Exeter Times, 1909-02-25, Page 14
$1.00 per year in advance
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••N•••
Rhiorte No. 32:
See the New Spring Dress Fabrics
They are Ready for
Your Approval
Larry Attends a Fare- Exeter Council Business Men Select a
well Reception. A meeting of the council of the ►•il- Station Site
loge of Exeter was held in the 'Town
Mr. 'Hyde. chief engineer of the 5t.
Marys, Ontario '& Western 'Railway
last Friday arrived in town with a
view of selecting a suitable location
for a station. Owing to the op-
position shown the night of the meet-
ing. when the matter of submitting a
by -late was discussed, to having the
road cross Main Street, Mr. ilyde
suggested that the road conte into
the town, near the residence of Mr.
1'. 'llazlewood. then run southward,
crossing the London ''toad south of
the corporation. thus avoiding any
crossing on Main Street. The mat-
ter war; discussed at the council meet-
ing Friday night. but the council
thought it would be better to invite
the business men of the town and go
over the proposed route with theist.
thus satisfying everyone ns to the
lova tion.
A number of the business Wren ac-
cepted the invitation and on Monday
made a thorough examination of
the whole situation. The first place
visited was the property near Mr:
Ilazlewood's house, but the proposi-
tion to erect the station in that
vicinity and then run the road
around the town did not meet with
much favor. The committee then
followed along over the property
along the north side of the Trivitt
Memorial church, across Main Street
and back along Gidley street.
This route seemed to be the most
available one to get through the
town, being centrally ,located and
close to the industries having the
most shipping.
A route across Main Street at
Weekes' Marble shop was also dis-
cussed, but the choice of the two is
to be left to the 'Railway company.
However a motion was put and
carried that the railway cross Main
Street somewhere between Harvey
Bros' r'.till and 'Ross '& Taylor's mill.
bet ret alone Gidley Street and that
the station be placed some place be-
tween these two properties and with-
in two blocks of Main Street.
1 Hall Friday evening. Feby. loth.
\Van ufhternoon iv last wake 1 All members present. The minutes
run acrost me ould frind Bob Sillery of the meetings held held Feby. and
an' be wuz wearin' a sorrowful court-' llth were read and approved.
tenance fer wan iv bez disposition, 1 A circular regarding the National
so 1 sez, sez I, "Bob, what's thrub- Sanetariunl Association was read.
blitz' yez, an' makin' yez so mournful' 1 On motion of Carling and Luker, ne-
Extra at 50c Begorry, un' diddent yez hear that' tion was deferred.
Billy 'Monteith ez thinki' iv luvin' us . The 'peeve advised the council that
Panama Cloth, 34 Jones & Clark's have been noted foe .in' goin' out wist, where they raise he had an interview with Mr. Chip
Inches wide. Good many seasons for their splendid selection auffelo and prairie chickens, nn' git matt• Ceti' Engineer, of Toronto, re -
heavy weight, col- of dress materials, rich in twinty minnits; an' fer fear he garding a water works system for
ors of creaut,green This year our magnificent display sur• gits away widout us sccin' hint, hex Exeter and Mr. Chipman had said
black, blue and passes anything we have ever shown, naybors an' mesilf ez goin' to make that he would be pleased to come to
btown. The noted low prices with which they J.tim a prisint an' an' adriss, to show Exeter and consult with the council
are marked is sure to sell them very fast. him how much we appreciate hez lav- regarding the matter. Per Motion
itt'. Th' joodies iv writin tit'. uddriss of 1leaman-Johns. the clerk was in-
hez bane lift to me, an' bejayers sttucted to write Mr. Chipman asking
don't know anny more about writin' him to come to Exeter as soon As pot: -
wan iv thim obituaries than a horse sible.
docs about darnin' a pocket book, an' A deputation of the resident minis -
I w•uz just goin' up to th' dhrug store ters and laymen of the village waited
to sco if '1 cuddent foind wan among upon the council regarding action be-
In the new shades of Green, Grey, Navy, Brown and Black. T m.amer
th' testimonials what ez in th' al- ing taken to reduce the number of li-
plain or fancy stripes. Some in regular suit lengths. 50e,, 75e,
mantle:. licenses. Addresses were given
$1.W and $1.25 per yard. "Bob," sez 'I, don't thrubble yer- by 'Heys. Going, Martin, Fear and
silt, I'll sind wurrud out to Tom Ilan- Collins and Messrs. S. :Martin, F. \V.
kin an' ToCon an' have thim Gladman, II. E. Huston and others.
