have
engaged Mrs. Wyatt to sing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ffete1 'r and 3fr.
and Mrs. Wen. Coultis and son Leltoy
attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert
r •
i• Irle
hrs at Kirkton on Tuesday.
A meeting of the Exeter bottling
Club will be held in the Town 11111
this Thursday evening. .\11 members
are requested to attend.
Miss Lizzie 1'inkbeiner, of London,
and Miss Mandy Finkheiner. of Cred-
iton are the guests of their sister.
Mrs. W. .1. !Mallett.
For the month of April -100 pairs
of men's fin' patent leather. $1.00
per ir, will be sold nt $3.50 I•nc
1 ,ah
cash. Every going man must call
and see these shoes. Geo. Manson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Westcort. of
Dough,. Man., who have spent the
past lhr, a months with their daugh-
ter. Mrs. Itichord Conten, rind other
relatives. returned home Saturday
last:. fir. and Mrs. Westcott have n
host of e -arm friends in and nround
Exeter, nit wng evidenced by the many
social gatherings given in their honor.
Market Report.-Tbs following Is Ito!' WANTED -At once to learn j
the report of Exet•r markets. sor• tailoring. Apply W. W. Taman.
r.cted up to April 1st.
Peas. 83c.
Wheat a1.O5.
Oats 4J to 43.
Barley 53 to 51 cents.
Shorts, $25,
Bran $24
Blendid !''lour. STAR, $3.00.
Feed Four $1.40 to $1.45.
Afsyke $6 to $9 per. butthel.
Carver *5. to $6.
T.niothy $1 to $2 pw r. bushel.
Butter 2U cents per. pound
dSgtis 10
`togs. liveweight $6.811.
(loge, dressed $8.50.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 cent(!.
•••••••• ••••••••
Tilt' Times till Jan. MO
7OC• for Seventy !'eats
'tell your Neighbors a-
bout it,
++++++•1• •I--:•+++++++++++++++++
This is All fools 1)ay.
Winter seems to be again lingering
in the lap of spring.
Second hand square piano for sale
or rent. 8. MARTIN & SON.
Mr. I). A. Ross, who has been quite
i11 with typhoid fever, in on the mend.
Buy a ticket for the Y. M. C. A.
Plan of
concert and help the boys. l 1
hall at Howey's Drug Store.
Rev. E. 11. Currie. of Hillsdale.
preached two very excellent sermons
in the Presbyterian church last Sun-
Mr. Jolt Wood last Saturday ship-
ped a carload of cattle to the To-
ronto markets. Ile accompanied the
Mr. and Mrs. James \Vestcott. who
visited relatives here for some time,
left Saturday evening for their home
in the west.
Master Stuart Stanbury entertained
a number of his young friends Sat-
1'ur April -100 pairs of Men's Eng -1
fish Kin, first class. !:very farmer'
tt'bo ttants asolid shoe b11011111 call'
and examine theta. !'rice, e2.51.1 cash,
G. Alanson.
ltev. Joseph II. Oliver. of Sernia.1
preached , ducationul sermons in the'
James street Methodist church last
Sunday. Rev. Oliver is one of the beet •
speakers in the London ,Conference'
' and his sermons were listened to %tab
touch interest by large congregations.:
Rev. A. 11. Going preached ;limiter. Go
sezniens in the Methodist churches of ,
Saraia during the day.
Thou and do Likewise
L ok at the illnstratiou.
Monday evening April 1st iti the George bot a EDISON PHONO-
Maiu Street Methodist church. Miss GRAPH and is entertaining his friends
Sproule for twiny years W.C. '1'.',t1. it thea would buy thyself an Edison,
missionary a ill , I liver her interest- Thou could do likewise. All prices
ing address on her work among the !from $10.50 to 0100 00. Large stock of
lumbermen of New Ontario. Do not records, Anlherol and Standard. Edi-
5opportunityo t•'
nus Jhis no[ h wg'son Blanks, Records and repairs. Let
brought vividly before you, life • s' us play them for you, no trouble, c.teh
it is lived by those advance guards of and easy payments.
