HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-18, Page 4J.HE EXEZ1iR TIMES, MAR. 18th 1909. Coughs and Colds For the piompt relict and cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse nese. Loss of Voice, t.nd all affections of the Throat and lunge and for general debility. Get a bottle of Perry's Coto• pound Syrup of White fine with Tar or ferry's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites of Lime and Soda. Sold at Brownings Drug Store BY LAW N 0. BY-LAW to authorize the issue of $ebentures of the corporation of the Township of Ueborue to the umount Q! Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($2(l,, 00) for the purpose of granting aid t0 the extent of Twenty thousand dol- lars, ($20,000) to the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company. of the grading of the said portion of the said Railway ; Five thousand dol- lars ($5,000) upon the completion of the said grading and of the payment by The sit. M•ary s and Western Ontar- io Railway Co. of the steel and ties to be used in the construction of the whole of said road. told the purchase or other acquisition of the remain- ing right of tray fur the remaining portion of said road; and the remain- ing floe thous:end dollars. (5,000) im- intdiete•Iy after the bald Railway is in operation between the Town of St. Marys and the Town of carnia or some other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Iluron and when said station buildings, freight sidings and cattle yards are completed ready to be used. ANI) \\IIEItEAS it is advisable that the 'Corporation of the said Township of Usborne shall enter into the said Agreement. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TUE TOWNSHIP OF l'SBORNE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1 Aid to the extent of Twenty thousand dollars. ($20,000) is hereby granted by the Corporation of Me Township of Usborne to the St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail- way Company in aid of the said Rail- way which is to be constructed from the Town of St. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or some other point on the St. Clair ltiver or Lake Iluron. The said Twenty thousand dollars, ($20,- 000) to be advanced to the Said The St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail- way Company as set out in paragraph WHEREAS it is advisable that 2 of this Iiy-late. the Corporation of the Township of 2 That if at any time within six aborne grant aid to The 6t. Marys months after the final passing of this cad Western Ontario Railway to the l Ily-law, the said Company enter Into eitent of Twenty 'Thousand Dollars, an Agreement with the said Corpora - 020,000.) tion of the Township of Usborne to erect, equip and maintain a station and Freight building, siding and Cat- tle yards for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight. at the roadway leading from the Post Office or Village known try Winchel- sea to the Post Office or Village known as Elimville at some point us nearly as possible equally distant from the Villages of Winchelsea and Elimville; And shall further agree that they will erect, equip and main- tain a Station and Freight building Siding and Cattle yards for the pro- per handling of passengers, express and freight at the boundary line be- tween the Townships of Blanshard AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Usborne for the sum of 'wenty Thousand Dollars, ($20,000) hereinafter provided, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By -Law, the proceeds O f the said debentures to be ap- plied to the said purpose and no other. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one timo and to make the principal of the said • ebt repayable by yearly sums dur- Ing the period of twenty years, be- ing the currency of the said deben- toes, said yearly sums being of such and Usborne, at some point as near - respective amounts that the aggre ly as possible equally distant from gate amount payable in each year the Pillages of leirkton and Wood- ier principal and interest in respect ham; And shall further agree that dpI said debt, shall be as nearly as hpossible equal to the amount so pay- able is each of the other nineteen ears of said period, as shown in chedule "A" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount equired to be raised annually by a pecial rate for paying the said debt rad interest is the sum of Fourteen undred and seventy-one dollars and izty-four cents, ($1471.61) for the eriod of twenty years. AND WIIEREAS the amount of the .hole rateable property of the Cor - oration of the Township of Us- orue according to the last revised. ssessment Roll is $2,418,675.00. I AND WHEREAS the said Corpor- ation has not now any debenture aLbt whatever. AND WHEREAS the said Company itroposr to erect. equip and maintain Citation and freight Building, Sid- ing and Cattle yards for the proper andling of passengers, express and t at the roadway leading troll; the Post Office or Village known as Winchelsea to the Post Office or Vil- lage known as Elimville at some point as nearly ns possible equally distant from the Villages of Win- o belsea and Elimvillc. AND Whereas the said Company further agreed that they will erect, equip and maintain a Station and Freight building. Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handling of of passengers, express and freight. at the boundary line b:tween the Town - S hips of Blanshard and Usborne at ;some point as nearly its possible eq- ually Villages ofy distant from the Kirkton and \Voodhatn. ANI) \\•1IE11EAS the said Com- pany have further agreed that they will erect. equip and maintain a Station. Freight Building. Siding and Cattle yards. for the proper hand- ling of passengers. express and freight at some point in the Village of Exe- ter. ANI) WHEREAS the said Company propose to enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Town- ship of t'sborne to so erect and con- struct said stations. freight buildings, 'sidings and cattle t;ards, and for the Completion of the slid road on or be- fore the first day of December 1911, such Agreement to be entered into 'within six mom h.e from the date of 'the final passim; of this Ily-law. AND W'11E1tEAS the said Com- pany require that• the said Corpora- tion shall. tvhen Glee said agreement is ao executed deposit the semi of Tw•cn- ity thousand dollar3 (, 0,1100) to the joint credit of the eeel corporation and the said The St Marys & eV( et - ern (st- ern Ontario Railev:'). Co. in a chance ed hank in the Village. of Exeter. and also require the snid Corporation to tenter into an As reement with the said Company to zany the said sum of Twenty thousand dollars ($:.0,000) they will erect, equip and maintain a Station, Freight Building, Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handling of passengers, express and freight at some point in the Village of Exeter ; And shall further coven- ant that the construction of the said Railway. the erection of the said Stations. freight buildings, sidings cattlesal be completed and yards,shall at or beforthe First day of Dcem- ber 1911 ; And shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Said Corporation, the sum of Five 'Hundred Dollars as security to the Said Corporation that the said sum of $20,000 shall be re- paid to the said Corporation without cost if the said Company fails to carry out its agreement, then, and in such case, the Corporation of the said Township of Usborne through its proper officers shall enter into an Agreement with the said Company to deposit the said sum of Twenty Thous- and dollars, ($20,000) to the joint credit of the said corporation and The St. Marys and Western Ontario Iteilwny Company in some Charter- ed flank in the Village of Exeter. and shall further agree that the said Twenty thousand dollars ( $20,000) shall he paid to the said Company as follows: Five thousand dollars ($5,000) thereof upon the completion' of the survey of the said railway from the Town of St. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or to some other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Huron. the approval of the plans thereof by the Board of Railway Cominissioners, and the completion of the purchase or other acquisition of the necessary right of way from the Town of 8t. .Marys to the Village of Exeter; Five thons•ind dollars ($5.000) upon the completion of the grading of the snid portion of the said Railway: Fire thousand dollars ($5,000) upon the completion of the snid grading of the slid portion and of the payment by The St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company of the steel and tics to be used in construction of the whole of said road and the purchase or other acquisition of the necessary right of way for the rern:tining por- tent of said road. And the remain- ing Five thousand dollars ($5.000) innued,ittlely After the said railway .s in (11Fartalekei between the Town of St. Marys tta4 the 'Town of Sarnia or some other :pain( on the St. Clair River or Lske Huron and when snid tiu:1 buildings. freight sid:ng' and c ' t t i.• yards are completed ready to b.• a ca ; and all interest accruing on els• money so deposited shall belong .o 'Hie said corporation. .\N I) the agreement shall further provide that if the debentures issued an la r the authority of thi.+ Ily-law • 11 ill not yield the sum of Twenty eie.• :rad dollars, 020,000) then, .. 