HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-11, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, FEB. llth l90 CREDITON NEWS Brown's Crediton. The Corner Store. b.4jloarance Sale This Week will be Remnant Week and Prices have been "Cut to the Bone 9 week for a good figure. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner, of Cayuga, are here on their twcddine, HE LAST WEEK IN JANUARY -Stock Taking Grip, and are the ;nests of Mr.:uid T Week -resulted in the cleaning up of our Remnants, Mrs• "'• u' Gamer• bliss Dunlop spent Sunday :it her Short Ends, Surplus Lots, etc. We have spread a bar- ,tome in Godi.rich. pin banquet from which all mayprofitablypartake. W@ flit. August Kuhn, of the Bank of 9 Commerce *toff Stratford, , visited Invite you to feast your eyes on our money -saving offerings over Sunday at his home here. for Remnant week and fill your homes with the things weMr. Chas. Zwicker spent a feta days of last week on Toronto. have placed on our counters 1►t bargain prices. Here are Mr. Art %wicker spent Sunday in Dashtwood, but a few suggestions of the scores of underpricings. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. L. Siebert, of Dashwood, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. Se. : id rvices are being conduct- ed it. .. F.vangelical church this week. trey. •E:dt, of Dashwood is as- sisting the pastor, Rev. Bean. On Sunday quarterly services will be Everything in this held, when the Presiding Elder. Rev. A. Y. Haist, of Berlin. will take the line from Child's to service. The special services which have Gentle- bean. going on ill the Me'tlo church for the past month, have been very successful, some 25 having signified a desire for better life. On [Sunday the sacrament of the Lord's supper was served and the service was very impressive. 'In the eveni4; the church was crowded and an excell- ent sermon was preached by the pas- tor, Rev. 'Itobt. (licks. Spec:al ser- vices ore being continued this week. Mr. I. Armstrong. of Exeter. was in the village Monday ou ;business. Ezra Feist has disposed of his dog Obo. and is !tow the proud possesser of a lar;e greyhound. Gottleib Brown is still confined ti his room throu;h illness. Quilting bees pre tho order of the day. Miss Lavina Fanner, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her paren'.t.s. The following is the percentage ob- tained by the pupils of She continua- tion classes for January. At least 50 per cent. should be obtained. Class III, E. Hill, 05; G. Short, 50,'E. Mc- Murray, 56; It. Hill, 48: M. Brown, 45; H. 'Meadd, 40; G. Sweitzer, 39•; R. Coughlin,34. Class 11.-E. 'fruem nes. 88; E. Geiser, 84 ; M. Guinan, 65 C. Finkbeiner. 52; 11. Hill, 46; P. Guinan, 44 ; E. Fainter, 30. -Class 1, L. Gaiscr, 81, L. Finkbeiner, 75; 11. Sullivan, 65; A. Finkbeiner, .64 ; '1s.' Fanner, 58; M. Oest reicher. 47; L. Schroeder. 40. C. K.'BluetI, Teacher. The following is the report of the Crediton public school for the month of January. To obtain honors 75 per cent is necessary. for pass `00 per ot. Division 7, Senior I1, honors, K. Stveitzer ; L. •Heist ; Pass, E. Gasser, G. Lamport, V. 'Kestle. M. Nicholson', G. Illuett, A. Geiser. Junior II, pass M. Guenther. Sr. pt. 71. Ilonors. E. Finkbeiner. C. heist. M. Lawson; Jr. part II, Honors, B. Redden; pass, A. \\'e:ner. Sr. part I, M. King. 1). English, AI. Bent4lict. Sr. •pt. I, 1. Motz, 1t. Brown, L. Sambrook. Class A.. N. Gi:ser, L. Either. W. Snell. Miss Theo. J. ll•trtleib, Teacher. Division 1I -Jr. 111, Ilonors. V. Motz, II. Finkbeiner. F. Kin„ pass. It. blots. E. Treitz, E. Smit h, M. Hol- tztnann. A. Sambrook. Sr. .11. hon- ors. Z. Oestreicher. I. Wolfe, pass, V. Hill, It. King, L. IIoltzmarin, E. \Vuertn. Jr. 11. pass, N. Sambrook. Part ft, honor:, R. Clark. ill. 11111, pass. L. Beaver.. Mies af. Polley, Tea c Int;. Division 11i. 