HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 8l E EX ' R T 1 M.f i S DEC. 2.4th 190S
We are closing the best year we have
ever had. We wish to return our hearty
thanks to the p%tblrc generally - for they
have made the big store the great success
it has proven to be.
A Merry Xmas and a Happy and
Bountiful New Year.
age :l:
++++++++ +++++•H .++++•t•+++++•k-1•+++++
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected up to December 24th.
Wheat 92 to 93 cents.
1'eas, 75 to 1.2 cents.
Itktts 30 cents.
Barley 45 to 48 cents.
Shorts, $23.
Bran, $20.
Blendid Flour, STAR. $2.75.
Hired Flour $1.40 to $1.45.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
Putter 21 cents per pound.
i:g„s 25c a dozen.
Hoes, live%ct•ight, 1=5.03.
Hogs. dressed, $7.65 to $8.00.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 1-2 cents.
Turk^cs. :give 12e ; 4Iresse.1 14c.
Hens. ;give 6c: %tressed 7c.
Chicks, alive Pc.; .dressed 100.
Geese. dressed 10c.
Ducks, dressed llo.
11 cents n pound less for cash.
goon. will be at tho Commereial
Dote!. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
m. Glaases properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye car and nose treated.
Next visit Saturday January 60th.
For e. B. No. R, (Township of Step-
hen. State qualification and exper-
ience and sal try wanted. Make ap-
plication 20 Alex. nacelle, Trustee,
(;rand 113cnd, .Ont.
LOST. -Goal watch in Exeter. to
suitable reward elven if returned to
+ the Tim; s Office.
Perfect in
Positive in
We again call attention to Toagu
our grade of WATCHES oars
Good Material, Fine Finish,
end Accurate Adjustment are
all combined in our High
Grade Watches.
Our aim is not
a question of price, but qual-
ity, like anything else it is al-
ways cheapest, in the end.
If you want a good
'\ .tellable watch call on
Wedding Rings a Specialty.
Mrs. Buckanan, known to the pub-
leo as Miss Jessio McLachlan, the
famous queen of Scottish song, is
reported to have been stricken with
a paralytic stroke in Australa. The
multitudes who were charmed here
and throughout Canada by her mae-
nificent voice and presence will learn
with genuine sorrow of her afflic-
Great Reduction
Ncw is ycur chance
to get a toy at a low
Regular 50c. Teddy
Bears going at 35c.
Regular $1.50 Teddy
Bears going at $1.25
L,d016S fidilO Bags
Regular prices $5 00
Special till after Xmas
$4 00-
Howey's Drug Store
t� Eyes tested free.
Christmas and New
Merry Xmas Year Excursions
-AND- Between all stations in Canada, also
to Detroit Port Huron Ich.,I ufftl
M' 3 , o
Happy New 4, Black Rock. Niagara Falls and Sus-
pension Bridge. N. Y.
`tom Year
At Single Fare
(food going Dec. 2(th and 'Lith, 1108.
• Returning until Dec. 28th, 1908, also
good going Dec. 31st. 1905. and Jan.
1st, 1909. Returning until Jan. 401. '(111
W. W. T
Merchant Tailor.
At Fare and One Third
Good going I)ee...1st to Dec. 25th,' 08,
returning unt' 'an. 5th. 1909. Also
good goin Nth, 1908 to Jan. let
1909, reit it Jan. 5th. 1909.
J. J
•r Wr
Depot Agent.
On •the sidcroad north of Thames
Road 'near Bethesda. lined Astrachan
mitt. Ctll at Times office.
Thoroughbred Ileaele hound, seven
months o:•l. also well bred hound
aged Seven months. Apply to 11.C.
Clark. Royal hotel Crediton.
