HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-25, Page 5TH E EXETER T I M E S, MAIL. 25th 1909
We beg to announce to the ladies of Crediton and vicin-
i that our formal millinery openings will be held on
March 29th and 30th
Miss Inman will have charge of this department, and
tijiving attended the openings of Toronto and Buffalo, she
lin, secured an excellent line of the latest spring millinery.
i We invite the ladies of Crediton and surrounding coun-
ty to visit our show rooms on above dates and following
ays to inspect this beautiful display of Easter headgear.
Millinery Openings
Monday and Tuesday
March 29th and 30th
When we will be showing the latest nov-
elties from Paris, London and New York.
Mrs. Link will have charge of this depart-
ment, and having attended the millinery open-
ings at the big centres, has secured the most
• up-to-date line of millinery.
A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of' Credi-
ton and vicinity to inspect our magnificent display.
Give Us a Call
liDealer in Clover, Alsyke, Mil-
let, Alfalfa Seeds, Dutch Sets
n1l kinds of Produce.
e r'
S. B1-Zowiv
We purchnsed the stock of goods in the store at Farquhar at a
discount and a representative of a wholesale house, who measured
the dry goods, said there was not twenty dollars worth of "dead tvood"
in the whole lot. but we want to get acquainted with the people of
this community and we invite you to call and examine our prices on
Prints, etc.
We offer our stock of shoes at a Reduction of
15 per cent. Cash.
We have been giving 22 cts per dozen for eggs and 19 and 21
cents for butter and shall continue to give top prices
Auction Sale
• Mr. John Gill has been instructed
rsell by public auction on Thursday,
April 1st, on Albert Street Exeter
tbe suit. oone ibedsttg e►ade c and burebedroom and
stand. tyo ntattrasses, one feat her
tick, one bed spring, one chamber set,
one arm chair, one rocker and two
perforated bottom chairs. one crok-
inole board. one parlor stand, two
lantp one dining room table. one
glass cupboard. one dozen dining room
and kitchen chairs, one clock. two
looking glasses. one tea set and glass
warn. three ofdozen
. ncdinner iaplates and
nntity sealers. tw•o kitchen
dozon empty
tables. one kitchen stove and furni-
ture, one wood heater and coal parlor
waster board.
neon, two wash tubs. What La Grippe
wash bo:u'd, ono lawn mower, ono step
ladder sine a quantity of garden
tools. tit o large boxes or feed bins. Ulla
one Iantern. plottren and windo+t
s, ;td other nrticles too nnm••r-
to mention. Mr. G. D. Colwell, of Walkerville,
The real estate lot 75 Albert St•, Ont., was stricken down with La Grippe
on ehieh there is 11 good brick cot- in 1906 aid it left him In very had con -
tag,, it ith summer kitchen and wood- dition. Ile says : " I was all run down
shed attached also good stable and and bordering on Consumption. 1 couli
soft water. pumps will be nffe.cd for not sleep at nights, had awful sweats,
me. This
sale if not previously sol.l. Isatl'anwd u1 s.ascil twhen i lhb ganitottake I'SY
TERMS OF CiiATrET.S. — Cash, Cill N1 , in a low nervous state ; but from
dayof improve. 1t
Ileal estate made known on the first battle 1 began to
stele Positively no r, serve. I did marvels for me and brought me back
J Gill firs. 8. llicks ( to health in no time, making a new man
Proprietor of
Although the day was bad there
was it good attendance at the shoot-
ing match held at the Royal hotel on
St. Patrick's clay and an enjoyable
time was spent with mine host Bert
Clark. The following is the score of
the day's shooting, the captains being
Fred Kerr and \Vin. Sanders, and the
number of (targets shot at 15,
Fred Kerr
Wm. Yearley 7
C. Stauilakc 9 F. Harrison J
Geo. Mawking 1.2 11. Smith 9
D. Making 11 C. Mawhinney 8
Geo. Smith 10 E. Wein 9
A. Wein 12 Geo. Croft 10
Bert Clark 8 W. Smith 10
Geo. llertzel 8 \V,n Sanders 11
79 73
The proprietor of the Royal will
give another shooting match in the
near future.