'Chess iV., Honors. Q. Ilod;ins, L. Brown. pass. M. Wen- zel, L. Oestri. ohe•r, II. blau;nus, E. Crediton Mr. J. H. Holtzmann was in Lon- don on business on Monday. Mr. Ed. \Vurm spent the latter part of last st'eok in Zurich with its mother who had the misfortune to fall and break her arm one day last week. Mr. W. 1'. Gaie r sold •t ,general purpose horse to Mr. M. Doyle last Dress Goods Clearance A big bargain ta- ble piled high with dress goods remnants in blacks and colors, in 6 to 7 yd. lengths reduced to Half Price Another pile from which you can buy any quantity at 25 per cent off. tadlos and Ghlldrens Goats Childrens bearskin Ruffs and Muffs to match, in different colors, Childs' Bear- skin Coats, Shawls, Golf Coats, (best quality) a nice line of Waistings, Factory ends of cotton, Rem- nant of good staple goods must go during the sale at a Big Reduction Furs Ladies' and man's to be sold at 25 per cent discount these are bargains. Announcement We want to announce that we arc receiving daily shipments of SPRING GOODS and to time of writing have received a large quantity of Prints; thz best manufactured and unexcelled for quality and color; Embroideries and Insertions; White Goods of every des• Cription, Linen Suitings, Ginghams, Dress Goods, etc. Will be eased to show you through. A Call Solicited. rs of Seeds, Hides and inds of Farm Produce. S. BROWN CREDITON. .r Our Ideas Ellmvllle A meeting of itbe council and rate. payers will be held in the Township Hall on Mondalf the 15th to discuss the- Railway matter. A representa- tive oj the Company is expected and every one interested is invited to be present and join in the discussion. Our genial friend, John Cornish, bad ,a .narrow -escape 'a few days -Of what constitutes good ago, not of his life, but of the. loss C10th1D differ from the of his entire supply of cider. John g had loaned his bun to a friend, but ideas of most other firms as the game was scarce, the gun Wo demand and use in not discharged and was returned to the owner with both barrels loaded. all our Suits and Over- John thought one side of the shoot- ing apparatus had been fired off and coatstook out one charge and stood the teriale and the highest gun against She wall barrel down. I11 some manner thetrigger was class of Workmanship. pulled and bang, stent the explosive the entire contents going through Give us a Call. the floor, just missing the cider bar- rel in the cellar by a hair's breadth John and the rest of the household J. H. Holtzmann• had .a bad scare. but ns no one was hurt and the barrel of rider unhurt •John continues to wear that smile that won't come off. CTi.EDITON. w 7 i1 Bean, F. Hill. 8. Finkbeiner, V. 7fol- tzmann. 11. Blown, E. !Buell. Class III. hgnors, It. Holden. Ii. $heril�, h. l:ienz.e. P. Fanner. pass, O. Mot z, M. Clark. C. 11:11. E. Ewald, E..Gai. ser• 'M. %Venter, G. Appleton. 'Miss E. Dun:op, Teacher. Palpitation of the heart, nor- vousness, tremblings, nervous head- tche, cold hands and fent. pain in the back and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills trade specially for t bo bleod nerves and comolecion. Reserve Strength is as necessary to men and women in ordinary life as to the Athlete. Tho regular use of 'Bovril" builds up a lame reserve of strength, which makes sustained effort of mind and body possible, and en- ables the system to resist attacks of disease. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood Miss Maisie Routledge is visiting • friends in Cromarty, Nissou i and London. Mr. Jack and Miss Faunae ['teeter visited at Mr. H. \1'illert's ou Nun- s `lay' Mr. find Dir=. Chas. Fritz and tam - We must have money and room for our stock of Spring ily visited at Jacob Gellerutatut's on Goods, hence this slaughter i11 prices. Sunday. BOVRIL. They Must Go Mr. G. W. Shore spent Saturday in Varna. Mrs. J. Pope and children, of llen- ssll, who have been visiting the tor- mcr's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Graybeil. sr., returned home Monday 'Miss Tillie Miller has been ill the past two weeks. We hop: soon to hear of her recovery. FrhMiss Clara Rat.:. of Shipka, is vis- the es on the l:n,;lisp church she last a portion of one of itis; at the home of C. Finkbeiner. the SMr. J. Hall, of London, is spend - here was blown down. in; rt tett' days in the village. An interesting meeting in the &n• Mr, Wm. Snider has purchased the terest of the 81. Marys and Western ( house and lot from Mr. 8. Schroeder. Ontario Railway was held in Aber- Dl r. Geo. Sterner has purchased the (leen Hall last Friday evening. Mr. residence of the late Mrs. L. Kraft S. Shier was moved .is chairmane and expects