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Exeter Times, 1908-12-31, Page 3
r U11/11 111 '11r1 T113 FOR WOMEN ••1•-i••i-1••1•'1.1- i'•t-i-t-} AND hANCIEH. avived suuiewltat among After StTering for 'twenty-eight ve puffs have entirely disap- hoary From Pains and Weakness red. and Slecplcswu•ss---Dodo's hid- rtie new handbag is almost a car- rot bag. racy Pills the Only Medicine She MRS. 1. P. ItICHARIDS TELLS HOW DO:/D'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER. followed six years 14,17., and a r- age with a further £30.000 came in 1S 2. In 1b85 lie graduated as a for agents veiling 1 iscount, and niue )airs later carate Lots making 55. tho once fur fully FIELD -MARSHAL'S l.1iONr. SOAP SUPPLY C Sir Evelyn Wood w•o•n his K.C. R. as long ago as 1579 by his ex- cellent work in Zulula:ld, and the G.C.M.G. and G.C.B. have since fallen to hint, with many unother well -merited decoration; and Sir Itedvers Buller won his K.C.B. and K.C.M.G. in Egypt in three short years, 1832 to 1885. In mono • rewards no British en- erahas ever approached Lord NOAH'S ARK. One of the most curious and in- teresting undertakings has just been completed in Denmark—the building of a vessel modelled upon gae- o a haystack is nen • ways Clio work of a bacter- I ial incendiary. f Barns. granaries and spinning w,�rks ha)o thus been destroyed by first owing to the ac- tive oxidizing powers of the micro- organisms. The carefully gathered crop of cotton or hops tnav fall to the litres of Noah's Ark, as describ- the same destructive agencies. The ed in Genesis. The vessel as built category may be extended, accord - air toque should match the 11'aitly• y g is 30 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 3 ing to recent works on the subject. st..-., sad mutt. 1 feet deep—these measurements be- Even lampblack, charcoal, coal and There i, greater simplicity in chit- Cottle's Cove, NotreDameBay, oralMarlborough's record.gThe pension ing ono -tenth of those given in the Peat aro found to be really oxidiz- elrcn's clothes. NHd. 1)ec. 21 fi ecial . — Grand of £4,000 a year ranted o him Bible. 11'hen launched a few weeks ed by a common erg:.' alt of the Coiffures are Hat on top aa' wi ie news for suffering women is that and his descendants nearlytwo ago the ship proved itself very sea- soil, a fact which may ultimately the feast. beiugscattered broadcast by Mrs. ceuhtries ago cost the countrynear_ worthy, establish that after all the micro- across'I'he pompadour is gone and with Elizabeth P. Richards of this place. ly £750,000 before it was commuted organism may account for the spon- it has the "rat." For years she suffered from that toe ty years siaco fur £107 780. tanceua heating of coal, for the aw- Tho goneost vogue in ohms is horrible weakness and those agoniz- And this substantial ful disasters of the coal mine. In e g ing pains so many women know. pe n was On the borders between China butean history there have been sev- tiThe ll the Gr, c.,ii 1 -,ie... She has found relief in Dodd's Kid- but a fraction of the harvest of gold I and Russia in Asia, almost due seal appalling disasters arising out suffer- vlongariety,t alio is of the bolster racy Pills and she wants all suffer- wmord Marlborough said that at aed l lihisar e e south of Lake. Baikal, is a good-siz- of great conflagrations, the origin leg women to know it.g ed town known as Marinatchin, of which has remained undiscover- The sash is a little less premia- e portion of the £3,000,000 left by his which is exclusively inhabited b eats than a few weeks sur twenty-eight years,"says Duchess consisted of the spoils of considerable ed. It is thus possible that the tiny, Palest I agoMrs. Richards, "I suffered from P men. Tho lilacs has a c minute organism has been I chest wades of maroon an'.pearl war in one form or another. trade and is also a militarypost. g guilty of are favorites in gloves. hhoumatism, Kidney Trouble and The Duke of Wellington received unlocking vast pent-up forces. — heuralgia. I got so weak