HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-02-04, Page 6111111111111.1111
Mous Denominations Are Represented
About the Same as Last Parliament
I JA despatch from Ottawa same:
Au analysis of the personnel of the
new House of Commons with re-
spect to places of birth and relig-
ions gives the following Iutcrest-
iag figures: -
In the Last Parliament there
were 200 native-born Canadians ; in
the new House the native-born
number 204. There are six Eng-
lish -born as compared with tour in
the last Housg Ireland sept four
• -squab& the old house, but there
aftlePtIry two native Irishmen in
the new House. In each House
the membership included three
wen who were born in the United
States. Scotland had three repre-
eentatives in the last House; now
it has •,nly two. The new House
Operations Between Buffalo and
i,uieh from Is'iagara Falls,
aye: The Lehigh Valley and
Trunk Railroad detectives
een busy for the past sov-
eeks trying to run down a
f thieves who have been op -
on the passenger trains of
roads between Buffalo and
lion. So far, as has been
earned by the detectives or at
twist from what they are wiling to
tell, the gay is makingits ren-
dezvous in this city. The modus
operandi of the gang is to board
pass through the trait!), size up the
valises, and then when they aro
left unguarded when the train
pears a station, the thief steps off
the ti ails with it and checks it at
the st ion. He may or may not
reheat the train, and perhaps
make a Gond haul while making
the atm trip. The detectives say
two companies have re-
ceived e. number of complaints re-
cently, but the gang has so clever-
ly carried on its operations that
the detection Inas thus far been im-
pi:t: (;1iFAT ELEVATORS.
o her -Erected During Present
. Year at Fort William.
A despatch from Fort William
bays s Pile -driving on the founda-
tion bf the Thunder Bay elevator,
ituated a short distance front the
Atikokan Iron Works, commenced
on Tuesday, and a large force of
men is already engaged on the
work, it being ♦ the intention of the
contractors, Messrs. Barnett d;
cQueen, to rush the work to
repletion at the earliest possible
. The site of the elevator is
feet from the shore line,
• i the water is nowhere more
Ilan two feet in depth. With the
onunencement of the Western Ele-
itor Company's building in West
rt Williams and the work already
going on on the Grand Trunk Pa-
o elevator this makes three
'raters which will be erec-
e two cities during this
Provincial Ilylknr( Estimates It at
eign Minister Speaks of 113,058,185 Bushels.
alible Treaty. A. -despatch from Winnipeg says:
fry ► i ► bit; s :" 'I'he provincial crop report was is-
1ud et ('usninittee of the sued by the Department of Agri-
• hstag. Foreign Secretary Von culture on Wedneedny morning.
ch )en, in answer to a question The total grain crop of the prov-
noerning commercial relations ince is estimated nt 113,058,188
th Canada, stated) that every- bushels, compared with 99,010,265
ing possible bad been clone for bushels in the previous year. The
defence of German interests. total yield of wheat is placed at
as. not impossible that an op- 49,252 539 bushels, an average of
tunity v ouid before long arise 17.28 bushels per acre. The total
discussinn of a commercial area under grain is given at. 4,-
eaty. after the conclusion of the 818,011 acres and the area under
ranco-Canadian negotiations. all crops nt 4,967,498 acres.
also Includes one member who was
born in South America.
I3y religions the figures are esu Mr. G. F. Rice, jeweller, deo A soup kitchen for inees.itous
ally interesting :-The Roman Ca-
thetics are of exactly the ,any.!as Fed dead at Orillia, on Tuesday. children was opened at Stranraer
in the old House, the figure in tiffstdlieei be refusedredulton ctioncil by-law.
to .pasr reDamage to the extent of $7,500
each case being 70. The Presby -J'
terians number 40 in the new Tho opening of the Quebec Pro -was done by fire in Greenock Drill
House; last year they had 47. The ►'incial Legislature has been fixed Hal! recently.
Methodiset. Church is represented for March 2.It is stated that four people have
by 50 in thenew House as against Toronto military meshes,in view died in Scotland since they were
5U in the last, Parliament. The of the London conviction, may ap granted old ago pensions.
Church of England has 41 as ply for club Liquor licenses. In Glasgow during the year end
against 42. The Baptists number- The late Mr. A. W. Hooper left ing Sept. 30, dogs to the to
ed eight in the former House; in fifty thousand dollars to the Mont- g and
real General Hospital. C'at Hume.
this they number six. One addiThe annual churches collection
tion to the religions is a Universa- Several Ancaster people have
list. The Congregationalists are been bitten by a dog which, it is taken recently in Aberdeen for the
two, the sane us last year, and feared, is affected with rabies. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary amount-
there is one Lutheran and one
Stove moulders at Hamilton' are ed to about $5,000.
Farringdon Independent, just us said to have refused to accept a The abolition of road rollers
in the last House. reduction in wages, and a strike and a general gun license are dug -
is spoken of. gestions made for the regulation
Father corner was lost on the of motors in Aaddingtonshire.
TORONTO'S POPULATION.prairie in Saskatchewan, and drove During the year ended December
two days in the storm before ob- 31, Dundee Corporation Tramways,
according to the Directory Esti- twining shelter. in running a mileage of 1,334,003,
nate It is 305,923. The Ontario Government officiate conveyed 16,553,037 passengers.
are surveying the townsite of Cow- St. Clair Sinclair was the aristo-
ganda, which will bo withdrawn critic name of a laborer who has
from the forest reserve. obtained notoriety at Inverness by
Mr. Mackenzie King has present attempting suicide in u police cell.
ed an interesting report on theMr. Kenneth Macdonald for
cotton mills of Quebec, in which many years chemist and postmas-
the question of child labor is a ter of Dunkeld, suddenly dropped
feature. down dead when on a business vis -
Mr. E. J. Chamberlain has been it to Dunkeld House recently.
t and Gen
William Bartholomew, gas mane -
appointed Vice-President.
Manager of the Grand Trunk ger, Ochiltree, who was found at
Pacific, succeeding Mr. Morse. the gas works on Wednesday last
Arrangements are being made Reek unconscious and removed to
between the Corporation of Sault Ayr County Hospital, has died
Ste. Marie and a company for the there.
starting of large shipyards in the At a meeting of the Works C'om-
town, mitteo of Dundee School Board on
Tho Wentworth County Council Tuesday, tenders were approved
decided to take no action on a let -for the erection of a new school in
ter from the Inspector of Prisons Dens Road at a total cost of $72,-
and Charities ordering the erection 500.
of a. county house of refuge. Pestwick ratepayers are to be
John R. Ray was sentenced at given the opportunity of voting for
Guelph to two years' imprisonment or against a proposal to lay out
for setting fire to the barn of Mrs. the land along ilio sea front at a
McGuire. He pleaded in excuse certain part and to erect a sea wall
that he had made love to the wi to protect it.
dow and had been rejected. It is asserted that a member of
Neil Macauley has just been ae a West of Scotland School Board
quitted of theft at Regina. Whenthe other day complimented a head -
he was committed for trial he vol- master on being ambidextrous be-
unteered to convey himself to court souse he understood Gaelic as well
and, after some difficulty, hunted as English.
up a mounted policeman, to whom A rifle club has leen started at
he surrendered. Galashiels by the local ex -Soldiers'
Association, and the membership
already numbers 90 ex -soldiers and
GREAT BRITAIN. 100 civilians. Lord Roberts has
Mrs. Carrie Nation was pelted sent his congratulations.
with eggs while lecturing in Can- Tho marriage of Miss Annie Liv-
terbury, England, Monday night. ingstone Bruce, granddaughter of
Right. Hon. John Sinclair, Sec- Dr. David Livingstone, to Captain
retary for Scotland in the British T. H. Bussell, of the Royal Scots,
Cabinet, has been raised to the took place recently in St. Mary's
Peerage. Cathedral, Edinburgh.
An English syndicate has been As a result of the arbiters' de-
formed to extract radium from cision in connection with what, has
pitchblend deposits of an old Cor- been known as the Darvel local
nish copper mine. weavers' dispute, it. is estimated
that there a ill be on an average
a reduction of 2s. per week in the
UNITED STATES. rate of wages.
men ]est their lives in a Dumfries Mid -Steeple, one of the
ahotel at Fort Worth,prominent architectural features of
Texas.the burgh, which is now 200 years
Three men are dead at. Fort. Du- old, shovs many signs of decay,
pont, Del., fromdrinking dena- and it is recommended that new
tured alcohol. stones be substituted for the worst
An eighteen -year-old boy has of the old.
been condemned to death for mur-
der in New Jersey.
Four children lost their lives in
a fire which destroyed their home
near Pittsburg, Pa.,
The Sennte of the United States
will amend the waterways treaty
so as to provide for the division
of the water -power in the St.
Mary's River.
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own
aid Other Countries of
Recent Events.
What Is Going ou in the Dighlautls
and Loulan(ls of Auld
A despatch from Toronto says:
Toronto has now apopulation of
365,923, according to the estimate
of the Might Directories, Limited,
which has just issued its 1909 edi-
tion of the pity directory. East
Toronto and Deer Park, which
were annexed to the city on De-
cember 15 last, aro included in this
edition as part of it. The map of
the city presented includes not only
the recently annexed town of East
Toronto and the suburbs of Deer
Park, but also all the intervening
and surrounding' suburbs. The
present volume contains, by actu-
al eouut, 133,063 individual names,
exclusive of firms, 'corporations,
etc.. an increase of 3,708 over the
previous issue. The number of
buildings of all kinds in the city,
as shown by the street directory,
is 61,914, an increase of 4,693 over
last year. Of these 3,035 are
shown vacant, as compared with
2,093 in the last edition. The
above 3,035 vacant buildings in-
clude those in course of erection.
M. C. C. James and Prof. Zavitz
Speak at Cobourg.
A despatch from Cobourg says:
Mr. C. C. James, Deputy Minister
of Agriculture, and Prof. Zavitz,
addressed the Counties Council on
Wednesday. Mr. Jaynes gave an
able address, showing the advant-
age of teaching agriculture in the
high schools. Tho School Board,
mem:hers of the Collegiate Insti-
tute and public school staffs, the
Board of Trade, and others were
present. Prof. Zavitz dwelt upon
the advantages to be derived from
reforostry. Northumberland coun-
ty has 8,000 and Durham 7,000 acres
of waste lands suitable for thio.
He showed how some foreign coun-
tries were deriving large revenue
from lands reforested some years Four
ago. A committee was appointed fire in
by the Counties Council, whose
duty it will be to further the inter-
ests of agrioulturo in this district..
eized at Now York for Sinking the
Steamer Republic.
vepatt h front New York alleged further. that the Merida,
Counsel fur the Oceanic failed to indicate her changes of
Navigation lompany, own -helm. that she was proceeding at
be Whitenr line steam- an immoderate speed and did not
atop or hack her engines.
blie, on 1• ;day filed a libel The ].Loyd -Italiano Societe. di
epee -; es District Court Navigatione, owners of the stfain-
aiript the •• earner Florida of the ship I'loride, also filed in the Unit-
j,loyc -Italiano Line, which ran cd State, District Court a libel and
down and sunk the Republic off petition for a limitation of habil-
Nantucket lightship. Damages ity against the Florida. her freight
am•introg tn
$1500.000 ((r the loss and passage money. The papers
of the ship and 8500.000 for the state that the collision was caused
loss of carp. and effects of the pas- solely by the fault and neglect on
congers and crew were claimed. it the part of the Republic. The pe-
va asserted in the libel that the cul- titioners soy that the damage
lision was (Inc to no fault nn the value of the Florida now does not
part of (myosin Sealhy of the Ile- exceed $221,000. and ask the court
public. bet wholly to the fault of to fix the liability at not more than
Florida, which. it. is alleged, that amount.
not. krp a proper course+, had After the filing of the papert in
.t lookout. did not give the proceedings 1'nited $tate' Mar-
iistlea nor par heed to sial Henkel seized the Itelinn vcs
ss of the Republic. It is sel under a nrit of attaehnrutt.
Three Japanese spies have been
arrested in Ecuador.
Benoit Constant Cnquelin. the
best known of French actors, is
An unconfirmed Paris despatch
tells that King Menelik of Abyssin-
ia is dead.
Relations are strained between
('hili and Peru, and a Chilian
squadron has been ordered north.
The war cloud has returned to
the region of the Balkans, and Bul-
garia is mobilizing true)ps on the
Turkish frontier.
Cuba's .second independence be-
came a reality on Thursday, when
the affairs of the island were plac-
ed in the hands of the newly -elect-
ed 'mike officials.
11111i J1•;11-I:T.I.ERT 11ORR1:RV.
Mysterious Affair in Weatmount
That Rattles the Pollee.
A despatch from Montreal says:
A robbery involving the loss of
several thousand dollars' worth (•f
jewellery was ccnunit.ted some time
on Wedcesday in the residence of
Mrs. J. H. Stanford, who occu-
pies suite sixteen in the Metcalfe
Apartments. on Cote St. Antoine
road. Westmount. Despite diligent
investigations of the Westmount
police no clue has yet been discov-
ered which will lead to the appre-
hen,ion of the burglar or burglars.
There are no servants in the house.
ane] , far the i-bbery is shroud-
•et in n.,stery,
King's Physician Cites Some Re-
ntarkable Cases.
Sir Frederick Treves, sergeant
surgeon to the King and consult-
ing surgeon of the London lies-
pital, lecturing nt that hospital
recently, cited interesting instanc-
es of radiutn cures he had witness-
ed, including vascular tumors,
birthmarks, mules, eczema, kelo-
ids, rodent ulcers and epithelio-
mate. He said it was almost un-
canny to see the rapid manner in
which sometimes radium accom-
plished healing. After the first
application, say on Monday, no-
thing happens until about Friday,
when the skin suddenly becomes
red and irritable. Their a sort of
crust firms, which comes away in
tee or three weeks. About a
month later there was a second
application of radium, after which
in ninny cases the patient did not
need to see a physician again.
Dr. Treves pointed out that one
of the greatest uses of radium in
the future 'night result from its
curious radioactive emanations.
He described how a penny enclosed
in a jar with an unsealed phinl of
radium became itself radioactive,
and if the penny were removed and
washed with nitric acid its radio-
actiwity ens transferred to the lat-
ter. while the penny was no longer
As ani,
tier instance Ce Ofp s O Alb1C
usefulness, the lecturer told how
a solution of such radioactive de-
posit was injected into a mouse
suffering from an artificially induc-
ed abdominal cancer. The result
was that the growth entirely dis-
appeared. It would he a mistake
to rely too much on this or similar
eases, but they were very sugges-
It was pn.4ilele lung di'ceses
l erre day might be found ct table
LI radium.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Uome and Abroad.
Toronto, I'eb. 2. -Flour -Ontario
wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.70
to $3.75 to -day in buyers' sacks
outside for export. Manitoba
flour, first. patents, $5.80 en track,
Toronto; second patents, $0.30,
and strong bakers', $5.10 to $5.20.
Wheat -Manitoba wheat., $1.09%
to $1.10 fur No. 1 Northern and
$1.06% to $1.07 fur No. 2 North-
ern, Georgian Bay ports. Nu. 1
Northern $1.15 to $1.15; all rail,
and No. 2 Northern at {S1.12 to
21.12%, all rail.
Wheat --Ontario, 97%c outside.
Oats -Ontario No. 2 white 40%
to 41c outside, and at 43 to 43%c
on track, Toronto; No. 2 1Vestern
Canada oats, 45c lake ports, and
No. 1 feed, 42%c lake ports.
Ityo-No. 2 quoted at 69 to 70c
Barley -No. 2 barley quoted at
56 to 57c outside; No. 3 extra at
51 to 55c, and No. 3 at 52 to 53c.
Buckwheat -56 to 56%c outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 86 to 87c
Corn -No. 2 American yellow,
68 to 68%c on track, Toronto, and
No. 3 yellow at 67 to 67i9e, Toron-
to. eanadians, 64% to 65e, To-
ronto freight.
Bran -Cars, $20.00 in bulk out-
side. Shorts, $32.00 in bulk out-
Apples -Winter stock, $3.50 to
$4.50 per barrel for good qualities,
and at $2 to *3 for cooking apples.
Beans-Priine, $1.80 to $1.90,
Fund to Assist Railways and Municipalities
to Do Away With Grade Crossings.
A despatch from Ottawa says: fund to be applied to .he gradual
In connection with the proposed
improvement of exi*ting condi.
tions. It is suggested by.
mission into the question of level board diet the Protiniial and
investigation of the Railway Coni_
oral Gowernmenls, which charter -
crossings with a view to evolving ed the, railways should out of the
a general line. of policy to afford public revenues assist the rail -
greater protection to the public in ways and the municipalities to
all parts of Canada, the commis- jointly bear the expense of ero-
sion have recommended to the testing or eliminating eutirol3 the
Government the adoption of a level crossings. Tho whole ques-
systern analogous to that in force tion is now under consideration
in some of the States across the by the Minister of Railways, hut
border. This system, recognizing pending the further report of the
that the expense of eliminating all commission as to the result of the
the dangerous level crossings is investigation now proposed, it is
more than the railways can be ex- unlikely that any definite decis-
pected or made to bear alone, pro- ion will be readied and embodied
vides for a central Governmental in legislation.
and market firmer. The demand
for good butcher cattle was active,
and everything offering in this
class was soon picked up at firm
prices. Sheep and lambs -Better
demand for ewes and Iambs; mar-
ket firm. Hogs -Select at 86.40
f.o.b., and $6.65, fed and watered.
Steady demand for butcher cows.
Good export steers and bulls want-
ed. Milch cows of good qualtiy in
demand; common not wanted.
Good veal calves steady.
--- --4'
IIon. Frank Oliver Proposes Sev-
eral Amendments.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Some important amendments to the
immigration act will be incorpor-
ated in a bill respecting immigra-
tion, to be introduced in the Com -
and hand-pi.lied, $1.90 to $2 per mons early this session by the Min -
bushel. ister of t•he Interior. The bill will
Honey -Combs, 82.25 to $2.75 per provide for a consolidation and re -
dozen, and strained, 10% to Ile vision of the present laws, as pass -
per pound. ed from time to time, thus making
Hay -No. 1 timothy 811 to $11.- tho act clearer and more easy of
50 per ton on track here, and low- enforcement. It will also provide
er grades at 80 to $10 a ton. for a stricter supervision of immi-
Straw-$7 to $7.50 on track. grants on arrival, both as regards
Potatoes -60 to 62%c per bag. medical inspection and to insure
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 12 to that all the regulations of the act
13c per pound; fowl, 10e; ducks, are being observed. One of the
12 to 13c; geese, 11 to 12c; turkeys most, important cnanges now con -
16 to 17c per pound. templated is the extension of the
time limit for deportation from two
THE DAIRY MAIRKETS. to three years. At present an im-
Rutter-Pound prints, 2.1 to 25c; migrant who becomes apublic
tubs and large rolls, 22 to 23e; in- charge within two years of arrival
fmay be deported. It is now pro -
29e, solids, 20 to 27c.
2 , 20c; creamery rolls, 27 to posed to increase the period of
Eggs -Case lots of cold storage, probation by one year.
25 to 26c per dozen; picked, 24 to 40 -
25e, and new laid 28 to 30c per 265 KILLED, 716 INJURED.
dozen. -
Cheese -Large cheese, 13;;c per Victims of Locomotive Explosions
pound, and twins, 13%e. in I've fears.
Bacon -Long clear, 10% to Ile
per pound in case lots; mess pork,
$19 to 819.50; short. cut, $22.50 to
Hams -Light to medium, 13% to
14e; do., heavy, 12% to 13c; rolls,
10% to 11 c ; shoulders, 10 to 10%c;
hacks, 10 to 16%c; breakfast ba-
con, 14% to 15c.
Lard -Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 12'.c;
pails, 13c.
Montreal, Feb. 2. -Peas, No. 2,
91 to 95c; vats, Canadian Western
No. 2, 47o; extra No. 1 feed, 40%c.;
No. 1 feed, 45%e; Ontario No. 2,
46c; Ontario No. 3, 400; Ontario
No. 4, 44c; No. 2 barley, 63% to
65c; Manitoba feed barley, 55% to
56e; buckwheat, 55% to 56e. Flour
-Manitoba Spring wheat patents,
firsts, $5.60; Manitoba Spring
wheat patents, seconds, 85.10;
Manitoba strung bakers', 8.1.00;
Winter wheat patents, $5 to $5.25;
straight rollers, $4.60 to $4.70; do.,
in bags, $2.15 to 82.25; extra, in
bags, $1.75 to $1.95. Feed --Mani-
toba bran, $21 to $22; Manitoba
shorts, 8.24; Ontario bran, $21 to
621.50; Ontario shorts, $24 to *2.1.-
50; Ontario middlings. 821.50 to
$25; pure grain mouille, 428 to
830; mixed mouille. $25 to $27.
Cheese -Finest western, 12! to
12%c; eastern, 12% to 12%c. But-
ter -Finest creamery, 27 to 274c;
fresh receipts, 25,% to 26e. Eggs -
New laid eggs, 35 to 40c; selected
stock, 28 to 20c; No. 1 stock, 25
to 26c.
M ilwauk('e, Feb. 2. -Wheat --No.
1 Northern, $1.11; No. 2 Northern,
$1.04 to $1.09; May, $1.07% asked.
Itye--No. 1, 75%c. Corn -May.
63c asked. Barley -Standard, BSc;
samples, 59%e to 63e; No. 3, 60
to 62e; No. 4, 59% to COs.
St. Loris, Feb. 2. -Wheat-- ('ash,
e2',/,e: May, 65%c ; July, 03';,e.
Buffalo, Feb. 2. -Wheat -Spring
firm; No 1 Northern, carloads
store, $1.13%; Winter, firm. ('orn
Higher; No. 3 yellow, 64%c; No.
4 yellow, 64%c; No. 3 cern, 64e;
No. 4 cern, 63'/e; No. 3 white,
07tAc. Oats -Firm. Rye -No. 2,
on track, Ri';c.
Toronto, Feb. 2.-- Export-Mar-
ket is firm for choice e.pnrt 'Leers
and bulls. Butcher :In active
demand for choice butcher cattle,
A despatch from Washington
says: In response to a Senate re-
solution, Chairman Knapp, of the
Inter -State Commerce Commis-
sion, has forwarded to that body
a table showing the number of em-
ployes and passengers injured dur-
ing the years 1903 to 1908, inclusive,
from locomotive boiler explosions,
to be 265 killed and 716 injured.
Cpinion in Britain that it will he
Mr. John Sinclair.
A despatJ(h from London says:
The Daily Mail declares (%finite-
ly that Mr. John Sinclair's eleva-
tion to the Peerage is merely pre-
liminary to his appointment as
Governor-General of Canada. This
appears to be the general opinion
in Liberal circles.
4. -
Teacher -"What were the Dark
Ages 1" Bright Pupil --"The age
.before spectacles were invented."
When a man treats his wife kind-
ly she imagines he is concealing n
confession he ought to make.
Johnny said to his father the
other day, "Father, have you ever
noticed how often mother says,
'And so on, and so on' 1'' "Oh,
les. Johnny," was father's reply,
ooking sadly at the breast of his
shirt ; "but it never applies to but-
tons, my boy."
Two Hours Allowed for Hot Din.
nee - Meals of Different
Complaints are- common in Ber-
lin, Germany, that the hours of.
work are not better arranged and
more generally observed. Berlin,
it is declared, has no business day
like other capitals, and consequent-
ly no ono can fix any rendezvous
where a considerable number of
people are to be brought together.
The cause of the trouble is the
long hours and the frequent meals,
large or small, which break the
business day up. Business in Ger-
many begins early, at 8 o'clock,
even in the banks and other big offi-
ces, but if so there is always a
"pause" of from a quarter to half
of an hour at 11 or 12 or 1 for the
enjoyment of a thick sandwich and
glass of beer or milk. Then coves
a "table time" at '2 or 3 o'
which usually lasts for t•
hours, during which thousted
employes go home by street car
get through a satisfying hot meal.
The result in the majority of cas-
es is that this indulgence is follow-
ed by a drowsiness that is anything
but good either for the employe
or his work. even though work is
continued until 7 or 8 o'clock. In
addition to the ''table time" many
employes also snatch a hasty bite
or cup of coffee about half -past 5.
If every business concern were
exactly to observe the same
"pause" and ''table times" it
would not be so bad, but as a mat-
ter of fact Berlin has not reached
this stage of unanimity and each
place of business arranges them to
suit its own convenience or caprice.
Hence the difficulty of getting busi-
ness men together for any corninon
object or even for an appointment
between two men.
The remedy proposed is that Ber-
lin should follow the example of
London, where work is not crowded
into such narrow limits. Berlin
would then have its business day
and be dune with the whole thing
at, say, 5 o'clock. In that ease, it
is moreover urged with Burne force,
Berlin could do without its so-
called night life. which means that
in the centre of the city saloons and
cafes and restaurants are allows
to remain open the tight through.
Certain well known saloons and
cafes have not interrupted business
for several years, for when night
work ends day pork begins.
Berlin's night life is chiefly meant
for provincials, ter n hunt it scents
to have a powerful attraction, but
is also largely dile to the needs of
employes turned loose front busi-
ness too late to ye home for a com-
fortable meal or for the enjoyment
of sports or other recreation.
4. --
A girl without an appetite can
afford Io mai ry n l.e rt.
Each Member Will Have Special Charge
of a District.
A despatch from Ottawa says : ,Tames Ogilvie and James Clarke.
An important re -organization of 'rho Provinces of Quebec, New
the Railway ('ommission is nn- Brunswick, Prime Edward Island
flounced by which the
Dominionn and N
a are elicited to
is divided into districts, each in lion. M. E. Bernier, who will bo
special chnrgc of one of the corn- aseii►tcd by Mr. E. C. Lalonde, in-
missioners as to the routine appli- specter.
cations. Chief Commissioner Mabee C'ommiksioner S. J. McLean
will, of course, have a general takes charge of Manitoba, Sas-
katchewan, and that, portion of
The Province of Otario, with the Ontario west of Port Arthur, with
exception of Port Arthur and the Mr. W. S. B1, the of Winnipeg as
district west thereof, is placed inspector.
under the immediate jurisdiction Alberta and British ('olinnhia
of Mr. 1)'.1rcy Scott, the Assist- will be looked after by (usn,nis-
ant Chief Commissioner. and he sioner Mills. assiitcd b; l:ttspectoe
will be atsictcd by Inspectors M. J. McCaul.