HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-01, Page 54
'i. li ly; EXETER `1' I MES, APIA. 1st 1909
Anticipating the phenomenal demand which bas arisen
atin Surface Fabrics wo have secured some exceptional-
esireable material and we invite your attention to the
Satin cloth in every shade you desire at 5oc per yd.
Satin Duchesse, a very new and heavy material for
the money in blacks, blues, greens, red, at 6oc yd.
her Weaves
San Toy Goods, exceptional values. Poplinette in new
es. Panamas in the new shades, special 75c. Chiffon Pana -
s in the new shades at different prices.
Noiles, Henriettas, Venetians, Taffeta Cloths, Lustres, bio-
irs, Poplins, Tricotines and all popular lines will be found here at
frig)tt prices.
Silks, Satins. Crinkle Cloth, Zephers, Ginghams, Linens,
Wash Goods, etc., in big variety.
Give Us a Call•
A reception service was held in
Mr.and Mrs. E. P. Paulin. former
the Methodist church last Sunda)' residents of Dashwood, and !ately of
morning. %viten sonic thirty new teem- Godericb left last week for tee west.
bets were added to the church. Most I Both have been energetic workers inj
of those taken in have reached the 1 the church in various departments
age of munhoo(t •u,d womanhood and i , and on Sunday Mr. Paulin was pre -
confessed Christ during the series of I : rented with tt complimentary .all -
revival meetings held some weeks ago ; dress by the bible class of the North
in connection with the church. 1 E.Pinkham's ; street church, of Goderich.
The spring millinery openings at By Lydiayi hiss Ethel l�eltertnann visite 1
(). 'Zwick; is were held on Monday and i Vegetable Compound frieds in Zurich on Sunday.
Tuesday of this week and teen! tt I The social event of the week was
marked success under the charge of I I3elleriver, Qiie..-" R'ithout Lydia 1 the tnarriage yesterday of Mr. Clar-
Miss Inman. The models were mark -i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I'enee Klletmann to Miss Vines Ehlers,
ed by a litres range of ideas and no l would not be alive. For live months I 1 Particulars l::ter.
predominating new feature on which i lied eiinfttl •utd 1 51r. Ed. \• ill(•rt left on Tuesday
to base prediction. Turbans and pokes
• re very much in evidence, otherwiso
large hats -not exaggeratedly so- I
and tnediu«t hats. with no striking.
variation, nr' very much favored. The
bulky crowns set far over the brim •
must be commented upon, also the
frequent mush -rooming of the under,
brim which assists in the comfortable
fit of the hat. ,land made hats are
much in evidence, but have not dis-I
!•! ' •!• "ressed hats. which much'
.te y thing that has yet been!
offerees. Yee use of outlines, chiffon
and fancy braids were very frequent -la tumor. I went ba
irregular periods i for Edmontu.:, where he intends to
autl inflammation ; locate.
of the uterus. i ' bliss Scldon %• s ' confined to her
SnfTer1'd like a mfr- room for a few d. s with tousilit is.
tyr and thought
Mr. end Mre. E. Mender called on
often of death. 1 . friends in the tillage on Friday last.
consulted two doe- 1 Miss Nora Siebert spent the past
tors who could do 1 week visiting friends at Crediton.
nothing for mc. 1 ! The millinery openings proved a
went to a hospital, grand success. Both finals have cap-
the best doe-
!elate milliners and their display of
tors said 1 must' Easter bats more than satisfied the
submit t ladies of the community.
o au oppen- •
ation, becauselliad ;11 r. Charles'Ilartleib, sr. one of
ek hump much dis_ our most respected residents died on
ly noted in different displays). The 1 %garaged.
jet cabachons are bigh favorites; also me to tak
jet bends and brims. Drape crowns cured he
also the flower crowns are very much menced t
One of my cousins advised i 'Tuesday evening of last weel, in lits
e your Compound, as it had 8 tth year. The deceased was w (
r. I did so and soot). Coni. ( known in this vicinity and lied many
o feel better, and m appetite I warm friends. 'Ile was formerly rt
used. Ribbon and ribbon velvets are came back with the first bottle. Now school teacher in Bruce (aunt} and
used quite extensively. One leghorn 1 feel no pain and am cured. Your I in -
was considered a ver} able scholar.
