HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-18, Page 8.alliettst•ira1
•lt d N; X b; T t t i' 1. M. rt. S FEB. 19th 1000
ty P
G �
es -
ti tt
new spring goods daily.
We are opening up Valued are better than
they have been for several seasons -and our stock will we
believe, he larger and mote varied than ever.
We have Added Another New Department
Ladies Ready -Made Suits
We are shelving sonic very handsome Tailor-
made Suits for Ladies. These suits are trade from
pure Wool Chiffon Broadcloth. They come in
Blue, Black and Green. All silk lined and trim-
med with self stitching and Buttons. They are
just what you are looking for. Our special price
per suit 815 50,
Our New
For Men
are Here
The new blocks are
very becoming. Shapes
are slightly sallerand
very smo:t, "Men are
judged by the com-
pany they keep and
Young men by the
Hats they wear." The
KINO Hat ie the re-
cognized leader. It's
known the world oyer.
We have just put in stock a lovely lot of white cam-
bric Underskirts, beautifully trimmed with Val and Linen
Lace and Insertion, also Embroidery and Insertion effects.
The nicest lot we have yet shave. 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, $2.75,
- " We are showing a
C lovely range of Linen
�• and Zephyr Fancy
gWash Suitings in the
new stripe and broken
checks. great valuts
1232 and 15c.
Extra Special
A new line of mirror fin-
ish Ladies Broadcloth,
pure wool, splendid weight
Brown, Navy, Green and
Black, correct for the new
emits or odd skirts, Spec-
ial price OOc.
A Swell Line of Ladies, Spring
Tailor -Made Coats
Fawn Covert Cloth, semi -fitting, silk stitched, with
the new button trimmings. 30, 32 and 30 inches long.
Exact copies of the latest New York models. These are
the smartest coats of the season. $5.50 and 87.50.
Bearsford line shoes tor nen. Mies Canada fine shoes
for ladies. The best lines we know of. Every pair sold
under guarantee. Your money back if you want it. That's
fair, isn't it? We control these two lines for Exeter.
"Farni produce is as good as cash. bring it to us."
++++44++++++++++++*+++++++ 4++++++++++++++++++++
See The
Market Report. -Tits following in I
the report of Exeter markets. eor-
r, ctwd ep to February" 18th.
Peas, 75 to tZ cents.
Wheat $.00 to 61.03
Oats 42 to 43 cents.
Barley 51) to 52 cents.
Shorts $23 t0 ti 24.
Bran $22.
lllendid Flour, STAR. $2.75.
Feed Flour $1.40 to $1.45.
Alsyke tib to vl+ per. bushel.
Cower r'5. to s.G.
T.wothy $l :o 42 per. bushel.
flutter 22 cents per pound.
Eggs 25e a dozen.
flogs, dressed, $8.50
Ito„' livewelght, $6.30
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
I)r;i41 Alip'es 6 cents.
London Advertiser
Free European
Trip Contest
lltotel.ttvil'lours ti.30 5. w. to be at the Commercial.0p.
in. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eve oar and nose treated.
N. et s wit S,iturday February 27th.
• ••••••••
Ur. Foll:ck, of St. Marys. visited
les parents Sunday.
Mr. and iMrS. Alf. Taylor visited in
Seaforth last week.
Mr. and .Mrs. Pierce. of Iona, els-
Jed relatives in town over Sunday.-
unday.Miss Valletta Frayne entertained a
number of friends Monday eveninz.
Mr. J. W. Ito;arth, school teacher
at Avon. was a visitor in town Satur-
Mr. L. Taylor and sister, of St.
Marys, visited friends in town Sun-
- Mr. and ,Mrs. G. \V. Harrison spent
the week end with relatives in Lon-
Mrs. Munroe left yesterday to
visit with relatives in Toronto for
aa; month:
Miss Mar eerie Bose, of Guelph, is
visiting Iter cousins Dr. and Mrs. II.
R: 'Bright.
Miss Elsie McCallum. of London,
was at the home of her paren`s here
H..I iirday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bagshaw visited
in Nairn last, week prior to returning
to the • west.
Mr. Thos. Oliver, and Bert Har-
ness, of Millbrook, are visiting re-
latives in town.
Miss Martha Butt and sister Mrs%
Taylor. of the west, visited friends
ht Exeter last week.
A party of Eight Young Women will be
given a trip covering
Great Britain and France
with all Expenses paid by the
Write the European Trip Department
1 was wondering the other
.lay.vhet her 1 would quit my
job or not and start a laundry'. Great Clearing Sale of
Our office towel has passed the
erecp.ng stale and can now stand
alone. and would make a good
back stop for the Gun Club. Tlio
boss [was saying that if some of
those chaps who owe s.•veral
years for subscriptions would
send in their money, be could
save enough out of theta to get
the towels trashed. If there are
any who owe, I would suggest
that they take the hint.
