HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-18, Page 2Q i i i l l t 't -i -i -t-1 i I..l..i,•i-e-i~9-i•t • Fash11U11 U e 111tS. ..i.ti i{, i�l l •i -i o f~t--i• 1••1-1 1-i FADS AND 1 .1NCIES. i+ 1ALDEITA111 111D�VINTER ; (;; ;�Al,e buildings. \Well,that It !s No Troubo ACUTE I�DIGESTIG�I IN L() NOItTH Here the people 1 --- r of Edmonton last nig it. VE \F1TH TIHE. . 1 are certainly in north. What good winter -skating, curling,- ski-ing, dancing, then • - who have no such winter to bo cosy in, ye un or uua deprived! It reminds of that grief which the sailor expressed during a storm at sea for the unfortunate folks ashore who were liable to ha%e slates and chimney puts blown about their cars in bad weather. CHEER UP. To Work Now �l[t. 1W. 'TllO1iS0\'S Clt.\I'll- love with their $� Says Miss Elsie J. Allen 1 'I Williams'the Timely Ilse 01 fun the v have all Y t !l S1►E'I'('ll OF 01.111.\'Cl•.. 1 using the ��, �ilPink fills. enjoyment , quite l ,t, Kidney Care' Aft:)- Usin< Dodd's season for of 1 hl. net' Pills. There is no medicine can equal ing all those h t R f t to Dr. Williams' Pink fills for sto- mach troubles. Those Pills are not an artificial appetizer nor a stimu- lant. They act in nature's own way by making rich, red blood. This new blood gives vigor to all the or- gans. When it flows through the tiny veins in the stomach it stimu- lates them and creates that crav- ing which people call "appetite." Then when the appetite is t sastied with food the blood gives mach strength to digest it. The nourishment is absorbed by the blood, a d carried to every organ ii• the body. That is how Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure stomach troubles and all blood diseases. That is how they give health and strength to weak, worn out peo- ple. Port Mr. H. Thomas Curry, Maitland, N. S., says :-"About three years ago I was attacked with what the doctors termed acute in- digestion. The first indication was a bad taste in my mouth in the morning, and a sallow complexion. Later as these symptoms developed my tongue was heavily coated, while the main branches were especially int tho morning, ands stark grey, since, from them the telt began ddlel. My eft - snow had blown or fallen off. tits began to dwindle, apd even a light meal left me with a sense of Everywhere horses were "feeding having eaten too much. As 1 grew out," as per Canadian immigra.- worse I ate barely enough to sus- tion literature, whose assurances tain my body, but still experienced on this matter I never quite be the most acute pains. A wretched lieved before. These horses, which languor came over me which I could lie down to sleep wherever they not throw off. It seemed as if f chance to feed last, appeared un - were always tired, with but little commonly shaggy, for the exposure strength and frequent violent head' causes them to grow long winter aches. The remedies given me by coats. So it is with cattle. These my doctor, as well as many others, must be more or less fed from hay failed to restore me, or even to re- or straw stacks, else they go very liove me. 1 was in this very unhap- thin before spring. py state for almost a year when I read in a newspaper one day of the ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT. cure in a. case similar to nine The quickness wit through cattle through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This decided me to and horses adapt themselves to long before I feltchange of climate is such as signi- fied relief from fled by Ins following facts, which I give these Pills a trial. It was not the distress after meals, and as 1 ive on the authorit • of Mr. Car- } continued the use of the Pills all gathers, Winnipeg,: an eminent languor and drowsiness and head- (leiter in furs and hides. Suppose, aches left me and I began to en- he says, a cow bore twin calves, joy increased energy and now the two indiatinguishablc. Take strength. To -day I am a well man, one to Mexico and the ether to neverg the best of the old