HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 6!
Through Over-work—Dr. Williams'
rink Pills Restored health
and Strength.
week, the butler presented to his
master, who, while confining his
personal expenses to that amount,
no lunger hinted at his servants'
dismissal, as he imagined that by
their generosity alone he was kept
from the workhouse.
Major Pendennis's man, Morgan,
DANNY'S DREAM.saved sufficient money to purchase
Badly run down is the condition the house in which his master lodg-
Danny was bating great fun. Ile of thousands throughout Canada— ed; so, iu real life, did a certain
had tied a long thread (drawn perhaps you are one of thein. You valet named Marshall, on whom his
tightly, so it wouldn't slip), around find work a burden. You are weak ; master, getting an inkling as to
a poor, unoffending bee, and was easily tired ; out of sorts ; pale and how matters stood, cooly quartered
delightedly watching its struggles, thin. Your sleep is restless; your himself, at first prying his landlord
as. it feebly fluttered ono way and appetite poor and you suffer from no rent, and finally looking to him
another in its vain eudeavurs to be headaches. All this suffering is for board and personal expenses.
free. The bee was the stingless caused by bad blood and nothing This exaction the valet endured,
kind, so Danny handled it without can snake you well but good blood in the hope of testamentary recog-
fear, and finally pulled off its wings, —nothing can make this good nition frost his master, who was
thug rendering it still more help t.00d so quickly as Dr. Williams infirm and well in }ears. 1n this,
lobs. Ile thought it great sportto Pink l'ills fur Pale People. These however, he was disappointed, for
5ee t crate? desperate?} , first in one pills never fail to make, rich, red, his lodger died intestate, nor would
. - • direction, then in another, in order heath -giving blood. Mr. H. R. his relatives, when applied to, rec-
to get away from its tormentor. ?teed, Quebec city, says: "About
ognizc the validity of the landlord's
The harder it pulled at the string, twelve months ago I was all run claim.
the more it pleased Danny, who clown as the result of over -work.
yanked the poor insect here and ley doctor ordered me to take a
there, laughing heartily at its ef- complete rest, but this did not help
forts to escape. me. I had no appetite; my nerves
After a time the bee's struggles! were unstrung and I was so weak I
became less violent, its movements could scarcely mote. Nothing the
more feeble, until finally they ceas- doctor did helped me and I began
od altogether, and the little crea-
ture lay, apparently lifeless, on the
Danny took it up in his hand and
dangled it on the string. it hung color came
there, quite inert and limp, so he appetite improved, my
threw it into the long grass, de- back and in less than a month I
claring that the fun was over. was able to leave my room. 1 con -
It was too waren to hunt up some- tinued the pills for another month
thing else interesting to do just and they completely cured me. I
then, so Danny lay down on the am now in the best of health and
ft green grass, and blinked laz- ahle to do my work without fatigue.
to think my case was incurable.
While confined to my room friends 'utilized for their own and master's
camp to •see me and one of them' k0ep. Whence these windfalls
advised me to try Dr. Williamscome is an open secret; the ser -
Pink Pills. I did so and soon my tants are quite content to accept
in silence a state of things which,
while a demand for wages or a mean
economy in their master's board
would ensure prompt dismissal,
leaves an ample allowance of francs
for their own use.
boasts that ho is kept by his ser-
vants, to whom} he pays no wages.
How does he effect this? Every
month certain sums are secreted
about the house, which are found
by the domestics, and by them
have kept you long enough ;
ily up at the tiny, white clouds I feel sure that all who are weak should you desire to remain in my
sailing about in the clear, blue sky, will find renewedhealth and service you will in future have to
wishing he could have a ride on strength in Dr. Williams' Pink keep mo." Thus spake a Leeds
one of them. HK was just "Irak- Pills. They certainly saved me gentleman to his three servants who
lug believe" that he was flying in from a life of misery." had been some years in his service.
When Dr. \► illiams' Pink Pills Two of thorn left there and then ;
make new blood they go right to the third, who, besides her savings,
the root of and cure anaemia, had a modest annuity of her own,
rhoulliatism, St. Vitus dance, kid- resolved to stay. For four years she
ney trouble, indigestion, headache, supported her master, to find her -
and backache and those secret ail- self at his death the richer by
ments which make the lives of so £5,000.—London Tit -Bits.
many women and growing girls
miserable. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or
six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville. Ont.
an airship, when suddenly he felt
a violent pull on his arm; then
another, and still another. Ile was
about to protest against being so
rudely disturbed, when he saw
something that made him forget
everything else.
