HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-01, Page 7SULUTE ECURITYb C:enu3no arter's tle Liver Pill. Must Dear S'„naturo cP Bea Fac-Slirdr„ Wrarrer netow. F,7 .mall sad as seal } to take av Sista:. 4RTERS Ft791ILAZIACfE. ITTLE I VER PILLS. .1, I '. FOR UIZZIKES3. FON SiLICJSift f.3. TCF TORPID LIVER. ft:ll CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIM. FOR TllECOMPLEXiOf eila2g12 ^ry MU.TM,a. ,J..A.tP.. b I Puret7 axe, CURa. WOK HEADACHE. FOUR FISII IN ONE CAST. Two Perch and Two Trout, Accord- ing to This Angler's Story. It is something after all to be the hero of a record, even if it does not mean much, and perhaps the successful landing of four fish on one cast is not unworthy of being rescued from oblivion, says a writ- er in the Field. It happened with me here on the Shannon some few years ago in the last or very nearly the last of my seasons with the wet, fly, and is the more remarkable as I have not fished with four flies on my cast half a dozen times in my life. 1 was fishing from a boat anchored at the tail of the strong broken water of the weir, and rose and hooked what I saw was a trout, of about half a pound. Presently as I 'a'as playing him hi%q notions seemed to become most erratic ; ho would pull heavily down and then instantly there would be slack, or a movement down stream would become a movement, up with a{suddennass quite bewildering, and for a few minutes I could make neither head nor tail of the action that was going on below. At last on the line coming closer I saw there was a good sized perch on the highest dropper, and presently I saw a second perch on the lower, while a moment later I was aston- ished to see that my trout was also still on the point with a smaller trout on the dropper next him. None of the fish was large, of course, though the perch next tree was quite a pound; but I saw there was scarcely a possible chance to get all four into the boat safely, so hauling up the stone and ropo which held me, I quietly started paddling for the shore a hundred yards off with alternate strokes of the oars. Strange to say, I reach- ed the low shelving shorn without a single fish escaping and slipping rut of the boat drew the whole string ashore in triumph. The four fish were about two pounds in weight, and I had an applauding galley of several young fellows on the bank whom it took me all my time to restrain from rushing into the shallow water to scoop out the struggling fish when they saw the extraordinary catch I was trying to drag ashore. ALMOST TOO KIND. A traveller, recently returned from India, was giving his impres- .ions. • "What a country it is'" he ex- elaimed. ' There everybody keeps dozens of servants. I had four whose whole business was to look atter my pipe. One brought it to me, another filled it, a third light- ed it for me--" "And the fourth?" "The fourth smoked it, for me. Tobacco never agreed with me l" WAS WEAK AND THIN ONLY WEICNED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEiCNS 113 POUNDS. Had Ileart Trouble and Shortneas of Breath for Sir, Years. ILBURN'8 IjEART AND NERVE PAIS ureal Mrs. K. 1:. Bright, Burnley, Ont. YOBB CREED AND RELIGION Church Service or Prayer Meeting May be the Opposite of a Holy Place. The path of the just is as a shin- monplace living and duties than in ing light shining more and more special ecclesiastical exercise+.. A Haveyou heard of the Mitsui Things are verydifferent now c,ith the perfect day.—Prov. iv. 18. church service or a prayer mcct'ngfroen ADRIFT IN SOUTH SEAS. "Either religion is everything to may be the opposite of a holy 1.1sce, 1'1'1'4 1 is the richest of all Japan, and then! what tlbeywe► neat re in lovas iu870. e ,t one ur it is nothin " so a uud while some home, where a m.gtu,rP 1 Sailor's Trying Experience With t" g i, too absorbed in the care tit the one of the richest of the world. and corrupt. "The army," triol Shipwreck and Iluuger. many say, they the saying means 1\'hut the Rothschilds aro to Europe Emperor was assured, "is ready more than mean. It would of children to think of church, may I and Rockefeller is to the Uuitcd down to the last button on the last A walk of `230 miles, the w'rather- a pity if the religion of