WANTED. -'louse to rent, Apply
at this Unice.
'Mr. T. 11. McCallum is attcndina
the grand lodge of the 'Royal Telup-
lars at Toronto.
Mr. Taylor. of Kenora, New Ont.,
and 'Miss Taylor, of St. Marys. spent
Sunday last at the )tome of D. Cob-
bledick Exeter North.
William Foster, of Clinton, has pre-
sent.d to the !louse of Refuge com-
tnittce i claim for fifty dollars
against George Hodgins, a pay in-
mate from Exeter. The debt is said
to have been a loan made fifty years
ago, when both men ware engaged in
construction work on the :Buffalo
and Goderiolt Railway.
The Ross Taylor Co. bas ;been
awarded the contract for supplying
all the frames, sashes and doors for
the building which Is fo be erected
for the Oxford Knitting 'Co., of
Woodstock. The size of the building
is 55 by 200 feet three storeys high,
with 'boiler and dry room extra Mr.
J. It. hind was in Woodstock yester-
day in connection with the matter.
An interesting series of curling
matches are beiuz played by the
members of the local club for two
canes presented by Mr. S, Sweet.
The gauzes have ;rotten down to the
semi-finals, W. AV. Taman being
drawn against Ed. Jones and Fred
Baseden against II. Huston. Tho fin-
als 'will be played some afternoon
of this week. A junior competition
match 'for new members was played
Monday for trophies donated by Geo.
Anderson and J. . Grieve. Lyman
Palmer was winner, with Tom Boyle
A Reactionary Storm Period is
central on the 20th, 21st and 22nd.
This 'period is at the incoming of the
Mercury disturbance. with New Moon
immediately preceding, also con.
Including Men's and Boys'
Mens and Boys Heavy Rub-
bers and Socks.
Mens and Boys Heavy Mitts
Mens and Ladies Overshoes
Ladies and Childrens Jackets
Furs and Caps
All at prices that are bound
to clear then) out.
Highest Prices paid for all
kinds of Produce.
as a guest of the London
Daily Advectiser, the best
metropolitan paper prinnted
in Western Ontario.
Al the news from all our
latest market quotations and
all the general and local news
worth printing.
A glimpse into the various sections of this store will convince yon
that we have the goods and the prices too.
Send $2.00 for the London
Daily Advestiser for 14
months and 400 votes for
Wiling Moon in perigee and on the your choice of Candidates in
equator. Marked barometric depres the European Trip Contest.
(ion 'will appear at the beginning, or
as early as the 19th, attended Ivy
Elder Elliott accompanied Mr. T I growing warmth, end during Satur- HEALTHY -WEALTHY -WISE
E. 'landlord's shipment of horses to slaty, the 20th. to Tuesday, the 23rd,
Winit'pe; last week. general and decided storms of rain, True old adage that "health; is
Mrs. Down andMiss Eunice Down wind and thunder will visit regions wealth." To he healthy, wealthy and
were guests of Mrs. W. Wass. 04{ to the southward. tarring to heavy wise is a combination hard to beat._
Our Dry Goods Section
Is filled with the most approved styles of Dress Goods
Goods that are the most popular styles for spring. A splendid
variety to select from:
We are showing our new Prints and Gingha
The newest and best. Come and get yonr choice before they
are all picked over.
Glendale, last week.
Mr. Russell Southcett, of'Minitel-
doss, Mart., is visiting his molhcr
Mrs. C. Southcott.
Messrs. W. II. Levett and W. T.
Ach.Fon left yesterday for New York
whet-.• they will spend the week.
Al "s Allie hicks, of Centralia. en-
ter.-cncd re number of young people
(rout Exeter last Thursday evening.
Mr. T. E. Handford shipped a car-
load of horses to Winnipeg last
Thursday. 'Thr animals were a fine
Send .$2.00 t'or the London Daily Advertiser for 14
months and 400 votes for your choice of candidates in the
London Advertiser Co.
Soo& el
.t;. hster andsome Ostrich
If you are interested in gardening we want to send
you our New 1909 Catalogue. This is one of the most
complete seed catalogues published. With the cata-
logue etc mill include, free of charge, a package of seed
of our superb Ostrich Feather Aster, w�eich has feath-
ery, snow [white i o:te nts frequently five inches across.
