HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-01, Page 44 f oughs and Colds For the prompt relief and cure of Cottle, Toughs, Hoarse• nese, Loss c f Voice, and all affections of the Throat and lungs and for general debility. (Jet a bottle of Perry's Com- pound Syrup of White Pine with Tar or ferry's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 with Hypo - phosphites of Liwe and Soda, Sold at dollars ($5,000) upon the completion of the grading of the bifid portion of the slid ltailwuy ; k'ive thousand dul- iara ($5,000) upon the completion of the said grading and of the payment by The tit. Marys and Western Ontar- io Railway Co. of the steel and ties to be used in the construction of the whole of said rood, and the purchase or other acquisition of the remain- ing right of way for the resnaiuing portion of said road ;.uud the rewuiu- iig Five thousand dollars, (5,000) iin- meditttely after the sitid Railway is in operation between the Town of tit. Marys and the Towu of Sarnia or some other point on the tit. Clair !fiver or Lake lluron and when said station buildings, freight sidings and cattle yards are completed ready to be used. AND WHEREAS it is advisable that the Corporation of the said Township of Usbornc shall enter into the said Agreement. THEREFORE TIIE MUNICIPAL rownings Drug Store COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION Oh TUE TOWNSHIP OF LISBORRNF ENACTS AS FOLLO\VS; 1 Aid to the extent of Twenty • thousand dollars, 020,000) is hereby granted by the Corporation of the Township of Usborne to the St. Marys and \Vestcrn Ontario Rail- way Company in aid of the said Rail- way which is to be constructed from the Town of St. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or some other point on the St. Clair itiver or Lake Huron. The said Twenty thousand dollars, ($20,- UUU) to be advanced to the Said The St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail- way Company as set out in paragraph 2 of this By-law. 2 That if itt any time within six months after the final passing of this By-law, the said Company enter into an Agreement with the said Corpora- tion of the Township of Usborne to erect, equip and maintain a station and Freight building, siding and Cat- tle yards for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight, at the roadway lording from the Post s hereinafter provided, which is the Office or Village known as Winchel- mount of the debt intended to be sea to the Post Office or Village seated by this By -Law, the proceeds known as Elimville at some point as t the said debentures to be ap- nearly as possible equally distant lied to the said purpose and no ther. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to ue the said debentures at one time nd to wake the principal of the said ebt repayable by yearly sums dur- ng the period of twenty years, be- rg the currency of the said deben- Y- LAW NO BY-LAW to authorize the issue of ebentures of the corporation of the owuship of Usborne to the amount i Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($20.; 00) for the purpose of granting aid 0 the extent of Twenty thousand dol- ls, ($20,000) to the St. Marys and Vestcrn Ontario Railway Company. WHEREAS it is advisable that he 'Corporation of the Township of aborne grant aid to The St. Marys Dd Western Ontario Railway to the •stent of Twenty 'Thousand Dollars, 1.20,000.) A,ND WHEREAS in order thereto t will be necessary to issue deben- tires of the Corporation of the Town - hip of Usborne for the sum of wenty 'thousand Dollars, ($20,000) from the Villages of Winchelsea and Elimville ; And shall further agree that they will erect, equip and main- tain a Station and Freight building Siding and Cattle yards for the pro- per handliug of passengers, express and freight at the boundary line be- tween the Townships of Blanshard ures, said yearly sums being of such and Usborne, at some point as near- espective amounts that the aggro- ly as possible equally distant from to amount payable in each year the Villages of Kirkton and Wood - r principal and interest in respect ham; And shall further agree that I said debt, shall be as nearly as ossible equal to the amount so pay- ble in each of the other nineteen ears of said period, as shown in chedule "A" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount squired to bs raised annually by a pecial rote for paying the said debt nd interest is the sum of Fourteen undred and seventy-one dollars and izty-four ceuts, ($1471.64) for the eriod of twenty years. AND WHEREAS the amount of the hole rateable property of the Cor - Oration of the Township of Us- orne according to the last revised Assessment Roll is $2,418.675,00. AND WHEREAS the said Corpor- tion has not now any debenture debt whatever. AND WHEREAS the said Company propose to erect, equip and maintain Station and freight Building, Sid- ing and Cattle yttrds for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight at the roadway leading from the Post Office or Village known us Winchelsea to the Post Office or Vil- lage known as Elimville ttt some point as nearly as possible equally distant from the Villages of Win- chelsea and EliwviRe. ANI) Whereas the said Company further agreed that they will erect, equip and maintain a Station and Freight building. Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handling of of passengers, express and freight, at the boundary line between the Town- ships of lilanshard and Usborne at some point as nearly as possible eq- ually distant from the Villages of liirkton and \\'uud hair. AND \\'11EltEA$ the said Com- pany have further agreed that they will erect. eq uip an d maintain a itata n,Fr�i ht Building. Sidingand Cattle yards. for the proper hand- ling of passengers. express and freight at some p•oiut in the Village of Exe- ter. AND \\-III (LEAS the said Company propose to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Town- ship of I sborn.• to so erect and con - 'strum said stations. freight buildings, entities and cattle yards. and for lbe completion of the staid road on or be - tore the first day of December 1911, such Agreement to be entered into w1111ie six 0100111, from the date of the final pit..intr of this By-law. AND \V11ER1•:.\S the 5:11(1 Com- pany ►squire that the said Corpora- tion shall. w hen the said agreement is BO executed deposit the stun of 1'n•en- ty thousand d-sllars 020,000) to the joint credit of the said corporation and the said The St. Marys & West- ern Ontario Ituiltt-ay Co. in a charter ed a-.,nk in the Villa!_, of Exeter. and also require the said Corporation to enter into an Agreement with the said Company to ply the said stent of Twenty thousand dollars 4820.000) to the said Company ns follows: Five thousand dollars ($5.000) thereof. up- on the completion of the survey of the said r:,ilwny from the Tow ;a of tet. Marys 10 the Town of Sarnia or to they will erect, equip and maintain a Station, Freight Building. Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight at some point in the Village of Exeter ; And shall further coven- ant thrtt the construction of the said Railway, the erection of the said Stations. freight buildings, sidings and cattle yards, shall be completed at or before the First day of Decem- ber 1911; And shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Said Corporation, the sum of Five hundred Dollars as security to the Said Corporation that the said sum of $20,000 shall be re- paid to the said Corporation without cost if the said Company fails to carry out its agreement, then, and in such case, the Corporation of the said Township of Usborne through its proper officers shall enter into an Agreement with the said Cowpony to deposit the said sum of Twenty Thous- and dollars. ($20,000) to the joint credit of the said corporation and The St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company in some Charter- ed Bank in the Village of Exeter, and shall further agree that the said Twenty thousand dollars ( $20,000) shall be paid to the said Company as follows: Five thousand dollars ($5,000) thereof upon the completion of the survey of the said railway from the Town of St. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or to some other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Buren, the approval of the plans thereof by the Ilo(rd of Railway Commissioners, and the completion of the purchase or other acquisition of the necessary right of wry from the Town of St. Marys to the Village of Exeter; Five Owe-. 'ltd dollars ($5.000) upon the completion of the grading of the said portion of the said Railway; Five thousand dollars ($5.000) upon the completion of the said grading of the slid portion and of the payment by The St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company of the steel and live to be used in construction of the whole of said road and the purchase or other acquisition of the necessary right of way for the remaining por- tion of said road. And the remain- iiig Five thousand dollars ($5.000) immediately after the said railway is in operation between the Town of St. Marys and the 'Town of Sarnia or some other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Huron and when amid station buildings, freight sidings and cattle wards are completed ready to b• ,a• ed; rind all interest accruing on the money so deposited shall belong th • sii(1 corporation. AND the :agreement shall further provide that if the debentures issued under the authority of this I3y-law 81511 not yield the 81110 of Twenty Ihoisand dollars, (y2O,00or then, and in such rase. the deposit by the said Corporation of the proceeds of such debentures be accepted by the Company its performance by the Corfwration of that part of said Agr(ernt•nt requiring deposit and the said Company shell accept such pro - some other point on th.