to move in this week. and Mr. I. Doupe as secretary. The The flax mill is again running af- meetin; was opened by Mr. Rice, of ter ,being closed down for a few (lays St. Marys in a re'11 w of the fit- Mrs. D. Sacks, who has 'been ill teen miles already constructed b)' for the past year, is not improving, the company, and an assurance of etnd is, at the time of w titin; seri- the:r nvilliu; to extend the line ao Hart! lock. the extent of the privile;es contain- iously ill. ed in their charter. Mr. 1'. Deiterich, of Berlin is vis - Mr. James Graham, solicitor for frim friends in the village. the ,company followed, ;ivint facts Rev, Mr. Eidt is assisting 'Rev. Mr. and figures. He informed us that Beast' of 'Crediton. who is holding re - the line already built cost about Rival eerviecs this week. $400,000, thus averaging $25,000 per Mr. o-nd Mrs. W. F. Siebert %;s- mile, therefore the remaining se ite<1 friends in Crediton on Sis vis, miles would reach $1,750,000. A Miss Feltner, of Crediton, is vis - bonus of $20,000 from Illanshard is tin; friends and relatives in the Village. asked and ways and means for ac- Miss E. A. Graybeil, of Toronto.. complishin; the desired end were eV- is visiting at her home here. plaited. A petition signed by ' the Miss 'Ada Siebert leaves this week ratepayers and property . owners for Toronto. must be presented to the icouncil• Mrs. S. Martin, who came here a who will then submit the by-law to felt. 'weeks a';o to visit her parents, the township. One-third of the voters is ,tory at• the home of her sister. must vote and n majority of the Dlrs. J. Hoffman, and is confined to votes oast is needed to carry it and her 'bed through sickness. only property owners own vote. uv. Calfass delivered a fine horse Mr. Hyde, the chief engineer then to Mr. Hackney on Saturday, for spoke a few minutes, assuring us which he received a fine figure. that he will do all he possibly pan S. !leaver has e+o'.tl his team, and to save the farms from being un- has n.nce purchased a fine team of necessarily mutilated and said that colts. J. Weber has also Sohl his he wou'd willingly go up the Klin; tarot learn and purchased a pair of Lane if the farmers were at all tea.; colts from W. Pfaff, for which he enable. paid a good price. Then followed other business. Mr. The trustees are very fortunate in E. N. Shier moved that the propos: securing teachers to fill the vacan- t:on of the company be adopted, and dies, paused by the resignation of the was seconded by Mr. 8. Brown. The Misses Carlin;. motion was carried, Miss l:ruspe. of Blyth, is vis: tin; It was then moved by Mr. S. Doupe friends .here at present, that the committee to deoide divid- ing line should be composed of \V, Gowan, J. Bellamy, A. llrethour, G. Copeland and It. Barry. which was was carried. and who decided to form a map of the surrouudin; country provided by the engineer to take in the whole block, taking both s:Aies of Mitchell Road, the Biddulph town line. the Usbort►e and Illensberd Boundary end Fullerton townline. A committee of four consistiu; of 11. R. 'Berry, M. Irvine. 8. Doupe and J. Bellamy to apps:nt suji•committees to invass the township, was moved by E. N. Shier, seconded by John C. O'Brien end carried. \Ve under- stand these committees met that ni;ht to get the work under way. The meeting was largely attendeth the hall being filled and nll of one mind. Ladies Coats $25.00 ('Date for $10.50 12.00 Coate for 9.00 11.00 Coats for 8.50 10.50 Coats for 8.00 7.00 Coats for 5.00 1 $5.50 Misses Coat for $4.25 5.00 Misses Coat for 3.75 4.00 Misses Coat for 3.50 Also Bargains in Mens' and Boys Overcoats. We also have some dress lengths, short ends in Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Skirtings, Flannellettes & etc. which will go cheap during our clearing sale. Prodnce taken in exchange. Siebert & Co. elb B DASHWOOD, For any case of nervousness, Bleep• lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver ('ills. Relief is sure. Tho only nerve medicine in market. The Misses Carling have tendered their resignation as teachers of our public school to take effect March [or for, They intend seine, to Brant -»t- Wear Suits, Boy's Ready to Wear Suits, Robes to reside. marina sale 01 bIntcr Goal