HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-18, Page 8.iE EXETER 'Lt1D4. S MAR. 18th 1909
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +44+++++4 I Market Report. -The following .s Watch hooey's window for snaps
6.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.i.♦. 44.444. the report of Esetar markets, ear- we are clearing out a few odds and
I reeled up to March 18th. I ends at prices that will surprise you.
STEWART'S '�+ ! I't'HS. 85c i ,rias J..1. Arlen eye sight specialist
} \�'he::t $1.03. 1
} Oats 43 to 45. (will be at the Commercial hotel on
+ Barley 53c.
+ Shorts, *25.
Bran $24
tilendid Flour, STAR, *3.00.
+I ,I Feed Flour *1.4u to *1.45.
A:syke *6 to $8 t.er. btu:awl.
i' (,:over y5. to *6.
T:urotby til to *2 tee. bushel.
Butter 20 cents pe. hound
Eggs 18 cents
Hogs dressed. *8.50 to 9,00.
!logs liveweight *7.05
4. Coal, $7.25 a ton.
I* ' Dried Apples 6 Centtt.
Exra .S peel al
And Ready for Your Verdict.
We are told that our showing of new dress
goods are the finest in Exeter. The assortment is
targe, the style new and values as usual the best.
Shadow and self stripes are Correct for the sea-
son. We show some beauties.
60c. the yd. in lovely shadow stripes in all the new shades of
(fray, Move, Green, Brown and Navy.
60c. the yd, for all wool Chiffon Mirror cloth. Lovely finish.
Swell for suits.
1$1.00 the yd. for n swell range of new satin finished silk
stripes, all the new shades,
++++++++-t +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ladies Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose Double
Knee, Double heel, Double Toe regular value 40c.
• Our bargain price -the pair-
25 cents
++• +++++++++++++++++++++4;++++-14++++++++++_++++
Do You Know great line of \\'e are showing a
ready to wear Tailor
Jfade. Suits, made from Chiffon mirror finished broadcloth triui-
wit h silk tapestry stitching and large buttons. Conte and take a
see, we can fit you. Prices are not high.
Millinery Show Rooms Are Now Open
We are ready to care for all early orders. Mimes Asatd
is in charge. The change in hats for this season is very marked.
While the hats are largo they are trimmed very flat.; you'll like
them, Come and see the new style.
\Ve believe we show the largest assortment of
Room Rugs and Linoleums
in the ('ounty. Our Rugs range from *6,SO to *30.00
Any size and any color you want. Our st.ecial seamless Brussels
and Wilton Rugs are Beauties. Come and bring your friends
with you. It's nice to study the new styles,
Ask to see our new Velvet Rug $22.50
Southerh Alberta Farm Lands
The undersigned have secured control of the
finest block of PALL \WRIiAT LAND IN ALHERTA.
This land is all level prairie and can easily be
Don't Miss This Chance
If you are thinking of going West, come and
talk it over. Our prices are right. Land sold to
suit puachasers in sections or larger blocks with
privilege of selection. This land will not be on the
market for long.
We have private car attached to regular trains
leaving Toronto and London first Tuesday of each
month, starting lith of April. For further par-
ticulars apply to
John Ghariton, Exeter,
Agent for Allison,
Fair & Co.
A package of seed of the I). & Ii. Colossal White Sugar Beet
will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909
Catalogue. This beet grows to an iutrnense sire, is easily har-
vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary
soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If
preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let-
tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster secd instead of the sugar beet seed.
Write to -day and name your choke, also mention name of
this paper.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
aeon. will be at the Commercial I Two filly colts 1 and 2 years old.
Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. i alio 2 cows in calf. Apply Statham,
m. Glasses properly fitted and die- I London Road south. 3t
eases of eve ear and nose treated. --s--
1 - ,Next visit $tturday March 27th. Maple syrup making comrnenced
_ - (his week.
