HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-18, Page 5h trkton
The house of M. James Metre, of
the Third Line. was the scene of a
large gathering last Friday night.
when about 100 friends gathered to �-
bid fat ewell to Mr. Beattie and his
Lomita, who have been highly res-
'ectec 1&sidc•nla of the township for
usu.' years. Refreshments in the Miss Clara Kruape, who has been
sr,. tc of oysters were provided by the visiting friends here for some time,
attests :Ind dorm./ the eerviug of
thew a program was given. Stirs.
Beattie '1t•as first made the recepien•t
of a handsome carving set and an ad-
dress from the Woman's Missionary
society; after which with all solem-
nity. E. N. Shier read an nddress
to Mr. Beattie'. The address read,
however was not handed Mr. Beattie,
but the one riven in this article -was
given tem instead. Roth Mr. and
Mrs. Beattie responded in a pleasing tan
manner• thanking their many friends
for the kind expressions given them
on the eve of their departure (or
Lansham, bask., for which place they
left Wednesday, accompanied by sev-
eral nei,bbors, who intend waking
their future home in the west. The
following are the addresses given
Mr. and Mrs. Beattie.
Mrs. James Beatty. -Dear Friend,
We, the members of the Women's
Missionary Society, are reminded that
the time for your removal from our
midst is e1rawin g near and we feel
that me cannot allow you to leave
us without express'ni the pleasure
we have taken in our past association
and the 're;ret we as a society feel
at the thought of your removal. Wo
have noticed with pleasure your will-
ingness to help as opportunity ttf-
forded in the work and amts of our
society'. We tisk you to accept this
g:It as a token oferesteem in which
you etre held by us and trusting that
that it may sometimes bring to your
remembrance the 'friends you are
leaving 'behind in Kirkton . turd that
this 1 hon ght ma'y be a bright page
in memory's hook. Our prayers will
follow you to your new home that
God 'who kecpet h watch above 'His
own will ever bless and guide you
and make a'ou useful among the peo-
ple with whom you associate and we
trust 'that Lite work of our much be-
loved society may always 'find in you
n 'warm advocate and friend and) in
1'H HE EXE'1 EK TIMES, FELS.1:~th 1909
Brown's Crediton.
The Corner Store.
pb.Clearance Sale
Mr. harry Kuhn is wearing quite
a broad bmile. 'It's a boy
Rev. E. 11. Bean's family is quar-
antined on account of an attack of
scarlet fever of a mild type. Seed:r-
al other cases are reported. It is
willhoped 't will be kept from
This Week be Remnant Week and Prices to 'be hpe t p
have been "Cut to the Bone
Week -resulted in the cleaning up of our Remnants,
Short Ends, Surplus lots, etc. We have spread a
in banquet from which all may profitably partake. We
invite you to feast your eyes on our money -saving offerings
for Remnant week and fill your homes with the things we
have placed on our counters ttt bargain prices. Here are
bat a few suggestions of the scores of underpricings.
„ Mr. N. 'llaist, of Pigeon. Mich., is
visiting in and arouud the village,
The ice .harvest has Icommeneed
and many are pulling in their aupply
of .
t e_ 'c'
Mess's: Manse and Nicholas, of
Zorra, are visiting their aunt Mrs.
D. Oestrcyioher.
Rev. A. Y. Hoist, 1'. E., of Berlin,
preached a powerful sermon on Sun-
day morning which was listened to
with intense interest by t Ilarge
Mr. Gotticib Brown is still ,soh•
fined to his room froth a severe at-
tack of sciatica.
At 'the Quarterly Board Meeting in
tl 1:vanzelical church Friday night
d. . 11.,.tzmann was appointed a
delega.c and S. Brown alternate to
attend a convention to be held in
the' near future in the pity of Strat-
ford for the purpose of electing lay
representatives 'to attend the An-
nual Conference of the Evangelical
Association, do he held this spring
in New 'Hamburg.
The revival services in the Evan-
gelical church • will continue this
week. The pastor will be assisted by
ltev. A. Y. Hoist, Presiding Elder of
Miss Ella Link has been confined
to her room with LaGrippe.
Reeve Lamont and C. O'Brien. of
Zurich, Were in the village on Satur-
Mr. Ed. Bossenberry and Mr. Fred
Witwer, of Zurich, called on friends
A big bargain ta-
ble piled high with
dress gcods remnants
in blacks and colors,
In 6 to 7 yd. lengths
reduced to
Hall Price
Another pile from
which you can buy
any quantity at 25
pee cent off.