forma or of glow with a dicii.e glory. States the Mitsuis aro to Japan. weather - gaiter." ing of a cyclone on a bamboo raft narrowing philosophy became t1►e1 Either God is everywhere c,r Y whole of :: man's world. It would there is rill God anywhere for us; They may also be con/pared with As a mutter of fact, it was quite and an existence of three weeks on be a fine thing if the high motives' either our religion operates and 1 the r undertakings stors d e nclinchude fieldatho French y. hen it Office wasdid take the turtle the eggs riencesand ttwi ichs arecentlre � of religion permeated all things in through, molds, and deterntioea all our worlds. I every act and all of life or is an such as have made the fortunes of able to mobilize at the beginning the lugger Nebraska, which was We have become so accustomed e empty, formal, and useless bur- Krupp, Marshall Field, Stephen only about 300,000 men, agaiust befell Capt. Williams, in charge of Girard, and John Wanamaker. Germany's 610,000. , lost on Green Hill Island, 100 miles to calling certain thand acts They are fatuous as merchants, True, in four weeks time this or thereabouts from Port Darwin,I we den to us. Tho religion you can confine to a corner of your liho sacred while others call Seco- ruiners, manufacturers, exporters, first instalment of 400,000 was more is the northern territory of Au - lar, to drawing clean lines of Sep finds its grave there. You may measure any faith and bankers, and financiers. They have than doubled, but the same rela- Straka, says the London Standard. oration between religion and li(, you may test your own by its pow• a capital running high into the five disproportion held good, for When the lugger broke up Capt. that it is exceedingly difficult for er to vitalize' all your life, to per tens of millions of dollars. and they Germany had Ly then 1,124,000 Williams swath to Green Hill Is - any of us to constantly make all ineate and direct every motive, to do a business of hundreds of mil nten under arms. land and then tried to make tho life mean religion and to make re make itself felt as the constant do -lions a year. In some years the The result was seen in such over- mainland in a clingy which he was ligion mean the whole of life. terminative force of your life. foreign trade of this family is equal whelming disasters as that at Se- able to make seaworthy. Ho was IIere aro our creeds and ourWhatever does this for you, that. tc. one-seventh of the whole fore- dao, whet: on September 1st, less caught in a squall and after drift churches, with their customs acid is your creed and yogi. religion. ign trade of Japan Its coal mines than six weeks atter the declare- ing for three days was carried into activities; these, we say, are relig' No matter what dreams of lis produce about one-third of all the tion of war, MacMahon's army of the gulf and eventually landed on ion. Here are our homes and ,ur ing bliss, what mystic pleasures or coal mined in the Empire, and they 150,000 men was annihilated and Field Island, off the mouth of tho occupations; they make lila. Thy, exaltation may become yours supply a great part of that used in the Emperor taken prisoner ; and Alligator River. do we separate the essentially in- through your religious devotion, it tho ports of East Asia. that at Metz, a law weeks inter,' This island is destitute of water, separable and confound the tools is all Tho Mitsuis own great cotton when three marshals of France, but some rain fell, and he eked out and products of things with theA MOCKERY AND DELUSION mills and furnish about one-third sixty-six generals, 6,000 officers, an existence for twelve days on the things themselves. tf the Japanese exports el cotton awndar. 