HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-25, Page 3ERa
ANaushe sail relieve all the troubles fuel.
bilious stats of the system. such Y1 Drowatuoss, Distress after
est, . lu tho 811e, r •. White their moat
faire success baa 1,. .•n shown CO eurtag
*sass yet Carter's '.into Liver Fills sae
aqua a: oatde 1n l'otutlt.at t.•u. c:,rtng told pre-
twal ..::•11lifioy it, ir C01.: plaint. win k, they Mao
earn •:!Ite.r,.ersoftl:e.aoma,h•st&tnul a the
U,.. regulue the bowels. Eveu if they only
Antigt' wonbt bo almost pr!s!eless to those whO
sults- &t i.lute-e slogcou.ptaiut;butforte•
oat* -.rg..o,tneesdoeanoteud here,audthose
wh'a�, :ry►heutwill Ondthese little IIilstalu-
•hlefn ,nae. wave that they wall cot bo wiI-
Iiag w&:boutthe,n. flat after Mishit. heat
sthe ?tt0ot so many lives that hero Is where
neat :r greatLK,aat. Our villa curottwhile
e ere I A.
C rt. 't :.itile Liver Fills aro very small and
ver r'') t . take. One or twotills make• dose.
They a e: :lolly Vegetable and do not gripe or
pur;.!.. Alt. y their gcntie acdon please all who
aso then.:.
Ca2T33 1&ztI:1111 co., V= PCU.
Pa IP, hall 4rlz
English Youth Makes a Romantic
Ono of the must extraordinary
stories of the sudden attainment
of fortune heard for a tang time
past has been given currency in
Nottingham, England. It became
known that Reginald Rogers, a
youth of twenty, the son of a
working jeweler, had discovered a.
long -lost grandfather in most ro-
mantic circumstances, and had be-
come heir to a fortune valued at
The story, as told by young
Rogers, is that about three weeka
ago ho had to travel from Notting-
ham to Sheffield on business. In
the train he got into conversation
with a plan who said he was valet
to a very wealthy old gentleman
named il,owengar'd. The latter, he
said, was lying seriously ill in Shef-
On the mention of Lowengard,
young.Jtogers said that curiously
enough that was his mother's mai-
den name. Her father had been
a Jewish teacher of languages in
London, and he disappeared soon
after sho was born, and was sup -
1 to have gone abroad.
T le valet was much interested,
and telling Rogers that his master
had returned from South America
tc seek his relatives, invited him
to visit the sick man and tell his
tale. He die so, and interviewed
r. Lowengard, who, much im-
esscd, admitted that ho was Rog -
TALK ABOUT BROTHERIIOOijoSTS OF ENGLAND mer:d Httti me lbl°$100,000,000pg bi"b
it is now paying every year to
foreigners. y ' D
-t ROYAL COMMISSION RI:C011- As a matter of fact, the experi MILBURN'S
�l N��
Greatestience of private Landowners who INTF.QNAT10NAl. LESSON
The Greatest of A11 Loves Is the Love ofMENDS ItEFOItESTAi'ION• have experimented with forestry J MAR. _S.
shows that the commission rather LA X A -L I /ER
Humanity. understates the case for the affores- �y
0,000,000 Acre13 of Land to be At; tation of the country. There is PILLS
"Ile that loveth his brother abid- to whom they cling in times of yoked and That the Whole endistrict in Gloucestershire, on tempera^c'e Ltps+l n. I'roterbs 23:
the slopes t t the Cotswold Hills, 29.33. Gulden Text, IIs has also used them for his rattente
eth in the light." -John ii., 10. 'trouble like limpets to a rock. They '1'rrtct be Planted to Trees.
where there aro , , when uurain j them, and is is a vett known
There are some people who make; may base heard quite nothing of Pros. . �3 : 3..
brave professions of intense lova poetry on brotherhood ; they are It is characteristic of the way in THOUSANDS OF ACRES fa.e. that +mail pea •ulferers roust Loop the
sonply brothers, that's all. which English gucer;unentul af- u.eIk-u wellwregulated.