trouble, health, with Peace River, some 'WO miles north ander a twinge of tof Edmonton. The calf in Mexico and I attribute my cure entirely to a very thick hide. and the fair use of Dr. Williams'willPink growlittle hair. The calf at Peace Pills." These Pills aro sold by all medi- ltiver till grow a very thin hide vino dealers or you can get them and long hair. Again, consider by mail at 50 cents a box or six muskrats. A peace River rat has boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- much fur, end a hide so thin that Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, it will not long hang together when Ont. sewed, hide to hide, as lining for 4,__.... -..overcoats. H(+nce it is a low- priced pelt. The best muskrat pel- OFFICI:R MAULED BY A Lie\, tries are those of New Jersey, where the bide is thick and the fur thin, When Wounded, the Savage Beast because such pcltries endure when Sprang Upon Him. sewed up as coat. linings. Know - Among the passengers who ar- ledge of these interesting facts in rnatural history once put a pretty other day, Plymouth, England, tho penny into my informant's purse. by the P. Lieut. G. steam- Every year ho goes to England. er Marnlorn was Lieut. G. S. An -Once visiting the London hide ex- change he saw a lot of hides put up f 1 b number. Ile bid them ThereTouches i cfcolor still everywhere.aare ragefr bcao lrrork. Stripes are to be unusually popu- lar. A new high linen collar buttons at the back. The one piece princess dress is popular. Velvets in narrow, shaded stripes And favor. The new spring suits continue to have buttons. Washable tulle predominates tot • the summer blouse. Long sleeves will bo worn on all the tailored suits. Tulle and linen jabots aro as po- pular as ever in Paris. - Glace gloves still hold first place for hand coverings. Tegal straw is the finest material for the brimless hat. There is a growing possibility of plaited skirts again. Gold tissue will be much used for sleeves and yokes. Frocks niay be buttoned down the front as ,,well as the hack. Shirley poppies aro lovely as a trimming for black bats. Most of the embroidery seen now in the shops is machine made. A device to do away with stock- ing darning is the gummed patch. The separate waist and skirt have almost disappeared from view. "Puffed cut full at the back" is the Paris decree for the hair. Filet net stockings iu lisle and in silk are the rage of them' me e. Color embroidery, black, cream and ecru will be much used. Whig gloves are no longer worn in the street, or, indeed, anywhere. Tho grays and tho pastels pre- dominate among the fabrics offer• ed for Easter. When two immense roses appear on the same hat they are unusual - 1y flat in shape.. Jet has not lost its popularity, and it appears frequently upon gowns and hats. It is said that steel or bead stud vied leather will bo a novelty of the season. Many of the tailor mades for the advance spring trade aro of the three pieced kind. There is a fad for lacing the sleeves all the way up on the out- side of the arm. Lace will be more than rivaled in popularity by embroidery and braid trimming. Tho "flower pot" crown of a hundred years ago bids fair to be a favorite millinery shape. Iluge ruchings are going out and in their place aro seen crush rib- bon and satin folds. Pretty chains for muff or coin purse may be made of a plaited rib- bon to match the suit. Many of the whits and light tint- Berson, Eighteenth Hussars, of cd Pmts have collars and cuffs of Devilish. Lieut. Anderson, wile black moire or satin. has been attached to the Intelli- $en, of the new skirts have fire, once Department, is suffering Seven, or Wino gores, with panels front blond poisoning, the result set in the fide seams. of a mauling received froni a lion Linens are either heavy, almost a month or six weeks ago, on the like and crash, or they aro borders of Somaliland and Abye- thin and fine. siniR. Fabrics fur spring are softer and ]n company with a native ser - glossier than ever before, but are