HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-04-01, Page 1DIME -SIXTH YEAR—NO 1851 H UR ON &M1DDLE SEX GA ZET1 u EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APR 1st 1909, 4#•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •♦•♦♦•♦••••••••••♦••••♦••••••NN•'•••••♦♦♦•♦• „ • JONES & CLARKS Millinery! Millinery! These are Busy Millinery Days. Phone No. 32 • Every business hour of the days before Easter our Millin -/I • try salesroom will be showing a wealth of beautiful Millinery for all occasions and at our well known easy prices. Easter is not far away Order Your New lint Now. I Our Dress Goods Department 1 Is a busy centre with us now. All the Latest Fhb- 2 ries are shown here in the seasonable shades. Stripes and I'lain goods are shown here in abundance. Our stock is com- plete and you cannot do better that buy one of our New Dress Lenghts for your New Spring Costume. House Furnishings 11 For the Busy House Cleaner •• This is the time of the year to think of your New blouse Furnishings. Spring is here and the busy house cleaner will soon start, you will find us all ready for the big rush in this department. It is a well known fact that we carry the largest stock of Room Rugs, Carpets. Lace Curtains, Lino- leums. Oilcloths in Exeter and can therefore give you the best choice. Carpets A very large stock of Union Wool, Tapestry and Brussels. This is the place to huy your carpets as we have the quan- tity and quality. • Lace Curtains In Nottingham, Swiss and Fish Net, Over 511 different designs to choose from in the best curtains ins we have ever v shown. Prices 25, 50, 75e. $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. 225, 2.50, 2.75, 3 00, 3.50, 1.00, 1.50, 5.00, 0, 00. Linoleum & Oilcloths Some of the prettiest de- signs we have ever shown in floor oils. All widths 4/4 to 10,'4 We sell the great Nairn's Scotch Linoleums, admitted by all to be the best made. Room Rugs Union Rugs in sizes of 3x3, 3x31j, 3x4, 34x4 yds. Wool Rugs in sizes of 3x3. 3x34. 3x4, 34x4 yds. Tapestry Ruge in sizes of 3:3, 3135, 3x4, 34x4.3fi'4i yds. Brussels Ruge in sizes of :3x34, 3:4, 31}x4, 4x44 yds. Smyrna Ruge, reversible. 3x1, 34x I, 32:4 yards. Velvet Ruge 3x34, 3x4,314z1, 4x41 yards. Small Rugs for Mats In all sizes of Tapestry, Wool, Brussels. Velvets, Ax- minster and Wiltons all at low prices. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford _ T Clothin g also high grade shoes and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••♦••♦•••♦•♦•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• z: Stupid Children • Children of bright parents are not natur- ally stupid. When study is disliked it is because study is painful. • Suspect their eyes rattler than condemn their intellect • With my method of !coling into the eve I can tell positively whether the eye is defective Or perfect. Bring in the children and have their eyes examined and satisfy yourself Examination Free S. FITTON. Jeweler and Optician (;kANTON Mr. nnw1 Airs. Andrew visited with friends at Cronin] ty last Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Hodgson visited Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgson, of Granton last week. The C. O. C. F. gave a concert in Harmony hall last. Wednesday even- ing. The program wits furnished by the hewer family. of London. Sugar making has commenced but on necount of such chnngenble wea- ther then' his tint been much surup •ma do. The Cook tiros. are preparing ,to build their new shop. Mr. Dan. 'Hodgson has purchased n new set of harness from Mr. W, jla rk. Thr old fashioned tray of dosing a weak stomach. or stitnatlnting the heal or kidneya is ell wrong. Dr. .Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his pr: scription —Dr. Shoop's Restorative—is directed en- tirely to the cause of these nilments— the weak inside or controlling nerves. it isn't so difficult says Dr. Shoop. to strengthen a weak heart. stomach or kidneys if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail. then those, organs miist surely falter. These vital trellis are lend- ing druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive. Test it a few days and see I improvement will promptly and ser.e- tly follow. Sold by W. $. Itow•ey. Hensall Mr. J. Markham, has been appoint- ed organistist of Trivitt Memorial church Exeter, after having effi- cently discharged the duties of Or- ganist of St. Paul's church for some years. Miss G. hart assisted by good tal- eut gave a recital in the opera hall last Friday evening. Th! Mensan checker players de- feated the Cbiselhurst players at the latter village on Tuesday evening of last wcck. A very spirited bible contest, under the ar,:.pic s of the Epworth League of th.' Methodist church, is being car- ried on. There are two captains and each side in endeavoring to score the greatest number of points in bible study. At the end of the appointed time a banquet is to be held. Messrs. Edward Dignan and Ro- bert Luker left here last week for the west. each taking a carload of stock and settlers effects. Rev. Redmond, of London, preached Educational sermons in the Metho- dist Church last Sunday morning and evening. Bev. Redmond was brought up within a few miles of Mensan and large congregations turned out to hear him. Miss T. Swan, of 'Toronto. is here visiting her mother. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Murray, of Le Mars, Iowa., and formerly of IIensall, will regret to learn of the death of their son Ro- bert C. in his 22nd year. \\`onion with pale co lorless faces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which aro made for the blood. nerves and complexion. Centralia Itev. \V. II. Mutt and Mr. .W. T. Colwill Left Tuesday morning for To- ronto where they intend attending the Layman's Missionary Congress and the Sunday School Convention. Rev. Mr. Butt who was appointed dele- gate purposes giving the full report of the proceedures of the above meeting on 'Sunday. W. 1(. Elliott our horse buyer was seriously ill list week and as a re- sult the whole family was called to his sick bed side o w Sunday. Mrs.Welsh who has recently rnovcd from her farm has been very ill with pneumonia and the doctor pronounces her case critical being over 85 ars of age. W. Callas left on Monday for their new home in the west where they in- tend spending their future life. Miss Sarah Neil has returned home after a pleasant two weeks visit with friends in London. The Epworth League Anniversary is to be held on Good Friday .evening April 9th, in the Methodist Church when a delicious tea. for which the Centralia people are noted, will be given followed by an illustrated lec- ture by Itev. W. 11. Mutt on Canada, with over 100 magnificent lime light views on Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. Yukon and all points of interest along the Canadian Pacific trans- continental railway. A most enjoy- able evening is assured. tickets 25c. and 15 cents. The regular semi -quarterly ;col- lection will be taken up, U. V., on Sunday next. Rev. \V. 11. Butt's sermon on the "Criminolgy of Our Day" wits one of unusual interest and benefit to as- sembled congregation. W. it. Elliott shipped some extra fine horr•es to Montreal last week. One was it three year old gelding weighing 1800 pounds. Miss K. E. Elliott was home over Sunda y. Palpitation of tho heart, ner- vousness. tremblings, nervous head- ache, cold hands and fool, pain in tho back and other forms of weakness arc relieved by Carter's Iron Pills made specially for the bleed nerves Ellmvtlle Mr. Thos. Penice has been engaged to work for Mr. Bodging during the comieg summer. Airs. l'robis has gone to her home in Michigan. after spending a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr. F. Anderson. of Fullarton, hats purchased a thoroughbred animal from Mr. O'Neil. of Ailsa Craig. Mr. George i(owcliffe. of London, is about to dispose of his fifty acre grass farm to Mr. It. Skinner. Mr. Wesley Parkinson. %vas visiting friends in London last week. Mr \V. l'enwarden. of \Voodhani r.c.