Exeter Times, 1909-03-04, Page 4,a. HE EXETER TIMES, MLR. 4th 1909.
Coughs and
For the prompt relief and
cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse•
nese, Loss of Voice, r.nd all
affections of the Throat and
lungs and for general debility.
Get a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of \\'lute fine
with 'far or Perry's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites of Lime and Soda.
Sold at
Brownings Drug Store
Dir. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning were
Mine swhat surprised on Thursday
evening last when all their old
'fiends and neighbors gathered at for England about May.This will be
their home to bid them a kind fare- P '
well on the eve of their departure ,
lOr their new home at Granton. An
$ddress written by the pastor and
tustee Board was read by Daniel
$todgson, which characterized the
Christian discipline of our brother.
apd sister. after which the prescnta-
tlOn of a beautiful Morris rocker to
tar. Gunning and a stylish rocker to
IpIs.rGunnin • was made. Mr. and
Giles. Gunning both replied in a brief
Way expressing their thanks to the
"Army friends for their kindness and
*shed for the success of the cause.
here. Mr. Gunning as a member of
the Official Board and Mrs. Gunning
R9 a member of the W. M. S. and a
teacher in our S. school will both be
Visaed, and the sincere wish of all is
that a blessing awaits them in their
new 'home.
The W. M. 8. have invited the
Branton auxiliary to visit them on
tl:hursday afternoon next, March Ilth
and the meeting will be held in the
church. All ladies are cordially in-
vited to be present.
Wedding bells will ring here in the
near future.
The young people around here right'
merrily enjoyed themselves on Friday
evening last at the home of Lloyd
Mrs. James I[ern and daughter
Olive visited Mrs. Ilerns father, Mr.
,Wm. Gunning. who at the time of
writing is seriously ill.
Mrs. \Vm. Brooks has returned
home after spending a week with
her mother. Mrs. Parks, at Lucan.
Grand Bond
\\'oud cutting is •ell the rage herr
now. the farmers and others keeping
%Vatter Station busy ss it 11 his buzz
83 W.
The intervent took place iu Grand
Ilend cemetery on Saturday of the
infant child of Mr. stud Mrs. lir /lee
Itos.eenbcrry, of Brucefield. The par-
ents have the sywputby of all in
their sad bereavement.
Mrs. alueller, of Detroit, attended
the funeral of her father, the late
Wm. ,Mollard, on Thursday, returning
boort on Monday.
The lake is covered with ice again.
Look out for some March fishing. As
the way March came in we may ex-
pect some rough weather before it is
bliss Vina Bock and Miss MacCau-
lay visited in Zurich on Saturday.
The good people of the Bend were
startled on Friday night nast, by
some very sad mournful sounds com-
ing up from the west and when
searching for the cause of them,
found J. Ill. Young lamenting for his
good dog Flossie, which had that day
got poison, or some other deadly dose
and died about ten o'clock.
Mrs. Fred Ilse, who has been very
sick, is, we are glad to say, improv-
ing nicely.
Ware Oliver, sr., intends leaving
"In union there is strength." "In
a multitude of counsellors there is
wisdom." These are two of the
many reasons why young people con-
sider it best to attend Canada's
Grea'tcst Chain of 'High-grade. Mod-
ern Actual Business Schools. Clin-
ton Business College, whose new ad-
vertishment appears in this issue is
a worthy link.
VoEce Gave Out.
Thomas P. Macdonald, a prominent
Ginger of Teeswater, says : " Six years
ago 1 became a victim to La Grippe and
bad it in its worst form. The attack was
unusually severe, and left me in terribly
bad shape. 1 was utterly prostrated;
weak, and run down entirely. My
voice also completely gave cut, and my
lungs seemed to be seriously affected.
People who knew n e thought 1 was not
long for this world."
"One day I saw in the paper what
PSYCHINE had done for others and
thought 1 wculd give it a trial, so 1 sent
for a sample bott,e. This gave me such
immediate teller, and I clped ': c so, that i
detcrmin:d to keep on ':. it!i it at all costs,
and in spite ci what the doctor had said.
loan incredibly short space of time I was
completely restored, and my voice was
soon ' nd shape again. They used to
. c t at a breach of wind would blow
Me away, I hid got so thin, but PSYCH! NE
built me un in no time ; l am a pretty
solid s; ccintcn of humanity to day, having
gained in weight and put on flesh all the
1i1{ sERIOUd. l ma clue .10 thio by toning up
the PTst cal with I'+)chine. All druggists and
dealers sell it. i"'. and $I.(t FREE TRiAL
sent on appIteatiea to DR. T. A. SLOCUM,
Welted, 'Toronto.
;Mr, Oliver's fifth trip across the
ocean. 'Be is now in his 78th year
but is hale and hearty.
Mr. Louis Gratton lost a very val-
uable cow on Sunday night.
DIr. and Mrs. Morris Brenner re-
turned home from Brucefield on Sat-
urday, where they had been visiting
Mrs. llrenner's sister, Mrs. Boss:n-
berry for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mollard :tad
their two sons Herbert and Joseph,
of Parkhill, attended the funeral of
the former's brother on Thursday.
Jerry Gravellc, who has been visit-
ing his father. Asaph Gravelle, for
some months, left for fort Frank on
It is our sad duty. this week to
chronicle the death of one of our
very first pioneers, in the person of
Mr. Wm. Dfollard, who died on Tues-
day, Feby. 23rd. Although Mr. Mol -
lard has not been very well for
some time his end came with awful
suddenness to his wife, who happened
to be alone with him at the titne, the
son at home. having gone over to a
neighbor's for a fe wminutes. Mr.
Dfollard was out to the barn choreing
around between 11 and 12, and passed
away sitting in his chair, just as
they were about to sit up to dinner,
heart failure being the cause of
death. The late Mr. Mollard was
horn in the village of Ottringbam,
Yorkshire, England, in the year 1835
being 74 years and 1 month old at
his death. Ile came to Canada in
1856 with his brothers, settling in
the Township of Whitechurcb, about
25 miles from Toronto. ile married
Elizabeth Edwards in 1862, who sur-
vives him, and came to the township
of Stephen about the same year. Be-
sides a loving wife 4 sons and 4
daughters are left to mourn the loss
of a kind and loving parent. Ile
was also the second youngest of five
brothers. all being alive and fairly
smart, between the age of 70 and 80,
this being the first break in the fam-
ily. James. Thomas and Isanc, re-
side in the imrnediate vicinity and
Charles resides at Balmoral. Man.
For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
F,ignatare of
Miss Vera Jennison. of Parkhill,
who has been spending the past few
days with her cousin Mrs. Tom Love
returned to her horse on Tuesday.
Mrs. J. L. Atnos, nee fleece Sher-
ritt. and her little son is visiting at
her old borne at present.
Mr. 'Robert Stone has accepted an
Agency for the Stratford Wind Mill
Company .
Mr. Alex. Dow. of Exeter, was
through this section last week fix-
ing horses teeth.
Much r.ytnpa1hy is felt for the fam-
ily of Mr. John Kenney as then. are
three of the young men laid up at
present. but under the skilful treat-
ment of Dr. McLaughlin. of Dash-
wood. we expect to hear of their
complete recovery shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. Lae Fnhuer. expects
to leave for the west this month in-
tending to ticket for Heroically.
A (tiling tiny nerve—no larger
h:ut the finest silken thread—takes
front the'Ilea rt its impulse. its power,
at.. regularity. The Stomach also has
its hidden. or inside nerve. It was
Dr. Shoop ssIio first told ie it w -as
strong 10 drug :a tweak or (raining
Stomach. Ileart or Kidneys. His
prescription—Dr. Shoop's ltestora-
tive—is directed straight for the
eine- of these ailments—these w,rrk
and faltering inside nerves. '1'112.1.
r doubt clearly explains why ;be
I;,•.tor.afive has of late grown so
rapidly in popularity. Unna,:i+is say
that those who test the lt• + ora:ite
+•wen for a few day. soon become
fulls- convinced of its wonderful in .Nit.
anyway. don't drug the organ.
Treating the cause ot sickness is the
only r etrel hie nn(1 successful way.
Null by W. N. Dewey,
The Doctor's First Question
"How are your bowels?" This is generally the first ques-
tion thc doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish liver
means. He knows what a long list of distressing com-
plaints result from constipation. He knows that headaches,
bilious attacks, indigestion, impure blood, ;:nd general
debility are often promptly relieved by a good liver pili.'
We wish you would talk with your own doctor about i
this subject. Ask him at the same time if he approves
16 of Ayer's Pills. Do as he says.A„e, Co.� e11, ,l t(►:.9,
Miss Mary Gibson. of Lundun, is vis.
king friend, in Ileustll.
a regret to announce the death of
two of the most highly esteemed re-
sidents of this section in the persons
of Peter Loutitt and Mr. Ellice Fair-
bairn, the former passing away on
Sunday Feby. 21st, in his 84 year and
the latter on Wednesday, Feby. 24th
in his 78 year.
