HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-25, Page 8E E ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++e-+++++++++++++4 4-++ 1-+++++++++++++++++++++++.F+++d•}+{•+++++++4.4.a sTEwaRT's PHONE 16 House Furnishing Time is Here alta we are rey ad with a most complete stock of new furnishings; Carpets, Huge, Linoleums and Curtains. You are respectfully solicited to conte in and look through the new stock. You know its nice to study the new styles and latest effects. Bring your friends with you. You'll not be asked to buy the pleasure will be mutual. .ereollionlmeee. -'1•111111.1111.1P' LInoI6ums We handle the celebrated NAIRNS line no be n in 1 We know of better. We do the 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. We aro showing a nice range of floral, tile and Japanese effects. Most of our patterns are controlled by ourselves tor Exeter. We buy by the ton and save a lot of middle profits. Price $1.00 and up. Room Rugs Huge are the correct floor covering so dressy and ouch a snap when house cleaning time comes. we show Wool Rugs, Tapestry Rugs Balmoral Brussels Rugs. and Wilton Rugs. all sizes, all colons, some very new and special lines with medallion centres. The colorings are Red, Green, Brown, Fawns and 11 nod shades. In soft autumn until. You'll enjoy an hour spent in our Rug Department. You'll find no such assortment 111 the county. Prices 50.50 to $30.00. Wall 6ovOrIDOS %Vail paper season is here, and we are ready with a stock that we are proud ot. We show over one hundred destinct lines; papers suited to any room or taste. The very newest papers are the shaddow under stripes. They make a very pleasing effect anti the shadings are so true to nature. Our papers conte to us direct from the makers, again we save you the middle man's profit, which is quite a consider- ation. Prices 5c to 25c. 1 LdfflCS' Sults Our new Spring Hata are moving. The M1II1flC FU shapes are moderately large with entirely new effects trimmed very flat. MISS AULD is in charge and she will be deligbt- •I• ed to have you come as often as you wish and study the new •i• 9tylee. Our show rooms are tlpto-date. new styles every day. Coyne and let us have your opinion of our new hats. C-316...- For Men! For Women! fl116 SDOCS Goodness in shoes is what we oiler It's not how cheap, but how good - you. Every pair it; sold under a double guarantee, ours backed by the makers. Your money al- ways back if you are not satisfied. Fair, isn't it. King flats tor Mun Dressy YouMen Wear the King Hat. Do you? We are sole selling agents for Exeter. New spring shapes now here. sugar Is Up Sugar took a jump of30cente per hundred last week and the wise herds say the top is not yet. Have you got your supply. We sell Redpaths and none other. It's best by test and you know it peys to pay for quality. Tailor made Suits foredressy ladies in greens, Navys and Blacks; made from mirror finished Broad- cloth trimmed with self stitching and largo buttons. The fitting qualities of these suits are per- fection. Drop in and see our new line; you'll like them. Produce is as good as cash. A. STEWA E +++++++++++++++++••a+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++++++++ RARE CHANCE! Southern Alberta Farm Lands The undersigned have secured control of the finest block of PALL w-t1SAT LAND IN ALBERTA. This land is all level prairie and can easily be broken. Don't Miss This Chance If yeti are thinking of going West, come and talk it over. Oar prices are right. Land sold to suit puachasers in sections or larger blocks with privilege of selection. This land will not be on the tnarket for long. We have private car attached to regular trains leaving Toronto and London first Tuesday of each month, starting 0th of April. For further par- ticulars apply to John Gharlton, Exatnr, Agent for Allison, Fair & Co, PHONE 22 DISCOUNT SALE in order to reduce our stock we will give a discount of iop er cent off all Drygoods and Boots and Shoes For the next 3o days. R. N. ROWE One door north P. O. Seeds et tibia tsanelloes Russian Giant Lettuce are ai..n away free SEEDS FREE If you ask, you can have a package of seed of this marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce included absolutely free with our new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata- logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and solid as n cabbage. Stands hot weather surprisingly well, and has a rich, butttry flat or. If you prefer, yon may choose a package of our Colossal White Sugar Beet ora package of Ostrich heather Aster Write today and nam• your their*. .I.o mention name of this 'toper. • Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, London, Ont. )'Olt !l.