1 : a each case. the deposit by the to the said Company ae follows: 1'iee is Corporation of the proceeds of itho isand dollars ($5.000) thereof up. seri' debentures shall be aeeeited by on the eempletio'a of the survey of the Comp:ury as perform:ince by the the said railway from the Town of Corporation of that part of said 13t. Marys to the Town of Sarnia or to Agreement requiring deposit and the some other point on the St. Clair 'aid Company shall accept such pro - River or Lake Iluron. the ttpprovnt ee•'d•( in lieu of said sem of Twenty of the plans thereof by the Board of Thousand dollar+ ($20,000), but the 'Rain. ay Coronal; siot:ere. and the : •i'l Cotiapeny shall tea filial settle - completion of the perchsse or oth••r eit be entitled to si match b•it uo acquisition of the ;accessary Right ce vier. of the interest ac: ruing on the Way from the Town Of St. Marys to n a:. y • , d:•pisit •d :i.: may be re - the Village of Exeter; Five thousand .liur•.1 to in Ike up th' full sure of dollars (115 000) upon the completion "••••n"y '1•hr:u•.and dell:trs ($20.000) Why Take AIcoho? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. 1'ou need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse, these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him" and find out. Follow his advice. c. ,� t,e► (n. l.olttlll, JL�n:d. endorsement of your doctor will certainly greatly increase your confidence in Aycr's u a family laxative. Liver pipit. All vegetabk. Ask your doctor about than. AND the Agreement shall also pro- vide that upon completion of the pay- I ment et $20,000 to the said company any balance remaining deposited :,hall be paid out to said Corporation by such chartered hank on cheque signed by Treasurer or other proper officer of said Corporation. ANI) the said Agreement shall be signed by the proper Officers of the said Totcusbip and shall have the seal of the Corporation attached. 3 That for the purpose of raising ing the s'tid sutra debentures 01 the said Corporation of the Township of Usborne to the amount of Twenty thousand dollars (820,000) as afore- said, shall be issued in sums of not less than One hundred dollars ($100) each, and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration for the time being and coun- tersigned by the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation, and duly sealed with the Corporate Seal thereof. which Seal. the Clerk for the time being of the said Cor- poration is hereby authorized and dir- ected to attach to each of said De- bentures. 4 The said Debentures and inter- est may be payable at any place in Great Britain or in this province and may be made payable in sterling money of Great Britain or in Cana- dian currency. 5 The said Debentures shall be dat- ed upon the date of the issue thereof. and as to, both principal and inter- est shall be payable in annual instal- ments within twenty years from the date of the issue thereof. Such in- stalments to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year during the said period of twenty years shall be as nearly equal as may be to what is payable for prin- cipal and interest during each of the other years of such period of twenty years. as hereinafter set forth. The said debentures shall bear interest qt the rate of Four per cent. per annum front the date of issue there- • of, and the said interest shall be payable yearly on the day of the month which the debentures are is- sued, the first of such instalments of interest to become due and be paid in one year after the date of the is- sue of the same. 6 During the currency of the said debentures. there shall be raised an- nually by n special rate on all the rateable property in the said Corpor- ation of the Township of Usborne the sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy one dollars and sixty four cents, ($1.171.64) for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for the principal and interest in respect of the said debt, as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 7 That it shall not be necessary for the purchaser or intending pur- chaser of the said debentures or any. of them to enquire as to the perform- ance by the said Railway Company of any or all of the conditions neces- sary under the provisions of this By- law to entitle the said Company to payment of the said money or any part thereof. 