\with its heroism d'iriget•s'
and needs. Silver collection in aid of
the work will be taken. The meeting •
begins at tight o'clock, be sure to:
Th • fourth annual shoot of the Exc-t
ter Gun Club, to be held on Good
Friday, April 9th, promises to be the
best yet given by this association.
This year the prizes are mostly mer-
chandise. thus making the entrance
fee for the entire shoot only about
one-quarter of what it is under the
cash system. la the trophy event
there will be money awarded for high
guns. It is expected the attendance
will be large this year. An admission
fee of ten cents will be taken at the
gate from spectators.
Do come in.
Easter post cards lots of 'em.
A meeting of those interested in
baseball will be held at the Commer-
cial hotel this Thursday evening for
the purpuose of organizing fur the
coming season. It is not likely the
proposition to enter the Huron County
League will be entertained. owing to
the distance and 1hr time taken to
la n
1 t someof t� places'. m h,. la ,,s. T e
playI h.
cost of laking a teach to Goderich or
Blyth would be not less than $25.00.
and receipts at games played 011 the
local ground in recent years very
seldom reached that figure. so that
iirday evening. the occasion being his the boys feel as though it would be
fourth birthday. a losing venture for Exeter to join.
The township of Usborne will vote
on the Itailway by-law on Monday.
April 12th and it is expected to carry
by a good margin.
Mr. Alf. Shecre returned Wednes-
day evening of last week from Clinton.
where he spent the summer rnonths in
the House of Refuge.
Mr. Peter Fray nes who has been
confined to his room for several weeks
owing to illness, shows considerable , M. L. A. and this means is being tak-
improvement in health. cu to raise what is necessary, lle-
sides the best local talent available.
at Rich we may say is offered gratui-
tously. Master Douglas Stanbury, of
Toronto. the 10 year old boy singer,
has been secured. Ile is a paid solo-
ist in one of the large Toronto
churches and is highly spoken of by
Toronto papers.
As previously intimated the Y. M.
C. A. boys have been preparing for
their concert :end have decided on Fri-
day, April 2nd. No pains will be
spared in making this a popular
event and the young men can count
in advance upon the hearty support
of the people of Exeter and vicinity.
Funds are needed for maintaining and
improving the equipment of the Y.
Mrs. Thos. Bissell, wit-. returned
hot last Monday. after n pleasant
visit with friends in Norwich. Strath -
roe. Wyoming snd London. `
A meeting tens held in the Town
IIall last Friday evening to discuss
the report of Mr. Chipman the Toron-
to waterworks expert. Outside of
the discussion no nction was taken.
\VOOD FOIL SALE. -We are now
- prepared to deliver to any part of
the town first class elm slabs. All
The chap who looks after the birth,
marriage and death column for the
Ilensall newspaper and occasionally
writes a little stuff concerning the
orders promptly attended to. hockey team. felt rather sore that
It. GtLLIES, Exeter trimmed his favorites is the
recent honer -and home games and
Or: ing to being troubled with nroasted the Exeter players because
severe cold, Rev. Fear was unable tot they put up the better game. espec-
take the services in the Main street ially Sandy Itttwden, who used to b •
church last Sunday evening and Rev. the main stay of their team. ile also
W.'M.'Mattin kindly officiated in his remarked about lIensall being nble
stenci� to triol Exeter at any kind of •a
game. Ile probably forgot the time
the married teen of this burg went to
Ilensall and trimmed the married Wren
of that piece to a frazzle and they
were so scared they declined to play
a return :same. So far we haven't
seen that Ilensall can beat us at any-
There T
h c toed at Craubrook. Ont., on
Monday March 22nd. John £)thing,
who 20 years ago was n resident of
this section, aged 86 pears. The de-
ceased came from England 50 years
ago and settled jest outside of Exe-
ter among relatives. Ile first mar-
ried Jane Lake, wwho died about thirty
years ago and was buried in the Exe-
ter cemetery. Later he married El-
izabeth Mitchell and went to Crnn-
brook to reside. Of the first fancily
five children survive., Samuel, of
Ilensall : Richard, Chicago ; John of
Brandon; Ilcnry. Exeter. and Mrs. 3.
!'low. of Kalaniozoo; of th . second
family. Mrs. Living, Ingersoll and Ida
of Kalamazoo. besides their mother
survive. Old ape was the cause of
his death. The remains were brought
to Exeter last Thursday evening the
funeral taking place from Beverley's
undertaking rooms Friday afternoon
for interment in the Exeter cemetery.