The anniversary sermons of Carmel
church Sunday March 7th, will be
preached by 'Rev. 1', Nickles of Knox
Church St. Marys.
Mrs. llollingsbead and Miss Mary
Peart, who spent several months
with relatives here, left last week for
their homes, the former at fort
Arthur and the latter at Brandon.
Some person stole several crates of
onions belonging to Mr. James John-
son. The onions were stored in the
old Packing house with other crates
awaiting shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, of
Guelph, and formerly of llensalh have
been spending the past week with re-
latives here.
Mrs. James Bouthron, jr., who has
been quite ill for several months, left
last week, accow utnied by her moth-
er, Mrs. G. F. Y uugblut, for her
mother's borne in Waterloo. It is
the wish of her many friends that
the change may prove beneficial.
Mrs. Colbert, of Egmondville, was
here last week visiting relatives.
Mr. T. J. Berry, our well known
horseman, has disposed of that fine
young Clydesdale stallion, Lord Ren-
nie, to Wilson Bros., ot Parkhill.
This horse is coming three years old
and was imported last December by
Mr. Berry. Ile will make a fine big
horse of good quality, and as be is
from the best Clyde blood in the old
land, he cannot fail but be a first
class stock horse.
The llensall rink tvbich was in the
consolation event at the recent Park-
hill bonspiel. went to Parkhill last
Thursday and succeeded in winning
the event, cut glass being the prizes
brought home.
Have you a pain of any kind, any-
where? Stop just a minute and
think 1 It matters not whether it be
womanly pains, head pains, or any
kind of a pain, one of 1)r. 8hoop's
little fink Pain Tablets will surely
stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plain-
ly printed on the 25c. box. Sold by
W. S. Howey.
One day last week Mr. Jus. Gould
met with an accident which has con-
fined him to his home ever since.
While unloading logs the sleigh in
some way was as overturned and drop
ped back on his ankle, knocking biro
down, and also injuring one of his
Mr. and Mrs. Deidder, of Hanley.
Sask., spent a couple of days last
week with Mrs. Deidder's uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson.
Mr. Joseph Corbett, of Pt. Huron,
is visiting his father, Mr. Jgbn Cor-
bett, who is very ill:
Mr. O'Brien, of Chiselhurst, preach-
ed here one Sunday lately jn the ab-
sence of Itev. hart, who wits attend-
ing a funeral.
Miss Ruth \Vildfong is on the sick
List at present.
Fortify now against the Grip—for
it comes every ,season sure 1 1're-
venties—the little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets—offer in this respect a most
certain and dependable safeguard.
i'rcventics, at the "sneeze stage" will
as well, also surely head off all cotn-
mon colds. Ilut promptness is un-
important. Keep ('reventics in the
Pocket or purse. for instant use. Ilox
of 48 for 2te. Sold by W. 8. 'homey.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness, tremblings, nervous head-
ache, cold hands and feel, pain in the
back and other forma of weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for the blood nerves
and complexion.
Why riot start now—today. and for-
ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
and Indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles. Give
it n good eat. then take t'ape's Dia -
pepsin to Vert the digestive juices
working. There %t•Ill he no dyspep-
sia or belching of Gats or eructations
of undigested food: .no feeling like a
lump of lead in the Stouraeh or heart-
burn. sick headache and Dizziness,
and your food will not ferment and
poison your breath with nauseous
t'ape's Diapepsln costs only 59 cents
for a large case al any drug store
here. and will relieve the most obstin-
ate case of Indigestion and Upset
Stomach in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
(Pt3 from Stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines. and besides,
one trinngule will digest and prepare
tor assimilation into th•• blood all
your food the same as a sound. heal-
thy stomach would do it.
When Diapepsin works your stom-
ach rests—gets itself in order. cleans
up—and then you feel like eating
when you come to the table. and what
yet eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from an Stomach
M ia;ery is sea ii frig for you as soon as
you decide to begin taking 1)irtpepsin.
'fell your druggist that you want
1'ape's 1)iapt'psin. because you want
to be thoroughly cured of indigestion.
Three illustrated Iectatres of "lien
Hur" General Lew Wallace's master-
piece will be given on the Elimv'ille
circuit nextweek by Bev. 1)r. Dougall
Un \V,•dne.day. March loth, the lec-
tar,• will he given at Whalen Metho-
dist church: Thursday, 11th it Eliot
vine Methodist church and I ridny.
12th at Bethany Methodist ch'irch.
Charle. ,incgnes will be employ. d
for the summer on the dredge :it
Mrs. Frank Andrews. of Fellatrtoe.
