HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-25, Page 8++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ♦ ? +++++++++++++++•1•++++++++ +#++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 +4.+ We are opening up new spring goods daily. Values are better than they have been for Several seasons -and our block will we .f+t, believe, be larger and mote varied than ever. tn We have Added Another New Department ccx Ladies Ready -Made Suits L3. If If. We are showing bolds very handsowe Tailor- r + .�y trade Suits for Ladies. These suits are made from e puce Wool Chiffon Broadcloth. They come in:. p• Blue, Black and Green. All silk lined and trim- +•1• in need with self stitching and Buttons. They are 1 " just what you are looking for. Our special price =` per suit $15 51). ., 0. Our New �: =' 11:-.T.KING HATS :- ,- ht -R, For Men 1%4.:are tiers .t t%1't The new blocks are '-' - ,''- very becoming. Shapes ,I, c are slightly smaller:tad ++ ��•• very smart. "Sten are + •t•C''' ' 41Y4 iii • \leo • , KING Hat is the re- .i.+ cognized leader. It's `f 44E0 Cr known the world oyer. 3 ole We have just put in stock a lovely lot of white care- I • brie Underskirts, beautiful) trimmed with Val and Linen • Lace and Inset Lion, also Embroidery and Insertion effects. +.j in' The nicest lot we have yet shown. 1.25. 1.50, 2 00, $2.75, '1: + es We are showing a Extra Special + ms lovelcs,y range of Linen and Zephyr Fancy A new line of mirror fin- '1.• 3- •--ash -uitings in the ish Ladies Broadcloth, .'F1' pure wool, splendid weight +.. Brown, Navy, Green and + Black, correct for the new *t suits or odd skirts. Spec- ++ ial price. (6Oc. -'o -ie °r A Swell Line of Ladies, Spring +4.it.Tailor.a"lade Coats + Fawn Covert Cloth, semi -fitting, silk stitched, with the new button trimmings. 30, 32 and 3(1 Inches long. +-- Exact copies of the latest New York models. These are '' ++ new stripe and broken checks. great values 12% and 15c. f et 70• 0 the smartest coats of the season. $5.50 and $7.50. Bearsford fine shoes tor men. Miss Canada fine shoes + for ladies. The best lines we know of. Every pair sold •I• + under guarantee. Your money back if you want it. That's i• + fair, isn't it? We control these two lines for Exeter. "Farm produce is as good as cash, bring it. to us." q 3-, A. S'2'EWARrr +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •:-•;-•;•-i••'••; ++++++•I•+++++•i•+++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •++.t•+•1•++++++++++++ Upholstering Now is the time to have your Parlor Suite, Couches and Chairs Upholstered. !louse cleaning will soon be in season. We do the uphol- stering that twill satisfy volt end we will call and get the work and deliver it agaili without charge. We also Lay Carpets, Old or New 1t will pay you to let us lay your carpet. All kind; of rep tiring done. You can let us know either by card or calling at the shop. JAS. BEVERLEY SEEDS FREE If you ask, you can have a package of seed of this meet -Bowl Russian Giant Lettuce included absolutely free with our new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata- logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather surprisingly, well, and has a rich, buttery flavor. If you prefer, you may choose a package of our Colossal \Vhite Sugar Beet or a package of Ostrich Feather Aster Write today end name your choice, also mention name of thi, paper. Seals of this marvellous Russian Giant Iwttec• Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, • •re given away trete London, Ont. • HIGH SCHOOL CONCi:ItT )ferns, Chief Dairy Inspector. of Lon - A concert will be held in the Opera don. is expected to address the meet - Louse on Friday. evening 8 &clerk rn subject b t K eoptional. 3 h Addresses e art , 1•'(•b. 10th, 190J, under the discussions will h, lively and intc•rc, on�us %s of the Literary Society of11 osting• Po Cottle. if you don't, you'll Lecture end a series of liweb let are specially invited. ✓,•Peter Ili titSchool consisting of a miss something worth while. Ladies vietws on the subject of "The flower of 7•.n r' a} ,rc • ;lyes by Bev. SL J. In sickness. it n certain hidden Spens r. Admission a(htlts 25 5 cents, nerve goes awrone. then the organ chil.lre•n Le cents. A' real reduce- that this nerve controls will selso !lona! trent. Come and enjoy it. surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve, or it 1 may haveit R en strength tt and support to the Heart or Kidney... it was I)r. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's ite- storative was not made to dose the stomach nor to temporarily stimu- late the Heart er Kidneys. The old• fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop'e Restorative goes directly to these (ailing inside nerves. The re- markable caecass of this prescription demonstrat(.5 the wisdom of treat- ing the actual cause of these failin; organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten clays test will surely toll. Try it once, end See 7 Hold by W. S. Row•cy. -�.��_. OAfllETCir 1't=At. . Hears the - 1te K -d Yoa Hare !!two Bound fLinatars of ANNI'AL MEETING. The annual mee►ing of the patrons of ib,. \Vinche :4 i Creamery will be held in the Township Hell. Elitnwille, On \Vednesd.ey. elated). ;trd, 1909. Moors open at 1.30 p. tn.. when printed statetnents will be given the patrons. l'togrnnune twill commence at 2. o'clock. l'rograt.1me-Auditors' Report. Jos- hua hns d l NewoBt>r ncess. 1909," ;n' The adop- tion of 1 uniform method of paying patrons by all Ontario Crea►nrriee." ,\V. 0. Medd, Winchelsea ; "The pro- per e•r r,• of cream by the patron. and would grading cream he advisable!" Arthur 11. Doupe. Kirkton ; " The gloat profitable breed of roe for th. creamery patron," John 1f. Scott, proprietor Exeter creamery; Me. 1. t ale ti lei X [ f f • 1' 1.M.I✓ S FEB. 25th W09 Market Report.-Tbs following of OUR OFFICE 110Y ;APBs he report of Ezet•r markets. *or- l ant getting so that t can read ,cued up to February 15tb. the boss's writing and he writesPeas, 15 to t• -cents. horrible, but of course hendwrit- Ut:: 42 to 43 cents.\1',reat, LUU' ing does not describe the 11►:ul. but certainly printing shoes the Barley 50 to 52 cants' con - sense and taste of the advertiser. Shorts _13 to aril. ( It is a safe plan to Bran ( give your Mendel Flour, STAR, $Y.75. printing to us. We are busy con - Need el Fl r, 0 t $2.75. scantly. but we always have roots Feed Flour to ?"8 per. .45heh on our books for good appr,cia- A:syk }6, to $G, tive customers. I know what I'm talking about as 'I keep the dust Tenothy $1 to $2 per. bushel. off the books and once in a while Mutter 22 cents per pound. take a Eggs, 211 cents. pe1'�^- flogs, dressed. ir8.50 1loliven, :;ht. $6.30 Mr.. \\'m. 'May is in Toronto attend- Coal,,;s , $7.25 a ton. ing the nrillineery openings. Ieeell App',s 6 ctntff. Mr. Chas. Knight, of St. Thomas, visited his parents here over Sunday. 'Miss hurray and twice Miss Jean Murray visited relatives in llensnll over Sunday. \VANTED.-House to rent, Apply at this office. Glpl. WANTED -For house work address Mrs. C. C. Ferguson. 55 York St., London. Ontario. The Y. M. C. A. of Exeter desires to thank those who have so kindly note,. Ho lilt. OVENS EYE AND HAIL BUR- donated games. etc., for use in their genu. will be at the Conlneeroial I rooves. -J, M. Southcott, Secy. in. 0 esses11trrop, rlyeafittedt arid die.' • IHemrmber the k•clur, to be given eases of eve ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday February 27th. un the Opera !louse on Friday even- ing Feby. 26th at 8 o'clock under the Hospices of the Literary Society of t he High school. 'reserve seats The newest colors in shirts and ties, 25.,c Adults J5c., Children 10 cents. fancy braces. also a full stock of boots flan of hall at Cole's drug store . and shoes in all sizes, Clean fresh groceries always in stock. TEACHER WANTED For school sectio! No. 5 tesborne. male, with second class certificate ;.referred. to commence duties after Easter holidays. Apply to .1. N. 1'crkins. Exeter Ontario. Phone _)2 qemunnor New Spring Goods Are now ready for your inspection. New dress goods in all the leading cal- ors, in plain cloths, fancy stripes, and plaids. All at Ieasonable prices. We sell Oraftons prints. All guaranteed fast colors. Gent's Furnishings. Mr. William Arnold, o?"1 incardin,•, who has lensed Chas. E. Hackney's sales stable, arrived here Thursday ••••o••••••••••••♦♦♦•••♦•♦ with his new bus. and commenced • • service from the hotels Friday morn - LOCALS LOCALS 2 ing• The new bus is ,,. Innovation • ♦ for Exeter. h.rtng more of the style •••••••• s•.••••• of those used in the cities. The in- side is handsomely upholstered and Miss Blanche Smith is visiting ill will comfortably seat ten people. It Toronto. is equipped with rubber tired wheels. 