HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-11, Page 8'11.ti1 E X1J1 EK t'1111.J✓S MAR 11th11/09 f++++++++43,+41'++•+++++++++f•+Nf+•4'd i+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 SPRING STOCK COMPLETE And Ready for Your Verdict. We arc told that our showing of new dress goods are the finest in Exeter. The assortment is large. the style new and values as usual the best. Shadow and self stripes are correct for the sea- son. We show some beauties. 60c. the yd. in lovely shadow stripes in all the new shades e f (fray, Move, Green, Brown and Navy. 60c. the yd. for all wool Chiffon Mirror cloth. Lovely finish. Swell for suits. 1.11.00 the yd. for to swell range of new satin finished silk stripes, all the new shades, , ..:.,.1.-i•''t••f•>-''"f ++''o't••i i'+'iI ++++f++d'+++++++++4.44 - Extra Special Ladies Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose Double I Knee, Double Heel, Double Toe regular value 40c. f Our bargain price -the pair - 4.,L 25 cents + + +++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++e+-1. Do You KnoW We are showinga great line of Ladies ready to wear Tailor 'lade Suits, made from (Chiffon mirror finished broadcloth tritu- vith silk tapestry stitching and large buttons, ('once and take a see, we can fit you. Prices are not high. Millinery Show Rooms Are Now Open We are ready to care for all early orders. Mints Auld is in charge. The change in hats for this season is very marked. While the hats are large they are trimmed very flat; you'll like them Conte and see the new style. We believe we show the largest assortment of Room Rugs and Linoleums in the County. Our Rugs range from •6.60 to 630.00 Any size ar.d any color you want. Our seecial seamless Brussels and Wilton Rugs are Beauties. Come and bring your friends with you. It's nice to study the new styles. Ask to see our new Velvet Rug $22.50 J. A. STEWART +++++++++++++++++•.c+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++++++++ 1 + + + + + + + Upholstering Nov is the time to have your Parlor Suite, Couches and Chairs Upholstered. 1lonse denting will soon be in seas )n. \Ve do the uphol- stering that tviIl satisfy vou and we will call and gt t the work and deliver it again without charge. We also Lay Carpets, Old or New 1t will pay you to let us lay your carpet. All kinds of rep tiring done. You can let us know either by card or calling at the shop. JAS. BEVERLEY SEEDS FREE If you ask, you can have a package of seed of this marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce included absolutely free with ottr stew handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata- logue. This lettuce is nearly as largeaud solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather surprisingly well, and has a rich, buttery flavor. if you prefer, you may choose a package of our Colossal White Sugar Beet or a package of Ostrich Feather Aster Write to -day and nam* your chole.. She mention nam• of this paper. Seeds .1 tisk marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce Duch & Hunter Seed Co., limited, aro given away fro* London, Ont. Sexttmith twit bin shy walls, Oh Jerusalem." Neither can we lose sight of your tin- e- eerie forty. -Thr neighbors of bounded liberality to the church of ?dr. and Mrs. \\'m. Northcott stir- your choice and all good institutions. prised them at their home on the You have always shown n willing - 2nd con ,• on Monday evening. March Hess to help on in n11 good things. lath and presented them with n boon,- We shall gnus you in all the details tiful chair each and the following of n consecrated life in the church address• and in the social circle in which you Dear Brother and Sister Northcott. -On the eve. of your departure from this community we would like in some way to give expression to our feelings. in the first place we re- gret thtt you are under the necessity of getting away from an active life and seeking rest in a more retired situation. .1s nn intelligent and