fur all the human race with whom P J' 6ever Verso 1. The Improved Man,
(ked whet be nays :—" 1 have been
t id no
it is nevertheless exceedingly dial- 'There are others who seem, as fairs are muduled through that the
anything tbutlthe weerroughest kind for of with an Improved Character, is the
afflicted for }rears witb a diseas«1lttcr,and
cult tar individual representatives Ke say, to have a faculty for get must iul :urta«t series ut recoils -
grazing. In the dys when the Essential Means to an Improved atvailve tuuul aall b.uclstuurltt orebuI tried
tin aloe with all kinds of folk; tnendatiuus ,reduced for many ►World.--1►e cannot hate a heaven- ago
ct the race to live. It is always an , g g 1 Stroud ► alle was agreat woolen year taxa Liver 1'illsa,. got instant relit f.
easier matter to be filled with a' they make friends and they hold years by a royal commission should Y ly ells unless the i,rhabitanta aro
maleate__ t riL; center sheep were �int*then I hate nursed direccr.t aliens
Tufty sentiment of universal looter 1 them. They are found amongst all *years
the work of a commission al raised on these hills but the wool of a heavenly character. ollicted with smallees, and iu each case I
nity than it is to exhibit even or- I kinds of people and in all walks of pointed to deal with a subject the II. There is Material Enough,have u+, l your valuable ills.
dinars patience with the man who' life, but they are the cement of so- which has no relation to the sub-' localeas pindustroor in �lidicxf theality, re was lit- Money Enough, ;Riad Enough, in
My wishes are that all persons suffering
stands beside J•ou. I c:ety everywhere. They are not ject reported on.with a Laxah or liver ttcubtca will tot Mi�
often brilliant and they are never The report puts forward a series) tie demand elsewhere for •it. Same This
a tnono� to
talent an aua<civi- burn's Laza-;.icer Title. 1 will advertise
That love for man which is the' burdened by theories of social im Of well considered pro assts r r of the great landowners planted Y J' them whenever sail wherever 1 have an
best evidence of one's love for the provement, but they aro just boo- the reforestation of the Unt:, d the hillsides with pine, fir, elm and lined city is sufficient if properly 1 caunopportu,tity and 1 hope that if at any time
Most High may be a much simpler otter quite -growing woods and used and distributed to make that I caDn,t get the ,ill., I will be•.ortunata
and a much rarer quality than wa titers, making us all a family. Kingdom which, if carried out, u, farmers in the district now declare city an Eden, an Hesperides Gar ^nou{hwget tete formula."
\ow, there is nothing mystori- they pru�pably will be, pr ,mise to den or the realization of anyMilharn's Liza -Liter Pills aro 25 cent*
sometimes think. It is by no mer.ns arts about thispower that somece beenthat attained
twenty years gruw.h had ear vita or 5 vials fort by T, et all dealers
certain that it is all summed up canner not,
the chara_tcr of the been attained an acre of woodlanc dream, ancient or modern, of the par
will b, ru tiled diroot by The T. Milburn
and to
us have to win friends Gulden Age. All would be cdu-
and expressed in foreign and home J'+ fields a better return ever •e
missionary offerings or even in re-• al. together. It simply means that people, and to provide an immense
J' Y J ar toted, all would partake of the Lest �'' Limited, Toronto, Ont
form and charity eeveorganizations or they have learned to look fur new industr which it is hoped will
than an acre of wheat land in the I
Y I valleys. Of course, the woodlands things; there would be no slums,
that it is the exclusive property THE ESSENTIAL THINGS go far toward salving the problem aro managed with as much care as no abjectpoverty. Everyone
of these who write and sing about;of unemployment. It is the wore tate wheat lands and nothingfig could have all the joy, the wealth,
in people; they like use for our own of a commission appointed in 190; the comforts the rights, the school TAKING STOCK.
the brotherhood of man. (sakes; the set their hearts on the
wasted. A steady rotation of the _-
Y under a royal warrant to inquire T
It is really an easy matter to. souls of men, the real self in each timber crop is secured by planting Privileges which he could use. The
- into and report un coast eros'on to take the place of the trees cut one thing needed is the Improved
Gonads Should Find Out the Ex-
learnleathe to o ca theui�eal andof lifictitious' boubecs. The theyslate throughong ithchcis and to suggest some crgunized play Gown and the timber is worked up Man to make the social transfer tent of Her Resources.