model had a brond low crown encir- remedy is deservin of praise '. ,..s. The funeral took place on Friday. in -
Dealer In Clover, Alsyke, Mil- EJSJIA CnATEL,Va Ieyfitld, llelleriver I meta being in the Dashwood come
let, Alfalfa Seeds, Dutch Sets w O w N ribbon of the same shade were con- �• ---
cled with a fold of amethyst velvet ter
and outside of this a fold of satin Quebec. 1 tory.
All kinds of Produce.
CREOITON. tinucd as long scarf ends from the 1
Another Operation Avoided.
side of the hat. The scarf ends are Adrian, Ga. - "I suffered untold i
quite n feature of the dress hat and misery from female troubles, and my 1 bliss Martha Sweitzer visited rein -
are very gracefully treated. A large doctor said an operation was my only fives at Cmditun lust. week.
sequin crown. jets and plumes was
picture hat of block mohair braid, chance, and I dreaded it almost as bliss
r. Iszr:c Fahner, of London, called
much as death. Lydia E. Yinkltam's at his home here last Thursday.
n great favorite. Another very pret getable Compound com 1letelycured
�, The ltcssrs. F. Geiser and I. Goww-
ty creation was a New York turban me without an operation. -LENA V. er were in Zurich last week purchas-
IIENRY, R.F.D. 3. ing nett• buggies.
Thirty years of unparalleled success Mrs. 1). Lippert, of l:bita spent a
confirms the power of Lydia E. fink- few days at the horse of Mr. and airs.
Buggiham's Vegetable Compound to cure 5. Sweitzer.
es Buggies female diseases. Our It -tinily postmaster, Mr. Fred.
llcitzmttnn will wove in our midst the
MISERY IN STOMACH. first of May, having purchased the
Why not start note -today, trod for- town property o[ Mr. J. U. IIannan.
eve' rid yourself of stomach trouble Miss Clara Hoist, of Crediton East
and Jndigestion? A dieted stomach is visiting at the home of Mr. and
isels tt,e blues and grumbbcs. Give it Mrs. S. Sweitzer. Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit-
t good eat, then take Pape's Diepep- Mr. Thos. Lynch shipped a mixed ings ever shown in Dashes ood. All the latest patterns and colors.
sin to start the digestive juices work- carload of sheep. calves and fat cows Call and see them before youpurchaseyour spring suit. Prices
ing. There will be no dyspepsia or to Toronto last week. p g
belching of Gas or erections of uudi- Mr. Sandy alcEchen had tt wood bee right.
gested food: no feeling like a lutnp of last week. which proved to be a
lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick success. All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do
hell not and ferment
and and your food'
I well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal
DENTAL LAVATORIES IN SLEEP- will not [rrwent and poison your
ING CABS. breath with nauseous odors. IN FIVE MINUTES
To Residents of Farquhar and Vicinity
We came to Farquhar seeking a more congenial occupation and
believe we shall like the work we have undertaken. Our purpose it.
to do right and while wo will doubtless make many mistakes they
shall be of the head and not of the heart. We adopt the old motto
"Best Goods at Right Prices." It has been a principle with us to
stand hy our neighbors if their occupation was legitimate and on this
principle we solicit your patronage.
Spring is at hand and if you want Seeds for Field or Garden, Shov-
els Hoes or Forks, Oil Cake, Stock Food, Sulphur or whatever
it may be give us your order and we will seek to
serye you well.
u, a champagne shade with flowers
and liberty ribbon in the sante shade.
A large consignment ,of buggies
from five of the leading firms of Ont-
ario in all the latest styles and de-
signs. Any person intending buying
will d0 well to look over our stock
before purchasing. \Ve will save you
money by so doing. No trouble to
show good. Vehicles dally guaran-
teed. A call solicited. Trevethick &
Hodgins, 'Crediton.
