HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-25, Page 5TELE EXETER TIMES, FEB 25t11 1909 OREDITON NEWS Crediton Seeds Seeds We wish to announce to the farmers requiring seeds that 6 have selected from the stock we have handled this sea - n, the very choicest seeds for our retail trade and offer the ,Seeds l b•f ame at very moderate prices. We have in stock. Alsike, Timothy; Red Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy and Alsike Mixed, Millett, &c. We offer a good grade of Red Clover recleaned and free from Buckhorn and Ribgrass at $6 per bushel. C. ZWICKER, - Crediton. Brown's New Goods The latter end of this month will find us well equipped in every depart- ment of our store. In the past three weeks there has been a constant arrival of new goods and the values are bettor than in the year 190S. This spring of 1000 will be an unsurpassed season of business for us owing to the fact that our assortment is larger than ever thus giving you a greater variety to choose from. PRINTS As already stated we have a big range of these and this week receiving another shipment from Montreal to retail at 5c and l0c. Our 10c prints are as good as the 121e print were last year and our 12ijc prints which many stores are not stocking this year owing to the good value in the 10c line, are solid of without lga exceptionally and tu teed to wash.ThebluesarelIna and tleblacksAniline. Seeor special at 5c. Dress Goods, Lawns, Plain and Striped Dress Linens and Ginghams, Silks, White Goods, ete.. in great variety and up- to-date goods. Come in and we will show you through. Men, Youths and Boys Goods Just received a big shipment of Shirts and Collars from the celebrated W. G. & It. people. These goods need no introduction as we have had this brand for the past four years. None better in Canada. Prices 75c to 81.50 for Shirts. Just in. All new shades and shapes. See thein before purchasing elsewhere. Ready -Made Clothing Hats ince the arrival of our clothing we find that our stock is larger than ever . Styles are correct and values exceptionally good. We carry two of est brands manufactured, namely "Coppley, Noyes & Randall" (0 N & It) amilton. Ont., and Kaufman Bros., of Montreal. Prices run in men's from $5.0) to $16.00. Latter being exceptionally high class goods. Showing special line of rain coats and coverts at a cheap price. Buyers of Seeds, llidee and all kinds of Farm Produce. Pay highest market price, Cash or trade. S. BiRowN CRE1ITON. Announcement Having bought the business and good will of B. W. F. Beavers I am prepared to serve the peo- ple of the surrounding locality with the saute high grids of goods as has always been on sale here. I shall endeavor to serve all customers with prompt- ness and courtesy. Eresh Goods Arriving Daily A Cail Solicited JOSHUA JOHN FARQUH AR, SEEDS SEEIAe SEEDS We wish to announce to the far- mers requiring seeds that we have selected from the stock we have hand led this season, the very ehoieest seeds for our retail trade and offer the same at very moderate prices. We have in stock, Alsike, Tituotby, 'Red 'Clover. Alfalfa, 'Timothy and Al- sike mixed, Millet, etc., We offer a good grade of 'lied Clover, recleaned and free from lluckhorn or 'Itibgrass at $0.00 per bushel. A can solicited C. Z\VICh Elt. Mr. Garnet Brown. of Owen Sound spent Sunday in town renewing ac- quaintances. Mr. C. E. nitwit was in Exeter on Sunday last. The piany friends of Mr. and Mrs. Auditors' John F. Ilrown sympathize with thele in the loss of their daughter, Atuelia (Mrs. Johnson. of Detroit.) Deceased had been ailing for a long time and her mother went to Detroit early.in November to wait on her. She suc- •d. :lawever, to her illness on of last week, the remains being brought here \Wednesday, in- terment taking place in the Evangel- ical cemetery on Friday. airs, John- son was born and raised in Crediton and had many friends who sympath- ize with the sorrowing husband and parents. Besides her husband turd little son and parents, she leaves a sister, Mrs. Thos. Lawson, of Credi- ton, and a brother Mr. Albert Brown of 'Manitoba[. This is the second death in the family within a year, and the sympathy of the community is ex- tended to the sorrowing ones in this their hour of bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Sholdice, of Clande- boye. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Johnson on Friday. The special services which have been conducted in the Evangelical church for the past few weeks, are being continued this week. Mrs. 1). Link is attending the mil- linery openings in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Lamport left this %reek for \Winnipeg, taking with him a car- load of horses for Mr. T. tilandford, of Exeter. Miss Tolley visited at her home in Goderich over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker are in Toronto this week •attending the mil- linery openings and cement meeting. Senator and Mrs. `Itatz spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. 'Chas %wicker. A meeting of the quarterly board of the alethodist church was held last week. when the finances were found to be in good shape. in fact better than they have been for several years Under the leadership of their pas- tor.'Rev. ltobt. llicks, the church hus made splendid progress, both in at- tendance, in the giving as well as the spiritual upbeilding of the ntetn- bers..\ series of special services that were carried on and which were con- cluded recently have been the tueans of much good being done. At thi Total board meeting a unanimous invite- i•otal tion was given Mr. hicks to rentnin for another year. which sbows that the services of the tltev. gentleman are appreciated by the congregation. M. Brown and 1'. Geiser were suc- cessful in passing in primatry pins- , forte at the recent examinations held 1 by the Lendon Conservatory of music. Grand ncl BOVRIL• -gives strength for any sustained effort of body or mind. It is the con- centrated nourishment of beef available for immediate use. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood A German adult bible (ease bas beew organized in connection +with the Sunday School of the Evtua. church• A quiet wedding was solemt.izcd on Monday, Feby. '22nd. ut Mt. Carmel when Josephine ltagier, of the Goshen Line. was married to Leo. Deidrich, of the Lath con. by the ltev. Father Forster., Quarterly services were held in the consist Of Evangelical chureb on Saturday and Sunday. ltev. A. Y . l.laist, of Berlin Presiding elder, preached two very powerful sermons to large audiences. 'the sacrante_ttal services were ob- served ou S- nday morning. Mr. Jacob \\'inert, son of .lir. and Mrs. Joseph \Willer[, and Miss Bertha Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris• a eph u' reire quietly married tit Abstract the home of the bride on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, 'Rev. Thun officiating. Mr. To the early buyer t Village of Exeter and 'Mrs. \Willert left for Buffalo N. summer good.; before you mak[ your g I Y. to spend n short honey-tuoon• d extend the time for The monthly business meeting .of RECEIPT ABSTRACT, 1908. the livang;clienl 1 .1..\• +%'ill b' held number of glad hearts in the last few weeks by selling them good Dinner Seta Bal. from '07 as per auditors on Wednesday evening Feb- 2lth• A cheap. Can we add your name to this list We want your trade. report $ 3401 '20 very interesting programme ie being Arrears of taxes 83 58 pCepared by the literary committee. Farm Prodnce taken in exchange for Goods Interest on arrears of taxes 1 60 A good time is expected. Everybody Taxes col. for Municipal pur. 11530 73 !di:tl i invited to attend and bring SiebertCo, License fund 563 5-a near friends. r%ir. Sim Ireland. of Stratford, is Fines andccs .:' 'n � sla 4 Reductions in Winter Wear To Make R.om for Spring Goods No one buys Winter Goods now unless the price reduction is a good substantial one, It will pay you to buy Winter Goobs now, even if you have to hold them over till next winter it will pay you a big dividend on your investment, Our Heavy Winter Goods Mens, Boys and Youths Overcoats, Ladies Misses and Children Coats, All Heavy Un= derwear and Tweed Dress Goods, Woolen Blankets, Horse Blankets and Robes for the g we would sa • look through our stock of Spring and • purchases -It means Dollars and Cents to you. On account ofthe scarcity ofproduce we willex •n r another Two Weeks on our S �cial Sale of Dinner Sets. We have made a ,friends F f 9 Streets, bridges '& public prop. 90 b ip ,renduig a few days eistti 6 f d Poll taxes 7 00 (tents village property 50 00 Fence viewers 9 00 Railway tax 19:3 30 Legislative grant schools 171 00 Public school board 2702 68 (Borrowed) bills payable 5000 00 Int. on deposits '& investments 31 00 Street watering 319 05 Cemetery 981 59 Granolithic pavement 1.49 91 Miscellaneous 280 89 Total receipts $25471) 11 ABSTRACT OF EXPENJ)ITUIRE '08 Streets, drains. etc. $2105 04 Town Hall 141 90 Salaries and commissions - 715 00 Water supply & fire protec. 