TFAC'111•:R WANTED The district militia camp will be
, held at London instead of Goderich
For school section No. 5 Usborne,' (his year, probably some time in June.
male. with second crass certificate Mrs. Decker. of London. visited
preferred. to commence duties after Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Neaman over
Easter holidays. Apply to J. N. Sunday.
Perkins. Exeter Ontaario. Mr. D. A. Ross nag confined to his
room n few days last tverk suffering
from n severe cold.
.lir. .Tohn Carrick. of \Vaebago.
North Ontario. is visiting at the horns
of \tr. and Mrs. Cicero Aldeworth.
Exeter North.
Mr. and Mr. French and children
of Toronto. who were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick for sev-
eral weeks. returned to th.•ir hoot,.
on E1aturdny.
North West Lands !fought and Sold.
, VI. have at remitter of npplientions
for northwest lands in quarter and
half section Iota. Any one having
western lands which they wish to dis-
pose nf. will do well to call tit the
Times Office and get pnrticulnrs.
Handsome frame residence ; 10
rooms in good repair. with 1 acres
of land : 1 mile west of the Main St.
of Seaforth; stable for 2 horses and ?ION
Cow. Land is well planted 'with fruit in last week's issue und• r the bead
and ornamental trees. Plenty of of Zion an item appeared in which
bard and soft wnt,•r. Furnace and Roland Squire gave the young peo-
Electric lights. side walk to Sea- pie a dance rind curd part on tie
forth: township taxes, Apply on the Cornish f.trrn. \\-e are informed that
premises or to. Mr. (Squire was not at the (unction
4t F. Holmested, S aforth.and knew nothing about it.
Phone 22
Saturday, !larch 39th, hours 10 a.m. New Spri n
to 8 p. in. g
to be flayed any place satisfac-
tory to the Ilensall players. A few
weeks ago the Bengali tram were
here and were trimmed by the locals.
and the same team feel confident
they can turn the trick again. The
challenage has not yet been accepted
by •I1eustll.
A: a meeting in Goderich held last
Friday evening for the purpose of
organizing the Goderich base ball
club for the corning season, the ques-
tion of forming an amatet.r league
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• for the county of Huron was proposed,
• consisting of the following teams:
•Goderich. Clinton. Seaforth. Mitchell,
• •LOCALS Exeter and lliytb. Exeter has the
•••••••• ,••••••• material for the making of a good
team this year, but the matter of
+++++++++++•b++++++++++++++� entering the league will not be taken
1'he'rimes fill Jan, 1910 up until the annual meeting is held.
Three interesting curling games
were played on the local rink testi
Thursday afternoon and evening be-
tween Mensall rinks and Exeter rinks,
7 C C for Seventy Five Cents
11 'fell your Neighbors a-
bout it.
resulting in the _locals being defeated The newest colors in shirts and ties,
Second hand square piano for sale each time. Irl the afternoon. wvith J. fancy braces. also a full stock of boots
or rent. H. MARTIN & SON. Taylor and It. Bonthron as skips. the and shoes in all sizes.
Sunday wvas connexional day in score was 7 to 9 in favor of Hensel!.Clean fresh groceries always in stock.
the Drain Street Methodist church. The following itt the result of the -
Are now ready for your inspection,
New dress goods in all the leading col -
ore, in plain clothe, fancy stripes, and
plaids. Alt at reasonable prices. We
sell Grafton, prints. All guaranteed
fast colors.
Gent's Furnishings.
Mr. J. •G. Martin, of Seaforth, was evening games.
Exeter Hensall
R. Dinney F. Srnallacombe
Miss J. J. Allen eye sight specialist J. Taylor Brant
will be at the Coutmerciul hotel on G. Anderson Vice. Billings Vice.