Ladles and
Ghildrens Goats
Childrens bearskin
Ruffs and Muffs to
match, in different
colors, Childs' Bear-
skin Coats, Shawls,
Golf Coats, (best
quality) a nice line of
Waistings, Factory
ends of cotton, Rem-
nant of good staple
goods must go during
the sale at a
Big Reduction
Everything in this
line from Child's to
Ladies' and Gentle-
man's to be sold at
25 per cent
these arc bargains.
in town on Friday.
Mr. Noah Sararas, of Zurich, vis-
ited over Sunday with Mr. Fred
Howald, the '!tome:and may God crown our
Mr. '1s'. D. Dfa•1ton. who has been on labors at last. Mrs. .1. Veale. Pres.
start of the ]lank of Commerce here Mrs. 'E. N. Shier, Secy.
We want to announce that we are receiving daily shipments of
for the past year, has resigned and To Mr. James Beattie and family
SPRING GOODS and to time of writing have received a large returned to his home near Guelph. rte your friends and neighbors having
intend -
quantity of Prints; the best manufactured and unexcelled for quality During his stay hero he made many learned •with regret of your triendx. 11ir. Mahon took an aotivo ed departure from our midst avail
and color; Embroideries and Insertions; White Goods of every des• interest in all the sports and :was a ourselves of this opportunity of as-
cription, Linen Suitings, Ginghams, Dress Goods, etc. Will be general favorite. On \Vcrineselny sembling bore in your home to spend
pleased to show you through.
evening of last week a number of a social evening together and also to
A Call Solicited. . ,..c.4..
uyers of Seeds, I1idea and
11 kinds of Farm Produce.
Of what constitutes good
clothing differ from the
i deas of most other firms
We demand and use in
all our Suits and Over-
coats only the Best Ma-
terials and the highest
class of W'rkmanship.
Give us a Call.
J. H. Holtzmann•
ay Canadian Pacific direct line
Por Settlers trave:i ng
with livestock nr•d
Special Trains
;,are TJrorIo
Carte TI'E.SPAY In
d 10.1.1 p.en.
Sen e•s an:'. fam-: es
without liv•st-ck
should use
Redular'f rains
leaving Icronto
10.18 p.m. daily
Tcurist S:e• t ng Cars
Fastest Time
No Chard.. for Arrth.
Low Colonist Rates
Only Through Service to the West
Apo, to nearest age -t f. • 1c1, nlc:•• at•..n anti
free copy of "Sett.e•s Go, i• e: w• to 14 L.
Thompson.. D.P.A • C i'. 4 , Tcrcrao
1 have found a triMi and tested rue tar Rheo.
nutl,m 1 Not a rem•'lr that will stn:,• ten Madistorted limbt.
s of chronic cripples. nor tune nny
caths hark to flesh a • In. That 14 1171101.44.1.1.).
the boys met and resented him with . u farewell. You have been
an address and travelling case. Tbid you
closely identified with this com-
munity for a great number of years
and we feel that we could not let you
depart unnot:cr•t froth our 'midst
without showing you that we have
appreciated your residence amongst
us. You have always and at all tunes
been 'willing to assist in any cause
nddress and presentation was made
by Mr. Ira frown, after which Mr.
Halton made a suitable reply. \Ve
understand that Mr. Mahon intends
entering the general store business.