477 92 Printing. stationery & post 204 36 Legal fees 66 25 Board of `health 21 23 Public Library 100 00 Registrations 12 40 Charity 64 :15 Bills payable 5000 00 Interest (other than Deb.) 93 00 Street lighting - 1253 37 Street \Vateriug 350 20 Refunds (error in assessments) 12 00 Election expenses 75 35 Exeter Canning and Preserv- ing Co. debenture debt. 931 10 Railway debenture debt 787 45 Fire engine debenture debt 280 00 Granolithic debenture debt 8111 33 Cemetery 1732; 10 Miscellaneous 793 72 Public, school teachers' sal. 4142 00 " Scc'y and Janitor 337 49 Public school host 244 69 1't $21582 34 $25479 11 21382 34 Credit balance $ 3896 77 acre. :air• Chas. Wolfe and Mr. •\Werth,' of 'Crediton spent Sunday here. The Misses Minnie and Catharine o nSunday visited friends in Shipka New S rein Goods / on Sunday. Eay• Mr. F.zrt Ocstre;cher and sister visited ut the home of G. Oestreicher on Sunday. , T)ae Misses AIns;t Brenner and era i Arriving elegy day. We have the newest and most stylish Siebert visited at Zurich Sunday• goods this stole has ever shown. Come and see our Miss Maude ltoutledge who spent the past taw weeks visiting friends New Goods before you do your purchasing. in Cromarty and Nissour'_ has re- • turned to her home here. I-Iartleib Block. DASHWOOD, Our sleek is complete with the most stylish New Dress Goods fabrics consisting of Striped Suitings, Serge8. Shipka Panama% Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustres, Satin Cloths, Voiles, Crispin The Misses C. and M. Finkbeiner, Cloths, etc, etc. o[ Dashwood, called on Mr. and Mrs. C.Mrnkletiryrlast Saink, 01dCrcditon,call- LADIEa' NEW WH1'I'N' WEAR -Shirt \Vaists, (inures. Skirts, Corseb eda on Mr. Earnot Geiser last Sun_ Coverer, etc. day. Mr. Malcolm alclntosh is visiting friends in Parkhill this week. Senator V. utntx called on Mr. S. New Prints. Ging liam3, Moses, Fancy Vesting;s, Blusher, Linen Suiting, Swcitzcr last week. the very latest, Fhitting s etc, etc. air• and lairs. Karricher, of Zur- ich, spent Sunday with Mrs. \Wing. Wedding hells will soon be ringing • Mr. and Mrs. C. %wicker. of Creed- fIen's Spring Suiti ngs iron, called on friend•[ here Sunday. v NEW WASH GOODS King Alphonso was invited to take an airship trip the other day, but because Queen Victoria said •'nay" he refused. 11 we had received the invitation, wifey wouldn't be asked her permission. We'd refuse. iehniiy on the Spot._ _ All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do Public school miscellaneous 821 19 - - received by the Collector on account well to give 115 A Call. Sole agents fO!' edea l Total expendit+t>t�e of the contused way in which some of e• Woven•wire fencing. receipts bis books were kept. Neither could disbursements we establish the accuracy of the re- Highest prices tor Farm Produce. cords kept by the Collector of the Cemetery- accounts as he httd, through a misunderstetnding. neglected to Preserve his duplicate receipt books. The receipts 1roin the School Board,Corner Store, on the other hand. tvere readily veri- fied. As a remedy for these defects in the presentedthat system at would respect - the fully Fencln ani. Paints recommendrecommend'Treasurer of the Municipality be requested to; keep on file all letters enclosing drafts, cheques or other forms of re- mittance payable to the Municipality We have just receive a lot of wire for you to (10 yOUr - and any other evidence of the item' sl)rina fencing; \With, We handle the celebrated Page and ei receipts :and that the other alai Peerless fencing, '1150 Coil, Barb Wire and Igor Fencinv. cues who have the collection of the town funds be required to keep dupli- , , get , . Cate receipts for all monies paid tv. Prices AS reasonable as y011 can elsewhere. theta. I A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Total assets 43839 17 Wt. further found that the Muni- LiAIIILITIES civil monies were not all deposited' County rate due and iia%Irad 911 95 by the '�re surer in a chartered