173,000 mea, with 500 pieces of small supplies thus obtained and Tho churches are the agencies ef unless its power is such that it yarn. They have other factories artillery, were made prisoners of turtle eggs. Both turtles and al - 1 l gators were numerous. He then religion, the communal expressioc"3 goes with you on the street, guides and foundries throughout the Em - of the spiritual life of peoples; th ! your actions and your bearing to- Aire, and their trading and bank- That was Germany's triumph re -embarked in the dingy and made creeds are their attempts to state ward your fellows, and translates Ing institutions are in and France's humiliation; but it bis way into tho mouth of the West their understanding of relig'•,up its dreams into deeds. was also France's lesson. She Alligator River, but could find no experience red to formulate When the religion, or creed, or RLI. THE BIG CITIES. learned it thoroughly. She will fresh water. He obtained from the theories of ti'_ mysteries of organization, sect, or opinion fills This family has also its branch es- never be caught napping again. I hark of trees sufficient liquid to THE HIGHER LIF);. all a man's mental horizon his tablishments in the leading sea -To -day she can put 3,500,000 men sustain life until rain fell. heart is chilled, an eclipse of tho ports of China, and in Hongkong, into the field. It is true that' Abandoning the dingy ho made soul takes place. But the religion Manila, Singapore, and Bombay. against these Germany claims to his way up the east bank of the that is like a well of water within li has branches in ,vustralia and be able to pit 4,330,000. i Wildman River, living on sweet refreshes and cheers him continu- Java, and also in San Francisco, This, however, is largely a paper potatoes and iguanas. His matches ally. New York and London. estimate, and an exaggerated one., having been exhausted, he carried He only is religious who is al- In some years is ships as much In effect, unless all the experts aro firesticks with him. He eventually ways religious, always faring to- as 5,000 bales of raw silk to the deceived, the available armed fort- crossed Wildman River and carne ward things true, seeking the high- United States, and it has a fleet es of the two nations aro numcri- er and full life for himself and for t.f good-sized steamers, which carry Sally about, equal. all, making all his life tell for the its merchandise to and from Shang - best in all life, and somehow with hai, Hongkong, the Philippines, the WAITI'N'G FOR REVENGE his wholesome cheer and high faith Straits Settlements, Bunnell and and idealism, making us believe in India. There is 110 more thriving goodness, and truth, and love after; corporation in the world to -day, all. and just at this time, when we are HENRY F. COPE. talking of the Japanese as being . _ _ . _ _ on the edge of bankruptcy, it is Simon's house (the Grek word im- snrprsing to come into contact plies a careful search through tho %v-'th an institution like this. streets), and while Peter was mesh -.The, Mitsui house is a joint asso- tating on his vision, they were elation, consisting of eleven fami- even at the gate, and calling for lies or partners, who have pooled hien. Before word of his visitors their capital in their joint name could reach him, the Holy Spirit under the system of unlimited lia- in some way made Peter conscious bitity. The bank, for instance, of their coining, and bade him go which hasp capital of 5,000,000 yen with them. and a surplus of t 1,500,000, inserts Lesson I. Peter and Cornelius. a statement in all of its banking Acts 10: I-45. Golden Text, advertisements that it is owned by the members of the Mitsui family, Acis 10: 35. ,�� and that they as partners assume Introduction. — What indicates EGGS OE' STEEL. nn unlimited responsibility for all that Luke thought tho story of— Deadly Itieapons ('arried by Ser• its debts. As a result the people Peter and the centurion a very am. know that all the wealth of the portant one? The fulness of detail skin Soldiers. family is back of the bank, and ithas the highest credit. Its de- w•ith which it is given. And wha % Though Servia has told the pow- posits are now about 70,000,000 was its importance) It was one of crs in a series of notes that she yen, or the chiefsteps inthe transition of does not want war, she is atia very Christianity from a Jewish sect to active in getting her army into a world -religion. The narrow ex- fighting trim. Her soldiers are to The sante rule prevails as to all elusiveness of the Jews, which had be armed with bombs, of which five the obligations of the eleven fami- fortunately kept their religion pure classes are being made — the