Mr. S. Ilrown spent Tuesday and
Wednesday in Stratford.
A meeting was held last Friday
evening for the purpose of organizing
an association to take charge of the
e Victoria Day celebration,
.. hi.. ` • icllowing officers were ap-
pointed : lion. Presidents. 11. Either,
M.I'.IP. and \Vtn. Lewis; President
W. H. James: Vice -President, Ira
Brown: Secretary, Herb. Eilber ;
Treas. J. G. Young. It is the inten-
tion this year to haven more elabor-
—gives strength for any
sustained effort of body
or mind. It is the con-
centrated nourishment
of beef available for
immediate use.
M.s. Sachs. widow of th late JI/L
1 1� 1� 1 N E R Y
Daniel Sachs. dice on Thursday March
18th, at her home here. S.10 had
'i saftt i ung for some rim • with
chionic rheumatism. The funeral
which was held on Sunday was large-
ly attended. showing the high esteem
in which sit- was held by till who
knew her. She had reached the ripe
age of eighty years and sixteen days.
Mrs. Siebert and son Bert have
been visiting friends in Crediton dur-
ing the past week.
Miss Dunn. of Thorndale. has re- You are cardially invited to attend (frit'
turned and will again take charge ,
of the Milli :•ry Dept. at Tiernan & Millinery Opening,
Miss Minnie Ehlers very pleasantly
entertained idta ria mber of her Burl Wednesday and Th
friends at her busty_ on Monday even-
ing last.
Mr. Wes. Kibler, of Listowel, and
Mrs. Chas. Fritz, of Zurich, called
iliugh Nesbitt, is confined to on friends in town on Thursday.
his home on nccount of illness. Mr. Chris. Beaver and Miss Ella
Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Wood left last
week for the west. taking with them
a carload of effects.
Mr. John Coulter recently had quite
t narrow escape frust much more
spent Sunday in town.
Messrs Ed. Siebert and Eldon Goetz.
spent Sunday in Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Strath -
t roy. attended the funeral of the late
serious injuries than he received. Hal Mrs. Sachs on Sunday.
was engaged in doing some carpenter !11r. and Mrs. Dan. Sweit zer, of
work for Mr. Graham. near Kippen, Credituu. visited friends in town on Hartletb
and while working on a scaffold at Monday.
the edge of the roof, it gave away Mr. Norman }ruby, of New Ham -
and both he and Mr. Graham were burg, is visiting friends in town.
program than ever before at- precipitated to the ground. Mr. Gra- Mr. and Mrs. August Schrader acre
tempted itt 'Crediton• tram lescaped. but Mr. Coulter fell in Michigan attending the funeral of
A number from here trent to Exe- head first. Fortunately th' ground Mrs. William 1,.anke'
ter Monday night to witness the
was very soft retort• he fell, and this Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer. of 'Zurich,
hockey inttch between 'Hensall and saved his life. Apart from some visited at the borne of \urs. hiller
Exeter, in which the latter team was bruises and the bursting of the skin on Sunday.
victorious by a score of five to three.' of his forehead. which required medi "Dan Cupid is very busy in and
A base -ball meeting trill be held in - cal attention, he escaped well under around our burg at present
the Fire Hall on Friday evening, the' the circumstances, and is again going Al r. and itlrs. Jeer's Brown, of 'lur-
2e.th Inst. at 8 p• m•, A good at- aarpundu ich, visited at E. '1'ientauus on Sunday.
is requested as new officers' 111 r. C. C. Petty utas n London Tiernan & I.dighoffer are making
will be appointed and important busi- last .reek as a► fay delegnt^ of St. extca�i+'.' preparations for their mil-
nesswill be discussed. Pauls church. linery openings on Friday and Satnr-
Mr. S. Ilrown has purchased a rib; Garnet Case and Garnet Cudmore, day. Marcia 23th nad 27th. Miss
grass trill for cleaning grain. The, are now acting ns railway Agents, Dunn, who has b eo cngag.d for an-
other season has been to the large
centre:; studyiu±; the newest
and stapes and on the opening days
lei'. have a large assortment of the
newest . headgear apparel for the
ladies. A visit to the show rooms
will convince yon that Tiemun &Edig-
hoffer have nothing but the newest
and most up-to-date goods.