for the rcclamstion of land that {las motion of the world,the eliminat
imagination. He makes no ase saults'
rags and with the king bcause they sawmills established on theMore knowledge is urgently need -
been devoured Ly the sea. The cunt ing ever evil from the character
en your nerves, olfactory or others,' they do not see his regalia. mission held many sittings and ex -
of the forest In Scotland ofmen, every
theyaro rostered toed as to Canada's timber resources
and when you get tired of him you The trouble with many of us ie nmincd numerous witnesses, but there are to -day plantations of -knowledge as to the extant of
can just shut your mind to him ; that when we talk about heather its conclusions on coast crosiun pins on land which cost only 25 the moral image of God, when each these forests, the amount of tim-
will not shiver on your meatggl hood we mean we would take ail cents an aero 60 years ago and on one did all he wished, and wishes bee in them, the rate of growth and
doorstep nor vex your philosophic ;men into our family ii they would aro which $17 an acre was spent on but what he ought. all the other particulars which
soli with querulous intimations on' acquire our tastes and habits STILL TO BE LEARNED. planting, which are now bringing III. The Creat Obstacle in the must be known in order to enable
BREAD AND HANDOUTS. When we look at the other men In 1008 it occurred to someone tit it
in a steady return of 15 an acre Way is sin, bad character in some those in charge to know how much
we are thinking how unlike he is lite question of afforestation shouldPer annum. of its many forms. timber it is safe to cut without trot
Some of the most selfish people to what we are and therefore to be considered, sail after a litt'o The one of these forma, the great ting into the growing stock of the
in this world take perfect delight what he ought to be. We mise the. Perfunctoryy discussion the const obstacle which most concerns us in forest. Forestry experts them -
in dreams of the federation of the assn himself because we cannot see erosion commission was told that FOOD CURE FOIL INEBRIETY. this lesson, is Intemperance, the selves have so far had to depend
nations of the world, when all the through his conditions and clothesit might look into that question us — want of self-control over the ap- a great extent on conjecture in
peoples shall lova one another, all While we are seeking to save re- well. The report which has just. The Use of Sugar in Cheekfnesg the petites and passions. estimating even the acreage of tho
the flags be furled and the cannon' ligion from evaporation in sent{ been produced is the result. Evil of Dr:uking. The wise man of the Proverbs forests.
be converted into flower pots. But meat shall we not seek to save f •a- But as briefly as possible the cola expresses the evils of intemper- It will pay Canada to take Flock
that universal fraternity would bo ternity from the sumo fates Bre• mission has disc,vered that theca Referring to the manifesto of ante by a series of questions. <f her resources now anti use these
quite a different matter if it be-; therhood means many a hard les -are 0,000 000 acres of land in the the Bread] and Food Reform 20. Who hath woe 1 who hath sor- with intelligence and foresight.
came practical and affected the in-; son, means doing many a diffic '1t United Kingdom available for td- League pointing out the powerful row 1 -Tho words corresponding to The people of the United States
teres& on government bonds or the thing, means paying a big prit' forestation without encroaching on
influence a correct dietary has in the two substantives are, strictly are beginning to realize that they
price of furs and feathers. i But it means finding a great re the land devoted to profitable seri- reducing the craving for drink, a speaking, interjections, as in the have been too prodigal in using up
Some of the most disagreeable ward, it means the discovery of culture. In other words, this land London (Eng:and) physician stated: margin, Who hath Oh? Who hath their resources, and the keynote of
f motional ld are Peres and tious itle withy. It means other people ande sol find is either derelict or unprofitably;knowing 1 e willet, will hbecome lox the man clat- too
s 7many to The name are oseo pa separately. Creat and lomme uission" has ork of lrbeen othe
used and is eminently suited fur
phrase on brotherhood and the love! ing the greatest wealth in the, the scheme which is proposed. if ho karts drinking, deliber- Thcy aro woes of body and woes ing stock"of the resources of the
low beingof our ow sentiment ntiment ws. alslln tthe
made i hearts and minds. which tics in human The plan is that all this land Mose inebriates, however, tely commences to t drunk.