Grand Success
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather we bad on the
first day of our openings we must admit that the whole affair was
Never before in our history of Millinery did we have as many
praises showered upon us as to our Millinery.
These Millinery gems are the result of more than ordinary artistic
composition. The Shapes, Flowers, Foliage and %Vines selected by
Mrs. Symonds for the benefit of her many customers exemplify the
result of careful specializing aptitude of experience. choice and full
appreciation of harmonyiu shape and hue.
Every care has been taken to give the Ladies and Children
smart headwear and the ladies will find it to their advantage to
Call here when wanting to make a Selection.
Siebert & Co.
Hartleib Block. LASHWOOD.
Spring Suitings
Some of the Western railroads have t'ape's Diapepsin casts only 50 cents juke your :our stomach -or tnuy-
been calling attention to dental for a large case at any drug store L. you call it Four
-or ma 1
I lat•atories which have recently been here, and will relieve the most obstin- Ga au itis or Catarrh your Stomach ; [t
introduced in sleeping cars on their ate case of Indigestion and l'pset doesn't tighter -take stomach
lines. As a matter of fact. the Stomachins five mimosa. trouble right with you to your Ihar- �• ��+`
Pullin. an. Company have decided to There is nothing else better to take mtecist and ask him to open a 50 -cent
ptoyide in all new sleeping cars that Gas from Stomach and cleanse file case u[ Iape's in Tniain and let you Corner Store,-- -
they build. and in all the present stomach and intestines. and besides, eat one Y2 -grain '1'riuugule and sec
steering cars when they :1m next put one trinngule will digest and prepare If within five minutes they: is left
through the shops dental lavatories for assimilation into the blood all your any trace of your stomach misery.
Ito tells you when your friend is;
,dead. 1 The Feat a Ceyl:n Fakir Is Said to
And 'Last your dearest foe is wed, H.:v3 Performed. )
Or unto foreign lands bas fled,' i TliIs curious picture of an eastern
The Editor.
Who says your effort far outrank*
Those of your rival poet cranks,
,But all the same "declines with
The Editor.
Who .weeps with you when you are
t: i.::i Isfrom (*amnia, Corner's
•. e .
: e i c 1 iu »d plc .uf 1 A 1 ., e,
i:ti commenced to unpack f
tu.! ',•I a:i his buck. the principal
i:• l,e:'1;: 8 1:31111100 framework or
,:t:::• s. 'i his he held with his right
Woven•wire fencing.
Highest prices for Farm Produce.
which will doubtless be much ap- feed the same as a
sound. healthy b their Iat' n9. AlreadysmI h would do it. sThe
correct name of your trouble oubl
80111' of the Pullman sleeping cars\h.n Diapepsin works your atom- i Food Fermentation -food souring
operated over the Grand Trunk hail- ash rests -gets itself in order. cleans .the Digestive organs there is stick of gastrbecomeiweak,
n juice; your
way System are provided with this u-;uul •then y•ou feel til:• 1'u ting
new and special sanitary feature. 1 when you come to the table. and what
sad. ler. 1 % e l.- ;ie ,::malted step by step ; __ �--- you eat will do you good.
AAnd smiles with you when you are ,e; Ineilise1 At "•e summit. a height Dtebrolisrwnitief foriyou las stoonlus
glad, • ci:talent of eli•weu feet. he paused. with 1 CASTo R 1 A }'
And laughs at you when you etre you decide to begin taking 1)iapepsin
:sere extended. to effect a balance. druggist that you want
inadf Fei• >+ane reasl;a or other the frame Tell your
The Editor.For Infants and Children. I ape s Diapepsin, because yoe want to
Who has to be both kind and wise, t: :i rt•:iiaiiie.I perfectly steady and I be thoroughly cured of Indigestion
And luev-well hardly ever lies,
And when lie docs, excites surprise?
The Editor.