I could An old law forbids women to live London Lancet. Winter brides are selecting wed- three annuities which were f £iO t- in this territory. ding gowns is e.. -pies states. not do my housework. Sleep was ed for the enormous sum of £400, Tho best coiffeurs aim at Greek out of the questio❑ except for is few 000, while a further £200.000 was .and Ronlau styles for the hair. minutes at a time. My back d ted Fart of his reward for the victory Hatpins are long and have huge soi I could not sleep. I tried all at liana s©to�icesrin the Indiaolin n Mu- am .ver hAre you eavy financial discouraged? n' I itryour what much now-a•days, and it is coin - heads of niost ornate design, kinds of medicine and had come to Fruits and flowers figure in the the conclusion there was no cure tiny brought him a pension of £2,- b:An a,aeearatr �eaaeti a tau moor. ;;;alho sato fort'ng to know that there aro plac- designs upon !.:en's neckwear. for me, when reading advertise- 000 a year in addition to a peerage cure rivelf. I want to relieve our bur. ' es specially equipped and located manta led me to tryDodd's Kid- P g sera.. wh not end the Daln and atop the for combating this phase of modern Veils in two colors, one over the and his baton as field-marshal; and Wit tit's u�twllttaseletamo."ta for yoLL and life. On the main lino of the Grand other, are growing in favor. nes Pills. I now sleep well and rise General Napier for his splendid refreshed every morning. nodd'a work in Abyssinia�n yoil rases do 1. lc was en a tree Trunk Its ;;ay .System, at St. Cath - quite silver butterflies aro received a 1•i ••i- bo: of the remedy which has been placed quite in style for coiffure adorn- Kidney Pills are all the raeo.cine I lar pension, too thanks of Parlia in my handy to be ,fa en away. pernaps crines, Ontario, are located the tots ,•ne bo: win rare ou_tt has done no curative Saline Sins known as meat, a G.C.B., and a barony. for others. If so, I shall he happy and P g _ 3eu wilt he cured for t� (the coat of a the "St. Catharines Well." Con - ICA denticlleyyst«'rtee to Tour forletters frheld es l Putt- fleeted with the Springs is "The WHYS FOlt THE WISE. me1.t. AIRS. F. E ct;r.R-'.li, Windsor, out. 1Velland," where treatments for Why should ono razor be a treat- ure, and another, made from the — nervous prostration, rheumatism, A master, after giving some les- etc., are given by skilled attensi- sons on physicalsi force, asked, ants in charge of a residj,ut phy- same steel, at too same time, bo " cian. only fit for throwing away? This is ono of the questions which are difficult to answer. You may buy two razors for the same price, ex- actly similar in every respect. Ono will bo a useful servant for years, while the other is a constant source of trouble and irritation, acting beautifully one day, and scratching and scraping the next. In the same way, one nut. will go smooth- ly on to a bolt and remain there firm; another, exactly the same size, will not a on at all. A third will go on al. right, and keep com- ing off. One tool will break the first time it is used; another will last for years, and then break sud- denly;1808 he was a K.C.B. and nothing while a third will be worn quite away by hard work causing more; but within six years he had trouble. Why? It is one of the been ma 'e in quick succession a puzzles to which there would seem G.C.B., baron, viscount, earl, tear- to be no satisfactory answer. quis, duke and field-marshal. In a'dition to this rich crop of native as honors ho was made duke, marquis BABY'S OWN TABLET!) and count of Portugal and a AN EYELESS EDEN. A Woman's Sympathy NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we hear went. The bride's veil is no longer con- aiderod necessary, but, is optional. Large muffs of silver tipped fox .are enjoying a wonderful vogue. Embroideries are rich, but are sparingly used on the finest cos- tumes. Vying with the net waist is a sheer fine mousseline, much like sloth. Woolen gloves that, reach to the -elbow aro an echo of the short