HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-31, Page 1'FLIRTY-SIXTIH YEAR --NO 1839
••••♦•••J0111ES & CLARKS'
Phone No. 32 S'
We wish all our Customers
and Friends
Happy & Prosperous
New Year
We begin our Annual Stock Taking Sale.
We will be right into the midst of Stock Taking
and in order to have our stock as low as possible
we will be giving some great bargains on all our
Winter Goods.
This is the time for you to
get your wants supplied
at small cost.
The nomination meeting field in
the Town Hall Monday from 12 to 1
did not bring out a very lar;e num-
ber of ratepayers. however the
number of name* put in nominatiuon
was up to the usual quota; Follow-
ing are the tnames of those nominat-
Wm. !barrier', by R. Yellow end
J. Rendle..
T. 7I. McCallum by 7. Armstrong
and II. E. Huston.
W. G. Ilissetl by T. 13. Carling and
David Milli
T. B. Carling by D. Mill and W;
G. Bissett.
W. J. Beaman by J. Bell and J.
J. White.%
Wellington Johns by W. III. Lev-
ert and 1t. N. Creech.
•anAd. J.
G13obterrby W. J. Beaman
it . ieve..
'. W. If. Levett by. II, N. Creech and
♦ I
Saxon Fitton.
C. II. Sanders by T. It Carling and
John 'McLaughlin.
W. J. Carling by D. Mill and Geo.
T. E. Handford by T. B. Carling
anti D. Mill.
Wellington Johns by H. Spackman
and Jas. Taylor.
R. N. Taylor by B. Spackman and
I. Armstrong by W. G. Bissett and
D. Mill.
W. J. Neaman by J. Jewell and J.
A. E. Puke by R. N. Creech and J.
J. J.: ({night by A. Q. Bobier and
A. 'E. Puke.
Chris Luker by It. Davis and W. J.
Locals. jr Elimville
1.00 per year in
?Miss Olive D1cUortald is ! pendia Mr. Orville N. Snell, of Hamilton,
the ho)idsps h the
with relatives at I{in e,ho_has been, travelling talesman
hen, Niagara District. spent afirm ��pleas
Miss 'Ethel Bee, of Parkhill has
corse to Exeter and will live with
her taunt, Mrs. II. Gidley.
Mr. Fred Gidley, of Detroit, is
home spending the ,holidays with
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. R. Gidleyt
Mr. uud Mrs. Ed. Maguire have
returned 'home niter spending the
holidays (with relatives in St. Clair
anti Croswell, Mich.
Godcrich will be in 0.11,i A. God-
erioh will have a team in the in-
termediate series of the 0. MM.
again 'the coming season.
The installation of •the officers of
Lebanon Forest Lodge 133, Exeter.
took place on Monday evening. The
officers wvere duly installed by Ht.
Wor. Bro. L. II. Dickson, as follows
W.M. ,Bro. D. W. Collins;
W. WI Taman; S.W.. It. N. Creech;
J.W. Fred Kerr ; /S.D., W. D. Sanders
.J.D., M. G. Beldon ;'I.G., C, Seanvright
B.S. R. Murphy; Jr. S. Frank Sweet.
Mr. Richard Gould was agreeably
surprised at his home on Tuesday
evening, December 22nd, when ,his
sons, daughters, sons-in-law and
daughters -in -late .called to congrat-
ulate him on 'reaching his 70th birth-
day and presented him with a hand-
some chair accompanied by the wish
that he might be spared to long en-
joy it. Mr. Gould responded in a
.feeling manner thanking them for
the present and felicitations for his
continued 'health.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McNicol, of
Stratford. are spending the holidays
W. 7I. Levert by n. Delbridge anti
z 1 with friends in this Vicinity.♦j n Mr. Crozier, of Toronto, In visit-
r�_M ssrs.lJohn 7{ay nn ItThos. frier
\\ m. 'Harding: were guests of Mr. and Mrs.; -Wm.
? Thad Jones by R. Davis and Alfol-1 Kay on Christmas day.