New Black Voiles Plain and Silk Striped write yea th' moat mournful sht.uff Questions were asked and answers
un' if they won't do it, I'll tackle th' made by the deputation, after which
job mesilf." a vote of thanks was tendered the
New Silk and wool Plain French Wid that announcemint Bob's face council. per motion of Revs. Martin -
turned ex bright ez th' ither side iv Fear.
2voiles Voiles n storm cloud an' wiped away Ib' Per. 4lcaman-Johns that a by -
tears what wuz trickling down bis law he passed by this council limiting
New Silk Striped Voiles, Our values in plain voiles phiz. Knowing that nayther wan iv the number of hotel liquor licenses
really lovely fabrics and re- have never been approached th' Toms can rade their own writin' to three.
t+»»arkable low prices. They before. Nice fine crisp weave ufhtcr it gets cold, I scratched off .An amendment by Carling-L'tker
• • are very new for this season's for 50e per yard. Better qual- a few loines mesilf an' fixed it up wid that no action be tekea nt the pre-
iz • wear, Hies for iJ, $1.W and $1.40, some grane ribbon, so's Billy could sent time by the council. The tno-
♦i frame it an' bang it up over hez mel- tion was declared carried by the cast -
Bob, Jack McCurdy. Jack Allison, Messrs. Gladman '& Stanbury in the
Wes. Aridstrong, th' two Toms an' preparing of the by-law. .
all th' naybors fer twinty miles The municipal t►nditors. Messrs. •J.
around. G. Stnnbury and Jos. Davis. submit -
Billy wuz out clania' horses and ted their report, advising the coun-
and such things whin we arrove just cil that a duplicate of the same had
to kape up hez nerve fer th' critical been forwarded to the Provincial
moment an' whin he wuz called, Tont Authorities at Toronto.
Cameron wid all th' dignity in th' The report was accepted and the
wurruld, husked off a few edges iv clerk authorized to have the abstract
That very popular material that is taking the place of silk. = bez voice an' comminced radin'. Now duly advertised as per statute. On
It wears better and looks and rustles just like silk. Very nice my writin' issent any betther nor motion of Luker -Carling, Carried.
under voile dresses. All prices from $2.00 up to $3.50. hisn, an' 1 guess he diddent rade all Collector Bissett was pleased to
loines what 1 had writ an' afhter learn that the auditors had made the
Men's New Spring Suitings ivery wan had is it their bandanas suggestion that they had, in the mat -
ready, he said somcthingI ike this. terof issuing u
n of duplicate cite recei pts
Jlr. Billy Monteith --Our most be- and in the entry of several suns
loved disloikcd baldheaded anuli- be collected upon the collector's roll.
goster, we meet here this evenin' wid I'cr Johns -Luker that the Town
joy in our hearts nn' th' mons we Treasurer open an account in a char-
possiss, fer fear yez might take .• no- tercd bank in the name of the Muni-
tion to grab it whin we wussent look- cipality of Exeter as per Statute.
ing. Yez have lived besoide us iver 'Carried.
since yez have been knee high to th' Per Beaman -Carling that the
grass hopper an' played bookey from municipal auditors he paid .1l2. sup -
school. We know that yez niver at- plente•nted by $3 each for extra labor
tinded church an' niver voted grit un- taken in preparing the Auditor's re -
less yez were shown th' proice. We ports Carried.
rejoice to know yez hey river shtolen Council adjourned to meet Tuesday.
