HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-31, Page 4y GifIs see our large e fumes, Tur- ks, Satchel 'ase Bras}?//! (Mirrors, mbs. Books ery. All suit- mas presents. Drug Store Farmers' above So- un urs Wfth His Tail. ; tha s All agree that the shin.* Um l'Miss Mabel HurHui"!natural enemy of insects, and it 1100 ucker, of Farquhar. ,e 6 ' isc was large this reason that the farmers in a MalMrs. attended and cMrs, Win. Francis' h g realized I malty agricultural districts have so fairly good prices. cured legislation for his protection, but did you ever think what ingenu Mr. ltoy Jamieson and hiss Violet Jamieson are visiting at Como. ity is employed by the little 1e13ort Mr. Ernest Robinson paid a firing in the capture of his prey? Does h/ t3 Cee pare^:al home. charm like the snake? Does ho lie Mr. Roy -Shier is amongst us again. in wait, or does he provoke them to assault? It is the latter. A skunb can catch any insect that he can get to tight him. On one occasion I wens to the woods in quest of squirrels It was a warn, cloudy afternoon in September. While standing on a log waiting for a squirrel 1 saw a large object moving through the woods to• ;yard tae, which 1 first took to be a grey fox. I raised my gun and pre- pared to shoot, but as the animal ad- vanced I noticed that it was not n fox: but n skunk, the largest I had ever l o n, his color being much like that of a gray fox. When he first saw me h.' was about twenty steps away, but instead of making an effort to retreat he rose on his toes, fluffed up Itis hnir and tail and jumped up two of three times, alighting on the ground tiff legged, after the fashion of n sheep on the entry of a dog to the barn lot, as a triad house cat will (lo. i kept hint covered all the time with try gun. In a few minutes his anger seemed subside. Ile then walked a few way, and with his left paw he ew quick dig; in the leaves turning around, began to eh his tail over the place had scratched. At each beenma more and more 111(1 watching, I saw n yellow jackets emerging round. Hot and furious at the little fellow's tail, ept con5te--"ass----'dion.jhut parents. ,.u.- :.Ent to the long fur •. •.` is Sri er's ad. for neat week. o damage. I never shall 3 eco black eyes as he look- s if to say: "Watch mo. I it before." With a tail covered with jackets, ike so 111 %I1y burs, he walked a few 1111 -ay and began to pick then oft t Omen as n hungry boy would v berries. This net repeated , the little yellow warriors and their home, left de - I s!.•<olnte, was dug out e:: by the visitor, who u;thctlt�y. ,jr that : M11. A1nd to n1, �,.ioaf, Fhoe i'•.i,-_ Mr. Alvin lluupe is home. Christmas in 1iirktan was most royally spent, if ave can judge by the nmouut of produce disposed of by our local storeketlpers. y 1 • ,the M. - Ls. -`-11.�:: enjo-c. luxury of a drive and dinner out ou Christmas day, the first since she moved to Kirktolt last spring. We hope that complete health will he jestored to her again anti that her outings w ill become more numerous in future. Revival meetings commence in the N. Methodist church, liirkton, the 2nd • week iu January. Several others are v:siting us be sides 'those named above nut cpacc forbids their mention. We Lope that they will thoroughly enjoy themselves end return to their var- ious occupations greatly refreshed and (benefitted after their brief re- laxetioa from their arduous and multitudinous duties. Mi. rT. \V, Welker, who resigned as teacher of the F irkltn nsdayaool of somels weeks ago, 011 t week moved bis family to Galt where they will remain for a time. Mr. Walker lett last Monday for the northwest where Le expects to secure n school. The best wishes of •bis friends here go with him. , Miss Veale bas returned home atter a visit with her sister in Bay- field. Harvey Leigh, is home from Dry- den and will spend a month visiting S FOR GtIR1STMfiS1I The Incorporated 18515' CAPITAL • • • • t RESERVE FUND •••• 1 Has (15 