in- du.trious farmer you are lensing an example not only to your boys but to Ihe• neighborhood et large. But w here yon have endeared yourselves to us the most is in your wsrm at- tachment to the church of God. Your fidelity and never ceasing zeal in the 'Master's cause have won for you golden memories that will never fade or grow dim. We can never forget your faithfulness nn the means of Grace. in all kinds of weather you made your tiny to th• house of God with the determine tion and purpose Of the Psalmist. "Our feet shall stand moved. We want you both now to 're •e- t h •e • gift • as uo•mentnes of our regard and esteem praying thnt you may be long spared to spend many comfortable hour• of sweet r••st its the same. feigned on behalf of the neighbors by one of the oldest resi- dents. -Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Mr. Northcott made n very feeling reply on behalf of himself and Mrs. Northcott. The rest of the evening tons spent in music and other nmese- menes. After it hearty supper pro- vide(' by the ladies of the community the people left for home feeling that they had spent it very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Northcott intend leaving for their new home in Exeter this week. Mrs. A. SWildfong i'. at present waiting on Ger mother. Mrs. C. Ald- worth, at Ezert►who. we are pleas- ed to note. is ree prints from her r• - r,•nt illness. Market Report, -The following is I Miss Neva Snell. of Loudon. is the the report of Exet•r markets. sot- guest of 31rs. Satnt+ell. r, ct, d i..1, to \larch IIth. Miss hate Stewart. instructress in I',,s. bac. dress -making. is in town and has Wheat a1.Oa. engaged th• room over E. EIliot'si Oats 43 to 45. office. Itarlt•y 53c. 'I he Rice -knight tilt;:. Co.. of Tor- tihorts, 4'2,. ligan t�2t onto, tcho have been exhibiting their Klendid Flour. STAR, $3.00. Feed in town. furnished the Feel Flour tti.40 to $1.46. lighting fur the banquet in the Opera • Alsyke r6 to fR per. bushel. House last evening. (•'over a. to tib. A tea in of hockey players went tot f.mothy 1 to �' 1 • r. bushel. Tuesday evening to play a Rutter 22 cents p"pound. return game with the team of that Eggs, 20 cents. towq. We hate to tell the score. (logs, dressed, $8.50 but it was 20 to 0 in favor of llen- 11ogs. 1iweweight 6.80. sill. We have been asked not to give Coal, $7.25 a ton. the names of the local players. Dried Apples 6 ccntlt. Rev. A. 11. Going left yesterday for AM,tncey, where last evening he united in itr,rriace the Superintend- ent of the .� , c • • Inattt ute 'few. T. T. George. to .in estimable lady. who for some time has been the matron of the Institute. • Mr. Joseph Senior has on exhibi- tion in his window a lemon grown to the home of Mr. Geo. Kerslake, Lum- ley. The lemon weighs one and three quarters pounds and makes the or- dinary irnported fruit look small itt coo pa rison. WANTED -Girls to learn dress - \,., king ; also experienced dress- urokrrs. wanted at once. Miss V. Tr, bl. . DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR 8UR- geon, will be at the Commercial llotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. ret. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eve ear and nose treated. Next- visit tiaturday March '2 7�. TEACHER WANTED For school section No. 5 Osborne. male, with second class certificate preferred. to commence duties after Easter holidays. Apply to J. N. Perkins, Exeter Ontario. North \Vest Lands Bought and Sold. \V,. have a number of applications for northwest lands in quarter and half section lots. Any one having western lands which they wish to dis- pose of, will do well to call at the Times Office and get particulars. a••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS ••• •••••••• 1••••••• The Time; till Jan. 1010 for Seventy Five Cents, 'fell your Neighbors a- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - it. ++++++ :••i•+++++++•t•+ :•+++++++ Mr. J. G. .Ione. spent Wednesday in London. '.1r. Chas. Linderfi, ld was in Lon- don Tuesday. Miss Carrie Knight has returned from Ilderton. Mrs. 