A great creature (it seemed to
him a giant), towered above hien.
In his hand he held one end of a
rope. while the other end he fast-
ened to Danny's arm`. Every min-
ute or two, the giant would give a
jerk to the rope, and t.ie poor boy
was pulled hither and thither, with
- an abruptness that was anything
but agreeable. Besides the rope
hurt Danny cruelly. The giant,
however, was so big and strong,
and Danny so small and helpless,
ho could do nothing but cry out
with pain and anger. The giant
only laughed at that, and pulled
the harder. Poor Danny was yank-
ed this way and that, until he was
so dizzy and sore it was misery to
\N leen he felt he could bear no
more. to his horror, the giant carne
quite close to him. "I think I will
pull off your arms and legs," roar-
ed he, in tonus of thunder.
In an agony of fear, Danny burst
into tears, crying out, "Please,
Mr. Giant, do not kill me!"
"But you did not mini killing the
poor bee," returned the giant,
corning still nearer, so close that
Danny could see, quite plainly, his
dreadful, rolling eyes.
"But I'll never do it again,"
wailed Danny; "I never once
thought. I was hurting it. It was
only a bee.
"Well, you are only a boy, and
I'll have you to know that bees
have feelings as well as boys," re-
torted the giant. "But as you say
you will net er be so cruel again, 1
will let you off this time," and the
giant turned as if to depart. Be -
1 fore he dropped the rope. however,
he gave a final jerk, which was so
violent that Danny - awoke.
It was only a dream, after el!
but dreams sometimes teach useful
lessons. as this one did to Danny,
for never again was he known to
torture, for his own diversion, even
''ksuch an humble creature as a bee.
Haile ay Builders in .Africa Have
Trouble With Them.
Every month bt"'(rs jig nearer to
the realization of Mr. Cecil °hu}jL's
dream of a Cape -to -('acro railway.
• r::ts 1411 keen laid for a dis-
lLiic.' Ur over 2,0.63from the
Extraordinary Instances of Ser-
vants' Gratitude to Their
A Lancashire gentleman, lately
deceased, commenced life as a ser-
vant in a merchant's family, where
he had saved a fair sum when loss
of fortune overtook his toaster,
whom a severe illness simultan-
eously struck down. His situation
gone, the servant invested his sav-
ings in a small business, and, tak-
ing his old master to his humble
home, tended hitn through his long
illness and supplied hint with all
necessaries until ho was suflicicntly
convalescent to obtain a modest
berth, where he remained until the
death cif a distant relative once
again placed him in an opulent posi-
tion. His gratitude to his faithful
servant found prompt and practical
c ars
' ,ni hen ten years
expresso, and, Sc
later he died, Ile made him prac-
tically his heir.
lly a strange coincidence the valet
of a gentleman moving to the best
Viennese society came into a con-
siderable sum of money almost at
the same time that his master,
through reckless 1 cs
tnrnts, 1 e
his fortune. Greatly attached to
itis employer, the nian, despite all
persuasion to the contrary, refused
to quit his old service, stipulating
only that he }night bo permitted
to marry a young woman to whom
he bad long been engaged. For
many }ears until the gentleman's
death he,
wit only j.erforned his duties as of
yore, but iroili :It own purse sup-
plied the needs of the household,
.besides allowinghis master a cer-
Cape. and Tan • ievika is nowuvt�i:)
much more ,
h more than 400 mile��.eff, asum as pocket -money.
In these parts tiro ea' way sta-
tions are built; et galvanized iron,
while the telegraph -poles, and the
"ties" into which the rails are
That they might retain their sit-
uations) i decidedly original plot
was Latched in the servants' }•elf
of a large mansion in tilt? ',vast 01
damped are of steel. Even in the England, whereof tyre proprietor,
huts for the railway workers little suddenly seized with hallunciation
or no wood is used, on account of that he was A pauper, was on the
the tens upon tens of thousands of pont of reducing his establishment
white ants which infest tho regions + to the smallest possible dimensions.
north of the Zambesi. (To prevent this his servants re -
These toracious pests will destroy, solved to subscribe among them-
anvthing in the nature of wood. anti: selves a certain rum, which, every
their mounds are occasionally as ea.
high as twenty fent.