Saturday, Mnrch 29th, hours 10 a. in. It. Seldon Skip Dr. Sellers Skip.
to 8 p. m. 17 19
Spring will soon be here the birds Exeter Ilensall
are proof it it. Arm yourself early for IL Gould Harburn
good health with liowey's Blood Puri- 11. Taylor 1'. Stewart
fiers, Our Sarsaparilla is bard to E. Jones Vice. 1t. Bonthron Vice
beat. A. Taylor Skip. C. McDonald Skip
During the banquet held \Vednes-
13 15
day evening the gasoline lamps went A Regular Storm Period is central
out shortly after midnight. Investi- on the 21st. covering the 19th to the
gation showed the valve on the air 23rd. This is also at the center of
pressure tank had been turned off. the vernal equinox. and on the 21st
WOOD FOR SALE. -We are now the Moon is both in perigee and on
-prepared to deliver to any part of the celestial equator. A phenotnen-
tbe town first class elm slabs. All ally low barometer, great humidity
orders promptly attended to. and high temperature will be It warn -
R. GILLIES. ing of violent storms, anywhere from
Mr. Herb. Phillips, son of Mr. If. S. Friday the 99th, to Tuesday. the 23rd,
Phillips, who was confined in the notably on Sunday, Monday and Tues -
Phillips, who
hospital for several weeks day, the 21st. 22nd and 23rd. In all
followwiug an operation for specks probability this period will first bring
dicitis, arrived home on Monday en -
of storms of vicious otos lightning and
last week and is much improved.
a caller in town on Saturday.
A number of friends of Dr. Mal-
loy surprised him tit his home last
evening, the occasion being his birth-
day. As the Dr's natal day falls on
the same day as St. Patrick. the
costumes worn by the ntasouarnders.
were mostly in colors suggestive of
the day.
John A. Governlock. of Forest,
esusin of Mr. Wm. Coultis, of Exeter
died on Monday of last week after
only a few days illness with linen -
times'. Mr. Governlock will be re-
tie utbered as inking part in the spec-
i.tl •rvicesin the Main street church
Lk,' spring.
T. E. Handford last Friday
ped a carload of horses to Foley,
\..elsh and Stewart, contractors for
the G. T. P. at Mntthewson. The
shipment was n. trial order. and if
11 -1. animals prove satisfactory. Mr.
llandford expects the contract for
supplying them with all their horses.
"Trig" Mason, the Lumberman evan-
gelist. w•h.a was to have commenced
a series of special meetings in con-
nection with the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday
evening. sent word that he would
have to postpone his visit for several
weeks owing to trouble with one of
his limbs, which was broken last fall.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
Tuesday afternoon Mares 16th at the
home of Itichard Delhridge. when his
daughter Annie was united in mar-
riage to \Vrn. T. ferny. of Virden.
Man. The wedding was performed
by Itcv. A. II. Going in the presence
of only a few immediate relatives.
Mr. nrtd Mrs. Bray left on the even-
ing train for Virden, where they will
make their home.
Rev. James Livingstone. of Mit-
chell. gave his celebrated l' rttire on
the lluman Voice to n Targe audi-
ence in the James Street Methodist
church Monday. The lecture was
bot h arousing and interesting and
was listened to with much interest.
As a lecturer. Mr. Livingstone iras
great control of his voice and gave
several imitations of the voices of
several public speakers. varying
from those with a shrill voice to those
with a (beep bass.
Whack 1 )tang I 1 hey go. The bal-
ance of the stock rat the Exeter liar -
gain Store. We wwnnt to clear out
the balance of the stock this week.
No reasonable offer will be refused
for this week for any goods in the
store. Also for sale at cracking
Big Bargains, one National cash re-
gister; oar pair counter scales: four
paper cutters. one HANDSOME large
plated shoe stnnd ; one cnse of tuen's
strawy hats and n lot of washing atn-
monia. J. W. BRODEI{ICK.
The boys of the town gave Itcrittie
Martin n farewell banquet at the
Commercial Hotel Thursday evening
about thirty-five of the young men
of the town being present. After an
eecellcnt supper was disposed of the
fallowing toast list was given. "The
1 int:," It. N. Creech: "Our Guest,"
S. G. itaw•den ; Response. B. Martin :
"Canada." R. Southcott: "Our Towyn,"
`t. Dobler and W. Murray ; "Sports."