\LF 1•t I)ishttood. l.ot containing half nn acre. with 1 1-2 storey brick dwellinir 21 by 2$. with a one -storey brick kitchen I t by 20 attached ; bearine fruit trees of all kinds. On this property is n good stable 20 by all and good water. t he property of the ht. t. Daniel Sachs. J, K. Goetz and \tichor. der Executorsof rs of -• - tate.. ' OAMITI R A. Bean t . Rind Yaw Have Alin & t &eaters SUITS FOlt DAMAGES. We are in- formed that Mr. Andrew Campbell, of Thames Itond has itrstrncted his solicitors ,\lcssrs Madman .c Stan - bury, to issue writ.; in the 11igh Court against the parties who helped to cirrnlato a false and malicious slan- der regardin;r him last fall and win- ter. Ile has irits n the guilty persons an opportunity to apologize and in failu'e of that heavy- damage will be claimed. Andrew is giving hie de- tainers an easy %%-ay of avoiding a Ili; h Court lawsuit and they otight to he omen enough to do him justice witbout litigation. Market Report. -The folio ltilag ts1 "1:-s Dow. of xtitch. ll, is visiting the report of Exetar markets. *or- I the Misses Doff of town. rscted up to March 'Jath. Peas. 85c. Wheat *1.05. Oats 43 to 45. (Harley 53 to 51 cents. Shorts. *25. Bran $24 Illt.ndid Flour. STAR, $3.00. Feed Flour $1.40 to ;1.45. ,t. ,• b :1lsykt ,6 (0 $8 1uRbet. C:uver 1:,5. to $6. T.ntothy $1 to *2 pt r. bushel. Butter 20 cents per. pound Eggs 16 cents. ]logs dressed. $8.50 to $9.00. Slogs liveweigbt $7.05 Coal, $7.25 a ton. Dried Apples 6 cents). •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS • • • • •••••••• .••••••• -1 14++++++++++++++++++++•1-4-S The Timet till Jan, 0110 for Seventy Cents 'fell your Neighbors a- bout it. +++++•t'++ -1 l•++++++++++•1•+++++ airs. \1'm. Cudnaore visited in Kip - pen last week. Mr. Ilarry Hooper left last week for Charlevoix; Mich. Mt. Robert Kerslake is confined to his room through illness. Second hand square p11(110 for sale or rent. S. MARTIN & SON. Mrs. Arnold and. Mrs. MacArthur, of llensall, called on friends in town last Friday. The military camp for this district will be held at London this year, com- mencing June 8. Rev. E. 11. Currie. tvilt preach in the church nest Sunday. Miss Ella Heywood has been fined to the house for several weeks on account of illness. The Sovereign ]lank this week sold the property. formerly owned by 13. S. O'Neil to Mr. Win. Arnold. Miss J. J. Allen eye sight specialist will be at the Commercial hotel on Saturday, March 27th, hours 10 n.m. P to 8 . m. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred 51111. of Toronto, were here last Mondayndr) attending ndin g the funeral of the late James Ford. father of Mrs. Mill. 1f the newspapers printed all they knew. there'd be an awful lot of good reading. but then there'd be an aw- ful lot of libel suits to follow. Mrs. 'Hugh Ross, of Winnipeg, who spent the past few months visiting relatives and friends in Exeter, re- turned to her home Saturday morn- ing. Simpson, the much touted Jndian rue; a r. was defeated at Toronto Sat- urday night. by Shrubb the English runner, by over six laps in a .12 stile race. Ai •. Melville Howey, who has been .ng his parents during the past n' • er, left Tuesday morning for \•. eyburn, Sask., where he has a lucrative position. WOOD FOR SALE. -\\-e arc now -prepared to deliver to any part of 70C. of Hillsdale, 1'resbyterian con - Mr. Alex. Murdock, of llensall. vis- , ited 31r. Simon Campbell an Sunday. • Mrs. It. Charters. of Egtnondville, is visiting h•r sister, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Leod. lir. John Ackland. of London, vis- I itcci lti,, brother E. 1I. Fish last tt esti. Mr. W. Melville, a former Exeter ; boy, ha:; been engaged as tinsmith) with W. J. ll ea uta n. ' The managers of Caren Presbyter- ian church are installing the Reliable ILight system in the church this week. la the Alberta election Monday the Liberals were overwhelulingly suc- cessful. Only t'to conservatives