S. Martin by J .G. Jones and R.
1 Delbridge.
F. Wood by J. G. Jones and R.
R. N. Rowe by J. G. Jones and R.
T. 2i.- Carling by D. Mill and .WI
G. Bisset t.i
R. 'N. Creech 'by B. Sanders and L.
I1. Dickson!;
1 ' \v. a. Bissett by J. Snell + :.l A.
Bev. D. W. Collins by C. 11. Sau-
1 tiers and II. N. Creech.
meetings itttwas decided byt of the aagstand
ing vote to hold n meeting \Vednes-
day evening to allow the candidates
to express their views.
t tine o'clock was
the time limit to put—in the lianas
of 'the Clerk the qualification papers
of those who wished to enter the
contest for reeve or councillors and
for those who wished their .tames
withdrawn from the list of candi-
dates for school trustees. Out of the
above the list dwindled down to
only two for Reeve, Messrs. 'Wm.
Damien and T. II. McCallum; W. J.
]legman, 'W. Johns, Chris Luker, W.
J. Carling and Chas. Sanders for
councillors and Sarni. Martin, R. N.
Rowe. Frank \Vood, W. G. Bissett
and cr. B. Carling for school trus-
in Usttorne the fight is for the
Office of reeve only, John Moir and
Fred illunkin being the contestrutts.
Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway, of Teterboro
is visiting .her mother Mrs. \Velsb.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
Read the
London Daily
The Best Daily Paper printed in Western
Ontario. The Latest Telegraphic and General
rrect MARKET Quotations
n(1 all the Local News worth printing. This
is the time of the year when you can appreci-
ate a Good, Live, Wholesome Daily Paper.
Send us $'2 00 for the Advertiser fir
Fourteen Months by mail.
This offer must be accepted not later than
1st March 1 tt91•
Send Remittances Direct to the
For Itceve, Owen Geiger, F. W.
Smallacombe• For Councillors. Alex
Thompson, Walter Ilabkirk, SSimoa
I)ow. John Stewart, Alfred Scruton,
H. B. Ingram, Alex Brandt. For
school trustees lief. W. J. Doherty.
J. A.. John Steacy, C. A. McDonell
elected by neelamation.
The old Council was re-elected by
reeve, Henry \Villert, Jacob
Kellerman n. Deputy -reeve. William
Anderson. neclamation. For coun-
cillor, \V. D. Sanders. Fred \Werth,
William Yearley, John Love. Mich-
ael Finkbcittar.
i' 811 Olt N R
For Reeve. John Moir and Fred
Hunkin. For Councillors. W. Atkin-
son. Geo. Andrew. S. Itoutly, Fred
Ellerington by ncelnmation.
R1ICh F.iISMiT11
Reeve .by ecclamation, it. McKay.
Councillor.. Jas. Bell. R. Bell. ('rich
Rinse. Arch:c Atkinson, McKay Mc-
For peeve. Menigrmid and Glenn.
""For Councillors. Stinson Ester, neat-
ly Keyes. Johnston McKinley, Har-
vey ?tines.
Reeve. Milne nnl hilt. For
Councillors. Carter, Chellew, Bain -
ton. McElroy. Emigh. Cott. Code.
For School trustees—Long. Charles-
worth. Gardiner. Sires. Bartley.
Go,lerirh—Mayor. A. 11. Macklin.
M. ip; W. P. Clarke. M. Cameron.
It. •1teLe tis.
Miss Lizzie Towers is visiting h
sister Mrs. Gillartl at Stratford.
Miss 'Burton, of Kirkton, was a
guest of Miss Ada Tucker during the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Camp-
bell at Exeter on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Ward is busily engaged
drawing material for his new house
which he purposes erecting next
Three sleigh -loads from here went
to Exeter on •Monday last to attend
the Crossley -Hunter meetings.
Mr. Robbins, of howmanville, vis-
ited Air. Fred Rundle last asses 4•
A quiet wedding twas solemnizedat
the home of Mrs. A. Turnbull on
Wednesday, Decetnber 23rd 1908 at
high 'noon when her oldest daughter
Margaret was united in the holy
bonds of matrimon3 to Mr. H. Rohde,
a prosperous young farmer of Dash-
wood. Many indeed were the pretty
and uSctut , u� .--•ss.ted the soma,;
couple showing the high esteem t..
which they are both held. We wish
them bon voyage through life.