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Corresil Transacted. s Finest Selected Raisins 28 lb. boxes for $1.65 Best English Lemon Peel -Special toe per pound. Two pounds of the best Walnuts for 25C. Something New to the Trade NO -AL FLAVORING EXTRACTS 25c per tube, worth $2.50 ot the regular liquid extracts. CHRISTMAS TOYS and e is inrsthing for Santa Claus pre - 35c worth of Sewing Needles for the housewife at 15c. Call and Inspect for yourselves at - - KIRKTON SHIER!P ✓ of agnea a' `a few L9 figures gleans,. `Dare. all shoe I he ere as nearly produced last season. t: hat the btaule d at this lii'ur tto The Bus (. as pet• acre.Cels . • 1 i 5 Total Bush. • ..33.7 115,051,00 20.11 207,0.51.000 57,.1 / 723.0 1In ';' 000 S1,075,000 ta` main products. .•'tri svi '- o \ .< ts` \9' \ �r 1\2 or business 1141 every frust- p.l t by long r.,...,'i hent and whi 1olt- 111'li 1111) p braid or vo to rlleohol 1 side of Volvo i!- tips awl ruble, - .S; s' ‘ `\ e; ` `\\\e `\\, wa 1 1„.1• r I:I;I(i that Streatra. Miss 1C(,;, -^e Lei h, of Learning. Lon. is home for tae uetidays. Miss Effie Cornish, is 111onctou. • Maurice Itacey, of London. is home for the holidays. Mrs. Dr. Jose and son Jack arc spending She holidays at Madoc and Bellevilli(t Among those who are home for th,• holidays are; Bella Barr, of St. Marys; !Frank Moore, London ; Ella and (Annie Doupe, Stratford. Watch E. N. Shier', ad next week for ea change. Ile will offer iliac other good barsains. arvey Vickers, of London. was C h r'' ' etas. :heldon, 1v,:, a Or tm(ls• was 811 Hots f, o•tn Straw. nrif u g). f str;e for, and s a l when ntri - Perly \,o a.u- 'ts' ry reasonable in price � can have stylish hats cleauc -." the cleaning trick. 1t g , C white To g nellII Grub villa toothbrush aor spat straw ilbrush dipped in rt weak soltat on of oxalic :cub and water, then with clean water, t•, f wettill j lies scatter more then necessary. and !ay in irQlrecipitate of sulphur a clean bruit sun. Brusly off with 114 will be clenntherl dry and your e• A black aehnir, clean J dinned „ fingers. Black ehip, bottle ehoeblaeking. «tui with gasoline and • Fluted hats can hlc� test n it!I ;t ( i oTe of off' liatntr .,.1 ga ,.line. Thi' only remedy for chip bats that are sunburned or Weal to give them a coat of polish or take tem to n professional. White, color- esf'aul black lace or net stats can be cleanth.1•r dipping the hats without the triiut lit • a n; n gasoline and drying otitic_' aul 11iU1 when he lett in the House ;vile e an intolerable nuisance a bar to the transaction of the pie's business. 'MEC �I.\TIS11 RECIPE. well-known authority on Itheu- tisnt gives the followin; valuable 'ugh simple .rid harmless, pre. iption. ;vine), any nue can easily )pare at home : ?laid Extract Dandelion, o '-1 ce ; C .1 e 1 argon, one oirtir.- : pus n•l Syrup tial sapariile, three re.:. 1:x by shaking well in a bottle, 1 take a teaspoonful after each 1I and at bedtimes le states that the ingredients can obtained from any 'good prescrip- e pharmacy at small cost. and be - of veseta'tle eat raction, arc 'IIIIC' S t0 take. 'his pleasant, mixture, if taksvi lularly for a few siaye, is slid to !rcome almost and case of Rhou- tisnt. The pain and swelling. if r. diminished with each dose. un - permanent results are obtained 1 without injuring the stomach. 1,1e these are many so-called Itbs,:. t.s•u rernrill(s, patent med:cin some of which do give reli, f. t really hive prrmincnt re'ui -. 