The only value of these ants is -
that their hornet term a natural ce-
ment, which the natives use in the
construction of their huts. Put on
wooden uprights like platter. it be. 1
tomes as hard as stone, and acts as,
a perfect protection from the wen
the r.
When the history of this gigantic
undertaking comes to he written,
not She least interesting will he the
aceount of the engineers fight wl.h
the white ant. if the latter ever
•arra to cline teff steel. the work
,f years will be undone in as many
Black Watch
the big black plug
chewing tobacco. A
tremendous favorite
its r' hness and ill► .,fc
A white card on a Parisian dwell-
ing -house indicates that furnished
apartments are to let. A yellow
card informs pedestrians that un-
furnished rooms may be had. The
object is to save passers-by the
trouble of crossing the street if
they chance to be on the opposite
side, in case such rooms as they dc -
sire are rot advertised.
At supper to -night will they be "Say, paw," said little Henry,!
STATEMENT l rerted the most wholesome and "I'd like, to know something."
easily digested food nature has "Well, what is it'I" queried Mr.
- — I provided I Not unless they have; Meek.
Oran e Meat. This is made from I "What was your name befuro
'TELLS IIlat St FFEIRING SIS- the whole wheat, thoroughly and 1 claw married you l''
Tuts TO USE DODD'S properly cooked and mixed with I;h\E\V YOUR YOUTH.
Orange Meat seri, cd with milk or Never before has the struggle for
cream combine to make a perfect social and commercial success been
They Proved a Blessing to Her food. so keen us in our own clay, and to `\,o want heavy shipments for
When Her Pains and Weakness the victor and the vanquished alike Christmas trade. s hip at ones).
Were Almost More 'Ilan She Sally—"Please, ma'am, I can't comes a time when nerves and body Quick soles and prompt returns.
find the broom." ,Mrs. Shipshape cry for rest. Nature and science ro semen III
C—, Bear. —"Haven't I told you often enough have combined to produce an envie D. 11. $MITiii & Co .ib,r'e
St. George, Man., Dec. 11. to have a place for everything and, onment where tired men and wo- PATTISON & Vagina
(Special).—Roping to save her sis- everything in its place'!" Sally -1 men may renew th:ir youth. On A. J.
ter women in the \Vest from pains "Yes, ma'am, I did that, but I've' the main lino of the (,rand Trunk 33-33 SCOTT STRUT, TORONTO,
and aches which come at the criti- lost the place." - Railway System, at St. Catharines,
cal times in u woman's life, Mrs. Ontario, is situated "The Wel-
Arseno Valet of this place has giv- Sudden transition from a hot to land," where the ills of life site gl-
en the following statement for pub- a cold temperature, ,. exposure to leviated by bathing in the Saline
lication : rain, sitting in a draught, unseas- Springs of the "St. Catharines
"I have brought up a large fancily enable substitution of light for Well," under proper medical st-
and have always enjoyed good heavy clothing, are fruitful causes pervision and attendance. Apply
heal!`} until the last two years. 1 of colds and the resultant cough so to J. 1). McDonald, District Pas- MONEY TO LOAN
Agent, A
am fifty four years of age and at perilous to persons of weak lungs. Fenger g , Toronto.__
the critical time of life that comes Among the many niedieiues for IT ALL DEPENDS. f'ARM PROPERTY every woman, I had pains in toy bronchial disorders so arising,
right hip and shoulder. I could not there is 00110 better than Pickle's "Can a man afford to be perfect At fewest rotas. Apply to
lie down two minutes at a time Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Try it ly frank at all tinted" asked the JONES i PROCTOR OROS.
without suffering the greatest ag- and become convinced. Price 25 youth. a Toronto Strut. Toronto, tit.
ony. Sometimes I awakened with cent;, "He can, answered the Sage -
a feeling as if some one had laid.ville, "if he doesn't cart whether
a piece of iee on my head. An- "Sarch tho poets, young man," he has any friends or not."