annything, because we all kept our Feby. 23rd, at 7.30 p. in. on motion
dures locked. ler home hez always of C. Luker.
bane open to thim that wished to en- Jos. Senior, Clerk.
they, providin' they diddent stay, an' 1
man.; a toime we wint home hungry./ The Y. M. C. A. met in thou rooms
Tb' prisints we are givin' you ez tb' Monday evening. The hihte study on
best we could buy wid butter an' eggethe life of Moses was conducted by
mune), an' we hope yez'll wear 'him, the C. 11. Snell after which the in -
we we don'tkhavew ye Wade thim, an' hope auguration of the mock council took.
to buy yez anny more. place. All the members were present.
10telyour new home, an' yez dasyell After the oath of office was sub-
mendl us where it is.w e hope ace scribed to the following business was
yer ways, an'be more sociable ,
than yez have bane wid us. Don't transacted. ler Southcott - \Vilcox
tell tinny wan where yez came from that C. Sweet be clerk -Carried. i'er
or they'll be writin' back fer yer re- Buswell -Sweet that Ed harness be
E11mv111A in
constable at nn increase o[ v cents
cord. We would also advise ye to ,Mr. Joshua Johns, who for manychin lday.-Carried. ler Sweet- ltus-
IIIVI V I�p II Y Ka yet mune an mike [rinds widyears has been an active member ofIIIV•IS 1J�I1� Rery
b' bailiff. If' well that T. 9lnnd[ord be nssessor.-
yer nndin tinny mon- Carried. Per Wilcox-l(uswell that
the I:limcille church and a consider-
ey at tinny toime, write to its fer it,
able portion of tahich time he has B1101010 MediVillOi Jellwe'll mind you back some iv th' due
been superintendent of the Sabbath Y hills what we hold of yours, so's we
-school, was on Tuesday evening invit- j can git square some way. We hope
the where e a large •ath-
•1► thyez'll
church, run•r
c t t f, mb •rr., '
1 K 6m c of rut '
ed to Ip I aunt or
Bring had congregated and was school trustee an' get trimmed to a
resented with chairs, a purse of mon- frazzle, nn'to show you how much we
ey and the following address, is utast economical, it is onlynecessarylove you, we'll sind a tilligram to
Mr. Joshua Johns: -Dear Brother, to use sutllent to cover finger tips. ith' ither fellow congratulatin'hint.
R P•
congregation Tt er • •
rs of theu , , z anchunks '
ripeto n
errithertv rt -
�V ,
l not, t greasy, a it is
rapidity absorbed ed by
Sunday School of Elitnvrlle Met ll- ti (1f S5 voice we could give yrz, but we know
ist church, desire to express to the skin and its medicinal action is it will gape ye all yet loins linin' up
urself and Mrs. .?ohne our sincere such th:et it prevents shiny and oily to th' wens we have mintioned. Th'
gest at your dep+aloes from our skin, removes tan.hlackheds, defects hearts iv ivery wan iv us go wid th'
Wet. For many years you have and disfigurements of the skin and prisints we have just handed yez, nn'
been closely identified with every in- Imo proves ?rut corn 'c slot hope yez'll be satis[ied. '1'wns th'
terest of the church and more expect- ?1reserves good complexions,i hest we could git. No twan give us
ally with the Sunday School. \Ve re' gold at'3;c. A tar., get it t Hoop more nor four eggs an' +a chunk
cord with gratitude your
faithful alta I'" iv butcher."
istrations from the pellet and your THE PURITY \\ id dhrops iv salt wathrr rennin'
earnest words of encouragement and down hez face, Bill • rize to th' oc-
counsel in Christian fellowship and c:ision an'thnnked ns fer th' koind
love. The very deep interest. which (',ttta(lisn Express Building. ixprissions what we had handed hits. _see_ --
an' sed he would be tickled to death For :•ny case of nervousness, sleep"
you have ewer manifested in the w prk
of Sunday Scliaol, first as secretary to gip away, nn'sed he intinded goin' lessness, weak tt°mach, indigestion,
and lPncher, then ns superintendent, "SNOW DRIFT FLOUR," ez Kaon ez puss:bio. if not sooner, dyspepsia. try Cut teem Little Liver
'?'her.• wuz nranny tear stained fnces fills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
bas exerted an influence for good, the
.extent of which only eternity will fut.whin Billy finished. an' ez fer lion medicine in market.