Mrs. W. Herbert and W. 11. Itollnrn
of Itiddelph. Mr. and Mr.. Edward..
of McGillivray-. were the guests of
D. (licks last \Vednr••dny.
Mr.. Ilerbert. of Exeter North, is
visiting et the horn;' of h,•r grnn•1-
.I1tighter. Mrs. D. Edwards.
Mrs. Jacques is able to he around
egnin nfter her long illness. Mr. \V.
J Iceucs i• still rennin, rt to tai. h ••1
with heirs tronhle.
Mr John Ilerdnr'n is about to di,1-
The KInd You Have Always Bought, and ivliich has bee
in use for over 30 years, has borne the Mg -nature
44.111" -'"—"and bus been made lIh(lel !tit. pe
son:tl supervision sinceits iufitne
• Allow no one to deceive you in thi
All Counterfeit,, Imitations and " Just -as-good"are 111
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health
-Infants and Children—Experience against Eslterinirtt
What is CASTO R IA
CastorIa is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea.—Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Any Cold Can be Cured
without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and
the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to
do is to open your bowels wide with
That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and
you'll get well in no time. If you have a cold or are con-
stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles,
take an NR tablet to -night ;nd you'll feel
better in the morning.
Get a 25c Box
than Pills IO
For Sale by W. S. Core, Exeter.
pose of his farm and move near the from Exeter spent the evening
ng h
village of F.limville. homeof J. Kellett. Flimville South,
On Thursday night fast rt party and by all reports had n good time.
The light bread or the leaden
loaf is a matter of choice—not hick.
Choice of method—choice of yeast
-but, above all, in the choice of
the flora'. She who chooses
Royal Household Flour
will not have to bargain with for-
tune for successful baking. --Jt is
made from thc finest, select;..! -Man-
itoba wheat, \which contains more
gluten (that duality which makes
bread light) than any other wheat.
It is milled under the most
sanitary conditions --absolute purity
is one veru important quality v. hich
the Ogilvie System of milling guar-
antees. There is no other flour in
Canada upon which so much is
spent to insure its perfect purity.
Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal
}louschold—the flour that snakes light bread.
Ogilvie How Mills Co., Lhalkd
1 The lVlolsonsBank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL (paid up) $3 500.000.00
RESERVE FUND •••• $3.500.000.00
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Trans'tcted.
Savings Bank Department
• at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
• '
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••o••••••••••••••••••••••••N
B. K. WALKER, PresidentI Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00 r t
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund,- 6 000 0
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued l;y this -Bank atie a most convet
way in which to carry moneywfien travelling. They are issued in denomination)
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 4
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France;
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131A
Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh also at Crediton.
Synopls of the Conndion Nolm.Wesi
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over 18
years old may homestead a quarter . Associate Coroner of Huron.
sectoni of available Dorninion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency
Sub -agency for the district. Entry by
proxy may be had at the agenoy, o0
certain conditions. by father. mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :—Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years. A homesteader tna)
live within nine mile' of 111s home-
stead on a dorm of at least 80 acres
solely owned anti occupied by him or
his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homestealdt
in good standing may pre-ompt a
quarter section alongside his home- arrlstere,Boltottors Notaries, Conveyancers
stead. Price $3. per acre. 'Duties— Com
o tmiE/ds
onors. Benetton aor the Moleoa
Must reside six months bleach of six IsoaeytoLoaowOloweetrateaot Inter."years from slat of homestead entry
(inc:uding the time required to earn.
homestead patent) and cuttivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader %elm has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob.'
tain a pre-empticn may take a put-- I
chased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Duties.—Must
reside six months iii each of three,
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth 5300.00r.
W. w. CORY,
of the Minister of the interior
N. it—tot to prised pnbhe itwn of this ad, eerier f Conveyancer Accounts Collected
meat will not be pall for I -- ^-;P.Y to loan at iowest ares.
North west iands for Sale.
Office, Main Street, Exeter
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street—EXETER.
eJ • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
rersity. office and resldenence. Dominica
Laboratory, Exeter.
Tx R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P.
•S., Honor Graduate Toronto
i ersit . Two years resident physi _
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Oaa
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
We have unlimited private tnat�t, for bayou
enc nem fent Or vinare riopotty a1 lsws�,
.fes of interest,.
a. CARLING a A. 1. 0. DROWN=
We have a tante 'mount ot private fonds
aan on farm and village properties at lowraW
Barristers Solicitors, b1atn 11. Ezettle
I''arm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Mr, Thomas Cameron has re-
ceived instructions from Robert Daw-
son to sell by Public Auction on Lot
26, Con. 14, Fullerton, on Tuesday,
March 9th, 1909, at one o'clock the
following valuable property.'Horses.
