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£llLRTY-SIXTH YEAR -No 1850' •
•••••••JONES &CLARKS'N.••N•
Phone No. 32.
- -
Display of Easter Hats
March 26th and 27th
When we will be showing the latest novelties from
Paris, London and New York.
We cordially invite the Ladies
of Exeter and'surrounding coun-
try to visit our Magnificent
Showing of Spring Millinery.
'1'Le styles are altogether !differ-
ent this season. Bnt the differ-
ent Hats are very effective and
attractive and are quite become
ing to the wearer.
Now is the time to selectryour Easter
Bonnet before the big rush ofinext week
Jones Sc Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••N•N•
On 'Tuesday of this tveek W. 11. El-
liott shipped to the western tnarkets
two carloads of extra choice horses.
Dr. .1. W. Orme is all seniles, the
stork having brought a daughter to
his home.
The auction sale on Tuesday was
well attended and good prices ranged
The stork visited the home of Mr.
Norman Mitchell last Sunday and the
family consists of one daughter more.
Mr. Win. Callas shipped his house-
hold goods on Monday to his new
home in the northwest.
Mrs. Wiley. nee Diary Jane Colwill
left for her home in Winnipeg Mon-
day evening, having visited her rela-
tives here since Dec. 28.
A large quilting bee was held in
the basement of the Methodist church
on Tuesday. tvben four quilts were
trade for the Cbrislmas bale. which
the W. M. S. sends yearly to the Dea-
coness' Home. Toronto. for distribu-
tion among the poor and needy.
The Epworth League is making
full preparations for their regular an-
niversary to be held on Good Friday
April 9th, ltev. W. It. Butt having
been engaged to deliver one of his
excellent illustrated lectures.
.Hiss ]•'leeda Baker presided at the
piano with distinguished ability on
Sunday during the absence of Miss
Sarah Neil who is visiting friends
and relatives in London.
Mr. and Mrs. John Colwill, of Exe-
ter. visited their children the fore-
part of this week and renewed old
acquaint ances.
ltev. \V. 11. Butt delivered a fine
discourse on Sunday evening to a.
large appreciative congregation. The
sugject of his sermon was "Heavenly
The ltev. G. W. Butt purposes giv-
ing a sermon next Sunday evening on
Nothing in the way of a Cough is
quite so annoying as a tickling, teas-
ing, wheezing, bronchia -Cough. The
quickest relief comes perhaps from a
prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough
Itemedy. And besides. it is so
thoroughly harmless that mothers
give it with perfect safety even to
the youngest babes. The tender
• leaves of n srnple mountain shrub,
give to Dr. Shuop's •Cough 'Itemedy
2 i its
remarkable cura,.ve effect. A few
days' test will tell. Mold by W. S.
Last Friday evening Itcv. 1'...ey,
of London. delivered a very in. rest-
ing lecture in the Methodist church
entitled "Character or Cash". There
was a large attendance and all en-
joyed themselves.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowcliffe visited
friends at Centralia on Sunday last.
Miss Agnes Kellar was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew the past
Fortify now against the Grip -for
it comes every .season sure! Prc-
ventics-the little Candy Cold Cure
'Tablets -offer in this respect a rnost
certain and dependable safeguard.
I'reventics, at the "sneeze stage" will
as well. also surely head off all com-
mon colds. Itut promptness is all-
irnportnnt. Keep Preventics in the
pocket or purse. for instant On.. Box
of 48 for 25c. Sold by .W. S. llowey.
r jr
Neglect Your
Good eye -sight is a priceless boon; but the best of eyes,
overworked, strained and neglected inay be permanently injured
Do not \%nit until itis too late but come at the first suspicion of
weakness or defect and have your eyes thoroughly examined by
my scientific, up-to-date method which reveals the cause of your
Fye trouble and enables glasses to be acurately fitted.
You are i nvited to a consultation, free of charge, in my
specially prepared Optical darkroom.
An iut.•rtesting and profitable dis-
cussion took place at the meeting of
the Kirktou Canadian club last week
on the never tiring topic, "The Rail -
There was much joy in the local way.'' Many things concerning .the
camp of hockey players Monday night
when the Exeter team trimmed the
li.ns,t11 septette in the first of the
bonne and home series by n score of
5 to :l. The dlensall players were
tate in arriving and it was nearly
nine o'clock when the game got star-
ted. Exeter started on the offensive
and in a few minutes scored their
firs: goal. At half time the score
stool three to one in favor of Exeter.
although the Henault referee claimed
only two for Exeter. wishing to dis-
allow it goal that h:tdibeen announced
by the goal umpire. in the second
half each side scored two goals by
some excellent playing. The game
was not as rough as was anticipated,
there being considerable rivalry be-
tween the two teams. owing perhaps
to the fact that this is the first sea-
son in years that Exeter has been
able to put a team on the ice that
can trim the puck chasers from the
northern village. Referee W. J.