in- lies. Uio properties are all held midable barrier to this extension. the cavalry bomb, the large bombfor so many centuries, was a far Pantry bomb, the art.,lery bomb, in common, although each family , inay have independent property of Christ himself had preached only and the "egg-shaped" bomb. i its o'w'n. In the Afitsui establish - to Jews. That was necessary, for merits, however, there is no parti- the time of his ministry was t ,o Every second infantryman car- Solar property to which anyone can brief for a larger field, and the ries five boobs of the first type, enter his absolute claim. The in - Jews at first would not have which explode by fuse nrd percus-stitutions aro managed by the Mit listened to a. broader gospel. But Sion, andhave an effective rang© ani family council, according to the Christ bade his disciples go into all of sixty yards. The average weight rules laid down by one of the heads the world. and preach the rood t.f each missile is about 2;2 pounds, rY00f the familyagwho lived more than news to all mankind. The time had The details of the training of the years o• This making the corns to break down the barrier of hotnb throwers aro ex►rcinely inter- family, and not the individual, the Jewish exclusiveness and carry out inter- esting. In the first place, men are hesid tit an institution is in accord - Christ's larger thought. supplied with stones of suitable ante with the social orgaaizntion of I. The Vision of Cornelius the refight, and spend a considerable Japan. Here the. individual is suh- Gentilo.--Verses 1-8. Who was the time practising with these. Then servient to the family. and the Gentile who was to show Peter that they are given dummy bombs, with rights and obligations of the family a mon who was not a Jew ur a which they go through another se -should outweigh those of any of Jewish proselyte was fit to becomewere course of practise. should members. Gl.RMANY'f3 ARMY IS RUSTY. a Christian 1 He was a centurion, finally the real article is en- -+�-• corresponding to our captain, the trusted to them, and they cre di- Nub—"Brit if you like the young It is for things such as these that head of a company of soldiers num- reefed to hurl thorn at specially fellow, Kate, why do you object to men fight, and to the death. It baring one hundred when hill. This company was part of the cohort prepared plank targets, the result our daughter marrying him?" Wife was of Majuba we in England were of each throw being carefully not- _"Oh, she'll marry him for all thinking when we went to war with called the Italian band, ocean" ed. The targets stand as high as a that ; but I want to give her a Kruger in 1699. But Dinjuha was made up of Humans born in Italy. plan, and the effect of a single chance to say, when they quarrel, a pinprick compared to what Where was the cohort stationed T well -judged shot roust be seen to be that 'Mother didn't want mo to France suffered at the hands of Ger- well-judged mare yon, anyway." many in 1870-71. At Caesarea, on tho Snmarian y coast, about thirty-three trifles The second type has been served ....-.... -- Imagine King Edward a prisoner north of Joppa, where Peter was. out to the artillery, and is a pure- of war, our armies destroyed or '!'� Caesarea was a wealthy and int- ly percussion Lomb. There is a c U R E EOR captured, our country overrun and portant city, built. by Herod the parachute Attac,unent which en- dismembered, and the Kaiser sures the vertical descent of the crowned in �t'cstnlin�t a • Em , rue William of Germany is Great, and named after Caesar neigsilc. The range is about fiftyDYSPEPSIA1, Augustus. g while his legions march in triumph desirous that, impecunious aristo- )arcl". through London after it has suffer- crats who cannot make a living in \That was the name of this Sen• The third type is supplied to tlin As is well known, this trolblesomecom• ed bombardment by his artillery. Germany should emigrate to Ger- haps that he belonged to the fan' nisy •he fired (roar a carbine. \\'ith t.j) enurh rich foul, ,jngIecte t constipation, PPe man South-west Africa, and he tuts C'urnelian family (gena or clan), this bomb very deadly results have lack of exercise, had air, ate. not fight