of mind;
d �fatnily in woes pains, sdisea es, awoes ndtl1water (bothc as to asforests, mines,
soil of
toI should lee acquired by the state to take onlya. few drinks. Then
not hborsawhoce theirld ber yai quite hap-!nts dA man learns to love books by and an elaborate system of state these few oses of alcohol excite poverty. Note tation)and the devising of ofaecono-
g q reading and songs by singing, but forests created. The land is to be that other people have woes g
py if ono of such angelic ideals' the greatest of all loves, the love bought ;Ola tlsrlly, if the owners such a powerful thirst that, they and sorrows, besides the intemper- means of using them. The
would take an angelic habitation I of humanity, of lives, is learned object to sell, and the money is to Fo on in the vain hope of quench- ate man. Aposthw and martyrs Commission was appointed by Pre -
permanently. just by living with people, by tak be provided by a public loan, the, ing this by taking more alcohol, have been imprisoned and tortured,. sident Roosevelt in May last at a
Then you will find some ordinaryingtime to find out what is in them, -11.<1. so, unwittingly, get drunk. have suffered hunger and thirst, meeting of the governors of the
interest on which will be met, atThi, class may be helped bya several states scientific experts
people, rough, perhaps, on the ex -by stopping long enough in our first,out of the taxes. It is stated P endured poverty and sickness an 1 P
tenor, and even sometimes seem- mad business of makinga livingtoeuitabla diet. First, they should sin, We have studied some In and commercial leaders, and dur-
that the most profitable plan to P
{rely untroubled by high ideals, realize that the best things of life >ttcoid all highly spiced articles, stances during the quarter ing the second week of December
secure a proper rotation of the arlie onions, condiments, and 3 past last, the reports of the summer's
about whom their fellow beings ga- lie in the love and life of others. timber cropis ththt 150,000 acres 8 Read the eleventh chapter of He- P
thcr like iron filings to a magnet, HENRY F. COPE. should be acquirod and very ante foods. Their meals should brews. Read the stories of the work in computing the national re-
ch year, and the andro plantedd be substantial and nourishing; Huguenots in France, and of the sources were presented at another
cost of this is placed at shunt $10, -
such as beef -steak, mutton martyrs and missionaries of every similar conference.
$160,000,000 COR NAVY. 000,000 a year. The average cost chops, nail chicken forming the age Canada may well take warning
principal part. and, before her national wealth is
— of the land is placed at $32 an acroBut the difference in the two
and the of at "Feed the potential drunkard on kinds of suffering is heaven -wide. wafor its •to any great extent, provide
same theremcosts, with an plantingaie the Plenty of sweet things. A jam roll The woes and sorrows of Peter for its economical use. But the
about $3 an acre for extra or loci- or other sweet pudding at lunch and John, Paul arid Silas, in first step is to find out just how
dental expenses. .'rhe net defic't or din�ert/can r ssupply gar, tlithe e lrbody 's here is. Accounts aro
dungeons and chains, rejoicing brought much tfrom time to time of great
will be $450,000 in the first year which is often the reason of a man's, f suffthat,r for they whre counted worthy to ear forests existing in Canada's north-
and will rise e541i250 in the 0th year, after iessively owhich 'turning to alcohol. Not caring iconsciences,
}rfor the sake,
ofh ;the land, especially along the banks of
the forests will become increasing-' much for the taste of sweet, foods, kingdom of Cod and salvation of the great rivers. These accounts
1). many men unconsciously starve: men, listening to God's "Well are given by travellers whose
their bodies of this important food done, good and faithful," and see- routes have Iain along the w•ater-
PROFITABLE TO THE STATE. element. A craving for sugar is ing the crown of righteousness are courses, where the heaviest timber
At the end of 80 years the forests
thus set up, and nn attempt is almost infinitely removed from the naturally lies. Accounts from
should pay to the state an annual, made to satisfy this by the sugar woes and sorrows of those that other travellers who have gone
revenue of 887,500,000, reckoningcontained in alcoholic drinks. I tarry long at the wino, whose sof some distance from the batiks of
timber at the present prices, which Every 'confirmed doctor
alcola,licotice hashow
beeen ferings are the fruit of their own dr ere streginnss indicate
timber that
becor he
ought, however, to bo materiallys
scared off' alcohol bya stroke of suis. much smaller and more scattered.