vent, Lieut. Anderson went out for Arnicr Greenf htas been heralded as the P. day's shooting. Finding a lion at modish tutor for spring, but the short distance, he fired, and the latest report says bro,%n. shot grazed the animals skull, The manufacturers evidently be- slightly wounding it. The infuri• sieve that the pu: pies aro to have rated beast leaped upon the officer, smother season ut strenuous vogue. throwing him to the ground, and lade made nt 1'Risley, Scotland, and Velvet pekins are once more re- bit him through the knee just as onlitlod "Scotch marmalade," iooiiing attention, the stripes alter- he fired a charge from his double- which is as superior to all ether hating with the velvet. barreled sporting rifle through its wbieli marmalades as Scuts will Silk fibre laces are much worn in head. The aminal continued to mode,: ly acknowledge ttemselyea wilt long sleeve underbe'dies with rccep- claw and bite }him, while Lieut. be to ether sorts of men. 1 tion gowns particularly. clubbed an fighting for his life. • h th • Paisley article, and pro- tactics] and skirts are being son- clubbed fess to bo a connoisseur pro - Coats aachcd with fine Bilk braid of the n from the wounds of iu m° color and lh • lion, which was of unusual size. Laud of Litt{e Snow-_ Seldom a foot 1)ccn on Canadian Prairies. The following graphic sketch of winter conditions iu Alberta is by Mr. E. W. Thomson, the Canadian correspondent of The Boston Tran- script: There is very little snow on the prairies; not enough toeuv r wheat stubble. Its golden yellow fields of white. Every slough that bore high grasses last fall is now visible in all its outlines by the dull color of that growth, which quite hides the snow. Generally the vast obvious expanse is a symphony of white and grey austerity, wood- land and shrubland furnishing the darker coloring. For many miles in Alberta a singularly beautiful picture effect came of the curious way in which recently fallen poplar slung to the very tips of p p and willow twigs, which thus ap- peared as bearing white flowers, Cheer up, chappie; don't you fret. Smile, for that's the way to do. Not a bit of use to get Blue. Care's an easy thing to whip 11 you give it biff for hiff. Try to keep your upper lip Stiff. Nothing like a grin and grit To repel a hard attack. Laugh at measly luck and hit Back. Better than to lore your grip. Nothing's apt to hurt you if You can keep your upper lip Stiff. Worry never makes you score, Hopelessness will never pay. Always darkest just before Day. Your day's corning, take my tip. Don't with fate get in a tiff. Just you keep your upper lip Stiff. • • b1X1'EN('E A 1i Et:lit. 1CAI'SF. A Gi I:AT SENSATION. All a Family of Five itad to eels-TORTI•RED BY 1tI1El'MAT1S$1 on in London. Zaii -lick Will Give You Easel A remarkable story of poverty Just at this season when the cold was told at the Coroner's Court in dry winter is giving way to a milder London, Ettgltutd, lata week at an y't more humid season, th3 germs inquest of Jane Alice Noble, aged of rheumatism, sciatica, and allied three. the daughter c.f an "eta- ailments canis upon ter victims ployed bookbinder , f Sydney with renewed force. Grove, Cosi: ell road, (''..rkcilwcll. Mr. P. G. Wells, of 3;33, Ogd The buffered from Weakness and Kldoey The tltutlter said that site went Street, Fort William, Ont., say Trouble', but the cid Halt -able Kidney nut t0 buy a little coal, and upon "Following mi' duties in att Remedy Cured her Cctnple[cly. her return found her daughter in to passenger traius 1 often g St. Croix. N. B., March 15 flames. The child was wearing through with rain and stt'a u (Special). -That the pains and flannelette undorclothiag, and she .letter in winter). this with hours weakness which make life almost could nut afford a fireguard. She, of duty in icehouses in summer unbearable to so many women aro 1 her husband and children came out I was no doubt the cause of ray con- unbearable and completely cured by( of the workhouse a few weeks !1e tracting