8 That this By-law shall come in- to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 9 ,That the votes ot the Electors of the said Township of Usborne en- titled to vote on this By-law be tak- en on Monday. the Twelfth day of April. IOOa, commencing et nine o'- clock in the forenoon and continuing until Five o'clock in the nfternoon of of the same day at the following places within the said Corporation of the Township of Usborne by the fol- lowing Deputy Returning Officers; Polling subdivision No. 1. Town- ship 9(ali. Eliwville, Sidney Andrew. I). it. 0., George Kellett, Poll Clerk ; No. 2 Lot 6, N. Thames Road, John W. Berney, D. R. 0., Daniel Dew. Poll Clerk : No.3. S. 1-2 lot 3. Con. 10 Usborne, Thos. Washburn, D. R. 0. Hugh Marry. l'oll Clerk ; No. 4, Pub- lic hall. Farquhar. John Duncan, Jr. R. It. 0., Sills Shier. Poll Clerk. 10 That Saturday. the Third day of April 1909. at Two o'clock, 1'. 1d. shall be the day and the Clerk's Of- fi:. it the Township Hall in the Village of Elitnville. shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend at the t various polling places aforesaid, and , at the final Bumming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons in- terested in urometing or opposing the passage of this Iiy-law respectively. 11 That the Clerk of the Corpor- ation of th • said Township of 1's - borne shall attend at his office its the said Village of Elimville at nine o'clock, e. m. on Tuesday, the 13th day of April 190. to sum up the num- her of votes given for and against, this Ily-law. NOTICE The above is n true copy of the proposed 13y -law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained there- to. niter one month from 4 he first publication in the Exeter Times news- paper. which first publication was on the 1St da y of March. 1909, and at the hour. day and places herein fixed for taking the votes of the Electors. a poll will be held. Dated at Usborne this Fifteenth day of March 190). FRANCiS e101tl.EY Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne. Schedule eA" referred to in the annexed By-law No..show- ing how the amount of $1471.64 there by required to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year Principal interest Total Amount 190) 671.61 800 On 171.61 1910 8'::8 36 773.2e 471.61 lel 1 721.4$ 715.16 171.61 1912 755 48 716.16 171.61 191.3 785.72 (185.92 171.61 1911 817.16 651.18 1915 84')8$ 621.76 1916 F' 3.e 1 587.54) 1917 91916 552.48 1918 1'65 92 515.72 191') 994 29 477.11 1920 1013 96 4:7.68 1921 1075 32 3'10. !922 1 118 :''2 31 :..2 '�l 'a 01-.04.69 . S 11 19.21 12')).53 262.08 1925 1257.96 213.6`! 171.61 1926 1308 2't 161.:6 171.61 1927 1360 60 111.01 171.61 1028 4415.12 56.52 171.64 171.6; 171.61 171.61 171.61 171.61 •71.61 ' 171.61 171.61 171.11 171.61 171.01 CASTOR The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bee in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature and has been made under his pe -‘44? 4 sonal supervision since Its infetne • Allow no one to deceive you in thl All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -es -good" are ht Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health Infants and Children-Experleuco against Experimeu What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare• gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "%Yornui and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy end natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS 1 The Molsons Bank 1 Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL (Paid up) .... $3 600.000.00 RESERVE FUND Has tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transected. Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HU Ft DON, Manager • • • •Na••••••••••v•••••••••..••••••••••••.. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 11107 B. L WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,001 Reserve Fund, - 6,000,00 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Beak are a most courted way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations $10, $20, $60, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fran*¢ Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office 1 of the Bank. 131A Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager The Kind 'You Have Always Bought Branoh also at Crediton. In Use For Over 30 Years. THE C.RTAJ. COMPANY. TT MURRAY •TR [T• NEW VON. CITY. Flatulence When every bite you eat seems to turn to gas and your stomach and intestines cause you end- less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en - tiro system needs a thorough housecleaning. ,y 9 I��Yr• • •t=v't,. REG U•. ;; r'Ar Of T.r F.: 0 .ate �A BL cures flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturb- ance -inactive liver. Take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. Better than Pills for Liver Ills 50 ) For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. Ell mvIlle Mrs. Probis, of Michigan, is visiting at the bottle of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacques. Wm. Hera le intending to move on hie farm next week. He intends mak Ing some improvements to his barns during the summer. Mr. J. Kellett to about to move to Exeter. Austin Morley, of Whalen has been engaged to work for W. Parkinson during the summer. Mr. John Jacques has returned home after spending a few days in Exeter visiting relatives rind friends. WANTS HER LETTER PUBLISIIED For Benefit of Women who Suffer frorn Female ills Minneapolis, Minn.