1 lbe above will. no doubt. b. :ally appy ec:atcd by many sitt- ers -here et this time. nquiry tit the drug 'torr, of ti:i' gliborhood chaffs the iiiformat o , eI (hese drug-, are harmless he bought separately. or S 1t•Siats here will mix rt. iption for ootr readers if -' Why Refer Doctors use we make mcdi i -r. s them. \ 'e tell then) :111 tAyer's Cherry Pcctor: 1. they prescribe it for ghs, colds, bronchitis, con - ration. They trust it. Then can afford to trust it. your own doctor. boat kind of • tearint^n.a1 s id for over sixty years." Novel Incident In Lords. Lord Morley did not enter the (douse of Lords in the orthodox way. On the very threshold of his new career he came in conflict with the traditions of that august assembly. The onlookers present during the ceremony of swearing in noticed a Miss Olive Madge, of \Wanton. and sudden break in the order of pro- Miss Myrtle Madge, of Mnnitowaning, ceedings. The new peer addressed the reading clerk, who was observed to shake his head vigorously in the negative. A hurried consultation took place between the rending clerk and Lord feel, who, with Lord Esher, stood sponsor for the new peer. The incident prose upon Lord Morley's refusal to take the oath, he insisting on making an affirmation. There being no precedent for such objec- tion, there was no form of affirmation handy. Tho form of oath, however, was slightly varied, and the incident closed without its signifcanc.. being guessed by the onlookers. The rest of the ceremony was unimpeachably decorous. nt,. y.,.. ,. home .I risty. of bet Hugh Hazelwood, the :holiday In the �vill Toronto e. An interesting t;ams of for was Played on the A lOe- icty'e gricu grounds Christina ttvicen some of the vii, the •.English boys lvlro around here. l'he gam cd iby n bon t forty. Tie. tvon y,y a score of 3 -' !tri)' Jameson, 01 C111ry is home forDr. 1t'ttc 1ylay nIs. 1 rkhill, spent Christmas under tie, .irental root. Mr. oriel 'ou, of 4Mit- -C$;•I1, spent Christmas a ith Mr. au,! Mrs. Fred Taylor. Mr. Geo. Burton enter..;...yj English 'boys to dinner Christ (!ay. tf r 5 as !;1 i t ..,, ... ..�,�_...�- �ettstecclvc,e from elle IS. O. 'T. M. a check for $2,000. the amount of insurance due Mrs. 'Ferguson, whose• husband the late Lir. Ferguson, svho was killed in Toronto recently was a member of 111 f•tkirkton branch of the oder. T1c money was immediately sent to h rs. Ferguson. very quiet wedding %vas solem- d ot the parsonage by Rev. John e on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, when Elizab th Cornish, slaughter of Mr. ansl ? rs. Thomas Cornish. of Wood- ham, was married to Mr. Wm. Rowe- c1111s. of ?shorter. be- ys and working s witnes- lage boys be Happy any Prosperous New Year `\'e thank our many customers tor their patronage duairg the year 1908. And wish you all A Hapby and Prosper- ous New Year. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar r T%R. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. 1J D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Main street -EXETER. Thames Hoad A Mark of Respect. Andrew Carnegie was entertaining n Montenegrin prince at Skibo cas- tic. Tho morning after the prince's arrival n party of guests set out in a huge motor car for n long run, and as they whizzed past an inn a great crowd of highlanders rose front the benches before the inn and saluted. The prince seemed amazed nt the highland dress. 'Why,' he asked. "do these men ro hare legged?" "It is a local custom," said Mr. Carnegie, "a mark of respect for you, Fir. in some place: people take off th, it hats to show honor to distin- rui+hed visitors; heal they take off their troue.ers." A Hen Hunt. An English paper says that the hat of a certain shortsighted master at Eton blew off ono day and as tarted in pursuit a black he out of the gateway. The soh trr saw the hen and thought his hat. and rill Eton Was el 1' s rectacle of are home for the holidays. 