HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-25, Page 4A.HE EXEZ ER TIMES, FEB. :.)5th 1909. Coughs and' Colds For the prompt relief and cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse- ness, Loss of Voice, and all affections of the Throat and lungs and for general debility. Get a 1 ottle of Perry's Com- pound Syrup of NVhite Pine with Tar or Perry's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo. phosphites of Lime and Soda. Sold at Kirkton :'1 meeting in the iutere;ts of the• Farmers' 1n.titute was held ire Aber- deen '11.'11 on friday afternouu and evening last, 19th inst., which proved to be one of the most interest- ing and successful meetings of the district. Excellent addresses were given by both geutleman and lady, the latter especially. Luring the af- ternoon sessiou the ladies Institute was reorganized with Mrs. Samuel Tufts as president. stud we bespeak for it a Most successful career. A meeting in the interests of the Ladies Institute is to be held at the home of Mrs. Jus. Moore, 4th line. on the af- ternoon of Tuesday, Dlarch 2nd, to which all are invited. A social evening will be participat- ed in by the members of the local courts of the I. 0. F. at the next reg- ular tweeting night, March 22nd. A very enjoyable evening is looked for- ward to. The next reenter tweeting of the Brownings Drug Store Canadian club falls on Thursday evening March 4th. All are cspecial- ly invited to attend as some topics of much interest will be discussed. \\•c understand that one of our store keepers is coutemplating selling out and going west. "What will be the tt-esterners loss will be our gain." Mr. b. ltoutly entertained it few neighbors and friends at a social even• ing last week. Last week a supper was served at Mr. W. M. Leigh's in honor of W. (ll, Hensall Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert .McLaren cele- brated the 25th anniversary of their 'Wedding last Friday evening. 'Mr. Perkins is visiting his mother and brother at the Commercial hotel. hIr. Fred Manns last week moved Marshall, retiring director of Aber - into the house he recently purchased deco 111.'11. The supper was designnt- frorn John Short and which had been ed "an Aberdeen supper" by the pop - occupy(' by James Logan. ular caretaker. Mr. I'. F. Doupc was Mr. L. !Rennie bas been appointed elected director for the vacancy and superintendent of the llensall Metho- a good time was the verdict. dist church in place of J. C'. Slone - An oyster supper was given the illlan, deceased. Wanderers from the 'West" at the 11:. 'Roland Cudmorc intends erect- home of Mr. S. Loupe last week at which the west, even in their estinia= tion, faded into insignificance beside the genial hospitality of Old Ontario. Mr. John Williams took a sleigh- t load to Mr. Daniel 'llnwkcy's for a . and Mrs. Geo. lt, stbo have, social evening and a little healthy •: he - for setcral months, return -I exercise, returning at an unhealthy last week to their home in the hour after a "ripping Chris - west. good time•" On Tuesday, Feby• 16th Mrs. Chris- Mi-. Thos. Moss conveyed a sleigh- tonhcr Eacrett of the second COIICee-1 load to Saintbury last week to a pie social in the English church. The ladies upheld, and if possible, added lustre to their already famous repu- tations as pie makers. which could be proton by the number of pies de- molished. bereaved husband celebrated their 'Rev, Win. Lowe conducted anniver- sarylast 'golden wedding. She is survived by ti Sunday. A really Paul'sermons in St. iritualrcuplift besic'as her husband. a family of should be experienced by those who 'grown up children. all of whom, ex- attended. cepting 'Robert, who li ves in Ilensall The monthly electing of I. O. F.. and Mrs. llnrry Taylor, who was Court Woodham. No. 255, was held tvith her during her illness. are set- in Aberdeen 11.'11 last Monday rvcn- tled in different parts of Canada and in where the members had it the United States. The funeral took g good place on Thursday. Since going to Toronto Dr. I'ergu- aon has secured a lucrative practice and has :tlso been lecturing in the hospitals. ing a fine new brick residence in the spring. Lorne Sterling, who recently under- went an operation is recovering nice - cion of Hay, died after being afflicted for u number of years. During last summer she seemed to improve some- what, but the improvement wts only .temporarily. She was 76 years of -age About a year ago she and her HORN STANLEY -In Winnipeg. -Wednesday Feby. 171h, to Mi•. and Mrs. Jas. Stanley, (nee 011ie McLaughlin) n son. QECTOR.