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Exeter Times, 1908-12-31, Page 2
Field crops of the Dominion a Value of $432 533,000. it we'd t•- 'Pirates? You ..now they aay we ' Should love our ennermtee–" "Gosh. Millie talks like a Sunday Sys : • value, computed on an estimated school,., Interrupted Ike Jones. Cap - 'S i?G2.3ttaro 1311l Mumford, of the "1J1c-dy Robbers." paused an instant. until Ike was properly smothered by an ava- lanche of cuahions. Then he resumed, earnestly: "Think o' the dandy games we could have together, if we both played fair 'stead of always fldhtln'." The other "Robbers" tooled rather dubiously at one another. Somehow they 'lake porta. All rail No. 1 northern, thought it would seem funny not to „ t ; No. 2 northern, $1.1.. to $l.11/i, be warring with their old enemies, the $1 t0 81.OtIj;, delivered at On "Pirates." But TBltile had great In. fluence, and Anally It was voted that the attempt 'should bo made to patch up a year's truce with the "Pirates." At the same tirne this meeting was being held there was another gathering of boys In the woodshed attached to Mike Flannfgan's house. Mike Flan- nigan. as every one knows. was cap- tain of the "Bloody Pirates." and he utions :nee Its the be. year when we • ,nakln' rood res- : be a dandy thing , friends with the Muhl population of 6,940,000, Census per head. ea of 27,- Fifty per cent. of this year's field crops has wheat crop, 72 per cent. of the oats st which, computed and 68 per cent. of the barley re- oc. market prices, has mained in farmers' hands at the of $43'2,533,000. Wheat, end of November. The condition barley aggregate in arca of the new crop of Fail wheat at the 7, , t acres and in value of I saute time was 75 per cent. of a hayand clover off standard, and 73 per cent. of Fall ,07o,00u ; ' plowing was completed. Qlo00; acres have a value of he ,-t, A statement on the care and ;0�; rye, peas, buckwheat, res - ed grains and flax, grown "n i shipment of fruit made in the p _5,700 acres, have a value of $23,- wit number of the Census and 1406, beans, potatoes, turnips,. corn and sugar 13 acres, 5,000; Fall of 21.40 bushels .leas a value of $21.10; heat, with 16 bushels, slue of the wheat.har- at in t North-West Provinces -72,421.060 and in the rest of the 'niers $18,804,000. l ae of all field crops in the ,n•ovinces is as follows :-- ward Island .8 9,408,000 tia .. ...... 20,083,000 nswick 38,042,900 80,896,000 185,308,000 66,660,000 37,614,000 14,524,000 hue of field crops in the year is verage ne _ Statistics Monthly by the com sioner of dairying and cold stor- age is worthy of emphasis. "There is not a sound apple grown in Can- ada any year, and picked from the tree at the proper time." Mr. Iteddiek says, "but could be de- livered in Great Britain or the North-West in perfect condition if cold storage were intelligently ap- plied in transferring it from the tree to the consumer." CARRIE TO ATTACK LORDS. That is if She Can Secure Entrance to the House. A despatch from London, says: Carrie Nation says that when she comes to London she will begin her cleaning campaign with the House of Lords. She adds: "1 don't know whether they will let me in, but 1'11 try." —7110111111111119114. rrell, Nationalist member foh Longford in the, it was v.l.n was speaking to the 'vet - British Parliament has been sen-' lers of the gang." you the tetter i I fou, R•-d.l;; ain't Y fenced to six month n' sayln' ft was time ',nevous a b-ccutt. C small children were burned SED NEWS ITEMS � T THE IVORJI MARKETS . ' Y REPORTS FItO31 TUE LEADING TRADE CENTILES. t'rlecs of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Howe and Abroad. BI;EADSTUFFS. Toronto, Dec. 29.