HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, MAR.lsth 1909
New Dress 000dsi
Anticipating the phenomenal demand -which has arisen
or Satin Surface Fabrics we have secured some exceptional-
ly desireable material and we invite your attention to the
Satin cloth in every shade you desire at 5oc per yd.
Satin Duchesse, a very new and heavy material for
the money in blacks, blues, greens, red, etc at 6oc yd.
Other Weaves
San Toy Goods, exceptional values
Poplinette in the new shades
Panamas in the new shades, special 75c
Chiffon Panamas in the new shades at different
Voiles, Henriettas, Venetians, Taffeta Cloths, Lus-
tres, Mohairs, Poplins, Tricotines and all popular lines
will be found here at right prices
Silks, Satins, Crinkle Cloth, Zephers, Ginghams.
Linens, wash goods, etc in big variety
Give Us a Call
Dealer in Clover, Alsyke, Mil-
let, Alfalfa Seeds, Dutch Sets
all kinds of Produce.
We purchased the stock of goods in the store at Farquhar at a
discount and a representative of a wholesale house, who measured
the dry goods, said there was not twenty dollars worth of "dead wood"
In the whole lot. but we want to get acquainted with the people of
this community and we invite you to call and examine our prices on
Prints, etc.
We offer our stock of shoes at a Reduction of
15 per cent. Cash.
We have been giving 22 cts per dozen for eggs and 19 and 2 I
cents for butter and shall continue to give top prices
Abqut 800 bushels of No. 21 barley
� grown and kept for seed purposes
—This is a new barley that has prov-
.pa to possess a remarkable clean
stiff straw, excelling all other var-
ieties, also gave the highest yield of
Crain per acre of all the barleys test-
ed In 1907 at the O. A.C. It has been
without exception the most popular
variety with the experimental union
throughout the province. ever since
fife first distribution in 1906 in two
potted lots from the O. A. C. Terms
BALL T. application.., Lot 16' Con. 2, Hay.
Thames Road
The Duffers of the Thames ltotid
school played au exciting game of
football with the "Dowsers" of the
Lumley school. The game started
put fairly well until the Duffers scor-
ed their first goal. when the "Bow-
ers" of Lumley in a vain effort to
yetaliate begun to play leap frog.
with hands and het over the heads
of the small Duffers. A fast game
ed the ballover th
e ensued. me stakey
1by menus
of beadwork and Mr. Fred Cole the
glanpire having and rule book called it a gootten al.
glasses o l
The game ended 1-0 in favor of the
s -Cote.
township of Itlanshard will
on the Icy -law to grant the St.
rya and Western Ontario Railway
0,000 on Monday April 5th.
Wednesday, March 17th, by Rev.
Dr. D. Ramsay, Clara Maud, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Campbell
Dr. Arthur C. Ramsay.
Northcott -O'Brien -At the residence
of the bride's parents, Hay. on
\Wednesday. March 17th, by Rev.
'Bart, Nellie, daughter of, Air. and
'.ire. W. O'Itricn to John Northcott
Tuesday. March 16th, when Miss
Annie Delbridge was married to Mr.
Wm. .1. Bray, of Virden Man.
W'IIYTE-in Usborne, Friday, March
12th, 1110.( to Mr. and Mrs. James
Whyte, a son.
Auction Sale
Mr. John Gill has been instructed
to :sell by public :ruction on Thursday,
April 1st, on Albert Street Exeter
the following One couch, one bedroom
suit. one bedstt et and bureau and
stand. two mattresses, one feather
tick, one bed spring, one chamber set,
one arta chair. one rocker and two
perforated bottom ch:►irs, one crok-
inole board, one parlor stand, two
lamps. one dining roots tahle, one
glass cupboard, one dozen dining roost
and kitchen chairs. one clock. two
looking glasses, one ten set and glass
ware, three dozen dinner plates and
a quantity of crockery ware. two
Kirkton dozen empty sealers, leo kitchen
The railway is the recognized topic tables. one kitchen stove and furni-
IRconversation in and around our lure, one wood heater and coal parlor
village, and we are glad to learn that heater with oven, two wash tubs,
a satisfactory ngrceunent bis been wash board. one lawn mower. one step
made between the railway company ladder and a quantity of garden
committees and the council with re- tools. two largo boxes or feed bins,
Greece to theHs--law. one lantern. pictures and window
Mr. and Mrs. S. '1I. Tufts spent blinds, and other articles too nunter-
Sundey with friends in the town of our; to mention.