Mr. William Itotherinal has en-
gaged to work for Mr. George Keller -
mann for a year. •
Mr. John nrokenshire. who ;,its
been visiting among friends in and
around Uashw•cod for some time. left
last week for Elnta Township where
he is at present making his home
with his sister.
Miss Fainter. of Crediton. is spend-
ing a few day; this week at the home
of Mrs. D. Bettschen.
\1r. E. \Weltin left bast week for
Stalin where he has secured work
at blacksntithing.
The band is busy practising several
nights each week.
Mr. Fred Gosstnan left last week
to visit friends in Port Huron.
" it fortifies the ho.iy against the at-
tacks of La Grin: ant is a sure pr.vcn• ; u th • i' •rson of Mr. McEaeh:•n. aged
SEED BARLEY FO11 SALE• tativc. i n:ways take P:iYCH1NE it i - Ile was born in Inverness
800 bushels of No. 21 barley feel a cold coming on and it putt me ••.t ei the a':rr 183:x. and when
About seed purling." right in no time." Id } of nee cam, with his par -
Iles is
:and kept forP •r keeps t•r iirantford. residing there ono
This is a new barley thr►t has r+'+ - py1•CH 1 N lOncs the system and keep
en to Possess a remarkable cin!- the hotly in good physical condition. No' ?Air. }ttla•,nn'eivtor�ltoph he than' hhn
miff straw. ave the
all other d ,,,, one can afford to he without it. All re h^moved
remained until his death.
icties, also gave tlm bi tnrh„st yield e'• Urtigzists s. ,to
sell at 50c and h.• funeral ars h 11 last friday. the
grain Per nen' of all the barley+ ti,,,_ $1•.(:0• Send to DR. T. A. SLOCUM,
? remeins being elk n to Mt. Carmel
ed in 1907 at the o..\. C. It has b. .:' ...tntite. , shim .1te., oronto, fora c,mct •ry for interment. 11 • leaves Io)
without , xception the most pepuIe TRIAL Ili
t:E. i mourn thou lone. 1hreo sans and five+
variety eith the ox perimontnl nninn
throughout the province. ever sine,. Fcr C• rigits. Colds. Throat, Lung daughters. linnicl and Jol of this!
uta. first dierlbutinn i -a 1900 in two and Stomach Trcubls take Psychine. place: Rimuel. of Grand ii 1:11
emend lots from th.. ' i A. C. Terms Ed. A!1 of (lr:and I;epd : j W, i
on application. ,1(tll\ I;LUF:R. IIM:N• �. 7 t t �, stci. An.a;c, Josio a d Dt c,
NAL', P. 0...Lot iie e,n• 2. iby. 'flv :Detroit.
machine is just the proper thing and the former at itrucefield and the
gives excellent t 5a i
terat nt Port
Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock celebrated
Fred. Mist. of •1?lkton. Mich., who
was visiting friends here. left Tues-' the :dth anniversary of their wed -
day for his home. I ding on St. Patrick's day.
Mr. \V. 11. James spent Sunday in Mr. John Bell. who lives a mile
Clinton. l west of the village. intends giving up
Mr. Art Zwicker has secured a farming this summer and moving
situation with the McCormick Co., of , into llensall.
London. :and left Saturday to com- • Mrs. Jaynes W. llonthron. who is
mence his new duties. visiting her parents aft Waterloo.
Miss Nora Siebert, of Dashwood, is still continues to have ill health.
visiting friends in town.
Miss Lizzie Beaver is visiting her
sister. Mrs. Orme. of Centralia.
Our butchers. Messrs. Lawson and Mrs. John Ess:ty is visiting in
Nicholson. have purchased a gasoline London.
engine to use in their shop for the • Miss Luxton and Miss Clara Lux -
cutting of sausages, etc. ' ton leaves for the west this week.