If preferred you may choose a package of our Russian
Giant Lettuce or Colossal White Sugar fleet seed.
Write to -day and name your choice, also mention
name of this paper.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limitlid,
London, Ont.
Mas Lena Iilutchford left last
week fcr Clinton, where she in-
tends 'vision; friends for at r couple
of weeks.
A number of friends o[ Mr. J. A.
Stewart 'lave him n surprise par'y
Monday even:tie. A luncheon meas
A number of the high school pu-
pils were entertained at the home
of Peter Munn, flay township last
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Cunningham, of Clandeboye,
tt ho has been ill with erysipelas at
the home of her daughter, Airs.
Yeager, is considerably improved.
A number of (cross's (were seen
flying northward on Saturday. This
aecotding to tradition is n sign tor
early spring.
Mr. Richard Snell expects to leave
in a few weeks for Claresholin, Al-
berta, where he will open a general
store business.
Teacher wanted for ?chool section
No. 15, Ilay and Stephen. Goorl School,
fine location. about 30 on roll, salary
$400. apply to .1. Schroeder, dash.
Itev. G. 11. Cobblcdick. pastor of
the Central Methodist church. Wood-
stock, leas accepted a call to the
Pastorate of the Methodist church.
and destructive sleet storms over
central to northern sections. ISliz�
zards are entirely possible at the
culmination of this period. There is
strong probability of West India hur-
ricanes at and about this period.
Barometer conditions in all the Gulf
and south coast regions should be
persistently watched and heeded. 'In
all probability seismic shakes avill
be reported from parts of the globe
within 'three clays of sunset on the
19th most likely ,on the 20th, 2Ist
and 2'2ud.
Mrs. Duncan AfcKny died at her
home Exeter, North, Tuesdny even-
ing after a short illness with pneu-
monia, aged 77 years. Mrs. McKay
had the misfortune to fall n couple
of weeks ago. spraining her ankle
and 'was confined to her bed for sonic
days in consequence. On bene able
to get around she again fell. 1 he last
time fracturing, a bone. While in
bed she contracted a severe cold,
which developed into pneumonia.
She was horn in Ea 'kirk, Scotland,
and came to thin collier;; when a
young woman, n1arry:ng Mr. McNay
here over fifty year:: azo. On May
24, of last year Mr. and Mrs. McKay
celebrated their golden wed:lieig.
Mrs. 'Alcliay was it. member of the
Presbyterian church. IBesides her be-
reaved 'husband she lea yes wo sons
rend t.wo daughters. Donald, of Ber-
tram, Neb., John J., Detroit.. Mrs.
Askin. of Certhnge and Lizzie at
home. The funeral will take phaco
to -day. Thursday, interment being in
the Exeter cemetery'.
The ladies' guild. of the rrrivi 1
Memorial Church .;ave n pie social
ill Ile school brill last Fridny tri;hl
t. Bich
.teas well attended nded nod ani en-
joyable aevetliiie spent.
Mr Ilcrb Houtheott received sev-
eral injuries at the hockey snatch
Monday ni;bt. His foot was eo badly
swollen "'1 utsdn; that he had .o re-
main indoors all (lay.
itee. 1). \V. Collins, returned
Friday everting after a two weeks'
visit to Cine:melee ,Airs. Collins re-
turned Monday from London. She
te» accornpan'cd by her sister.
.\tier being postponed twice, the
r rnival was elven Friday evening
1 as re were 41 number of ,good cos -
i Ines exhibited. bat' the soft condi-
on of the ice made the skating quite
in n hockey match at Sl. Thomas
last Thursday ni between the Lon-
don Medical Colic se and the Olym-
pics, of St. Thomas, Will Knight was
injured and had to retire from the
An exeiting gains of hockey was
played at the rink Monday evcninJ
between teams roprescn'ine the
town and the Y. M. C. A.. resul'inz
in favor of the layer by ei;lit to
two gods
Forty five thousand German Ameri-
cans in Buffalo are comm. neinz ,a
eampni;n exhort'ne citizens of the
United States and Canada to adopt
the "Dutch treat in;" system in lath
countries, that is not t0 trent your
nei ghtwer nor allow your neighbor
to tree' you.
Fully. 28th. will ler child-
ree s ,lay in the Main Street-Metho•
t -t church. when Rev. Dewey, of
Le eon. 18 expected to take e)tar,gc
of the services. A pro ;rim is being
i•r, pared by the children for the en -
t.•, tainmrtet to be given on the fol
lowin a .Monday cvenine.
