HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-11, Page 4H E EXETER TIMES, FEB. 11th 1909.
Coughs and Clearing Auction Sale
uuusr:n., wua:..sa�roi.r:u' AND
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1lUt'SE11OLU El1•'I.0 1S
B, W. F. Beavers Las instructed
Joseph White to sell by public auc-
tion of Farquhar on
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2.n,l. 1909,
at one o'clock p. m. the following
valuaule property.
IIOItSES-1 driving mare six years
oJi; 1 driving horse 8 years • old,
both of nehich will drive either sin-
gle or tiouble.
HLGS.-1 top bug;y, 1 Portland
cutter, 1 light waggon; 11 light
sleigh; 1 road cart; 1 wheel barrow.
SADDLERY. -1 set douole light
harness, 1 set single harness;,1 Buf-
falo robe; d pair horse blankets; 1
bp rug ; 11 buggy .lusters; 1 rubber
rug; 1 large oil cloth to cover wag-
gon 60 ft X 100 ft.
TOOLS -Lawn Mower, high wheel;
hand roller . 1 l,arlcy fork • 1 man•
For the prompt relief and
cure of Colds, loughs, Hoarse-
ness, Loess of Voice, z.nd all
affections of the Throat ant
lunge and for general debility.
(let a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of White fine
with Tar or Perry's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites of Lime and Sada.
Sold at
Brownings Drug Store
Supplementary Meetin=g of the
South Buren Farmers' Institute will
leo held in the .following places, eat
IFarquhar, Feby. 20th; Stron;'s Uall
i - 'th Feb. 22. Bayfield Feb
urs fork ; t: bay' forks ; 1 staole
shovel, curry comps and bruahels.
hoes, shovels rakes. 2 water barrels
2 step ladders, a quantity of new
Imperial Oxford Itange ; 1 si'leuoard,
1 extension table, 9 dining room
Omits, 4 kitchen chairs; 1 lounge: 1
quarter -cut oak bed, springs and
mattress; .1 rope bed: 1 bureau ; 1
couch, 1 secretary; 4 rockers: 1
ase erswt a Bell upright piano, nearly new, hav-
123rd ; Grand Bend, Feby. 24 ; ,lien- ; .
311, J'eby. 25. Speakers, Dr. 1!. G. ung orchestral attachment; parlor
carpet, linoleum, curtains, pictures,
tE. of Georgetown 1. 0.: A. dishes, kitchen utensils, lamps. hang -
'Delman. of Allisonville. P.O. Mho ung lamp; 1 butter worker.
plictirlgs will be at 2 and 7.30 p. tn. All the above erticles rrc nearly
ID program will be given at the even -
new end everything in first-class
in= meetings. condition. All swill be sold - the
Y. D, SANDERS, 11. S. PHILLIPt3 proprietor has sold his property and
1'res:dent Secretary. bnsines9 and is moving away.
A sums of $10 and under cash ;
over that amount nine months' cred-
it will be allowed on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. A discount of
five (per Cent per annum per annum
off for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
Councillor (:Jtrio1Lffker, ut the
cotia,cih- enacting last Friday 'night
too - exception to the manner in
evbich 'bills for electric lighting are
leresented to the council and in-
t;i,,ted 41kat an itemized accounts be
}rrOught in cath month showing the
amount of lighting furnished tho
lcqyporation caoh night of the month.
Who bills as they handed iu are not
itemized, but a sheet off a Calendar
diad is handed the council to show
what slights the lights are burning.
(These memorandums are apparently
Met kept and last Friday night the
ill was (vent in without the data.
(rhe bill presented for the month of Shipka
actuary was for something over'
Mr. Schroeder, of North Dakota,
115, but ICouneillor Johns and Com -
visited 'his cousins, 'Messrs J. and L.
Piss: m Bissett evidently kept tab Schdof this lace.
of the lights for the month and each roeer, p
bad n memorandum of the lights on Mr. \\ m. Sweitzer has purchased
a valuable horse from Mr. Thomas
CD A.,S=ty014. L..3
Bears the the Kind Yon has AP,tials Bot&
on(' of the series being off on •tbo
•0th and lltjk. The bill was (Len re- LyMr. Chas. Lochner
flu^rd lby the company to $113.42. Its n boy.
The Gazette on Saturday announ.
ed several important appointments
in the Government service, includ-
n•g the following. Arthur L. F.
anis, I. 8. 0. secretary of the de-
artment of agriculture, to be As -
latent Deputy Minister of Aericul-
urc. Philippe Pelletier, chief clerk
the department of state. to be
istant Under Secretary of State.
hangs J. Jones, I. 8. 0.. ;chief
Jerk in the Governor -General's off -
Oe, to be assistant secretary '10 His
xccllency the Governor-General.
on. Clifford Bitten', non. Sidney
fisher end Henry Severin Deland, M.
to be commissioners to represent
lee Government of Canada at the
nfcrence summoned by the l'resi•-
eut of the United States to consider
nservation of natural resources
elle country.
-Wm. Steam, the member for Comex-
tlin, 13. C., has resigned in favor
\Vn►. Tewpleinati, Minister of In -
amt Revonue. A writ has been Is-
Ue'l for the bye -election, which will
1-b ttlbiy take place tome time in
Mt Carrnol
Mr. John Barrie, on Saturday .sold
fine driving Parole horse two
ears and a half old to Montreal
oyer'. who were in Exeter that
ay. Mr. Barrie rectivett :t heml-
ine figure for the animal.
Rev. Forster. returned Lome hist
eek from London, where he was in
he hospital for several days ttuf-
cr;n; from a sore foot.
S. S. No. :3, 1 IWIIiN I:.
The follower; is the report of a.
. No.3 1'sborne for the month of
anuary. 'Those whose names are
irked with an asterisk were absent
or p•(1 of the examination.
Continuation Class Aherta 1)onl•
8, net tic Uoupe 347. Sr. IV. 1., -
elle Turnbull 378, Rete Shier '163,
thel till. r 357, Jessie McCurdy 311.
r. I\'. Arson Copeland 21.)r
, Howard
McCurdy 192`. Oliver McCurdy 161`.
r. III. ESe icor Loupe 282. Leonard
arrie 214. Jr. 111. Ida 11 vine 28.1.
Be;e:o tDonpe 260. Oscar Copelerel
212. Jane llcCollonxh 82`. Sr. .II.
Fern Franca 308. Ma 1lo,!.' rt 30.3,
.erei JlcCru'dy 302. Mona:! Balfour
9:3. .1r. 11. licher Shute 251. 11.• :-
inaid Hay 233, Gordon CopeLuid :'_'.,
itoy Fletcher 216, Lester McCurdy
209. George !!;trait 163. Pt. 11.
Belle McCut.ly i21. Pt. 7. Bowl' ,1
. Ma; -ea+ McCurdy 101.
Elsie M. Greneon, teacher.
Go,Irr:eh capita:ists are endeavor-
s; to raise the necessary money to
Ili11 ti .;rain boat of about 1.20,060
ns1ela (capacity to ply between
orI. William and Goderich.
1•'ite last Thursday broke out :n
ht• store occupied by Messrs. CAM)
11 & Moore. grocers and ,JcI1e1'l
erchnnts of (;oderiehe almost mi -
hely destrolint their large stock
fore the flames were extill znishrd.
is all smiles.
Nature and a woman's work com-
bined have produced the grandest
remedy for woman's ills that the
world has ever known.
In the good old-fashioned days of
our grandmothers they relied upon
the roots and herbs of the fleld to
cure disease and mitigate suffering.
Tho Indians on our Western
Plains to -day can produce roots and
herbs for every ailment, and ewe
diseases that baffle the most s
physicians who have spent years
the study of drugs.
From the roots and herbs of the
field Lydia E. Pinkham more than
thirty years ago gave to the women
of the world a remedy for their pe-
culiar ills, more potent and effica-
cious than any combination of drugs.
Lydia E. " Pinkhant's Vegetable
Compound is now recognized as the
standard remedy for woman's ills.
Mrs. J. M. Tweedale, 12 Napanee
Street, Toronto, Canada, writes to
M1`3. Pinkhanl:
1 was a great sufferer from female
troubles, had those dreadful bearing
down pains. and during my monthly
periods 1 suffered so i !reel to go to bed.
I doe:toted for a long tittle but the doc-
tor's treatment failed to help inc. My
husband saw Lydia E. l'inkliam's Vege-
table Compound advertised and got a
bottle for me. 1 comuu'need its use and
soon felt. better. I kept on taking it
until I was well and an entirely differ-
ent woman. I also found that Lydia E.
I'inkham's Vegetable Compound mado
childbirth much ensier for me. I would
recommend your Vegetable Compound
to every woman who is afflicted with
female troubles."
What Lydia E. 1'inkhant's Vegeta-
ble Compound did for Mrs.Tweedale,
it will do for other suffering women.
Clearing Auction Sale
Tburouebbrcd and high (;tad,• 111 u1
Mr. Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer.
has received instructions to tell by
public auction on LOT 2, CON 12,
at one o'clock sharp the following..
HORSES -Two brood marcs ricin;
7 years, draught ; 1. gelding 5 yrs.
old draught; 1 filly rising d years,
draught ; 1 gelding rising 3 years,
draught : '1 filly rising t tt'o years,
draught : 1 gelding rising 2 years,
draught ; 1 driving mare four yrs.
CATTLE -1 pure bred Thulium cow
registered; 1 bull calf, 5 •• huouths
old; 1 pure bred heifer, ricin; two
.years, eligible for registration; 7
cows with calf at foot ; 7 cows due
to salve in March and April; V. Lei(.-
ers rising three years;, due to calve
time of sale; 5 steers risme; :3 yrs;
5 heifers rising 2 years; 7 steeie,
rising 2 years: 4 beifers rising on„
year; 6 steers rising one year ; 7
!I'IOGS-2 brood sows with litter:
2 brood sows to litter the fifth of
March: 22 store bogs, 150 lbs.
Positively no reserve.
Terms of Sale -All sums of $5.00
and under cash : over that amount
8 months credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, or 5 per cent
per annum for cash on credit coati..
Prop. Auctioneer.
.axam,ez. r ��zsrs►,tscr-aa�e�es
Not Coughi fr Tc d y
Yet you may cough tomorrow! Better he prepared for it
when it comes. Ask your doctor aboiit keeping Ayer's
Cher y Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold
or cough flat appears you have a doctor's medicine at
hand. Yotir doctor's approval of its use will certainly
diet all doubt at rest. Do as he says. He knows.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. J.C.AyerCo.,Lowell i
t health is a great safeguard against attacks of throat and lung troubles but
loation will destroy the best of health. Ask your doctor about Ayer's i'tlh.
Clearing Sec -
Mr. Thomas Cameron has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
LOT 35, CON. 3, USBORNE on
at 12,30 o'clock, the following,
HORSES -One brood mare, 7 years
old, registered: I carriage mare 6 yrs.
CATTLE -2 cotes newly calved: 1
cows due to calve in March and April,
3 steers two years old, 2 heifers 2 yrs.
old, 0 steers and heifers 1 year old.
HOOD -4 brood Bows, 18 store hogs,
100 hens and pullets, 1 pr. geese.
IMPLEMENTS -1 truck wagon, I
top buggy, 1 cutter, new: 1 cutter,
been used: 1 2 -furrow tiding plow: 1
wolfing plow; 1 land roller; 1 erring
tooth cultivator; 1 disc harrow; 1 cut-
ting box with blower; 1 fanning mill;
1 scuffler; 1 hay loader; 1 combined
seeder and drill, nearly new; 1 hay
fork, 2 cars with wire cable; quantity
of mangolde, quantity of potatoes; 1
Daisy churn; some sap buckets, some
household furniture.
The farm, consisting of Lot 35, Con,
3, Township of Usborne, containing
100 acres, 3b acres of which are plowed
ready for crop, 55 acres in grass and
10 acres of good hardwood hush, On
the pi-emises there are a comfortable
stone dwelling, 2 bank barns, wood
silo. frame stable and drive house and
never failing supply of spring water.
Thib farm is in a good state of cultiva-
tion, convenient to school, churches
and 2 1-2 miles from the village of
of $5 and under cash; over that sum
9 months credit will be given on fur-
nitlhing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of 5 per cent. per annum off for
cash on credit amounts.
'I'ertns of real estate trade known on
day of PATI' or On application to the
proem ietor or auctioneer.
Positively no reserve as the proprie•
for is going west.
J, C. Woon Thos. CA
Proprietor, Auctioneer,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Ol1T VEIN -At the Bronson )Line,
on the 1st, ins(, to MI.nnd
'•1.. J. Orbs -eta a son.
Rau -At the trouble Line, Stanley,
on the 4(11, inst. to Mr. and Mrs.
Ily. Iran, a son.
Clark. -Irk Crediton on Feby. 4tli to
Mr. 81141 \irs. 11. C. Clark. a dal! eh
1'atk:neon -Swallow -In Woodhull
on \Verinecday, Feby. :h•d by Rev.
Bartlett, Carrie Swallow to Frank
llazlrtt'ood-1)onpe.-At the ),om,• of
the bride"s parents. ICirktou by
Rev. J. Veale, Miss Lucy Loupe
to Mr. Geo. 11. I lazlowood.
WELSH -In 1•shortie, Tuesday, I'e'by.
9t11, 1909 Etnily Louisa Iberia
beloved s.i(.• of John W. \\'el.h,
a,C11 49 years, 10 month -s and 20
Ft•w people herr know that you
can cure that dread Arneric.ttl dittease.
Ithrtnnat:vm. with just common.
,•verydnv dr; ;s ,found in any dm;
-torr. The prescription is tor ti:m•
('1e that nny one can prepare it at
home at small cost. it is made up as
follows: Get from any good prescrip-
1011 pharmacy fluid Extract Dandy.
Lon, one-half ounce : Compound K tr-
g0n. one ounce : Compound Byrne
_S trot peril'''. three 011104'. Mix by
shak:n,r in a bottle 0nd take in
teesltoonfnI doles after each meal ,ur,1
:.t ',Atoll •. These are ail simple irt-
zred:ents. m; kin; en absolutely
harmless home remedy al little Cost.
Itheutuat:em, 115 every one known,
:e a symptom of dcranzed kidneys.
11 is a condition produced by the
failure 0f tht k:dn,(ys 10 properly
filter or <ti.i n from rho blood the
uric acrd and othtr neuter. which, :r
not eradicated. either in the 11r:n' n
throueh the ',kat pours. remains in
tee h'.00.l. 'lecompoete and forth •
about the jo:nt' and muscles. cousin.
the nnto:,I euff,•r:nz raid 41 .0rn1':�
a; rheum ,1 'sin.,
Th:s prc•s:ription i. seri to b:• a
sp.endid h(.•tl;it . flea nein. an 1 :n-
v.eoritine tonic to the k'daey'. and
g.?es almost immediate relief in all
forms of i,l:rslde•r and iir:e i, y t rots
Was and barkiehr,
e table Prcp arab ion for As -
IALsIltig theFood and Reg ula-
UM the Stomarhs allflBoweis of
Btunlote s'Digestion,Clleerful-
ntss 8sdgest.Contains neither'
tn, orphine nor Irttncxal.
111gis✓Rily'-S%MEZLPIXII R •
The Molsons BankZIncorporated 1855
CAPITAL(paid up) $3 600,000.00 •
iRESERVE FUND $3,500.000.00
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted. •
Savings Bank Department =s
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.•
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Apcdect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stoulach,Diarrlloea,
Worms Convulsions,Feverish-
MSS and Loss OF SLEEP.
IfacSinile Signature of
\1 b ,mall~ 1)1(1
For Over
Thirty Years
•Ile eIRfAurt SOMP*NT. Iw7 Yeas ern.
When every bite you eat seems to turn to gas
and your stomach and intestines cause you end-
less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en-
tire system needs a thorough housecleaning.
cures flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturb-
ance -inactive liver. Take an NR tablet to -night
and you'll feel better in the morning.
Better than Pills for Liver Ills 50
For Sale by W. 8. Cole, Exeter.
The 31-41 annual meeting of the
Baron Weather Insurance Mutual
Company was held at the Town Hall,
Zurich. on 'Tuesday Feby. 2nd, there
bcin; a good attendance. The report
shows the company to be progress -I
in; very rapidly, the insurance now
carred being $1,010,515, with cash on
Land $2.614.16 and premium notes of
$61,278.75. During the past year 613
new twl;cies were issued. The taew
directors elected twt'erc, A. G. Smit -
lie, Henry Rau and Samuel Rontly,,
the other direetsrs bei•; 8. Broken -
shire. 11. Northcott, W. T. Caldwell
Cha-. Monteith, .7. Kellermann end
W. I;. Battler. At a subsequent:I
meet in z of 'the new board Chas. Mori-'
(tette of 1!shorne was elected Pres.
ttltilt A. 1.. Smillie, clerk of Tuck-
ersnlilh. was appointed Seey-Treas.i
in place of is, Zeller, who retired
awing to pressure of other bovines+.
A meet:nx of the directors will t,c'
held 011 '1'uraday Feby. 10.
IDickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager
• aN�NNaNaat,NNNaN�t►aOe�N���NNNNN�NN•
Mr. Henry \Vurm had the
fortune a week ago last Saturday to
fall on the sidewalk and fracture
her etrm. •
An !interesting case .wall trited here
last week before .51a;istrato Greb,
when John Laporte was char;ed by
Mz's, N. M. Cantin with essault. AI-
thou;h there was no evidence that
Mr. Laporte intended to do the plain-
tiff any injury, he was fined :1,00
and costs or 20 days in jail nt Lard
labor. Mr. Laporte immediately en-
tered an appeal. The trouble Inc
:len in the following manner,. A
few days ago Mr. Laporte mai or-
dered to open t Ile new' road to the
lake and while driving on tott•ar:ls
the lake, he noticed that the fence
which has Lad many previous
moves W:1:1 being cloned in behind
him. Ile of once turned his horse
and en coming up to the 'wake,
CHALK dust is fine and
white, but it won't
slake good bread. Fine
\vhite flour i• all right
ht as
far as it ors, hutit it
lacks ntltritisHI its other
qualities amount to nothing
as far as baking is con-
Royal llousehold Flour
is not only the line,t and
purest of flours hut also
the most nutritious. it 13
milled by a process which
gives you all of the nutri-
tious properties of the
wheat in the hest form for
your use. You can get it
from your grocer.
OglkIe Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, sl 0,0oo,QQQ
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most conetpkQt
way in which to carry money when travelling. they are issued in denomitlatious 0E
$10, $20, $50, $i00 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates,
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
Drs. Kennedy Si Kergan
Owing to Dr. Ker -
tan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has associated with
him Dr. Kennedy Jr.
who has been with
the firm for several
years, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted tinder the
name of
Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept
to a premature grave through KARI.V INDISCRUTIONB,
EXCESSES AND Br,00D DISKASE8. If you have any of the
following symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the
eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sedi.
intent is urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks
careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change-
able moods. weak manbeod, premature decay, bone pains, hair
loose, sore throat etc.
are the most
prevalent an most serious diseases, hey sap the very lite
blood of the victim, and unless eutirely eradicated from the
system nay affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
symptoms -OUR NEW MET OD cures them.
OUR N[W METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you, and (Tel: 111
naa o you. Vader cls influence the brats .romes active, tke blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, so that net,
vo.saess, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full and
clear, energy returns to the body, and ibe moral, physical, and vital systems are invig-
orated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs
reb you of your bard earned dollars. We wIll Sure You erne pay.
READER' (° menet who has treated yon, write for ao bodest oppiniot! Pree
of Charge. BOOBS FREti-"The Gofden Monitor ' (lNustrsted)
Question 1.1.1 for Homo Treatmsat Sent on Request.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. - DETROIT, MICR,
among wbotn was the plaintiff, 111•.
Laporte look hold of the sato that
had been erected across the road, or
which was ibeine held up to bar his
way out, and in some manner the
gate fell and struck lira. Cantin's
tor. The above facts were brou;ht
out at the trial. The whole case
will be reviewed before the Jud re
some time in May, the outcome of
wheel will be awaited with much in-
if you would have a safe yet cer-
tain Cough Remedy in the horne, try
Dr. Shoop's-at least once. It is
thoroughly unlike tiny other Cough
preparation. its taste till be en-
tirely new to you -unless it is nI-
reedy your favorite Cough Remedy.
No opium, chloroform. or nny other
staapifying ingredients ore used. the
tender leaves of a harmless, lung -
healing mountainuous Shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop'e Cough Remedy its won-
derful curative properties. It is
truly a most cert till an.1 trustworthy
prescription. Sold by W. S. llowey.
The Conneel met !pursuant to atl-
journrnent the Reeve and all the
nientlwrs present. Minutes of Inst
merlin z were read approved 011.1
s: ;nes by the Reeve.
A Conn!!! n1cetion aria Draft of
Petit:on frorn the Onw,.rio allot cited
Association was received. a.k:nt, the
Comic,' to Petition the Le /alettre
to amend ser, 4100 of 112 \inn:e:il l
Act so os to relicvu 311111i( ,lities of
Liability for damn pea for ecc:den1
011 Ole 1'ahlie'11ij1iva%'4 throuzli any
def, et in the road, or Beal ees. 1V Iie re
ain't be ehotwn the count.! had
1,'low:ed;e or 1101ice of such defect.
The reeve and eierk was instructed
to siert the same and forward• it to
0112 member for presentatiott when
the house meets.
Messrs. Chesney tot eo wee, 1'u1:ct•
'I'ru.tees, of Grant 01,, v,,•i,• present
and 'claimed th'tl the conic.1 ihonld
pay for their light plant in the viI-
laee. The Council disclaimed •all
1:ability on the ;round that the I'ol
ice villa 4.'.11341 already received far
more than they were entitled to end
that Township Council had no power
to mike any such disposition of
tow n- h 1. money. a. :t woii I b t 11 -
lee 11 :gird .also nit the ;round that
the trustees had no power to ';o In-
to 41, IiZht'n,t without f,r-t getting
the consent of the facptyera of the
villa 4e, and even if they sit get that
it was contrary to the letter an.;
ep'r:t of the \iuni.::ptl Ar' to ;hc-.2
any l:sh:lity %%;-Lout first uot•i•titi;
for plytnrnt.
Th;• :wine I a! ter p:ty:n f a few ..e
mettle adjourned to meet on Moth lay
Jt'reit let, at 10 a. In.
W. D. St ley. Clerk
syaopls Clio Conlin Norlh west
Any person who is the sole Lead
of a familf, or any male over 18
years o:d may homestead a quarter
sectoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in 1><•rsou
et the Dominion Lands Agency or
Subagency for the district. Entry by
proxy may be had at the agency, on
certain conditions. by father, mother
sen, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of his home-
stead on a darm of at least 80 acre,
solely OIT111d anti occupied by hits or
lea father, mother, eon, daughter.
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homestc t l,pr
in good standing nifty !pre-empt a
quarter section a:ongsidc his home-
stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties-,
!lust reside six 11101111)11 inc•ach of ail
year• from date of homestead entry
(.ne:tiding the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cdltivtae
fifty acres extra.
A ho.nestea.lcr tt ho hie exhausted
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