'Maria Gill is visiting rela- tives at 'Ailsa Craig. Mrs. A. E. llodgert visited t i ves ir. Toronto last week. 75C. rela- Yttoue �'_' THE OLD RELIABLE New S hlt6Cdr1 WhIt6CaF1 This week brings us again to the time for opening up and marking o8' our white wear, which has open- ed out to our entire satisfaction. We have this year with out a doubt, better styles and better qual- ities in White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Ira1' ers and Gowns than we have shown for years. White Waists No. 940 No. 900 Goods Are now ready for your inspection. New dress ;goods in all the leading col- ors. in plain clothe, fancy stripes, and plaids. All at teasonable prices. We In white India Linen lawn trimmed sell Oraftons prints. All guaranteed with Munro and Val Lace made in fast colors. new style with long sleeve, sizes 3240 Price $3.50 Gent's Furnishings. Mrs. Jeanette Ilrimncombe, relict The newest colors in shirts and ties, of the late Thomas Brinincombe. and fancy braces. also a full stock of boots mother of William ltrirnaconibe. died and shoes in all sizes. in London Thursday evening after a Clean fresh groceries always in stock. brief ihllness. aged 68 years. The remains were brought to Exeter Sat- urday morning, the funeral taking place from the G. T. R. station, in- terment being in the Exeter cemetery. Mr. Willis Chipman. of Toronto. was here Wednesday of Last week inter- viewing the council regarding the in- stallation of n waterworks system. lie was accompanied by the council around town and secured all the data possible and will forward his report to the council shortly. A visit was made to the river ttnd Mr. Chipman expressed some surprise that the stream had not been harnessed long ago, and an electric light plant operated by water power. On Saturday the 6th inst the ex- ecutive committee of the \Vest Huron Teachers 'Association met in the Mo- del School !Clinton for the purpose of preparing the programme for the next Institute meeting in Exeter. May 20th and 21st. The following mem- bers of the committee were present Miss W. Howard, Exeter and Messrs G. W. Shore. Dashwood. .1. 11. Ti- gert and J. E. Tom, Goderich, and \V. II. Johnston. Brucefield. In the absence of Mr. .f. W. llogarth, pres-i dent. Mr. J. Iiartley Clinton occup- ied the chair. An excellent pro- gramme was prepared and it was de - Elder Elliott is learning the bakery aided to procure the assistance of trade itt W. J. Statham's. some leading educationist from a Mrs. T. II. ',McCallum visited her distances London over Sunday. A Reactionary Storm Period is central on the 15th. 16th and 17th. This period leads directly into the Venus period. combined with the growing 3lars disturbances• and near the center of t'arth's equinox. The character of storms and weather at this time is problematical, ns the Mars influence will begin to domin- ate the elements. and it cannot be positively foreseen which way its in- fluence will turn. In any event, the days will show tis excess of perturb- ations-thiit is, storms of rain, thun- der and wind, or of snow and boreal winds, will be of very decided char- acter. ',V . believe that the latter will prevail. and that the liars in- fluence about this time will set a winter pace which will characterizethe weather generally far into April. The most interesting hockey match that has been played here for some time took piaci. Friday night be- tween llensa11 and Exeter, when the home team won by :3 to 1. The game was replete with several good plays. but at times was rough. Shepherd. of the visiting team had one of his teeth knocked out during a scrim- mage. At half time the score was 2 to I in favor of Rxetcr, and during the last half Exeter annexed the final goal. The following players took part Exeter 1'. Fleeting. goal: ,8. Bawden. point : R. Southcott, cover point : C. Dyer. rover : F. llan•kshntw, centre; 11. Martin. left: G. Acheson, right. Hensel) players Rickard. goal: Cameron. point ; .Harold White. cover point ; White, rover ; Stacey. centre ; Ituchannn, left; Shepherd. right. "Tommy," Mr. J. A. Stewart's de- livery horse. while standing in front of the residence of F. W. Madman last Friday morning. took exception to the barking of n dog and dashed along Janne sir �.