The Misses Laura and Louisa !foist
who 'rave been visiting in• 'Elkton,
Thames Road Mach., have returned Lomc, arrow- er movement That has for its object
Mr.vi this
of Lc improvement of
W. Monteith's sale '\Vedlttsday ponied by the two sous I betterment or impro cmc
afternoon of last week. was successful llaist, who will visit friends and re- neighborhood or the people thereof,
in every particular. Mr. Thomas latives there for a short time. andas you are about to sever your
Cameron, aictionc•er wielded the Lam- Mr. '11. Fowler visited in Seaforth connection with us we realize fully
trier and in four and one half hours, over Sunday. the loss we are about to sustain, but
sold over $3,700 worth of stook eto. Mr. 11. C. Clark, of the Royal, last we have the consolation of knowing
The Tact that the sale was well tot- %week 'put in hie supply. of foo Tor ;the that what trill be our loss will be
ve:tiscd brought out a i ir:e crowd. summer, being the firat in Crediton , ,,, h,.ri lain
Billy says there were two thousand to get itt his supply.\Ve learn also that your future
at 'the sale. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Mclsaac 'visited I hoine 'will be in the great west and
The many friends of Mr. Robert in Zurich over Sunday. ' we trust that your relationship and
McDonald, sr., will be pained 10 learn The special services ,which ,were so;al intercourse :with the people
that lie was the victim of an unfor- conducted in the Methodist church' among whom you intend to reside
tunate accident last Sunday, when: during the past several weeks, came' will be as friendly and sociable as
he fractured his thi;h by falling on to a close on friday evening lash you have been with us. As we note
the ice. Mr. 31eDonald, who is past Much good waet done durn then
95 years of age, had gone out to feed incoting5R
his chickens and gather eggs, when Mr. Chas. Zwicker purchased a car
he slipptd on the icy walk. Ile was load of flax aced from the Wuerth
p'ekcd up and taken into the house llaist 'Co. last week. Ile shipped two
bid you farewell our best wishes for
your future welfare and prosperity
go 'with you to your new home and
the 'hope of meeting you all in the
world beyond. Signed 1i. N. Shier,
and Dr. Bright. of Exeter summoned, car loads of clover seed to 'Toronto. Arthur Doupe, David Roger, Samuel
The Dr. on examination found (he Mi-. Fred Young spent 'Tuesday in Sher, committee.
ngcd gentleman had sustained the London on businesal. Mr. P. F. Doupe took a. load of
above injuries. We hope for his young 'people frorn our village last
speedy recovery. Shipka week to attend a sot:n1 in the
left for her home on Saturday.
John !fill shipped hi+ bete: from
here last tweet.
John Bender is all smiles, over ,
the arrival of a little son, which R e must have money and
had come to brighten his home. Goods, hence this slaughter in
Miss Clara Rutz, of Khiva, speak
several days last week, with friends
in this community.
Rev. L. K. Eidt preached at Credi-
ton, on Tuesday evening. last week.
Frank Jertntette and family, of
friends in visited 1 te tt
Grand !lead. t v's't
village last week.
It is rumored thpt there are to be
a number of weds lags in this com-
munity in the ::tar future. Moro
particulars latex.
Mrs.+Hess, of Zurich, is visiting her
sister •Mrs. Ball, rho is on the sick
Mr. John Schlunt, moved his family
,into the house of Mr. Levi Haymach-
er on Monday.
Mr. Daniel Roush has purchased
the 100 acre -farm of L. Foster, near
Sarepta, and took possess:on at once.
Mr. Foster has bou;ht a threshing
outfit and will follow that business
this year.
•Mr. J. Kellerman!' was ill Zurich.
on Tuesday attending a meeting of
the 'Huron Weather Insurance Co.
They Must Go
A great many took advantage of
the sleighing on Monday to bring In
their logs, wood, grain, etc.
Mr. J. K. Goetz was laid up dur-
ing the past week with an attack of
Mr. Milton Witzel, of Toronto, is
home for a few weeks' visit.
Mrs. Chas. Guenther is on the sick
Croup positively stopped in 20 min-
utes, with 1 r.Shoop's Croup Remedy.
Otte test alone will surely prove this
truth, No vomiting, no distress. A
safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Sold
oy W. S. Howley.
Hur ono ale
Miss 'Hazel Dignan, of Exeter has
been the guest of Miss Maude Horton
for u few days.
Mr. John Piper who has been en-
gaged with Mr. Samuel Cudmore for
the 'past year, has completed his terra
and is taking a short rest at - his
home In Exeter, before engaging for
another term.
A large number from here at-
tended 'Mr. Wm. Monteith's sale on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Jack Fulcher, V. S., of Forest,
is visiting friends in this vicinity.
Our teacher has been a little in-
disposed with a cold for a few days,
toattend to his
1has beenc
but able
duties of the school.
Mrs. Wood, of Exeter, spent Sun-
day at the home of her son Wm1
Mr. 'Wm. Dayman purchased a fine
brood marc last week.
The home of Mr. henry Strang was
brighteneel by a little stranger who
has come to stay.
Mr. Fred Kenning is now com-
fortably settled with Mr. C. Harvey,
with whom• ho has enraged for a
The meetings in the Evangelical
church ore being t1ell attended.
The your; daughter of Mr. N. M.
Caitlin, has been very ill, and Dr.