like demons to get "a bit come useful members of that Ger- which counted the Scipios and Su11a been obtained at a distance of '300 The f,,d should be thoroughly chewed, of our own back' if ever we got pian colony. He has lent Baron among its members. yards and over. amt never bolted or swallowed in haste, the chancel de Schmid $12,500 to enable him to stimulants must be avoided and exercise Of course we would. And so will .rale in German South west Africa, 'Che fourth type is larger than f f 1 l f FINANCIERS OF JAPAN MI':SU'I FAMILY ARE KINGS OF COMMERCE. They are Factors In Manufacturing, Exporting, Milling, Banking, Ete. 16 g, FRANCE VERSUS GERMANY eny, Bavaria,. are quite ,,.wiBaden, g to submit burg heavily taxed for the upkeep of the army. But they are nut at all wil- ling to pay for a navy into the bar- gain, and have said so at the pulls. For this reason it is by no means certain that South Germany would not rather be a source of weakness to North Germany if war came, in- stead of a tower of strength, as in 1870.—Pearson's Weekly. IN CASE OF WAR t1'1('II ('OL'N- TR1' WOULD WIN! A Military Expert Gives His Opin- ion of the Position of the Two Powers. Church and creed are but tools and expressions of religion; they nei- ther constitute it nor do they make it. Religion is not a department or section of the Life. It is a m ;tive and method of living. It is out life in the consciousness of its highcsi values. You can be just as truly religious in making money as in saying a mass; you can be just as truly pious in making a pudding as in going to a prayer meeting. It often happens that one's piety is better expressed in daily eorn- TIE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 4. ALMOST $35,000,010. out on what he thinks was Lake Finnis, where he found plenty of swamp turtles, iguanas and other native food. But only numerically. There is no On striking the Adelaide River comparison between. the two if ef- jungle Williams saw plenty of buf- ficiency is to be taken into account. falo, but his only weapon being a The German soldier to -day is not revolver he did not shoot any. Ho the man ho was forty years ago.I got down to the Adelaide River 'Then he was a patriot, aflame with, near what is known as Lawrie's t'' steal that is born of patriotism. landing, where he built himself a 'Thare is little of that left in him raft of bamboo and crossed. He now. The brutality of his super- had not long gone south when a fors, continued through a long cyclone squall came on and blew course of years, has driven all that the timber down all around him. sort of thing out of him. There He narrowly escaped death but will be plenty of German officers pluckily resumed his 230 utile walk and non-commissioned officers shot till he reached Port Darwin. iu the back by their own men if war comes. The army, too, is known to be deeply infected with the virus of Socialism. And Socialism in Ger- many is a very powerful force in- deed, and violently revolutionary. Last year 3,260,000 Socialist vot- ers went to the pulls, nearly 25 per cent. of the total inumber of the electors who voted. In other 'words, one voter in every four is a (Socialist. We may assume that 4• SENTENCE SERMONS. Self-esteem dons not develop self- reliance. A soft answer never has a sting in it. Professional spectators get least fun out of life. Courage is simply the conquest of our fears. iceases if the Entre ratio holds gaud in the Self-depreciationsoonrR se it army—amongst the rank and file, be not contradicted. that is to say. Well, that makes Knokledge is power only so far 1,009.000 Socialists in arms. Will as it is practised. they fight., or will they not, remains; No man bears his burden better tc he seen. They themselves are 'by adding your blame to it. never tired of declaring that they You can complete a good work, will not. but you can never end it. The French army, on the other Life is pretty sure to be tragedy hand, is intensely patriotic. Its to those who take it only as a play. members are hurtling to avenge the New thought is like new coin, the brass seems as good as the gold. The greatest wonder in the char- acter of the angels is that they en- dure all the saints. The proof of an