sleeve reign. Skirts are sometimes edged with fur bands, reviving a fashion of long ago. In many costumes the tunic is suggested by insertion or by braid- ing in soutacho. The popularity of satin has brought in its train many new and -exquisite weaves. Shoe tops may bo of goods to match the dress or of suede to match the facings of the suit, while the vamp of patent leather or brown calf. Again the white and colored knitted gloves aro in high favor for walking, and sometimes they are drawn over the fine gloves when it is quite cold. Though fashion cares not whe- ther they match in material, there is an absolute decree that the skirt .and the corsage of this season shall match in color. GREATEST OF IntED ;ES. Tie Leviathan Lnunehed on the River Mersey. "The dredges, asla ohd greatest few ddays 1 ago at Trannzere-on-the Mersey. An unceasing fight has been wag- ' •c - . with the never -ceasing inset of sand by means of the dredges, ever in - C •easing in size, power, and ingenu- ity of consti action. Now comes the Leviathan whiklf et.Jl.l(ft and load herself with 10,000 tons of sartd in fifty minutes from a depth of sev- enty feet. Four enormous suction pipes, each 10 feet 6 inches in cir- cumference, will wrest from the sea-bed in ten minutes less than an our the load of a thousand ordin- ary railway trucks ---the burden of twenty ordinary heavy traains. Only an engineer can grasp the alternation of stresses in such a cssel as this by reason of the sud- den dumping into her of ten thou- sand tons of dead weight, and the even greater strain by the still more sudden fulling out of the load through the great valves in her bottom. There are four s, of triple-ex- paneien engines necessary to work the gigantic pumps, an immense hv- drauli.-' installation, used for work- ing tho many enormous valves which keep all the "cargo" portion of the vessel in direct communica- tion with the sea, steam winches apparently everywhere, and, of course, a complete electrical instal- lation. In the captain's room there is a multiplicity .tf indicators, elec. trie pushes, dials, telephones, and •rdcrs, almost as many as in the g tower of a battle ship. all hint in touch with the work - every part of the mighty ma- te. elt:tld hint standing there, the .untie labors of the contrifugals clow him snaking the whole fabric throb and heave. He watches the draught indicator showing how foot by foot she is settling in the water. A bell rings, she is full. He press- es a button, which is answered by the clangor of the windlasses rip• pint the anchors from their hold, More ringing of hells. communica- tiene from the anchor -lifters to the engine room. Away she goes with mad from the huge burrow -pit at the rate i.f ten knots an s her mark . He but - want." Tho woman who has healthy Kid- neys will never know the pains and weakness that make life hardly worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make healthy Kidneys. REWARDS OF GENERALS HONORS REAPED ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. II:cords of Distinction Won Freta Marlborough to Kitchener. Probably no soldier or any age or country has crowded so many re- wards and decorations into such a small compass of time as the great Wellington. At the beginning of Now, boys, can any of you toll me what forco it, is that moves St. 4athatines is the mildest people along the street?" He was Point in Canada during the winter greatly surprised, and the class months. For further information highly amused, at receiving from and all particulars apply to J. D. ono of the boys the unexpected an- McDonald, District Passenger ewer: "Please, sir, the police Agent, Toronto. force." One day an Irishrnan was asked There are a number of varieties to come to work an hour earlier of corns. Holloway's Corn Cure than usual. This ho promised to will remove any of them. Call on do. Next morning lie was an hour your druggist and got a bottle at late. "Shure, sor, I should have once. been no good if Oi'd come, as ry --was fust nslnnn " - Lady Visitor (who is being enter - grandee of Spain, and the most A LITTLE LIFE SAYER. coveted foreign orders, including the Golden Fleece, were showered Baby's Own Tablets have saved on him, and these titles and decora- many a precious little life. There is tions were crowned by a grant of no other medicine for children so £400,x. safe and sure in its effects. The unknown country. 