Sea turtle The real estate lot 75Albert.St.
Mr. Ernes( i,yons has been enjoy- on which there is a good brick cart-
ing a visit with friends in Kintore.
tag , with summer kitchen and n-ood-
A new stove for the basement and g
nett- chairs for the choir have been shed attached also cool stable and
purchest•d for the Kirkton Methodic' oft ft of ter. pspewill se offered for
church by ch. 'trustee hoard. Th. previously
church is prospering in o'Ir land.
it is reported [chit Mr. Itert Cro-
sier bis bought he
farm of lilat>rhnr.BBert
Allen on the
Mr. H. p:Iliott is busy making pr, -
parntions to move into his r.ew abed••
o, Kirkton NIceint.
. .1. Davis has returned to hi.
in the west. after a long and
n y,ble 'any in Old Ontario.
h,. directors of the
hie :toe mill
called a bee lest Monday a were
coal from St. Mary.'.
tall 91 but few were at home. i
Evening mei tinge trill b• held nt
Ilurondil' on March 21; Elinivilie.1
261 : Fa nether 29t h : Edon. :list and
Woodh: ,, 25th to discuss railway
tere. F:neh one of
inttsu ill he nddress.•d hyont
of the members of thy' Reilwny Com-
ptny. Come and hear what they
hive to shy. The meeting at Wood -
he in w:It be n union meeting for the
ton too is. hips.
Miss Netts and Mr. Frnnk Moore
bale returned to th••ir hom,• for the
sununl•r from London. and on Thurs-
day eve iiii►, of last we°k entertain, d
f their friends to a social
A nnnm•.•. ..
evening +t thir home. Vita Vern.,
All report hi vale a goad time.
ceine s'roXXIL .
Son ue TM Kee Vie Rare AMI 8xe It
�•tan Z �s-
f LLLfffftttt /.vlr
Real estate toad known on day ur
sate. Positively no reserve.
,1. Gill Mrs. S. ((teles
Auctioneer. Proprietor
Cough Caution
Never. positively never poison your lungs. 1f rO
crunch—even from a simple cold only -you she
slways heal, soothe, and Mase the irritated Lron.
thiel tubes. Don't blindly suppress It with a
stupefying poison. It's strange howlome thins@
comeabout. for twenty rears {r snoop
hasmnstantly warned peoplonot to take (learn ver)'f.ndy Cons. and enjoy a good
mislures (,r prescriptions containing Opfnm.l
Chloroform. or similarpoi.ons. And now -s little : Int'. The bast's nre to be auctioned
off to the highest bidder.
Miss Maud Parish of Essex, wai a
guest at Mr, Frank Morley for a few
days last week.
Miss Alma Dann is visiting her sis-
ter Mts. Wm. Dloiley.
fir. John 1lntahinsons colt ran
away Inft Friday and maxed every-
! hing up vet y nicely.
Dlt'v. W\'rn. Brooke is under the 1)rs.
Care and we hopp for her speedy re-
MT.Osesi' Mo►ltp hes accepted n
posit MI with DIr. `%'Pelfy i'nrkinson
for 1 he sumuler.
Felton leg is the report nt Union S.
• S. No. 12. (-shortie for the month of
W. S. HOWEY. 'February. Gordon Mor1Py 100, Wil -
Sunday next promises to be red let-
ter day in the history of the Evangeli-
cal church, it being anniversary Sun-
day, special services both morning and
evening witn special music by the
choir. The evening service will be
conducted in the English language.
The members and adherents are asked
to give largely on this occasion. No
special efforts have been wade to raise
funds for the past twelve years to pay
for the various repairs that were nec-
essary in connection with the church
and parsonage. The pastor. Rev. E.
H. Bean, trade is strong plea Sunday
Last for a liberal plate collection,
Mr. A. E. Kuhn, of the bank of Com-
merce staff, spent Sunday at his home
Attractions seem to be growing
strong in the neighborhood of Sea -
forth. Mr. Harry Fowler, of the hank
of Commerce staff spent Sunday at 8,
Mr. John and George Brown 'of
Kilmanagb, Mich., are spending a few
weeks visiting relatives in the village,
.Il 0 rayirn a special visit to their ets-
,, .•i, •- t\'in. Calfas, who with her
husbanu and family leave next week
for the Canadian North West. They
will be greatly missed.
Wood sawing bees are the order of
the day.
Several farmers in the vicinity are
getting busy making maple syrup.
A short farewell service will be giv-
en in the Euangelical Sunday school
Sunday next in honor of the Callas
fancily, 5 of which are active members
of raid Sunday school.