PHOHit No. 22
We have a large assortmrtht o nice Xmas Gifts
Ror Ladies and Girls
Nice Xmas gifts for Ladies and Girls in nice fancy
Handkerchiefs from 5c. to 5oc.; Back Combs from loc. to
$3 oo very fancy; Fancy Belts: Swell Collars from 25c. to
$1.00; Nice neck Lace from 15c. up; Lace Ties; Cushion
Covers; Gloves in all colors; Nice Fur Ruffs from $4 0o tc
$25 00; Muffs from $4 0o to $15 00; 2 Fur lined Jackets
left $50 00 and $65 0o perfect beauties; Nice box of fril-
ling 25c ; Fancy slippers at a lots price; and lots of other
nice things very suitable for Xmas presents.
Ror Men and Boys
Fancy Braces; Fancy Ties; Mufflers; Gloves; Cuff
Links and cuff and tie sets very pretty; Fur Caps and cloth
Caps; Nice Suits at big bargains; Fancy Handkerchiefs;
Fancy Slippers and all the rest of it.
Come in and see what we have. Our Groceries are the best
can buy. Bring along all your produce we pay high.tst price
One door North of Post -Office.
Christmas, Goods
We Te offering big Inducements for the
weeks !full'
:,00k here for eye openers.
V -
%cry special line of Flannelette in stripe, It nglish
19 Yg rd wide. 1 t yards for $ l •00
Stn $1e ora ie A I quality, 23C per yard,
r Apron lrlt.e� regular price 15 OCW 124.c
Flannel in farcy 4xek, suitable for Men's Shirts
The kind that brings cheer to the heart of the one who
gives as well as the one who receives.
Leather Goods
• LOCALS * Ladies see our Hand
• • Bags well selected col-
•••••••• .••••••• lection. Not a slow sel-
ler among them. Prices
that make them de-
sirable. A new line for
girls. Sold at sight for
25c. each. Coin purses
are ideal for boys spec-
ial line 50c. each. Alar-
ge collection of ladies
purses 25c. to $2.00.
Rill folds -something
for father -nothing bet•
This Bargain Sale Will ile a Crack-
er. -Another cracking Iii; Bale for
four days at the Exeter Bargain
Store. We have :%bo111 seven hun-
dred and fifty pairs of shoes left in
the store and 1111151 clear theta all
out this year and %wi!! continence
another half price sails on Monday,
the 28th December. Only a four
days' half price setts ; also a lot of
skates: %cell be offered at this sale
for half price. Only a four days'
half price sale. Merry Christmas. -
Nomination next Monday.
7'.:e School closed Tuesday for the
Mr. John Taylor is confined to his
horn • on nceount of illness.
11:: ::. 'Toy Biscuitsc and Santa
C: Biscuits at Deering's Bazaar. Ebony Goods
W. I1. Gregory. of llitehelds Everything in ebony.
is visiting at his home here for a few Hair, hat, bonnet and
t) s tooth Brush"�1 . Pow -
Mr. Thos. Handford, shipped a car- der boxes. Buffers and
Load of horses to Winnipeg on Mon nail files in sets or sold
day. separately. We are x-
(2.000) Two thousand NewY,.;irs ble to make any asr'ort-
I':ants nt Harburn's tGrcen-house 'tient. Give us a trial.
H,•nsall. Comb & Brush
Get your Xmas tratits at Eollick'. i
Xmas Boxes- Pape-
teries. The Cream of
the market. Every box
a select value. Stylish
and popular presents.
See them. 25e. to$1.00
Our 50c. line is a leader.
Mrs. .1. Willis Powell rind hiss Sets
Diary .E. 'Taylor visite,( in Hensel' Nothing is rnoredesir•
on Tuesday. able than w handsome
fir. Wm. 'fame of Winnipeg.is } brush comb and mirror.
visiting Iris parents Mr. and Mrs. IExtra values. A Inose
\Vat. Tapp, assortment to choose
Mr. C, Btrney left Monday for Mil-
waukee to spend two or three weeks
with friends.
Mrs. Floody, of Ilaileyhury. is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Crocker.
E. A. FolEck makes a specialty of
peaking or baking Xmas cakes.
Mrs. McTavish. of Shakespeare. is
visiting her parents. Aft.. and Mrs.
.Tohn Taylor.