•ntly urchased a handsome dri- ver from \V. Parkinson. Farmers are busy ranking pyre', argil by 311 reports there is :t gond run of sap this spring. A very enthusiastic meeting in the interest of the railway by-law was held in the Township hall here last Friday evening. The meeting was presided over by Mr. .Tohn Delbridv' in n very able manner. Mr. Rice. of the railway company in a fair and practical mnnner. spoke of the terms of the fry -law and the benefit it wrould do the community. Air. W. G. Medd. who ships annually a large quantity of hatter. and has to draw Zurich Mf. D. S. Faust was iu Stratford last week attending n convention, In connection with the Evangelical church. Mr. 11. Neeb of the Babylon line disposed of his heavy sorrel te,un, to Mr. Handford, of Exeter. '!'hey were considered to be about the best team of their class in the Township.' This Y.M.C,A. concert Friday even - Mr. Julies challet 9f the t+;tublc ing tei:1 ba well worth hearing and Line Stanley. had the misfortune to get his foot badly crushed by .t log falling on it, on Friday, while working at Mr. Sherrit's in company with Mr. Ed. Mero. Three toes were badly smashed and a fourth was also in- jured. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church, met on Tuesday afternoon, for their annual election of officers, resulted as follows; Pres., Mrs. (Itev) A. 1). Gischler; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. C. Wagner; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. John Precter; Ree -Sec., Miss Lydia Faust; Cor -Sec., Airs. 1). S. Faust: Treat)., Mrs. Jacob Ort; Organist, Mrs. Me- \Vatlers; Ass't Organist, Mrs. 'Geo. Innis. Locals r.0... Remember the Y. M. C. A. concert Friday night. To -day the new act making it com- pulsory to have Inland Revenue stamps on all medicines takes effect. Kirkton Mrs. J. Wood, of Mensal, visited Mrs. J. Gilfillan last week. Robert Elliott has moved into the house of Wm. Ilarrah. An extremely lively railway meet- ing was held in Woodham on March 25th, when several local men made interesting speeches. Some ,particu- lar oratorical lights ventured to pit themselves against the eloquent ad- vocates of the railway, failing to ob- serve the red flag of danger, namely public sentiment. They advanced theories and reasons. Formidable rows of figures were presented, cal- culated to inspire us with terror and Miss Pearl Short, of White Oak, paralyse our thinking capabilities, visited friends in and around here but their arguments were futile in during the past week. face of the terrible battery fired on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Parkinson vis - them by Mr. Rice and others. Their ited over Sunday nt the home of Jier pet theories and figures crashed to another, prior to their departure for earth amid a cloud of dust and smoke Regina, where they purpose making as the night train dashed through their future home. Woodham with •a victorious hoot, Miss Lily Stone returned home this loaded with passengers and freight. week after n pleasant visit at the A railway meeting was also held home of ,Airs. John llazlewood. in Elimville on the 26th, but no op- The box social was a decided suc- position presented itself, the object of cess. A large gathering was pre - the audience being information and sept and the program was of first then vote for the railway. class merit and some of the boxes We regret this week to announce sold as high as $2.25. The %Misses the death of Mrs. Robt. Fletcher, be- Verda and Lottie Squires sold ithe loved wife of Mr. Robert Fletcher, largest number of boxes. which took place in ICirkton on March Miss Verda Squires has accepted a 27th. The remains were interred in position as organist and the singing .the Kirkton cemetery on Tuesday. by the choir adds very much to the 'March 30th, a large gathering %of church service. relatives and friends being present. Messrs. Dickens and Smith. of We feel that those who know Mrs. Sanintsbury, spent Sunday leveeing Fletcher best will sadly miss her. She with friends here. was the life and soul of everything with whom she was connected, either in the church or in the home. and made her energetic nature felt and earned for herself the deserved re- putation of a honest, hardworking. God fearing woman. The Times and with an average attendance of 21. be - its correspondent sympathizes sin- sides 11 educational evenings at dc- lete friend. eerely with the bereaved ones of our hates, practical talks, impromptu stump speeches and mock municipal council work. At the regular meeting of the local Association Monday night, it was decided to bold a