education lies in a mind so tilled that prejudices gain no root.. is simply our score of moral social responsibility. All men would try to be meek if they were dead sure of the promise to the meek. The ratan who thinks he is gen- erous to a fault is often generous only to his own. It's often our failings that hold our friends, but we do not need to multiply such anchors. The far off vision comes half way to those who follow it faithfully. disasters of Metz and Sedan, to wipe out the terrible humiliation in- flicted upon their country 011 that Hack day in January, 1871, when the first German Emperor was crowned in the Palace of Ver- sailles. and his troops paraded in pomp in their hundreds of thou- sands through the principal streets of Paris. Above all, too. it is anxi- ous to recover Alsace and Lorraine. .'tli1STO(.'RATS MAY EMIGRATE I tl t lied ti. The s/ewu cn Peter the Jew-- the1 h' 1 h l failed t e She writes: wv greatly troubled, for Verses 0 iii. . s eentnrtuti a it ti .,14,orc all taken i possible. France. S le has ,en preparing or and I,eRin life again as a farmer y whirl' 1 Pr relic even in the most obstinate ease,, is her wrath. Brooding over h•'r rr-e eu in Alsace-Lorraine, whose estate venge. Perfecting her arrange -I was near that of the Kaiser nt lir- BURDOCK ments. Waiting. Watching. l)ril- villa, and with whom his Ninjesty ling. I was very friendly. The baron lost 1L OOD Germany, on the other hand, has his money and was obliged to sell BLOOD lesselwe<t yerself toe, become more cIt the estate. rusty; while, of lute years nt all scents, money thnt should have •:�—�' Mr. J 1. Purdy, 1f;llvale, N q., It acts by regulating and toiling the di• been spent upon a very necessary writes: - "I have }.car. t -u IL'ed will a Festive organs, removing etstivenek3 and arm, hat been diverted to build- The Major (thinking to have some i'Icrcasing thoappctiteand restoring health inn out of Pat's ancient and skins hard, dry essr{h f t 41 ,ng ti:ae, el (; -oil. visor to the acatem, ing tilt an altogether unnecessary „ , Y I at night, bit after ha..ing fish] Dr. Mr. Anl•ns F►aler, tl„hl River, N s.,navy. This. of coarse, is the Kai- steed)—"Good morning, Pat y ►t e rev's doing. A strong fleet is his "Good morning, yer honor 1" Wood's Norway I'in. S rap, for a few pet hubby. "That's a fine horse you're driv- weeks, I fnd my colg', has Ir;t me. T„ The result has been to estrange ing• It iq, yer honor. 'Draws any pason, sattarin'; as T di!, I aan say from him large masses of his sob well, doesn't it?" "it does. yer that this remedy is we'1 a,,r.`, a trial. 1 jects. The inhnhitants of the honor. It draws the attention of ` w .�•,, r, '. 1., "'oh ,ta is in till house.'' South German inland .tater--Sax- stet y idiot that passes 1" is intended for use A rams a+fans y ogee Nursing Baron de Schmid was a land own- • f and eReet permanent cures, it fur thirty-seven years. , six years, with my heart and shortness of messengers, ha ring spent a night invst•,rming entrenchments. Judg- breath. I could not walk eighty rods with. un the way, were approaching ing by the feel of it. it must weigh out resting four or five times in that short Rippe about noon the next day, something more than four pounds. distance. I got so weak and thin I only Peter in his turn was supernatur- The different bombs described aro weighed.evcnty•three pounds. i decided ally prepares' for the coming event. being steadily manufactured at half at last to take some of Milhurn's Heart and What was this preparation 1 It cc d,uen places in Servia, and a Nerve fills, ami after taking eight boxes was a vision. received upon the very largo number must be already I gained in strength and weight, and now housetop. Thr sixth hour (noun) available. weigh one hundred amt tl,iiteen pounds, v -as a sot time of devotion with Finally there is the fifth type -- the most I ever Nei hod in mylife. I feel tt'inus Jews.'' Ile was very hungry. the egg shaped bomb. Dynamite in 8 for he "probably hod not yet ,,t e 1 ,rut or another is known to well and can work as well as ever I did, broken his fast." Lc the sharpie in the four regular and can heartily thank \(ilburn's IlcarLand Iii How the Viri,.ns Brought t• p^s, lint the composition of the Nerve i'iIL for it all. "-'.