'Inspector Tom visited the public Mr. Arnold will engage in the gen- school last week. era! trucking business, besides run - Miss Lizzie 'Carling is visiting rel- ,ting the bus and conducting a sale- atives in Toronto. stable. Mr. Frank J. Knight is in London At rt meeting of the council lust taking treatment. Friday evening at delegation waited on the council asking that two of Mrs. Thos. Elliot left last week to the hotel liquor licenses be cut off visit friends at 3fnrlett(, Mich. to take effect the 1st of May. After Mrs. Wm. Blaney, of Exeter North, considerable discussion a motion was is visiting in Toronto for a month. put and carried three to two that a Mrs. Thos. Bissett, Jr. is visiting by -tau be passed reducing the hotel relatives in Strathroy and Norwich, licenses to three. It is understood Mr. Wilbur Vale. of London, is vis- that while the licenses are reduced iting his mother Mrs. John Vale, J the agitation for local option will be Exeter north. r carried on and the people will be asked to vote on a local option by- law at the next January municipal elections. A meeting of the Literary Society of the Exeter (High School Depart- tnent was held on Friday afternoon from :3 to 4.30 o'clock. A good pro- gram was given by the pupils of form HI, consisting of the following num- bers :-Instrumentaf, Jessie Manson; 'Reading. Eddie Willis; solo. Beattie Martin; Spending Beatrice Howey ; Debate "Resolved that the Japnneze should be excluded from Canada," affirmative, John \Valk,., and Wil- lie Birney, negative, Loney 'Heywood and John Oestrcicher. The judges de- cided in favor of the affirmative its they won both by points and delivery. Glee club selection, John Dough; Es- say, "History of the Bear," Eddie Jones: Question dratwer; !tending of the Journal; Glee Club Selection, Address by 'Inspector J. E. Tom. The following is taken from the Kincardine 'R r. Arnold, who last week started a new al John 'Bowerman, of WillowCity, N. i1)., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Richard llunter. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of Deloraiue. Man., were the guests of Mrs. J. Miller last week. Mr. Geo. 'Renton, of Brantford, was the guest of Messrs. Carling and Pickard last Sunday. Mrs. Kent, of London, was the guest of her daughter. Mrs. W. It. Harrison over Sunday. Mr. It. Welsh. of Knlatn000. Alich., was here lust week visiting his rnoth- er and other relatives. Mrs. Geo. Neaman left Saturday for her home in 'Regina, slopping 'ut Lone:on and Toronto for n few days. r. Lee Blatchford left Monday f . • \Vingham. where he has secured s I•osition with the electric light Co. of that town. Mrs. Nelson Northcott. of Stratford, is waiting on her mother. Mrs. Cicero 'Review and refers to \f Attlee -twill, who is i11 at her home Exeter North. f bus and drayage business in Exeter, \\ Mrs. ,lames Willis Inst Friday par -I "William Arnold, who has been an chased the dwelling on Main street, her, and energetic business man north of 'It. f)ownie's property from herr for over 20 years hat, bought ,t elrs. 1lfoward. of London. bus and an extensive horse sales Susi_ Hess in Exeter and leaves for that place as soon as he can dispose of his interests here. Mr. Arnold has been dealing with the people of this dis- trict for many years and has the re- putation of being a shrewd and hon- orable business man. 'He has been prosperous here. but believes there is a larger field for his activities at and around Exeter. Certainly this town will lose a capable and enter- prising citizen. but the hope he %t•ill do .weir better where he is going than he has done here and his success in business here has been considerabl:•, Exeter will find itlr. Arnold 0. K. in every particular. Mr. Arnold while here has been n member of the coun- cil a nd of the Board of Educe lion. When he ran for the council he head- ed the poll. Friday night twe y'orre)t men re- turning hone, noticed smoke issuing I)�1)avthe ls' eraeer paint windows tshop nt next door over Arthur the Times office. They notified John 11yndm:an who tuns sitting in his bro- ther's office and he unlocked n door allowing them to ascend to the upper flour but the rooms were so full of smoke they were unable to locate the fire. They initncdidiat1ly ran to the fire halt and sounded the alarm, the department responding at once. After 130111, difficulty the [ire was located in an unused hack roofs over the paint shop and was shortly ex- tinguished. Ily K h, d but not before burned a considerable sized diol, h:in the floor. A lot of paint belonging to Mr. Davis w -as daninged by water. In 1)r. i1yndnm►►'s office. nearly everything the water was turned on and ut veryrelittle damage wren done outside th:• soak- ing of the walls. !lad the fire oc- cu rre• dn 1 to r '► t1 the evening. re is no doubt the building would have been destroyed. It is not known how the [ire started. The paint stock was not insured. lir. James Beverly [las purchased ,the house north of \Vicekea Bros. marble shop from Mr. H. [Hooper and will take possession shortly. Mr. '1'. E. 