other time it would be a burning advised the philosopher; ''search ---
pain under the left shoulder. the poets." "Are•, what's the use l" A Purely Vegetable Pill.—Par-
"I took ;nary medicines, but complained the ex -pick -pocket. "I melee's Vegetable Pills are corn -
could get no relief, till reading of searched a poet once, and all I got pounded from roots, herbs, and
cures of similar cases to my own by wuz a pawn -ticket." solid extracts of known virtue in
Dodd's Kidney Pills, led me to try the treatment of liver and kidney
them. They slid wonders for me. Repeat it:—" 8hiloh'e Ours will a1- complaints and in giving tone to
"I want all women to know what ways cure my coughs and colds." the system whether enfeebled by
Dodd's Kidney Pills did fur me." -- overwork or deranged through ex-
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Miss Oldgirl—" Do you think Mr. cessea in living. They require no
Kidneys. The woman who has Snifkins is sincere when he writes testimonial. Their excellent gnal-
sound Kidneys is safeguarded that lie loves me more than tongue sties are well known to all those
against nine -tenths of the suffering can tell?" miss Peachblow—"I who have used them and they tom-
; that makes life a burden to the wo- dare say. He's tongue-tied, you mend themselves to dyspeptics and
}non of Canada.know." those subject to biliousness who
That TCnne tare in quest of a beneficial uted-
for agents selling our toilet soaps.
Lots making $5.0� a clay. Writs at
once for full particulars to the
SOAP SUPPLY CO., Sox 332, Toronto
Stook Brokers h Financia? Agents
and other stocks bought an I sold ••n commission
Correspondeace invited. Onto,. ma) be timid it
,ear a peaaa.
Travelling on the 1 C. R., Mr Harry
Tower i, Si. Paul Street, St. John, N.B., found
a box of Zam•Buk, the great skin -healer. Ile
was cuff:ring from badly chapped hands at
the ting so applied the billy). lie says:—
"Zvn•ituk eased the pain and smarting,
healed the cracks, and trade my hinds quite
smooth. Finding it so good, I kept a sueely
handy, and have since proved ,t a really
wonderful healer. it curs rut,, sores, or
burns equally well, and I would not like nom
to be without a supply."
Mr. "Towers is only one of thousands who
are glad they heard oflam•iluk. There is
no skin dir.se k will not relieve and cure.
Its fame is spreading everywhere. and it is
now regarded as Nature's great " first aid''
in workshops, on the farm. or in the h..me.
No traveller should be without it. Every
home should hive its lox always ready for
use. A little 7.2n1-Ituk rubbed regularly an
the hands an i fare before retiring each night
will keep the skin soft and free from chaps,
coal -sores, or disease.
It you have a cut, a bruise, or some irritate
ing skin disease, which las defied all ordiaarf
remedies, apply 7-am-Buk. it fieri cleanses
a wound by killing off all hnmful bacteria•
new tissue cell h cell --'us
itbuildsupne n ue t
l y )
as a bri. kliyer lays row after row of lin. ka.
Then it covets the wound with new healthy
skin, and the cure is rffec'ed 1
Zam-Iluk is also a cure for piles. It trues
speedy relief and ends the throbbing, burning
rains. Skin•diseases, such es e,rema, itch,
alter!, barber's rash. rashes du: lc) biota -
poison, ety•►�, canr.ot resin its powerful Meati,:,; t Ff�gtr P,r,s, vel n tL ?n (he rosy
virtues. Purely vee e'?1•�e111 I: 'n ids al corn. l0f! e s -
t, s n , 'sea s ronsnmptlon, bot �» ba l signs. A11E :'ti
f,lnaitod 'f •ibtker and p sot o0.. A .., •R .. i
all druggists and stores, or t flee froth lir; Rth.,m 1�"`'o1arata of opium in ir,, 1M
Lam•Ituk Co., 'Toronto, for i riot. Reject ed a" 1"ss+g°s g
Perhaps nothing is calculated to
worry a pessimist more than the
noise made by people who shout for
The tallest postman in the Brit-
ish service is Peter Sinclair, bearer
of letters to and from Pabbay,
Mingallay, and Barra islanders, off
the Nest Coast of Scotland. Ile
stands but one inch short of 7 ft.
in height.
it: —"Shiloh's Cure will always
cure my coughs and colds."
ntir eotd that wide you wratched
last winter %%111 nt c.,me back if you take Aliens;
Lana Balsam when .aur throat ii raw and sure.