rheumatism in heti, knees, using Dodd's Kidney Pills, is once fore Christmas, since when her , left arm, and shoulder. This got husband had been doing a little I so Lad that I could no longer work, hawking. f and was lard off on three different The Coroner -$ow much docs occasions tor several weeks, dur- he cars on an averllgo tin \\'fitness- ing which I was under the treat - Last week we only had 2s. eel., sir. Intent of my doctor. I seemed to The Coroner -How can you live? i get little if any better, no matter 1 suppose you get outdoor relief 1 whet I tried, and this was my state Witness --No, sir, we manage as when 'Lam Bt:k was rc eommerded hest we can. We have a penny- to me. I laid in a supply, and to worth of bread and a pennyworth , n great joy it began to cure pro. of coal. ` 1 rubbed it well in every night Continuing, the witness said that' and when a few boxes had been she, her husband and three chit- ! used, found I was free again from dren lived ill ono room at. the rent ;the pain and stiffness of rheutua- of 2s. a week. (tism. I have had no more trouble The Coroner -That only leaves! from the disease and unhesithtingly you ed. to live on? \\'it:icssr-Yes, i reoonlmend Zam-Buk to all who • suffer from rheumatism, muscular stiffness, etc." Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for eczema, ring -worm, ulcers, absccs- ces, piles, bag leg, suppurating wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, chap - more shown in the caso of Miss Elsie J. Allen of this place: "I suffered greatly from kidney) trouble and weakness before I be- gan taking Dodd's Kidney Pills." 3liss Allen says. "I was to weak I could hardly get around, and work was almost impossible. Lifo was a struggle till I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I began tak- ing thein and soon felt better. I took seven boxes in all and they cured Inc. "I can now do my work the year round and do not feel it. -My back which used to trouble me so mucic is well and strong and I don't feel any pains at all " - •i• A Woman's Sympathy Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain these heavy physical burden? wernen— L have been discouraged. too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve sour bur- dens. Whynot end rho pain and stop the dnetor's bill? I ran do this for you and Wilt if you will assist me.from the other two. All you need do is to write for a fre box of the remedy which h^s been pince" In my hands to be given away. Perhaps • 8hi1 fi'eCare WtilalWays thls ono box will cure you—it has done so for others, it so. I shall bo happy and you will bo cured for 2.: (the cost of a postage stamp). Tour tetters held confi- dentially. onn- wentt.,at)l11S. F. E CU•+iiRA•L1.v for niv wle eler. oat. The root of women's troubles is The a itncss told that on one oc- in the kidneys. There- is not -a casion a lady gave her ls. Gd. weak, suffering woman in Canada The Coroner's utticer said that that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not he found the room very clean. help, and in nearly every caso There was, however, ar y a • •Dodd's Kidney Pills will work a of anything in the room, with the ped hands, cold cracks, and all complete cure. exception of a hox, which was used skin injuries and diseases. All drug. -e. as a cot and table. The latter was gists and stores sell at 50c. per used by the man and woman as a •box, or post free from Zam-Buk ENOUGH. bed, k t Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. the coveringbeing a blan e Dashaway-"I want you to meet and a rug. Ile found not a scrap Mrs. Dasher's eldest daughter. She of food in the place. i; the most intelligent of the three 'p of them " There is nothing equal to Mother There ought to be a plank in every political platform guaran- teed to give tho candidate a walk- Cleverton - "No, thanks; I've Graves' Worm Exterminator for de- over. learned more than I ought to know etroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. Repeat lt: eseticees cure will