-In Exeter. Sunday, Fcby. '2I, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. 11lector, n daughter. LAMPOItT.- In Stephen on Thurs- -day. Fehy. 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport a son. BENDER -At the 14th Con. Bay, on Friday 12th inst.. to Sir. and Mrs. Ezra (Bender. n son. ,WALTEIt.s-At the Bronson Line, }lay. on Tuesday the 16th inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. .ilerman Walters. rt daughter. BENEDiCT-in Crediton. on Monday. Fcby. ., _2nd to ,\ir. and Mrs. Arthur -Benedict a daughter. MARRIED 101ESS-DAV1it0N At the Manse. llensa 11. on Wednesday Feb. 101h, 1909. by 'rev. E. P. Ma,. Smith B. A.. r'aizaheth Jane Davidson. to Walter Joseph Amems. HOWARD-l'OLLOCK At the resi. dence of the bride's perenfs. Mr. rind >Trs..1.7loward. Town line. Hay Township. on \Veduesdiy Feb. 17th by 'Rev. T. Irtvidson. of Varna, ;i, 1• A. Pollock. f 'Ripley, le to 1 .. ,1 cs ollu o T r rn I ). Miss :S,•t rnh 'lt word. o 1)1•:II)F;Itl(11-ItAGlElt-At \It. Car- NOUSE WORK a ?'. ( 7.47 �(11�r' , _ .y. '.::-.111YIN '. Itt,�tlle.vl/.!�✓ter '.%�lk �•, Thousands of American woolen in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement .'cement is often ten brought on and they suffer in silence, n,e1.\tond:,y, Feb. Nand. by Item. drifting aloe from bad to worse, Father 'Forster. Josephine Ilcatrier, knowingwell that they ought to of Monson Line to Leo. I)eiderich. have helto overcome the pins n ,f the• 121h con. r I and taches which 0011\ make life a burden. V II.1,1•;It1'-SIILI,h:li- At I)•Ishwood. Tu. el ly. Feb. 16th by Rev. Then, Bertha Miller to Jacob Willert. FOI'I)-GREEN- In Stephen. on " 1 (111estliy. 1'eby. 17th. at the house of th • brill•"s parents. Mr. eolnes as a lx>on and a blessing, and Mrs. Fred Green. Jessie May ai it did to Mrs. W. Barrett., of f02 Green to Milton W. Ford. by Rev. 'ROA.9Iie! Moreau St., Montreal, who writes I I to Ors. l'inkliain : "For years 1 was a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite every remedy given me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse. "One day a friend advised me to try Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. 1 did s,. and ata thankful to It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND DiED Eh;11E-At Fort %Villi., ei on Tues- day. Fehy. 16th. Reginald Nelson. son of Mr. and Mr.. Nelson Sheer-. aged t montbs. Mr. Robert Bolin. s. , x -`.I. P. and editor of the Clinton New Era. has say that it made me strung and well." bee'. appointed tint v• yor of Customs FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. pt -Toronto t;t -succi, d J. H. Itertrnnl who kr b,•.•n appointed to the poli- For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ,,t3etr- of Collector of Customs. Mr. Ilant'S Vegetable Compound, made flrolmes' position ptys $2,100 n year. from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills SMALL QUARTERS Folt MOSE.: and has positively citredthousands of fond of Ilihl • stories. women who have been troubled with ilia auntie %vrn relining 10 hi in the. ; displacements, inflammation, ulcera- atory of Moses in th- busk, -t of h'•1- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, rush when he elrr,•stly engair d periodic pains, backache, that bear - •Ind he ever grow to h'• now- insg.down feeling, tlatuleney,indiges- •'hes. he was fold. ".\ 0r,•:tt b'c man?' Oon,I 1 r. marked incredulous+-. "Well- I d i 1bo•rpht he'd n busted the basket.- -The March 01-:1.1 \ t: ATOI1. t it ui,dilliness,ornervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. I'inkbam Invites all Rick women to write her for advice. Shin 1 . s guided t1 sands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. 5er111,1[,sraveaernac.•wsr saassso. a ram Tickling in the A : tie tickling in the throat!" is that what trol'''L's 't hangs on! Can't get rid of it! Houle rem- ice hold. You need something stronger -a divine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry Mains healing, quieting, and soothing proper - le highest order. Ask your doctor about thb. ohol ill ;his cough medicine. :-��,;ti it Co., t.0-1-Wi.