P. Fleming: "Learned Professions,"
Dr. Cairns: "Absent Boys." P. !frown-
ing. W. W. Taman : "Good Fellow-
ship." F. Bawden, F. Ilawkshan
"Ladies." W. Mnrtin and C. Dyer.
The speeches were good and proved
that the young men of the town are
just as capable of making addresses
as ninny of the older heeds.
The local hockey player nre not
enthused over (he report which ap-
peared in the Hensnll paps* last
week. regarding the match !laved rat
thunder. high winds and possible tor-
nadoes to the southward. all follow-
ed by furious gales from the north- W
west, with blockading blizzards and Chemist and Optician
drifts of snowy. Very low barometer EXETER ONTARIO.
anywhere in the Gulf region must be
regarded as an ornen of possible West
India cyclones. This period, 19th to
23rd. constitutes the most marked
seismic period of the month. Watch
telegraphic reports on and about the
21st, 22nd and 23rd. If a decided
wintery aspect docs not attend and
follow the storms of this period, the
remainder of the Mars period will
probably bring weather of *vernier
type. Whatever is at this time. will
foreshadow, itt a large degree what
may be expecte. far into April.
To something that has cured thous-
ands and will cure you.
There may be nothing wrong with
you tut a "run-down" constitution.
Or an annoying little cough.
Or iwiovtiished conditions of the
Or loss of appetite.
Or you may be so far advanced
that you're in danger of pulmonary
trouble ; bronchitis, consumption.
Settle the matter to -day. Buy
regularly. It will fix you up.
All druggists.
e S. Howey, Phm. B.
A very pretty svedding was solemn-
ized at high nodii on Wednesday the
17th inst.. at this' residence of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Campbell, Exeter. when their daugh-
ter, Clara Maude. was united in the
bonds of matrimony to Mr. Arthur
C. Ramsay, of 'Hamilton, and former-
ly of Exeter. To the strains of Lo
hengrin's wedding march played by
the bride's sister, Miss Vera, the brid-
al party entered the parlor and took
their places before n hank of flow-
ers. The ceretnony was performed by
Rev. Dr. Ramsay, of Ottawa. broth,
er of the groom in the presence of the
immediate relatives. They were un-
attended, and the bride. who was giv-
en nwny by her father looked very
charming in ah embroidered white
silk mull gown made empire style en-
train, with directoire girdle trimmed
with oriental satin. She also wore a
veil fastened with orange blossoms
and carried a shower bouquet of
white carnations and maiden hair
fern. After a dainty wedding brenk-
fast. the happy couple took their de-
parture on the evening train for
Their home in Hamilton. The bride's
going away gown was of brown chif-
fon broadcloth, with hat to match.
The gifts were numerous and costly
showing the high esteem in which the
young couple are held. Mr. and Mrs.
Itamsny will be rat home to their
friends after April 15t h at their re-
silidenre 133 Hanford Ave., north. 1(nm-
Mr. and Mrs. William I)nvis. Exeter
North, celebrated their (:olden Wed-
ding on the 11th. of March 1909 with
all the children present but three.
Mr. A. E. Davis, of London: Mr. W.
E. Davis. of Hamilton; Mrs. Dr. II.
M1eIonald, Hollandale. Wisc.: Mrs.