always curd my coughs and coltl,s. Repeat o "This is the seventeenth time Rslse Th m Without Milk. curen,Yoougheand colds." I've seen you in the dock," said CALVES n„ti et free a magistrate, looking at a prison- ` steer+arh[:•3••Ir o..LrL;Ter—_ "Jane,” began Mrs. Newlywed er sternly. "Yes; for eight years timidly, "I don't suppose -or -that now, I've seen you sitting in the LOCAL AL AGENTS WANTED you would-er-object 1 my chair, buti rr� complaining about t '1 E '1 inatru�trona l,ata.oKus prisoner reproachfully. If a henpecked husband had as much spirit as a mouse perhaps his wife would bo a little afraid of ,}lira. A Recognized Regulator. --To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is tho aim of physicians when they find a pati- ent suffering iron. stomach irregu- larities, and fur this purpose they can prescribe nothing better than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which wilt be found a pleasant medicine of surprising virtue in bringing tho refractory organs into subjec- tion and restoring them to normal action, in which condition only can they perform their duties properly. Some fellows can't even dis- charge a duty without making a noise like an explosion. cue my caul and coled ire will alwa>rsf Evers- time the average man makes a good guess he has a lot to say about his superior lodgment old-er-ob'eCt toget a I've never thought of s„!, ed Pu rt:ttt4,rrarno,a'J trt8l•oc:atand ting an alarm -clock?” "Not at all, b t 't 1" replied the Big Pr u. °' Pamples free. ma'am!" replied the sleepy maid. PORTRAIT SUPPLY co., 74 DUROAS'i TOReNTO "Then things never disturb me at - all!" P. N \\T iLFLTARLR1T� k (o� us during Dore t11,/ Oougha and co 3• ,aro hon: a selling aur h1Rh staple •e shoe too small?" tender- ly ofhis sweet- heart, who was moa cramped toes."Oh, no! The shoe cold3." ar over ( +,ads to Perfectos!, qtr _P Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup rine e»�yhoti Work Pie "anta,utr° +°araLne. is an unparalleled remedy for Is the Rhe Hone bpeeialthe+ CO., Digit. w, Traub, Colds, coughs, influenza and dis- li asked a font) 1 t �ren11 n' ronetia a pie eases of the throat and lungs. The h tying about Repeat It:--'Qhtloh's Cure will always fame of the medicine rests upon TK E Y years of successful use in eradicat- is just right, but my foot is too big ing these affections, and in pro- -that's all." Letting mankind front the fatal rav- ages of consumption, and as a neg- Viz odd, You kflo~" will Deems great oat leered cold leads to consumption, t„ the h,nze. hip the pe,il h, the bad with one cannot be too careful to fight Allen's Lung salaam, a euro remedy oontatat*L it in its early stages. Bickle's Ao opiates. Syrup is the weapon, use it. When a woman meets a man after her own heart, the chalices "Mr. Buskins," raid the proud are that he isn't. father, shaking the young man warmly by the hand, "let Inc tell you that you aro a. man after my own heart." "Oh, no, sir," pro- tested the blushing suitor; "I'm after your daughter's!" old DrM don't fall to take a teaspoon- ful oonti - it -Five Post Cards a+sorted. Iandacrpeo. dowers. +!e ere, oars::c. etc, for tea cents. V„15MAS Y6:Nr., l.ondou, FRUIT LAND. Eire sere.. rin.e 4. rail a',1 +•ahr..ace•, n r• Price roil. tenet. Atsa city and anburb..n lots and acreage. UEOItOY6 6 Iia,-,tinya eft. W., Vancouver. Realer in l lilt' 0 sing 1 Cleaning! Suffer No M. re. -Tilers are thou- se ts. ••n tattooed .a,wert to tr. sands who live miserable lines be- •rBBITt$* A5l5 IOAN dYSIMO CO' cause dyspepsia dulls the faculties lass tee Meet In ryes tele, er Ned ur.t and shadows existence with the Weatr�l,Toronto. Ottawa, Qecb cloud of depression. One way to __--- dispel the vapors that beset the vie - fol of Painkiller resod a tth a [hale of h.•t water ) sed tiger. 