Miss Bertie ]Nall, of Mancelona,
Mich. is at her home here on a three
week's vacation.
Statham's Xmas cakes are good.
Try one.
.1rs. Adolphus Hooper ieft Tu,•s-
day .for a 1110 'Weeks' visit with rel-
.' lives in Toronto.
Miss I nnra .teekell of 1'xbrelge. is
spending the holidays at her home
London (toad. North.
Mrs. 1t. Murphy was ca;)otd t0
(':inion on Tuesday owing to the
,1elate of her motheer.
'fom Carling, who has been attend-
ing the University at Kin';stoll is
bonne for the holidays.
;►firs McDougall, of Ilurondale, who
has been teaching nt l'etrolin, arrived
home Monday for the holidays
Mrs. \V. M. Martin has returned
from visiting her %btu;liter \1rs. It.
A. Cranston, of Palmerston.
Miss lez,ie Tailor renal -reel home
Tuesday evening after n few nennlha
tesil with friends in Toronto.
miss ,Mie \Vhite, or .Michigan. is weeks, returned Monday to their must be sold regardless of
!pending a few rweeks with her par- home.
t ries, fir. and Mrs. Thos. White. Monday was the shortest day of price. Call.
All kinds of nuts and candies at the .year eccoriling to the almanac,
... A. Foleck's. but according to the pocket ;hook
Dr. and . irs. I,. T. Gill. with their In-dy piotni>t•s to be some chat
sons F.m. rson and :Halton nre visit- shorater. Can. Exp. Building.
When buying your Xmas candies.
remember Stnth1.0 1138 a fu11 var-
irtr Bg rd
Now is the time dor cheap _fund. urd11(issaynig(NathtalfrothrowninWhithvretu, where Sit -
lure, se Rowe & Atkinson are givie2 has been attending college. While
a special .liscount of CO per cent off waiting for her %ewes at 1'omnlo she
regular priers. .Sceadvertisement had her purse snatched frons her by a
%with his father Mr. John liewkshaw•. in :another ro:umn• sneak thief, lithe grove chase after hien,
Mr. :end Mrs. Frank Hurdle. who Ojster8 and nyater stewr' of t
but he eluded her and loot his identity
visited re':ntivom here returned to (%Neat finality at Stathama• among the big crowd.
their theme in n1'1110.1001 on Si htrday. Th., many friends of will Knight.
who is nttt'r.ding the Western Medi Rrmomb,•r your friends Kith n
Ical College at London, will be pleas- ('ow, fol box of bon bans, either
Mrs. Wilbert Canso!' and two ed to learn that at the recent exam- ("%`•tn s or A.olwnry's. From sic. to
children. of Gilbert Plains. Mani- inat:ons he •was successful in passing
$).5O 31 Rtathnnt's.
tetra. aro visiting friends in t's- all his subjects with honors. Mr. •Fd. Ilosacnberry '1 is in :awn
tint nc. ,
from. Now 18 the tune
to see them.
$1.00 to $4.00
All the popular odors
in hulk. Your choice.
in fancy boxes we have
the largest assortment
ever shown in Exeter.
Here we certainly plea-
se the most fastidious,
Do not fail to see our
beautiful lines.
25c. to $3.00
Toilet and
Manicure Sets
On these we can save
you stoney. Always
acceptable. A tip to
gentlemen. Make an
early choice. Our $2,00
line is a leader. Sell-
ing fast.
$1.50 to $5.00
Toilet Soaps
The largest assort-
ment in town from the
largest tnd best manu-
25c. a box.
Highly perfumed 25c. a
These stake the lest
of Xmas presents. Last
forever. Bargain pri-
ces. Fancy hand mir-
rors all sites in rose and
ebony wood. $1 to $3
Nickle plated frame ni ir-
roes 25c. to $2.50
Shaving mirrors for
men. A tip to ladies.
See them before you
buy him a present.
Shaving Outfits
In cases or otherwise.
tens underwear, regular #c and 45c clearing for 20dcs
next two
dark colon,
and Child -
at your own
every day.