'Handford on Tuesday shipped two carloads of forty horses to Winnipeg. The shipment was an exceptionally fine lot of animals. Mr. John .1. McKay. of Detroit was here last week attending the funer- al of his mother. the late Mrs. Thigh McKay. who was buried Thursday. Mrs. Bright last Friday evening entertained a number of young ladies in the town in honor of her cousin. Miss Marjorie Bose. of Guelph, who is visiting her. MIPs Edna Dow. who returned hone several weeks ago. on account of sickness knc•ss dor to pleurisy, left Aloud;ay to resume her dirties as nurse in the Toronto hospital. Bev. Spargo. of l'rince Edward Is- land preached in the .fames Street Methodist church last Sunday even - Rev. and Mrs. tipurgo are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcinnis. Mr. ilyde. chief engineer of the St. Marys. Ontario ,tn(1 Western 't:til- tt•ay. was in town Inst Friday look- ing over the ground wit h a view of selecting t he most suitable location for a railway station. Mr. J. Kcstle, of St. Thomas, for- merly manager of the Exeter plant r.the Sutherland -Innis Co., was in town last Thursday. trying to secure an Exeter man to look after the in- terests of the company at Teterboro. Ai n Imb,r , 0 f foal people cols g ( pleas- antly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Janes Gould at their horse. Main Street. on 1 hursd:(y evening of last week. Dur- ing the evening luncheon was served [ [lowed by gamey of different kinds. .rack McLaughlin is receiving the c',ngral(ilntions of his friends on he• i Ig a grandfather. Last Thursday he received word that his dnughte•r, -1rs. .fames Stanley. of Winnipeg, had 1 pr•senled her helyhnnd with 11 130n. '1r. Alex. Dow lost a valuable colt in a pecular manner litre Saturday. 116. was teaching the :unmet to get nccusto e m d to being tied, when t'a • hn it made several efforts to break away and injured itself that it died in five tninntes. • The Exeter curlers who attended the bonspeil tat Rnrnia Inst week same near winning the trophy, being sllccershil to the finely. when they were d, fe:,t, d by a Sarnia rink. The Exeter curlers haw, shown good form (his year. trotting to the finals in every borspeil they hive entered. Thursday w•as ata exciting day for the curlers, an all dnv tournament in• singles continuing until the lights' went out at midnight. line by on, the bowlers fell by the wayside until the fine 1 for the trophies was decided by 'i. 1.. Huston and C. II. Snell. The Iorni'r won out. winning the medal, while Mr. Snell secured second prize. a white vest. NO OHAFS CAN COME Wind and the use of im- pure soaps cause dryness of the mutter coat of the skin. Ghnflng, redness and magi meet follow. Anything Hint will restore the softness of the `kin and 'leulraliz,. the effects of the soap will always pre- vent the chafing R. N. ROWE YOU'VE GOT TO EAT 111 the treatment of all pulmonary wasting or nervous diseases the ex- perienced physicia n will say food. good food and lots of.it." But you t/ you must have the appetite. Whena r you're takinge R 40 liltICK'S TASTE)4ESS COD LIVER OiL All kinds of Boots and you simply trust eat for your ap- petite comes back calling for food, and the "building up' flesh Shoes MANSON 40 THE OLD RELIABLE A glimpse into the various sections of this store will convince you that we have the goods and the prices too. Our Dry Goods Section Is filled with the most approved styles of Dress Goods Goods that are the most popular styles for spring. A splendid variety to select from, We are showing our new Prints and Gingha The newest and best. Come and get yonr choice before they are all picked over. Our Notion Section A section filled with all kinds of fancy Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc, Our Men's Clothing