• St. Clair t reeds in lieu of slid sent of Twenty River or Lake Buren. the approval Thou end dollars ($20,009), but the of the plans thereof by the Board of j said Company shall on final settle- Railway- C'olnruieeioners. and the rnent be entitled to so much but no Completion of the pnrcbas•• or other more of the interest accruing on the acquisition of the necessary !tight of mnaey' so deposited ars may be re - Way from the Town of St. Marys to •inir •1 to rn:lke np the full sum of the Village of 1'. \, a 1 . Five t housand '1 „ V 'Than'{and dollar ($20.000) ` 'Ar1aA me. !{atQsme–samirTawmQmamm\[ 1C^. I.-1 L.C). •7IMMIOi! 7O02V$T...4:7!'L i 111 .t n co] oll to Ch�iiidr2 Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic o stimulant for children. Ne will probably say, "Very, vcly rarely. CIiildrt:n do not need stimulating." Ask hint how often he prescribes a tonic fir them. Ile will proh- answer, "Very, very frequently'." 'Then ask hill is non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla a, a tonic for the advice. He knows. J. C. fI fire (o.,Lehrer, Aims. "Daily movement of the bowels." Ask your doctorif s t Ayer's Pito. Sold for nearly slaty yearn, THE EXETER TIMES, APR. 1st 1809. ANI) the Agreement shall also pro- vide that upon completion of the pay- ment of $20.000 to the said company any balance remaining deposited eh,il be paid out to said Corporation by such chartered batik on cheque signed by Treasurer or other proper officer of said Corporation. AND the said Agreement shall be signed by the proper Officers of the said 'l'ownship and shall have the seal of the Corporation attached. 3 That for the purpose of raising iug the said sum debentures of the slid Corporation of the Township of Usborne to the amount of Tweuty tbousand dollars (.$20,000) us afore- said, shall be issued in sums of not less than One hundred dollars (4100) each, and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration for the time being and coun- tersigned by the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation, and duly settled with the Corporate Seal thereof, which Seal, the Clerk for the tirne being of the said Cor- poration is hereby authorized and dir- ected to attach to each of said De- bentures. 4 The said Debentures and inter- est may be payable at any place in Great Britain or in this province and may be made payable in sterling money of Great Britain or in Cana- dian currency. 5 The said Debentures shall be dat- ed upon the date of the issue thereof, and as to both principal and inter- est shall be payable in annual instal- ments within twenty years from the date of the issue thereof. Such in- stalments to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year during the said period of twenty years shall be as nearly equal as may be to what is payable for prin- cipal and interest during each of the other years of such period of twenty years, as hereinafter set forth. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum from the date of issue there- of, and the said interest shall be payable yearly on the day of the tnonth which the debentures are is- sued, the first of such instalments of interest to become due and be paid in one year after the date of the is- sue of the same. 6 During the currency of the said debentures, there shall be raised an- nually by a special rate on all the rateable property in the said Corpor- ation of the Township of Usborne the sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy one dollars and sixty four cents, ($1471.64) for the purpose of paying the amount dire in each of the said years for the principal and interest in respect of the said debt. as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 7 That it shall not be necessary for the purchaser or intending pur- chaser of the said debentures or any of them to enquire ns to the perform- ance by the said Railway Company of any or all of the conditions neces- sary under the provisions of this By- law to entitle Inc said Company to payment of the said money or any part thereof. 8 That this Ity-law shall come in- to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 9 That the votes of the Electors of the said Township of Usborne en- titled to vote on this I3y-law be tak- en on Monday, the Twelfth day of April, 19011, commencing at nine o'- clock in the forenoon and continuing until Five o'clock in the afternoon of of the same day :tt the following places within the said Corporation of the Town4hip of Usborne by the fol- lowing Deputy Returning Officers: Polling subdivision No. 1, Town- ship Gall. Eliniville, Sidney Andrew. 