• Odd ends of Flannel, -
Flannel Sheeting, 2 y
price. These prices are rear nd are goods yoti need
and at bargains you do not get avert' day.
19 Mens Suits in tweed patterns, regular $10. $8 50' $7'�' to clear 35.00
11 Rena Suits, black and blue woe., jerge regular $12.511, $11,00, dna
$10, to clear at 38.25.
13 Mens Black Suits, regular $8.50 aro to clear $5 to clear
18 Youths Suits in tweed patterns, regular price $4.00 to $7.00,
11 Boys Suits in tweed patterns, reli{tlar $3.00 to 11+8 to clear $i regular 17 Boys Suits, 3 piece, suitable for bops from 3 to 7 years. eR
00 to $3.75, to clear $1.50.
A number of Mens Heavy Freeze Overcoats. regular price $5•00 to $7.00
to clear $3 00.
The snaps are Heavy, Warm and Dura Outside of
this sale we have a splendid assortment of Xmas pOQ8.
We pay as high as any of our neighbors for prod
"Do Drop In"
We will continue the big sale another week. Clothing nearly all gone. It'it
now or never,
Everything New for Xmas.
Shaving thugs 15c. -50c At the New Grocery and Confectionery Store
Fresh Groceries, Confectionery, Oranges. Nuts, Bananas, Grapes.
Cigars, Etc. Everything suitable for Christmas and New Years.
„ brushes 10c -75c
strops special;
the best on the market
for the email price 50c.
No honing no grind-
ing. Carba magnetic
razors 52.00 Once used
always in favor. Anv
assortment of the above
make useful ptebents.
Pipes & Cigars
Suitable presents for
smokers. A large and
seleected stock of amber
pipes in beautiful cases.
Easy to choose here.
See our special $2 genu-
ine briar & amber line.
Cigars all the popular
brands in boxes of 25,
50 or 100 at wholesale
prices. Sewing Machines
Cigar cases 50c to $:..
We always carry a fresh supply of Oysters and sell as
Special attention paid to patties.
Central IIotel. Wilson
you like them.
S. Martin & son
Are off ering some
gains in
Pianos, Organs,
big Bar -
Post Card
For the children these
a r e very desirable.
Children prize them.
Large assortment from
15c to $1.00. Also big bargains in Fountain Pens,
Sleighs, Doll Carriages, Hymn Books,
Bibles etc.
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano mohogany finish, This Piano
has been in use about eight months
regular price $250.00 sale price $175.00
call and see this instrument as it is the
best value they have ever offered.
Xmas Cards and
Christmas Post Cards
are tnore beautiful this
lear than ever. The
argest stock in town.
Fancy Booklets and
Calendars are selling
fast. See them now.
Headquarters for Beautiful Christmas Gifts
Exceedingly Low ('rices Will Surprise You.
W. S. COLE, Phm. B., Exeter
Nothing nicer for an Xmas pres-
rnt than a plant. A good choice nt I To wish all our
Ilarburn's Palms, Ferns, Cycla Customers and Friends
(nen. Begonia. (Rosy Morn). Prim-
lia Obconica, Asparagus Ferns, :err
acceptable Gif Is.
Mr. Art Ne:don :end eider F:niuta.'
e•r It. G.
of lt. U. d. are wishing (lair broth-) Jo ful Xmas
8r:dott and grandmother,.
Mrs. Geo. 1 aniwr:I.
'Look for our orange local next
week. W. .1. Statham.
?Jr. A. lirintne:i gave les scholars
8 phonograph cone%rt conducted by
Willis Powell. Tuesday at ternoon
in l 'borne R. (i. No.l.
Mr. John Sottt)ecott. of Grand Bend
.pent .Sunday in town. Ile left Mon-
dry for London whet he will spend
3 corp:e of months with his daugh-
Mr. Barry and daughter, of Inger-
soll, who were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. 0. Seldon for a couple of Balance of our Xmas Stock
and a bright
New Year
ing Mr. and 'Mrs. Thom Gregory.