This admirable remedy is free from opium. Take
11 in time.
"My friend," said the optimist,
Holland's 1•erri^.g fishery fleet “you should greet misfortune with
consists of 750 t'C iS 3, about 45 be „ of money makers. Do you want t, set rich quick
a Smile. legitimately t If so, buy stock in the Cana.tia
ing steamboats. 10,000 men are "I'll do it with -pleasure," replied North•wl.t 011 Company, Molted. Buy cheap•
employed on them. while others sleep. 11 1 omnpany owns Sections
the unfortunate one, "if you'll do- 6, 7 and le, Tp. 4. Range s, w'e,t of the 6th M, Is
— nape the price Ufa 'smile.' " the great Albert (til tial[, wl:iuh, acc,rdlug to the
A Medicine Chest in Itself.— n,os eminent authority, 1. da.ttnel to become the
greats" t oil producing cent,° in the world, so
Only the we'll -to-do can afford to Repeat much so that land is n -.w selling at from 11,,00
possess a medicine chest,but 1)r. toi'-S,OOper acre. '1511 company has the malt
it: —"Shiloh's Cure will always upt,•dateuiI boring pl.ist in operation, and .1 -
Thomas' Electric 011, which is a ready down IYs0 feet, passing thruuq- 5 4 o!1 bear.
Ing sande, containing eonsiderabie oil and petro
tnedlCll]e chest in itself being a cure my coughs and Colds." bum gay. So certain are the prospects .1 success,
mod for rheumatism lumbago,— — I that the share- have already advanced from S',;
"You seem to manage remarkably 1 eeuN 1,, Si each, and dilertly the great oil pools,
g y 1 are stroek you will hass to be a millionaire to gel
well on your housekeeping looney 1"1 any number of shares: again we say, buy cheap
whits sluggards sleep. ti ,ares are non-assessabte,
"Yes. The tradespeople haven't the laud owned by the Company is valued accord-.
sent in their 61118 _yet."
inr to prevent prices at $i0.rn,^,•1•)0. Sha*e, t:.03.
each. In blocks of he; terror hsO cash. btla^.c
Thls means a sats tnwstmen* A
mortgage on real estate with the
earnlnhe of the largest Street
Rahway fn Canada (Ittentrrat) to
pay the interest, Pays hall as
mach afgala as any Sank in Inter-
est—always sateabls. Sonde In
amounts et 6103, ISIS or 61,000.
Street Seaway 6'd'g, Montreal, P.Q.
Reference --Bank of Montreal
Mother—"V` ell, Dorothy, would $ore throat, colds, coughs, catarrh,
you like your egg poached or buil-'
ed?" Dorothy (after weighing
681 asthma, and a potent healer for
question)—"'Which is the must, wounds, cuts, bruises, sprains,
1" etc., is within the reach of the poor-
motherest, owing to its cheapness. It
should be in evet•y house.
Tiley Never hnew Failure. --
Careful observation of the effects
of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills has
shown that they act immediately on
the diseased organs of the system
and stimulate them to healthy ac-
tion. There may be cases in which
the disease has been long seated
and docs not easily yield to med-
ie int, but even in such cases these
Pills have been known to brief; re-
lief when all other so-called rem-
edies have failed. These asser-
tions can be substantiated by many
who have used the fills, and med-
ical men speak highly of their
Fault fiinding gives
many a hard jolt.
Repeat it :—" Shiloh's Cure will
always cure my coughs and colds."
— -- 1n three m ,nthe. matte payable to A. Wil!I.