'If our local liveryman would buy • Mr. A. Datyrnan :,rent Sunday under
gasoline instead of new• mown hay, the parental roof. i
he could get in the same class with Review Sunday was made very in -
our enthusiastic autoists. teresting, Rev. Butt and Mr. Swan
taking charge of the service.
EIItnVlll0 Mr. S. llonthrope left last week
of the west. •,s.
Mr. Wm. Snell and Mr. W. Johns Mr. and Mrs.tFord. were guests of
intend buliding new houses this sum- their daughter, Mrs. T. Brooks on
Sunday last.
1lear. tete the Kind You Hate Always ScuttSigaatur.
Mr. C. Johns is building a new
Revival services are being held in
the Methodist church this week.
The visitor who has been at WI
Veal's since New Years left Inst week
for Strathroy.
One night last week friend Smale,
of Elimville C. O. C. F. visited the
Woodham lodge and gave them a
very suitable piece of poetry which
he made up on his way. The follow-
ing are the lines as he recited them:
On Wednesday Inst as well you know,
I went away in fleets of snow:
1 took the road my horses trod
And travelled on to serve my lodge
Although I had not horses strong
i safely reached the Woodham
Oh, may I so safely reach the shore,
Where storms and tempests are no
more• •
Mr. Smale .reports having had
pleasant time with the Woodhull
The EeworiIt League of the Elitn-
ville circuit intend holding their an-
nual convention in llethany chureh
on Monday. 'larch 29(11.
Mr. John Cornish had a narrow
escape from being severely injured
one day last week while he and Mr.
Thomas Swale were in 1he Irish cut-
ting wood. In felling a tree. the
log lodged on the top of a stump
and in releasing it the and struck Jlr.
Cornish in the face. knocking him
down :and rendering elfin unconscious
for a titre. llnd he not fallen
against it log. the tree would have
crushed hire to death.
One of our popular young couples
intend engaging the preacher very
shortly for a short ceremony.
'•fisc EIiz,t 11 aSit1Ntlat left for Lon-
don. where she intends stopping for
a f +a• months.
'1r. James O'itnurke purchased a
valuable horse lest week from Mr. J.
The school children held a concert
list Friday afternoon at which they
invited ill 1he ratepayers of t he
rection. All enjoyed a good titre.
It s) iiltam Bros.. Torn and John
it i -• in London East week and pur-
e!' a•.e•1 a White thr.,sliing machine.
Miss Shc'iniker. or Parkhill. and
`•ir-. J. D. Hannan spent ESnudny at
111 • lewd.
Mr. Ch^a Young. of 8trnia. call-
ed neon Mrs. Mason and family last
Miss Etta il'st ird. of i.odon
renewing old acquaintances here.
After an illhess of several months
there passed nu ny on 1Wedncsdny. 17
\i•arch. one of Shipka's old pioneers
t7 A S9 f O Ni. % -.A• .
Beare the The Kira You Have Always Baeg`,l
"Do you know of any \Woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
If any \Woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where woolen cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 3o years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful :•omen who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi-
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Canifton, Ont. —"I had been it great sufferer for five years.
One doctor told me it was ulcers of the uterus, and another
told the it wits 0 fibroid tumor. No one knows tt•hat i suffered.
it would always !,e worse at certain periods, and never was reg-
ular, and the be::ring-down pains were terrible. I was very ill
In bed, and the d ►cttm told Inc 1 would have to have an opera-
ttor, and thatt I se dle during the operation. I wrote to m` -
sister about it nt:+l she advised me to take Lydia E. I'inkbanr's
Vegetable Compound. Through personal experience 1 have
found it the hest naedi••!ne In the world for female troubles, for
it inns cured rue, anti I •i el not have to have the operation after
AM The COM pnund also helped nuc while pausing through
Change of Life." -Mrs. i.ctitia Blair. ('anifton, Ontario.
Any \wonthn who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give s tch a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her h good as it did Mrs. Blair..
ursday, March 24 and 25.