en' mesilf. we wiz ez freckled et, a
ty reveal. Your life, also as a friend 11•r .ford cow in a coal pile. whoile
Tom illnnkin wuz so overcome that it
wuz nicissery to give hint a dose iv
condition pow( hers to bring hila to.
Afhter ivery w•an h.•d t roid on th'
fur jacket s. tan' ripped siverat holey
in t h' linin'. liilly wuz injoosed to
sing it ballad. an' w•hoile he hez a
horrible• voice. owin' to hez borax Ne -
in' out iv chane, we trade biro sing
Exclusive New Season's
Novelty Suitings
Silk and Heatherbloom Underskirts
We have the Best $5.00 Silk Underskirt
on the Market.
They are finished with fancy frills and tucks and some with
embroidered frills. Every skirt warranted to wear.
Heatherbloom Underskirts
Are the beet we have ever shown. The new shades of Green
Brown and Greys will h9 found here in the hest. of Cloths. Do
t buy 'ng suit without first what i
no a your sprt l ou rs seeing w to we have.
New Shirts New Ties
New Collars t
You know we have all the New Ideas
in Gents' Furnishings.
W. G. & It. Shirts and Collars have a reputation that puts
them first. We are the only store in Exeter handling them.
New ties just arrived in all the new colors and shapes.
Jones & Clark::
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford i 2
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ensures brilliant complexions. It
nourishes the skin and tissues; heals
rough►:ess and stakes it smooth. It
Mrs. Wiley, nee Mary Colwell, of
Winnipeg, is visiting her brother, and
renewing old acquaintances here.
Like many others she sings aloud the
praises of the vast west.
Mr. John J. Colwell has bought the
old Baker homestend on the 2nd. Con.
Stephen. Ile intends living in the vil-
lage, hiring a man to live on the
James Wilson, who has of late been
living with the Misses Wilson, died
Sunday at midnight. The deceased
was over 90 years of age and an old
resident of these parts. but no rela-
tives are known to exist. The fun-
eral took place Tuesday morning to
the Fairfield cemetery when Rev. W.
11. Batt officiated.
Dr. J. \V. Orme has sold the house
formerly occupied by Thos. Essery.
of Exeter, to Wm. Ca v.•, who has
given up the herrn indu. try. Mr
Cave.is heartily welcomed tato Cent-
Last Sunday was Connexio+:al Day
in the Methodist church when tltev.
W. 41. Butt asked for $85. for Con-
nexional fends. More than the re-
quired amount was raised. Cen-
tralin people always do their part
Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer. of Strat-
ford. are visiting the latter's mother
Mrs. Anderson.
S. T. Bottler be treasurer on furnish -I Miss Katie Elliott. of London, spent
ing the necessary bonds.- Carried. Sunday v:ith her parents Mr. and
Mrs. \V. It. Elliott of this place.
1' .1 t Church n
he. a hodiat Choir r, ar-
ranging for an exceptionally fine pro-
gramme to be given At their Concert
and Social. 00 ',Tontine. evening March
1st. Besides local talent, Miss heist,
fMiss e 1
u 'Crediton p c rn . Tr. Herb.
Southeott and Prof. 1\, Brown. of
Exeter, have been secured for the oc-
casion. Refreshments are to he
served and q most successful and en-
joyable concert is assured. Don't
fail to attend, admission. Adults 25c.,
Children 15 cents. Come.
Last week Messrs. Beatty &
liott rhipped a carload of horses to
Montreal. also four carloads to Lang -
ham. Sask., where they have n large
farm find salestable. Mr. Ilea tty has
moved from Kirkton to Bingham and
will look after that end of the hied -
nese. while Mr. Elliott will continue
buying horses here.