A itegular Storni Period is central
on the 2nd. reaching from March 31st
to April 5th. The Venus period is
central on the let. i:arth's period is
still in force. and the liars period is
nearing its centre on the 12th. Full
Moon on the equator fall; on the 5th.
and Saturn is in conjunction with
Earth and Sun on the 3rd. This is
an array of nstronomic causes which
forcibly suggests phenomena out of
the ordinary. Storm and weather
conditions will reach a serious crisis
from the 1st to the Pith. culminating
on and touching the 4th and 5th. it
n tendency to tropical and tornndic
stn ma exists the last n half o [ March.
I n
r h.
there will h,• danger of a climax of
The directors of the Agricultural
Society are considering the matter of
building a stew• grand stand. The
old one is in a dilapidated condition
and unsafe and a new one should he
Mr. .1. 'Me rkhatn. who for some
years' has been organist of St. Paul's
Church 11enc:,11. has be:•n nppninl••d
choir mast.e. and organist of the
Trivitt Memorial church, and enter,
upon his new duties Srutday. April
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'llrien expect
to leave shortly for Hamilton, where
they will reside. Mr. 0' ltrien, who
for years has been traveller for the
D. 8. Perrin Company. of London hav-
ing been appointed manager of the
Hamilton branch.
The Clinton New I'.r:a has been pur-
chased by Mr. W. ii. Kerr. editor and
proprietor of the Brussels Post, who
took possession this week. Mr.
Holmes the former proprietor left for
Toronto this week to Jake up his
duties as surveyor of customs..
Rey. W. M. M.irtin on Mondhy
shipped his household gond; to London
and Tuesday morning he noel Itrattie
left to get the house in shape for
Mrs. Martin and Anun. who left yes-
terday. There new home in London is
at the corner fo Itidont Street and
Windsor Ave.
Mr. \V illintn llrickwwood, of Exeter
North. had two fingers of his right
hand badly lncerated while sawing
wood last Thursday at the home of Mr.
Milton Russell. In reaching for n
short block at the front of the mach-
ine. his h Ind came in contact with
the saw. c.i,lsing the injury.
A Targe assortment of Campbell's
t- ains and Floor Finishes hnve just
1 en received by W. J. Beaman.
't hese Stains lire unrgnalled for
wining and varnishing furniture
nd interior wood work. The floor such storms at this period. if boreal
..nish is very durable and suitable storms of snow and sleet have pre -
tar all floors. Ask for color card. ceded. a crisis of such storms and
weather will fall at this tiny.. \I',
think the Latter will prevail. Cent-
ering on the 5th, and extending thre
days before and nfter that date. is
Otte of the most marked seismic per-
iods of the year. Barometric indi-
cations and warnings should be noted
everywhere at this lime. esuecielly
in extreme southern sections. Ex-
cessive rain+. with floods and tor-
nadoes are indicated. Marked high
ha comfier. unsettled weather and
llrs. Mary IVO 11111•T was electrocuted
at Aabeirn. N. Y., Monday morning
for the murder of !Irs. Sarah Bren-
nan at Brownsville, N. Y., last Aril.
The morning of the execution she
left a written statement that: her
husband. who is under sentence of
Beeth for complicity in the crime, is
entirely innocent.
The act os amended last yenr for
restraining the use of tebncco, pro-
vides that all juveniles under 16 tears sharp cold and frost aw"ill follow
of age. found smoking cigarettes are storing.