Section We believe this section needs very little eulogy. The fact that this department will tend to show that we sell only the best and newest to be had in clothing. Our Boot and Shoe Section Your faithful servants "the feet" really need great care. Good fitting footwear is an essential in our shoe section. Ont the smartest and best fitting footwear is to be had. Styles tha suit the eye and fit the feet. CARLINC BROS. producing process has begun. Boots and Shoes Take it regularly -you'll bless Next to Carling Bros. the day you started. i • 1 t . • • ALE DRUGGISTS W. S. Howey, Phut, Be Chemist and Optician EXETER - ONTARIO. BUS AND DRAY BUSI NESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business in Ex- eter, I have placed a new and up -to date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station and re- spectfully solicit a fair share of the business of the travelling public. Calls at the office, Phone 41a, cheerfully attend- ed to WM. ARNOLD Miss Clara Rook is visiting relit - fiver in Detroit. Miss Wfnonia Howard visited over Sunday in London the guest of Miss Elsie McCallum. Wanted, -General servant, must be good cook, apply to Mrs. G. W. Har- rison, Elizabeth street. Gi'IRL WANTED. -Good girl want- ed for general housework. Write to or apply at Times Office. Mrs. Thos. Cudntore attended the birthday gathering at the home of Mr. Richard Johns, Elite ville on Mon- day, The Caven Presbyterian church will commence hearing candidates for a call next Standee. tt hen Rev, P, M. Stevenson of Toronto, will preach both morning and evening. Mr. !3. Fitton is now fitting up a modern testing roots and optical par- lor. He has secured the services of stn extioscope who ll be here onrt tand afteet' Mardi 8tit Persons having detective epee should take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Watch this parser for full particulars next week. Tho anniversary services of the. ?chain street ynntley School will be held on Sunday, when Rev. Dewey of London will preach morning and evening. Music will be furnished by 1110 child- ren. On !timidity evening am enter- t.aiument will he given by the Sunday School scholars, consisting of songs, recitations, drills. etc. There will be a free hunch nerved for the children from six to eight. Admission to en. tertainment ISe. Mrs. Robert Print;, a former dent of Exeter. died in London Wednesday of last week and re.1i- 011 burred on Frid:,3 he t ti f was Counties of JL•ddlesex. Lambton or w: I .y , R•, . t ars11r a of age. !ler death ties the result of son (2) To construct and 0p a paralytic tarok... Mrs. Pring Was n sister of Mr. John Ford. Mrs. 'Thos. Elliott, of Exeter, Wm. Ford, Us - borne. Geo. Ford, Ilid(tulph: Airs. 1. Den ring. of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. I', [falls. of Whales. Man. She also leaves two sons and four druighters. Tier husband died to years ago. ♦ P♦♦♦N♦N•♦♦•♦♦e♦self's♦ TEACHERS of ripe seholar- ',hip, wide teaching and busi- ness experience in leading Can- adian and American centres, employe! by our chain of High. Grade Colleges. have built up a superior,unapproached curriculum. Each student is instructed privately at his own desk. We assist our graduates to the lest positions. Three course;- commercial, Stenogra• phy and Telegraphy, Mail Courses. Enter any day. 2 Write for particulars, CIIoIOo BUSHES C011ene GEO, SPOTTON, Principal. •••••••••••••••••••••••Z 1/r �CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands in the fore- front as the largest and hest practical training school in Western Ontario. \Ve have three departments, COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY. 4)0 All departments are in charge Iof experienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good positions. Students are en- tering every week. Write for our free catalogue at once. iELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, • Principals, ♦♦••••♦♦••••••••♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application nil! he made to the I'ar- liament of Canada at its present ses- sion for '.un Act to incorporate a Company li any to be Warned THE LONDON AND NORTII WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, with the following pa- pers: -(i) To construct. equip and operate a line of railway from n point in or near the City of London to the flown of Sarnia. ' passing through the 'Townships of London, Lobo, East .