Bargains will be offered in the following lines of goods to clear before Stock Taking begins. Dress Goods, Coatings, Ladies Mantles, Girls Coats and Jackets, Wrapperettes, Ladies Fur Coats, Fur Ruffs, Children's White Bear Coats, Underwear of all kinds. Men's Fur Coats, Men's Caps Mitts, &c., Men's Shirts, Men's Overcoats, Job line of Men's Ulsters, Job line of Boy's Ulsters and Reefers, Men's Ready to Croup positively stopped in 20 min- utes, with Dr.Shoop's Croup Remedy, One test alone will surely prove this truth, No vomiting. no distress. A •safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Sold op W, 8. Ilottpy. • SALE REGISTER On Monday Feby. 22nd at Farqu- har, horses, rigs, saddlery. and household effects. 11. W. F. Beavers, Prop. Jos. White. Auct. On Saturday Petty. 13111, at Lot 12, con 3 Stephen, Farm stock and Im- plements. Thos. E. Handford, Prop• II. llossenberry, Auct. ft9Aesires =A. Bears the the Kind You Hata Always Bolt d Signature of AFTER 20 YEARSoFSUFFL iiNG. hirkton ►. PROMINENT TORONTO CITIZEN Recommends Wonderful TONIC Mr. Geo. Smith, of the Smith Manuf;:turns:; Co., Limits 2111-221 Front Street, Toronto, is 7(3 years of nes :est is in wonderfully good health. This he attribute - to I'SYCHiNE, whit;t ho rakes regularly as a Tonic. He says: "i ca.: most hone.'ly a;J truthfully say that 1 never met with a medicine so very wonderful int i', ALE ROUND CURATiVE POWERS as PSYCHINE. Whoa my h,loteJ twife was living she would sav in the morning, for many yca-s, '1 cannot sleep for your dreadful vheeiine.' 1 tried ew_r►thing, hu; ail i r vain till I got your PSYCHINE. This rut me right in wary quick- time. PSY- CHINE cured me and has built m.: up in heath and strength most wonderfully A.: a Toni: and Builder it has no c.iu.rl PSYcHINC is the i:.fali,hl, remedy for a'l rders or 1:1• Throat, Lungs and Stomach A great apretiier and •'pick mc up for run- down folk Try a serums Ire: See coupon. PSYCHiNE is sold by all druggists and dealers, SOc and $1 00 a ho!t1e Prepared only by I)r. 1' A Slocum, Limited, Slocum Building, Spadini Avenue, Toronto. free Trill I Mail coupon with name and nddrecs to i)r. T.:1 etlo um, 1,tndtetl, 'retell to, nod receive a TRIAL Fit FIE. I' 12 The home of Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Doupe was the scene of a very pretty wedd:ng on \Vednesdny, Fe by. 3r41. when their eldest daughter Lucy E. teas united in marriage to :\ir. Geo. 11. Hazlewood, a prosperous young farmer of Blanchard. The cetentony was performed by Rev. John Veale in the presence of a horse number of invited guests. The wedding march was played by Sarah 11a71e- . wood. After theceremony and con- =ratnlations the nweddin; party sat down to an excellent supper. The brads was the reo.pient of many cost• ly and beautiful presents. the z:ft from the ;roots being a ,Told locket an.! chain. 11r. Frank Parkinson and Mas., Carrie Swallow were united in mar - ria ;e on Wednesday. Fehr. 3rd by Bev. Dart 1..11. of Woodham. John Irvine. of the west, ji t ia- 'ttant here. Mr, nr►tl Mrs. J. McCurdy ctit,o- ta:ned n felt' friends to a social even - in r h'st week. i E. Duff ehl has disposed of the I well-knoeti horse "Tommy" to 11O, ' brother. A Pie social was held at Anderson last week. when the Kirkton I)oublc IQuartette took part in the prozratn and acquit fed themselves worthy of their repetat'on. Mr. P. 1)oupe con- veyed n sleithload safely, but owin r to the mt;:c powers the 1•le'•zh developed while the function was in prourcas, some difficulties were ex- 1a•rionced that took some time to overcome. John Thacker ha• purchased for the sum of $3.600 the property of Skinner. rnnsistin of 50 acre. ort the 8th of Marimba I. Dur:n z the hen windstorm of Zam-auk's Healing Power Proved by School Commissioner and Baptist Deacon. NI: of the most recent converts to the Zam-Buk method c( treating and curing disease is Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N.S. Mr. Sanford is a ,lu>tice of the Peace for :`.e County, and a member of the }roar 1 of School Commissioners. Ile is also Deacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. Indeed. throughout the County it would he difficult to find a nano more widely known and more highly respected. Sotne time