'While Dr. Thu - Tho only other period of half -n- Tablets cure stomach and bowel alas tric Oil will not perpetu- dozen years in a British soldier's troubles teething troubles. destroy ate youth, it will remove the borl- lite which can at all bo compared w. r troubles, up colds and prevent fly pains which make the young 011 with �Vellington'e marvellous re- ;sadly croup. And you have too before. their time and harass the cord was that between 1899 aneaged into untlinel graves which wrought such a rove guarantee of a government analyst g _ Y Lord Kitchener's (•arse on in At the that this medicine does not contain In one of the great houses in the particle of opiate or narcotic. West -end chener was a Mrs. J. Laroque, Log Valley, Sask., reception.f London there was a colonel, with no decorations but a says am a dinner and After a while C.B. by1902 ho had y great believer in the maid was called and the itis- • qualified as a Baby's Own Tablets. I have used ' full-blown Reneral, had won his them on many occasions and know G.C.B. and G.C.M.G., a barony, of no medicine equal to them in and a viscounty, and had received curing the common ailments of grants from Parliament of babies and young children." - Sold £30,000 AND £50,000. by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tained by Tommy): "And who are Great Th you named after, my little man?" Grow.—Its Tommy: "Dunne." Lady Visit- range the or: "After your papa, I suppose. be slight,) What is his name, dear ?" Tom- or drunk, my: "Dunne." Lady Visitor: "Nonsense! What docs your mam- ma call him l" Tommy (prompt- ly) : "Donkey." It Will Prolong Life—Do Sota, s very lift a to—des ach. The cause niay old, something eaten ►: �•, worry, or some other simple' But if precau- tions be notIn, this simple cause niay have st serious con- secluences. Man , chronically de- bilitated constit-fon to -day owes its destruction to`mple causes not • INTEREST ON YOUR AND CIVE YOU ACTUAL CASH SEC You can always withdraw your mon giving us one week's notice. NO DE Why keep your money on deposit at 3 per We pay our interest on the first of each �iw f IlL" 'C z PATROARCHE & COM Standard Stook Exchange Bldg., Toronto, On RAW FU WANT Beirg the Iargost Manu- facturers of high -alas Furs in Canada we afford to pay WE INVITE The Sellers 244-2G0 Y So many Ilietitte: as cation sol J°'�saad Oae Send is The ©ELL PIANO tel Or,� ,icer ogsk wits+ tla• itlatl11esuw •Mitt 3i ' istadmir- jct,PH•pµT THEN SHE'LL TELL YOU; A. J. Q ATTLSO Toll me," lovesick 33-3S SCOTT STREET, said the to find Iirokera & Flay youth, ':what's the hest way Stott 0$�. what It •oinan thinks of ou'i" out , t kham, "Marry replied 1 ec end other•tool'•tb..,ii.ac C .rrsap •adeace sur.aveae. ••f , the Spaniard, lost his life in the dealt with in time Keep the dlges ilds of Florida, whither he went tive apparatus in saltily condition promptly, for the purpose of cl.seoteriug the, • and all will be we}, Parmelee s L'NI . OFF I:II legendary "Fountain of perpetual other fVegetaor the 1pn, s c hitter than ellen youth," said to exist in that then live y Brown—"11'h.t's wrong? You offer inade'b •{ the Manufn seem se/fried.' Jackson—"I am. II Orange Meat 1 They prom wrote,fwo notes—one to my broker, winner of the first prize t v two IZullars every © to 0 r k' slipliiic••t tt gat'. 1 , t NEY 4 Bei ON FARM PROPP- At low e.t rater Apply'to is n,i i i ,o , 1 �' ` 1' Els dt PROCTOR 0R08. and the other to Miss G lding, ask- the lifetime of the wiunt i,, u „ ing her if she would be bine. \1'hilr.