•t. Tommy didn t stop to tura at Mein street, but con- tinued through the Central hotel arcbtwny. leaving aportion of the delivery sleigh at the entrance. 11e continued through ilissett's livery biro, but was stopped by a portion of the rig colliding with a door. An Exeter hockey team consisting of S. Ilawel••n. 11. Martin, G. Acheson. F. Boyle. l'. Fleming and G. Palmer went to Lucan Iasi Thursday night to with a return match ith Lucan. The game resulted in a victory for Lucan by 10 shots to 9. In the Inst five minutes play the Exeter players shot for a goal. the puck striking the side of the net. breaking it, it por- tion going inside the net and the rest going outside. This would have tied the game. but th • shot was not al- lowed. daughters in Mrs. Geo. Anderson is visiting her mother Mrs. H. Elsie, of Fingal. M:ss May Armstrong has purchased :e tfiillinery business in Lucknow. Mr. \\'m. 'Monteith, of the Thames I:oa•'. left yesterday for the west. Mabel Mara. of I ucatl, is the of her sister Mrs. W. 8 Cole. .:, v. 'Cowan. of Chatham, preached in the Presbyterian church Inst Sun- da y. '•ir. W. Ii. Gregory, of Stratford. was the guest of his parents over Sund.e;. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, of St. Joseph, were guests of Mrs. U. Mack over Sunday. Miss 'Maria Scldon, of Ingersoll, has returned to continue as milliner for ,tones '& Clark. Mr. 'Frank Bowden. druggist, of Toronto. is spending a couple of weeks at his home here. Crossley and hunter will commence a series of evangelistic meetings in St. Marys March 21st. Mr. W. J. Wanton was in London Tuesday. being culled there owing to the illness of his grandfather. Remember the lecture Monday even- ing March 15th. 'In Jaynes street church by Rev. Jas. Livingston. Messrs *James Walter and Peter llew•den. returned Friday evening after a ten days' visit to the Soo. hiss Auld, of Essex, has been en- gaged as milliner by .1. A. Stewart. Miss Auld commenced her duties last week. The citizens of Exeter last even- ing tendered a banquet to Rev. W. NI. ,ll,irtin in the Opera !louse. I''ull- er pa rticulnrs next week. Miss Itweet. of 'townrinville, re- turned to town Saturday. and hos resumed her position as trimmer for Miss A. Morlock. milliner. Attention is called to the adver- tisement of C. 1'. Hooper, who has White Wyandotte eggs for sale. The stock is the best that can be secured. Miss Annie Cobbledick, who hes been employed by the T. Eaton COM - piny. of Toronto. hits returned to her home here to visit prior to going to Vancouver. Mr. 11. 11. Morning. of Crystal City. Man.. spent part of last week the guest of his cousin Mr. C. 1'. Brooks. Mr. Fred White left Tuesday for 1)••troit. '1r. 'rhos. }landlord made it shie- r. •nt of a carload of excellent horses t•, Winnipeg Monday. The shipment e. is in charge of Wnt. Hrock. of 40. \ inehelsea. 111)11N Mr. Donald Motherland es -M. 1'. 1'., TUOMPSON-in 1'shnrn.. on Mond.ey for South Oxford has been appoint. d M:irch Rth. to Mr. find MIS. 1'hotnpson a son. by the I'rot•inci:t1 government as di- rector of Colonization. %with offices at the Parliament buildings at Toronto. At the 3rd Annual lianquet of the London Rolling Milie Co. held re- cently in London. Miss Jean Walker was on the progrnm and gave a read- ing which at is well received. .1, W. Graham. of St. Marys. Secy. of the St. Marys. Ontario and West- ern Itailwny, was in town Inst l'ri- day in connection with the by-law to he submitted granting the railway company :410.1/0f1. Mr. Thos. Russell very pleasantly entertained it number of his former Thames Road neighbors at his home on Andrew street Inst