enhanced. This revenue should be careis very ofduringhis The other sorrows that flow from To obtain definite and cornpre-
perpetual, as the scheme, of course, paralysisthe wine cup mentioned in the hensive knowledge as to these re -
provides for planting to take the recovery to eat. largely of sweets. wise man's questions belongonlyg
Tho wife who thinks her hus- to wickedness -a quarrelsoe dis- souces, men with a knowledge of
place of all the. trees cut down.
band is beginning to drink too estimating should be sent
Looked at iroin another vim -
snitch can do a great deal towards rosition--where strong drink in- out timber traverse the entire country,
point, the state will then be in diverting this tendency by furnish- "salsa the passions, and, at the that at some distance from the
possession of property worth $l,- him with attractive;} prepared same time, removes the restraint streams as well as that along the
810,000,000, or about 8535,000.000 ing „ P P of conscience and will, first rnad-
more than the outlay, reckoning puddings and ices, etc. Bening and then unchaining the water -courses. Full and accurate
the cost of its creation on the basis ---.P — tiger, grumbling, foolish talkie s
reports from these men would do
of three per cent. per annum at r where tho drunkard's "tongue is
much helclear stoe the the resourcesazy oiin
compound interest.
FRANCE'S NEW TORPEDO. set on fire of hell ; wounds with-
„ timber of the less -known parts of
The most interesting feature of -- out cause; redness of eyes; (*nada, just as was the case with
the scheme is its probable effect Engine of Death Controlled by either (or both) the dimming of the the exploring parties sent, out by
on the timber trade of the world. Wireless Wave.. sight, physical, mental, and spiri- tiro exploring
Cluverntnent to Norlh-
Clrent Britain now imports about If all that is claimed for the new foal, or the copper nose which ern Ontario in 1900.
8,500,000 loads of timber a year, makes the drinkers nose blush
of the kinds that, can profitably be radio -automatic tvrpedfu, built at for the sins of his mouth."
grown in the country. The value the Crcusut \Narks, is true, it IV. Another Obstacle Among the d
of this timber i, about $100,000,000, promises to prove the most terrible Boys -Cigarettes.
and on the basis of one load to the uegofernen of citmis ;tet inventthat ed he This I V. Tho Means by Which These
scientific,acehiforesteris la,it the accepted
t}rJ weapon of naval warfare can ho Precisely el at ,ils Can be the Same asIemoved are
These which
could produce every stick of rim- y
worked from shore or from ship, Produced the Marvelous Transfor-
and can he used against a ship of illations of Character in the Earlythe enemy', fleet in motley]. There Christian Disciples, Which We
Have Been Studying.
1. Christ, our Living Leader, the
Afflicted for years with a Diseased Livsr.
Mr. 1.. R. 1/cvirt, P.erltit, O.tt-, better
kn .wn, perhaps, as '' bm 1lpuz lien," has
Igoe' a School of Thresher Sharks
Vanished a Whale.
s' grandfather, and before ho A fight between a great cow whale
and a school of thresher sharks is
left handed him a packet of papers graphically described in an article
Is) post to a firm of solicitors in its The Wide VVorld Magazine. Tho
Lfneoln's Inn, London. old whale was accompanied by her
A day later the valet called on calf, and the sharks, as though act -
him and took hien to London, ing in accordance with some pre -
where the solicitors stated that the concerted plan completely s
New French Minister Demands
Drastic Measures.
M. Picard, the new non-political
French Minister of Marine, who
was specially appointed to the con-
trol of the navy on the personal
initiative of M. Clemonceau, has
submitted to M. Caillaux, Minister
documents consisted of a letter of of Finance, a proposal to spend the
rounded the test's whales, but, ap- sunt of $160,000,000 over and above
directions and a will, leaving a parently realizing that nothing was the ordinary estimates onthe
vastfortune to Mrs. Rogers and tt• be feared from the calf, concen- French navy. The expenditure
her sister, who lives in Lincoln- trated all their efforts upon the would be spread over a period if
shire. cow. Again and again they charged five years.