-11ase, pation res hely prevents good health. Then why allow it to continue Ana: live iia great preventive of disease. Ayer's PUIs ars prerpills. What docs yourdocicr _al'? time. '('owe out to lodge . A box social was held in Aberdeen' 1I t11 last Tuesday night in the inter- est of fit. Paul's church. There With :t large crowd and bidding fur boxes was both high and lively. A good program was given uiustly .by local talent, which was exceptional in its ieerit. 1:v,ryune had a good time and the proceeds beyond the most sanguine expectation. We regret to announce the death of Wui. Stevens, son of \\'m. Stevens, aged 5 years and 9 mouths. The funeral took place on Tuesday at 1.30 attended by a large number of friends. The 'limes tenders its heart- felt sympathy to the bereaved par- ents. If you ewould have a safe yet cer- tain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's-at least once. It is thoroughly unlike any other Cough preparation. Its taste will the en- tirely new to you -unless it is al- ready ;your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other etupifying ingredients ore used. the tender leaves of a harmless, lung - healing mountainuous shrug, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won- derful curative properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by W. 8. Howey. Whalen A number from around here at- tended the social at Saintsbury litst Thursday evening. 1I. Millson, Lloyd Hodgson and their friends attended divine service at Lu - can on Sunday. Mrs. David 'ltoweeliffe, of Granton visited her sister, Mrs. D. 'Hodgson. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'tVIU. Morley visited at the latter's hone rat Bryanston on Sunday. Mrs. J. Wright gave a party to a number of her friends on Tuesday evening of last week The wedding of Miss Laura Mit-' shell to Mr. Archie Dlcllhargey took Once on Tuesday. WO wish them it happy wedded life. A great deal of teaming was done on the wee bit of sleighing we had. LEAKING AUCTION SALE - Mr. Joseph White has been in- structed by the undersigned to sell by public auction, Lot 13, Concession 6, Usborne on Monday March 1, 1909, commencing at 2 o'clock, the follow- ing -:-One horse; one cow due to calve in March; 25 hens ; top buggy, light wagon ; 2 cutters ; pulper ; fanning mill ; plow ; set harrows ; wheel -bar- row: hay rack ; •ladder ; hay knife ; 2 sets single harness; logging chain; forks, hoes, spades and shovels; Lon- don fence machine with pulley and ropes; neckyoke, crow bar; pick; 2 oross-cut saws; pr ; steelyards; doz. grain bags; grinding stone; cider grinder ; a bout 75 bush. of ttlangolds : ouantity of hay and oat sheaves and corn; quantity of stove wood. Household effects. -2 cook stoves; 1 parlor stove; 1 kitchen cupboard; 1 glass cupboard; 2 bedsteads; I sew- ing machine; half doz. chairs ; lounge 25 yards linoleum: a number of pic. tures; '1 clock. 'Real 'Estate.- North east corner of Lot 13 Con. 6. Usborne, containing six acres of land. with dwelling house built of brick. in good repair., with woodshed attached ; also a well of good water. There are also barn and stable; one acre of good bearing or- chard. Terms of sale -Terns on house and lot made known on day of sale. All $5SUof to9 and under cash; h. ofe rthtt amotan1 seven months credit will be given on furnishing nteihing . i , I proved joint notes. or a discount of five per cent per annum off for cash on credit :tutounts. Decision of auctioneer to be final. Joseph White. Auctioneer, \Ire. ale tibia 1larris Prop. LEA1tIsG BALE OF 'REGISTER - ed and high grade farm Stock. Mr. 'Thos. Cameron has received 111- ,1ruct:ons from Mr. William Deity - 'twit, 10 sell by Public Auction on I,ot 6. Con. 12, Ilibbert, Wednesday' March Ir . e ► d 1909, et o'clockone e sharp f011OtIrl,r. valuable properly, viz. ilorses, I aged mare registered from Imported stook ; 1 mare 6 years old, registered ; 1 entire colt. rising lar o Years old eligible for registration; 1 gelding rising four years old agri- cultural; 1 gelding rising 3 'years oar:cultural; 1 gelling ti -:ng 2yrs. 'gI:cultural; 2 colts rising 1 year o:rl. age;cultural ; 1 bice driving mare 1.- ng four years; 1 gelding rising 2 years old. carria,te. Cattle, 1 cow, with calf at foot ; 1 cow due to calve at lime of sale: 4 cows duo to c,lve in March and April; 2 farrow Cons: 4 steers. 