HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-03-11, Page 1Neter THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR—No 1848 •••••••••4>NNNN••N••N.N•NNNN••NH•4f r • • ••• ••N•••••••••••••••••••t1►•••••••NH••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. New Spring Goods for the Early Buyer Our Stock is Fast Filling Up NOW that Spring is almost here you will find it to your advantage to secure your Spring and Summer wearables early. We are all ready for the early shopper with our magnificent show- ing of new Dress Goods, Trimmings, Linen Suit- ings, Ginghams, Chambrays, Vestings, White Waists, Whitewear and everything that is new for tho coming season. New Spring Dress Materials Exclusive Cloths, Latest Colorings An aristocratic showing of the very correct French and British Suitings now ready for your approval. A prominent feature is the surprisingly stylish clothe at popular prices, 50c, 75c, $1.011 per yard. New Grays, Greens, Blues, London Smoke and a charming range of Blacks. A meth •dealin1 been p pare$ Beautiful New White Waists This season we are showing the largest and most stylish range of dainty White Waists we have ever put before the peo- ple of Exeter. Every waist is a garment of style; long or short sleeves. Prices from 51 up to $4.51). Dress Skirts Are a big factor in our store this season. They are very handy to secure being all ready for wear. Nice Voile with Satin or Silk trimmings. Serges and Panamas are the leading cloths. Embroideries and Insertions Frunt the one inch trint- niing to the IS inch corset cover Embroideries. We have a very large assortment as they will he very notch used for this season. Colored Underskirts Of Silk, Heatherblooni, Moreen and Sateen. The col- ors are blue, green, brown, grey and black. An ideal Underskirt to thatch any suit you may buy. All at very low prices. Wash Goods Now is the time to buy them. The new Prints, Ging- hams, Chatnbrays, Linens, Vestings and Muslins. Our stock is large and the pat- terns are correct in the sea- sonable shades. HOUSE FURNISHINGS For the Spring House Cleaning New Lace Curtains " Madras •' " Swiss Muslin • Tapestry " Mattings Linoleums 44 New Wilton Room Rugs " Velvet " Brussels " Tapestry " '• Wool " Medallion " Carpets It 1 • Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated •W. E. Sanford i Clothing also high grade •shoes and wall paper. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111Don't Neglect the Unequalled Opportunity Being offered to the residents of Exeter and vicinity to consult an Eye•Expert right in our own town. HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETI EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. MAR. 11th 1909, School Reports The following is the report of the • month of February of the Grand Bend school. V. total 200 Ware Oliyer N. 6. No. 2 USIIORNE 140. IV. total 200 Jennie Desjar- dins 133. Simeon Dewey .130, George The following is the report of 8. S. Oliver 1.28, Theodore Ilse 91. Hr. III. ('sbornc for the month of Febru- total 200 Maurine +Revell,. 160, Sam- ary. Names given in order of merit uel Carrier.. 145, Ivan Green 93, Rus - based on weekly examinations. V, set Mollard 73. Gladys Disjardins 70. Ethel 'lunkirl, May Darch. Sr. 'IV. Jr. 111. total 200 Florence Gill 157, John A. Turnbull, Annie E. Turnbull, Veda Fritz 153, Dolly Dewey 150, Erna Meryl Snell, Viola Ilunkin, Willie Fritz 125. Myrtle 'Rat/elle 115, Elton, Jeffrey, Charlie Allison, Coursey Green 110. Sr. 11. total 200 Cather - Brown. Milton lfodgert. Teressa Cow- inea Dewey 1:32. Susie Disjardins 1:30, ard. Sr. III. Jean Allison, L1eu•ely- Welland itawelle 83, Francis Dewey and Stewart. JONI11111 Monteith, Jett- 70. Pt. 11. total 100 Willie Williams sie Hodgert. Nellie Stone, Linnie 1'ol- 95, Alice Funnel) 90, Tuella Green 89, len. Jr. 111. John 1lodgert, Harold Mabel Down 85, Margueritte Cnrriere Turnbull, Garfield Brown, Charlie 80, Leonard'tavelle 78, Davld Baird Coward. Sr. 