—Ontal io wheat —No. 2 white, 93 to 94c outside ; No. 2 red, 95c to 95:jc; No. 2 mixed, 93c to 94c. Manitoba wheat—Spot No. 1 northern, 81.0'3 to $1.03%; No. 2 northern, 81.05 to $1.05'/ ; nc 3 rthern, $1.03 to 81.03', Y, on track, r A T r EACIIEROUS PUSH tar=o points. Parley; Nos 2, 53c to c;tu No. 5le, extra, 52c to 53c; No. 3, outside. Oats—Ontario No. 2 white, 38c to 38,'.yc, outside; No. 2 mixed, 37c to 37.4c, outside, Manitoba No. 2 western Canada, 43c on track, lake ports. Corn—Old, cr.s, Toronto freights, for No. 2 or 3 yellow ; new No. 2 yellow, 68c; No. 3 yellow, 63c to 64c, Toronto, No. 2 or 3 yellow ; new No. 2 yellow, 69e; No. 3 yel- low, 66c to 66Ne, Toronto freights. Buckwheat --N0. 2, 6Gc to 50%e outside. Peas—No. 2, 80c to 86%e. Rye—Dull ; No. 2, 69%c to 70c. Flour—Manit0i , first . patets $5.80, second $5.30; strong bak- ers', $5.10; Ontario winter wheat patents, $3.70 to $3.75, buyers' sacks, outside. $19.50 to $20.50 Millfoed—Bran, per ton in bags, outside; shorts, $2.2 to $23, in bags, outside. a .,, • - ., r t•u1-°ll-+rr w.sl. we're here 1 ALI, OVER now an' �Jero. itavin' our meetin'. QAI'['L'NINGg Fg0.1 UNITED STATES. Who is tt YurJ gnln' to elec'? All I got to eaY If that whoever else you want for crtftfn will have to down inn first 5fore he kin hey the honor:" TML GLOME. lets From Our OWu Countries of rts. t0� d nearly four s last year. re_Trade Com - r Alex. Maclean, iasioner to China, died at Shang- hai, on Wednesday. Mr. Alfred Misner of Niagara Falls had his nose kicked ori by a horse. es Lashambe, a thirteen -year as a result of t s drowned while nkat l�`ot {yc preliminary rnttuli, on Wednesday. I It was •P efttsburg Council ten -year-old li ugh Itearin• orruption that ir,_ lis some rho • d t\iTh sums as low as five c , Samuel Gompers, John \!itebeil and Frank rte ria' •,, offcerr Lzf. the American F . ion of erms Lave been sentenced to .rt. n i •'n for contempt pf A plot to assassinate acti-iq Pre- sident Gomez of Venezuela has been frustrated. Thieves carried off large numbers of gold and silver memorials from Rocskilde Cathedral, the burial of Danish Kings. Tho Chinese Government has dubbed the Dalai Lama "sincere and loyal spreader of civilization," :u1(1 has sent him back to Lhasa. C11!ACM BURNED. Roman Catholic Edifice at Coteau Two deathh in n a :ire near Ogdensburg, t" ; Di1ke N. Y., on Tuesday. Saved Ills fist threateningly. The Staadard Oil Company and' wheret;on the look of hreateo upon OilRe.pubCompany have been ltcad�a race' d!sapprared and he cow - ousted is Missouri. ousted from the Mate of ea?,efure// the powerful Mike as did Van Dwight Sheldon, an eng'n- n' olly(r "Pirates." There was no student at New York Unl eout,t,trat Mike would to captain, a'.1 tering t right'. was shot and killed , v.1 Yer gla Since we're havin' a meson' " con - burglar, on \Yednesday• •' A woman who gave ye. at 1 tinned Mike, when all question of tno the night -riders' trial at Unio l captaincy was settled, "1 think we a aVe the m,sht pass a resolooehum to lick rho City, Tenn., refused' '' f stumps out of them 'Robbers' the com- without toil nisi gtv11 cl Ing year." court room l,rdent .af lite I Antid frenzted cheering the vote was Edward Hines, Mine, says mase unanimous. great new lumber erne cheaper Both mee;i:.g3 were finished at about lumber will shortly lorganizstion• the same uInute. Thus it happened met a group of "Pirates" met a similar number of "Robbers" not far from Mike Flannican's home. Captafo Lilly, who was among .. �....ti,. "��.. -, main - he St. sea. 0 10 fw so Steel Company at the tion. James Daly, an old pensioner, was picked up on the street in Kontreal, on Wednesday. and died on after in the hospital. His oath is ascribed to the severe cold. on. William Pugsley, speaking at St. John, said a number of im- portant public works will have to be postponed, owing to the neces- sity of keeping the expenditures "titbit' the income. William Mahaney and Mrs. Ro- selle McCarthy broke smallpox quarantine at Chatham, N.13., to get married, on Tuesday. They were fined 840 each, and as Ma- aney could not pay he was sent to Ma- rey for forty days. CREAT BRITAIN. Miss