You'll be healthy; You'll he wise
Consequently wealthy. if you ;take
Bricks' Tasteless has all the virtues
of the pure Cod Liver Oil with the dis-
tasteful greasiness removed. It also
contains Compound Syrup of Hypo-
phosphites,I.iquid Extract of Malt and
Flutd Extracts of Wild Cherry bark.
That's a cotnposition that
will ton" np your system, bring
you a big appetite, strengthen
your nerves. build fat upon
your bones and put cheerful-
ness and ambition into your
Costa very little to try it.
Will back up what we say.
All druggists sell it.
Our Notion Section
A concert will be held in the Opera
Roust 011 Friday evening 8 o'clock
sharp, 'Feb. 18th, 1909, tinder IIIc
nay ices of the Literary Society of
Exeter high [School consisting; of n
Lecture end n series of limelight
views on the subject of "The flower
o[ Empire", given by Rev. M. J.
Spencer. Admission adult( 25 cent(,
children 15 cents. A. reef educa-
tional treat. Conte rind enjoy it.
For any cries o[ nervousness, sleep"
lessnese. tweak stomach, indigestion,
dyspcpaia, try Carter's Lit (le Liver
i'ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
Threatening feverisbness with
children is quickly end safely calmed
by )'rcvcntics. The little Candy
Cold Cure Tablets should always be
at hand -for promptness is nil im-
portant. Preventice contain no wan.
ire, nothing harsh or sickenin z. They
are indeed "the stitch in tine". Car-
ried in pocket, or purse. Prtvcntics
are a genuine safe retard against
Colds, 25c. Sold by W. S. llowey.
Wind and the nee of im•
pure soaps cause dryness
of the outer coat "1' the
Skin. Chafing, reamers
end rough 11/..4 fallow.
Anything that will restore
the softness of the skin and
neutralize the effects of
the, soap will ells-ays pre-
vent the chafing.
A section filled with all kinds of fancy Collars, Gloves,
Hosiery, handkerchiefs, etc.
Our Men's Clothing Section
We believe this section needs very little eulogy. The
fact that this department will tend to show that we sell only the
best and newest to be had in clothing.
Our Boot and Shoe Section
Milton Atkinson received an ugly
gash on his hand on Monday [while in
the barber shop. 'ile and n.t►other
person were sparring 111 fun when in
some way Atkinson's hand struck the
sharp edge of n razor cutting a bad
gash across the back of it.
Miss Ellis, of London, is the guest
of Miss Venetia Frayne.
Your faithful servants "the feet" really need great care.
Good fitting footwear is an essential in our shoe section. Only
the smartest and best fitting footwear is to be had. Styles tha
suit the eye and fit the feet.
Pu 0111rd616
1 To those who can figure this
heading out correctly we
will give
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
leaf ledger.
a e.
bill and charge.
card system, and
all modern de-
vices known
Machin eare
a business
science are
our students. Consequently business houses
of leading Canadian and American cities are
calling loudly for our graduates.
Individual instnrction, Eater any day.
Nail Courses.
send postal tot particulars.
IGilman Business Collene
GEO. SPOT'tON, Principal. I
Successful Revival in llensall..
Thi( is the final week of Aiiss Mor-
ton's labors here in evanzelistie work.
Much interest has been aroused by
her powerful addresses. and many
have sought the hixher life. Huns
(lay next will be Miss Morton's fare-
well day. Addresses tt'i11 be delivered
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. p. Reception
and !Baptismal services twill be held
in connection With the morn:n,g ser-
vice. All are heartily welcomed.
cel and high grade farm Stock.
Mr. Thos. Cameron )ins received in-
strucl:ons from Mr. William Dalry-
mple to sell by i'ublic, Auction on
Lot 6. Con. 12, ilibbert, Wedneedayi
March 3rd, 1909, at one o'clock sharp
the following. valuable property. viz,
Horses, 1 n,gcd marc registered from
imported stock ; 1 mare 6 years old,
register w1; 1 entire colt, rising ttwo
Years 0111 eligible for re, istratiole; I
geld;ng rising four years old agri-
cultural; 1 gelding rising 3 ;years
ngr:cultural ; 1 gelding rising 2 yrs.
agricultural; 2 colts rising 1 year
old, u j r.cultural ; 1 nice driving mare,
rising four years; 1 gelding rising 2
years old. carriage. (.attlr, 1 cow,
wc v.
t•'1 c due to elle..
with calf at foot . ne
at time of sale ; 4 rows due to calve
in March and April ; 2 farrow cotes ;
4 Steer.. 3 years old, good stockers:
2 heifers 3 years old ; 10 ,good beef
r.n,( heifers, 2 years old ; ,10 steers, fit of iCanadn.