Pair first class geldings 7 years old,
agricultural: gelding :i years old.
agricultural: driving marc 6 years
old: driving mare 8 years old. Cat-
tle. milch cow :.2 steers 3 years old
nearly ready for market : ,4 heifers
rising 3 years old : 2 heifers rising 2
years old, 2 steers rising 2 years
old : ilo pullets. implements. lumber
wagon. top buggy (new). pair bob-
sleighs. 2 cutters, road waggon,
Deerings binder nearly new. Deering
tnower nearly new. sceadrill, 3 horse
cultivator, turnip sower, set iron har-
rows, 2 furrow plow nearly new,
walking plots. land roller, scatter,
gravel box. hay rack. 2 seta good
double harness. set single harness,
set sling+, ropes and pulleys, 2 Carter
fence machines. halt doz. bag trucks,
grind stone. :( log ehafns, wood rack.
20 hhl water tank. set 2000 Ib plat-
form scales. stone boat, Clinton fan.
Hing mill. steel sap pan, forks. shov-
els. spades, hoes, robes. blankets.
rind numerous other articles. 150
bushels seed oats. 50 bushels feed oats,
A quantity of first class hay. 100
cords tft. hardwood. 50 cords 20in.
hi t'dw'ood.
1 The farm consisting of Lot 25. Con.
1 I1. and part Lot 15, \V,•st Iloundary,
township of Fit 111rton, containing
110'2-3 acres, on which there is erect-
ed a comfortable frame house. bunk
barn and drive borne. Grind orchard.
Never failing supply of water. 15
acre• of good hardwood bash. II
aeres in fall wheat. 22 acres plow-
ed. b t inne,' in grass. If not sold day
01 sale will be rented for this season.
'ferns of farm made known dny of
elle or on application to the auction-
TERMS. -85 and under. ensh: over
that nrnonnt 10 months' credit on
furnishing approved joint notes, or
a discount of 5 per cent. per annum
for eash.
Auctioneer Proprietor.
S. 8. No. 1 I SliO1tNE
Following is the correct report of
the 7landing of the pupils in N. H.
No. I t sborne for the month of Feb-
ruary. Nana, s u, ler of :: nt.
V. Ella May Nowt llnrry Dougall.
Jennie Strang. Diehl• itosscliff,. IV.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, I,. D. 19,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member or
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling'
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlorq
The Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Mur-
ano Gompanu
Hoad Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President—J. L. RUSSELL.
Vice -President — W, H. I'ASSMOIti1;
BoltNnot.Ot P. 0
WM. litioeK \\'IN('II LS KA 1', 0.
JOHN I8SEIIY, Exeter, agent fog
['shorn and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. wilt
for Hihhert. Fullerton and Logen.
Jr)5111'A .10IINS
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
Of,ADMAN et I4TANi11111V,
Laura Harvey-. John Strang, Gordo.
Oke. Lena Dolman. Cecil Down, Ge
iflatchford. .lames Dougall, Alvi•
;Moir. Itosena Down, Ira Voir. Archit
Itoucliffe. 14r. III. Lila Moir. Ear
(tell. Hoy White. Jr. Ii. hazel Down,
Willie Strang. Elva Harvey, Wilfrid
Dougall, Oliver 7toucliffe. Sr. 11.
Cecil Barris. George Moir. Glady.4
, Moir. (toss Dick. Flossie Neil. Harvey
Neil. Mid. 11. John Dougall. Maggio
Strang. Elgin 7toucliffe, Frank .far -r
raft. Jr. 11. Mir, Dew. Harold Voir,
Vera IIeII. T'f. 1. Alice Dick. Katy
' Sanders. Lorne Ok,', May Neil, Ilia
Mitchell Clifford Moir. Average at.
tendanee 39.
.1. A. Itrintnell. Teacher.
NOTICE FOR TEA ('11EltS—The pro-
motion ex'a►nitintion' for rho public
schools of Heron will be held on April
lat. 2nd and 51h. Papers will be sent
nut for Junior Intl Senior 8ecend,
Junior and Senior Third. and .1 1nior
and Senior Fourtt C1:t(9•5. 'Tench.
'll,l :1 post card
Cheep I nsln ('tor.
fiber of candid -
In•.. 1 h, par-
trs will te• -ent
Ch 27th.
ors are request. (1
.1 1 once. to 1h.
't ,ting the esu
a t•'1 to write in
eel containing t
to the teacher