TI'1RNBULL—RO111)E— — At .the
residence of the bride's mother on
week with his parents at Elimville,
and left Monday evening to prepare
for the New Year when he will
travel around the Georgian Bay dis-
Mr. end Mrs. Thos. Northey. of
!'ort Moron, spent Christman at the
home of Albert Penwarden.
Mrs. Win. Pincombc onl son Virnie
are spending the holidays in London.
Mr. and Mrs .Waymoth Penwarden
and sons Wilborne and Freddie of
Thamesville, are visiting at the
Ahomelbert.of Mr. Pentvarden's brother,
Miss Annie Cornish end Miss 'Mary
Cornish, of Exeter, • spent the I
Christmas holidays under the par-
ental roof.
Miss Annie !Nilson, of Exeter,
spent Christman at the home of her
parents ,here.
Miss Smith, of Hay, .visited nt
$id W'h.
MissilsonAtcLscorCl, ofristmasLucan, visited
friends 'here Friday and Saturday.
, Mr. Joseph Watkins spent Christ-
mas day in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Bunter niso spent Christmas in
Mr. and Airs. John Sinclair were
the guests of John Johns, Jr., for
Rev. Keys Sundayed at Michael
Mr. Wm. Snell and Silas Johns
have 'their material nil home to
build 'their new houses next sum-
Most of our young people took in
the Christmas tree at Sunshine on
Friday. They report Laving a
good •time.
Miss Edith Fair is spending her
holidays under the parental roof be-
hfore leaving for Manitoba twh
fa shcr in da scut *tear \Vinnil,eg.
The Crossley -((afire ateetings in
Exeter seem to btu'` great draw -
card around our burgas slci;h-loads
go every night. here Sunda
There was no service y
night and most of the pPPle went
to (Exeter.
Our hurg was busy on Mathes it
being nomination day. Messrs An -
(trews, Atkinson, Routley and Fid
Ellerington being elected by nccla
mation for councillors and Mr. John
Moir and Fred iHunkin for reeve.
The fine wventher that we are
having has spoiled the sleighing ntir:
people twill have to go back to the
wheels again•
Mr. ,Andrew Butt. of St. Albert's
college, 'Belleville, preached a very
interesting sermon last Sunday
morning and Mr. Phillips occupied I • xo'
the pulpit b the evening. J ! > , a•
Miss Crisham of London, is t p• •
Mt. Wil•s•-... um. of IA...Leat s,olleg.t
Toronto, is spending the holidays at Do }on want things to be just so?
his home here.
einittamcgioatelye (promised you ,ee, Come
Mia Annie Handford is visiting thatstyle, tit and price will please
her sister 'Mrs. Will Foster, of Tor- Ouuit r bnreatOrercads. ontare. satisfied costo•
�. 1 Suit You
W. JOHNS ---�
Girls t 'Av.* ,
' a�•
Spring ;o u,wo ask,'O •.'
Skates fur,
The Genull
Sweeper from 40�. t
. Every Home needs on
Io/ Discount on 1 Basebur
X Cut saws fro t $2.7
$4.50 comslete wit
and file.
Axes from 70c,;. •'
tt:nd Genera!
Hardware, Paints,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc,
We make a specialty of Eavetrou hillg' Ido
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot •
p l
"11Mbers and Dealers in
AWEWS & 80
Wednesday, lb re ber 23rd, 1908, Miss Mary Hepburn, of Tornnto, i;
Margaret eldest ,ralauzhter of Mrs. spending the holidays at her how
Alex 'Turnbull 3.� 1trn1LY hese, t,t
Rhode. of DashwoO1 d Harold Du p
HOOI'Elt—ELLIOT-1n Winnipeg on iSunday in til. g Inn .i
Thursday, Dee. 24th, E. 0. Hooper Mr. Thos. Etlitnt...
formerly of Exeter. to Violet.
daughter of Mrs. M. A. Elliot. of
ham, Wednesday, Deo. C3rd, Eliza-'
bet h Cornish to \Van. Howoliffe.