1Vho always docs good dee'ls .by
food in only hal[ digested.. and you
become affected with loss of appetite.
pressure and fullness after eating.
vomiting. nausea, heartburn, grip-
ing in bowels, tenderness in the pit of
stomach, bud taste in mouth, con-
stipation, pain in limb_, sleeplessness,
belching of gas, biliousness, dizziness
and many other similar symptoms.
pereentileul:tr, while the fakir stretch the Kind You Have Always Bought If your appetite is fickle. and noth-
cd hitarelf enc rite a spider on Its web. 1 Mrs. thins Rudd, one of the pig- ing tempts you. or you belch gas or be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
At Imeryals on the bamboos were .'cera of Go 1 Crich township, died at i[ you feel blasted after cutin �, or
!:.'. yy antis. rusty% but sharp nt the 1• her Ilona. Friday, March 20th. aged your food lies like u lump et lend 011
85 years. your stomach, yotrcau make up your
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, llso Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing.
Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Bears the
Signature of
Jor 'tries to dazzle with his wealth.
'latest. nails distinctly penetrnt•
Of !brain and scissors, paste and ea the man's mahogany colored flesh
Stealth/ when he stretched himself out on the
The Editor. fra:Ieew•0rk.
as well as cheek, "Thee he remained, n hideous wound t There is so much Rheumatism here
proud. yet meek. made by each nail. frotn which the in our neighborhood now that the fol -
cents •t week).tan pie blood flowed. lying there for the I lowing advice will be highly appre-
Thc Editor. canted by those who suffer:
,1,,e of ten n►luntes or so, except for .;
Niko knows all things political.(:et from any good pharmacy one-
i<Vho's witty. sharp, satirical.the blond a lifeless figure of clay.
rut never egoti.ticalt Then. muttering 1:ome strange gibber -
The Editor. bele animation returned, and, making
Yho knows how- much he ought to movements so tint the nails were ex -
now, Ir:c•ated from the wounds, tho fakir
But never knows evh:rt is not so. with his toes kicked nwny the scaffold -
w ar Fhotc a how much he tdocsn'tWg tititl remained himself alone unsnp-
k no wt ported In midair.
tr The Editor. "Vex. there this weird creature re-
mained. Ills lean, chocolate colored
WLo owns n heart
IPOssessed of spirit
And lives on fifty
11<\1:1: 11' YOURSELF1 The newAmerican tariff will pro-
vide meximuni and miniirnuni sche-
dulr•s. The tuariimuu► *rites will
average 2U per cent. lower than the
maximum. It is intended that the
minimum tariff shall not he avail-
able to countries which discriminate
half ounce Fluid Extract Danderon, , against the United States.
one ounce Compound Largon. three For Canada the vital question is
ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- whether the Canadian preference in
rilia. Shak:• these well in a bottle; favor of British goods will be regard -
and take in teaspoonful doses after! ed at Washington ai a discrimination
each meal and at bedtime; also drink against tb• Republic. Or will it be
plenty of good water. i conceded that Canada. as a part of
It is claimed that there are few vie•1 the firiti: h Fanpi11. has the right to
Hine of this dread and torturous dia-t give preferential treatne•ut to Brit -
case who will fail 10 find ready relief ish Manufactures and the products of
in this simple home -load.. mixture., h, Ilritish commuuitiesl \\'ill Can -
Millis apparently stiff and eataleptle, add in most cases n permanent cure: ads be forced to choose between the
his eyes fixed upward and glazed. 'It'll is the se It
:1 fact.' Bald Cynthia In low tones of
wonder. 'At home they 'would say we
were hypnotized.' "
The following is the report of 8.
R. No. 2. 11:1y. for the months of Jen -
wary, February nnrt March. 1V. -G.
Maw•.nn 75. Stela, J1cMlnboh 68, nen
Case Ss. Meble Coxworth 48, Wilfrid
Northcott 17. Clayton Gould 30. 111.
-EAT! Cariipbell 68. Ella Jones: 59, Ed-
• die Welsh 55. Ade Case 51, Emil il-
lard 33. iI-Mervin Coxwortli 62. R.
