HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-18, Page 4DISCOURAGED MEN 1S LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN. you become disheartened when you feel the symptoms of Nervous Debility and decline stealing upon you. You haven't the nerve or ambition you used to have. You feel you are not tho man you ought. to be. You feet like giving up In despair. You get nervous and weak, have little ambition, pain in th back over kidneys, drains at nigh hollow eyes, tired mornings, pref to be alone, distrustful, varia appetite, looseness of hair, poor c culation-you have Nervous Debility. Our New Method Treatment Is your refuge. It will strengthen all weak organs. vitalize the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a man- ly condition. Pay When Cured. READER Are you a dented, Ilave you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our Now Method Treatment Mll% cure -you. What 1t has done for hundreds of others, it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, Write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE -"The (golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS -CURES GUARANTEED. No Treatment sent C. 0. D. No names on bowie or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. DR5.KENNEDY&kENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. - ...RE EXETER TIMES, FEB. 18th 1909. Coughs and Clearing Auction Sale -of- HORSES. 1t1GS, SADDLERY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 11. W. F. 'Beavers has instructed Colds Joseph White to sell by. public auc- tion at Farquhar on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd. 1909, at one o'clock p. m. the following valuaule property. 1LORSES-1 driving mare six years old; 1 driving horse 8 years • old, troth of which will drive either bins For the prompt relief and gle or double. cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse- RIGS. -1 top buggy, 1 Portland near, Loss of Voice, and all cutter, 1 light lwaqzon ; ' 1 light affections of the Throat and sleigh ; 1 road cart ; 1 wheel barrow. lungs and for general debility. SADDLERY. -1 set double light Get a bottle of Perry's Coin- harness, 1 set single harness; .1 11uf- pound Syrup of White Pine talo robe; 1 pair horse blankets ; 1 with Tar or Perry's Emulsion lap rug; L bu.g ey dusters; 1 rubber of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- rug; 1 large oil cloth to cover tva;- phosphites of Lime and Soda, gon 60 it X 100 It. POOLS -Lawn Mower, high tt•hcel ; hand roller : l barky fork ; 1 man- ure fork; L hay; forks; 1 staole shovel, curry comae and . brusher, Brownings Drug Store hoes, shovels rakes, 2 water oarrcls 2 step ladders, a quantity of nett' lumber. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS 110USEIIOLD EFFECTS -1 six hole Imperial Oxford Range; 1 sideooard, 1 extension table, 9 dining room chairs, 4 kitchen chairs; 1 lounge; 1 quarter -cut oak iced, springs and mattress; 1 rope lied ; 1 bureau ; 1 couch, 1 secretary; 4 rockers; 1 Bell upright piano, nearly new, hav- ing orchestral attachment; parlor carpet, linoleum, curtains, pictures, dishes, kitchen utensils, lamps. hang- ing lamp; 1 butter worker. All the above articles rre Clearly new and everything in first-class condition. All will be sold es the proprietor- has sold his property and business and is moving away. • TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount nine months' cred- it twill Ice allowed on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of five (per cent per annum per annum off for cash on credit amounts. 11. W. V. BEAVERS JOS. 'WIIITE, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Sold at f3upplementary Meetinzs of the Bouth IIuron Farmers' Institute will be held in the following places, At Farquhar, Fcby. 20th ; Stron;'s Hall Tnckcrsmith, Feb. 22: Bayfield, Feb. 83rd ; Grand Bend, Feby. 24; ;Ben- tsalL Feby. 25. Speakers, Dr. H. G. Heed, of Georgetown 1'. 0.; AA E. Kalman. of Allisonville. P.O. lrhe meetings will be at 2 and 7.30 p. tn. program will be given at the even- ing meetin-gs. W. D. SANDERS, President Il. S. PHILLIPS Secretary. Hensall Mr. Wm. Shirray, of Detroit, and a former resident of Hensel!, has been quite ill. Mr. Wilson, of Pigeon, (Mich., is .visiting 'friends here. Airs. John Blatchford is Yisiting Iriends and relatives in Toronto. Miss' Myrtle Begouzh visited friends in Exeter last weed. Mr. James Coleman, of Comber, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Dazg, of 'Manitoba, is visiting leer mother Mrs. J. Beneouzh. Anniversary services will be held • in the Carmel church Sunday, March. 