SNELL—in ilsborne Wednesday Dee.
23rd, to Mr. on,l Firs. John Snell
a son.
Report of 8. 8. No. 8 lIay for
Nov. and Dee. Names in order of
merit; Sr. •IV. Aaron Oestrcecher,
Milton nest reicher, Cora Truemner.
Alberta Trnemnrlt•. Jr. iV, Tus-
nelda. Susie Klienfeldt. Jr. Iii.
Ithienhold Miller, Edwin Hartman,
Emily Schroeder, Bernard Hartman.
8r• 1)I. Ohlen Truemner, Lillie Mess-
ner. Luella. Kuntz, ,!'earl Broderick.
Bell Overholt, Lydia Messner.
11. Gcrtie Wiegand. trillie Kuntz.
ida Messner, Ottis Truemner. Theo-
dore Miller. Flora Klienfildt. Charlie
Ilartman. Pt. 11. Emma Mesmer.
Norman Elienfeldt. Sr. i. Clara
\Vieg.,n,l. henry Becker, Ethel
Illitnfeldt. Jr. , 1. Clara gusts.
Nora Miller, Bruhla Wiegand, Chris-
tina Bt cker, Lillie 11 •odcrick. Tillie+,morning of last week Mr. 8. S. Coop -
Messner. 1 er's mill. Clinton. was discovered to
• A. C. Milligan. Teacher. 1 be on fire. It appears to have been
seen almost siinultancously by sev-
eral people. but Mr. Cooper. living
nearest arrived first on the scene.
not the flames were even thin)
sweeping from cud to end of the
building turd in a very few min-
utes it was in ruins. The fire i' sup-
posed to have started in the engine
Coughs that are tight, or ,listrc'a-
in,r t'ck1;nl ocughs, get snick and
certain help from Dr. whoop's Cough
—AN— Remedy. On this account druggists
werywwhere are favoring. Dr. Shoop's
Co, it is entirely
mas with his sister, Mrs. UnFi.• Du -
Mr. Chas. Abbott of London. was
the guest of his sister. Mrs. William
Parsons 'for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trothan and
family of London. spent the holidays
at the former's Form.
• Miss 'Margaret Ilandford. of Tor-
onto. is spending the holidays at
her home.
The Misers May. Nona rind Jos0-
ph:ne Coughlin. of London, spent the
holiday at lheit home.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard (licks. are
visiting their son Mr. ('rank )licks
of •Torontq.
Mr. G. W. 0Iolrnan. of Seaforth.
was the guest of Mr. Jas. Handford
last iweck.
Those unhappy persons tw ho 'offer
from nervousness and dyspepsia
should use Carter's Little Nerve
('ills. which aro made expres'ly for
sleepless, nervous dyspeptic suffer-
ers. ('rice 25c.
About three o'clock on Tuesday
Mr. Gen. Morrow, of Goderich.
who was injured while shunting cars
Oil 'the G. T. it. some time ngo un-
derwent an operation in Alexandra
Hospital and is now doing nicely.
Treat yourself to
H Ole •.l )
tar..tli •
ere or
Merchant Tailor
Exeter, Ontarl
Great Discount Sale
Of Furniture
We have started a great slaughter sale com-
prising every article of furniture in our large
stock at a special discount of 20 per cent. off
regular prices for cash.
Note some of the great hargaipe we are offering and what
it means to Furniture buyers.
Bedroom Suites to } crit oak finish with large Bevel Plate Mirror regular
discount sale price $13 00,
Sideboards, regular price $13011 . . discount sale price $10.00
Couches, regular price $8 541 discount sale price $0.(X/
Mattresses, regular price $3 NI.... discount sale price IB2.'1
F,verything else in proportion.
A call will convince intending purchagcrs tha'
is the greatest Bargain Sale e • 'r hula! in F
Th!` r - rifr-y.•Uottte
price $111.130;