'alts. Robb, of Stratford, visited at %V.'alonteith'e during the past week. Misses (iertie and Millie Monteith are visiting friends ill Michigan. Mr. Paul Madge tenants/ last week from a trip through the wester). states. MI'. Madge 110 (101111t was the victim of one of the western cyclones at least one would en intagit,e from his look:'', Iiia whiekets are blown clean off. Nis friends wondered who the young than was whet] he landed home. No Honing - No Grinding Are you a success as a bread. maker? Is your cake and pasta/ complimented by your friends 1 If not, whose fault i; it -yours er the miller's. if you are success- ful in other lines, your reputation .ts a cook is vindicated, and it i plainly the fault of the flour. Look up the good bread and Pastry ' Q.f1ZOR ccrt4011 ,u," N.. g. •1 A•. Steel is relined Iron -iron without air, dirt or foreign substance fused with carbon. Carbon gives tough. nese and strength -too much nukes it brittle and worthies•; 100 little, so ft and pliable. Steel varies according to the grace - - used, tempering and Quality of labor employed. Unles "are devoted all you. time to its manufacture you Low the almost impossible task of judging the finished article. To break the article and examine the grain, hammer and file .it to note the quality of labor, and other equally destructive tests is out of the question. There is but one real test for you -take it and try it for a d of Inc.i peso iJW. BROWNING, M. D., M. ( . P. S., Graduate Victoria Un varsity. office and reeldenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. V.. awl sae R I HR. Bright, M. D., M.C. T. and •f3 Honor Graduate Toronto Un - IR , iveraity, two years resident physidian Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office A and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand rt Andrew Street, Exeter. rl S. PHILLIPS, E7(E'EP, LIC N , B• ensed Auctioneer. Sales trio ducted in all parts. Terms reasonsl,le c Orders can be left at the TiMES Office T; f;) BOSSENBERRY, ZURICH .LJ Licensed Auctioneer. Sales cc,n ducted in all parts, Terms reasonabl d and satisfaction guaranteed Cutlery steel -such as is used in making Carbo Magnetic razors - must be of the finest selected grade tempered uniformly throughout to a diamond -like hardness. Eire, with its varying temperature, will not dothis. Thirty years of most careful re- search and study have shown • way • to add carbon to the Cubo Magnetic razor ateel and merge it uniformly . throughout the metal byasecret pros• sea of Electric Tempering. An ex• elusive and severe test of the finished blade results In an absolute uniformity in the line, and we are thus ena''led to unconditionally guarantoo every Carbo Magnetic razor used. - Eit test this no honing, AO grinding razor (niyour own home -or have your barber use it on you. Drop us • postal, or better yet, come in and see ns and we will give you our new proposition for having these rsaors tested without obliga- tion to purchase, together with our free booklet •• 11ints on Shaving." R, Principal Cities in the \Vorld. •" t General BankingBusiness Savings Bank Department at all Branches.' Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •gSNN•NN•N•N•••••N•••oa•N•NNN••••NN W. S. Cole, Druggist Winchelsea Mr. J{infer Coward. spent Christmas under roof. M;ss Nora Martin of London was the guest of Mise Vera Coward. The Christmas entertainment of the Sunshine Sunday school was held Christmas night. and was a success in livery way. The, proceeds wore 'towards of $70.00 - HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest ant upon farm or village gropertl at lower atlas ofintereeb. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter THECANADIAN FCO MMBANK r DICKSON & CARLING, uneaten'Solicitors, Notaries, Uonve)ascerr Commissioners. Solicitors tor the Molsonr Bank. Kto. - Money to Loan ab lowest rates ot latereab, OFFICE t -RAIN BTRF.F.T. Il1XISTRR. a. DARLING 1. a. V d otowriG• 1ONEY TO LOAN. We have a lance amount of private tandy o to on farm and village properties at lowrate 01.All A BEAD OFFICE. TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD General Manager ESTAIILISIIED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00, I Reserve Fund, - 5,000,00Q Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT TIME FOLLOWING HATER: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 10 cents cents .. ;10 " " ., $30 .. " ;50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Conus (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. '1�� are negotiable at $4.90 to the �(, sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small stuns of money withsafetjle:e at small coat, and may be obtained without delay. 