Rev. W. H. Butt has been giving a
series of sermons entitled Mission
Lands. Sunday evenings of this
month. These sermons are of unus-
ual interest. On Sunday evening Inst
be give a discourse of .Inpan which
Waft 11ppr.cinted by n good congrega-
tion. On Sunday evening next his
last but not least sermon will he .\f -
Rev. W. 11. Rett preached nt ('Ian-
dehoye on Tuesdey. Thursday and
Friday evenings of last week.
Mr. \Vm. Taft. of Toledo. wa eh••
gees, of Mr. and Mrs. Richard !land-
lord last week.
V. ssrs. Clarence Ihrplttn find ,Ins.
Willey attended "eonversnt" tit Alma
college. St .Thomas. on Friday night
Mr .11arol.. i)upinn visited Lon-
1', r Southcott-\Vilcox that E. Oes-
ie c • viewer. -Ca rie . A
ter h e be [ n e u r i d
t e e.
petition w•as received nuking for n
grant of fifty ,dollars for renting n
lot and encouraging sport. After to
discussion per \Vilcox-Southcott that
it b .-Ca Tet s we
u c ti ed r ted. t d, r t re
1 r
eceived for he l -ria in . wci h scales
r I g K g
and street watering and were award-
ed to the following. bell -ringing, II.
.Jennings : weigh scales. Fred \yells :
street watering, A. i'cnhale. I'er
Sontheott-\Vilcox adjourn to meet nt
call of reeve. -C. Sweet, clerk.
'rhe Y. M. C. A. intend holding
spelling match on Monday evening
next and arrangements are also being
made to hold n cone, rt in the near
It is a perfect blend of the best ggrade
of Manitoba spring wheat and cKoice
and neighbor hay been one, the ntern• Ontario wheat. It has no superior for
story of which, .ve trust, will long tasking !rein' or pastry. \Vhat those
-continue to be cherished iunong us, that have used it say, "Snow ?)rift"
�Ve feel i tt t worts cannot. fully ex- is the best flour we have ever is d in
ewess the feeling of our hearts at. this the house, 1 used to blanc the cook•
time and tvc theref.'r desirr tluct yon lilt since we. are using Snow Drift
and yooc estim.ahle wife, who in a I1•ew, heern convinced the fault wags in
uieter way, though none the less the flour. ?lay.' von tried its if not
my --has emle.tred (herself to us by will yon tell your son or husband to
many kindnesses, should Accept this
alight token of our love and gratitude
IVe rejoice that your removal is not
to a great ,listAnre and trust that we
will often meet yon in our journey
through life. \ e pray that God's es•
pecial blessing will attencl yoil and
your family in your• new home on
earth and that we sh+ill meet in thitt.
heavenly haeme where partings are no
more, Signed on behalf of the Elini•
ville congregation and Sunday School
Alpert. E. Andrew, y. ,1. I'ynt. John
Miners and Eli ('oultis, (:otntnittee.
oAMITa�R3C .
liaar+tla _1re Rind Yoe Hatt Always daft
Croup positively 1toi'pnl 1:i 20 min-
•utes. with 1)r.tslem,s (,roup ltemeely,
One test nlone '•• II purely prove this
truth, No %%tint.r,t1, no distress. A
- 80
. � n 500. d
aa(,• and pie n. Ur;' . yr p
by W. S. 110eee,
ficlt8Clt11tE 1-( TIHE TIMES.
take your next grist of wheat •to the
Bengali Flour dills. We wit' give j a nit her wan. so that he'd fergit all
you flour that will please you And give abo'it 1h' neldriss, nn' just to kape
hez moind from wandering. 1Iob en-
therteind wid n hose reel or non1e-
thin' iv lhtt koind. Afht.•r siveral
et few remarks about Pure Manitoba 1 had sed just th' opposite froth t►•hat
flour. We inantifacture it and no ot- I th' uddriss read. Iii11y wiz trade to
her brand of pure Neunituhs flour ex• 1 feel at home nn' ivery wan else felt
cels it. Do yon know thitt st'e hate , lh' sante wily. We shook hez fist
spent ab0111 light Thousand Dollars' 1v('rytuinnr w.• got a chttnet. ten' told
in equipping our entire iitiH with the
most niodhrn neichinery 'obtainable,
and have every appliance which us-
r.ists in prodneine excellent flour.