11 sures prevents hdlg. An,ld sub- � them R course Of I arI1tC1CC'8 Cge- O! Sae Y stains+, there 1+ but one " 1 alntUler —ferry i talito Pills, which are among t}t(' in because he observed them to he TM dada eta It They Nn tpb 1 she DtentMt Darii—S,c. and sx. hest vegetable pills known, )sing' from Mexico, at (the usual by , foun.l In "The1 �n B L" +tenth 41 Plaotcr, w hi •1' easy to take and aro most CfIiCACI- "puttnumber" price. Now, said ho, rb.umsInsta lyhscktcahe'hea•lachs, neura:ata, A physician upon opening the�(,u9 in their Rrtiun. Atrial of them "put them on the scales."They door of his consultation room ask ++.ill 1tu this. weighed so much more than the A small bo 's idea ofpoliteness ed:"Who has been waiting long- y " I I 'Ire spoke up the usual that they were immediately bid in nt twice what he had bought at ten minutes earlier. Thus do the tru'y wise profit in this vale of much ignorance. The only other important fact picked up during the journey is that there is an orange marina is not to ask for a second piece of esti ,• p :1nd the old hen plc tailor, "I delivered your clothes (f her own. three months ago." �+. Holloway's Corn Cure is the illalwa • BEAUTIFUL ►A^,SE3 P3ST CAt119 moves in a set AMNON medicine t remove nil kinds of Rep-alit.-"f9htloheQurew 1 ,•„+.c, An7e1., Rabbit', •t r., ars cure mycouah* and colds.” ).,,,r 'A,eu to g..ld ou each e.. ! e e oras And warts, Aild ley l'nsts 1' ® N•,rman feel $1. t4Co., each for Oat. the, small sunt of twentyr ucnts. You can't have :t mild winter and hear the jingling of sleigh bells, too. ;NOT Cr. y Il ug sisads(-olds pill sleets the lion with the butt end tried it Many a man who never suffers it in the from gout will tell you that his of the rifle. All the while b!°od sent. left foot never feels right. A negro was passing under a• was streaming scaffolding where some repairs' lined to match. c iu IN GRI::1T SCOW BELT. TeareaT Down Mimes die+ not doily strong, were going on, when a brick fell •-•!r The native servant, although; Opiom lad"n "me.le;ln•+" m,r,l.^ k runthin[' fl'Om Rbovo O11 his betel, and was 1east, f it t17.er,.td ease 1M.n••t trifle ; o. hen y-'1 hreln practically unarmed, rushed to rho Down down south in all cough tale Allen's Lung Balsams, pre. Eros broken by the fall. Sambo very TELEPHONE AND LliiR:1RY• aid of his injured master, and ate aged parts of the continent people 5Ilan',fullufbeileWa over. coolly raised his head and exclaim length the aminal, exhausted frnm commonly imagine this dear north ed :-"hallos, you white man up c An Interesli;lr_.--Csperintent Iielne the loss of blood, slunk away, icav- to be n region o[ much snow. Thnt Mrs Blunder has just received a der: 1f you don't want your bricks Tried at Cardiff. ing T.ieut. Anderson atmust over is wrung. The great snow belt in telegram from India. "What an broke, just keep 'ern off my head!" C'n('diff, Wales. putaesses in its I: conte, and in a very precarious eludes Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, ad,nirnhle in+cnti•m the telegram r _ `'l' etc. It docs not include \Winni- is!" she exclaimed, "when yutt Time Has Tested it. -Time tests to consider that this message all things, that which is worthy lives; that which is inimieal to to man's welfare perishes. Time hna proved 1)r. Thomas' Eelectric Oi1. From a few thousand bottles in the• early day= of its manufae- tare tlic demand has risen ao that now the production is running into the hundreds of thouoands of bot- tles. What is so eagerly sought for must be good. PROOF. Indignant -"four boy threw a 'acne at Inc just now, and barely missed Inc.'' Mr. Clrogtn-"Vez say lie m:,ced, ,•e 1" "'That's what 1 understood my- self to remark." '•Well, it was net my b'y " He .•'f1,, you renlenll,er the night 1 l,rup,)s=t-d to yea 1" Silo ••\•Ca. clear." He -"We sat for c'ne hour, „ nrd you re er of cncd your to nth Che --''We +, 1 remember. den r.