were elected. Miss J. J. Allen eye sight specialist willbe a c' t the 'Commercial tr nl �w 1 a hotel on Saturday, March 27th, hours 10 a.m. to 8 p. tn. Mrs. John Iilalch[ord received word Monday of the death of her brother Mr. Geo. Le,:. of Covington. Ky• for- .nerlyof Lucan. Mr. T. E. tllandford shipped a carload of horses to Winnipeg en Monday. And a carload to Saska- toon on Friday. Miss Irno Sweet entertained t► numbs of her girl friends Monday evening, the occasion being her birthday,. Capt. W. J. Ile:mum and Lieut. J. G. Stanbury attended a banquet giv- en at Clinton last evening by the of- ficers of the 33rd Huron regiment. Mr. Thos. Cameron last Saturday sold to Robert Cole. of Hay. J. N. Perkins' farm. lot 15, con. 4, Us - barite, Mr. Cole taking in exchange E. 1-3 lot 5. Con. 4, flay, and a house and lot on Andrew street, Exeter. A Reactionary Storm Period is central on the 27th, 28th and 29th, with the Moon at first quarter and extreme north declination. On ac- count of the prevailing periods of Venus, Earth and Mars, there will be constant tendancy to storms and un- settled weather all through this part of March. But the barometer will show decided storm conditions about 27th to 29th, and storms of rain, turn- ing to snow in northern parts, will march eastward over the country. Dropped Dead. -Mr. E. L. Dickin- son. of the law firm of Dickinson & Garrow. of Goderich, dropped dend at his home in that town on Monday morning of last week. Mr. Dickin- son had not been well for a week previous. being away from his office suffering from neuritis. Mr. Dickin- son had been a resident of Goderich for the past seven years, moving there from \Vingham to form t► partnership with Mr. Chas. Garrow. of the firm of Garrote & Garrow, at the time Mr. J. T. Garrott- was raised to the bench. Mr. Dickinson was particularly well known through this county, being n lawyer of considerable prominence, and he was also an aspirant at one election for parliatnentary honors in East Huron. He is survived by his wife. formerly Miss Car•bould, of \Vingham, to whom he twos married about a year ago. In addition to his prominence as a lawyer. although of rather a retiring disposition. he was most highly esteemed by a large cir- cle of friends. and the news of his death will come as a shock to many in this county. In policies Mr. Dick- inson teas n Conservative and was a personal friend of Premier Whitney, with whom he studied law in his earl - the town first class elm slabs. All ter years. orders promptly attended to. 11 r. James K. Nord. one of Stephen's U. GiLLIES, oldest and most respected citizens it would ►'t make much difference parsed rtwity at his home on the 2nd to the town clock. whether the goy- concession on Saturday. March 20th, ernment advanced the time or shoved after an illness extending over two it back n couple of weeks. None of years from (frights Disease. aged 67 the dials show the same time anyway. year.. Mr. Ford was born in the One of for local shooters. not n parish of Egsford. 20 miles front I:xe- mernber of the Exeter Gun Club, had ter, 1':nglparents to Canada sailing on nd in 1811' and in 1852 came with his par a charge laid against him last week the ship "Lady Peel" from Plymouth by Gatne Warden Beer for hunting for Quebec. The trip took seven out of season. A stiff fine was im- weeks. The family drove from Otte - posed. bee to Lnodon. and titter sojourning Rev. Jos. 11. Oliver, of Sarnia, will in London six ,months. the family preach h:ducntionnl sermons in the moved to this section. settling on James Street Methodist Church next the homestead in Stephen. In 1867 Sunday. Ree. Going go to Sttr- he was married to Caroline Grace Snell. second daughter of ria and condiact similar services in rho lair the Aicthodist churches cfwill that town John Snell. After their marriage during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ford resided near Hen - The Township of til: tishard has sill for two years. and then moved changed the date for voting on the to Stephen. where he continued, to St. Marys and Western Ontario Ity. reside. Besides his widow he is stir - by -law from Monday April fit h. to vived by five sons and four (laugh - :Monday April 12th. the same date as ters. W. J., of 1'sbornc; A. J.. of the taxpayers of ['shame will vote Exeter: Frank iI. 0 n Alonzo. of on a similar by-law. Central itotte. Sask.: Herbert, on The inquest in the kinrulc murderthe homestead : Mrs. W,i . l'rodgers. cas••, which has attracted so much at- I•nr.doii \iia. Fred 11111. Toronto; tendon in Canada. has been post - and John Colwell. of Central Butte. pored until next month. when it is rand Mariana Grace at home. Ile is likely the matter will h.