2 years ole); 5 calves. I(o, s. four IVE\" & DROMGOLE,
pure bred Berkshire sows due to lit- 14olicitors far rho Applicant'.
ter in March end April ; Four pure- Lotulo,,, Ont:,rio, '2nd 1'ehni�try, 1909
bred Tenets ore Sosve. due to litter
in March, April and May; hour purr -
bred Yorkshire rows. due to litter
in March. April ane May.; 1 pert -
lived Ilerk'hire hoar; 10 store hogs;
150 lbs; 2 bronze Tom turkeys; a
quantity of hay; 25 bush. timothy
wilI. l'ositiveiy no reserve as the
proprietor has given alp the iense of
farm, offered by sale by the executors to
Noa'r'y's Crean) of Roses Terms. -MI sums of $5i 3n 1 under
up the estate. On the premises
cash ; over that ount 8 mos. are a substantial brick house, storey
has the properties ereI t will he ;iven on fatrnishine and a half, good frame stable and
2- t approved jo'nt note., or n discount of barn; few fruit trees; good well and
...)C•. bottles at 6 per cent. per annum allowed for 2-5 of an tors of land.
t cash on credit amount..
Win. r Ifod setterms a Firauhararaot apply
Howey's Drug Store �\ iLI.1AM I)ALI(YMI L1?, Proprietor 'lodgern, ltutseldale.
F• THOM. 'CAMERON, Auctioneer.
This school stands in the fore-
front as the largest and beat
practical training school in
Western Ontario. We have
three departments.
All departments are in charge
of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough and
practical. Our graduates secure
good positions. Students are en-
tering every week. Write for
our free catalogue at once.
$20.00 and $18.00
Suits for
$6.00 Pants for $4.00
$4.00 Pants for $2 75
This offer is'for two weeks
only. Every Suit is a bargain,
Merchant Tailor.
application will he made to the Par-
liament of Canada at its present ses-
sion for site .Act to incorporate a
Company to be named TI[E LONDON
COMPANY. with the following pa-
pers :-(l) To 'construct, equip and
operate it line of railway from a
point in or near the City of London
to the 'Town of Sarnia, passing
through the Townships of London,
Lobo. East :Williams, Adelaide, \Var-
wick, I'Iympton and Sarnia ; • also
from n point in or near the city of
London to n point on Lake Huron
in the Comity of Huron passing
through the Townships of London,
Lobo, Fast Williams, \Vest Williams,
McGillivray, Stephen, flay tetanl6j
and -Goderich. with power to build
branches or extensions from the
main litres not exceeding In each case
fifteen miles, rush branches not to
extend neyond the ,limits of the
Counties of Middlesex, Lambton or
Huron (2) To •construct and operate
telegraph and telephone litres along
its railway, and to collect tolls for
the Iransinission of messages there-
on (3) To ocquire end utilize water
and steam power for the purpose of
e,otnpressing nir or generating dec-
tr.c:ty, and to dispose of surplus
'sower not r.giered for the purposes
of the Company (1) To acquire elec-
tricity or other power or energy,
end to transmit (he same to any
place in the municipalities through
select' the railway is ailthoriz••d to
oe built, rand to (Pewees of any sur-
plus not t'cquired for the purposes
of the Cornpatny.
The Feel Itailway and works are
declared to be for the general bete -
House and i.ot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs. Elisa llodgert and is being
Round trip Tourisit ticket now on
sale to all principal Winter Resorts,
The New and Attrac-
tive Route
Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta,
Is via Chicago and St. Paul,
Minneapolis or Duluth. Bag-
gage checked through in bond;
no examination.
Full information front
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONA•LD, Union
Depot. Toronto. Ont.
The No RCIldDlC
Family Flour
It has the natural color
flavor. Has an army of satis
The quality of
has given us success.
A Man's Life
A Man's life is full of crosses an
temptations. He comes Into tht
world without his consent and goes
out against his will and the road is ex-
ceedingly rocky.
The rule of Contraries is one of the
important features of the trip.
When he is very little the big girls
kiss him and when be gets big he Mae -
ea the little girls and some of the big
ones too.
If he aloes a large family he is en-
dorsed ►.v the Premier.. hitt if Ile rais-
e small a brque he la a thief.
Butraying the right Piano from the
right 1 ,•eple at the right !'rice snakes
him n titer a chump, a thief or a had
mann: And his children will rise
rip at call hire 1,1. Sse (1. •
We ',ink esti Ate the• right people to
hu7 fi n. We KV,ow our Pianos and
I'rtrea are right; -Call and let ue con-
vince you.
Mdrtin & Soy