•' •Iso --"Alt, that was tho hatleiest bout of mylife•" PROMPTING HIM. "If my memory," slowly answer - e.1 the reluctant witness, "servos n e rightly---„ "One moment," interrupted the c) oss-examining lawyer : "please remember, Mr. Stick, that your latmory is under oath." public free library an institution c•►nctl hon. e hies claims distinction for the Subsequently the lion was found , peg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton. spirit .of enterprise permeating its dead at a little distance frnrn thei Iletee'('n Sudbury, Ont., and Fort system of management. The latest, scene of the encounter. The in- \Wil:;;till the white blessing dimin- and perhaps the most notable. il- jured officer was conveyed to the ishe, notably. 1t is seldom a foot luatratton of this is to ho found in cr,ast, and at Aden embarked for deep en the C'anaOIan prairies. In the establishment of a teloplwno London. where he will be treated Edmonton the street ears are run ing airy department. in a hospital. without any expense for snow- blr. Parr. the chief librarian, _-,t�__ sho•.elliug, an item of great cost in et a' ed rcee:lily that during the Ottawa and lontreal. Here the sliest. period it has boon in exist- k1;' P IIIIi,DRE.I WLui,• streets are covered by a thin tell - verythe depart:nte:!t has worked form while; no heaps from silt - very satisfactorily. The inquiries An occasional d.,es of gentle laxn- form and cur tracks; «toighing ex- recciced cover very wide range. tive such as Baby's Own Tablets cclki't. Fancy a white expaliso from question' relating to eonscrip-. will clear the stomach and bowels two hundred feet aide; n single row tion, ch,-opf retion and hollers. to of all offending matter, and vie (,f lillcndred fe brilliant electric Indies' fans, hedge -lege old ny•' ;, 'idle ones well n d Kapp}'• lamps down the middle as far as p^111Lio l! and tailoring. But tl e i t:e4 reason the Tablets Omelet eye •'1 it 1'r•Ae�l : ai011rld every lamp pollt•y of the committee is to make fie kept in every Name. Mothers a pri.matic )halo; more stars m'rr the ratepayers feel filet they al.,' have the guarantee of a g•,+'ern- heart than you et er dreamed of, and getting value fur money, And a= meat. analyst that this mt dici„e e+erw one aide -fling to dilate as it a consequer.•'e the n+:ml►er of tri' • I; contains no opiate ,.r harmful drug. , ►rklcs ; see'mn chimneys dilate off a .esti ins asked over the tcicl ; el,. (•• •►. McLean, C hrin7field, N white smoke that tiisnppears almost instantly; men and women fur - cont ed and intpiety face -co' ered in fur. nil striding fast : fe►ct:•teps crisply grinding dry, hna) ',now ; a settee of exhilaration with (eery 1+rcc'th cs.haled Rs A little cle,nd; all thin in streets rornarkehly citi- qt 1• aingnlarly small. Where tiro,' . � � . , • � 1 have used [.n.,) s own required for an answer to be gi+c:+ 'hal,';. t. aad k.tow them to be a the inquirer is rung up later. Its r ere f r n!1 the minor ills of child - stiles borrowers of books are able, }hood. 1 recommend them to all to find out over the telephone whe- mother'. Sold by medicine dcal- ther a certain interne is available, ers or h; snail at 23 cents a hos and to ask for it to be kept until romBThe Dr. Oat. Williams' Medicine eallsd kr. .,o • •'Nd• conte has come a distance of thousands of mild, and the gum on the en- velope isn't dry yet. \.'e can always • hear the troubles of other people with admirable for- titude. :tT .:1'. •'1 1 l?SU'I;'NO. 11-03., PR. 1,1NT'S BUM' DE%•ELtil•Brt Will develop pan had (rein tie', to three lncbee In a ,e.7 short time. ABSOLUTELY IIANM,.vat. Pr". Comm mac:atiuns utrtct e+ pr THE EDW'013111 M1DICINI C e:1 IS.ithuret St.. T••rout••, t paid. tA'ri:e for Weekly Pr:ce Lista, Shipment• Solicltsd. JOHN HALLAM • TORONTO, ONT. '��; -•x..•-..i.>.•'.. ?rt '�'d.. 21 iF,I.)11g0 It 14 Llf-ra • USED IN ;r , t'• Leading Consefvat ries. Colleges, Schools, 1 hestres, and in thousands of heirs where a Piano o( distinctive merit is appreciated. The 11x11 is tl•e only piano with the illimitable Repf ating Acti•in. ART Send for (fife) Calalugue :\O. 3• ¶. DELL PiANO UOrL'3n co.. (-fretted C3UCLPH.OIITAR10. FU WANTED IMMCOIATELY 200,000 MUSKRAT WS $ Y all OMR 1(INS$ Or FURS. SWPNF:i'B SOLICITED, The Monteith, Strother Far Co. 'I and 11 t 1'"`h `h 1 OR'.'170 f"y 1