-" I was a great Sufferer from female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read so much ofwhat l.vdia E. i'inkhan►'s Veg. etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help nu', and I nttist say it did help me wonderfully. My pains all left ate. 1 rete atconger, mid within three months I was a perfectly well woman. "I want this letter made publi, to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound." -Mrs. Jonx (1. Mot.IAN, 2115 Second St.., North. Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu- ine testimonials like the above {{prove the efficiency of Lydia E. I'inktiam's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs. Women twho suffer from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. ityon want special advice write to lin. I'inkhani, at Lynn. Mass. She will t rent ottrletterasstri tl y � c y confidential. For 20 yeare she '•:e thigleen vra,ffreeitof charge. sick inen In l)on't c' tittrY=-ty,.� .AL:`:T aesiMte -- write at once. Hensall Mrs. Swan returned last week from ith her daughter bas been quite ill of so. who reoently un - operation is able n pleasant visit w in Toronto. Miss Jean Cooke for the past week Mr. L. Stirling, dement a serious to be up again. Mrs. Duncan J. McF.wan and little child, of Calgary, are visiting rela- tives here. Mr. Richard Nichol, of Manitoba, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. L. Moffatt left last aveek for the northwest, where they intend remaining. Two rinks of our curlers went to Exeter last 'Thursday and were suc- cessful in defeating the "coop 'er up" men of that town three straight Ra ince. At the meeting of the Presbytery of Intron, held in Clinton on Feby. 2nd, the following motion, relative to the resignation and removal of lter'. \V, M. Martin, of Exeter, was pass- ed: The Presbytery of Iluron here- by place on record their high apprec- iation of the services rendered by the Rev. W. M. Martin. 11. 1)., during bis pastorate in the congregations of Exeter rind Chiselhurst. Owing to the scattered condition of the people and their numerical weakness. the field has 3 11 more than usually diffi• cult. hitt under his superintendence s:i1isfnctory progress has been made. in every dcp ertuaent of his work ns pastor and as member of the Presby- tery be was endeavored to do hi. duty. and from first to Inst he ha• enjoyed the confidence and the esteem of his own people and of his co -Pres - byte's. As a citizen his record brie been iqu:aIly honorable. In the cause ot temperance and moral reform es- pecially he has always been regerded as n wise and trustworthy leader. If yes are au,fering from Catarrh or C>.1,1 in the head scrd t, the CUROL SALVE Cee., Spading Ave., Toronto, (cr a free trial of CUROL. It cures Catarrh sed relieves a cn!d in the head, sere thr'at or a ti -ht chest like magic. Rub CUROI. well into the Farts affect:A ani Inhale the healing essences. 25c a b ix of &I L'rtiggists and Dealers rr Fos'paid bora I'e p-errieto:s on receipt of price. HEALING, SOOTHING, ANTISEPTIC. syQoos 01 me C0111 1100 Norm_WNI HOMESTEAD REot;LATIoNB.;;I Any person %%•h° is the sole head of a /mile, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter sectoni of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta. The applicant roust appear in person at the 1)otninion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be had at the agency, on certain conditions. by father. mothet son, daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upou and cultivation of the land in eaob of three years. A homesteader ma) live within nine miles of his home- stead on a darm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may lire-ompt s quarter section alongside his home- stead,. Price $3. per acre. 'Duties - Must reside six months ineaoh of ail years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn hotnestoad patent) and cultivtae fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his hotnestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chnsed homestead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Inferior N. B. -Unauthorized pnblication of this missals, ! Conveyancer Accounts Collects* MONEY to loan at lowest rates. DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman dr Stanbury Main street -ExETIR. N. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un TPretty. office and residenence. DOmtnIOD Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. �R. Bright, M. D.. ICC. P. an$ •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un• iversity. Two years resident physiciask • Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. OI$ce• y and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds tor mis•1 Pnb upon farm or vtilage r roperty ab laaves • abes of Interest. DICKSON St CARLINO Exebee DICKSON & CARLiNG, %Triatere taollettore Notaries.teonveyeaeaea• commissioners. Solicitor@ Por the elsoas Bank, Ebo. looney to Loan ab lowest rate@ of Int.erest4, Olt1OEr-eAnt STitev..T, IeXSTi r a. CARLIrfo B. A. 4 M. D,IX 4 (`1ONEY TO LOAN. WP Rats s large amount of private hinds sea co term and village properties at Iowrate (MADMAN a: STANBURY SArrtebers 13olleteors. )stain Ft. Exeter ERNESTLELLICT ment will Dot be paid for JuOC 01Silltinoes The man who is a judge of gond clothes cae not fail to appreciate the excellence of our Spring patterns. Our display of new Hustings, pantinga, veatinge, etc., fairly blooms with Spring appropriateness. if you are a gold judge of oods and the makeup i we can certainly please you with a snit of clothes. 1f you are not a judge of goods or tailoring then Come Here by all Means Come for the reason that we have the reputation of selling the best goods and knowing how to make them, and we live up to our reputation. You take no chance when buying here. Just select your goods, let tie take your measure and you may safely leave the rest entirely to us. (live u9 nn opportunity to denionstrtte to Tou I liat we know our business from A to Z. We ask vole not to buy your 8prirg Suit until you come and Fre what awe esti do for you. J. H. Holtzmann The Presbytery are thankful to God for the work lie ti:as been instrumen- tal in nccotnplishing during his pas- torate of twenty-six years within their bounds and they pray that he may he spared for ninny yenrs to ren- der further service. and that his wife's health any b,• speedily and completely restored. The next meet- ing of the Presbytery will be held in Clinton in May next. STOMACH DiSTitEiS. Every family here ought to keep some Dia pepsin in the house. ne any one of yon may have an attack of in- digestion or Stotnich trouble at any time. day or night. This harmless preparation will di- gest anything you enc and overcome a sour stomach five minute` after- wards. if your mei le don't tempt you. or whiz little yell do eat seems to fill yoa. or I y+ like a lump 1 nr lend in your stomach, or if you have henrt- hurn. that is a sign of Indige.etion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50 -cent case of Pape's Diapeusin and take ono North West lands for sale. Office. Main Street. Exeter DR. (4. F. ROULSTON, L. D. RI, D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OiFICR:-Over Dickson & Carling'. Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors tri:uagulc after sut'p r tonight. The will be no sour risings, no belching of ut:digested food mixed with neid, no stomach gas or heartburn. fullness ' or heevy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dize ziness or Intestinal griping. This will n11 go. and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseon• ()dot s. Pape'a Diapepsin is n certain euro for roll stomach misery. because it trill take hold of your food and di* gest it just the aline as if your stomach wasn't there. Actual, prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your Pharmace ist, waiting for you. These large 50 -cent cases contain, more than sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or indigestion. Women with pale co lorless faces %rho feel %soak and discouraged. will receive both mental and bodily vigoti by using Carter's Iron fills. which aro made for the blood. nerves and complexion. HiGH SCHOOL NOTES A meeting of the Literary society of the Exeter High School rues held on Friday March 12 from :3.30 to t,:30 p.m. The bnsiness of the meeting was fol- lowed by n pre.gram given by Form if P0110%. ing was the prner:trnrne: iiettd- ing, 'Tons PPnhale: an essay. G. Bee- tle: reading Willie Montir•th. A de- h.ite, resole• d "that (epeee) leazeheth was a better queen then Queen Vic- toria. Debaters were, afllrtnalive, H. Jones, V Sweet; negative, A. Cole- man, ev. Wilmot,: reply Ly leader of the allli m:itite; judges ,.•tired to de- cide the waive.' Is; 111(1111hrogue solo, L. R'Ptson; reading. Nellie Array; essay 0. Fold: decision of judges read. it was in favor of the r egat.ive side; journal's,. q iestinn dratea; mouth Organ solo, L. \Vatr o ; co -Jeers re- marks t'th (ilod '•, r to t l mai k. ,\(lI Par to Save the Wm /. Ano: her averting will be held on Friday, Mr r,la 2(1 in Form) I1,hien :4 toIr.M. 1