Rutherford, of Strafford. was called
last week itt consultation with the
local doctors.
get fmmedlate relief fro*
Thames (toad Presbyterian church, Q Siloop'sMakOintment.
and all enjoyed a good lane.
Mr. Ezra Fahner last Wednesday All the neighbors of Mrs. Wm.
A received an appointment ns book -Francis and family united to giro
For Infants and Children. , keeper for a London firm. I thein n surprise party last Thursday
Miss Ethel Bestcrd, of :London, evc,n.ng, blrs. Franc's was the re -
the Kind You Have Always oaid her relatives a flying visit last' oipient of a. gold watch, Mr, 1\Vil-
J BoughtSunday and Monday here. bert 'Francis, of a god cha:n ; :Miss
The Messrs. S. J. Sweitzer and W.1 Myrtle, a fins' brooch, while the
Boars the
C:cijo9tr'''". Mason, who were in Parkhill Friday hearts of the two smaller boys were
Signature of - I evening eyeing the hockey match re' I gladdened with a pair of golt6 cuff
port a goo.1 t:the. buttons each. An nddress was ten -
Mr. Warner Finkbciner is villains,dered them. express:rig the good will
tr.ends in Dashwood this week. and esteem in which they are held
J. A. 'preen called up011 friends at , by till their neighbors and friends.
Grand Bend last Sunday. I'1'tte rl'anes :with those friends join in
lloy's Agony relieved by Zam-lluk., Miss Emma Shoemaker, of Park- l.w•ish'ng ihem every happiness and
-- hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. prolierity in their new home in Port -
11 you are suffering from badly ' J. 1). 'Hannon. ego. 5Ian., for which plaoe they lett
chapped hands you will b. able to MiSA 'McColloffe, of Grand Bend cal. this week.
comprehend ri little of the agony led upon Mr. awl llrs. Ezra Brenner Mr. \Vm. llaz:ewood went to Lon -
Which Henry Walker, of 14 Mann. last Slin,lay. ; don last Friday to spend a few days
facturers Street, Montreal, enduretl Mr. Gcorre Kellerman, of Dash- days with lt:s daurill et's. Mrs. Geo.
before Zinn -Bilk ,nave hire relisf, wood, has rented Mr. Samuel Sweit-! Darling and Mrs. 1i. 'Mills.
His mother. telling of the c.t.-.,' to a zers fiax mill for the coming year. Mr. \'m, Watson has engaged the
Press representative, said:- Some of the young folks gave a set•v:ere, of Mr. Percy 'Ilewitt for the
"Hen ry :works with his shirt curl" :sc party a t Mr. and 'Mrs. G. coning summer.
sleeves rolled no above his elbows, ,Faliner's for their Fon Frank. who J1 r. 1'. Ballcntynt our genial mail
and pasasfng from it warm room to will soon be leaving for R.C. An en_ than is go.l1g crest w'ilh Jas. Beattie,
the biting cold. as he ryas obliged to I tnynblc evening was spent. , leaving his duties to be pr•rforrned
do. he ,got the worst case of chapped Mr. owl 'Mrs. Dave Lippert and the; by his brother. Mr. ltabt. Batten -
hands and arms 1 have ever seen. former's sister. Lizzie, of Khiva spent type.
From his fingers to his elbows was Bandag 'with their parents Mr. and
one masa of raw flesh. with had I Mra. 14. Sweitzer. Farquhar
craelis herr and there. Whenever Mr. olid Mrs. 1%, in. haunt ;art en
he washed, it brought tears to hist left last Tuesday for their home in The foilow:ng :e taken from the'
eyes. the 'pain was so acute. HP: M,r'1ita. Matt. Before leav'.nr they Toronto \Vorld of Saturday. "11.'
tried sevcrnl kinds of salves, but' were given a surpr.se party by Mr. W. H•. Beavers, who has recently I
nothing relieved hint really until he and Mrs. S. Stweitz,•r and Mr. and d`sposed of his Farquhar business, i-,:
tried 7.un-l1nk. This balm seemed `I,a. F. Gaiser. announced as the owner of the new;
to take away the burning and smart--; Mr. Wm. Mason left Tuesday for Sem:. Ready tailoring slot. .to be:
in;f almost at once. The cracks be-; Mehta, Man.. Isere he is enzage.t opened this month in Brant ford. Al
gun to heal, and a few applications' fo • tite at,rn,rer tnonths with Mr. W, new front and naw• fixtures are be-!