6 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. DRs.KENNEDY&kEN11EDY r � Successors to ORS. KENNEDY & KERBAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Excesses and indiscretions acro the cause of more sorrow and suffering than all other diseases combined Wo see the victims of vicious habits on every hand' tho sallow, pimpled face dark circled eyes, stooping form, stunted development. basbtul, melon. cholic countenance and timid bearing pro- ehtm to all tho world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment positive- ly cures all weal) men by overcoming awl removing the effects of former lndiscrettona and excesses. It strops all drains and quickly nature intended- restornsthecictimto what a healthy and happy man with physical, men - tat and nerve power complete. For over 1Oyears Ors. K. & K. have treated with the greatest success ale diseases of men end women. If you have any secret disease that is a worry and a menace to your health consult old established physicians who do not have to experinrout eu you. we guarantee to cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD DISEASES, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. CensulB, {ion Free. It unable to call, write for a question Blank for Homo Treatment. Located is Our Own Office Building. NNEDY DRs.KENNEDY&KE . ..Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ( rag J, te N & BTANBURY T �` Barristers Solicitors. Malo BtfExeter, ., W SrnOplU 01 1110 Conodian NOI III ��" FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur MAIL CONTRACT BOMEBTEADIV;itEOULATION8I.,+ neon. Successor to A. H. Rnrn- sa V. S. Treats all domestic ani. SEALED TENDERS addressed to Any person who is the sore head of London. i mals on most approved principals. the Postmaster General will be re -(01 n tatnil3, or any male overthe parental i Special attention to dentistry, Office , ceived at Ottawa until Noon, of Fri- years old may homestead a quarte at Ranisay's old stand on Main street, day, the 15th January, ICAs for the nectoni of available Dominion land in Night call at Peter Bowden's residence conveyanc:' of 11is Majesty's Mails on Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberts, Main street. aproposed contract for four years. The applicant must appear in person 14 and •4 times per week each tvay he- at the Dominion Lands Agency or twccn T.IIA\TON and •INIETIIO.POL- Subagency for the district. Entry bat ERN EST ELLICT ITAN; GItAN'roN and \Wl1ALEN proxy may be had at the agency. on Conveyancer Accounts Collected from tb • 1 ostmaster Gat -ral's plea- certain conditions. by father. mother y Land!' for r nate. MONEYsure. l'i intrd notices containing fur- son. daughter, brother, or sister of North to loan Westla.lowrates. cher infoi motion 85 to conditions of intending homesteader. Office. Main Street, Exeter proposed contract may be seen and Duties: -Six months residence upon blank forms of tender may be ob- and cultivation of the land in eaob It. (:. F. IIOUL�11'ON, L. D. 8• tained at the Post Office of Granton of three years. A hotnesteader may DMetropo Iran an 1 Whalen, 81111 al live within nine miles of his botnce D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of the OtLe.( of the i'ostoffica In- stead on a'farm of at least PO acres R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor spector at London. solely owned and occupied by hien or Graduate of Toronto University. G. C. A\DEltiCN. Superintendent. his father, mother, son, daughter. OFFICE: -Over Dickson At Carling's Post Cif tas D, partm-•at. Mail Ser- brother or sister. Law Ofllces in Dr. Anderson's former vice Branch, Ottawa, 26th November In certain districts a homesten itse dental parlors.1908. 