1). It. 0., George Kellett, Poll Clerk : No. 2 Lot 6, N. Thames Road, John W. Homey. 1). R. 0, Daniel Dew, Poll Clerk ; No.3, S. 1-2 lot 3, Con. 10 t'uborne. Thos. Washburn, D. R. 0. Hugh Larry. Poll Clerk ;.No. 4, Pub- lic !tali, Farquhar. John Duncan, Jr. 1). It. 0., Silas Shier, l'oll Clerk. 19 1hat Saturday. the Third day of April 1909. at Two o'clock, P. M. shell be the dry and the Clerk's Of- (iI•.• ir. the Township Iinll in the Village of I':limville. shall be the plaCe where the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend at the various a s IoIl' l• places y aforesaid, and at the final eu►urning up of the votes by the Clerk on br•helf of persons in- terested in promoting or opposing the passage of this lay -law respectively. 11 That the Clerk of the Corpor- a tion of the said Township of Us - borne shall attend at his office in the said Village of Eliinvilb. at nine o'clock. a. tn. on Tuesday, the 13th day of April 190), to sum 1:11 the num- ber of votes given for and against, this Ily-Lav: NOT10E The above is a true copy of the proposed 11y -law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporition of the Townships of t'sborne in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained there- to. after on.• month from the first Publication in the k:xeler Times newe- Paper. which first publication stetson the 18th day of March. 1911,1, rind nt the hour. day and places herein fixed for taking the votes of th Electors, a poll will be held. Dated nt ('aborne this Fifteenth dry of March i903. FRANCIS MOIRLEY Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of t'sborne. Schedule "A" referred to in the annexed ply -law No. show- ing how the amount of $1471,64 there by required to he raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Yea Principal Interest Total Amount 100.1 671.61 800.00 171.61 720.48 1910 811$ 6 773.2(] 471,61 1911 745.16i71.G: 1912 755.48716.16 171.61 191'3 785.72 385,92 471.611911 817.16 654.18 171.61 1915 84988 621.76 171.61 1910 8a3.81 587,89 171.01 1917 552.48 171.6! 1918 955.1119921(3 515.72171.04 1919 O04.20 477.11 ;11.11 1920 10 3:3 9 3 4 :7.68 171.51 1921 1075 32 316 2 171.61 11122 1118.32 3.i $71.5.j 1112 3 11 11.1:.3 +/08.fi(1 171.61 1931 1121,3)1. 2;1 a, 262.08 471,1!! 191ii1 1257.9 ; 2l3,as 171.61 19Ai 13158.2 Itii..6 4iI.(it 1927 131/0.611 111.01 471.61 1 S+'L� 1115 12 86.52 4 71.61 . The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bee in use for over 30 years, I:as borne the sl�;natnra and leas been made under his pe z44bona! supervision si:rco itsiafrne • Allow no ono to deceive yon in 1hi All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as:-good" :tri: ht Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health Infants and Children—Experience against ExperiIa(-:i What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harniless substitute for Castor 011, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 13 Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine no: other Nareotie substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. 1 t destroys Worm; And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrltoett, and Wind COW. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy mut natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY NEW TO"A CITY. When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart by dosing with headache cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver. ea/ AEG ll. GAT OI7•TCe Nib–TABLETS- N will settle the stomach and make your liver act with- out violence but effectively. It will remove the cause and cure the headache. 5f Get a 25c. Box /ban e� n Pills for For bale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. USi3ORN E To the Editor of the Exeter Times. In last week's issue of your valuable viper "Ratepayer" had nn article, which evidently shows that he is one of those opposed to the granting of the bonus to the It:tawny Company, possibly because he will not reap any benefit in the delivering of no- tices, etc., in connection with the matter. !lad it been a drain by-law, he would possibly have made his let- ter in favor of it. if "Ratepayer" does live al one corner of the township. and thinks h: will not be benefitted. there is no reason why he should endeavor to poison other minds ngainst it when there is no doubt but that the road will be bag benefit to the farmers of the township even if they have to la • $3 5U per year on enc! 100 pay ► 1 :acres. or according to his figures .e104.22 in twenty year:. compounding the inter- t. A good teeny of us have had to pay from $250 10 $150 per 100 acres In one year for drains, • which will not benefit us as much as the road which is to cost us only $3.50 per 100 acres per ,year. We have been waiting for the past ,twenty years for an opportunity such as is now in our grasp and we should take •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Molsons B Incorporated CAPITAL (Paid up) RESERVE FUND I Iias (13 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transacted. 