saSlnce to havendied, andthesoliciard s fir, upon her, their law., snapping, M. Caillaux has expressed aston-
tearing n� her mighty sides until ishment at the dcniasd for so large
tors have been making enquiries. the sea was re<I with blood. Mean- a sum, but will not refuse it,pro-
toave, find thehowever,house,i which was while the cow lashed her tail tori- vidcd it can be shown to be required
in the t':cclesall district of Sheffield ousts, hurling up sheets of red- by the interests of national secur-
tn which Rogers says he was taken. crashing down with terrific dened water and occasionally rally force its. Ile insists, however, than any
No an they discover, it is alleg- upon one of her voracious upper- special expenditure must be incor-
y registration of the death ents..11addened withpain and rage pirated in the budget. Though
Lowengard in Sheffield. she dashed this way and that, but "T" "oily it is stated that there is
tho sharks hung to her sides with a no divergence of opinion on naval
persistency and ferocity that ensile affairs among Ministers, it is genert
the fascinated onlookers shudder. ally understood that all the Cabinet
Now and again the wildly -lashing •are not agreed as to the necessity
tail would catch ono of the assail- of spending a vast suns of money on
ants, driving it beneath the waves the fleet, and that Ministers aro
Bran?hitisisgenerally the result ofatold --no doubt killed or disabled -but apprehensive as to the attitude of
caused by exposure to wet and inclement the remainder rushed in u«dis- Parliament. The real belief is that
weather, and is a very dangerous inflem• played, tearing viciously at the France and Russia are working in
oratory affection of the bronchial tubes. mammal's bleeding flanks or but,- mutual agreement to reconstruct
ting her with the force of batter- their navies.
ing-rams. M. I'icard's investigations have
It was obvious that the struggle revealed a state of Anarchy in the
could have only ono ending, but adrni«istrr.tion of the navy. Ile has
the old whale fought on doggedly. discovered that fortenrs have bean
At one moment, by a supreme effort corruptly made by private indi-
she hurled her whole great bulk viduals out of the outlay on the
Cure It at once by the use of clear of the water for a moment, navy, and that that there has been
and the fascinated onlookers be- an utter want of continuity in naval
held the sl•arks hanging from sari' p olid•.
Dr. Norway parts of her gleaming body by }jcJ hn, reported the prevalence
their serrated teeth. Then down of n deplorable lack of discipline in
OQdIS Pine she went again, with a crash like the dock yards, where the workmen
thunder, anti for an instant whale are penAcled with the evil spirit
"t.�r=-tre�'f and sharks were buried amidst of SnciAl sm. Waste and extrnv-
nlasses of foam, heavily colored ngnn••e have lista the eharneteris-
SYRUP ---- ,,illi the poor mammal's life -blond. ties of the administration, and. As
iRising again, she essayed another an instance of this. he found thnt
change of plan, making for the the new stub -marine, been
rucks and desperately striving to
rub off the clinging sharks against entirely forgotten for three yearsin A corner of a cluck yard.
their edges. But the threshers
were equal to the occasion; while
those on the outside maintained
their grip. the others dived under
their enemy and charged her anew,
tearing at the whale's side in an Judge -"You are chnrged with
ecstasy of ferocity that was blood- burglary. How do you plead 1
curdling to evilness. Prisoner --"Not guilty, boss; an'
More and more feeble grew the 111 tell yo' why. lit de fust place
wliale's struggle, and at last the de chicken -coop doah wuzn't then
great body turned over and sank
locked; in de ascan' place dor wuz
beneath the red -tinted water. no burglar Alarm; in de third place
4• ---_ der wuz no bulldog; an' in de fourf
place der will no steel traps. Now
IProbably more men would go to tint ain't burglary et all, boss; dat's
church on Sunday if they had to es' simply findin' chickens, an I
sneak in through a side door. f leabo it toe yu'salf."
Tho Symptoms are tightness across
he chest, sharp pains and a difficulty in
breathing, and a accretion of thick phlegm,
at first white, but liter of a greenish or
yellowish color. Neglected Bronchitis is one
of the most general causes of Consumption.
1-s. P. 1). Miller, Allendale, Ont.,
writes : " My husband got a bottle of Dr.
Woods Norway fine Syrup for my little
girl who had Bronchitis. She wheezed so
badly ym could hear her from one room to
On other, but it was not long until wo
could see the effect your metlieine had on
her. That was hast w inter when wo live; in
" She had a bail cull this winter, but i
stead of getting another bottle of 11
Wood s Norway fine ;syrup, 1 tried a ho
male rn'oipt which 1 gnt from a ncighls
bit found thit her cold lasted about twit
as long. ,Mv husband highly praises 'D
Wo.xl'a,' anti says he will see that a Lott
of it is always kept in the home."
lie priee of Dr. Wooers Norway r •.