debate next Monday night. "Resolved that wwnod is more useful than coal", the arfir- posed of his fans on the 8th codecs- trtativc taken by Messrs Jones sion to Mr. John Johns, who takes rntd 'Heytowoodhe, and the negative by possession the first of the month and Messrs Jennings .and Oestreieher. has purchased the farm of Mr. James Th•• judges are to be Mr. J.J. White Creighton, on the Base Line of !Ilan- and Drs. Roulston and Malloy. This shard. five miles east of \Voodhnm, will no doubt be an interesting de - The following is a poem composed bate, and everybody should be present by one of the pupils of the \Vinchelseato bear it. The bible lesson for school. It was composed in a few Monday night is "The life of Joshua" moments, with no previous preparn- and will be taken by the President. tion and reflects much credit on the Mr. Orville Southcott. Don't forget author. the Y. M. C. A. Concert in theOpera joy 1 the winter is here 1 WINTER, the Friday evening, April god. -- For sleigh rides We can go. In the air so cold and clear, "RET('HN TTCiCE'I'S AT SiNGLE Over the frosty snow. FATE" The snow is so pure and white. On account of Easter. The Grand The bells are so sweetly ringing. Trunk System will issue return tick - The night is so warm and bright, ets of Single la re between nil stn - That our voices just love to be sing - tions in Canada. also to Detroit and ing. 1 ort Huron. Mich., Iluffalo and Ning- Ilut soon will we reach our 'ionic. gra Falls, N. Y. Good going April And sorry we will not be. 8. 9, 10. 11 and 12111. Return limit For the ruddy light of the lire bright; April 13th. 1909. Full information Will not be unweleonts to sec. front (;read Trunk Agents. The following is the report of the • marks obtained by the 'Sr. fourth Coughs that are tight or distressing Class in S. S. No. 0 Osborne during tickling coughs, get quick and certain the month of March. Lulu Godbolt help from 1)r. Shoop's Cough Remedy. 231; EIIa 'Heywood 218 ; Ithea Godbolt On this account druegists everywhere 194 ; Hay Fletcher 190; John Crecry are favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Item - 172. Jessie A. Hamilton. Teacher. edy. The tender leaves of a harm - Several around here have tripped less lung -healing mountainous shrub and the sap is running good. give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacques haveits curative properties. Those leaves moved into the house of Mr. Chas. have the power to calm the most dis- Godbolt near here. j 4ressing cough. and to soothe, and Mr. Lawrence. of Senfort1,, was heal the most sensitive bronchial the Burst of Alias Flossie Francis one membrane. Test it once yourself. and day this week. seri Sold by R 9, Hovey.The entertainers of this burg are ;practising for n concert which will it(il(N no doubt be a good one. The riilroad question is the topic IIAI(NIISS — In Eiger. 'Smithy, March of the diy at present. 28th. to Mr. :and Mrs. Ed. liar - Miss Mond Perish. of Essex, is vis• Hess. a dnaghter. iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JAMIESON.—On 2nd con. iliddaill,h. If. Francis nt present. What does on Sunday ;.larch ilth. to Mr. and this mean Bent Aye. Alex Jamieson. a son. Mr. Wm. Turnbull had his supply of NEIL.—Con. .1 •trsborne on Satin -des, wood cut in n few days Inst week. March 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. \\'el- bw :a !;ring of excellent wood cutters. lin'rtor Nail. it dnughter. Mr. Prendergast. of Essex, was \%EBT.—in Exeter. Friday March 20 around here Inst week in search of to Mr. and Airs. Sidney West. a sopa • good horses to take back with dau 'iter. him. MATRRiED his product several miles In the rail-.. Mr. Gro. Coward was nwny collect- ROWE—AItDELLAt i.ocan \V,.d- way station. showed how the railroad lair last week- nesdny. March • ith, Miss Lizzie would benefit his patrons by the saving of the expense in hauling. All those present were in favor of the hy-Inww•. and from expressions made. there is no doubt but that it will ca Fry. the souse should appeal to everyone. Writs have been issued by Messrs. GI:Wotan K Stanbury acting for An- drew Campbell against some of those who have been repeating a slander about him and we hear that more are to follow. That