� equal to one dollar per to se''. _ Toronto Strast, Toronto,Oat. 1 was out somebody telephoned,, ing life. Full particulriira �)".'this'_ wer ea tie bee. piece le 'Yes,' and I don't know which off.i unique offer oil a private post card �Ln�-HER DYEINQ 'nm it was." ,) be found in eery package of t CleaI ' a, see rwane and-A.d Gloves eleseed They ange Meat. Buy se -7I by pest. �. try arlbinR th. NsrvI with opium you may i 1 .. tress said: S Tri -e the dinner; stop a ,, .ugh, bat the lu»ammatiou snot from had' t there is no one else to come, except to worts. Ai.a'. Lung Iltl.am, •.utaimislg no, ?Ali, 1 d „ opium, grass td. the root ••t the tr.,ni,i. and surer a relation of little importance. di.p-waled aa.cttoas of tbruat and loots. Compared with such meteoric promotion, h p the career of Lord Rob- erts, distinguished as it has been, seems very slow. It is more than a quarter of a .'etltury since he re- ceived his K.('.1;., and this honor was quickly followed by a baron- etcy; but he bad to wait eleven tears for his first title of peerage, and trine more for his promotion to a viscounty and earldom. But he can now boast an array of dis- tinctions such as few soldiers have ever won, for he is earl, viscount and baron, Privy (Councillor, K.G., K.1'., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., O.M., and by no means least, a V.C. Iie is a treble LL.D., and a D.C.L., and he has received the freedom of a dozen cities and bor- oughs. Lord Wolseley's harvest of hon- ors first began to be reaped thirty- eight years ago, when he was made a K.C.M.G. and C.B. In 1873, when he returned from his Ashanti victories, ho was rewarded by the thanks of Parliament and a grant of £25,000, a K.C.B. and G.C.M.- G., together with the freedom of the (City of London and a sword "Now, Mr. Blank," said it tem- perance advocate to a candidate for municipal honors, "I want to ask you a question. Do you ever take alcoholic drinks?" "Before I an- swer the question," responded the wary candidate, "I want to know whether it is put as an inquiry or as an invitation!" 604)^. Pale, weak and nervous peoplo nerd a tonic that will build than up and rnske there well and strong. Celery King le the tonic that will do these things. Largo 1 a, 'gage 2S rents, at d•nl• !tt ern or by mall. S. C. Well; 84 Co.. Toronto. Are You Thin "My poor deluded son," said Mrs. Brohn, shaking her head in the direction of a very fat girl; "so that is the kind of thing he calls a duck, is it?" "I presume," re- turned old Brown, smiling mis- chievously, ''it is because she waddles so." She : "i hear that you have lost your valuable little dog, Mr. Dud- ley." He : "Ya'as, in a railway accident. i was saved, but the dawg was !filled." She (shocked): "What a pita!" clt.�:t the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. 114.01..111BAL • rit , w Ie.re does .irs. Gaylord—"I don't know, • dear. You might just as well ask Mary—"Do you think it woilld he where your father goes when ho conceited for me to tell tray friends goes out." that I made this dyes, tt,l ,elf 1" Edith—"Not conceited, n:y dear— superfluous." Five minutes afterwards the maid announced in a loud tune :—"Tho relation of little importance:" Me Maks the Imphatlo Statement that "Th. Da L" Menthol Master will .lo more to relieve neuralgia Isms back, htmhago and kimired troubles than any other plaster. Yeo tins end $l yd. rolls. Ail druggist+. "Come, Willie," said his mother, "clon't he so selfish. Let your lit- tle brother play with your marbles a while." "But," protested Wil- lie, "ho means to keep ll:: rat al- w-ays." "Oh ! I think not." "I think yes. 