• dropped also siirvived by the following broth - without the authorities being able ers and slaters. A., K., of Exeter; to find the real murderer of the un. John. Stephen: Mrs. Banal. Slnnlnke, fortunate trier. Stephen andMrs. Wm. Sutton. Exe- Alr. C. I1. ltnssell I1. A- of Cal_ ter. In teligion the deceased was n Methodist and in politics a Cnnser- gaty. son of Win. Russell, Ilny.twho watiwe. The funeral was held Monday has been inspector of school+ in Cal - afternoon. interment being in the goy. has been appointed to a Lee- Exeter cemetery. ttreship in the Normal School of that city. The Government is sending Mr. Russell in April on a tour through 11051EsEEKE148' EXCI'I{SION To the United Stales rind Eastern Can- WESTERN CANADA oda to visit the hest schools and get Commencing April 6th. and confirm - the hest ideas and methods. ing every second Tuesday until Sept. Rev. A. D. Going left Monday even- 31s; 19f19, the Grand Trunk Railway ing for Toronto to attend it special System will issue second class return meeting of the Ito:trd of Regents of tickets, good for 61) days. from nil the Victoria University of which stations in Ontario do principal bard he is a member. it is quite points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and passible Itut t the tpppaintulent of Alberta• via Chicago. hates. 1 •v. Jackson. as one of the proles- Winnipeg and return $32.09 .rs will he taken np. Rev. Jack- Edmonton and return $12.(10 ,n will he remembered as having j'teportionate titles to other points. 1 id a heated controversy with 1)r. full ir.f0,us. (b it arid tickets from Cirman recently over bihicnl niit- any Gruner Trunk ticks tern. The New Zealand Government has 13111,1: 1tEGiSTF,R offered to defray the cost of a first \;action Salt• of household effects Class battleship of the latest type ,,tr. On Saturday. Starch 27th. at for the Itritish navy. The money for C:awen I'resh}•terinn church manse. this purpose will be forthcoming im 1. (:IL1,, Itf:\', 11'. 51. JL\I(TIN, media(ely nnrl if nec,•ssnry funds A.ietione.•r. Proprietor. will be raised for th.• co:istruotion of a second battleship. This offer is ruction Kale of real estate and the result of an agitation which has household effects. On Albert St., Exeter on Thursday. April 1st. 6109. been felt in the country for Borne 3. GILL. 5111y, S. 11iCKts years nod when proposed as a Gov- ,\uclioiie r. i'roprietross. ernment hill in Parliament met with practically no opposition. as - -- Word \Nord teas r,'e.•iv.•tl here Friday of ++•; ++++++++•h4..:.+4 -+..H•4. ;. ;--;•-;..:..;. the death at Crystid ('fly. Man.. of Emanuel Bissett. formerly of Eire- if you want to build for aged 511 years. After suffering ftp your horses for Say! for some time from footer of the.• Y spring work, now is liver. The deceased w ns r► son of •eyour chance to get. Steck Tunics of Thomas liis•ett. Fr. of Exeter, and I cheap ss we are clearing out. sev- has been in t he west for some yen re. f .- eral lines below wholesale prices. (trsidds 'bit/ widow who. was Mace -i- Susan Rollins. of I1iddul;ah, 1e• is stir'- t Howey's Drug Store b{ved by hie sons: also five brothers, Chas. of Crystal City :.1I. and W. J. + of Exeter and David. of Windsor. ++o+++++++++ •i- +++++++++++++ Go Thou and do Likewise Lc•ok at the illr,stration. George bot a EDISON PHONO- ORAPH and is entertaining his friends If thee would buy thyself an Edison, Thou could do likewise. All prices from $111.b0 to $100.00. Large stock of records. Amberol and Standard. Edi- son Blanks, Records and repaire. Let us play them for you, no trouble, cash and easy payments. Do come in. Easter post cards lots of 'etn. THE PURITY J. Willie Powell Manager, BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business in Ex- eter, I have placed a new and up -to date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station and re- spectfully solicit a fair share of the business of the