Miss Inncan of London, arrived in
the village Thursday last and has
charge of the millinery department of
C. Zwicker.
Miss Melvina Beaver who bas been
in Detroit for the past year with her
sister is spending a few weeks under
the parental roof.
A representative from the office of
the Inspector transferred the post of-
fice from B. W. F. Beavers to Joshua
Johns on Tuesday.
Miss Alma Johns has recovered
frotn her recent illness.
Messrs Lewis Wood and Nelson
Coultis visited at Farquhar on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ithode, of Dash-
wood, visited at Mrs. A. Turnbull's on
Sunday last..
A football match was played be-
tween the pupils of 0 and 2 schools
on Friday evening, resulting in a vic-
tosy for No. 2, followed by at fight be-
tween:the champions of each school.
Fighting is hard on the eyes, besides
being out of date, and making the
parties liable to a fine.
Mr. John It. Duncan entertained a
number of young people to a dance on
Monday evening.
Messrs. R. D. Turnbull and W. A,
Gardiner spent Sunday at their re-
spective homes.
The entertainment at Bethany last
Wednesday evening was well attend-
ed and highly appreciated. Those
who had read "Ben Hur" wete especi-
ally pleased.
son Morley 47, wished an exam. ('lass I
14th, sr, \\ illiaut Hodgson 1'21, Vera
• Hodgson s3, Jas. McCarthy (10. Olive
Gunning 57, Vera Ogden, 52, Myrtle
Sgr,it•es 51, Geo. At•krey alt. Clabe 4th
Happily Wedded -One of those bap-
py events which make "two hearts
boat as one" took place Wednesday
evening March 10th, at the home of
Mr. Francis Morley, Clerk of Usborne,
when his oldest daughter. Minnie May
was united in wedlock to Mr. Harvey
Russell Squires, a prosperous and
higly esteemed young farmer of this
community. AL five o'clock to the
strains of the wedding march played
by Miss Verda Squires, sister of the
groom, the bride entered the parlor
and was led to the marriage altar and
given away by her father. Rev. I1, J.
Fair tied the nuptial knot in the pres-
ence of about 70 guests. The young
couple were unattended. The bride
was gowned in a pretty white Organ-
die, trimmed with insertion and lace,
and carried a bouquet of white carna-
tions and maiden :air fern. Miss
Alma Harding, twice of Mrs. Morley
made a pretty little flower girl. After
congratulations had been extended all
sat down to au excellent and bountiful
wedding supper. Atter supper was
ended a choice and lengthy program
was commenced. Rev. Fair as chair-
unu►,called on the choir for a selection
after which a lengthy and witty ad-
dress was giyen by the chairman, fol•
owed by songs,recitation and speeches
Among the costly and numerous pres-
ents which the young couple were the
recipients was a beautiful couch from
the ntemhere of the choir of which the
bride is the worthy organist. Your
correspondent joins with their many
friends in tvi,hing Mr. and Mrs.
Squires a happy and prosperous jorney
through life.
Miss Lily Moi!( y of Stratford, visit-
ed her p'rents Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Morley for a few days last week.
Mr. John Hazelwood is all smiles
this week, it is a girl.
Dir. and Mrs. Earnest )'arkinson
sprat the latter poi, of last week the
guest o1 r► he (alters mother, Mr -s. J.
Mr. J. Wright Spent a few days in
London this week with friends.
The lecture given here on Friday
night ttas w_n alienated and was also
n decided success. The views were
very plainly shown and the explen•
a1 '•'t0s very satisfactory.
1len,eInler the box sec:al to he
given by the t heir at the hcnie of Jan.
Shipley next 'fhurspay, March 25th.
late th wgh-Coag---s ser s "Put it en •I. (label
res hr for thbvet res ntnothen
and others. should Insist on having Dr. Shoop''
Giro. No porton marks nn 1)r. Shoop'
Ur.`ls-end none in the med,clne, else It nest br
law 1.• oi. the label. And It's not only safe. tea Ie
Is sai.l to be ty those that know It best. • trulyre.
teerkahlecough remedy. Take nochsnce ten,
rtirularly with your children. insist on has fat
D tough nr. Yhoop part
glut)! to on the sato side ty dementing
It poisons are In Tour rough mixture." 000dl
\ ry oo.11!Ite t ) .o
r. r'loop's C'o( h (pre. compare carefully the
ego with others en.f nest.• the
diffe,•nce. No poison tnatks there) Yci Cilia
Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure
jr, i':arnest Knowles 75, Vera Morley �_-- -
Phillip McGee 79, Tress.* Gunning 50, A pretty t`edding rtook I :ace at
missed an exam. Claes 3rd, jr, Eat!