Kate Gilmour, stewardess of the steniner Sardinian, has been 'warded a Lloyd's medal for saving vee at sea. Mr. David Lloyd -George, apeak- ing at Liverpool, Said he could find the looney needed to provide old- pgc pensions without taxing any- body's food. du Lae Destroyed. A despatch from Montreal, says: The Roman Catholic Church at Cotea du Lac was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, entailing a loss of over 850,000. It was at first feared that the fire would Spread te a large convent near by, and the nuns and pupils to the number of over ':00 made a hasty exit. The church wax burned to the ground, but the convent was sated. TRAGEDY IN COBALT IMINE Thre© Men Killed While Descending the Shaft. trot Sys: bucket, and tip till the time of an s investigation the rest is a matter of 'se. It ttpposed, 110W(%er, V - Sha M:KE WAS MADE A TARGET "robbers," saw his opportunity. Ad- vancing toward Captain Miko, he ex- tended his hand peaceably. Tho latter Was disturbed for the moment. Was this some trick of tho "Robbers"? They would eee that they couldn't fool HIM. As this thought passed through his mind he saw that just behind Billie was a onowdrlft. The temptation was too great. One sudden. strong Ptah from Mike and B11110 was floundering up to iris neck In the snow. But this was too much for the other "ltobbera." Forgetting their go,,1 rta„- h,tluns, they charged the "Pirates' so savagely that they were utterly routed. Then thty deliberately tied Mike, wham thee lad captured, to a lamppost and used him for a targ••t for tl ear snow- balls until the poor •'Pirate•' began to despair of e'capin with his life. That everting Biilie told Lieutenant Fkir:ny of the adventure. In conclu- sion. he sat,' to Sidon , confident lly; 1"No decent pee, 111 Pi 3 `l /A MOMENT, birdie; `Na do not flee," Whispered Father Time, And poised upon the up- turned finger A dove, disdaining long to linger; Impatient to to off was he, This messenger to ev'ry clime. The first of monthly cour- tiers Sent by Father Time, Like arrow loosed from bow, went speeding Toward earth, his master's warning heeding To scatter far and wida the words 'And laws decreed clinic. T w c 1 vl e such m.ssengers there fly Adown throughout t h e year: Twelve, the months from Father Time Bestowed on people here. for cv'ry COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—Winter stock quoted d dlunt to $1.Oi's bid. Rye—No. 1, 75c. 83 to $ t per barrel for g $2 to $2.50 for cook- Corn—May, tile. Barley—Stand- ard, and atard, G5%c; sample, 58 to 65%c, No. int; apples. Means—Prime, 81.70 to $1.75, and 3, 00 to 63c; No. 4. 5:c. hand-pi:ked, 81.80 to $1.65 per 4........ bush. IMPR0 'Et) TERMINALS. Honey—Combs, 82 to 82.15 per — dozen, and strained, 10 to 11c per Canadian Northern Railway's I'iaas pound.for Port Arthur. Hay—No. 1 timothy is quoted at A despatch Port Arthur, $10.50 to $11 n ton on track here,saanrnl ManagerMcLeodof and No.2at$7to$8. the Canadian Northern is in the Straw -87 to $7.50 on track.cit. Ile stated tat the company Potatoes—Ontarios, GO to bei per would make largeliadditions to the bag. Delawares, 75 to 80c p on track. I terminal facilities here. Some arc Poultry—Chic);envy dressed, 11 to' definitely arranged and others are 13c per pound ; fowl, 8 to 9c ; ducks, in contemplation. To increase the 10 to 12c; geese, 10 to llc Per freight storage capacity at the pound; turkeys, 10 to 18c per docks a shed is now being built over A despatch from Montreal, says: pound. the steel dock. A new dock is to A sensational attempt at murder Wednesday ---e--_ be built just south of the present was made by an Italian Wednesday THE DAIRY MARKETS.dock, and on it work will be start- levelling on University street, in one ed as soon as feasible. It will be !of the busiest quarters of the city. used as a steel dock during the; The Italian was w'alkin- alo early summer and for freight when - eve Dai TEmo seti< VtAOf Tl:tr• mother W. for tomorr w the New Tear, w h, In with a great f•'as fire and at the? oven. . acation of clam roup, ral.non, picl.:o.l radish and uc..