3 years old, good stockers ; 2 heifers 3 years old ; 10 ,rood beef r:tig heifers, 2 years old ; ,10 stcers, years o!d ; 5 calves. iIoge. Four pure bred Berkshire tows due to lit- ter in Meech and April; Four purr - bred Tamworth sows. due to litter :n March, April and May ; Four pure- bred Yorkshire sows. due 10 litter in SLareh, April and Miy„ 1 pure- br.•.! It• r k.h:re boar; 10 store Logs ; 1511 :i,_: 2 bronze Toni turkeys; n re: .',rev of hay; 25 bush. timothy I'o..t.vely no reserve as the 1' e;'• •• 'or has e:st 11 up 1Le !case of f 1 • r.i. I • ',--:111 tame of *5 an,) iln,l,•r t-' • ,,ver that tmount 9 mo=. • ; :11 be given on furn:shin,' o• •1 joist dotes. or a discount of 6 , •111. per anmun :';lowed fn;• r' on ete,l;t :itnolu)f,. \' 11,1,1A\t DAEUVNIl'LF, i'ropr'oto. 1'1Ifis. 'CAMEROS. Auctioneer. Threatening feveriabnc=s wit: et,.I Iron is quickly and safely enitned t.w I'reveut:c.. There little Candy ('o?,! ell ,- 'tablets should always b, al hand -for promptness is nil im port ant• Prev, twin contain 'lotl'in no tteth° a- , .n harsh ..h R or s'c 1k ens :. i 1 are t)n,lrr'1 "1 he at tc, in 1•ni ' . 1, tied in pocket, or purse. I'rct'en' i . ,re a genu ne Snferanrd ag,t.n_ • Colds. 25e. Fold by W 8. How 03% Thames Road The home of Mr. and Mrs. William \\onteith %%:.s the s` -n.- of n large g'1herinc Wednesday evening of last w eek. w h. n everyone for toil s a ro'md asmembl••d to Wel Mr. and Mrs. Mmf- te•th and their (niftily farewell b• - fore 1heir dopa rt 'i r.• for t h • west. SI r. Thoma. Cameron w-nappoint- ed master of ceremonies and while Mulae w 1i xi1YID(ID'" .ru1r:,W1 0.11,..1111114110.11.a/ tl° Ix- 1, nmouwa anGIO'mm.r1111111111110111111111111111a'1 Nt \N 1', l IIILDItt:N Promotes l3'igeslion,Cheerful- nt sea Ldilest.Contains neither .im,Morphine nor Mewl. OT NARCOTIC. Ape fect Remedy for Cons tipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feve r i s l t- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. i'acSitnile Signature of NEW YORK. Al le rnolttit+ old -llo,is-.3)CrNIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 7Ha CIN?AY. OOY.►Mr, M -W rasa CTI. When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart by dosing with headache cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver. will settle the stomach and make your liver act with- out violence but effectively. It will remove the cause and cure the headache. " Geta 25c. Box For Sale by W. 8. Colo, Exeter. he read the appendid address Mr. and of agriculture for Saskatchewan. how to handle the plow. and that gentleman learning that iBilly in- tends going to the west. wrote ad- vising Hilly to ca11 on him before making any decision as to his lova-: tion. Mrs. Monteith were made the recip- ientsof two1 c s beautiful fur rats. .\1 f o r. Monteith made an effort to respond, but was somewhat overcome by the kind expressions tendered hint and his family. and it was some time be- fore he was able to do so. when he gave tt song and so heartily teas he enchored that he had to favor the assembly with another one. Lunch- eon was provided by the guests and during the repast a program of ex- cellent music that was highly appre- ciated was given. Atter luncheon it •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1935 CAPITAL (paid up) $ 500.00000 RESERVE FUND ••.. $3.50o,000.00 Has tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dlckson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager f•N•O•NNNOONNOOONOO•OOONNNONOOOOOOOOOOOONj THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HE.tI) O1,1710E, TORONTO EST&BLISt1ED 1887 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,00 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank arg a most convenid way in which to carr)- money when travelling. They are issued in denomination! $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France( ' Germany. Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swedelil and SwItzer•land is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countrieh they aro payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank:. 131A Exeter Bl.ancli-G.'W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY SuGcoasore to DRS. KENNEDY & KERBAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Exeesscs and fndiscret;nns are the cansey `.1l . of more sorrow and outlet ing than all other+ diseases combined We see the victims of t vicious habits on every hand• the sallow. pimpled face. dark circled eyes, stooping form, Stunted 'Ievelopntent. bashful, melon. chollo countenance and timid bearing pro- claim to all tho world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment positive. ly cures all weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of former Indiscretions '111;1 - and excesses. It stops all drains and quickly 1 estores the victim to what nature intended- ,ta healthy and happy man with physical, mets- ! intended - ,g tat and nerve power complete. 