liable 10 a reprimand the first time A Reactionary Storni Period is een-
they are convicted. a fine off R1 the trot on the 7th and Rth. This period
second time and n fine of .4 the .s covered
t hw ih.' Jlercnr • disturb -
li.ti 1•
it l
third time. This law applies In all once and will firing renewal of inty
boys under 16 years of nee, who either barometer nnrl strains of rain and
smoke or chew tobacco or have cigar- iuoesibly sleet and snowy. With so
cites or cigarette pip•rs in their pos-f many other rouses benring on this
session. There ie 0 fine stipulated for Mercury period. Into in the season ns
those who sell tobacco to minors. it is. people in the northern sections
There is a great deal of cigarette and should not he surprised 'by destructive
tob.acen smoking among the tooung sleet storms. and even blitz.'rds, nt
boys of Exeter and they should be either of the first three stortn periods
looked after, - i' in April;
J. Willis Powell Manager,
Raving decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, I have placed a new and
up -to date rig on the road for
the conveyance Of aBRet e
to and from the station g
t on and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. Calls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
Blacksmith Shop For
First class stand doing good busi-
ness; also comfortable residence. Ill
health reason for selling. For terms
and porticulars apply to A. E. PYM,
Exeter. Ont.
likes to do the family baking when
you buy her the Star brand of flour.
All the delicious things she bakes
taste so good to you that you
for the kind she likes. It is the best
white flour on the market. and costs
no rnore than the poorest.
la the Surrogate Court of the Coun-
ty of 1'erth.
la the matter of the estate of
William Crawford. of the Township
of Ilibbert. in the County of Perth,
11borwr. deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
IL S. O.. 1897, chap. 129, that all
creditors and of hers having claims
against the estate of the late \Villiatn
Crawford. who died on or about
the 25th day of January. 1909ii
are required or or about the 13th
day of April. 1901 to Fend by
post prepaid or deli Vel' to Messrs.
(Mailmen & Sianbury, of the village
of Exeter. solicitors for the execu-
tor.{ cf the slid deceased their
clirislien and surn•imcv. addresses
and desarildions. the fill particu-
lars of their claims, the 111tcment
of their acrnunls and the 'route) of
1 he •s'curities, if any, held by them.
And further lake n)ti:ei that after
such last mentioned dale the said
executors will proceed to distri-
bute :tepees of the deceased among
Mc mimes entitled thereto, having
regard only 10 the claim; of which
they shall then have notice and that
said executory shall not be liable
for the said assets or nny part there-
of In any person or persons 1.1 lives°
claims notice shall not have been ae•
received by them nt the time of such
di.t ribnt irin.
(;L.\1)?IA` ,cC S'l'ANltl?It".
1•olici'or.w for Executors.
Dated at Exeter this 23rd tiny of
March. 1001;
gena. will he at the Commercial
Hotel. (lour! 0.30 a. m. to 4.90 p.
Iassea properly fitted and
of eve esr and nose frosted
Next visit Haturdese April 21th.
flltcwcdr! fl1tc6ar
This week brings us again to the time for opening
up and marking oil' our white wear, which has open-
ed out to our entire satisfaction. We have this
year with out a doubt, better styles and better qual-
ities m White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Draw-
ers and Gowns than we have shown for years.
White Waists
No. 940
In white India Linen lawn trimmed
with Emhro and VA Lace made in
new style with long sleeve, sizes 32••40
Price $:3 50
No. 890
In white lawn heavy embro front
trimmed with Val lace and insertion
Extra value, sizes :31-40 Price $2.50
No. 935
In fine white lawn trimmed with
embro and Val lace. Sizes 32-40,
Price $1'50
No. 900
In fine linen lawn with ern
tucked sleeves and back, tri
Val lace and insertion.
Price $3.00
No. 889
In white lawn trimmed wl
insertion with shoulder elfe
sleeve. Sizes 34-40 Price
No. 870
In white lawn nicely tud
extra value. Sizes 32-40 P
NO866 In White Lawn trimmed with Ewbro Insertion and
• A perfect fitting waist, sizes 32-40 P
We Repair.
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
• 6••••••••••••••••••••••• •
TEACH ERS of ri11e scholar-
ship. wideI
an, hin• eac,terr '-
l 1
ntas experience in leadin • Can-
adian and American centres, •
employed by our chain of Ilis;h- •
Grade Colleges. hale built up a
superior, unapproiu•hed curriculum,
Each student ix instructed privately at
his own desk. We assist our graduates to Z
the beet positions.
rernureee - Conuuerciai,
phyThAird Tele 5tenoera-
e rophy.