beak Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. This is b nr - Pain is Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit- ings ever shown in Dashwo:,d, All the latest patterns and colors. Call and see thetas before you purchase your spring suit. Price3 right, The sleighing has about all gone. It's a pity. but the (lend people can't help it. Bert `holt. tcho has been confined to the house for some time. is, we are glad to say. improving, and is able to move out a little. ONTARIO Quite a number from Port Frank and 'rhedford attended the shooting tnateb held here on alonday last. All spent a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Barry llamilton. of near Exeter, visited the former's par- ents on Sunday. Hobert l'ollock visited Crediton on Mond:a yt• Thomas stud James Mollard visited their brother lame. of Parkhill. on Monday. Several parties from Dashwood have been getting in their supply of ice from G .11. the last few days. Our Gun club are still waiting for that challenge from Exeter or Cred- iton. G. 'll. Smith intends r:tnning n livery stable in connection with his blacksmith shop the coming simmer. Mrs. \�•tn. Fritz visited Zurich on Sat tirdny. Lawrence Corriere nlio bats been attending high school in Parkhill. was brough home on Saturday. hav- tie t i k •n �i^a a flay or so previous. L. itevelle is having 4 h • gravel drawn this week for the foundation of his new store. We have received the score of the shooting snatch held Monday of Inst on Sunday last. I week and the resin: %sill be publish - Mies Ada Locker and S. s Class ani - cd next week. prised. \liss 1Lrggiit Passmore, a Wm- her of the class who is about to mov.l to the far Pae itic coast by visiting her get Immediate rditf fro.' on 'Tuesday eventing and presentil g PILES af. Shtiop's [►[elite Dimers[. ('t•r w•,tli a work box, Farquhar U1 V111 Monday the 222nd was a very fine ll1tJ6 ofi S Cit P day and a large number attended Mr. J; 13. W. F. Beavers sale. Mr. Joseph The man who 1.3 a jii 1g; ' of good %Vhite tate popular auctioneer wielded other vas not fail to appreciate the the hauunet in his usual manner. The eellene a of our Spring patterns. at titles were of gond quality and gond r display of teen. suiting+, pantings, prices were secured. stings, etc , fnitly blooms with ; Mr. J. Johns who recently purchased print[ npprapriateness, if von are a . the store and stock from Mr. Heavers, good judge of goods and ale makeup began business+ on Saturday last, and ire can certainly please you with a will seek to serve customers in a retia- •uit of clothes. If you are not a judge factory manner. of goods or tailoring I Miss Addict 'l'urnirnll in assisting at 'the stote she has heti considerable ex - non Come Here by all dean: trerience and will be a great help to Mr. Johns who has experience to gain. Come for the teason that we have Jelin JfcNicol who was injured a the reputation of selling thehest goods -Lott time ago by a lineae la progres• and Snowing li ,%v to make 1l:ein, and sing favorably being able Ur get one we live up to our reputattien. You around. take no chump when huytsg here, ,Mrs. E le tufltta'I areal chrhlren. of Just select your g40ods, let us take Glencoe after a% pleas:u,t vii it w ith our measure and you may safely relatives nil(' ft;et.ds in this vitit.-ity leave the rest entirely to us. Give its tctnrned hones on Tu-•eday. an opportunity to dentnnstette to von Mr. John E:-ei v, wife 511(1 daughter that we know our business ir,.m A to of Elea'. virit'.1 with Mr. Jas. Hat• is 'L. We ask von not to buy your Spring `Suit until you coque and see What we can (10 for you. J, H. Holtzmann C'; EI)ITON. �ftt�t► merle 125 MILE41.5„ IN A ROWBOAT RFROMKMISS ON CITY. Mr. John R, Wren, late Reeve of Mission City, B.C.,11 now 60 years of age and tells the follow- ing remarkable story : ``Some years ago 1 was given up by the �- r Doctors. 1 was so weak I could not walk across the floor, and was e -" patiently waiting for death. 