W. E. Mitchell. London ; Mrs. E.
Gardiner, Essex ; Mrs. .lnrvis Dick-
son. Chatham: Mrs. Ed. Taylor. Lon-
don: Mr. Ernest Davis at home. The
1''rents were well remembered by
the children and their many friends
An address stens rend and toasts fol-
lowed. A purse was presented by
the children and a pleasant evening
rhe following address was pre-
sented :-To day we meet to shower
congratulations on our parents. Few
people have the oppertnnity of living
together fifty years in the holy
estate of matrimony. and when they
have over come to so great a degree
the many infirntaties of th•• flesh and
incompatibility of tamper they de-
serve to be congrat,lnted and to have
a wedding festivity which shall be
as cermonioun as the first one and
twice as impressive. Anniversaries
like these are indeed oar guide post
on the road of life. pointing the way
to haappines9 and few are such oc-
eseions. ns (hone that nre not o'er
shadowed by the gloom of some loved
011e9 death. but the prnyer of thank-
fulness can miry be offered t hat no
such sad incident has crossed the
llensall, when the Exeter players threshold of this beloved home And
were defeated by the score of 20 to in conclusion we have only to glance
. he Exeter team wens not the n•-
gular one. being short several of the
best pryers. and they are out with
a challenge to piny the llensnll team, one and we (bink up cannot do better
for fun. money or marbles, th.• game than offer up oar filicitntions by
leav McCntchen the Retial travel- wishing that it may be n long one
ler for the Canadinn Oil Co.. and who that r•vrry future c,.l,•hrntion of
is well known in Exeter. came tient, their wedding day may find th •
at the faces of oar moth( r and
father to see that their journey to-
gether so far hal bet rt pleasant
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, I have placed a new and
up.to date rig on the road for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. Calls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
Blacksmith Shop For
First class stand doing good busi-
nees; also comfortable residence. III
health reason for selling. For terms
and porticulare apply to A. E. PYM,
Exeter, Ont.
To Farmers and Public
If you have any old Iron,
Rubbers, Rags, Copper,
Brass, Lcad, Zinc, bring it
M. Jackson & sons
The Old Reliable Firm
Where you can get
market price
in cash.
All sizes iron pipe, also
iron posts oil hand.
M. Jd6ksoo
Matin St, opposite Electric
Power House.
of a fine grain, white nutritious
"Star Flour." is sold ns our brand.
Have you ever triad it' (let your
grocer to give vol our kind next time
and ce.•
'1'iIE lit i'Eltlolt RAKING
QUA 1.17 IES
that Sitar Flour" possesses. Better
rn n9 and more wholesome. because of n
getting bis name on the honor roll contented with their lot and as happy secret process that we put the it
ns n bowler at London lost Safer in each other nt now. And on b.•. through Don't forget.
day. Lew rolled a total of 297 pins, hilf of the fancily. wy present tin,
jus three short of the maximum snt.sol token of our log• and tipple e. I ■AR♦ EY BROC•
number. is t ion,. v i [j St a,7
Whltowoar! WhItcwoarl
This week brings us again to the time for opening
up and marking off our white wear, which has open.
ed out to our entire satisfaction. We have this -
year with out a doubt, better styles and better qual-
ities in White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Draw-
ers and Gowns than we have shown for years.
White Waists
No. 940
In white India Linen lawn trimmed
with Embro and Val Lace tnade in
new style with long sleeve, sizes 3`2--40
Price $3.50
No. 890
In white lawn heavy embro front
trimmed with Val lace and insertion
Extra value, sizes 31-40 Price $2.50
No. 935
In fine white lawn trimmed with
embro and Val Ince. Sizes 32-40.
Price $1.50
No. 900
In fine linen lawn with embro front
tucked sleeves and back, triutmed with
Val lace and insertion. Sizes 31-43
Price 93.00
No. 889
In white lawn trimmed with lace and
insertion with shoulder effect and long
sleeve. Sizes 34-40 Price $2.255
.No. 870
In white lawn nicely tucked and
extra value. Sizes 32-40 Price $1.
In White Lawn trimmed with Enrbro Insertion and Val L
N0. 866 A perfect fitting waist, sizes 32-40 Price $
We Repairl 40
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
5 T, wide
itS of ripe scholar-
ship, widteaching and busi-
ness experience in leading Can-
adian and American centres,
employed by our chain of l Iigh.
(:rade Colleges, hale built up a
Superior, unapproache d curriculum.
Each student is instructed privately at
his own desk. We assist our graduates to
the best positions.
Three -courses - Commercial, Stuno, ra'
phy and Telegraphy.