Mail Courses. Enter any day. •
Write for particular.,, •
C1in101 BusineSS COIIene
GEO. SPOTrON, Principal. I
•••••••••••N•••••••••• •
evt ry step in the tailoring of the gar-
ment will stand inspection. The parts
of a coat. like the interlining, etc.,
which you rover see, are tis carefully
lotted after a3 thos • in p:ain sight:
By that twe m,n 1 mor• than the wear-
ing quality of the fabric. We mean
that the long weir of the garments
will be equalled by the lasting shap-
liness we put into your apparel. Tt;
will look good as long as you wear it,
and that will he long indrod.
Merchant Tailor.
White Wyandottes
Good Lnying Strain
1st pen. $1.50 for 13 eggs.
2nd pen. $1.00 for 13 eggs
Three settings or incubator lots at
special rates. 1st pen headed by bird
bred by J. S Martin. i'ort Dover;
2nd pen headed by real good bird of
my own raising. Either pen needs no
comment ns to quality. Communica-
tions answered promptly.
)lox 157, Exeter, Ont.
Two filly colts 1 and 2 }ears old.
North West Lands Bought nnd Hold, also 2 cows in calf. Apply- Statham.
We have n number of applicationsLondon Road south. at
for northwest lands in quarter and
half section lots. Any one having Ai PLICATiON TO PARLIAMENT.
western lands which they wish to dis- I An Application will be rondo to the
pose of. will do well to call nt the Legislative Assembly of the Province
Times Office and get particulars. el Ontario. at its next eetsinn ha th,
Stratford and St. Joseph Itnd'n! Itail-
eny Company for nn Act ext ronin,:
Iho rine for the commencement and
for th • eameletio•u of th • Company's
ra i lwway.
J. U. Vincent. Solicitor for the
cow. Land is well pinnted wt ith fr,iit I Dated nt Ottawa this\2 th l.e1day of
and nrnnrnentnl trees. Plenty of ; 1''ebncnry A. D. 1901,
bird and soft water. i•'urnace and!
Elee!rie lights. side walk to Sen -1 meretww.na
forth: townshia' taws, Aptly on 1plus hmudlite rdkf
remises or to.
4t F. Ilolmested, Scafortb. . S '>j C Media&
llandsome frame residence ; 10
rooms in gond repair. with 4 acres
of land; 1 mile west of the Main St.
of Seaforth ; stable for 2 horses and
APRIL 1st.
We have a large school, a
high-grade school, with splendid
equipment. Instructors are ex-
perienced. Courses in Commer-
cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
departments are thorough, up -to
date and practical. Our gradu-
ates are in demand as office as-
sistants and Business College
Teachers. Write for our free
catalogue. Enter at any time.
• Principals.'
A Man's Life
A Man's life is full of crossed and
tealpFtaLione. He comes into tits
world without his consent and goes
out against his will and the road is ex-
ceedingly rocey.
The rule of Contraries is one of the
important features of the trip. i'l
When he is very little the big gg`rls
kiss hien and when he gets big he Miss-
es the little girls and sense of the big
ones too.
If he raises a large family he is en -
dossed by the Premier., but if he raie-
a small cheque he is a thief.
But buying the right Piano from the
right People at the tight Price stakes
him neither a chump, it thief or a bad
manager. And his children will rise
up and call him blessed.
We think we are the right people to `1
buy from. We Know our Pianos and
Prices are tight; -Call and let us con-
vince you.
S. MdrtIu & Soo
of nervous power is always followed
by muscular relaxation and weak -
nest This always precedes disease
l:'aves the door open for trouble.
Clos' the door by taking
C01) LIVER 0(L
which will prove itself to be a tissue
builder net: a flesh producer, -.a
strength t;ivcr and a blood purifier.
it contains the purest of Cod Liver
Oil without the greasy taste, Com-
pntind i•'vtup of llypophospbitc ,
L:geid Extinct of Malt and Fluid IR -
tract of Will Cherry Bark. These
ingredients unite in producing the
greatest tonic of the age: IiiIICK'S
All druggists.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
To Farmers and Public
if you have any old iroil
Rubbers, Rags, Coppill
Brass, i.c ad, Zinc, 1 forMil
Hair bring it to
M. Jackson & sons
The 01d Reliable Firm
Where you can get
market price
in cash
X111 sires iron pipe, also
ire li posts on !)and.
M. Jd6kson
'Alain St, opposite Electric
Power )louse.