travelling public. Calls at the office, public. Phone 41a, cheerfully attend- ed to WM. ARNOLD Blacksmith Shop For Sale First class stand doing good busi- nese; also comfortable residence. Ill health reason for selling. For terms and particulars apply to A. E. PYM, Exeter, Ont. PRETTY 1'OLLY OF TIIE KiTCHEN likes to do the family baking when you buy her the Star brand of flour. All the delicious things she bakes taste so good to you that you ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER tot the kind she lik,•s. It is the best white flour on the market. and costs no more than the poorest. HARVEY BROS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the Coun- ty of Perth. t -i the matter of the estate of William Crawford. of the Township of Ilibbert. in the County of I'erth, laborer. deCMtaed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to it. S. O.. 1897, chap. 129, Ihat aft creditors and others having rl;aitns against the estate of ih.. kite Witham Crawford. who died on or about ars 25t1i day of January. 19091 aro regeir.•d or or nboct the 13th day of April. 11104. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs, Madman & Si:anbury, of the village of Ex:•ter. solicitors for the execu- tors of the said decens,,d their c.hrisl1.11 and sumo ntes, addresses :and descriptions. Ilio fill Tartlet'. lar, of their cl:puns, the statement of Iheir accounts and the 1,,!urc of the sveurilies, if any, held by them. And further take boli:e that after such East mentioned dale the said executors will proceed to distri- bute asset% of the deceased among the willies entitled thereto, hnvin2 regard only to the rl:tinnt of which they shall then hnwo notice and that said executors shall not he liable for th•• said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of wletse claims nnlise shall not. have been re. received by them at the time of such dist tiblI i ion. (.1.Ah)'1.1N ,C. 5,1'ANIIUILY, Folici ors for Executors. hated at Exeter this 23rd day of SIn rob. 1901; DR. OVENS EYE ANI) EAR St'tt- geon, will be at be Commercial ilote1. Hours 9.3n 8. tn. In 4.:30 p. m. (Matinee properly fitted and (De- misea nt ewe ear and nnee treated Next visit Setnrdny Murch 27th. North WPM, Lands itou;rnt and Sold. We have a number of applications for northwest lands in gnnrter and half section lots. Any one leaving western bands which they wish to dis- pose of. will do well to fall at the Times Office and gel pnrtieulnr;. itESilENCE FOlt SALE handsome frame residence; 10 rooms in good repair. with 4 acres of land: 1 mile west of the Main St. of Seaforth; stable for 2 horses and cow. Land is well planted with fr'tit and ornamental trees. Plenty of hard and soft water. Furnace and Electric lights. side walk to Sea - forth ; township taxa S. Apply on the premises or to. 4t F. Ilolmested. Seatortt, THE OLD RELIA h1towoar! hlt This week brings us again to the time for of wear,which has whl es n marking off ourt upand ar eout to our entiro satisfactionWe have year with out a doubt, better styles and better ities in White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, D ers and Gowns than we have shown for years. White Waists No. 940 No. 900 In white India Linen lawn trimmed with Embro and Val Lace made in new style with long sleeve, sines 32-.40 Price $3 50 No. 890 In white lawn heavy embro front trimmed with Val lace and insertion Extra value, sizes 34-40 Price $2.50 No. 935 In fine white lawn trimmed with embro and Val lace. Sizes 32-40. Price $1'50 NO. 866 In fine linen lawn with ei tucked sleeves and hack, tri Val lace and insertion. S Price $3.00 No. 889 t f<3 In white lawn trimmed wit , ud insertion with shoulder effect 'ul; sleeve. Sizes 34-40 Pricc $ No. 870 In white lawn nicely tuck; /1. 0extra value. Sizes 32-40 Pri (• In White Lawn trimmed with Embro Insertion and Val e, A perfect fitting waist, sizes 32-40 ... , Price $ .00 CARLING BROS. We Repair} 40 FORTY i 40 All kinds of Boots and Shoes for you CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. 1•••••••••••••••••••••• TEACHERS of ripe scholar- ship, wide teaching and busi- ness experience in leading Can- adian and American centres, employed by our chain of flight Grade Colleges, hate built up a superior, unapproaehed curriculum. Each student is instructed privately at his own desk. We assist our graduates to the bat positions. Threecourses - Commercial, Stenogra- phy and Telegraphy. (Mall Courses Enter any day. 1 Write for particulars. Groton BUMS CoilN GEO. SPOTTON. Principal. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Z• SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. i !9 CENTRAL 1/1'./1/ _.rIiA7loAU ONT,--� We have a targe school, a high-grade school, with splendid equipment. Instructors are ex- perienced. Courses in Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments are thorough, up.to date and practical. Our gradu- ates are in demand as office as- sfetants and Business College - Teachers. Write for our free catalogue. Enter at any time. ELLIOTT A MCLACHLAN. • Principals. • • • ••N•••••••••••••••••••••• Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of (Household ef- fects etc. Mr. John Gill has been in- structed to sell by public suction at Cavin Presbyterian church manse on Saturdny. Mnrch 27th, :it one o'clock sharp, the following valuable pro- perty: Boggy. cotter, harness, robes, 2 sets bedroom furniture. bed spring, mattress. 2 toilet sets, :1 stnall tables. kitchen drop-leaf table, cook- ing stove. wood ; heating stove. wood: parlor and hall hanging lamps, lan- tern. writing desk, desk chair. pic- tures. dining room and kitchen wood- en chairs. rotas, fruit sealers, and other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS CASII .1. GILL. REV. W. M. MARTIN. Anet louver. Proprietor. White Wyandottes Good Laying Strain 1st pen, $1.50 for 13 eggs. 2nd pen. $1.00 for 13 eggs Three settings or Incubator lots at special rates. 1st pen headed by bird bred by J. H. Martin. Port Dover ; and pen headed by real good bird of my own raising. Either pen needs no comment as to quality. Communica- tions answered promptly. CHAS. F. IIOOPE R, l'ox 15 Eve tar, Ont, FOR SALE Two filly colts 1 and 2 years old. also 2 cows in calf. Apply Statham. London Road south. 3t A1'I'LiCATION TO PARLIAMENT. An Application will be made to the I.eg;sbi1Ite Assembly of the Province ni I)ntario, at its next session hi the Stratford and St. Joseph Radial Itail- way Company for an Act eat:ndin,u the tune for the commencement and for the completion of th-• Company's ra11way. J. 1 . Vincent. Solicitor for the Applicants Dated at Ottawa thio 24th day of February A. D. 1909, New Suitings in Greys, Tans, Browns and Greens. Just arrived styles same as cities, but pricesmuch lower. All our stock is new and up-to- date. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. 44 EXETER, - ONTARIO. A Man's Life A Man's life is full of crosses and temptations. Ile comes into this world without his consent and g out against his will and the road le ceedingly rocky. The rule of Contraries is one of the important features of the trip. When he is very little the big girls kiss him and when he gets big he kiss- es the little girls and some of the big ones too. If he raises a large fancily 11e is en- dorsed by the I'renlier., but if he rais- e. small cheque he is a thief. But buying the right Piano from the j right People at the tight Price snakes him neither a chump, a thief or a bad manager. And his children will rise up and call him blessed. We think we aro the right people to buy from. We Know our Pianos and Prices are right; -Call and let us con- vince you. S. MdrtIo & 500 iH LIFE WORTH L1VINGt Any man. woman or child who is in- different to Ibe Beauties of nature and the joys of living needs some- thing. There's something .wrong that sonuld be made right quickly. BRICK'S TASTE' ,ESS COD LIVER OIL Turns moroseness into cheerfulness. Makes the thin fat. Gives the weak strength. Restores 1110 appetite. Hrings back health and hope. Easy to take because the nauseous grease of the Cod Liver Oil has been removed and because the other in- gredients nre pleasing to the taste and helpful to the body. Best physicians recommend it. Iiest druggista sell it. r W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician EXETER - ONTARIO. r NOTI6[: To Farmers and Pul. if you have any old iron, Rubbers, Rags, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, horse Pair bring :t t•, M. Jackson & sons The Old Reliable Firm Where you can get market price in cash ,111 sizes iron pipe, also irG•a posts on hand. M. Jd6ksoo Alain St. opposite Electric Power House.