3tb, and on the following Monday evening a grand concert will be ;given. for which services of llarold aarvi;, the celebrated tenor lits been secured. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. About 800 bushels of No. 21 bar- ley grown and kept for 'seed purposes This is a new barley that has prov- en to possess a remarkable 'clean stiff straw, excelling all other 'var- 'ieties, also gave the highest yield of grain per acre of all the barleys test- ed in 1907 at the 0. A. C.. It has been without exception the most 'popular variety with the experimen' tal union throughout the province. ever since the first Distribution in 1.906 in two pound lots from the 0. A. C. Price of small quantities '$1.00 per bush. five bushels or over at reduced rates. JOHN ELDER. IIEN- 5ALI, P. O., Lot 16, Con. 2., MY. . �. tG .La. J3 'V CD M 11 aeon the The Kitnl You Hate AIsa)s BOP digesters 1444 STOMACH DI ST It ESS. Every family here ought to keep Some Diapepsitt in the house, as any one of you may have an attack of in- digestion or Stomach trouble at any time. (lay or night. This harmless preparation will digest anything you cat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes after- wards. If your meals don't tempt you. or [what little you do eat seems to fill (}OU. or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart• burn. that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50 -cent case of ('ape's Diapepsin and take one trianeule after supper tonight. There twill be Ito sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart- burn, fullness of heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating llieadaches. Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, be- tides, there will be no sour food left over in the etonech to pois)n your breath '.with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin Is a certain cure for all stomach misery, bemuse it twill take hold of your food and dt- gest it just the same as if /our stom- ach wasn't there. Actual. prompt relief for all your atom ,ch misery is at your Pherrnac- jet. %waiting for you. These large 50 -cent saws contain more than sufficient to cute a cis - of Iit'Ceps:a 0 l(i)lt-_' ia.i. In sickness. it a certain hidden nerve.gnes svrong, then the organ t this nerve controls will also rut, ly fail. It miy be 11 Stomitch tlerve, or it may have given strength and ,upport to the heart or Kidney=_ It teas Dr. Shoop that first po:nttel to this vital truth Dr. Shoop's ':ItL - storative was not Made to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimu- late, the Heart er Kidneys. The old- faehioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop'& Restorative goes directly to these failing inside nerves. The re- markable rowel -el of this prescription demonstrates the wisdom of trent• ing the nctual cause of these failing oreins. And it is indeed easy to prove. A sample five or ten Bays test will surely tell. Try it once. and see I Sold by W. 8. Howey. las L CllISE LII C RST Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Verner enter- tained ntertained their friends at a.dauce on Wednesday evening, The Rev. Colin Fletcher, of Thames Road, took the service Sunday after- noon cast in the Presbyterian church here. Miss Campbell our teacher spent the week enol at her home in Win- throp. Quite a number from this locality attended the party at It. Traquairs on friday evcnin; Inst. Tlie illcthodists of this place intend Giving an up-to-date supper con- sisting of cold ham. salads and past- ry of all kinds on the eve of the Ord, March. A fine program is being pre- pared. They have engaged the Hen- sall orchestra the iL'resoyterian quartette and Miss Bart, reader, of llensall 'will be present. The singers will be Miss Pybus, and Mr. Frank Allen. of StatIa, Mr. Jarvis Horton will also give violin selections, Mrs. J' ell} and: Liss Ortwein, of Ilensall, will give n ductt. Talent Is ex- pected from Eemondville. The com- mittee ore putting forth every ef- fort to make it a successful evening Don't miss a rare treat, all are wet. conte, The supper was advertised for 2501. Feb. but was posponed on account of revival services in llen- anll. More proof that Lydia E. Pink- hant'sVegetable Compound cures sick women. 