Perkins kept the players tvell in
hand and only on one occasion was
he compelled to send one of them to
the side lines. Following was the line
up of the two teams. Ilensnll. Goal,
Hemphill ; l'oint. C+uneron : Cover,
Rickert : Itover. Bengough : night.
Shepherd . Left. Buchanan ; Centre,
White. •Exeter. Goal, 'Webster;
Point, Bowden: Cover point, llawk-
shaw- ; ]rover. Wagner ; Right
Knight : Centre. Scout hew t : Left,
The Exeter team went to Hensel!
Tuesday evening to play the return
game and were successful in tieing
the score 6 to 6.. the series going to
Exeter 11 to 9. About seventy-five
rooters accompanied the Exeter teats
Friday. March 19th. 1909. A meet-
ing of the council of the village of
Exeter, held in the Town Hall at
7.30 p. m.. absent •councillor Johns
The minutes of the meeting held
March 5th, were read and approved.
A letter and the report of water
works system for the .Municipality
from W. Chipman Civil Engineer, To-
ronto was rend and discussed will be
again taken up at a special meeting
to be. held Friday 20th. 1909.
The following accounts were rend
and orders in payment. Creech and
'nandford Balance due on gravel for
cemetery 1908, $2.28; Wm. Iirickwood,
labor at cemetery, 1.87: (toss Taylor INV. S. Howey.
Co.. lumber account of Jany. 5th,1
4.32; Geo. Cudmore, snow plowing,
4.00. Amounting in all to $12.47
passed on motion of Luker -Carling -
Ca rried.
Adj. March 25th. by Luker.
attitude of the t'sborne Committee
and Council were satisfactorily and
creditably explained. evincing the
business like ability of the said com-
mittee and council already exhibited
in nlunitipal affairs.
Mr. Vital Austin has rented for the
sure of $200 the property, business
and all necessary paraphernalia of the
butcher trade of Albert ill. Switzer,
and while deploring the departure
from our midst of our genial butcher.
we would offer words of good cheer
and encouragement to our young
friend at his display of the true Brit-
ish bulldog !.luck in taking in hand
such a difficult enterprise. "Noth-
ing ventured, nothing won."
Mr. 'AIL Burton is visiting at home.
Mr. Norman Fletcher is home' vis-
iting his mother. %whom we learn with
regret. is not improving.
Ernest Lyons has purchased for the
sum of $525 the estate designated as
the Ross property on the boundary.
We compliment him on his acquisi-
tion which should be a good invest-
ment with the railway in view.
Mr. J. C. O'Brien had a sawing
bee hist wreak, the size of the wood
pile vouching for the work done.
The N. 0. T. M. also held n taffy
pull .and social evening in Aberdeen
Hall on 'Tuesday evening. when a
splendid program was provided by the
members of the order and repeatdd
the good time of the night before.
All those still in the dark on the
railway question should be sure to at-
tend the meeting in Woodham tonight
Thursday, 25th.
For any case of nervousness. sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Relief'is sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
For one week only- Good sound
cedar fence posts 20 and 22 c. each;
also anchor posts 9 ft. long cheap.
Apply to Wesley Shier. 'Woodha►n.
Have you a pain -of any kind, any-
where/ Stop just a minute and
think 1 It !natters not whether it be
womanly pains, head pains. or any
kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's
little Pink fain Tablets will surely
stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plain-
ly printed on the 25c. box. Sold by
Thames Road
A worthy pioneer gone. -One of
the oldest and most esteemed inhabi-
tants, in the person of Robert Mc-
Donald. passed away ,early Sunday
morning March 21st 1909, after hav-
ing attained the patriarchal age of
95 years. Mr. McDonald was born in
Scotland before the battle of Water-
loo. his father being William '.lceon-
ald. of Nairn. Scotland, and his
mother Elspath Cameron. As a boy
he put in much of his time herding
but afterwards learned blacksmith-
ing and few could handle the hammer
so deftly. especially did he excel in
tempering steel tools. Iie came to her father and curried a beautiful
this country over sixty years ngo, bouquet of flowers. After the ccre-
working at his trade first in Toronto tnony the guests sat down to a dainty
and then in Pickering. where he roar- wedding dinner, after which the even-
ried Mary Munroe, who predeceased ing was spent. in games and other
hire last July. They moved to l's- amoteenients. Mr. and Mrs. North -
borne in 1855. settling on his farm on Cott will reside on Mr. Northcott's
the Thames ]fond and hawing a black. fine faro, un the 2nd concession. The
smith shop nt the corner. Air. Mc- Time" joins their many friends in
Donald tens known far and wide. be- wishing thein a long and prosperous
ing of n most genial dispositiorf. journey through life.