'Cause he's swallowed two o' them already." To discern and tical immediately with causes and overcome them, rather than to battle with effects after the disease has secured a lodgment, is the chief nim of the medical Ilan. and !tickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup is the result of patient study along this particu- lar line. At the first appearance of a cold the Syrup will be found a most efficient remedy, arresting de- velopment and speedily healing the affected parts, so that the ailment disappears. THF ENTERPRISiNG 11.11111E11. Norway would appear to have made very considerable strides to the English tongue in the last twen- ty years, judging from a notice that appeared on a barber's door at the time the Kaiser visited Trondhjem in the 'eighties. It ran as follows: "Important Noddis. Ladysh and Shentlemuns and Beobles. In con- sequents of ze visit ob ze Kaiser Wilhems I hab glosed de biznes on dis ockhasion. flare cuts and shares and all used lliznes 2 Mor- ro Mornick. Iles our Vaterland. By Order." '.You must keep your tnr.t'th shirt when you•rc its tb,• ';;it, r. 'laid th. • 1•..rn mo Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. 1f you love your child why du you let it suffer when is remedy is so near at (rand 1 The Police Inspector (to witness) : "Why didn't you go to the help of the prisoner in the fight 1" Wit- ness: ''At that stage of the game I didn't know which of them was going to be the prisoner." A Sudden trill often means sudden Illness. Painkiller 1s as thst 1.,, t,.We•1 1e. ward It ,, Cn.qualled for cramps and diarrhoea Avoid enbst,tutea, there is but oar. •' Painkiller "—Perry Darts. ONE SIGN. Said Ile --"Young Smythe and Miss Browne are evidently in love with each other.,, Said She—"Judging by thy, way they look at each other." Said Ne—"No; judging by the way they don't look at anybody else." SAMPLE COPY FREE 1Vou'.d v(•:I like to have a sam- ple c epv , 1 The Farme'r's Ad• Toeale anti Route Magazine! a Ora4j ywoyu� a i t ..Icigarr'ttes, generally throwing hen f .1 ..)1.nrrr rr r yl' t n• of tyre►!Bc Belgians likeslcigars!; ur ureah;f. alas,A..) in j�i�•cittsi • n ale the Empehor.,,of A ustrTiut!a•er Poe is cigarette, as does gets through at least i a day. One or ton Aens l r a ntll Medicine. --There aro some pills which have no other pur- pose evidently than to beget pain- ful internal disturbances in the pa- tient, adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminish- ing them. One might as well swal- low some e.,rrotive material. Par - melee's Vegetable fills have not this disagreeable and injurious pro- perty. They are easy to take, are not unpleasant to the taste, and tC>t]tt1H PFOR 5,000 G000 MINKS til^' Slip •srly tt 1 oatsln blgh..t price Make 41 a t. i.al . h•p:nent. ..•11.:,‘..• 'u sr,,Ii, att .a neferenre,. h. 1) 0,, ..o lia..k am C0111.11•1.• cial agencle A. e, E. PIEROH & 00., 107 Sr. 1'At.L ST., • MONlatAL their action is mild and soothing. - -- --- A trial of them will prove this. 'l'hey offer peace to the dyspeptic. She (on the Atlantic liner) --"Did you observe tho great appetite of that atont man at dinner?" Ile "1 es ; he must be what they call .1 stowaway.,, Y Weenie as Sunshine after it storm la the relief when an oh•tlnste. pitiless r..u*h 1,4%been drivel awe. by 411en's Long aal.am Vo opium In it. 11. g -....l effect lute. Take a b..ttle borne with you lois day. --- ROYAL TOBACCO -TAKERS. King Edward's fondness for a ci- gar is well known ; but when with a few intimate friends, he not in- frequently indulges in a briar pipe. His liking for tobacco is shared by nearly etcry reigning monarch in Europe. Isis nephew, the Gertnan Emperor, was at one time a con- firmed pipe -smoker ; but, as he %As advised by his doctors to give up the habit, he now confines himself IC sati Razor Sharpener. Do DA throw away your mons 1n bu;int a new tas•.r becaure your old one will not w..rk, but bey a ctke of our '• Perfection itszor Paste' whtrb wt!I keep your Ream in perf.r1 matting cmdillon, end with care wish !artoil a Withal*. if your hardware or ilrug Dealer does not handle thtt, eon 1 u• i,oand ws will forward same poet•pia1 CANADA HONE COMPANY, 1Nawanesa, Mart ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT. -Preachers are about the only Hien who ran give better satit,fa tion by doing less work," remarked the thoughtful thinker. "How do you figure tont ear!. queried the innocent b)'atandcr, "Short r:carretia always please," explained'tlie t. t. Black Watch Black Ploq The Chewing Tobacco of Quality. J