111L53 M. li. Morin, 335 Ontario St., Mont real, writes to M rs. 1'inkham : " I was in very poor health and doc- tored for months, receiving very little benefit. I had lost all ambition, was nervous, and subject to dizzy spells and painful periods each month. "A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound as the proper medicine for me. I procured a bottle of this remedy and began tak- ing, and before it was finished. I felt so much better that I continued its use and gave It a thorough test, with the result I am to -day well and a much healthier girl than I was three years ago. I have no more painful periods, dizziness or nervous troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Comppoctund, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills u,asack~ r )� and has positively cared the women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency,indiges- tinn, cliZZi tress Or nervous prostration. Why don't von try it ? Mrs. 1'itikliant invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has gadded tl sands to lie'alttl. Address, Lynn, 31ass. AYER'S HAIR VCGOR Stops Falling lar Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin. quinin. sodium chlorid, capsicum, sage, alcohol, wa;cr, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient In this list. Ask your duster if this is not so. Fo'ow his a,.lvfcc. A hair food, a Lair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hall. Coni; ktcly destroys Alt dandruff. AYER'S i-IAIR VIGOR? Does not olor the ala J. C. / (elgratrT. !ANC'', ?taw USBORNE COUNCIL Council met ut Township Hall. Feb. 61h. all the members were pre- seak The minutes of the last meet - in= were read and approved& Communications were read from Dent & Thompson re. J. Reid's claim, Anderson 1)raiti, from Clarke Bartlett & Bartlett, re. Baird's account, Stewart Drain and from the Ontario Municipal Association all of [which were laid on the table for con- sideration. The `Auditor's report a5 read by Il. Strang was adopted and 100 copies ordered to be printed for distribution. A. itaird's order per Dickson and Carlin.;, in payment of account of W. Barrows, was accepted payable out of Baird's account Stewart Drain. The [clerk was instructed to 'write Dent '& Thompson explaining rho position of the council in reference: to Iteid's claim, and the efforts made toward a settlement ; also to 'write Mr. Baird's solicitors, that no fur- ther payment could be trade on Stew- art Drain account until the garnishee uroceedinzs in connection therewith were settled. The petition of the Ontario Marin c:p,tl Association, asking for the re- ueal of Section 606 of the Municipal Act was approved cured by the Reeve and Clerk, and ordered to be sent to our member of the Le isla- ture for presentation. By•ktw No. 1 1909 confirming the appointment of 'Municipal Officers and fixing Salaries Was passed signed and sealed. Accounts amounting .to $ti33.25 were passed and orders is- sued in payment. Council adjourned to meet Saturday •March 6th, at one o'elock. F. MORLEY, Clerk. t Board of health Tp. Usborne: The 'board met Feby. 6th, for or- ganization and business. J. Moir Reeve twos elected chairman for 1909. It Was decided that the Sanitary In- spector and one of the members of the Board shall make an inspection of School Premises, Factories. Slaugh- ter (louses etc. before the end of June and report to the Board. Ade journmeltt to meet at call of Chair- man or Secretary[ F. Morley, Secy. If you 1Ivould have a safe yet cer- tain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's-at least once. It is thoroughly unlike any other Cough preparation. its taste swill the en- tirely new to you -unless it is al- ready your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other stupify ing ingredients are used. the tender leaves of a harmless, lung - healing mountainuous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won- derful curative properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by W. 8. Ho ey. Clearing