Ile was inteligent. bright and cheery, Mr. John Carrick. of Washego, who
laking n with. interest in Wren and was visiting freinds in this vicinity
things and possessing a ,rnnrvelous last week. returned home on Setur-
nu•mtony. His fund of wit and story day. -Air. 1'carce, of Ione, called on
gave tunny a laugh. lie was a friends here last week. -A number of
keen politician of the Liberal stump our residents attended the funeral of
and no Inter than last fall drove to the late Janies Cnrrick of Sodom, on
Clinton. some 22 miles, to hear the Dfondny.
Premier speak. in religion h. %vasa -Mr. Robert Cole has sold his farm
Presbyterian with well formed con- here and is moving to the o.t,, he
sections and rare ,were the occasions purchased from •Mr..1. N. Perkins. of
when his seat in the church was vn- Ilsborne.-Mr. Wm. •\Wanless. of Var.
cant. Up to fiv.• !weeks ngo he en- ni w•as renewing acquaintances here
joyed good health but on returning fast week.-Iitza 5:,tting is tsthe or-
ftont church he had the misfortune der of the dray in Iht•ve par.-Itcv.
to slip on the ice and (raceme. his Brown. of .Staffs, will preach here on
le,; just at the hip. Although be Sunday in the interest of the Edusa-
made it brave struggle. .even his lional fund.
strot,g constitution could not hear up -�
aguin<< Ike shock and after these Zion
weeks of siffering tnost patiently nt►d Ale. Thos. l.ingard has engngcd%vitt)
uncomplainingly borne and during `ee. At,. f.:tngtord for the summer.
which he manifested the keenest grit- What might have been a more ser -
Hook for the kind ministrations of ions accident happened to Miss Carrie
those about him. he passed peaceful- Earl tone day last %week. While (riv-
ing home from the Whalen post of-
fice her horse took fright at some
children playing on the road and ran
away, throwing her out of 1hi- buggy
lot lasing her up considerably. The
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized at five o'clock on Wednesday,
the 17th inst., at the residence otlhe
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. •War.
O'Brien, of Tiny Township. when their
only dr -lighter. Nellie V. was united
in holy matrimony to Mr. John North-
cott, n prosperous young farmer of
the sane totvnship. To the strains of
the wedding march played by ,Alias
Alice O'Brien. the bridal party en-
tered the parlor and took their places
beneath an nreh of evergr.•ens. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
Hart. of llensall, in the presence of
the near relatives of the bride and
groom. The bride was attended by
her cousin, ,hiss Maud Farquhar, of
ilillsgreen. while Mr. Wm. Northcott,
brother of the groom acted ns best
soft. The bride was given away by
ly away on :Sunday morning. retain-
ing conseiousness to the end. Of n
family of fonrloen len survive him,
rs Doe tile. '.tittnlrsola : Alexander,
('ilifornin : Mrs. Passmore. Mrs.
McCurdy. Robert. Catherine and Tina harness was badly broken.
1' shorn•.;John. Eset er: \WMin m• Kip- Mr. 'Chester Sims has hired with
pen. and Iintch. Essex. The funeral AI r. Gen. Brock for the summer.
which wens held Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Fred hers left on 'Tuesday for
was one of the Inrgest ever seen in Ih•• great west. where he intends to
this section. Interment took place in itt ke his future home. We alt wish
the Exeter cemetery. Tile services, hint every success.
were conducted by Ties. Colin I'leteh• Clarence Levy. one of Zion old boys
er. assisted by itev. 1'rquhnrt. of Sl,nd.ayerl at Pal 'tither.
hippen. and the benrers were his
four sons and two sons-in-law.