1 had paid as much as $25 a visit fora specialist who said 1 could not get relief. In this condition i seat for a sample of PSYCHINE. The first night PSYCHINE gave relief. The bleeding of the lungs ceased and in three weeks 1 was able to walk three miles before 7 o'clock a.m. and take the oversight of a score of men." This was in 1894, just 14 years ago. Since that time Mr. J. Wren has been Reeve of Mission City. and on Augest 17th, 1908, wrote: 1 am now in my 68th year and weigh 296 p Binds and do considerable business. Last week 1 travelled 125 miles in a row t•nat and slept out every night, and feel no had effects from it. i owe this new lease of lif: to Dr. T A Slocum and his remedies." I3owonderMr l\'rentsgr.. fittfor l's 'ti 111Sisfor11tnnsfor.e J1,1mfrom awrsklinct '•'ntyty. hardy man snit this* R (111).% of giro Wien it t ``rnplc are expecte* see veer", 1'-Y:•111\i: t+ n ,t at terfnl Valente) Eget-fiver. r.iring we eta,-• t rocs tlri• statement ter I'SY(•IIIS): cure's oro ;Mrmane.i'. 1tltRt ISl,rr iN VARY OOSE- \%'ownnty ntotest it, Materrnd+en1:or ittri-11 (11. at .•epees �tnlle.a'r mto 1t,,. T. A. Beene'. Limi req. Sp•din,% ave•, •f • . • , 1'SYCItIN F; is sold by ail d uggi.•e and sores n' '#1 And $1.•4. r 1.. t:e. trt.lt, ['Lir1 y , ''•-n1,.. •sae , • 1••. T. A. T,. 1 +.,,e,• At... ., fr.sI t'Wt11 • ill in ere lied lin CVO. ASSETS Cash in treasury (Exclusive of Sinking fund) $ 38!16 77 Taxes in arrears 92 40 Land including parks 1000 00 Buildings, furniture. etc. (t•x- elusive of school property) 65011 00 School property 10000 011 \Vater works 2800 00 Fire halls and appliances 4000 00 Public Library 1500 00 Cemetery 3300 00 Canning Company niortgage 9500 00 Ma rket building and weigh scalls 400 00 (land instruments & uniforms 250 0t► TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER - l)ASHW000 Due school board 1153 92 as be received them. y Debentures.- to Section 2J1 (5) of the Municipal (1' Local improvements 3247 12 Act. Again. the private funds of the (2) Aid to Railways 31711 (1G Treasurer have been deposited in the (3) Bonus Canning Co. !1518 00 amine accountwith the town moniesA big stock of MIIU'tin sellout' ready Mixed Paints (4) All other objects 501) 00 and his private cheques have been 100 per cent 1)lll'[' Other liabilities -127 115 draw11 upom n this account frotitnc _ __ to time. This naturally entrees con -Buy your Hardware From us Total liabilities ?'2223G 110 fusion and is contrary to at. S. 0., Total Assets $$43830 17 Chap• 228, Sec. 2u. l t addition the X2.22 current account is o,.. .Jin the Hume I'rcduce taken in Exchange 'Coln! Liabilities 3f► 011 ____ of "a. ganders, 'Treasurer", whereas Balance 'ellen 1 17 Sec, 291 (5) of the Municipal Act pro- r� f�[ \\' • e undersigned alunici pal vides that "The 'Irenstirer shall open Hardware LJ• TIEMAN, %���1 Da`S woo We ih g i un account in the name of the 'Mimi - it fdoo certify that we have fund, cipalit}• etc," One objection. innong them the correct and accounts and find other+. to having the money of the them 7orrect and the batt' T• of hlunici •flit so deposited is that in urer 77 inh t31 hands of the Terns- the ergot o[ the death or sudden dis- urer on t he 31st may of December ability of the present Treasurer the 190$. : funds of the town would be tied up Auditors, JOY. DAVIS. until his estate were,[ administered. J. 0. STAN l3I•It W• • \`.'e would. therefore, respectfully recommend that the Treasurer be re - To the Reeve and Council of the \'tl-' ttti;ree "to open an account in the age of Exeter.- ' name of the Municipality in such of Gentlemen: -We beg to certify that of the Chartered banks of Canada as we have audited the books and vouch ,nay be approved of by the Council" era of the Municipality of the Village and Ihnt he "shun deposit to the of Exeter for the year ending Decem- credit of such account all moneys re- ber:31st, 11ItS. We find the total re. ceived by hilt''. \W4. would further ceipt5 for the year (including a hal recommend that the Municipal funds - ance frino last year of $:4111 2'i) are be kept entiri•)y unmixed with the haat-Ituk so very useful as a house - $25,I70.11 and that the Total Cash Ex T'reasurer's orient,. funds find t hat hold ba In' that 1 want to rnake its penditures for the year are $21,3`'2.3$ all disbursements of the Trrnsurer be merits still more widely known. Some leaving a balance in the hands of the made by cheque. eight weeks ago. my brother, Mr. C. Treasurer of $:1'49,.77. The assets we ; \Wr beg to report further that et' l Procter 'roe erthappenrk ednouspaccire: It have pieced at $f:3,8;30.17 and the Lia- lilac examined the hooks of the d the perm of hist rustya hand. at- bilities we [Ind are $'2'2,73(;,')). School Boa rd with a view to :amity rust of the poisoned the flesh, he While we have no reason from our in • at the correct amount held I' red inflammation ,nailset n quickly. lie investigation awl no desire to give the :•lunici'ility as Treasurer of the, want to the GeneralsHospital uick and the impression that the strictest hon- of the School funds. \Ve. find the in-, consulted a doctor, who advised pand est y has not been observed by the of. debtedness to be "1151.92 ns tit tit rd in I consulted e a do out the poison. This l- ficid, whose eel t have been exam- port out report of l;ab;eitics. CASTOR 1 A fined, yet ice feel it our duty to report \\ • hove examined the• records of , was applied. but when there wns no to your honorable body that we have the Debenture Debt of the village, itt' I improvement after a few days, 1 be - found the general no thod of keeping = loney iiy-laws and the bonds of the i gen applying %ntn-Itrik balm. leaving For Infants and Children. the various hooky noel vouchers of the 1't.:• t:Iet. The larger appear to be eft Poultices. the Kind You Have Always Baeght Municipality not only &flatmates] and in regular form and of sufficient 1 /. nt a of toothed the almost pnin• drew out confu+nig( but contrary to the plain %slue for their purpose, provisions of tee Municipal Act. The cash balance in the hands of I the poison, and allayed rill inilatn- Bears the Iii oar ex; initiation of the 'netts- tht• Treasurer on the 31st. Deeemb.•r mellon. 11 eating then commenced, ,f-2• f urn's book we found no difficulty in 1!108 was $3elt6.77, deposited in the and in 0 few rinys h.• was able to re- Signatnreof auditing the vnrious iters of eela•ndi- Exeter Branch of the Canndian (lank slime work. ' "Six weeks ago my hesband. Mr. C. - titre as n comparison with tae• Ord •r of Commerce. Cook readily verified thew. !set We desire to neknonledge the J. lrlam. while returning from work some difficulty was experienced in courtesy of the various town offi anile late in the evening• %un5 bitten SALE REGISTER cheeking the receipts as no Vouchers cials who gave us the fullest infor-' by a dog, the dog's teeth penetra- At F.lirnville, Monday March let at a •reared available for some of there. mation and cheerfully rendered every time the ft •sh on his thigh just above 2 p. 111. village property stock, iui- i1 assrstnnce in connection with the.ihr knee Directly he came home elements and honsehoid goods. Mrs. Fnt' ex:rrnplr. the amounts credited Audit- %'rent -leak one applied to the wound. Matilda 'Farris. Prop. •ens. White, ea corning into the 'Treasury from 3( 190►, nett in n few days the soreness wane Auctioneer. t 1 n•1 other outside• cont• Exeter. February 10th, i on' and the wound tAoronghly herd- S:Itnrdny, starer' fit b. Auction salo Jo Davis g ovtfrt end A M07'1IEIt'$ TALK: TO MOTHERS. i of Znm-Buk Will provided when my little boy had tt nasty tall. 11e What Zorn -auk Did in a Western' I is rive )care old, and was playing one Ulome. day when he fell. His head struck on -- t 0 sharp stone. which cut a nasty llcrc is list one illustration of the gash. As soon as 1 had unshed the Jcut 1 applied Yam -Bek In the usual wisdom of keeping a box of Znm-Bak way, and it was really wonderful bow ;always handy. It is 0 trete t. ,rd of quickly it relieved the little fellow's the varied uses to which this greet Pain. Within a week the cut -a baht was put -with highly satisfnc- dt,(,p one -was quite healed. tory results in everq case -in just Every mother who once proves the oar [nmily, and d''ring a few nwnths ;+ll -round value o[ Zam-lluk will only• Mrs. V. .1. Irl�im. of 907 \Will- never again be without It." w iatn 'Avenue, Winnipeg, makes the /site-lluk is a pure herbal balw, '' report as follows :-"I have found ;,,td cures cuts, bnr,is, bruises, ab• scesses, ulcers. scam[•+, scalp sores, ringworm. chapped hands, cold -sores, frost -bite, bad leg. inflamed patches, etc. 1t also curets piles. Used its an embrocation it %vitt be formed to re- tnove rheumatism. sciatica, and neu- ralgia. All druggists and Stores sell nt 50 cents a box. or post free from km -link Co.. 'Toronto for price. Govcrnmrt c(•it could 1; in vogue. h, difficult to under the system new J. G. tttanbnr cd. I.rt F.x ler of .fhr hang rifled. Again, it was y Wer the exact amount Auditors, , "A third instance of the power live stock. 7•. (`,meter), act. 1 r