\Villiatns, Adelaide, War- wick. 1'lympton and Sarnia ; - also froze tl point in or near the city of London to n point. on Lake Huron in the County of Huron passerg through the Township of London, Lobo, East Williams. West Williams, McGillivray, Stephen, Ilay Stanley and Gorlcrich, with power to build branches n Sts or rz ( . L• Ily f . 19 .O (r ► the mein lines not exceeding in each 01114. fifteen miles, tech branches not to extend ts>yonel the •limits of the •••••••••• A'Regular Storm Period falls on thras 1 t four days of the month, be- ing rented with that of the Mercury psriod. et, t be f ! first (111.1 ter on the 26t1.. :�7h.IrIntro- meter will fail decidedly on entiring this period. ,fond, a r n l renewed • . n e d s s of rain. elect and snow will vi•it1 in some form or other. almost the en_ 'ltclare. to be for the general bent. - tire country on :and touching the 20. flu 01 Canada. 27th ;Ind 28th. This 0 a time when IVEY & 1)Li:, the sleet clod will hive n picnic with !solicitors for for th the Applicants. London, Orate,:o, 2nd February, 1909 telegraph and telephone lines alone its railway, and to collect tolls for the transmission of messages there- on(3) T nc ! o ( re 11 el er and steam power for the purposetof compressing sir or reiIIratine el,c- tr;c:ty, and to dispo is of surplus taw ,r not required for the purposes of the Company (4) To arquire elec- tricity or other power or energy, end Sr c0 transmit : the ,same to any c• tIn c in the municipalities through wh:ch the railway i, authorized to be built. end to diepoo of any sur- plus not required .for the purposes of the Col ,; y 1 n n . 1 The eael Railway and works are the w►r,•s. \‘ ;itch and .,e! We 1110,11 not forget 1h:it the vernal ,.i iinox us in strong force by this time. end this fact will guarantee heavy and gen- eral storms, winding Tip with proba- ble blizzards as the month goes out. Whatever forms stomas tory take on. it slay he put down as a reasonahle Tleis property belonged to the late certainly- that disagreeable and den_ Mrs. Blizs llodgert and 0 being 110Wey'g Cream ofkoses gpa''s•, lrt("'s mu r0nditionybranry wi11into preva�fnil as e.. offered by sale by the executors to h,rch. :\1- close up the estate. On the premises has the properties most eerf:,inlw, during the last half are a soletnntial brick hone... storey of the mouth. et one of the storm and :a half. good frame stable and '25c. bottles at periods. marked „tuatorinl disturb- lists: few fruit trees; good well and awes will reach th' 1(o:lth coast r••- 2.5 of an aero of lend. Bions in the form of West India bnr- For terms and particulars apply ricathenes.ircoThr barometer will herald Wm, llodgert, Farquhar, or Alex ming. Hodge rt, Ituaseldsk. House and Lot For Sale in Exeter Howey's Drug Store New Suitings in Greys, Tans, Browns and Greens, Just arrived styles salve as cities, but prices much lower. All our stock is new and up-to- date. W. W. TAM Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONT GRAND TRUNKS SYSTEM • Pacific Coast Excur- sions in Effect March 1st to April 30th, inclusive VANCOUVER, B. C. SPOKANE, WASH. SEATTLE, WASH, PORTLAND. ORE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. MEXICO CITY. Above rates are one-way second clam, applying FROM EXETER Tickets sold to certain other points in proportion. Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, or write J. D. MCDONALD, Mini Depot. Toronto. Ont. The Ok! R6l!dfflc Family Floud it has the natural color al flavor. Has an army of satisfi customers, The (duality of STAR FLOUR has givengivenUS success. HARVEY BROS. Man's A .Lyl Q n s Life A Man's life is full of crosses and t.emptatione, Be comes into this world without, his consent and goes out ngeinet tris will and (he road 0 ex- ceedingly roray, The rule of Contraries is one of the important features of the trip. When he 0 very little the big girls kiss him and when he gets big he klits- esthe little girls and seine (,f the big one Eton m it he 1 ast a Targe family he it en- dorsed • v the Premier.• hat if he mitt- s,mitt- s,email , begin. he It a thief. But 1 'eying the right Pinr.o frfromthe right l",ople at the tight !'rice snakes him n. 'her a chump, it thief or a had lflanag• e. And hie chittiesn will rise up ar et call hiss Lis sled, We hink we are the right p(op)e to hay ft n1. \\'e Krow our Pianos and Pricer are right; -('alt and let us con- vince you. to ' ) �e Mdrld & son ,