'II. hazel Nankin, E. 70, Arnold Ilavelle 60, Nelson Stat - Stewart, Ether McDonald, John Cot- ton 50. l't. I. total 100 heaths Des - tel, Mary McDonald, Jr. 1I. Gladys jardine 95. Leonard Patterson 85, Duncan, Harold Jeffrey. Charlie Cot- Hazel Fritz 80, Maurice Liedeman 77, tel, Charlie Turnbull, Lellian Kay, Ella Down 75, Freeman Clark 60, Eddie Pollen, Charlie Monteith, Ro- Fannie Baird 55. Josephine Allister land Williams. "8r. I. Violet Stewart, 50. Gordon Tiedeman 35. James +Ilodgert. Jr. I. Charlie Jef- M. Macaulay. Teacher. frey, Nelson tllunkin. C. A. Gowans, Teacher. The following is the correct re- port torS.s. No. . 0 3 Stephen for the month of February. Sr. IV. J. Ho- garth, W. Shapton, E. Shapton. Jr. IV. Pa V Parsons, V. Hogarth,Willis, J. tut O. Preszcator, E. Welch, A. :Willis, E. Box, Geo. Hicks. III. M. Willis, it. Parsons. Sr. •II. G. Stanlake, L. Sanders. C. Treibner. Jr. 'II. T. Wil- lis, C. Parsons. L. Sanders. Sr. l't. IL 'M. Treibner, L. IJill, V. Presz- cator, V. Box. Jr. Pt. •II. P. San- ders, 0. Hamilton, C. Hamilton, C. Sanders. Pt. 1. 9t. Parsons, A. Shap - ton, 0. Preszcator, E. Stanlake. Beat spellers for the month Sr. IV. J. Hogarth. Jr. IV. O. Preszcator. 111. M. Willis. Wm .1. Treibner. Teacher. The following is the report of the exams. of the school of 8. S. No. 11 Stephen for the month of February. The names are in order of merit. Sr. IV. ('earl Tetrean. Amelia Engeland. Jr. 'IV. Mabel Wild. Jr. III. Francis Lafond. Mitered Willert, Laura Step- han. Sr. II. Joseph Lafond, Irene Willert. ert. 4thynard Stephan, Emma Zeller. Jr. 11. Tra Tetrean. Olive Willert. Pt. 11. Willie Stephan, Henry Lafond. Pt. I. Ecron La - fond, Ilertzel Wild, Myrtle \Villerh No on roll 19 average 17. E. Keyes, Teacher. S. 8. No. 3 1131lORNE Following is the report of S.:'. No. :S Usborne for the month of Fel. sire The pupils whose names are ,tasked with an asterisk were absent during part of the examinations. • Continu- ation ation Class Bertie Doupe 325. Alberta Denise :r21. Sr. IV. Jessie McCurdy 297, 'Isabella Turnbull 285, Ethel Shier 278, 1Reta Shier 250•. Jr. IV. Arlow Copeland 264, Oliver McCurdy 214• Sr. BT. Eleanor Doupe 320. Leonard Harris 289. Jr. 11I. fanie McCollogh 300. 'Ida Irvine 298, 'ltegionald Doupe 257, 7 Oscar Copeland 2va . Sr. B. May Ilodgert 324, fern Francis 319, Tenn McCurdy :305, Donald Balfour 299'. Jr. 11. 'troy Fletcher 272. Reber Shute 253, Lester McCurdy 217, Gordon Copeland 128. George Jlernb 123, Jteg- inaldltoy 68•. Pt. IT. }fella McCurdy 116. Howard Shier 12F, Maggie Mc- Curdy 101. 1' b. M. Greason. Teacher. Looking Into the Eye MR. SIMPSON is every day demonstrating the superiority of of Lis Aonderful sys- tem of ey'e'('Xn111i1111tion, 1►y means of whi('h he can with ease diagnose cases which baffle opticians using the ()1(I fashioned methods of work. 1 particularly desire that you bring ycur children if you have the least su+picion that they ht.re any eye•weakness. "A stitch in time saves nine" (Masses worn for a short time now may save them a whole life- time of discomfort and poor vision. But remember the invitation is to everyone, no case is too simple and none too complicated to receive the most careful attention and a scientific examination free of charge during Mi'. Simpson's stay. Do not postpone it until the last day but come Jeweller OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING NOW. AXON FITTON Optician B. H. No. 7 17811O11\E School report of 8. S. No,. 7 borne for February. 1V.*, Walter Stephen, Olive Batten. II1. Sr. Ida Penrice. Warren Brock, Mabel Lin- gard. II1. Jr. Willie Penrice. Wel- lington Brock, Carrie• Stephen. If. Sr. Alvin Pym. Albert 'Ch ek. l't. JI. Sr. Margaret E. Perrice, Ewart Pym, Edith Verne, Elva Borne. Pt. I. Gar- field Brock. M. Alice Dougall, Teacher. 8. S. No. 8. HAY, The following is the report of S. 8. No. 8, allay. for February. Names in order of rnerit. V class, Milton Ocs- treicher. Sr. 1V, Aaron Oestreicher, Alberta Truemner. Cora Truemner. Jr. •IV. Tuswelda Truemner. Sr. III Oblen Truemner. Luella Kuntz, Bell Overholt, Lydia Messner, Pearl Brod- erick. Lillie Messner. Jr. 