R. Buret!. t, n
installed. H. c
fatal e.
°. a 1 1 mantle') i
t.1 �I.. hand"' I « ar et
of the halm 1res1 him. h ' a z
and arms etrenow smooth and soft
C11AI'I'Et) rttOM FI N C E It`;
TO 1:1I1o\VS
Brantford boy, w•,II be nssocintorl
"We have nisei used Zam-Ifitk for; Itt•SSELDALE with Mr. heavers, and as he is a
other -cmergone..el. i sustained a ' praet:cal tailor, his alliance with
burn on one of my fingers: Zorn• M,ss DAIn Ilarm,•r i5. WI, are pleas. the new business will b, an :Avow '
illi: lr.ok the tire out and heal-� eel to •ay. gradually improving) Ingo. All 'the •now• Spring modelet of
It really grins n Mr. Jas. Park who hag been eon- the them: -Ready lines will le. esh:bit
I{tlt i can IL.,w ,u1V1,- kill the pains and pang: cf ed u p t h sore.
Olt deplorable disease. wonderful household preparation. I fined to his bed for the last iw•o ed and it is 51r. Beavers ttntent,oul
In ti:nuan)--with a Chembt fn the city oI Olt one occasion my son Harry hod ',tortilla.toe are sorry to report. is not to keep the Itrantford store always;
In found the lag Inarri
llrut wth , well stocked with the best imported
tlrblchPr.ahooe'sRheumatic nem•dywasmade his foot froz.n. It was very swollen improv.n,.. 1 •g• It ' is rt. till' We want every family to know the
Girlhood Vigor
The difficulty with most women lies in
the fact that while they are anxious about
the health and welfare of their family and
loved ones, they rarely ever pay attention
to themselves until Nature says Stop. To
prevent this every woman should take
Psychine regularly. It creates an appe-
tite and is the greatest of digestants.
Psychine is a boon to run-down, tired
rnd overworked women for there Is
Miller of 63 Notre Dame St., Winnipeg,
proved this, for she says: "i am thank -
fur for what Psychine has done for me.
I was laid up with weakness. Oh, how 1
suffered. My appetite was very poor and
my stomach was greatly disordered. To-
day I am strong and well, for Plychine
has brought Inc permanent relief. I feel
like a new woman now to what i did
before taking ('sychine. 1 feel the wigor
of girlhood in my veins once more."
• perfected. d, e••n,Lble prescription. without
Wat lest Ingndb i t. 1 suecesdully treated many.
Spi1aany eases of ith,•umatism: but now. at last. It chi.
Wally rums all curable cases o1 this her••tofore
Mauch dreaded ,tls.nge'. Those sand•llke granular
tts`sstes. found tri Rheematte mood seem todit•cdwe
peas away 'miler the ac•tton of this remedy as
ly as dors suleAr when added to pure seater.
then. when , tssolr,-1. these pots.mous wastes
i eta from the system• and ill,. ,ans.+ of
mutism s Rona ons e . +
and discolored. but Zatn•Iiuk ootti The''C.0.C.F. nailer tw•o more suit.nza. c►ni• cae.y all+ • •merits of Psychine and will send every
relieved the swelling and removed, menthe' •• to their Pon ncil nt 4 heir .et the eam' pr:ccs everywhere in
the doco'.oration. Zatn•link is 10 last re 71111r m,• «1'n.t. Canada, and our new store will be' householder a trial bottle tree. Cut out
handy and fo Crftotive that we shall Mr. John Cole entertained the of• lust as•well equipped r.s the older rs coupon and mail to Ur. T. A. Slocum,
airways keep a supply linn,ly." f c••r> nal members of the Fullerton tablished Semi -heady stores in the Lt.1., Toronto.
l:ss iiatt:e Bertrand. of Salisbury Township Council on Monday ovine hr ter cities," still Mr. Beavers.".