hack 1:e '.:zd occasicil w test Zane-Buk, and here is his opinion of this great halm. He says:- " I ays:- "I never used anything that l;a•:e rite '.uch s.;i:,faction as Z,am-Buk. i had a patch cf eczema on my ankle. which hid been there for over twenty years. Sometimes, also, the disease *cult'. break out on my shoulders. I ha taken solution of arscni:, had a" 1iez1 various oint- ments, aid tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, hut all in vain. 1 was alvisci to give 'ham -Sul: a trial, and as 1 am a firm believer in i3rt•ire's remedies, 1 did so. Brom first applying it i saw it was altogether different to the ordinary ointments and embrocations, and it coon began to shorn signs of clearing away the eczema on my ankle. This was so gratifying. that 1 persevered for some time with it, and 1 am glad to :ay it had the desired result. I am row ct:red of the disease whicb defied every other treatment for tv.'enty y:•ars. " This i3 not the only direction in which 1 have proved the merits of ..am-Buk. i suffered for a long time from riles. and 1 found a perfect cure for this painful ailment in Z.am-Bek. Zam-Buk soothes the pain, relieves the congested veins, and so restores the elasticity to the tiacurs than the piles gradually but surely disappear." �1 Zam•nok is a p -entire sad ;trema cure fat eat. barna. hon r.. sprain.. piles, fesfetira arc ,,dccts, uatir. blond,w,isonine. eczema. arab.. ahrimed hand., r.,ld crari.e. chiiblaina, ringwtrm. scalp Sarre., had let, disease) ankles. ant all othet skin 'lista-es and injurie,. Rnhbnl welt solo the µuta an ted. It eines nem -Ova. rheumatism. end sciatica. Ali druggists a.eJ stores sell at Soc hat. thrr• for 11 _a. and port free from Zam-ttt.k Co. lctento, for m i rice. Refuse the bombe ,:mean.,.;ma : so•lr'ea represented to be "tuft as good. • i and Blankets. If you are looking for bargains now is the time to secure Stem as these goods must be Bold In the next two weeks. Highest prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASHWOOD Stores, Furnaces and General Hardware If you need a Range, Heater or Fut nace do not forget that we have a number of the different snakes of stoves on hand will be pleased to quote you our prices. We have a full stock of general hardware and can sup- ply ycur wants in any line. SKATES boy and girl requires. Every boy and girl should have a pair of skates, Skating is a healthful exercise that every growing TINWARE We can supply you with Pails, Pans, Etc, and repair them for you in a yery short time. Remember us when in need of anything in this line. Hardware D. TiE_MAN, Dashwood Eggs and Butter taken. Conte and see us before you buy 6000.00 Boot and Shoe Stock to be Reduced Ilaving bought the Boot and Shoe stocks of Tiernan and Edi- ghofler and Siebert & ('t�, we are offering all the ODDS at greatly reduced prices, consisting of Children's, Men's and Women's Footwear You will also find our New Stock well assorted and up-to-date and at moderate prices. Produce taken in exchange. «'e solicit your patronage. T. KELLERMANN At the Old Stand one Door West of l'ostofiicc, DASIIWOOD IIAY COUNCIL nerve, or it may have given etrenjth The eoune:1 of Ilay Toa whip nes and support to the Ifcart or Kidney.- at idney:at The Town Hall, Zurich, all mem- it was Dr. Shoop that firat pointe•: bcrs a,ctn; present. The Auditors' to this vital truth. 1)r. Bhoop'a It report for 1908 tun+ adopted, and a number of small accounts passel. The next meelinz will be held on Wednesday, •5111 -ch 3rd, when ttbe pathmastere. pound -keepers, and fence views • for the different di- visions will he oppointcd for the en• lsunts year. storative Was not made to dose t • fitornach nor to temporarily etin• late the Heart or Kidneys. The r• fashioned method is all wrong. 11 . S)1oop's (restorative Rocs directly to these failing inside nerves. Tho re- markable success of thio prescription demon.tratee the ltwisdonl of treat - `�` ing the nettle' cause of these f tints; In sirkn.ss. ii a ecrtsin bidden organs. Anil it is indeed easy to nerve goes Strong, then the organ prove. A simple five or tern days that this nerve controls will oleo test 10l purely tell. Try it Onte, surely fail. it may be s Stomach and Ile! Hold by W, 8. nowcy. i_ •