'Ili, 'Rhine - hold Miller. Emily Schroeder, Edwin Ilartman. Bernard Hartman. 11 class, Tillie Kuntz, Gertie Wiegand, Ida Messner. Flora Kleinfoidt Thlo- dore Miller. Ottis Truemner, Charlie Ilartman, James Wimproy. Sr. pt. Il Norman Kleinfeldt, Emma Messner. Jr. pt. ll., henry Becker, Clara \Vie- gand. Ethel ;Klienfeldt. Jr. pt. 1,, Clara Kuntz, Christina Becker, Nora Miller. 'Herbert Messner, Bcubla Wie- gand. A. C. Milligan, Teacher. S. 8. No. 4, STEI'IIEN The following is the report of S. S. No. 4 Stephen for the month of Feb- ruary. Names are in order of merit. JV. Tarry Schwartz. Alvin Cor- nish, 7lerbie Kraft, Arva Ilrokensbire, Lorne Morlock, Willie Schwartz, Clar- ence Either, Gordon Cornish, Clinton Brown, Otto Brown, Mildred Klumpp. Jr. 111, IIIc Either, Edna Amy, Lavine Smith. Emerson Itocszler. Sr. 11. Joseph Schwartz, Joe Brokenshirte Eddie Cornish, Clinton Morlock ,Emer- son Wein. .Jr. I1. Carie Schroeder, Clara Morlock, Olive Cornish, Ade- line Wein. Pt. 11. Hazel Preszcator. Mary Wilds. I't. 1. Stege Cornish. Elgin Either. Melvin Wein. 1. 11. Armstrong. Teacher. ,Examinations held in S. 8. No. 6 Usborne, during the month of Febru- ary. Sr. V. Lilla Heywood 279, Ella Washburn 262. Jr. V. Nella Hey- wood 196, Laura Godbolt 162. Sr. IV. Lulu Godbolt 214, John Creery .205, Ella Heywood 199, Ray Pletcher 194. Rhea Godbolt 183. Jr. IV. Emma Heywood 263, Alex. Berryhill 190, J. Brock 147. Sr. III. Earl Coward 183, Jean Campbell 102. Jr. IIi. Edward Kellett 223. Inez Creery 2111, Eric Coward 185, Ray Goulding 133. Sr. 11 Dia Cornish 315, Hardwick Cornish 293, May Clarke 2596 Inia Heywood 87. Jr. 11.— Gordon Duncan 230, 0. Washburn 211, Lloyd Johne 192, D. Creery 191. Jt•ssie A. itamilton. teacher. Huron • Under section 125 of the Liquor Act, Inspector Torrance, of South Huron, had, Nicholas Kennel, Will- iafn Davis, Frank Utley and 11. Mc- Linchey, of Zerich, up before Magis- istrate Grebe. The two first names are on the "Indian list" and the other two acted as the medium by 0 ht i , l r for was a supplied.The �1 first two were fined $10 and costs and the latter two each' and costs. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak atomacb, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. Mrs.' Charles Ginder died Sunday • at the residence of her son-in-law, John Breen, in Colborne Township. She was 93 years of age, and for the past few months had been bedridden. She was it native of Germany, and came to this country when about fourteen years of age. She was married and for a time lived at Sebringville, but for over half a century her home was in the Township of Colborne. She was twice married, her second husband, Mr. Cinder, dying about a year ago. Of the first family, Michael Switzer and Mrs. 1'ennebaker in the States survive, and Charles andellenro Gin - der, Mrs. Breen and Mrs. Nathan Johns are the survivors of the second family. Palpitation of the heart. ner- vousness, tremblings, nervous head- ache, cold hands and feel. pain in the back and other forms of weakness aro relieved by Carter's Iron Pills made specially for the blcod nerves and comnloxion. The large wooden bridge known as the 'Colborne Bridge. tvhich is used to cross the Maitland River at ilolrnesville, is -now impassible owing to the fact that two spans totaling one hundred and fifty feet were washed away in the recent freshet. This will be n serious inconvenience to the people of Colborne. for in order to get to Clinton they will have to go a distance of 1.1 miles instead of from five to six as formerly. John Ransford. of Clinton, salt manufacturer and owner of one of the largest farms in Ontario, has just completed dere a n • dsale ofhis Millet pro- perty, tllet ro- t 1 perty, consisting of a block of fine pasture land, containing 817 acres, to Messrs. Taylor