— "� "•`-`•� troubled .." Price ills cents per Sax or 3 boxer f„r T hem Together.--- Verge. 17-211. nod ext,',• : o ;!t the last-mentioned is dyspepsia, awl after trying several dxtors Accts 11: 1-18. is hat boil b, ,• 1 I•:,! - ; • ,,I ;e 1. !, .,tt,d secret. The ef-to no eff et i a,mmom a1 taking lianlock $12.S at all sealer.• or msel•d direct on fening while tll;< r.. d by the explosion of lil,nl littler. and I think it is the best receipt , price by The T. I11.Iburo Co., etc'r I The lecC a 'I..,•, t':- , , , , ,teal eggs •is nuthingl medicine there is1,rthst complaint." Limited, Torvnto,�a'. For Sale at. all Lu2,liste awl Dealers. r.r•!ies had trade r , , . . , d.:astating. HAD BACHACIIE. Was Unable To Do House. work For Two Wars ltiany Women Suffer (Untold Agony From Kidney Tct able. Very often they think it is froom so catlevl "female disease." 'Tore is leas •• female trouble" than they think. Women suffer from backache, sleepless- ness, ner:onsaesa, irritnhility and a drag. giug down feelin • in the loins. 81/ do men, aid they do not have "female troub;e." Why, then, Warne all your trouble to " female disease" t Most of the so-called "female disorders" are uo m -•re or less than "kidney d'aordors,'' and can ha easily and quickly cured by Doan"s Kulne,y Pills. Mrs. C. Dupuis, Iielleview Villsge, N 0., writes: " I was unable to d 3 my house- work for two years on account of back- ache. I could not gc•t up the stai_•s. Doau's Kidney Tilt, -tired in,, pennaneetly after doctors failgl to even re love th» pain. I can highly recommend them to all sufferers from dri,le." Priceki,0ney etat.ouper box or 3 hoses for $1 23 at all dealers ca. mailed (Lied on receipt of price by The Luau Kidney fill Co., Turouto, Out. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM 11E3 IIANIiS AND UILIF.S. What is Going on in the Iligklands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Roller skating has become fash- ionable in Dundee. Montrose lunatic asylum at Sun- nyside is to be extended. Niddric school, Edinburgh, is to be enlarged at a cost of £e50. Bonnington church, which is si- tuated at Bonuington B:ae, was practically destroyed by tire rec- ently. On the 30th ult. Agnes Robertson (31) got ail atm torn off by the ma- chinery in Carnperdown jute works, Lochee. In Dundee last year the fire bri- grade was called out 180 times. Tho loss within the city boundaries by fire was $145,230. Mr. John Torrance, grain mer- chant, Hamilton, died recently. Ho had been in business in Hamilton for nearly half a century. St. Leona'd's paper mills, Lass - wade, Midlothian, were destroyed by fire, the damage baing estimated at from $75,000 to $100,000. Some sensation .:as caused with- in Calder Ironwortts by a workman finding a canister of explosives on a limestone heap within the works. Greenock Infirmary report says that, last year 90'J were received in the medical and surgical depart- ments, and that 1,147 accidants were treated. In 1889 the late Mr. Alex Twee- die, Glenisla, lost a pair of field glasses while deer stalking on the Grampians. They have just been Paisley Town Council passed a resolution calling upon Councillor Brown to resign, in view of his re- centcontetion , at Ayr for defraud- ing the Glasgow and Southwestern Railway. found, and practically uninjured. corning wedding of Miss Maud Coats to the Marquis Douro, eld- est son of the Duke of Wellington, and great grandson of "The Iron Duke." At Linwood, near Paisley, a blackbird, which is the possessor of two formed heads, has been seen. It hall two bills, and can pick and make use of both, but whether it can pass food through both cannot Paisley is much interested in the yet be stated. Combines the potent healing virtnes of the Norway pine tree with other absor- bent, expectorant and soothing medicines of recognized worth, and Is alioluttly barn.'.cas, prompt and safe fur the curse! COUQHS,COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, CROUP, SORM THROAT, PAIN cc TIGHT- NESS la the CREST, and all thr,;at an 1 long trnob',r•s. It is put 01) in a y.•1l ,w wr.v;.Vr. S p n • (revs thstrade mark and the l•riLe 2, reu's. A ILIRi) DRY (01.011. n