Mall Courses. Enter any day.
Write tor particular.
Cliolon Business Colin
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
APRIL 1st.
i .�#
We have a large school, a
high-grade school, with splendid
equipment. Instructora are ex-
perienced. Courses in Commer-
cial. Shorthand and Telegraphy
departments are thorough. up -to
date and practical. Our gradu-
ates are in demand as office aa-
sistante and Business College
Teachers. Write for our free
catalogue. Enter at any time,
1 $30 Disc Graphouhnoe *15
1 *20 Disc Gramophone $10
50 75c. Discs each 50 cents
1.000 needles 75 cents
1 Good Organ at n bargain
Will sell any of the above on the
installment plan $5 down $1 or /l<2
per week. Edison's Phonographs $17,
*39. $52 $100.00. Edison records 65c.
and 40 cents. Drop in and see there
anytime no trouble to show goods.
St. I'a tricks and Fester cards on
sale. in great variety.
Canadian Express Building.
White Wyandottes
Good Laying Strain
1st pen. *1.50 for 13 eggs.
2nd pen. *1.00 for 13 eggs
Three' settings or incubator lots at
special rates. 1st pen headed by bird
bred by J. 14. Martin. l'ort Dover;
2nd pen headed by reel good bird of
my own raising. Either pen n.•eds no
comment es to quality. Cornmunicn-
tions answered promptly.
CHAS. 1'. 1100PE R,
Ilex 157, Exeter, Ont.
An Application will be made to the
Legislative Assembly of the Province
0t Ontario. at its next session by th.
Stratford and St. Joseph Itad:n1 fair-
way Company for an Act ext ?noting
the time for t h • commencement and
for the rompletio•t of the Company's
J. 1'. Vincent. Solicitor for the
Doer! at Ottawa this 24th day of
February A. I). 1C 9,
New Suitings in Greys, Tans,
Browns and Greens. Jusb
arrived styles salve as pities,
but prices much lower. All
our stock is now and up-to-
W. W. TAM. N
Merchant Tailor.
Low rates to certain points in Sas
atchewan and Alberto. via Chicago or
Port Arthur, each Tuesday during
March and April.
Pacific Coast Excursion
Daily Until April 30th.
for $14.45
One-way second-class from Exeter
The Pioneer route is via Grand
Trunk and T. & M.. 0. 'Ry's.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, mien
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trains leave Totems 2.00 p.m. w
APRIL II, 10 NAY 4, 14 JUNE 1, 14, 0
JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT.?, 21
Second alar tickets iram Oatarie stations to pintos,
Northwest pace at
Wm:44e and mein $12 00; E knontoe and retete
442 50 sad to other points .■ proportion Tithesfood pto mars witkia (A day, tram Saar date.
oe all semitone. Comfortable beth,, fully equipped
with bedding. caa be secured at moderate rate. (Avesta
local amid
Early •ppllcatlon must be made
n•Iraine rams sad fall inform/tees.
Apdr is wares. CPA. R. Afeata to R . L- Thamp.au,
Dm. Par. Asc. Totowa.
\V. .1. CA It I.I N 1;. ,!gent.
A Man's Life
A Mane life is full of cr('sf(a and
tcniptation/. Ile comes into this
world withont his consent and gout
out against itis will ane the feat3 IC cz•
ceedingly rocky.
The rule of Contraries in one of the
important features of the trip.
When he is very little the Sig girls
kiss him and when be Refit big he kiss-
es the little girls and to (•f the big
ones too.
if he tutees a large family )•e in en-
dorsed l•v the Premier.. Lot if he
a Mal' ( he((ue be ie a thief.
But, 1'tying the tight Marathon) the
right t' ople at the right Price makes
him r Ther a chump, n thief or a bad
manes•• r. And hie children will rite
ftp at .i call hits blessed.
Wr Sink we are the right peorle to
buy ft m. We Know our Pianos and
Price. ire tight: -Call and let us con-
vince you.
S. MrtIo & son