Friday even- ing. A tory enjoyable tint.. Willi MAitltIED WA',ltONIt- in Aylmer. on Friday. March 5th, Countess Amelia \\'nl- rond. wife of J. A. Gillett, aged 24 years and 2 months. Deceased wns a daughter of Wm. Walrond. of \Woodstock, and niece of Mrs, Geo. Atkinson. of toren. BQt IRE-\BRILEY - At Whalen, Wednesday. March loth. Minnie May daughter of Mr. rind Mrs. Frank Morley to Mr. ilarvey Squire. SPA It LING -11011 GE -At F'ullarton. Wednesday March 3rd. when Miss Minnie M. (lodge was united to Mr. Percy .4. Sperling. of she rd'. spent. DIED 1 MAcoMI E -in London. Thursday Mr. W. W. Taman returned Tuns -1 March nth. Jeanette relict of the IIRi d •y from Detroit and Toledo. where[late Thome. 13r'macomhe. raged 611 h,, spent the past week s•.curing new year.. ideas in fnshionnhle• dr for gentle- GI NNINt;-At Whalen on leandny roan. also becontine acquainted with March 7th. Wm. Gunning. t.gt'd 8o the latest styles of cutting• ye are 1 months riled le ditys. R. N. ROWE To work well, eat well You can't work well if you don't eat well. Yot1 can't eat well if you don't feel well. Are you thin weak run down. nervous? Have it cough or cold? Take _ BRICK'S TASTELESS r OIL COD LIVER O L and you'll' feel new life. returning energy from the start. Keep it up till your flesh comes back and you feel like eating everything in sight. Then you'll be strong and able to take your place in the fight, Good physicians recommend it. All drug- gists sell BRICK'S TASTELESS W. S. Howey, Phm.• B. Chemist and Optician EXETER - ONTARIO. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business in Ex- eter, I have placed a new and up -to date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and ft•oin the station and re- spectfully solicit a fair share of the business of the travelling public. Falls at the office, Phone 41a, cheerfully attend- ed to WM. ARNOLD Blacksmith Shop For Sale First class stand doing good busi- ness; also comfortable residence. III health reason for selling. For terms and porticulars apply to A, E. P1 M, Exeter, Ont. NOTI6[: '1'o Farmers and Public if you have any old iron, Rubbers, Rags, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, bring it to M. Jackson & sons The Old Reliable Firm Where you can get market price in cash. All sizes iron pipe, also iron posts 0,1 hand. M. JaeKsoo Main St, opposite Electric ('ower House. :•1 hMALI. olt LARGE i3AG. of n fine grain. white nutritious "Star flour." is sold ns our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get your grocer to give you our kind neat tion and see TIIE S1'I'EI*IOI1 RAKING QUALITIES that "Star Flour" possesses. Metter and more wholesome. because of it secret process that we put the wheat through. Don't forget. HARVEY BROS. No. 890 In white lawn heavy embro front trimmed with Val lace and Insertion Extra value, sizes 34-40 Price $2.50 No. 935 In fine white lawn trimmed with embro and Val lace. Sizes 32-40, Price $1.50 In fine linen lawn with embro front tucked sleeves and back, trimmed with Val lace and insertion. Sizes 311-42 Price $3.00 No. 889 In white lawn trimmed with lace and insertion with shoulder effect and long sleeve. Sizes 34-40 Price $2.25 No. 870 In white lawn nicely tucked and extra value. Sizes 32-40 Price $1.23 NO • v ll 866 In Whits Lawn trimmed with Einbro Insertion and Val e. A perfect fitting waist, sizes 32-40...... ...Price 1.00 CARLINC BROS._ We Repairs 40 FORTY 40 All kinds of Boots and Shoes for you CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. se ►••••••••••••N•••••••• • • TEACHERS of ripe se•holar- 25 chip, wide teaching and busi- ness experience in leseling Can- adian and American centres, en,pto� ed by our chain of liigh• [;rade Corteges, have built up a suppeenor, unapproaehe.l curriculum, Foch student is inetruetetl prlrately at his own desk. We assist our graduate,' to the hest positions. Three'courern -- Cou,utcrciat, Stenogra phy and Telegraph}. Mail Courses. l toer any dad•. write for particulars. i Clinton Business Callen GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. 