- that w, old ha eaten In order to .,- g.,od fortune during the coming year. Indeed. she was laboring so Indus- trlou:ly that her mother feared si.e would set tired t,foie the day ended, and, as )o.' know, the 31st of December is worth nos days In Japan, and 1f Yen go to hod early you add that much to )our age Ti er,fore, she told hlateumC to ',lint the temple. Slatsume was :n Brooklyn, on Wednesday. Twenty persons were overcome by smoke, I but were rescued by firemen. The great Bush terminal docks on the!! edge of the fire zone were saved by I a fireboat, which kept the flames' from sweeping over Second even- I uo. Occupants of the blazing buildings were driven half-clad and shivering, into snow -swept streets, and a score of others were dragged unconscious from their apartments by policemin and firemen. ATTEMPT AT MU'iRDER. Italian Plunged Dagger Into a Woman's Side. Butter—Pound prints, 25 to 27e; tubs, 22 to 24e; inferior, 20 to 21c. Creamery rolls, 28 to 29c, and solids 127c. "TOILED AT THE OVEN" —1 Such a hurry to get the work done, hove.* ever, that she fairly ran to tho temp's of Shinto, passing through the gateway' with hardly a glance at the decorations of pine branches hung with straw rings and stuck with a dried sardine, a leaf of evergreen, pl••ces of paper and bits of edible seaweed. And I'm afraid her devo- tions to the gods were almost as hasty, for soon she was swiftly retracing her steps, pausing only to decorate the w'cll With a few ire branches The dinn- r that night was a Great success. Just teforo the new year came in the little girl and her father and mother bo'l'd before the gods. Then the festival of "Tushitosht, or "goitre over the year," was begun. Once they hack eaten the feast one )ear was added- t� tL.Ir asci. 1 -1.1- e i U61 - b • boss will necessitate anotlttr new 25 to 243c per dozen; selections, 2a,flock after that. Now frocks will to 30e, and now laid aro quoted at he ]aid through the yards, ins ud- 35 to 400 per dozen' int;built by l'iper It-, McWilliams. lines to the new elevator to bo HOG PRODJCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 10% to 11c per pound in else cut, sls ;ssp822erk, te tSi9 to $19.50; x ams -Light to medium, 13 to 13%; do., heavy, 12e ; rolls, 101/,e; shoulders, 10 to 1014e; back', 16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon, 14% to 15c. with a woman companion, when, after some ani- mated conversation, 110 pulled n stiletto and plunged it into the side of the woman, who fell in a hemp on the sidewalk. Tho street was crowded with shoppers at the time, and the man took to his heels, fol - :t THOUSAND II03IF.LEg9. lowed by an excited crowd. After a hot chase he was captured and Block of ApartmentHouseslinen- taken to the police station, where Burn- ed in New York. he gave his name as Francisco Var- io. The woman is at the (loyal Vic - A despatch from New York says: Coria Hospital in a critical con - More than n thousand persons dition. were made homeless and hundreds 'f' hail itl_Tcrces, 12c; tubs, 1'2'/,c; of thousands of dollars' worth of "Look here, Jiggers, 1' Se n bone property destroyed in a fire which to pick with you." "I'm with you. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL.burned out a block of apartment There's a restaurant across the houses between Second and Third tray. Make it a mutton bone, for Montreal, Dec. 29.—Grain—Cana-avenues and Forty-fourth streets, I've quite an appetite.” dian western No. 2 white oats aro! selling at 46%e; extra No. 1 feed oats nt 45;4c, and No. 1 feed at 45c per bushel in car lots, ex store. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat pat- ents, firsts nt 86. seconds at 85.50, Winter wheat patents, 85 to 85.25, straight rollers. 