Vett kais 61. John Murray 61, Pearl
1Villerd 53. Edna Geddis 55, Willie
Smith 51.
GEO. MAWSON, Teacher.
Origin of "Pall Mall."
"Pall Moll," pronounced pet mel,
pontes froin paile mile, an ancient
game supposed to have been played
SHAKE iN A BOTTLE.on the present site of Pall Mall by
Now is the time %ellen the doctor Norman monks, h}• whom it was in -
gets bile.y, and the patent medicitn, troduerd into England.
manna ieturers reap the harvest. un- The observant l'epys in his famous
les+ great car' is taken to dress diary makes mention of it thus:
is1ray and keep the feet dry. This "April 2, 1661. Into St. James'
h.• advice of an old eminent au- park. where I saw the Duke of Yolk
thority. who Saye that liheumnfism playing pelemele, the first time that
and Kidney trouble weather is here. CTO? I Saw the sport."
find al:n tells what to da in envie of Weak on Mathematics.
an attack. in
Oct from an}• good pe-scriptio:, a recent trial a judge made atltb-
x of a e-
te t mental sotmdn
untie a !L
pharnrecy one-half ounce 1 •id 1•:%.
tract Dandelion. one ounce Co. ; •m. ad
Kargon. three ounces Compound 'vr-
up Sirsipnrilln. Mix by ehttkintt to
8 bottle and take n tenepoonful after
meal+ anti at bedtime.
ibeen lied
( thisnes to
certain great men they would have
been declared imbeciles. Dean Stan-
ley, eminent author and divine, for
one, would have been set down as
.111 t try this sirnpl • home-mmix- hopeless had he been judged try his
fur.' it the first sign of Ithenm.itistn, incapacity to do n 811111 in simple od-
er ii }oar hack aches or yon feel that clition or multiplication. Ilad Keble,
the kidneys are not noting Piet right. t writer of famous hymns. depended
This ie s.eid to he a splendid kidney upon his arithmetic Oxford would
rewiletor. and almost certain reined} not long have known him. %Viten
for all forms of Rhelo nit'.n'. whieh bursar he found, to his horror, that
ie e,nsed by uric• neat is the blood. certain accounts came out nearly
%b:elt the kidneys fail to filter out. $10,010 to the bad. in vain did the
any one can cosily prepare this nt teamed (Ind pious men of the college
home :end nt small cost. go ever the figures with him. Not
i)rit;raists in this town and vicinity until nn expert was summoned was it
when shown theeprescril,tion. state disenvere•1 Hint Keble in casting ftp
Hirt they reit either cuP.It
!heat- in- R antgmn ha(1 added the elate of the
gre.i:rnt•'. or, if oar r.•:e441;rs prefer, year to the college debts.
Ili. } %%iil eoinpoond the Articlerr' far
t0 British preference and the American
This simirle receipt is said
c:ritar.tn t a riff? 14 the wholt. ques-
strengthen and cleanse rte' elimina-, lion of a !hili li tariff around the
live tissues of th • Kidneys so that' iavolved in the work of tariff revision
they ell!filter and strain from the 11100. going on at Washington?
blco-1 a nd system the l'0150113. itcid. It has to b.. nom�tnberi d that Can.
a nit waste platter. which cause not 1;idn 11!80 has a minirnnm. an inter-
Itheuni:10,m. but numerous oth-, mediate and a maximum tiriff. if
er diseases. Every man orwoman wte shins).:on in consequence of the
here who feels that their kidneys an' Itriti;h preference should anbject
not healthy and active. or who mu f- C nndinn products to the higher scale
I •re from any urinary trouble what- of duties. then would not Canada
evershould not hesitate to make up1 naturally and necessarily apply the
this mixture. as it is certain to do, higher Canadair duties to imports
touch gool. and may save seri from 1 front the n'!gbborina country? in
much misery and suffering after this event the net resell of tariff r,•-
0.hi11'• vtslon at Washington %%ou1(1 be to
Our home druggists say 1111'}• will, impose greattr restrictions on trade
either supply the ingredients or mix b ' 'twecn the two countries rather
the prescription ready to take if our, than to lib•ralize and extend their
readers seek them. commercial relation::.