Bros.. o' 'linnedosa, Centralia Manitoba:. It is the i:at,.,tion of "Messrs. Taylor to utilize this land On Wednesday afternoon March for pastur+ng Western catile which 3rd, nt the Methodist parsonage, they will ship from the West t3 Centralia. William Darling, of grins- ton and after finishing them will ley. was married to Miss Emma ship to the English market. hiteford. of the 2nd, Con. of Mc- Gillivray, by the ltev. W. H. Butt. On Thursday evening last the Lad- MEETINGS POSTPONED ies Aid of the Methodist church gave The meetings that were advertised a banquet nt the Methodist parson- to be held under auspices of the Y. M. age to their husbands and families, C. A. to be conducted by "Ilig Mason" Fully seventy w'rsons were present have been postponed until next week. when the following menu was served Don't fail to hear the lumbermen in the latest style and fashion. ornn- Evangelist in Senior's hall on Tues - sliced hath. salad, pickets, berries, whipped cream, pie, tarts, cake and coffee. ]rev. W. H. Butt was chosen as toast master and proposed the fol- lowing toasts. Our Church, S. School, Epworth Leanne, Ladies' Aid, choir, Young People. guests, village, Comity and homes. A number of excellent after dinner speeches were given in response, and all voted it to be the most pleasant and most enjoyable evening they ever spent. After votes of thanks to ltev. and Mrs. W. 11. Butt the gathering broke up about eleven o'clock. Rev. S. Salton. of Trowbridge, oc- cupied the Methodist church pulpit on Sunday it being Missionary day while the Rev. W. I1. Butt, took Mr. Salton's Missionary work on the Trowbridge circuit. Miss Mary Ann Pyrn. of London, who has been in this vicinity for several weeks has returned to her home again. 'Sire. Samuel McCoy is visiting friends in London. Winchelsea Mr. Leslie Robinson is doing a good trade in his photo studio. Miss Maggie Coward. of Itivth. spent Friday evening under the par- ental roof. The Winchelsea surprise party re- port an exciting time tt•hile et rt cer- tain home on the Thames Mond one evening 1;tst week. 'dr. and Urs. Dan Coward enter- tained a number of their friends and neighbors to 'oriel el eveninu on Fri- day last in honor of their guests Miss Parish and Mr. W. C. Washburn. both of Essex. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walker Kerslake re- turned home from their honey -moon trip on friday last and twill take up house keeping on Sunshine line. The base ball club of this burg in- tend having a concert in the neer fuh Mr.tre. and Mr.. Tho.. Durdle spent PIM week in London. Mr. Lano thirteen teas in our burg on Ktinday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Cownrd en- tertained the Sunshine choir to ten 00 friday evening last. Mr. Thos. Dnrdlc his moved into Winchelsea. into Fenton iirotwns' house. The folio 'ng is the report of the day. Wednesday and Thursday even- ings and in the Town Hall on Friday evening of next week. STE1'l1EN COUNCIL. The Council of the 'Township of Stephen convened in the Town (fall. Crediton, on Monday, the 1st day of March 19114. All members present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and adopted. The clerk read a letter from the clerk of the Township of Bosanquct. in reference to the construction of a bridge on the Town Line between the Townships of Stephen. McGillivray and liosan- quet. it was resolved that the Clerk write the Clerk of the Township of Ilosanquet that this Co+incil will meet the members of the other Councils at the proposed site on April 7th next nt :3 p. re. Anderson—Yearley "That the audi- tors report be received and that or- ders be issued for their remuneration. Ca rricd. Love—Yearley "That ('unneilntan \\•trerth a nd Deputy -reeve Anderson examine the claim of '.1 r. Hepburn Everything else in for tile on the lth conte,s;nn. with full power to net as they think best." Ca rried. \Vuerth—Anderson "The 1 the Bond of the Township Treasurer be ac- cepted and that the male be filled ttith the clerk of the Municipality for t+, fe-keeping." Carried. Yearley—Love "That Anderson A \\'north havve the Crediton (fridge re- paired at once." Carried. liestord. 