Hodgson 1125, Nelson Squire 111), Ar- the house of Mr. and Mrs. At ehie Bo-
ttum McCarthy 118, Clara Morley 1:x3, bertson, Cromarty, on Tuesday. March
John Knowles ,3, Melville Gunning 05 16th, when their second t, iugbter
Class 2nd, John Whehhan 125. Vivian ltubena Jane was united in holy
bond.* of matrimony, to Mr. Ilenry
Brook 52• O J. McNaughton, teacher. Terrin. ChathamProm
�- at 5 ogton'clock toof the strains. of thptlye
Centrally Mendelssohn's wedding march played
It was It surprise when Mr. Will
Oke went to Mitchell alone on Tues-
day t►nct returned Monday evening
having married Miss Minnie 13ottrill
of the above place. We tender Mr.
Oke our congratulations.
Rev. W. Il. Butt occupied the Me-
thodist church pulpit. both morning
and evening with usual interest.
Mr. and Mrs. A, II. Going, of Exe-
ter, visited at the Methodist parson-
age on Friday last.
Revs. It, 13. Rowe, of Hamilton. and
L. W. (Wickett, of London, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Butt and fam-
ily ou Tuesday.
Inspector Tom visited 6. 6. No. 14
Stephen on Monday, Miss Swann was
mach pleased to have the Inspector
c:a11 in.
tilt. Hilton Ogden 07. Class 3rd. er,
by Miss Ella Kerslake, of Ex^ -ter, the
bride entered the parlor leaning on
the arm of her father, took her stand
under an arch of evergreen decorated
with white bunting and bells. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Mr. McKay, of Cromarty, in the pres-
enee of ne I iy sixty friends and re-
latives. After the usual congratula-
tions. the bride :ind groom led the
way to the dii:ieg room which was
tastefully decor.*. •d with red, white
and blue bunting and evergreen, and
partook of an excellent wedding sup-
per. Three young ladies gracefully
presided over the tables. The bride
was attended by Miss Anna Gardner,
and the groom by his nephew Harry
Terrington. The bride looked charm-
ing in a navy blue jumper over a
white lace waist. The many beauti-
For any case of nervousness. sleep- ful presents received showed the high
lessness. weak stomach. indigestion, esteem in which the young couple are
dyspepsia. try Carter's Little Liver held. The happy couple left Wcdnes-
I'ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve day evening for their home in Chat -
medicine in market. ham.
You are cardially invited to attend our
Millinery Opening, on
Wednesday and Thursday, March 25 and 26,
Under the management of Mrs. Symonds.
Farm Prodnce taken in exchange for Goods
Siebert & Co.
Hartlelb Block. DASHWOOD
al }
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11livery price in our catalogue is quoted because it nu ahs a
saving to you on that particul •r article. Buying in large
quantities for two stores; obtaining .I scounls for cash ; cutting
out middlemen's profits by dewing direct with m:utulitcturcr;;and
economical selling reduces the cost ; you receive the benefit in
a lower (,rice.
11 1Vhen you buy an article from us by nutil you are assured that
the goods will satisfy you in every respect. 11'lor any reason they
Igo not conte up to your expect.ltiony, return them to us and wl.
will re'f'und your money Or exchange the goods, paying transpor-
tation charges both ways.
11 WVemanufacture large quantities of Women's and lien's Clothing.
High speed machines, saving tine; expert designers and cutters,
saving • cloth ; each operat•.1' on one lisle of' work, saving in
quantity and quality; working the year round, saving in cost of
production ; thorough workmanship and good material, saving in
small amount of goods returned.
' Many of our custonw.s have verified in letters to us that the
above statements are true. The continued eustotn of whole
families and their re"onlit)endation of us to others is ample
assurance that our methods and merchandise please the p'op'e.
Your neighbor has been saving a sic•' bank account by &,'.*ling
here by mail. Won't you make a trial ?—incl be satislii d also.
Prompt and efficient service is the corner stone of this business.
On the very day your order is received, it is started on its way to
be filled. 1r )i title, that salve day it is shipped. No unnecessary
delay is permitter(. Expert sale51)"ol►1i' have each order in charge
and make the selections according to the (keire of the cu:.i.unler.
Any advantage in style, quality or price is freely given.
'T. EATON C Lirei7ED