Auction Sale of Thoroughbred and high grade fai Stock Mr. Thomas Cameron. Auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by public auction on LOT 2, CON. 12, USBORNE on TUESDAY, FEBY 23 at one o'clock sharp tho following. IIORSES-Two brood mares risin; 7 years, drau;ht; 1 gelding 5 yrs. old draught; 1 filly rising A years, drau;ht; 1 gelding rising 3 years, draught ; • 1 filly rising t a•o years, draught; 1 gelding rising 2 years, draught ; 1 driving marc four yrs. old. CATTLE -1 pure bred Durham cow registered ; 1 bull calf, 5 (months old : 1 pure bred heifer, risin; two years, eligible for registration; 7 cows with alit nt foot ; 7 cows due to palve in March and April; 2 bcilr ers risin; three years:, due to calve time of sale: 5 steers rising' 3 yrs ; 5 heifers risin; 2 y ears; 7 steers risin; 2 years; .4 heifers rising one year ; 6 steers rising one year ; 7 Calves, 11005-2 hrood sows with litter; 2 brood sows to litter the fifth of ,March ; 22 store hogs, 150 lbs. Positively no reserve. Terms of Sale -All suras of $5.00 and under cash ; over that amount 8 months credit on furnishing aie- proved joint notes, or 5 per cent per annum for cash on credit sums. J: C. GAltl)INEIt T. CAMERON Prop. Auctioneer. Clearing Sale -0E- 1':t1iM, hARN! SF'O('K ANI) iM PLEMENTS Mr. Thomas Cameron has b.•eti in- structed to sell by public auction on LOT 45, ('ON. .t, GSPORNE nn THUIISDAY. FEBRUARY 25th, 1909 at 12.30 clock, tI.e following, HORSES -Cue brood MAI e, 7 years e1c1, registered: 1 caw ingot met yrs. old. CATTLE -2 cows newly calved: 1 rows due to calve in March mid April, 3 steers two years old, 3 heifers 2 yrs. old. 11 steeta;tied heifeta I year old. NOES -4 brood sows, 18 store hogs, 11111 liens and pullets, 1 ipr. geese. IMPLEMENTS-- 1 truck wagon. 1 top buggy. 1 cutter, *eery: 1 cutter. Item en used: 1 2•fut tow riding pion': 1 ti tinting plow; 1 hind roller; 1 rl'ring 1 OIIt1) colt ivatol: 1 disc• harrow; i cut- ting box w1111 Wooer; 1 fanning mill; aed te 1 combined b' In �r• 1 hay loathe 1 wearier; weeder and drill. neatly new-; 1 hay !ark. 2 calla W it Ie wit t' cable; quantity of marigolds, quantity of potntoce; t I).tisy churn; sole. sap buckets, some household turtiltute'. The kat in, consisting of Lot 3.i. ('on. :t. Township of rebs •ne. containing 100 acne,. :35 acres of which are plowed ' e'ady flit e•top, 0.) act. 1' CT and 111 men's of good berths od hu.h. 011 !Le pi (•Ilii}es Ilietr at 0 ' a Coin rot table • t.'I.P dwe'lling.2 bank h•trus, wood silo. frame stab"e and drive house and ',ever INII.ug siii'ply rf fpting water. This farms is in n good ita:e , f cnitien- t ton. con veni.nt t" at 11ni,I, a 'sun lies .end 2 1 elites from the village of !bonen. TERMS 11F CHATi EI,'t -Ail arms of $5 and under sash: Ower that rlun n n,e'nths coedit will be given on fur- niahing approved joint notes. A (Ba- colod of 5 per a Pnt. Ire r annum elf for r:•.ti en el edit anion/its. Trims ..1 real estat 0 *nude known eln day of a's a nr on :•pp:kalion to the 1'1'jitietl,t or auctioneer. Positively 1.0 l e set ve es the of opwe- t.•t is going neat. 1. C. Wool)Tilos. ('.ochres, Proprietor. Auc'iuneer, ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • s � — The Rind You Have Always Bought, and which has bee in use for over 30 years, has borne tho I;ii iiatrtro and has been made under his lee ize; ( souttl supervision sine.' its throne • Allot} no ono to deceive yott in thl All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jest -as -good" aro bt Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health Initutts and Children -Experience against Experitaeu What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OII, Pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ?NC COMPANY. TT M NAW YON& CITY. if day you may eat too much. Some night (if you're a man) you may drink more than is good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking Overindulgence AAr. I� '/ �-TABLETS- N CE is best because it acts on the liver, moves the bowels and gets rid of whatever may bc overloading your stomach. For any sickness of the sort—constipa- tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab- let to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. 