\Ve wish to thank• oar imnmense•
number of cislomer,t' for their lifer• toirne an' he would h• racaved wid
al patronage and pleasing remarks open ar-rums. that hez funnily wild
mad.• regardintg result. they have oh- h, v Ib' hist iv health. nn' kn.•►v h••'d
twined by th•' us•- of oar flour. 71. nicer f,•rgit h••x ould ac.tinntnnc••s• n„ely for kidney and urinary trouhl••s
COOK SONS & £(.).. Ifensel!.
.. -all.
Ali ll.n
Palpitation of 1 he heart, ner-
Women with pale co Iorless faces vonsnese, tremblings. nervous head•
who feel weak and discouraged, will eche, col.' hands .and feet, pain in the
ba k a
, . ' c , n I nt her f°r we
c i it nl n I Ipo hl • w• or ms of a rs
rc0 two 1 of h i nt n ) ig kn m
by using ('arter's iron Pills, which! are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
are mode for the blood, nerves and made specially for the blcod nerves
complexion. and complexion.
you good satisfaction. After yon
have given it a fair tri.il, wf' know
you will be a future customer. 3ust
him he wuz th' hest fellow what iver
plowed a crooked row•. nn' hop •d whin
he wins out wilt. that iverythin'd
come hez way. thnt we would h• tick-
led to hive hisn return anny o'ild
\\•hit will appear very interesting
to many p.•ople. here is the article
taken front a New York daily paper
giving a simple prescription. which is
said to he ►t positive remedy for back
ache or kidney or bladder d.•range-
nlent. if taken before the stage of
Bright's Disease.
Fluid Extract Dandelion. °tie. -half
ounc,• : ('omieou nd Ka rgon, one otlnc •
('otnpound elyrep Sersap(trilln. three
ounces. Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after each
tn••a1 and again at bedtime.
A well known druggist here et
home. tehen asked regarding this pre-
scription. stated that the inuredi,•nts
are n11 hnrmlcss, and can hr obtain-
ed at a small cost front Tiny i ood
prescription pharmacy. or the mix-
ture t►•ould h•• put up if asked to do
so. 11e further stated that while
Odds and Ends Sale
after Stock Taking
It will pay you to pursue this list of bargains.
Mouse traps , . 2 for 5e.
12 gross Copd. hat and coat hooks regular 1 5c. a doz.,
..3 doz. for 25C.
2 p'k'g's find tacks S & 10 oz . for 5c.
Caementium mends everything .... 2oc. a tin
Spring skates all sizes ..35c. per pair.
Hockey skates .... .. , at and below cost
Cold Blast lanterns (for t week only) Reg. 75 for 5oc.
Kitchen ]emery steels (Every house needs one) toe.
1 string bells , ... • . Reg. $2 for $1.45
Shaft Gongs ....less than cost
Razors(6 only) .. , Rei. $t.00 for 50c.
Sulphur , .. so lbs. for 25c,
Carpet sweepers for childre Reg 45 & 5o for 25 & 3o.
1 adj. ironing board ....Reg. $2 0o for $i.50
1 Vallner washer Reg. $7,00 for $5.50
12 Buck saws , . , . Reg 75 & $t for 55 & 75
Rex sugar Food, Dr. Scott's Stock Food, Inter-
national stock Food and Remedies.
Sawkias & 8oa
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof-
ing and Plurnbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town
T. HAWffiNS & 80N
Do von want, things to he just so? Then we'd like you for a
customer. \Ve've promised you satisfaction -promised you
tht�tstyle, fit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise.
Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next
Suit or Overcoat,
We Can Suit -You
Merchant Tailor
Exeter, Ontaric
Great Discount Sale
Of Furniture
' e lithe started a reat slaughter sale conl-
prising every article of furniture in our largo
stock •lt a great reduction on regular prices.
Note same of the great bargains we are offering and what
it n►eans to Furniture buyers.
Bedroom Suites in I cut oak finish with large Beve. Plate Mirror regular
price $111.34); discount sale price $13.00.
Sideboards, regular price $13 00 discount sale price $10,01)
Conches, regular price $S 50 discount ssle..price $0.0,)
Mattresses, regular price $3 511.... discount sale price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
A call w'ilI convince intending purchasers that this
is the greatest Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter.
The beading 1tome Fi nnisliers and Funeral Direr tors.
good condition. with feeder and blow- \V1NNIPEG $21.00. 1•'ron' Ontario
er, also sitter; 1 Sawyer M(i59cy en points, via ('hien Ko and ''. I'nul. Min -
gine used five yearn in good shape: neapolis or D,iluth, and proportion -
1 belt 1511 feet, 7 inn. wide, •1 -ply, us-
Atein ed fair wecka, tank, wagon punt' find Mi ratei*obs to other ischv :int points in
a tea days Inst week. bis r(a- bn. lenskatchcheean and AI -
Miss Marjorie \'osper .of Mitchell, home. new. The ah°vr machinery is b. rlo. 1'orrnerle the fare was five
is visitingfriends h,•re, in •first class condition.
I There will also be sold at the same dollars and forty five cents higher.
time one brood mare rising he cars and even at that rate, a number of
Who wouldn't give 25 cents to stop Irl in foil to linwden & Mcl)onnel's people preferred This route nn sec°ant
I o of passing 1 several of the
'1 Dam 20 t:mo't Just one little "}'ink grey horse : one filly rising two yrs. large American Cities. Now that the
this prescription is often prescribed •i''n Tanlet -Dr. hhoope-will Atop 1 old. sired by (.lassnick: 1 1 -ye:•• 01(1 rates have been lowered, th. tuner{
filly by lord Sharpe: 1 row fn; r yea• vin the Grand Trunk and t his at
old, supposed to h.• in calf -'rhs pro- lreel te• r°ate is stondily iner,•a•ing.
perty of MiniWhiteford. Baggage eheckes through in bond
Terris of outfit node known en day No examination. Ile sure and con -
of sale or by applying to the suction- milt Grand Trunk Agent's before de -
ver. Terms of farm stock. R months Offing on yolir trig..
CredLt will he given on furnishing fit,-
ofproved joint notes or a discount of 11
c • e cash lieu per Int. per nnni►n far h in I CJAAZ'ORZ11\..,
notes. Decker 1•hrenhiug Co.. C.
1A ('J Y.J Hoe 11
10313 t. Prep.: li. /nnrK.Mee. tt«rtb enits 1
Ed, ,Tones. Tboe. Cameron, Section- e{gnatara
of ',�
Drir.IBM - A
in rheumatic nfflicuone with splen- any pain in 20 minutes, sure! Read
d d results. he could ser no reason the format on the box. i)ortors say
why it would not h • a splendid re- t cent be bettered. Cheek: women -
;y tit•ne head pens, env pain. 21
and backach•. n+ it his :, ['veinier t in'.•?s 25e. Bold by \V, S. /towel.action upon the kidney vtniclir.•.
cleansing th.•s.• most important or- A 1 CTION SALE OFTHRESHING
vans and It Ip.ng them to sift and fit- Ar..i(ntfit and tiara, Stock. Mr. T.
1.•r from the blood the foul ae,ds and Cameron has been inatrueted to sell
Haat• mitt egr which en,is•• sickness by public :taction at th.• Town Hall.t,,4 soften R. Those of our rend- Exeter, on S;tturdny, March 6th, at
fors who eetfer can rank. nn mistake 1311 p. m. the following.-- Thresher
in giving it trial. •Decker
_Heed five rears, in err.