12 17 3 in good standing ay pre-empt a - mquarter section alongside his home+,. stead. Trico $3. per acre. lluties- Must reside six 10011ths Meech of six s Mutual fire Incur f,-•. N. g years from elate of homestead entry 'Cl h % (inc;udinR the time required to earn 8066 Gompanu - homestead patent)xand cultivtae . �,• 1'�, fifty acres extra. 7>,�,,i A homesteader who t.ns exhausted his homestead right ant Minot nb- MAIL CONTRACT thin a pre-emption i may take sa pur- chased hotne,tead in Ccrtait�dist rich. Price $3. per acre. DntiR...-Mn SEALED 'I'I:N1)I:ItB irrs,e( to resides six IL(Ilths in en ell of th thr I'o+tm^stir G(ncrnl wiil be r0- years. re:ovate fifty scree awl ereet ceivol :et Otlat:a until noon. on I'ri 3 house worth g340.Ot. day. 'the 29th .fan Mee 1909 for the w, w.COitl'. conveyance of His Me jest y's 'alai!, on Deputy of the Miniver of the Interior a proposed contract for frier year, N. n.-UnanthotIi d pnblication of this advertise six 1.mee per week each •flay t)e•-Imeat • Ill not bepaid for 1 ween .Dash"oo I rind VI t khi:I from the fat of April next. Printed not costa:ning further information The old fashioned way of dosing .a as to the ron(iitions of the propos,d freak stomach, or stimulating the contract may •b(' sects ;end l,'ink I heart or kidneys is all svrong. Ur. forms of n mler may bn 00131110(1 nt 8hoop first pointed out this Irror. the 1`oatoffir • of Dashwood. 1':irkhill Thio is ruby his prescription - i)r. ansl rout0 offices nn(1 et ihee office t Shoop s Restorative -is directed en - hi the 1'o(toffice insp:•etor at i.0n- tirely to the cause of (hese ailments i1011 the weak imide or controlling net -- 0. 'C. •ANDi IISON, Sup elates%10111. 1.rs. it 001.1 so iiiff;ciilt. 'iys 1)r. Post Of(ic Dcp:rem^n.. "•1 e.1 Ser.Shoop. to strengthen a weak sto rico 1lranch, Ottawa, 15th I),r mbrr• .ch. h:•art or kidneys, it one f)R. 1'12i it correctly. Each i ,( n co minutes. its cont W hen TebI its. See fossmil, est the V.OI. th Y. M. C. A. The 'County 4 ommittee of the Young Men's Christian Association of Iluron County heist the1r quar- terly meeting in the rooms of the Y. IUA. A. In Clinton. Tuesday even- ing. Dec, lath. Messrs 'Blair, Mc- Callum, Scott, '11111, Cullens and Fleming being present.report Tne Usborne and Hibbert The Treasurer's report showed that $486 68 had been received since Sept. Carmen 15th. which added to the baianci oa t hand at that time, totaled $715.10., Of shim sum $612.25 had been paid out. leaving a balallee in the tress-� Hoad Office, Farquhar,'.Ont. ery of *1112.85.. The matter of incorporation ofd 1'r, sid.•nt-.1. I.. RUSSELL. the County Committee was deferred Vice. 1'resident-R•. Ii. l'ASSMORE DIRECTORS. I 1V M, Roy. Bon sIloLM P. 0 WM. BRn('K W1N('IIiiLSEA P. O. T. RYAN, Dvnl.tN P. O. R013EI(T .NORIIIS, 8taffa. AG ENTM, .IfeIIN E881.11 ', I?xe'tor, agent for 1.'stxsrne au.1 1ltddu11 h. OLIVEit ilAitltly, lfunrn, ag<'at organized nt \Vin'thain afro. and all for llibhcrt, Fullerton and Logan. things considered, the pork aceom B, W.F. BEAVERb, plislied. 'woo date. and the pros- s.joy the future were quit(' en- Secy.Treas. Farquhar. rag.n;. He reported th•lt there 11.,1 !)M %N & STAN13(•ItY. B.,lieitors re now in the county. 12 corres- ,ling tnetnbers. and that 22 yo(ul,g •had been followed by letters. looked atter, :n the places in Toronto News Dec. 17th, It is re - they had Rorie. by Y. M. C. A. ported in the city that the vacancy ls. ami some of these had be- in She railway tommisaion occasion. mctnh-rs of Ibe Association in ed shy the death of /lost. Thomas cos to whi . Greenway is about to 1,r offc�'e(1 to tanc:al jnd;c well till the Annual Convention to be held in \\•inghem. on the 8th and lith of February. Mr. L. C. Fiem:ns. County Secre- tary. reported that five pieces hid been organized since Sept. lath, viz.. V nglriin. Ooderich, Clinton, Exeter. -mil Blyth, atith a total membership at present of 130 young Ween. A Boy's Depirtment has been vi 11.'1 To stop any win 1 take one of 1)r. Shook, 1'.nk Pain i