HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-31, Page 8t^tib`• n:, , > \- G�rw. C00. i'',0,0 . „1e t;a ,s40C:a. -^ t 'AI'. Ni ° SJ D,�Q l �^ oS IS \`�\tit \`�t'iiu r r \\< 'i r *\°`, .�sw'~�' \, e Gi �C<t�Otl '1.harks j '.tl,ts1 ('rhnii�Ist t\t *,S< `,pts to° �, la has been re ca- lira. :in fico �.P laeY '&S-. teacher at I?xbrid,;e• x Jhe holidays tv)t ^`-s\ a\lased salary. cliardso.^.. "w-� aSd !lir;. Samuel Sample of \It. and firs. \V, k. with friends a boli- the ]holiday twtih 1 Nits in Lollar,). Mr. rand Mrs. C. Linderfiel son Ed. spent the holiday with friends in 'Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. win. Jleamarl, of London, visited. their sol \V. t J. 11(amau Christmas. Mrs. T. M. White. of \Vindsor, is spetldillg; the holidays the guest of Mrs. John Winter 11 r. ;lid btrs. John Grieve, of bliss - forth. were the t:uesta of Mr- "'"O• chili -Aver Sunday, Mrs. •M kii�t .,f Gra .t Jena, is spending the winter math her sister, Mrs. E. Follick, sr, Mr. : i1 !firs. Couxens and daugh- ter E.:1, of London, Visited Mrs. Me oonbs st —_ 9I r•. G. W. 1101mi n anti daughters mind of Egmonlville, visited friends in Q` ss< •1 . e• G\`t 'se\ oq hats : sasaostl/ .toylo nt 1 .aumsitil •uui;duln:uoa 13.t0 R113•1auaii WWI -tang' (1IIlllp '.:1t ptra 'UVi1lt° cup '.tiv 11Jitr.l-lsnPlcoaJ z ?1 Yt-_ u,t)ndttJJo .C1pu.d oill4 ail ('1 9nnnty, ['Plum a.tn 'l:t. i stment are ill Lary 00th. Exeter. to re, sited to sail st , to• •1aa[tuutl pun Iwai ql!"' la aty7 aril Io 1[to stusasp .tttoafton. l nL' ' pond 10 ini?lna:J( .l • )nt sa.tl,,iute.—The reg- i to ( ular 'fleeting of [t1e Woman's Itisti- Ewill ill be held on Tuesday next, S Jan. 5th, at three o'clock in Senior's Finish, hall. Mrs. Cobbledick. Tres.: Mrs. Hastings, Secy. seven It ::t,.vtne l In our High Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qual- ity, like anything else it is al- ways cheapest in the end. If you want a good reliable watch call on us, A. MARCHAND Wedding Rings a Specialty. ' Wmeh it- -* IWn loolo�� Merry Xmas —AND-- - Happy AND— Happy New Year A Moscow Millionaire. on the point of death. set fire to his: wealth and then congratulated the prospective heirs on what they had missed. The 1'. 11's probably pray- ed 'that very shortly the generou,s- hearted millionaire would himself feel the flames. Those having postoffice boxes find a great inconvcrience in getting their mai,ls especially during the evening, owing' to many waiting for the side wicket to open. Some ar- rangement should be made to have the two wickets in front, thus leav- ing the hoses available to those who have keys. Christmas eve the cor- ridor was so crowded that it was almost an impossibility to get near the boxes to secure the mail. \Vhy do so many Farmers read the Weekly Sunt Because it 03 persist- ently advocates their cause; it faith- fully supplies the practical farmer tvith valuable information on all agricultural topics. and is the most reliable barometer of market con- ditions to be found in Canada. What The Weekly Sun has done for others it will do for sou. Include the Sun in your reading for next year. The romb:nation price of The Times and Sun Is only $1.80t. -f RAND TRUNK SY' 'EM Flowers, Fruit, and Sunshine .tit California, Hunted South. s on stole to '1 < o� Slut �c� �<<`A1- f bit v'•� o°S �- `� .rtrthroy are spendingth da i n in town. 1 Lon - visited Mrs. the lat to 'eo. s parents. Mr. sib] Mrs. .Jas. illeer, Christmas. The omits' meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday afternoon Jany. elst. Postrnaster Ed. Christie says this Year's business was greater than any ear since he has been postmaster. ^ for Jr .. .e 'e of Harptey for the township o Stephen for 1909. 1)r. rind Mrs. 1t. .1. l'ergusol and children. of Pontiac. )ere gncsts of 11. Snell during tote pact neck. The 'Misses Cora anti s011 ire v"S" c.icr- n(•ir p•ucuts rs. Alex \icl'herson a, the North end. A1r. Jonah Pedlar. of Wheeler anti Mr. Radford. of llrigdcn. Ivere the guests of lir. unit Alts. John Pedlar during the week. The unmarried ladies have only to- day left in which to make their pro- posals. or remain on the dusty shelf another four years. Miss Daisy I)illing has been en- gaged to leach schooi ;t Bayfield: Miss •ids Armstrong :it Sharon and Miss 1Lrg;i•_ Coward et Sodom. One generous milkman in the per - 'son of Louis 1)ty gave each of his customers their supply of Christ- n.ts milk free of charga Friday. Miss •May Armstrong. who Les been in charge of the millinery tie- pu'IutNn1 for C. ''/,wicker at Credi- ton for Ile past season has return- ed home. \V. ill. Salter and G. 11. Salter and wife, of Toronto and J. C. Salter and A. J. Salter, wife and son. of Lon- don, visited at their home ' here Christmas. Mr. dull Mrs. S. Clark and daugh- ter, of London. oil .I1rs. 1t. \le.\itis► ry. of Crediton nre spending the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. W. Coultis. Mr. .tames Whyte. who has been in tllainiota. Dian., (or some time, re- turned hero last %week and will rtr Ilnain ••with Mr. John Westlake. of tae Thames !toad. '.tr. \Vm. J. !Smith, of the Men- s es 61100 Co., Detroit. r,ecompanied 1•.- ',Miss Catherine Pauline Jackson :pent the Christmas at the forrner's :sone J.ondon road. south. Among the Christmas visitors in town were:—S.ltltly ilaw•den. of Lon- don: 'Harold Bissett, of Toronto: Case 1t. Howard, St. Thomas; Frank Welter. t: 111 ,. oI(: Gam, t Craig. De- t roj : ctrot: Millie 11)numrn,-,Ottawa ; Al. .Moore, London; tlehn ,a1 ,1 Geo. of ',on- to; Mabel a. Toronto : Eva rind •x. Mar- ronto ; baiter. '!'uronto; Alf. don: Frank Dennis. 'r Walter, London; Art \V. Flossie Taylor. London Fred Shaddock, Londe): tin. Torun:o: Mary Mick W. Moncnr, Gallay G 1.:rie: Evelyn Gill. Tole flawden. Toronto: Har Clinton: Merv. Dust 11c. L'ollick and M. town during the past 'week. Mr. and Mrs. \\'ill Goodison. and sot Jack. of Sarnia, spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. D. Johns. ' Dr. and Mrs. tltanbury and Miss St anbury. of Bayfield spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs ..I. G. Stan- • bury. Dir. Wes. Dayman, who has bern attending Chatham business collese is visiting at the honl•' of his par- l'ilt�. Lois Burney and Bertha Mick. who have been attending the Chatham Business College, nre home for the holidays. Messrs Roger and Ed. 'Crocker, and families of Toronto Spent a few days airing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ilirltard Crocker. Mr. F.1. Cutler. of St. Tl:oto;s. tt•as a visitor in lotwn over Sunday. and assisted Itev. Crossley and 1lun- t1•r It the afternoon services. M a 1 i,s,. Finkheinr•r. of Berlin. visiti•d .with her sister Jars. P:sli Hey- wood during the Xmas. holidays. spending Christmas illy with her parents at Crediton. Clinton McCallum. of Buffalo: Miss Edn t McCallum. of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Willis. of London, were visitors nt the hone of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. McCallum Christmas. The next session et the high Court for this county 'will be held nt God- erich es follows: Jury assizes open- ing April 2Gth. before Chief Justice Fa Icon bridge 1 non -jury, ()penin; June 22nd, before Justice Britton. The hone of Mr. and Mrs. John 1 d1.awkshaw was the scene of a family 1 reunion Christmas. when all the+ family were present. including. Wes. of Winnipeg; Mrs. Cryer, Sirs. Mc- Tavish. Sadie and Iietto' May. of Detroit. W. FOR COUNT Vote fol %"is cls. .1t8r Vote S. Ma lrt`rr�, tat. omnis $17;,.00 is the ered. argains in Fountain Pens' Doll Carriages, Hymn Books, filetAl g%, . as ovo cur tate rota cents a box to $1.75 the Ft, stock in town. for School Trustee. Cal) � falldaransd get one o[ their Artistic en. Air. Louis nn,l Mi-; Anna Heide - Vote for Frank Wood for School Trustee. Vote for R. N. ROWE for School Trustee. For School Trustee Vote for T. B. Carling For School Trustee Vot' for W, G. Bissett Annual Meeting. The Annual :fleeting of the 1's - man. of iterlin, and Miss F.nnula borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Ins. Heideman. of int'ersoll. anti Mr. anti Co. will be held in the Public 11 ill. Mrs. \Vm. Mason. of Clinton. are 1, arVuhar• of Toned., Yeby• 1s1, ep(nding the Christina+ holidays at t 190:1. tit 1 p. m. when (le following their home here. business will come ,before the meet- Tommv burns, the Canadian,iQ- ( 'lig: Receiving' the Directors and p Auditors' reports ; Election of two elistio champion's star has cthet. st nt Sydney. AustraliaIn, Directors f' the onsuiug three . ' years; ,P, f auditors nod any hravy 1 other Ilu the interests of the . Illita .rectors, whose term 1. . but who nre elig- ton. aro Thos. Itstn House and Lot For Sale in Exeter This property belonged to the late Mrs. Elisa Uodgert and is being offered by sale by the executors to close up the estate. On the premises are a substantial brick house, storey and a half, good frame stable and barn ; few fruit trees; good well and 2-5 of as acre of land. For terms and particulars apply to \Vin. Ilodgert, Farquhar, or Alex IIodgert, Russeldale. Farm for Sale This farm consists of 122 acres situ- ate at the village of Elimville on the St. Marys gravel road. convenient to general storo. blacksmith shop and a few minutes walk from the Melh- odist church. one mile from public school. One part consists of 100 acres, with brick house. large barn with basement, drive shed, orchard, 10 acres bush. abundance of w•oter. The other part consists of 22 acres. veneer house, frame stables. orcnard 2 wells. All good land in good state of cultivation. !Possession given March 1909. For terms and other particulars apply on the 'premise°. JOSHUA JOHNS, Proprietor. Contracts for Acreage. The Exeter ('inning & Preserving Co. is now ready to close contracts with farmers for the growing of peas, corn and tomatoes for the season of 114(13. We will not accept green peas at the factory from other than that grown from seedffurnished by the Co., Except at much lower price and if not true to type will not he accepted at any price. S. M. SANDERS, Manage Evangelists Cross: who 11(11 special set `.t110 ,.1 a11,L [atoS Winter Term Oper142 Jan. qth �► CENTRAL TRa t STRATFORD,. ONT. • ti- • This school is one of the lar • est in the province. It is not • for the thoroughness of its w Z• and the success of its etude Three departntents- 4 COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND • • TELEGRAPHIC, • Our graduates are in demand • as Business College teachers as 2 • well as office assistants, (let our magnificent catalogue, it is free. • ELLIOTT da MCLAC�LAN. 4 Prin ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• t 1 • •• • • •• WiNTER TER OPENS JANUlR MORE YOUNG P Trained by our manat,•ee other in Toronto. (arra,. dem groan stein a+ nuslness College T tate stet•retAirie., °Mee Assistants, etc. embodiment of the mesa gspert„ At, System known In Ausineas gegen s its con:pansin. Three i)el n.d by 'killer' instructors COMM STP.