1855 .... $3 600,00000 .... 13.600,000.00 = Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. •• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••:••••••••••••••••••••••• THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 18e7 ALEXANDER LAIRD,General Manager r Paid-up Capital, $ 10,000,00 1B. X. WALKER, President Reserve Fund,_6,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank sire a most convel way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France? Germany, Great Britain, Rolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131 A Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. SYOOuIS 01 Ido Conlin Norlti►WesI HOMESTEAD REOULATIONs.:4 Any person who is the sole head Return tickets at Single Fare bee of a 'amity, or any male over 18 tween all stations in Canada, also to years old may homestead a quarter Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buf- acetoni of available Dowit►iou land in Palo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Goods, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta. going April 8, 9, 10, 11 and lith. Re - The applicant must appear in person turn limit April 13th, 1900. at the Dominion Lands Ageuoy or p Sub -agency for the district. Entry by IIOIDeSeek©rs� Excursions proxy may be had at the agency, oo certain conditions, by father, mother Winnipeg and return $32.00son, daughter, brother, or sister of P f3 intending homesteader. 1 Edmonton and return $42.50 Duties :—Six months residence upon Tickets good for (10 days, Propor• and cultivation of the land in each , tionate rates to other points in West - of three years. A homesteader may ern Canada. First excursion April live within nine miles of his home- 5th, via Chicago, stead on a dorm of at least 80 aoree solely owned and occupied by him or Full information from ha father, mother, son, daughter, . J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. brother or sister. or write J. D. DiCDONALD, WAWA certain districts a homesteadar in good standing may jlre-ompt s Depot, Toronto. Ont. quarter section a:ongside . hiss home stead. Price $:3. per acre. Duties— Must reside six months ineach of six ' TR, G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 13,. years from date of homestead entry 1J D. D. i9., Dentist. Member o! (;nc;uding the time required to earn R. C. D 13 of UOtario and Honor; homestead patent) and cultivtae GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ys EM EASTER EXCURSION Graduate of Toronto University. fifty acres extra. OFFICE:—Over Dickson A Carling's A homesteader who has exhausted Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former Ins homestead right and cannot ob- dental parlors tain a pre-entption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts R. A, advantage of it. Price i 3. per acre. Duties.—Must DD. S., RH , onorKINSMAN grt,duite of Tor out* 1'IROGIRESS, and one who resnlo six months in each of three Universal pays mor. faxes than "Ratepayer". }ears, cultivate fifty acres and erect , y• n house worth W3 COt00r Dental Surgeon —t Rheumatic poisons are quickly and Deputy of the Minister of the interior Office over Gladman & S.ani.ury surely driven out of the blood with N. 11.—Unauthorized pnblicatlon of this advertise Alain street—EXETER. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—lig. anent will not be paid for aid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's book- let on rheumatism plainly and inter- estingly tells jest bow this is done., TOG Usborne and Hibbert Tell some sufferer of this book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Racine,! Farmer's mutual Fire Insur- Wis., for the book and free test wim- ples. Send no money. Just join with 1)r. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. \V. S. llowey. (Cr fa r o Xi. 3. Bears the _ . The Km YcI il),I Wars 8)cg',1 Signature of t• U81110 Zam-Buk on a cat or scratch is insuring yourself against the danger of blood -poisoning, festering, or inflam- mation. As soon as you sustain an injury —a scratch from barbed wire, a cut, a burn, a bruise- put on a little Zam-Buk, and then don't worry t Zam-Buk kills the disease germs, which, entering wounds, set up festering, etc. Not only so, but Zam-Buk stimulates the cells to rapid action, and in this way builds up healthy skin very quickly ; also, it cases pain and smarting. Yon have ease, insurance against blood - poisoning, end rapid healing— only Zat>a-Buk comtincs the three! Try it! Mr. Alf fly. Orth, of Shipley (Ont.), says :--" While at wank recently. i had the miefortuno to run a rusty wire nail under my thumb nail, to the depth of about one and n half Inches. The pain was terrible, and what i feared was that the nail, being so dirty end rusty, would act up festering and blood -poisoning. 