K I kton
Court Ivanhn and the Ladies Com-
panion Court. 1. t►. 1'. had n very
plenannt social evening .Monday another f.•l:ow ruts ntt•ny with his
night when they entertained the St.; girl.
Marys lodge in Aherd,•en Mall. The Mr. Wesley Jacques spent Sunday
evening was spent in sp;•.•ch making near 013111011.
songs and it flower contest. Mrs.I Mr. Hefty Rada., of Zion visiled
Brown and Mr. \V. .11. Mnrshnll cap- r.nin, of los old friends ,around \Wood•
luring the prizes in th.• flower event. ham last Sued:1y.
Farmers. nre busy taking advantage ---- ------
nf rho. fine weather to tap. Gaud run. 1' '1 1 t ion of the tart, ncr-
teinrr obtained. voesness. !rem/dings, nervous head -
Mr. and Mrs. Prnnk Anderson en- ache, cold lands an•i feet, pain in the
tertnined n number of young people hack and' other forms of weakness
to a roeinl (Inure one evening Inst nre relieved by Carter's iron Pills
week in honer of the ihwson Moth-; made specially for the blcod nerves
ers. All heti' a good time and complexion.
Mr. \Wm. 1lern and family moved to
their naw Immo. on the Johns faun.
Messrs. 'Towel and Lingnrd made
their round trip Sunday evening on
fool. Tom says he won' help to
hitch us a horse next tint • n Fill 1.1
$1.00 per year in advance
argain List
2 pkges tint Carpet Tacks .... for 5c.
3 doz. cop'd Ilat and Coat Hooks .... for 25c.
Lamps with 13 burners and wick, reg. 40, .;5 & 50 for 30c.
I3alsam of Myrrh cures all sores 25,50 & $1 for 20,35 & 70
Dr. Scott's stock food, reg. 5o and $1 pkges for 35 and 70
Dr. Scott's Worm Powders.. ..........Reg. 5oc for 35c
Dr. Scott's Heave Cure, ... Reg 5oc for 35c
Curtain Stretchers...... Reg 1.35 for $1.15
Hollywood Ready Mixed Paint 10, 20 and 35c tins
I Garland Wood or Coal Cook ....Reg $32.00 for $28.00
No. 9 Coiled Spring Wire.... $2 ;0 per 100
7 wire Ideal Fencing all No 9 .... ...... 32c Rod
Sap Pails and Sap Spiles
Preston Safe
Lock Shingles
Do not fail to call and enquire for our 28 Sage
galvalized safe lock shingle which we are selling for
$4.50 per square, with an absolute guarantee that
they are both wind and srorin poof.
We ate offering splendid value in: -
Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff
Baskets, Lanterns Etc.
Do von want things to he just so? Then we'd like you for a
customer. We've promised you satisfaction -promised you
thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise.
Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next
Suit or Overcoat.
We Can Suit You
Merchant Tailor
Exctcr, 1ntaric
Great Discount Sale
Of Furniture
�.� •y� ��eeta•
\Ve have started a great slaughter sale com-
prising every article of furniture in our large
stock at a great reduction on regular prices.
Note some of the great bargains we are offering and what
it means to Furniture buyers.
Bedroom Suites in I cut oak finish with large Revel Plate Mirror regular
price $16.50; discount sale price $l3.(111.
Sideboards, regular price $13 (Ml di couut sale pr+re )0).00Couches, regular price $8 50 discount anis price $0.1K)
Mattresses, regular price $:1 i►0 discount sale price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
A call will convince intending putchasers that this
is the greatest Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter.
The Leading Iiotue Fut nishers nod Funeral Directors.
in our Glasses and get pay-
ing returns. Their comfort
ctarability and style net )'at
the greatest amount of g,.oel
at least possible expenditure.
For positive proof wear a pair.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
EXETER - ONTAIIIO. + Bears the
Kodak., Films and;Supplles• Signature of
1'8110101F. COUNCIL
Council !net in special me, ling,
March 15th. to consider the by-Ilw,
granting nid to the amount of twenty
thousand dollars to the St. Jlarys and
Western Railway Co. After fairly
satisfactory terns had been arrived
:at. it w,is moved by Geo. Andrew,
seconded by F. Ellerington, that the
by-tate• he taken'ns read a first and
reeond time. that it be pehhished in
the Exeter Times. ^nd copies posted
up according to st'toot •: and that it
be submitted by 1 vote of the rate-
payers for approval on the 12th day
of April. 1909 at the• places provided
in the by-law
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought