HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-11, Page 8E EXETER 'TIMES FEB. 11th 1909
I Here are Some Mid -Win-
ter Bargains that will
Tickle the Strings
of your Money
Thirty odd Trimmed Hats, all this season's,
some pattern hats among the lot. values
3.5o to $6.00, your choice for only .... $1.25
One only Man's Coon Coat, well furred, dark
natural skins, value $45 going for .... $33 00
Three only Men's choicest Coon Coats, lovely
dark skins, full fluffy fur, value $58.00
your choice for $45.00
Two only Men's Black Yak Fur Coats, good
ones, regular value $23, bargain price $17.5o
Five only Ladies' Fur -lined Coats, made from
good Kersey cloth, lined with best marmot
fur and trimmed with choice American
and Isabella Sable. Valucs $55 to $6o
going at . ... . . . . ...... $37.50
Three only, Ladies' extra large size black Jack-
ets, fifty inches long; best Beaver cloth,
latest styles. Just the thing for big, big
ladies. Value $15 co going at ........ $9.90
Ladies' American Fur Scarfs, long length, full
fluffy fur, trimmed with heads and tails
Cn value $8.75, going at • • • . $5 75
Three only Saskatchewan Robes, large size,
Lined with best curl cloth, value $S,5o
going for ••••$675
A Sinch, Half Bleached Table Linen, heavy
Oand good, 2 pieces only, value 40c, going
j If you want to furnish your Parlor, Din-
ing Room, Hall or Kitchen, now's your chance
We will save you good money. Come and
I see.
Big, Big Values in Room bugs
and Linoleums
Bring all your farm produce to us,
It's just as good as cash.
+++++++++++++++++• ++++++++++++++-p•+++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++
see The
London Advertiser
Free European
Trip Contest
A party of Eight Young Women will be
given a trip covering
Great Britain and France
with all Expenses paid by the
Write the European Trip Department
Send $2.00 for the London Daily Advertiser for 14
months and 400 votes for your choice of candidates in the
London Adverti3er Co.
A package of seed of the I). & 11. Colossal White Sugar Beet
will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909
Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense sive, is easily liar.
vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,1110 bushels to the acre in ordinary
soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If
1'rcferrol we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let-
tuce or Ostritch Feather :Aster seed instead of the sugar beet see.!.
Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of
!itis paper.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
Market Rel'urt.-The following is
the revert of Exeter orartet.. oor-
rectw.l u[ to February 11th.
Peas. 75 to Ss. cents.
\\'heat 'J8c. eo *1.02.
Ost' 40 cents.
Barley48 to 52 cents.
Shorts *23 to tf24.
Bran, $20.
lilendid Flour, STAIt, $2.75.
Feed Flour +1.40 to $1.45.
\L yke *6 to *i per. teu:hel.
'1'.ulothe *1 ,o $2 per.
!:utter 22 cents p:•r pound.
Eggs 25c a dozen.
Ilog-. .ir,•.sed, 1r8.50
sloge livewei.eht, x+6.63
Coo!, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 cent[;,
Peon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. !lours 9,30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
in. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eve ear and none treated.
\,xt %is:t Saturday February 27th.
• •
•••••••a ••••••••
LOST. -On Tuesday, gold locket.
with photo inside and engraved J.
J.W. Kindly leave at Times office.
Miss Qunnce is home from Ailsa
Mr. Will But ke is visiting nt his
home in Brussels.
Itev. D. W. Collins left last' week
to visit in Cincinnati.
Miss Mabel \Vatter, of London,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Anna -Martin is visiting her
sister Mrs. Cranston at Palmerston.
Miss Annie Seldon, of Ingersoll, is
the ;nest of her grandmother, lti%s.
Sant well.-_
Mrs. J. 11. Brickwood was confines
ed to her bed a few days last avicek
with la;rippe.
Mr. Will Haight, student nt the
London Medical College, spent Sun-
day with his father.
We have a new line of type for
calling cards. Call and see it you
are wanting anything in that line.
Miss Margaret Bonthron. of Ilen-
sell, was the guest of Mrs. Collins
and :Miss ilonthron during the week.
His Honor Judge Holt, of Goderich
Awa: here last Friday, Lavin; stopped
off to hold Division Court nt Credi-
At the county meeting of the L.
0. L. held here last week, it was des
tided to celebrate the coming, 12th
in Chinton.
iffr. J. M. Soutbcott was in \Vin; -
ham Monday as a representative of
the Exeter Y. M. C. A. to the county
ince:tin ;.
A number from Exeter attended
the tea given in the Thames Rond
Presbyterian church last (Monday
M:ss Dorothy Lonabery, of •Detroit
after 'i week's visit with her sister
Mrs. J. J. White, returned ]tome on
It v. E. A. Fear has been invited
tv .he Quarterly Board of the Main
Str,•,t church to remain a fourth
Mr. Will May, 'the nvell-known
millinery traveller, of Toronto, has
cn'ered Zinto partnership with the
firth of Jones '& Clark.
Mr. Will Muir. of Regina. and
son of the late John Muir, was mar-
ried on .lcny. 27th to Miss Gertrude
Steele, of Itidgetown.
The carnival postponed from u
previous Slate to last Friday ni;ht,
had to be a;gin postponed owl iz to
the mild %%'either and lack of ice.
Mr. Henry Smith. of Exeter, wad
last week elected one of the vice. -
presidents of the Dominion 'Short-
horn 'Herd Breeders' Association.
The coping an the btsildiet; occu-
pied by it. Murphy. implctnent :trent,
was blown down Friday ni.rht and
fallinz on the verandah. crashed it
beyond repair.
Mr. Palmer lett Thursday morn-
in; to take his new position as tell-
er of the Molson% bank branch nt
Morrisbur;. .Charlie Dyer has ar-
rived and succeeds Mr. Palmer as
teller at the local branch.
The Misses Winnie and 'Martha
Carlin; have resigned their positions
as teachers of (he Dashwood school
to take effect March 1st, and intend
going to Brantford to reside with
their uncle, Mr. Gco. Hanlon.
.:sr_-. 1)Ivit; an . 11: cola !loss of
\Wine.:per. w,iu have been visitinz
relatives here for several 'weeks.
left Tuesday for their home. Their
mother Mrs. Ilu;h Ross. will ru-
ma;n a while lonzer.
1\ a large num-
there hos been I rz n um-
ber of horses shipped from this di'-
tr:et Burin; the past few weeks.
there are a lot of ,good ones left.
Al T. Thos. E. Handford has been
the purchaser of most of the animals
slipped and %ve understate['[ he will
continue to buy.
Miss Tillie White left on Monday,
on 011 extended trip to California.
where she will visit :sirs. Miller J.
White and fatnily for a few weeks.
She is nccompan'ed by her consist,
Mrs. Jack Trounce. of 'Toronto.
Miss :Mabel Mersey, of London. and
u;titer of Samuel Hersey, a for-
: _•r Exeter business man. has been
:',pointedd Indy superintendent of the
:loyal Victoria Hospitnl, Montreal.
The appointment: of Miss Mersey is
n high tribute to her ability.
The report that Miss Jessie Mc-
Lachlan. the well-known Scottish
singer had suffered a paralytic
stroke while touring Australia. is
said to be incorrect. Miss McLachlan
is mow touring Scotland and expects
to come to Canada next summer.
A lie.rnInr Storm Period cztends
frorn the 13111 to t he 18th. beim;
central on the 15111. This period. as why you should Inok after your eye.
is shown by the stoma dis;ram• lies 1I sight is -that Nature never otfets tis
within the influence of Earth's vete a new pair of eyes. The hest of tea-
n:tl I-quinox. hence e;uatorial Ilia- sons why. at the first sign Of trouble.
titrhances are possible and probable) you should consult an
in southern extremes at th's and fol-
low inz storm periods in February.
We 'will name he 1bth. 16th and 17th
for relief. \Ve can, add to your ap•
as the central days of storm leveh ►earance as well. lsxnminattcns fret'.
Istat st111o%w)ib Brom! to can 1uch 1�•tormht of 1 Don't delay. Make it the chief bur•
rain, tunrthg to snow, %vitt touch of your day--TO•LIAY.
most sections an their eastward [ns-.- Optical goods in complete stock.
I am getting so thtit 1 Fan
Sit up uds. in pretty decent
shape, and i read theta all over
the night the paper con►e. out
and 1 suppose every reader does
the same thin;, That's .where
all my wages ,zo, buying things
offered by the advertisers, so
you can see it pays to advertise
Then sometimes the boss lets me
set up a job. and Pm getting to
be a crackerjack at that work.
Just order some of our printilr;
•.nd hie if I'm not rizht.
The 1'. 1).
fhe (Trivit1 _Memorial choir invite
All who ore willing to ,come for a
To join in the social given for you,
It is something novel, something
Ile W.
The Jack Horner Pie with Rs
myriads of pluses,
A Pluto for a stickle, now don't miss
the fun.
And the Shadow Pie with it, mys-
teries dins,
Will be known far and wide for its
sparkle and vim.
Friday rvenin;. Feby. 12th. 1909.
at 8 O'clock in the School Hall. Ad-
miss:ort 10 and 15 cents. Everybody
People living in the west have con-
fidence in S. !Martin & Son's abilit y
to select the best makes of pianos
and organs. Last week they spade
a 'shipment of an or;att to Scott,
Sask., and a few days ago received
an inquiry Brom Regina about the
purchase of a piano.
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, Win.
Batman. \V. Davidson. London ; IT.
Oke, •Kingsville: Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Knox, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry
Nethercott, I'etrolca: Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbert McFalls, Lucan, were here
last Friday attending !the funeral of
the late Gco. Cooper.
The quarterly board of the Ger-
rard Street Methodist church To
ronto have decided to allow their
pastor, Rev. tit. Hobbs. who has been
unanimously asked to stay a fourtn
year, to accept the call to the James
street church here. Rev. J. S. Cook,
of Hid;etown has been invited to the
Toronto church.
Mrs. Orwin, neo Florence Bissett,
is ill nt her horse in Norwich, out -
reran; from pneumonia. Mrs. Irwin
was taken ill when she and her hus-
band were on their honeymoon trip,
and had to :3o to the Toronto hos-
pital for treatment. She, however,
%vas recovered sufficiently to be
taken sto her home in Norwich.
Mr. W. J. Statham is making a
number of improvements to the
front of his store on Main street.
The old verandah which adorned' the
front for many years bas been torn
away and the overhanging bay win-
dows will be removed. Mr.Statham
intends tearing out the front and
putting in plate glass windows.
Tom Longboat, the Canadian long
distance runner showed his super-
iority over Shrubb the English run-
ner, at the Marathon distance at
New York last Friday night. At the
20th mile the Englishman was near-
ly tt mile !ahead of the Iridian. but
after that show1 signs of distress.
Lo,;boat .3radua ty lessening the
lead until the 25t mile• when he ran
ahead of Shrubb, the latter quitting
the race.
At the meeting of the South Iluron
L. 0. 1.. 'held !here last week •the fol-
lowing off` -cern '%were installed. W, C.
M. Walter Coursey, Lucan ; 1). M.
I)., 0. :Galbraith, Bayfield ; Chap-
lain, Win, Lewis, Crediton ; ptec. Secy.
Peter Cantelon, Clinton; .financial
Secy. '1). 8. Cook, Clinton; ,Trees.
Adam Cantelon, ITolmesville ; D. of
C. Gco. Vanderburg. Porter's Hill;
Lecturers. Robt. McAiurroy, Bay
f:eld and John Ford, Clinton. TLq
Ontario West Grand Loll se will meet
at tit. Thomas on Wednesday. March
10th, 1909.
George Cooper, aged 27 years, son
of the late Robert Cooper, it former
residettt of Usborne died nit the home
of his mother in London on Tuesday
evepin;, Jany. 2, niter an Bifaces of
four week% with heart trouble. The
young mail was born about a mile
south of I4limville nna some yt•ars
I;o moved with his parents to the
Sauble (Hill near Lucan, later moving
to London, nvherc he was; employed
at McChory's'foundry. Besides 'his
mother, he is survived by Iwo broth-
ers and six sisters, Mrs. Geo. Knot
e f Toronto. Alrs. Wm. I'incornbe. of
!'.borne, Mrs. Wilbert McFalls, 1 -.u -
can; "Mrs. henry Nethercott. l'e-
1rolea•: Beatrice end Dorothy. Lon-
don; Jonathon. of Ilartisty, Alta.;
Albert and liamlyn. of London. The
young man .was well known in Exe-
ter end •Osborn,•, n number of re's: -
dents of the township Contin; here
to attend the funeral which visas held
Friday rnornins efrorn the station to
the Exeter cemetery, where the te'•
mains were interred beside those of
his father, who died nboit AIX years
a O.
Phone 22
Great Clearing Sale of
Including Men's and Boys'
Mens and Boys heavy Rub-
bers and Socks.
Mens and Boys Heavy Mitts
Mens and Ladies Overshoes
Ladies and Childrens Jackets
Furs and Caps
All at prices that are hound
to clear them out.
Highest Prices paid for all
kinds of Produce.
with that, cough take
Howey's White
Pine & Tar
Big Bottle for a Quarter
Public Meeting
A public meeting, swill be held in
hte Town (Hall Friday evening, Feby.
12th, to discuss the matter of sub-
mitting to the rate payers of Exeter,
a by-law :;ranting to the St. Marys,
and Western Ontario Railway Com-
pany the sum of $10,000, towards
purchasing n right of way through
the corporation. T. 1I. McCallum,
House and Lot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mfrs. Eliza llodgert and is being
offered by sale by the executors to
close up the estate. On the premises
are a substantial brick house, storey
and a half, good frame stable and
barn : few fruit trees: Rood well and
2-5 of an acre of land.
For terms and particulars apply to
Win. Ilodgert, Farquhar, or Alex
Ilodgcrt, Ruseeldale.
Clearing Out Sale at the ;Exeter
Bargain Store. Every article in the
store for Half price. it's terrible,
but all must go. You take ea -our
choice for Half price. Also for sale
.1t ball pr:ea one oash rea'ster, one
silent salesman, three paper cutter
and stove and pipes.
There was an interesting charivari
oit Wednesday evening of last week,
which caused considerable amuse-
ment to the merry makers, also the
persons who were so unusually en-
tertain►.1. There were rto bride :and
;room mixed up in the serenade, as
is commonly the case. In town there
are two sewing circles. composed of
ladies who meet each Wednenwday
evetniig to nssist each other in mak-
ing fancy and useful articles tor
wear, and one of these circles was
etrtertaiued to a skating party, after
which a lunch 'was served at the
house of ono of the members, the
skating shoes and rubbers being left
on the verandah. The luncheon was
being thoroughly enjoyed when canny
noises were heard, followed by a con-
siderable, racket on tin cans. boilers,
bell:;, etc. An investigation was im-
mediately started to ascertain, what
newly married couple )isd arrived
on Piety Hill. and who') the door
was opened there awal a flutterin.(
of ;owns z0:114 down the street and
gig.iles t hat were not T hose of boys.
The skates, shoes and rubhers were
also found somewhat tan;led
Some well known ladies,
members of
the other circle have been accused
of being the conspirators, but they
deny ' the allegation. There were
some numbers. however. who didn't
;o directly hoose and they should be
interro;a ted.
The Cot( n Presbyterian church
was crowded to the doors last Sun-
day cve,n:i; to hear Rev. W. M.
Martin, ss ho has been pastor of they
church Burin g 1 hi' past tweet y s:x
yenrs, deliver lis farewell sermon,
Duritt; his lona elicumtx•ncy, Mr.
Mat tics has cidear.•d himsell. not
only to his con zreea( oi. but to
ewer) citizen of Exeter and sur-
ronnd:n; country. lie has been as
est :mahle citizen. broad minded, fair
and 'nn upholder to everythin t that
pertains to good. The church w
crowded to the doors by people r.•-
preselttin;Hi •1 he denominations :11
town toad his address taken .from
the lex' given in I'hi::[pians 1:8
was attentively listened to thronzli
out. The di: COU Trip was full of ,iii eh
soot ..v.ee and the thoughts were
g:%1 n in a plain and pleasin r J0:111.
tier. Alt loot zl: Bev. Martel has
severed lie pastors te of 1 he church
litre. he will remain for • a few
%week•. when he and 1i s family %sill
move to London. where Mr. Marl:.
has built :1 handsome Som••. The
many 1 -lends of the reverend retitle -
man and family will rezrt•t their
leavinz Exeter. niter so many years
Of close friendship and Rev. and Mt•.
Jlartin and children keenly re ere!
the:r intended departure. 'fee lin;
that their Konz association with the
[senile of Exeter. has so retnented
these in their relationship wit ti ninny
fr.etels that it will be hard to break
A glimpse into the various sections of this store will convince yon
that we have the goods and the prices too.
Our Dry Goods Section
Is filled with the most approved styles of Dress Goods:
Goods that are the most popular styles for spring. A splendid
variety to select from.
We are showing our new Prints and Gingha
The newest and best. Come and get yonr choice before they
are all picked over.
Our Notion Section
A section filled with all kinds of fancy Collars, Gloves,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Our Men's Clothing Section
We believe this section needs very little eulogy. The
fact that this department will tend to show that we sell only the
best and newest to be had in clothing.