52 et a 259 Box. For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. BORN - 10, 'Usborne, on Feb. lith, Maude( NO11T11COTT-In Exeter, Feby. 5th. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael to Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Northcott, Fletcher 'to air. Walter Kerslake. a son. STRANG-In Usborne Saturday Feb 6th,' to Mr. and Mrs. Merry Strong, a daughter. MARRIED KERSLAKE-FLETCHEIR At the home of the bride's parents, Con. !. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL (paid up) .... RESERVE FUND • • •• 1 Has (15 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. .... $3 500.00000 .... $3.500,000 00 2 Z Savings Bank Department t General Banking Business Transacted. at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••O••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIED IIAR'RIB—In Usborne, Monday, Fe by. 15th, Isreal (Barrie, aged 62 years. MoKAY-In Exeter North, Tuesday,, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE READ OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABI.ISUED 1867 B. X. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, 510,000,001{ ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000i0� TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank afe a most convent ' way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued In denominations $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ilolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131A Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh Mao at Crediton. Feby. 16th, 1909 Mrs, Duncan Mc- Kay, aged 77 years. Bt'11SCR1BE FOR 1 TILE TIMES. YOU cannot buy flour as fine, white, pure and nutritious as' Royal Household under any other There is no other flour in Canada upon which half so much money is spent to insure perfect purity—just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household—how very important it is that your flour, above all things, should bc absolutely pure. Royal llousehold Flour is the best—most wholesome—most carefully milled flour to he had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark arc on every barrel and sack—a guarantee from the maker to the consumer. Tell your grocer you must have Royal Household. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited Montreal. sy0OVIS of ire C000dioo NMI] Ill HOMESTEAD REOt'LAT1oN8.:i( Any 1.^rson 1010 is the so:e head of a famile, or any male over 15 years old may homestead a quartelr, sectoni of available Dominion land is 'Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in per at the Dominion Lands Ageno Sub -agency for the district. Entr proxy may be had at the agency. certain conditions. by father. tnoth son. daughter, brother, or sister mending homesteader. Duties :-S,x months residence upoa and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader rear live within nine miles of his home-[ stead on a ifnrm of at least 80 acres so:ely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, son, daughter. brother or rester. In certain districts n hotnesteaJAt' in good standing may pre -erupt a q'tarter section a:ongsde his home. 514111(1. Price �:3. per nen•. uties- Must res:dc six months i,ieacDh of sit years from date of homestead entry (.nc:ud:ng the time required to earn homestead patent) a nd cu 11ivtae fifty acres extra. A hoineslca ler who line exhausted his homestead right and cannot dee tain a pre.eruption may take n p chased hotnes:e•"1 in certain ,list 1 c' fi - Duties.- l .3. per acre. i);til's. d(US 1 1••-''o e'X !!,•:l!ha in earl' of thr year., c't:t't•'•e f.fty nares rind creel a haute wort)) 5:1'11.01 W, tv CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. 11..tipnbli'ation of this advertise meat will not be paid for 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AT ENT$ TRACE MARES �f91 ,r;3 COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sen4lng a,kefeh and de•,' -'r -•'-n may flutes!, ascertain (•'r (minion free w..e,hr.' as IOTenttnn Is prnhahiy pstens ah! l'• r•nnnu,n- Ilor;aei rlMtyennede:'tlai• PANOBU01I . r, Patents sent free ();Meat some} fur ee, nmol patent a. Patents taken throe h Nunn A co. receive "Scadikntifk �Rnteriran. ahan4aomeir i)iu'tra wee. it, Inrse•t Par, tattoo of any e,ten ec 1,.arnal. 'I arms for ads. 4::;. A year . aurae prepaal•4.fk.I4 UV, it7 igi IL. tPPA,mos 5