'Tock elm lumber, 2.95: Anderson—Yearley "That the Clerk Thomas Emery. hitch on London Bond write th.• Township Engineer. E. B. E. 13.. 3.011; 1''. Green, Gravel. N. 11. I'arneontb. requesting hint to exam. 5.10; 1). Westman, Concrete tile, 6.50. ins the site of the Crediton bridge 'fhe council adiourned to meet strain and prepare plans and specifications in the Town Hall. Crediton, on Mon - for concrete abutments to be con- day. the 5th, day of April 190 at 1 strncted this year." Carried. p, m. nt {which d. e ms, The following orders were (raid: 11. found keepers aatend Fence-vithIe'nthwersesterwill Either, ' twist ra r of 11. D. & JI.. to he a ',pointed.Dec.:11 '08, :?10.1(1: Bell Telephone Co., 11. my F:ilbrr, Clark. Phone messages to .Ian .1. '09, 6.55: Chester Prouty. Gratuity, 25.0: The Municipal World. Subscription, 5.75; See Insurance office. insurnnee on Totwn'tall, i1.5o: 1)r. Melateghlin, re. Gigues» �.r ilernhoft. insane indigent, 6.80: t , e Schneider. Rep. ear, rt, ('on. 4, 1.25; Claude Illuett. Auditor's 1..., 9.00; Women ttith pale co Io, 1• es fares Il,.nry Sweitset-. Anditor', f•• •s. Sh,t. tcho fee/ tteik and (Retell. c •!, .'ill P. %V. 1'. r ,comb. Attard& under Ia rcoelve both mental a nd bo' ly ti( or & W. Act. 19,53; .To.r•ph %il, r. Refund by ening Carter's iron fills. e Lich !leers the of etatiite labor. 4.00; Arthur O'Leary are made for the blood, nerves Ind (Cement 11,•fnnd of eta tuff. labor. 6 (to. Isaac complexion. of 1$1.00 per year in advance SPECIAL SALE ALL THIS WEEK Carpet Sweepers Reg $3.00 for $2 70 Ii'.eg $3.50 for ;,y�:i.2o 1 week only Georgia Pine Step ladder 5ft. spec. ....90c No 9 Cleveland Coiled wire ... • 2,5o per too Ideal Fencing 7 wires all no 9.... 32c a rod 6 Reo Ridge axes .... Keg. 95 for 70 Heavy Galv'd tubs S5, 90 and $i Cross cut saws .... Reg $4.25 & $4.5o for 3 75 & $4 3 doz. copd hat and coat hooks ....for 25c. 120 (its. Best ready mixed paint- ....Reg 45 for 35 foo pts. „ „ „ „ ... • >, 25 >, 20 I00 IX, pts„ ,, 15 „ IO Senours Flour Paint 45C. a pt. Campbells Varnish Stain 15 25 & 45c• Sap Pails and Sap Spiles HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE amid Preston Safe Lock Shingles Do not fail to call and enquire for our 28g a,:ge galvalized safe lock shingle which we are selling for $'1.50 per square, with an absolute guarantee that they are both wind and sronll poof. ‘Ve ate offering splendid value in:— Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWKINS & 80N ARE YOU PARTICULARS Do von tvtnt things to be just sot Then we'd d like you for a customer. We've protnised you satisfaction --promised yon thatstyle, tit and price will please you—we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. e Can Suit You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S We have started a great slaughter sale com- prising every article of furniture in our large stock at a great reduction on regular prices. Note soute of the great bargains we are offering and what it means to Furniture hugets. Bedroom Suites in j cut oak finish with large Bevel Plate Mirror regular price $10.50; discount sale price $13.00. discount sale price $10.0() discount sale price 40.00 discount sale prim $2.50 proportion. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading iiome Fnrniehers anal Funeral Directors. Sideboards, regular price $13 00 Couches, regular price $8 50 Mattresses, regular price 53 50 CI 11111 aMt It • Beers the TM hind You HA Alva s KIM FIXED "i bought one bottle of NAMELESS ;tad now my (W1 i+ fixed." That le what you'll say ton after you have used NAMELESS. This iv not "riot Air" it's a fact. Everybody in Exeter should have this valuable remedy on their Jerson. Pleasant to pee and costs only 25 cents. Hold only nt THE PURITY t7 .IkNB 91' O 211. AL 1M K!II Y:u Han las INV