Syrup is 25 eents per h•tttle. 1t it pot .
in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees t'
traria mark, so, be sure and s 4.14 non'•
Ih, many suhetiluta of the original '• Nu
way l'iue Syrup."
it Is the First and the Sure Sign of
Kidney Di3ease.
Doan's Kidney Pills
euro the aching back by curing tho ash ng
kidneys beneath -for it in really tele kid
neys aching and not the Io k.
They set directly on the kidneys and
make them strong an 1 healthy, thereby
emitting pure blood to circulate throughout
the whole system.
Mrs. Frank Font, Woodside, N.B.,
writes:- "I was a great sufferer with
l,aekache for over a year, and could get
nithing to relieve no until I took two
Wes of Doan's Kidney fells and now I do
-'flat feel any pain whatever. and can eat end
sleep well; something I could no: do before.
'I)oan'e Kidney rills aro V ciente per box
or 3 b.t:os for $I 25 at all dealers or mailed
direet on receipt of price by 1 he Doan Kid-
soy Pill Go., 7 oronto, Out.
i:• no escaping it.
The radio -automatic torpedo is
controlled and directed by the
Iloyment of Hertzian waves,
poser of Coed for salvation.
s And 1 2. The Italy Spirit, convincing
by aid of nn apparatus which dif-
fers very little from that now used
(ren of sin, of righteousness, and
of judgment to come; awnkening
in wireless telegraphy. When men's hearts, in.,piring them to
loaded it would contain 1,000 kilo- he. Tttcr things.
grammes of guncotton and about 3he rdigiuus life which these
ten titres the quantity of explosive produce.
charge of the ordinary torpedo. Its P d. The results as manifested in
apparatus is synchronized so as to the healing of the body, and the
receive the Hertzian Races from' betterment of the outward life and
the "parent." ship or shore eta happiness, which were symbols and
tion, and to refuse those a ill ee I imams to a better spiritual life.
ing tie (n the enemy. It will be 5. The handing together in an 11•hat Medical Skill Could Not Do
capable of maintaining a maxi- ••r anization which created a het,-
mum speed of nearly fifteen knots g i Wits Accomplished with
Ofive hours. fol moral Atmosphere.
One of the most important tea -I 0. The courage, wisdom, gene- Burdock Blood Bitters.
rosity. love, peace, joy, religious
turesis the wide ming of its nC_ spirit. righteousness of life, pro- 11 yen are tr..uhl.,l with 1!. ado, hoe.. not
tion. From Its starting point thelduced in the disciple,. hMll*te Lon
o ns'• Ii 14.11. Il n n . n• "(
operator, be he on ship or ashore, duce, of unk:,�w„ vs..te, I,ut t;,� •n tst.,b
can control its every movement,' 7. Their efforts to bring ethers lished reputation.
stop it, send it dead slow ahead or
into these blessings, and to spread COULD NOT WORK.
astern, and alter its course with as the good news. Miss Marini Weigh?, Mv..Ac• ;lila., wrltisI
mtt(tl ease as if he were On board 8. The good example et the '•i was see and mei dove. would halloHead•
the deadly craft. (.'hriatiantt. a`he , a bitter toed Uti my mouth, nnatiog
a:weeks hat •r. my eras and path, In my b..ck.
The invent,: r is M. Gustave ('A 1 wee not .able tod, any house work at ail snit
--`-` c..ul.t not ..'rep at nisi.. 'tece;actn
l Aro- yet. who had long devoted himself is nothing slow ebeut seine d �•!orcd inn Met l s.w 1 was R�.
aul ,r no boli•.
t,• the stud of the problem and of fellows tillyou want them to a and on Ihn ads leo of a 1.1*.t 1 WO &'.rte
Y P pay 1, •111•• of Runlet*: Mood Ditto.- Aod that
the science of naval warfare. i back a loan. *theist a.rail..• ours.
Tho man who does nothing puts
ct all over the rest of us in one re-
spect. He never makes a mistake
of any consequence.