the Canadian Government will appropriate a sum of monty for the development of aerial science was practically the announcement of Fin- ance Minister Fielding nt the meeting AS th_ C,.r.adian Club Friday after- -Hoon. when Professor Alexander Gra- ham hell, inventor of the telephone and :aerodrornist. was the principal speaker. Never in the history of the Canadian Club has there been such a turnout as the gathering that greet- ed the famous inventor. Ile gave no account of the experiments of himself, F. \V. Baldwin. A. C. McCurdy and two Americans at his hone at Bad - deck, N. S.. and nt the close made such an appeal for assistance for the young Canadian scientists. Baldwin and McCurdy, to retain their services for Canada and the empire, that the finance minister and Earl Grey, who were among the principal guests. an- nounced their hearty approval of the idea that Canada should not lag be- hind in this field of investigation. Y. M. C. A. The IIuron County Y. M. C. A's con- ducted, during the month of Febru- ary, 19 week night, Bible study classes Winchelsea air. A. Q. Berryhill recently dis- Por any cine of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach. indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pill.. Relief is sure. The only riervo medicine in so arket. w hafts mild 6+M SNWs MKic attatat. �r Mr. Medd attended the railroad Ariloll. of (inrrie, to James ltowc, meeting at Farquhar on Monday and of Clandeboye. gave nn interesting address. TCELi.I' (MANN—E1ILElt'.—Tn Dash - Mr. John Caldwc11. of Mensal!, was wood nn Wednesday, March 31st. the guest of Mrs. Godbolt on Sunday Mr. Clarence iCellermann to Miss Mr. L. Prenderra.t. of Essex. and Vin a Ehlers. Mr. John Glenn. Jr.. of 1.nniky. vis- DIEDited nt the home of Ilan. Coward one il.\RTl.ETtt.-1n 1) 'hw•ood. 'Tuesday, day last week. 7.1 tell 22-0nisi!,. ITat-tleib, sr.. Mr. Arthur Elliott. of Siskatonn, a:;ed RI tear., is visiting his uncle Mr. T. Coward. F'LF:TCiiElt.—At Kirkton. on K,tur- --�'' I day. March 27th, Mary Jan Clnrkr. (7.A.11P 'z ChM =A. wife of Hobert Pletcher. aged 52 gears the TN Kind Yoa Hate Alva Boujtl yearn. 11 month and 7 days. 8ianatan /i < lCrfibaL► 1)1LI.1Nf;—At Cranbrook. Ont., Mon- !li day. March 22nd. John Dining. for- merly of Exeter. in his 80th year. $1.00 per year in advance Fencin Ideal Fencing, all No. 9, 7 wires, 32c Rod Ideal Fencing, all No, 9, S wires, 35c Rod Ideal Fencing. all No. 9, 9 wires, 35c Rod Cleveland coiled wire $2.50 per 100. Wire Gates $2.5o to $6.00, Galv. Staples and Galv. hooks, Tackle Blocks snd Stretches; ever thing for Fencing. Tinsmith and Plumbin W. J. Melville is now in charge of this department. Estimat cheerfully furnished. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Preston Safe Lock Shingles Do not fail to call and enquire for our 28 Swage galvalized safe lock shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square, with an absolute guarantee that they are both wind and srornl poof. We ale offering splendid value in:— Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULARS Do yon want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've promised you satisfaction—promised you thatstyle, tit and price will please you—we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Carl Suit You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'$ We have started a great slaughter sale cotn- prising every article of furniture in our large stock tit a great reduction on regular prices. Note some of the great bargains we are offering and what it means to Furniture buyers. Bedroom Suites in I cut oak finish with large Bevel Plate Mirror regular price $10.)11; discount sale price *13.00. Sideboards, regular price $13 00 discount sale price $10.00 (:ouches, regular price $S 50 discount sale price $I).00 Mattresses, regular price $3 50.... discount sale price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest. Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers Rod Funeral Directors. arnell's Bread We receive daily shipments of Parnell's (London) Bread The Finest Bread made in Canada Hy,. Cent Loaves Try it and you will use no other Fresh Vegetables Received Daily WILSON SRO PHONE M. Itt • r North of IT