1�" ;,•:•• • �"'"' .' :•i9 Y treated with the overt/green st aucceess alt t$ diseases of men and women. TF n.l g'tl6 r "1 _f ,�... �•r•( It you have any secret disease that li a iN!! worry and a menace to your health consult. li ilii old established physicians who do not have to experiment on you. \\'o guarantee to cure NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD DISEASES, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Consutte. Yon Frei. It usable to call, write for Located le Our Own OitkeBullding. question Blank for home Treatment. DRS. K EN NED �� Y KENNED • Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. To Mr. find Mrs. William \fon-' teith-We the residents of this lo- cality and the members of Court Star I. 0. F., 'T'arquhar, have met to- gether this evening to spend n social hour with you. \\'e feel that we can- not allow you and your lovely fam- ily, who hrtve been with us since earl - program of speeches, interspersed lest childhood. sharing with us in all with songs. recitations, tic., wits giv- our joys and sorrows, ever rendering en. after which the light fantastic roost valued services in both church ;a w s indulged1 in. .1 Dt 1 Mr. onteith. who and slate, t to retire eft a ourfrom midst dt recently disposed of his farm. with without at toast giving expression to the intension of going west in a few our fillings in some way for the weeks. has been rt sterling character many services you have rendered in of the neighborhood during his en- this community. l -our home has al - tire lifetime and the function Wed- trays been open to all who might en- nesday evening very fittingly show- ter, and one cannot look back with the appreciation and 181ee111 of his but happy remembrances of the ninny ninny friends. who sorry to see him pleasant hours spent in your company' depart. have every wish that in his +and for ths stand you have always new home prosperity and continued taken in upholding that which.. was' happiness will be his. noblest and best in making this Io - In his younger yeers Mr. Monteith calif). .what we believe it to be. second , Was considered the hest plowman in to none in o'Ir fair province. We the township. twinning ninny medals would ask you to accept thos.• pr. s - by his prowess with the plow. III. tints as rt token of th.• esteem in had the honor of teaching liotl. W. w hich you :Ind your family rare held It. Motherwell. the present minister in this eonunonify and it is the wish of all present that wherever yon may stet• fit to east your lot and tnnke a ham". you may be long spared to lite happy and useful lives in making ih's Canada of ours the best govern- ed country in the world. ;Ind you may rest assured that the hearts of all of iis go with the gift and the best wishes for your welfare. Signed in behalf of th • cotnntitlee, Thos. Cam - croft. Only hart of the wheat berry is tit for food. Yct much that isn't ot'tcn gets into) flour. You cannot see it or taste it, but it's there. it is simply a case of the miller getting more flour from his wheat and your getting Tess nourishment. Royal Household Flog is so milled that nothing goes into it except the !)art of the wheat that is food. You get just what you pay fur -the hest and purest flour made. 1 t goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Flour „ ltd. ssb IilwUeal. IN FIVE MiNI'TE;S. Take your t -o Ir stonutch-or may- be you c ill it indigestion. Dyspepsia. Gastritis or Catarrh of Stomach: it doesn't 'natter -take your stontnelt trouble right with yoi to your pita r- tnaCist and tisk him to open n 50 -cent ens•• of t'ape's 1)inpepsin and -let you teat one 22 -grain 'friatignle and see if within five minutes ther.• is I •ft any frac. of yoar stomach miser, 'fhe correct name for your trot.b1. is food fermentation -food souring : the Digest it • orga114 hceom.• weak. there is lie;; of gnatric joie•; you' food is only half digested. and you b. - Mme aff.•eted with los*, of appitite. pressure a radf1 i n .a 11 t•a after et ' til •• vomiting. nausea, heartburn. grip ne in the bowels. tenderness in th.