According to the trade returns of
1908. Can.ndn imported goods from
the 1',iitr•d States to the value of
Reserve Strength
IS fis necessary to men and
women in ordinary life as
to the Athlete.
The regular use of "Bovril"
buil(15 up a largo reserve
of strength. which makes
sustained effort of mind
and iRRIy possible, and en-
ables the system to resist
attacks of disease.
mind that at the bottom of all this
there is but one cause -fermentation
of undigested food. Abig stock of Martin- Senour ready Mi xed Paints
Prove to yourself. after your next
meal. that your stomach is as good 100 per cent pure
as any that $ here is nothing really
wrong. Stop this fermentation .and
begin eating what you want without
fear of discomfort or misery. Prcduce taken in Exchange
Buy your Hardware From us
Altuost instant relief is waiting for
you. 1t is tnerely a matter of how
soon you take a little Diapepsin.
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
Farquhar A box social will be held ander the The next twenty years in tbo nA-
llr. Robert Gardiner has been can- auspices of the Farquhar base ball i timed life will shote a marvelloutf
vassing the 1 h:u,:•-. I' • ! with a view club in Farquhar hall on Thursday. development. Those. who by reason et
of obtaining Rut ki .. . Delivery. if April 8111, 190:). A grand program of I travel. have an appreciation of the
this system is to spread to any ex- first class talent is being arranged 1 dormant wealth of the country, will
tent t'sbonie should not be behind but for. During the evening the boxes { hardly credit what n few years will
the expense must necessarily be will be sold to the highest bidder. Ad- bring forth. This is a time of op*
larg,•. mission 15 cents. Ladies bringing box- timism. n time to exercise faith, to
'Co vole, or not to vote for the rail- es free. Everybody welcome. take advantage of , r u
an if -law is fbe question of the - • g of pe t ntty, to
} 3 lprepare for the future. It is notim0
hour. I)ues the building of the rail- The following is the correct x1:10(1-1 to be idle. or to express want of con•
way depend on tar• bonus.? ing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1. Iiteph-' fidence in the future. Canada is far
Messrs. Pollen and Brown aro busy err. for the month of March. Sr. iV I greater than many of the men real•
ext..ndinK 11'1' phou1' liu..s• J. Davis. Flossie Avey, E. Baker, 11.1 izc. who are forever -expressing fear
Mr. limn}• Ilunkin 110(1 wife'. of White. Clara Jacob, Anthony White. I for the future. No notice should be
log ,n, t•i.ited in this vicinity last Jr. iV.-!•:Ila Anderson. Madeleine 1 taken of the politicians who lank
Saturday. Heist, Rhea !McCurdy. (':a s ''1. -1 faith in the future of Canada,.
A number of ileople are suffering Oliver Davis. Currie Davey, 1.,11-1
Bowden, Willie Maker, Mabel Elliott,1
ilubert Neil, \iurvan Callfns, Irene l
put in. McCurdy: Evor..tt Callfns. Class 11
.1. Johns has hien appointr(1 agent \lilton Jacob. Arthur Itobinson, Mur-
uf 1h•' G1'ncrnl Animate. 1ns:rranc; Co. tel liogirth. Elinor \Vilson, \Villa
Smit VioltN,il. PJ1111U6 01
t. 11- Leonard (�
Ilaist. Jatii,•s White, Ervin Jacob. E.
\\' 't n t n. 1 t. 1e.
It wden. John hi ti o
o .-
Cooper McCurdy. The man who is a judge of good
E. J. rhtsar•11. teacher. c•loth1's vas not fail to appreciate the
excellence of our Spring patterns,
Our display of t.ew datings, pantings,
veslings, etc•., fairly blooms with
Spring appro riatecesx. if yon are a
gond judge of�goods and the makeup
we can certainly please you with a
FI11 O O a
t fcl flip if (lI��� CoId'
tare nT. ti of a 'fidStoe
) R
(<la or tailoring
from colds and ire Grippe. .