Misb Norma Bobier, who has been in
Battle ('reek during the past few
months returned hese last Saturday.
Mr. Wes. liawkshiw. of Winnipeg.
rs spending the Christmas holiday.
1)rerinKs Hatan r is head luarters
for Christmas d, cora lions.
Before purchasing elsewhere take Tuesday 011 a business trip. Mr.
Mr. G. W. 'Harrison 'last weeks a look at relLck'e hon -hone. 1tossenberry. .who is the owner of
meiveti into the residence 1)elon_'ne %,'MING. 'Mr. 1 1f. ('ameron. n( Litt:o Mack, the Worse that went
tt Rowe & Atkinson on Elise thf through last seaeor. ntie(eate(i. will
'i iron of rr oat refined a rn- take Ihr horse nim 0ront0 nen:
St ret. 1'o•t wilt r
Those sul•.cribers /�; •test. nn i8 week and tee in the ie• rae-
subscrip n x' Aid int event-
We :ell t
ere- E. o
t. Try our lel, ct
Frani 15 cents' a box to $1.75 the
largest stock in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
House and Lot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs, Eliza Ilodgert and is being
offered by sale by the executors to
close up the estate. On the ',remises
are a substantial brick house, storey
and a half, good frame stable end
barn ; few fruit trees: good Well and
2-5 of aa sore of land.
For terms and particulars apply to
\Ven. llodgert, Farquhar, or Alex
Hedger t, Russeldale.
Farm for Sale
This (arm consists of 122 acres stta-
ate at the village of Elimvillc on the
St. Marys gravel rond, convenient to
general store. blacksmith !hop and
a few minutes walk from the Mcth-
o. i.st church. one mile from public
school. One part consists of IOA
acres, with brick house. large be/n
with basement, drive shed, orchard,
10 acres bush. abundance of water.
The other part consists of 22 acres
veneer bowie. frame etnbles, orchard
2 wells. All good land in good state
of cultivation. fPoseession given
March 1909. For terms and other
particulars apply on the premises.
.1(*SI(L'A JOHNS. Proprietor.
Contracts for Acreage.
The Exeter Canning At Preserving
Co. ie now ready to close contracts
with farmers for the growing of peas,
corn and tornwtnea for the aeaann of
1909. We will not accept green pear'
at the factory from other than that
grown from ,eedifernished by the Co..
except at a much (ower price and if
not true to type will not be accepted
at any trice.
8. M. SANDRits, Manager.
Mrs. Si 1t 'l lr • possessor of
trove:lies in the shape• of two wash-
tubs. which she has had for sizty-
five years and a:though (av:na• been
in constant nae. they erre almost as
goo! as new. They were purchased
by 10 r from the Sale Sinclair Tuit
1/ ho years ego 11111 a small store nt
the south end of eh town. The
ubs of IO -day are rvigt•nt'y not
mode of the stuff they were years
We wish our custom-
ers and others a
--and a -
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
• f
Winter Term Opens
Jan. 4th
This school is one of the larg-
est in the province. It is noted
for the thoroughness of its work
and the success of its students.
Three departtnente-
Our graduates are in demand
as Business College teachers as
well as office assistants. (let our
magnificent catalogue, it is free.
Trainee! t y noir nunarremeot t
other in Toronto. (treat deloami
graduates s. ihr.lrres. College Tearhen..
%ate Ss'-re.eries, OfBrc A sais(eot,, etc.
rmluxliment of the most E%pert, Mne
Nwateur Annuli in Mobocrat Selene*. We
• %ire mutpAri•. ttl. Three Departments. 31
• net! G1 skill..( tn.trtrctar,.
Ma 1 ,noires in all Ihuinesa ('ollez, aaet
High -hoot .uhjeets.
130100 Business Coile+le
1, 1 O. SPOTTON, Principal. 1
•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Thr TIMES from now till Jana
1910 for One Dollar. 11 your r►
lore or friends are not now g
the TiMES, kindly tell them
excellent offer