1 •••••••••••N•••••••••• • � CENTRAL fi�#14( STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands in the fore- front as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. \Ve have three departments, COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND oo TELEGRAPHY. • All departments are in charge of experienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good positions. Students are en- tering every week. Write for our free catalogue at once. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. • • • • • • • • •• • ••••••••••••N•••••••••••• SNAPS 1 *30 Disc Grnphophnoe $15 1 *20 Disc Grnmapfione $10 511 75c. Discs each 50 cents 1.000 needles 75 cents 1 Good Organ :It a bargain Will sell any of the above on the installment plan *5 down ,all or $?2 per week. Edison's Phonographs *17, $39. *h2 $100.00. Edison records 65e. and 40 cents. Drop in and see them anytime no trouble to show goods. St. I'atricks and i nster curds on sale, in great variety. THE PURITY 1 :tnndittn Express Building. White Wyandottes Good '.tying Strain 1st pen. $1.50 for 13 eggs. 2nd pen, *1.00 for 1:3 eggs Three settings of incubator lots at special rates. 1st pen headed by bird bred by .1. S. Martin. 1'ort Dover: 2nd pen headed by real good bird of my own raising. Either pen needs no comment as to anality. Communica- tions answered promptly. CHAS. 1'. IlOol'Elt, 'lox 157, Exeter, Ont. AI'l'LiCATION To PARLIAMENT. An Application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province et (ntario, rat ate next session its the Stratford and at. Joseph itadial Bail- ttay Company for an Act ext. nding the Unit• for the commencement and for the completion of th • Company's railway. .1. t', Vine. rat, !Solicitor for. the Dated at Ottatia the- 21t11 day of Applicants M4rUO 1 -18 son A. February A. D. Itt09, 8. New Suitings in Greys, Tans, Browns and Greens, Just arrived styles same as cities, but prices much lower. All our stock is new and up-to- date. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor..` EXETER, - ONTARIO. 4 RAND TRUNK SY'SEM Settlers Low rates to certain pointe in `iast"- atchewttn and :Alberta. via Chicago or Pott Arthur, each Tuesday during March and April. Pgcific Coast Excursion Daily Until April 00th. VANCOUVER. B. C. SPOKANE, WASH. SI3ATTLE, WASH, PORTLAND. ORE. for $14.45 One-way second-class front Exeter TO COBALT ANI) GOWGANDA The Pioneer route is via Grand Trunk and T. & M. 0. 'lty's. Full information front J. J. KNIGHT, Deptot Agent. or write J. D. MCDONALD. Union Depot. Toronto. Oat. SETTLERS TRAI TO - MANITOBA, ALBER SASKATCIIEW' icy Canadian Pacific direct Ila• For Settlers travell.nr with livestock and effects Special Trains leave Toronto Each TUESDAY t■ MARCH ..dAra1L .1 10.18 Settlers ars families without livestock should use Redular Trains Pitying Toronto 10.115 p.m. daily Tcurist Sleeping Cart Fastest Tome COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Chard• for a.rth. Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full inlarrratton and tree copy of "Settlers' tutde" or writs R. L Thompson, D.P.A., C.Y.R., Toronto A Man's Li A Man's life in fell of crosses an temptations. He routes into lit world without his consent and gtoes out against Lia will olid the toad is ex- ceedingly roescy. The rule of Contraries in one of !ho tttiportnnt features'.? the trip, When he it; very !elle the big girls kiss him and when he gets big he klee- se the little gills and settle of the pig cues tote. 11 he ' eases a large family he its en- doteed 1 v the i'remier.. but if he mite small • toque he is a t !lief. But 1 ,.ying the t ight Piano from the right I'• elite at the tight Price nlnkett hint n. ' her n t hump, it thief or n blot unarm{ e. And Ilia children will tie* tip nf'• tall Itirrl We eink we are the right people to buy fi II). We Krow our I'ieno. and Prices ;ttt' right; --Call and let Its con- vince yon. • .,