Under the management of Mrs. Symonds,
Farm Prodnce taken in exchange for Goods
Siebert & Co.
Millinery Opening
We are making extensive preparations for our Millinery
Openings to be held on
Friday and SatLirday
March 26th and 27th
Miss Dunn is again with lis and \\ ill be pleased
to have you come in and inspect the new styles.
A visit to our show rooms will convince you that
we have nothing but the newest and most up-to-
date goods.
f1en's Spring Suitings
Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit-
ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors.
Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices
All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do
well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal
Woven -wire fencing.
Highest prices tor Farm Produce.
Corner Store, -- — DASHWOOL)
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, also Coil, Barb Wire and Ilog Fencing.
Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
A;big stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints
100 per cent pure
Buy your Hardware From us
Produce taken in Exchange
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
I:NIG11'1'.-111 Exeter. March 2.2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred It. Knight. of
:1tea•li a. Nat -k., a daughter.
iiISSET•1'—At Crystal City. Man.,
Friday. March 19th, Emanuel
Itissett, formerly of Exeter. aged
56 yea rs.
FOlt11—in Stephen. Saturday, -:arc!'
211th. .Eames K. Ford. aged 67 yrs.
SACHHS — In Dashwood. 1hursday.
Match 18th. 190!1 Mrs. Sachs aged
80 years.
Me110 A1.1)—In Ushorne on Sunday siviuq it for t he chickens. They
March 21st, 1901, Robert McDonald'
a sed 95 years. like it red I don't. and they ought
to If::
iave it. for they are better than
a: they Iny slit'} and 1 don't("
Croup positively stopped in 20 ruin- The April Delineator.
utes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy.
One test alone will surely prove this
truth. No vomiting. no distress. A
safo an
.d plesing syrup -50c. Hold
h)' \Vy. Iloawcy.
death of their 6-iceoks-old ,child,
w hich •u- ured on Wednesday. Tho
it t.•tn.er,a took piece, on Friday. •
Gladys. aged six, would never eat
pie -crust. but would slyly hido the
crust under the edge of her plate
after having eaten the filling. One
day her manna saw her putting away
the crust as usual. and thought to
reprimand her by saying: "Ob.
Gladys. rn:uua doesn't like little girls
who do such things." Whereupon
Geelv.+ said : "Well. mama. J am
Mr. Ed. Reichert. of Armada, Mich.,
arrived 011 Saturday evening to visit
his father. who is i11.
Mr. H. Bennie returned last week
Irons Toronto. ile parches^d a fine
driving mare itt the Township of
Markham, which be brought with
Mrs. 1•. Loveridge underwent nn-
Aher very painful operation nt
(;tact Hospital Detroit. and t9 now breath and sallow completion. try Dr. fib.
Restorative—Tablets or
doing :as well ns can he expected. self w bat it ran and will do. We sou sod t •
Liquid—and see for
1 his is Mrs. Loveridgc's t hird Opera- i frilly recommend
ion in the 1:•st two years.
Heidi -
Rev. \'a! ntin Gerber was in this
action I', 1 sock, loft for lfnldi-g Dr• ShoopPs
mind Co' tat y. ile wnv accompanied
by Chris. Schwertaentruber Jr.. who
�pccts to visit the )'ally hr for bit Restorative
Mr. and Mr:. glen the yy, S. MOWEY.
Se utile Line. ' e
Pt ,mach troable Is but a symptom of. and n
In Itu•if a true disease. we think of Dupe
il•-.trtbnm, and Indigestion as real diseases, ir
they aro symptoms onlr of a certain sped
\,•tire sickness—nothing else.
1t was this fart that tint correctly I 1 TIT. Phoo
in the creation of that now very popular litomac
Remedy—Dr. Stoop's Restorative. going At
to the stomach nerves. alone brought that stn.,
and favor to Dr. Shoop am, his Restorative w .11
out that original anti hethlr vital r rinctpl••
ett, h testiness( complIshmrnts were ever to la''
For stomach Metre's, bloating. biliousness.