Our merchant is haying his wood
C Sweet* dlV
of C.ui«da for this district and ie
really 10 receive applications for the
insuring of horses and cattle against
loss by accident or disease. •Phis is
the flirt company to procure n Fed-
eral charter and Wren of expericnco
are its managers. it is understood
Ora over seventy per cent of the
farming onus of Great Britain go in
p2211791,2,13. Canadian exports to for insuring their live stock but it
tite 1d States totalled only ..`:
II.S, is soniethinf, new 111 this district.
520. 500. Thos the balance of trade Quite a uurnber are engaged in the
is enormously in favor of the Repels- sugar bash nt present.
lie. It is doubtful. therefore, if the ‘While Mr. W. Douglas, wife and
United Sin tee. In order to punish two relatives were driving down the
Cinada for meintnining the liritish 10th. Cote. near Sunshine oft aunrlay
preferene... can afford to apply dis- Dist their horse shied lauding some
criminatory treatmet:t to its bet of them in the ditch, but they escnp •d
customer. on the Ani Hein continent without serious injury.
and to interfere mate •in115 with the The Ninth Annual Epworth League
int, rete of many of '19 own Indus- Coaventiom of the Eliinville circuit
trlvi and a very great body of its %was held at Bethany on Monday of
owe censuruers. this week. in the afternoon an ad-
drese was given by Itev. lir. 1Citely,
of Fella rton. and a paper hy f. \i.
Southcott. of Exeter. Miss Lizzie
.John'. of Eliniwille, was elected Presi-
dent for the comin;t year and Mr.
\\'eeley John,. Secy. Trees. Mr. II.
M. Francis. ,•
n ts. 1 n . id «t, acted aschair-
roan. 1n' the evening excellent nil-
Swettdres. were given by tors. 1:%rr. of
Lucen and point:. of Ex:•ter. The
h Elimviile choir (evasive! th • music
IlewillenlIg& in the evening.
A bill has been introdue in th •
Kansa. legislature, assessing Bach 1 -
or. over 45 years of age $25 n year.
Wouldn't such a law In Ontario
mike Rome of our local hops whistle
rind pet on their co,irting rage right
no fly.?
t we -
f ILLS fir. w Oiui("4 mammal taXiittS 5
To cher k early (olds or Grippe wail "Prevsnttre"
evens sure d••f.•eet fur i'neum,.nlit. To stop a cold
a ith t•revr'ntie. It snf.•r than to let it run and he
ni•ligel to cure It aft, -re -anis. To he earn. Pre-
vtttles v.111 rum (ren a deeply seabed cold. but
tv k. 11 early -at the sneeze stage -they break. or
peed n0 these early eolds. That's surely better.
Tlint'3 shy they are ealleil i'reventies.
I'r: veuteesar• lath. (*tidy Cold ('un•s. No Quin -
its,. 1.0 phy'ie. nothing steketeng. Nice for the
children --and thoroughly safe ton. 11 you feel
chilly. ifyou snee,e.11yon arlie all ovr•t, thunk of
lave, Tule.. I'romitn,w may also save half your
erunl dekncss And dnit t forret your child. if
there Is feverhhnesa. niat.tor day. IP -rel,, prat..
NJ iter i'teventhi gr.atest eltitieney. sold In
brie* ler 11, pocket. also In Z•e 1"401 of 41
rerrntks. It .:st on your druggists giving volt
Then Ceme Ntre by all leans
Come for the reason that we have
the reputation of selling the hest gond*
and knowing how to make them, al .1
we live up to our reputation. Yt •t
take no chimer when buying he'' .
Just select your goods, let us t •
your mea.ure and you ,nay sat. -
leave the rest entirely to us. Oih •
an opportunity to (1•monstrete to i
that we know our business from A 1,1
Z. We ask you not to buy your
!Spring Suit until you come and see
what we can do for you.
jJ, H. Holtzmann