1 knew, from p-et•inui experience, how gocxl Zam'Iluk was, so 1 cleaned the wound, men -1 a Iaule of the balm, aril ran it into the wound. The result was wonderful. It soothed the prin. and the Mundt actually did not swell. yam-Ituk kept awes. ;ail inflammation. 1 was able to go on with my work all the time, and in a fete d 5y-4 Pee thumb was as good as ever." Z.tet•Re:;t rnrc, cuts. burns, ?wrists. sprains, f'i'ts, .festering gores. ulcers, scalds, bhx.,l•pnis.r+re�. ecsen•a, ve,,c,,..t ulcers, //.'aerie Itch, 7i,rgt(orn,, ecalf•sorts, bad 1e.t. din.t•,•1 ankles. .ro.t all ether skin diseases and injuries. Nnhhed well into the 1v, , . rr.,-etcJ, it cnrr.s neuralgia. rheumatism. and sciatica. All Urugg,sls and 811 'c3 soil el .ate. (t -r. Mr—at/or t t.IS• or past free fr„rn Za,n•link Co.. Toronto. for tri.t. s T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 • P. S„ Graduate Vier( ria Un rerafty. office and residcuence. Dta,lutes Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. ante Gompanu I1, Bright, M. D., M.('. P. and Head Office, Farquhar,'•Ont �•8., lienor Graduate Taranto Un• !'resident—J. L. RUSSELL. iV rs�ty.lTwo years resident physician ce —1V I Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office Ce I csi eat }i S MORE t r d A 8 and n 1 res'd(• Amos' residence, Dr. Ames DIRECTORS. Andrew Street, Exeter. \VM, ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 Jr, IIIOCK WIN('HEt.t3EA P, 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P.01 MONEY TO LOAN tit)l3ERT NORIt18, 8tatta. We have unlimited private fundr tor Iamb AGENTS, -ant noon farm or village rropeetyab lowest JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent for r flee 01 tntere"r 1.' aborne and I)ieldulph.Nester DICKSONR CeRLINO OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. aueat -- 'or Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. JOBI A .►OIiNB Becy.Treas. Farquhar. ;1,ADMAN & BTANBIJRY. M:.Iieitors CANADIAN PACIFIC. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Totem* 2.00 p.m. on APRIL S, 20 MAY 4, 19 JUNE 1,11, 19 JULY 13, 2T AUG. 10, 21 SEPT. 7, 21 Second class tickets from Oatarin mations to principal Northwest points 11 LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \t,'ien:peg and return (32 00; Edmonton and return (42.50, and to other mirth in propane*. Tickets good to return within (A cloys Iran gotta date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS en allesrro;ons. Comfortsik berths. fullyrut:itled with bedding, can ba secured at moderate rates through local seta,. Early application must be made ASA P011 HOMESEEltEas' PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. Apply toaeareet C Y R. APnt ne to R. L. Thompson, Dist. Pass. Ast., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE OF CARS W. J. CAIip.ING. Agent. It ,d the pain formula on the box i r i I'iuk Patin 'Tablet!!. 'then ask your Doctor if there Is a beet r one. fain means congestion. blood pressure etnewhere, hr. Si a I':•,1: i'll:, i t:abl.•Is chock hen t ins w ltnnnly 16r14. pain nnywh Try un•, and ?Wt.! 211 for 25e. 8o W. S. llowey. DICKSON & CARLiNG, I%trtlatere. Solicitors. Notnr!es, Onnve aaneee Oommlw,tr nor,, Pollcltors for the Moines Bank, Kb0. koney to Loan al lowest ratan of !sieges!. OJFICIC I—MAIN err MEM T, =STNS. S. CARLING B. a. L. M. O(CsaOW HONEY TO LOAN. We barn a lames amount of pet rate foods elan on farm and village properties at lowest* interest. OLADMAN & STANBURT Barristers Solicitors. Main et. }:mete? EiZNFST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to 113)1 At 1nwr,t Wpm, North w,At land+ for Sale. Office. Mair, Street, Exeter SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. About 809 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes This is a new barley that has prov- en to possess a r, -markable clean stiff straw, excelling all other vnr- ieties, also gave the highest yield of grain per acre of all the burleys test- ed in 1907 at the 0. A. C. it has been without exception the most popular variety with the experimental union throughout the province, ever since the first distribution in 1906 in two Pound lots from the 0). A. C. Term on application. .1011N i;LDE11. 11EN- 8Al.l. 1'. (1., 1.ot 1(i, (:on. 2, flay. PreventiC-.—.the-.• ('.tL(.f Cunt Core. Tablets—will sefely and qeiekly check 11 colas and the Grip. Try them once and see 1 48-25c. Solei by W. 8. llowey. -a 4