HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-04, Page 8L
Here are Some Mid -Win-
ter Bargains that will
Tickle the Strings
of your Money
O Thirty odd Trimmed Bats, all this season's,
11 11 some pattern hats among the lot. values
3.5o to $t5.00, your choice for only .... $1.25
VIOne only Man's Coon Coat, well furred, dark
natural skins, value $45 going for .... $33 00
Three only Men's choicest Coon Coats, lovely
a) daik skins, full fluffy fur, value $58.00
your choice for $45.00
p Two cnly Men's Black Yak Fur ('oats, good
cones, regular value $23, bargain price $17.50
Five only Ladies' Fur -lined Coats, made from
good Kersey cloth, lined with best marmot
Q fur and trimmed with choice American
1-1 and Isabella Sable. Values $55 to $6o
going at $37.50
�. c only, Ladies' extra large size black Jack -
lima cts, fifty inches long; best Beaver cloth,
P latest styles. Just the thing for big, big
ef ladies. Value $15 co going at $9 90
�, Ladies' American Fur Scarfs, long length, full
fluffy fur, trimmed with heads and tails
value $S.75, going at • • • • $5 75
'� Three only Saskatchewan Robes, large size,
1.14 Lined with best curl cloth, value $S.5o
P going for ....$6.75
A Sinch, half Bleached Table Linen, heavy
Oand good, 2 pieces only, value 40c, going
Big, Big Values in Room Rugs
p and Linoleums
If you want to furnish your Parlor, Din-
ing Room, Hall or Kitchen, now's your chance
We will save you good money. Colne and
Bring all your farm produce to us,
It's just as good as cash.
++++++++++++++++4- fi +++✓c++++++++++++++++++•1•++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4++++++++++++++++
London Advertiser
ujn Trip
A party of Eight Young Women will be
leen a trip to
Great Britain and France
with all Expenses paid by the
Read the Advertiser for particulars,
Write the European Trip Department
our -
Market Report. -The following a e
OUR OFFICE BOY HAYS; P11011ti ')')
the report of Exeter markets, our• It makes sur shiver when 1i =
redid up to Februaryent4th, look tit thesuu. list and sea th.1 THE 01,,D
Peas, 75 to Pt cents. names of bo many in arrears, t e
Wheat 'J3 to 95 erns-. Seems to me I'd learn to cuss Great Clearing Sale of i
Oats 37 to 08 cents. if I were rutiniug the paper.
Marley 98 to 62 cents. When 1 get u sheet of my own, all i
Shorts. *22 to td23. 1'11 wake everyoody pay .up.
Bran. $20. or carry a crow %bar. 1 don't
FeeFled F Flour, 0 to $2.75. understand why the sasses have N TER
CloyFlour t$1.40 to al.l5. lie much patience and can keep
Clover sped, $8 to $10 per bushel• up a smile. 1 expect a raise W I
Putter 22 cents per pound. in wages pretty coon and I'd
like 'everybody to pay up so's
the raise twill came easy. O 0 We aro now Taking Stock and now is your time to ge
Yours, I) S
- The 1'. 1).
1! �� X •t t kt 't' 1 M �. S FEB. 4th 10u
Eggs '23C a dozed.
(togs, dressed. *8.rit1
(togs, liveweight, t,••(i.65
Coal, $7.:'.5 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 1-2 cents.
Stock Taking
Bargains in Furs and Fur Coats. Overcoats and Read
The License Commissioners met
made Clothing.
lilt. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- John �Turrtiast 8acurdau ithsfcrreinsl(tlec`�t` Including Men's and Boys'
geon, will be at the Commercial license of the Commercial hotel from Overcoats. We have just nine $3,00 Coats left
Hotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. rm• l;arrows to Lyman W. Palmer.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and die- )liens and Boys Heavy Rub -
low The regular price being 5.00, 0.00, 7.00 and $8.00 now selling for the very
eases of eve ear and nose treated. The Abstract of the Ontario game
end fisheries laws and regulations bee's and Socks.
\'+x• visit Saturday Frl,ni;+ry "7'11. says, cotton -tail rabbit may be taken
••••••••••••••+•••••••++•: or killed in any manner by the
♦ owner, occupant or lessee of any
land on which it can be proved to
• cause actual damage to trees and
shrubs, or by any member of the
family. The open season for musk-
rats is from the first day of Novem-
ber to the 30th day of April, but trio
muskrat may be shot during the
mouth of April
Mr. Gro .McLeod is visiting vela-
t;ves at Seafortli.
Mr. Coleman afoncur is ivisitioig
his parents.
J. (G. Stanbury was in Lucan on
Tuesday attending Court.
Miss Millie llyndi nan returned to
Ottawa last week.
The Ontar:o Legislature will open
oat Tuesday Feby. 10th.
Mr. 1Iarman Prior left Wednesday
evening tfor Portage La Prairie.
Squire Leathern, of London, was
in town •Dlonday.
F. W. 'Gladmnn attended Division
Court at 'Zurich on Wednesday.
Miss Nettie Walter and Miss Til-
lie Yeager are visiting friends in
Mr. Thos. .Ifa.ndford shipped two
carloads of horses to Winnipeg last
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of London,
last week visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. I). Clarke.
Miss Dorothy M. White was con-
fined to 'her ;bed last week. suffering
from pleurisy.
Mr. Jas .Moore. of St. Marys, vis-
ited Mr. .Alex Dow the former part
of the week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. \\'rat. Coultis. are vis-
iting friends in Kirkton nerd $t.
Marys this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Mothersin and child-
ren, of Port Stanley, are visiting at
Itev. Going's.
Mr. end 'Mrs. Warren Ross left
Monday to 'return to their home in
Aberdeen, 8. f).
There are 'tow 96 inmates in the
House of .Refuge at Clinton, the
largest number on record.
Mr. Robert Itorney last Saturday
sh'pped n carload of cattle to the
Toronto .Markets.
Mrs. Will Moss and daughter. of
Cli.n on, visited +with Mr. and Mrs.
1). Ross over Sunday.
I rs.
Robert Purdon, of Brandon,
i.:.nilooa, was the guest of IDirs.
S.mon Campbell this week.
Mr. aitd Mrs. French, and two
d:-ughters, of Toronto. are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick.
LUST. -On Tuesday, gold locket.
with id;oto inside and engraved J.
J.W. Kindly leave at Times office.
Mr. IIer•o Harrell left last Friday
for Windsor, where he has secured a
situation as electrician with the
Windsor Salt Co.
The services in the iMaits street
church last Sunday avere for the
children. A boy's choir took charge
of the singing.
Miss Dorothy Lonsbery, of .Detroit,
was the guest of ,her sister Mrs. J.
J. White a few days during the past
1). V. ,Gladtnan, of Niagara. who
has been visiting his brother. F. W.
Gladfman here, was called home last
week owing 'to illness in his family.
Mr. II. E. Huston vsi's -peen ap-
pointed representative of the County
of 6luron to the Senate Board of the
Western University of London.
Mr. D. A. (loss left yesterday for
Cuba, in the interests of the Sover-
eign Fruit Co., in which company
several Exeterites are interested.
2 -walking plows.
Mr. John Taylor last week dispos-
ed of his residence on Main street to
Mr. John McCollough, of Osborne.
Mr. McCullough takes possession in
November next.
Last week we sent nut a nunttx•r
of accounts to subscribers. Already
Many have responded and after read-
ing this we expect the others will
send along remittances.
Mrs. John Ross, of Calgary. after
visiting !friends here, left Monday
for Kingsville to visit her father. J.
Swenerton. ,before returning to her
The springlike weather came to an
end Inst Friday and since then we
have lean having 'genuine winter. It
is just n year since we had the big
snow blockade.
Miss Edna Dow, who is taking a
r;urse of training in the Toronto
1 ospital, is home for it short time
t .n account of a slight illness with
ice risy.
Woman's Institute.- The regular
sleeting of the Woman's Institute
ender Advertier Cola well tx held in t3entor's hall en Fri-
day, Feb. 5th nt 3 o'clock. All mem-
bers are reyucsted to be present for
important business. -Mrs. 1). Cob -
Limited bie'iiek• Pres.
One night lost week Mr. Joseph
Davis stet with an accident which
night have resulted in a tragedy,.
Ile hail beeti ruga red until it late
If you ask, you can have a package of
seed of this marvellous Russian Giant
I.ettuce included absolutely free with our
new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata-
logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and
solid as a cabbage. Stands het weather
surprisingly well, and has a rich, buttery
flavor. If you prefer, you may choose a
package of our Colossal White Sugar
Beet ora package of Ostrich Feather Aster
Writ• fo-dar and name giver eheic., also
mention Sam. of this paper.
de sf tits mama", Ru..iaa Giant Leave• Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
an eie.a awes five London, Ont.
Reeve T. 11. 'McCallum requires
through the press to extend an in-
vitation to the 'citizens of Exeter. to
be present at the council meet:ug
i rida!i evening .Feby. 6th, at 8 R N. ROWE
o'clock, for the rpurpose of discus-
sing the betterment of our fire pro-
tection•. The time has now . come
when our council must do something
in that particular and the question
arises, 1 -what shall Ave do: 2- re-
pair the present system or install a
new one for fire protection only ; ;3 -
to install a complete system for fire
rind domestic purposees, with a com-
plete sewerage tsystem conneotcd
there with. The Council should have
some idea what the citizens want so Big Bottle for a Quarter
that when an engineeer is brought
here, they will be able to tell him
what the people require. As (this
matter is something which demands Miss Olive Madge, A. T. C. M.,
itnmediate attention there should be teacher in piano, vocal and theory,
a good attendance at the meeting will prepare pupils in Exeter and
to discuss the question. vicinity in the nbove for the Toronto
At the meeting of the Puolio Lib- Conservatory examinations. Recent
rary Board Monday evening, after soloist in Wiarton. Those wishing
the oppointig of the different coin- further information apply by phone
mittees a committee consisting of or letter to Miss Madge, Thames
Reeve T. 1J. McCallum \Vm. 'Weekes, Road.
N. D. Burden, was appointed to in- Women with pale co lorless faces
terview the council regarding a Car- who feel v%oak and discouraged. will
negie Library building for Exeter. receive both mental and bodily vigor
The quarters aro entirely too in- by using Carter's Iron Pills, vrhioh
adequate for the present require- aro made for the blood, nerves and
ments, all the shelves being Lull of complexion.
books and new ones to be added. The
committee would recommend that
several citizens be required to joist
them its their appeal to the council,
They understand that some citizens
have personal friends well known to
that great philanthropist, who
will be only to glad to help forward
this scheme. The council will 'ne
asked to seriously consider the mat-
ter and get into correspondence with
Mr. 'Carnegie and ascertain full par-
ticulars as to his conditions in giv-
ing a donation.
On Wednesday, the 10th of Febru-
ary, the County committee will con-
duct its one -day financial campaign
of the county. All the principal
places in the county will tie can-
vassed that day beginning at nine
o'clock it. an. A budget of $1800 is
needed to carry on the work for
1909, and Exeter's share is $50. The
County committee has appointed 8
local men as its representatives. who
assisted by Mr. E. It. Wilson, Secre-
tary of London Y. M. C. A., will
wait on the people for their contri-
butions on the day appointed. The
work is going ahead most satisfac-
torily in the five organizations of
the county, there being n member-
ship of over C00 men and boys. If
everybody will do his share, this
amount will be easily raised in Exe-
ter. Let us keep the grand work
going until it touches the life of
every one of Huron's 16000 young
sten rind boys.
Mens and Boys heavy Mitts
Hens and Ladies Overshoes
Ladies and Chilk'rens Jackets
Furs and Caps
All at prices that are bound
to clear thein ont.
Highest Prices paid for all
kinds of Produce.
with that cough take
tlowey's White
Pine & Tar
A quiet wedding took place in Tor-
onto on Ian. 19th when Miss Hans
nah Parsons, of Exeter, was united
in holy ponds of matrimony to Mr.
John Kelleher, of Proctor, btinn.,
Conductor 011 the Duhtth, M ssiler
and Northern .railway, by Rev. T.E.
F. McCann. Miss Parsons is Well
rind 'favorably known in and around
Exeter and is held in the highest es-
teem by her many friends here, and
itt London where she has lived for
the past few years. Mr. and firs.
Kelleher Left Toronto on n. trip to
friends in Buffalo and London a.n1
have spent file past week in Exeter
the guests of her brothers and sis-
ters. Mr. Kelleher is tt stranger
to 'Exeter but during his short
stay 'here ,nude many warm friends.
They left Saturday evening i for
their new home near Duluth and
will visit n few days at the Soo on
their Tway. The best wishes of a
host of friends go with them to their
future home.
J j 'i•.+ a
{ .' . .1 Mrs. Cunningham, of Clandenoye.
r t� ii 1 fI
: f� ►\�; ,.;•1 itt ill nt the home of her daughter,
f • •,,., 1 Mrs. Yager. euffer;n; from erysip-
•- �' t•` ',,'t The memt+ers of the Exeter Gun
f.r tt As Clue last Thursday commenced a ser-
' i fi:t+lli�. ism of shooting events for eevernl
�' '?:'s+t`. ••! trophies presented by 'members of the
f a`t as.. C�' 'y ! club. also by the Dupont Powder Co.
�/( Jatq'. � • Any one can enter the contest ny
paying the mernncrship fee of 81.00
Per Year. The hbooting is on ,the
percentage handicap. t,o that every
one has n chance. Those wishing to
hour on the audit of the town cooks tenter at the next shoot will os g:vrn
and upon returning hotnc hail oc• why you ahould look after your eye- their handicap oy the committee at
casion to go ,near the cellar -door. sight is -that Nature never Were us the ground.. The trophies tire good
In the uncertain light of the lamp be a new pair of cycle, The hest of tea- i 1 ones and well worth trying Inc. The
was carrying tie didn't notice that sons why, at the first sign of trouble. shooting will Continue till 100 rocks
the door nvns oprn and stepped into yon should consult an I a re shot at 20 n,•;ng allowed every
t he cella r -a ay. The descent of some OPTICAL EXPERT and to transmit the same to any other Thursday. Any one wishing to
eight nteps teas sufficient to render)place in the municipalities through practice cin do so the alternating
Mr. .spil in; theou= and break the
for telief. We ran ndd toyour n t ' wh:ch the railwwty Is authorized to Thursdays. Following is the result
lamp. willing oil over his cloth- e. be built, find to dispose of any stir- of last Thursday's Fhont :-N. fitan-
inv. Fortunately he recovered jest )oat then as well. 1••,xA1iteRt chief fere, hltis not required for t he purpose lake 10; C. St intake 12: .1. Hunk in
in time 40 Pee his perilous position, don't delay. Make it, the bus. of the 1Cornp.ny. 7; .1. Grein 10. B. Fold l .1. Trier/
for the limp wick was burning not of your day -TO -DAY.
Opticalgoods in complete e'ock. The &miff Railway end works are tier 12. F. Kerr 17; \V. Carrick 14 ;
far from him and the fire wascreetr P P +leclnred tor lie for the general bene- W. :Sanders 10. N. Fitton 12; WW.
ins towards gtim. Mr. Davis i3 con- W. S. Howey Phm B.r 1
fit of Cnnada. Tnhna t,r. P. Tram t r 8. The club is
a dcrahly br�i..rd and Laken up, but f • I\'1:Y et 1)noM(;OLE, making nrran:em, nts Inc their an
the 4setpe of himself and household Chemist and Optician Solicitors for the Applicant•. nual tournament to ne heli on Good
from o terrible death is a matter EXETER -- ONTARIO. London. Ontario. end February, 1909 Friday,
for congratulations upon his friends.
A Regular Storm Period covers the
first five bays in Fenruary which is
central on the ,3rd. By the 1st and
2nd the barometer will be falling,
and the temperature will be rising,
in western sections of the county.
By the Ord, cloudiness and storm
areas will oo organized, and Burin;
the 3rd to 6th, rain, wind and snow
will prevail generally, passing pro-
gressively from western to eastern
extremes of the country. The storms
of this period will reach their cul-
minating severity and extent in con-
nection with fu11 Moon on and touch-
ing the fith. By the 6th storms will
have turned to driving snow in the
north end west, followed closely by
rising barometer, hish northwest
winds and change to much colder.
Cold, fair Weather will advance east-
ward and southward in the immed-
iate rear of these progressive storms.
reaching its varying degrees of fri-
tz:dity most parts of the country 'by
the 7th to 8th. We /oclieve that
earthquakes and general ' seismic
shivers will grow less frequent as
we pass through the interim 'oetween
the Jupiter periods: tut In some de-
gree. such Phenomena swill continue
in regular cycles. The 5th is the
central dry of such n period, em-
bracing about the Ord to the 8th.
notably the 4th, 6th •and 6th. A
Reactionary Storm Period is central
on the 8th. 9th and 10th. At this
time look for marked reaction tto
warmer'o+sginning in the west. Fall-
ing barometer will follow, brim;ttz
cloudiness and rant, 'with possibly
electrical storms southward, on and
touching the 9th. As These storms
move enstward. the west sides of
storm areas will turn to snow, and
be follow'e(. Immediately by /rising
barometer and much colder. fair
weather. Lenrn well this lesson of
storm and anti -storm areas passing
periodically across the country from
west to east, and you will rarely
"get. left" in your calculations of
what will 'reach dour locality at
regular intervals.
application will he grade to the Par-
liament of Canada at its present ses-
sion for on Act to incorporate a
Company to tie named THE LONDON
COMPANY. •with the following pa-
pers:-(•) 'To +construct, equip grid
operate a line of railway from a
point in or near the City of London
to the Town of Sirtria. passing
through the 'Townships of London.
Lobo, East Williams, Adelaide, War-
wick. I'lymplon and Sarn:a ; • also
from It 110:111 1n nr near the city of
London to a point on Lake Huron
in the County of Huron patss:og
through the ow•nslr is of London
Lobo. East ,Willinnns. West 'tVilliams
McGillivray. Stephen. Ilay Stanley
and Goder:ch, with power to build
brunches or extensions from the
main lines not exceeding in each case
fifteen miles, each branches not to
extend .beyond the litn'1s of the
Counties of Middlesex. ,Lambton or
Huron (2) To 'construct and operate
telegraph and telephone lines Omit
its railway. and to collect tolls for
the transmission of messages there-
on (3) To acquire :utd utilize water
and steam pow, r for the purpose of
compressing a`r or :enerntin; elec-
tr:city. end to dikpo•e of surplus
power not required Inc the purposes
of the Company (-1) To acquire elec-
tricity or other power or energy.
You may depend that you are missing the time
of your life if you let these prices pass
We have also a few Men's and Boys' Suits
$5,00 and $1.50 that were 9.00,1%00 and $1,00. They must go to make
room for our spring stock.
Dress Goods
75c for '?.ic; title tor 100; 3.ic for 15c. These goods are heavy and dumb
and will make splendid children's dresses.
Underwear One line only regular 75c for 25e./
Fere winter Caps;to clear at 10c; suitable for Boys and M
We epf a i r ElaS Pu 6111rd616
To those who can figure this
All kinds of Boots and heading out correctly we
Shoes for you will give
CEO. MANSON $20.00 and $18.00
Suits for
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
jLoose lea! ledger,
: Adding Lill Sys charged
card system. an
♦ ait modern de-
: • vices known
Mach i net ° badness
♦ science are
our students. Consequently business houses
• of leading Canadian and American cities are
• calling loudly for our graduates.
• Indhidual Instruction. Enter any day.
Mail Courses.
• Send postal tor particulars.
Cliotoll Business College
= GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
The old way
The New Wall
Gu re -I -Gold
Sold only at
Howey's Drug
iii'R,,TrORO ONT.,.,�
This school stands in the fore-
front as the largest and best
practical training school in
Western Ontario. We have
three departments,
All departments are in charge
of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough ami
practical. Our graduates secure
good positions. Students are en-
tering every week. %Vrite for
our free catalogue at once.
House and Lot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs. Elite Hodgert and is being
offered by sale by the executors to
close up the estate. On the premises
are a substantial brick house, storey
and a half, good frame stable and
barn ; few frult trees; good Well and
2-5 of as aero of land.
For terms and particulars apply to
Wm. liodgert, Farquhar, or Alex
'lodger t, Ruaseldale.
$6.00 Pants for $4.00
$4.00 Pants for $2 75
This offer is',for two weeks
only. Evei y Snit is a bargain.
Merchant Tailo .
Round trip Tourieit ticket now on
sale to all principal Winter Resorts,
The New and Attrac-
tive Route
Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta,
Is via Chicago and St. Paul
Minneapolis or Duluth. Bag-
gage checked through in bond;
no examination.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Efo10111
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
That Nutty Flavor
We have it in our
It contains the qualities that
tickle the palate. You must ha
heard it over and over agait i
Harvey's Star
makes delicious bread, Try it
and you will smile too,
Special Induce
to Piano and Orga
For the Month of January.
We have a large stock of
both Pianos and Organs to
(Bowie from and would be
\'eased to have you call.
•t'e know we can save you
to"ney, if we can't we do
t itek you to buy; fair
t.,,d square, isn't it.
Sewi' g Machines, Sleighs,
) . yin Books, 1311)Ies,
Stat ion eTy Etc.
S. Martliq 5011