Our Boot and Shoe Section
Your faithful servants "the feet" really need great care.
Good fitting footwear is an essential in our shoe section. Only
the smartest and best fitting footwear is to be had. Styles that
suit the eye and fit the feet.
We Repa i r ElaS Pu 6111rd616
To those who can figure this
All kinds of Boots and heading out correctly we
Shoes for you will give
CEO. MANSON $20.00 and $18.00
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
Adding car and charge
card system, ane
all modern de.
• vkee known
i Machinete h"a"
science see
our students. Consequently business houses
of leading Canadian and American cities are
calling loudly for our graduates.
Indhiduat Instruction. Enter any day.
Mail Courses.
Send postal forparticulars.
Clinion Business CoiiN
OHO. SPOTTON, Principal.
The New Wap
i,-;,,,4•...,.... TAKE
,>#_-.,1 t,owep s
0. -' .,. ,
Cure -It -Gold
.- Capsules
The old way
Sold only at
IHowey's Drug
119:11 e
eTlifiTFORD. ONT.-. 4'
This school stands in the fore-
front as the largest and best
practical training school in
Western Ontario, We have
three departments,
All departments are in charge
of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough and
practical. Our graduates secure
good positions. Students are en-
tering every week. Write for
our free catalogue at once.
Elihlt GIVEN that
application will be made to the Par-
liament of Canada at its present ses-
s:on for '.111 Act to incorporate a
Company to be normal T11E LONDON
COMPANY. with the following pa-
pers: -(1) To 'construct, equip not
operate a line of railway from n
to:nt its or near the City of London
to the Town of Sarnia. -passing
through the Townships of London,
Lobo. East .Williams. Adelaide, War-
wick. I'lympton and Sarnia : • also
from n point in or near the city of
London 10 n point on Lake Iluron
in the County of Huron pass:ng
through the frown%hip% of London,
Lobo, East Williams. West \Villianas,
McGillivray, Stephen. flay Stanley
and Goderich, with power to build
branches or extensions from the
ata n lines not exceeding in enc.,) case•
1. ripen miles, such branches not to
extend .ncyowl the limits of t he
Counties of Middlesex, dambton or
Hero!' (2) To tcnstruct and operate
telegraph and telephone lines aloe r
its railway. and to collect tolls for
t ie 1ranstniss:on of messages there-
on CO To acquire and utilize water
and steam !,ower tor the purpose of
compressing air or ;tmeratin1 elec-
tricity. and to dispose of surplus
power not r.gti red for the purposes
of the Company (1) To acquire elec-
tricity or other power or energy,
end 10 transmit the sante to any
place its the municipalities through
wh:ch the railway is tothoriz .l to
ue built. and to_dispose of any sur-
plus not required for the purposes
of the Company.
Th•• sold I43'I%way and works are
declared to be for the general bene-
aze across the country. ! Astronomic '$ S Howey Phm.B.the ties. The pulpit will be declared fit of Canada.
eon/id:ow' at this time Indicate that • S. t %-;sesta next. Sundae and it is poasible IV EN Cie DROMGOLF.,
disturbances may over -tun the limits Chemist and Optician I tiro n permanent api•ointrnent %wipe• Solicitors for the Applicants%.
of this period, uniting with the 4hext EXETER
storm period. I , 1..1 1. ! 1
ONTARIO, I not be made for a few months. Loudon. Ontario, and February. 1909
Suits for
i$6.00 Parts for $4.00
$4.00 Pants for $2 75
This offer is•,for two weeks
only. Every Suit is a bargain,
AO/Merchant Tailor.
Round trip Tourlaft ticket now on
sale to all principal Winter Resorts,
The New and Attrac.
tive Route
Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta,
Is via Chicago and g.t. Paul,
Minneapolis or Duluth. Bag-
gage checked through in bond;
no examination.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union
Depot, Toronto Oat.
That Nut; Flavor
We have it in our
it contains the qualities that
tickle the palate. You must have
heard it over and over again that
Harvey's Star
makes delicious bread- Try it
and ynu will smile too.
Special Inducements
to Piano and Organ
For the Month of January.
We have a large stock of
tenth Pianos and Organs to
choose from and would he
p1eased to have you call.
\\•e know we can save you
1* ''ney, if we can't we do
t,. t ask you to buy; fair
red square, isn't it.
Sewit.:; Machines, Sleighs,
1. r3 m Books, Bibles,
Stationery 1?tc,
8. M&Uo , 800