84.60 to 8-1.70, do., in bags, 82.15 to 82.25; extra, 81.- 75 to 81.85. 1Feed—Manitoba bran, 821 ; shorts, $2:: Ontario bran, 821 to 821.50; middlings, 821.50 to 825.50; shorts, 824.50 to $s5 per ton, including bags; pure grain mnuille, 830 to $3.2; Trilled grades, 825 to 828 per ton. Cheese — The local market holds steady with west- erns quoted at 12'/, to 121Ac and easterns at 11'„ to 12c. Butter — Fresh receipts of creamery are sel- ling at 25!;e and Sept. make at 26'",c in a wholesale way. Eggs— New laid at 35c; selected stock at 27c, and No. 1 stock at 24c per doz- en. 1.'NITEI) ST.\TES MARKETS. Buffalo, Dec, 29.---Wheat—Spring wheat, steady ; No. 1 Northern car- loads, store. 81.13; Winter, firm. Corn—Higher ; No. 3 yellow, 62c; No. 4 yellow, 61;-4c ; No. 3 corn, 61 to 61;;c ; No. 4 corn, 60% to 61c ; No. 3 white, 63%e. Oats --Lower, 'o. 2 white, 53%e; No. 3 white, ,2',, to 53e; No. 4 white, 511, to 51%e. Barley—Feed to malting, 4 to G9c. Minneapolis, Dec. 29—Wheat — ec., 81.07% : May. $1.0934; cash, n. 1 hard, 81.10%; No. 1 North- , $11.09" ; Nu. 2 Northern, 81,- i No. 3 Nerthc 81.03'% to •' Bran -81.. fpatettty Bobby .segs the New Year 1 "PASSING TIIROr•G!I THE GAThe.- • WAY" 'While the Iltt:e girl was preparing for bed and was almost ready to lay her head on the little wooden block so as not to muss her wonderful headdress– Ter "chignon•' --1n eame Matsunues mother bearing in her arena a 11111e Japanese junk, equipped wlth tiny rig - 517,5 and aatis, with utile men for crew and with a cargo of precious gonia. Mataume capped het hands for joy. I1 was the Snip of Dreams. And to dream good dreams at the beginning of the New Year was lucky. The VERY best dreams, you know, are of the Fuji moontnln, an eagle, an eggplant, a funeral cr snakes. But Matatime dreamed of neither one of these five things. in fact. she ruuldn t understand It at alt. She sal thinking of throwing It to the "Niko,' who liven upon had dreams, when her father chided her, saying: not be so reek ..0./49 as to throw 1 AN ynu re-lay neo the New Ycnr core- in?" exctalmed latlo Robert, his eYes big with wonder. "'fours.." retpon,'ed Tom, who was all of 6 and whn, therefore, ought to know. "Ire's a funny ole fellow that looks like a rag doll." "Oh, I do trope mamma will Tel me stay lie to see Sha ti' w year," murmur- ed Bobbie. But Tom oily laughed unfeelingly, as ?ea said, "Naw, she won't; you're too little." in truth. Toni found That he 1,Imse'f was too lltt7,' to stay up until midnight on the last right of the old year, or et /cast his mother thought So. In the meantime licbble ha -1 told his brother Cat he was `Bing to try to k._e, awake to sue Mr Ne ear. An l when he et batter noel.t at r try. he host his balance and v./en t' e •" r w Pear" swayed outward again Cel ole went with It. You have already g,aoesed that Tom was the misehiefmak••r who had i- wcr' j the dummy down from the window above. Ito was now therouyhly *nod. To To avoid giving I'.cbl1, a bad fa'I le hastily 1't out more Torp. New. ala hap $ older sister Aioase was giving a party downstairs. p., when there suddenly ilitt'd hlek and forth t(• - torn the wtndnwparro the figure of a lit- tle boy in paiamss, ap;•arertly s'epend- ed by a rope, great astonishment pre- vaticd Moria 1a3t11y rescued t•er lit - "THE1 LAU i 'VAS IihUUN ' away your dream beeanse you do net understand e i hero wale once a maid •n who lost the Prince Varltnmo for a hes- band by dcing that very sane thing. She dreamrd and she did not under- stand. 1I' • slater Saw the good amen of the dream (which was that the prin.•e wee about to (*art the maiden of the dream,, anti offered to buy the dream for a mitres. 8, th' foolish maiden sold h.•r dream and the sister gained a husband." Little throw rlerdrtem tothe laul'n Rh. 414 411 tor would ehc sell It for the w„rl t Pe • rail', now her pretty Iatle head Is nlle4 with dreams of� a famous enure w l o Rail tome to wed IlElt '•f e.e' . :'1 say.