- pit of stomach. had Mste in month. con- stipation. pain in limbs, sleeples.n belching of gas. biliousnes, sick hi•I ache. nervnusneas, dizzim•ss and runny ofhrr similar symptoms. If roar appetite is fickl,• and noth- in,,, tempts y-tei or yo•t h •Ich gas or if you feel hin,1.-d aft. r eating. or your food lies like a lump of lead on yo ,w stomach. you can make up your 1 to • d that at the h)tiore of all this I h i • i • ' --1 •rm'•ntat iotl of 'tn.t'.isgestbetdon fond:.i is • Prove to yourself rifler your next nt.al. that your sy)nineh iv r1+ good as any ; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin rating tt•hrtt you tt•rtnt without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon yon take a little Dinpcpsin. Heart Strength rasa rt Strength, or Wart Weaknrca. meant Nern 6lremrth. or Nerve Weakness -nothing moo.. I'•'s lovely. not ono wesk heart in a hundre.1 ts, In ft MI1, aelually diseased. It Is almost always e hidden tiny little nerve that really 0 all at fstilt This obscure nerve' -the Celiac. er n.,n,t N. rwt -simply needs, and must hare. More roan r, niort stability, more controlling,more aovenllne strength. Without that the I -ort must continue to fail. and the stomach and kldu^ys also have these same eet't:oiling nerves. This clearly ctplah,s why. ns n medicine. Pr Rhoov'* Re.tnrative has in the test done so Huish for weal: ami ailing Wart) Pr. shooppern swish, the can, of all tide painful, pnlpitatine, sweetie. Ina heart dlttre, Dr. shootfs l:e:torati•;,•--thft popular prescription -Is alone directed to they wfak and wa-ting nerve centers. 1t builds; It,trengthcn,; It ofh•rs real.senulne heart help. If you would hate ,trona Hearts. strong d'. testi on. stremit hen these :nerves- re-t•-tsbllsh them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. S. HOWEY. SETTLERS' TRAINS TO NIANiTo 1, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Ry Citnadlnn Pacific direr' line For Settlers t.ave': ng w .thlirest r' O_N it i effects Special Trains -ave Tarc.rtc t'.ch T!•Esnal' In NAR(;nand APRIL ei 10.1.3 p.m. Settlers a r•r^I?es w•.h O.,t livestock should use ReltllarTrains 10.11 p.m. daily :rt; `, r•. ng Cars Ft.,.; Mire COLONIST (:,1R.S ON ATI. TF %INS No Charge for he'll.. 1.0•V CO1onist Rate!. Only Through Service to the West AGFIy to, nearest ag.et 'or full irf,.•• A,1 ee copy of "Settlers' 01, 1. • Thompson, U.P.A.. C !' • ;. . .1. (':\ RLiNG. A rly. rat, ::xe ter, SPIVS 01 Me C000000 NOiR VIM HOMESTEAD 8T $ FAD itE(t t 1, ATI(,\ Any person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quartet, seotoni of available Dominion land its Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso.. at the Dominion Lands Agency o Sub -agency for the district. Entry proxy may be had at the agency. cm certain conditions, by father, rnother son. daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties: -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land fn eaob of throe years. A hotnosteeller may live within nine miles of his home- stead on a 'farm of at least 90 acres solely on tie I and uecupied by him or •'I:s father, tnother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestea Bar in good standing mny pre-empt e q•n.lrter section alongside his home•, stead. l'rieo *3. per acre. Duties-- Must reside six months irt<aeh of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultiytae fifty. acres extra. A hetnestea,ler wild hna exhausted his horrlesten.l relit tend cannot oh- ta:n a pre-emption may take a pur-- cl''i ..•.1 ):orneafead :tl certain districts l'r c; @3. per acre. Duties. -Must r•e.''!u a x rr.rnt!1a in each 0f three years, co:t:[•rate f fty acres and erect a house wort'1 '1. W. $3 W. COR)i).9Y, Deputy of the Minister r.f the intetler meat trill N. n,-Cnot be nanthraid nridofor pnbllcation of Me adttrtlie el0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATEsTS. Tp*oc Minae Dt:stcrt3 Anynn*tMdln QOP3'nlf►HTS11c. eateelg U' rtaro est. a 1In1e)'tfree a I..+i oreas tIMlomnart•'nrincpnt,.lvatAunt Naha 11 )01 •s'tznpineattw- Mnfree f'Meet a:r..Iry tor se, one,:watwnte. Patent* laden t,,r,utrh Munn b. CO. receive eve 141notie,withonteh e, mien Scientific eh . eeDrepklya . tff./.'Roste"Sc-. tweet. '1 erre, int d try A handsome •- ilii erste-.r enlennn et any '•'tendlo Var./44N eft a year p,•t. t -cry. 1181 • NewJ