(Ont.). ray;% :- Every %%•inter 1 suf- ing. the Sth, Inst. Mr. John 'jMcNicol tee iced several
r t1s naw noter from chapped hands. out 1 have Mrs. O. \Valker. of Cromarty, severe injuries the ni;ht of 1h^u 1 1 ♦ r There
tepinewl-noact,t:llr:cusetodurter longer with. torn I n cure in Z:m-Tinh. Appliewl spent Saturday and Sunday with her Thames Bond tea metria;. ile t•. ,+;
OS NAP. wesan,and btcunedattee recommend at it Alit, it heals the craci.s by mora• ter Mrs. A. Jlodgert. mitt'ns his horse in the abed and
in, and tkes own',all the soreness." Mr. Facey cnterlaned a nurnher pasn nnother horse was kinkedSmilnr effcts follow its use for of hr friends on Thursday even.ne. several times by the bast. HiDr. Shoop'seczema. scaip mores, blood-poaonins, Mr. nod 'Mrs. Mowbray. of Toronto. lower jaw was broken and several; J
n:c; rs. ringworm. children'. horse, were the znests of Mr. and Mrs. J. tee, h knocked out. bea'.les receivin?I Psychine regulates and strengthens the
colts, burn:, nn.l bruises. It :Hatt L. Boole!) Inst week. several injuries to Iiia face and body. stomach ant is an infallible remedy for
carts pike. All druggist. and stores The 'Sf sses Bussell were at home eTi \\ RT. -At Farquhar, 'Wed' a:l di;orders of the throat, lungs and
sell nt 50e. a hox: or post free from to a number of 'their friends on (lay, Y. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. chest. All druggists and stores, SOc.
Zam-Iluk CA"Toronto, far price, Thnreday even'na. Fred , wort, a so11.
Please let inc tare a free sample et
I'st; hlno at per ) our special user.
Rheumatic Remedy
1'O011l for our
Ladies Coats
$25.00 Coats for $19.50
12.0(1 Coate for
11.00 Coats for 8.50
10.50 Coats for 8.00
7.00 Coats for 5.00
stock of Spring
$5,50 Misses Coat for $4.25
110 Misses Coat for 3.75
5. M e
4.00 Misses Coat for 3.50
Also Bargains in Mens' and Boys
Overco its.
We also have some dre.s lengths, short ends in Dress
Goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Flannellettes
& etc. which will go cheap during our clearing sale.
Prodnce taken in exchange,
Siebert & Co.
Hartleib Block. DASHWOOD,
New Spring Goods
Arriving every day. We Ifave thi�''yife�st and most styli
goods this store has ever shown. Come and see our
New Goods before you do your purchasing.
New Dress Good
Our stock is complete with the moat stylish
S fabrics consisting of Striped Suitings, Serge%
Panamas, Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustres, Satin Cloths, Voiles, Crispin
Clothe, etc, etc.
LADIEts' NEW WHITE WEAR -Shirt Waists, Gowns, Skirts, Ooieet
Covert., etc.
New Prints, °loghanie, Linens, Fancy Vestinge, Muslins, Linen Suitings
the very latest, Shirtinge etc, etc.
L ten's Spring Suitings
Just arrived. The finest and largest assortment of Fancy Suit•
ings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors.
Call and see them before you purchase your spring suit. Prices
All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will dd
well to give us a call. Sole agents for Ideal
Woven -wire fencing.
Highest prices for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, 'llso Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing.
Prices as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buyi
A big stock of Martin- Senour ready Mixed Paints
100 per cent pure
Buy your Hardware From us
Produce taken in Exchange
Hardware D. T I E MAN, Dashwood
Boof and Shoe Stock to
be Reduced
having bought the Root and Shoe stocks of Tiernan an4 ,Ed
ghoffcr and Siebert & ('o, we are offering all the ODDS at gree
reduced prices, consisting of
Children's, Men's and Women's Footwear
You will also find our New Stock well assorted and up-to•datl
and at moderate prices.
Produce taken in exchange. We solicit your patronage.
At the Old Stand one Door West of Postoffice. DASI!WOOI:
est settlers of Huron died at hi
home in SPaforth on rrldny Fel,
During the gale which was blowing 5111aged 85 year-.
on "Tuesday r•cening of Inst week, the Hod sena Bros., who have i)
r.•4idcnen of Mr. Gcorre C. Dale, carrying on a dry goads busines
Huron Roae1, Jiullett, two and a half Clinton since 1895 have dispose'
miles west of Seafortis was complete- their stock to, other merchant
ly destroyed by fire. The fire start• Clinton and will 7o out of bas•
e,1 suppo'aelly from the furnace, and
with t he high wind blowing it was
Noon a rn is of flames. 1n fact, the
fire mad, such rapid headway that
nothing w,ss saved, and .11r. Dale anal
his family were fortunate in esrapinx
t hemaolvet
A. G. VanE;mond, One ot the earl-
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