APhysician Isnrt always at hand. nuard your, an l Co , Ltd., at the merchants Bink of es
eel against sudden c met, and adds by keeping yt..t„ria, R. t'., to be exchanged for or on •
h lite of .,. .l itler in the house. Avoid snl„ti• of stock in the Canaliaa North Rtes'
• ° r pany_Ltsntb,l
The most sumptuous train in the tete., there is but oae "Yaiukiller"—Veer
hart;—sec sad SUB
world is that used by the German
Emperor. It cost $1,000,000, and ! He (who is going abroad to seek I All the Strength
took three years to buil. I his fortune)—"You'll be true to me, I Of Prima Ox Beef
won't you, darling i" She—"Ye-
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will yes, George, if—if you're success- Is Concentrated in BavrIl,
always cure my coughs and colds." fill 1"
Papa—"Yes, my— son, you must
always begin at the bottom to learn
anything." Willie—"How about
swimming, pa 1___'
Are your corns harder to remove
than those that others have had?
Have they not had the same kind',
Have they not been cured by us-
ing Holloway's Corn Cure 1 Try a
Imitations Abstmd. tat lnst't nnnn rater' the bottle.
genuine. "'1 he n A.I." Nenth,I I'la•ter. it is
stool the test of years. It cures aches and pains
quicker than any plaster. Ivry—"("'ptlld you marry a man
MARVELS OF MOSCOW. who was your inf,'ri••r 1'' She—"I
suppose I shall have to.
"Moscow," says a traveller, "has
more pilgrims than Mecca and more
shrines than home. Its principal
church sus erected at a cost of 810,-
0)0,003. its golden dome and cu-
polas cost over 81,000,000 to gild,
Little \Vlllie—"Say, pa, when is and more than twice that amount
s woman said to be of uncertain is represented by the marbles,
age 1" precious stones, and pictures it. con-
Pa—"When other people are cer- tains.
lain of it, niy son."
sheaf,, harmful and dangerous suostitutca.
There was ono thin about file
old fashioned inn to wnicb, much at-
tention was paid, and that w•Ls /tweetft: " 3hiloh's Cure will al -
the signboard, says The (,ween. ways cure my coughs and colds."
At a time yrhen few people coag
.rang 6r write house signs -were in-
dispensable in ever' ,,ny life, es-
pecially in the '-,inns, and as inns
and taer'_,t were always ernnmon,
their divstinctions gave the name
many a street, for not infre-
quently they were the first buildings
to be erected. Many of the com-
binations read whimsically, and a
writer in the British Apollo of I:A;,
I'm amused at the signs
As 1 pass through the toxo,
To see the odd mixture --
A Maapie anti Crown,
The Whale and the ('row,
The Razor and Hen,
The Leg and Seven Stars,
The Scissors and Pen,
The Axe and the Bo.'
The Tun and the ' _,lr,,
The Eagle and ,.ntc,
The Shpve' . Child,
. and Bora.
"Henry asked me to be his wife
last night," she told her chum.
"Oh, I'm so delighted. Gertrude.
And bow did it happen?"
"Well. lie just asked me, and I
said, 'Yes,' and then ho just stood
up and folded his arms," -
"What! Itz etd9 h6 Ire"'
ested than that 1" - .0 1
"Ob. but you roe T was
'ben Le folded '
..1, xt'TIING ('t-'Tt ).\l.
schen a tes'el is shoot t be
la Inched in Japan, a la rite sage
bards. ie usually h
:\t the ship
Give the Children a Chance.
Cranking dors rots 're s:kihtrerl of bed•
wrung. 'There is A constitulio "1 caii,:t.
for the+ trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. ti.,a
to,i. Windsor, Ont„ will send free to s.,yty
mher her wccesaful tr afinere,
withotfall instrn,•t' Send no money. bit
write 1'^^s to -flay if your children trnuh'a
ren in the+ way. Don't b'arne the chill,
the chances arc it can't help it. This
treatrtI i:( also cure's adults and aged
people troubled with urine difficulties by
day or night. —
Ada—"Wasn't there so
of llattde marrying a t1' '
—"Yes, but, ;kJ,.
didn't say se -
Dr. llcTaggart's t.hi r, remeIy rernnras a'1
Sastre for the weed lit a few .lays. A %eget tb'e
medicine, and only require, t wr5ing the t,rgue
with It '- carionil:y. Price. f'.i'.
\itrreltn„ results Ir •rn },king h!s remedy 1 it
the !iquor bab.t. Mas sod in•apensi.e holo.
treattaent: no hyp+.1, hie Injections, nu publi•
city, no lou of time fr.m hairless, and a cure
Address or consul nr. McTaggart, 73 Visage
Street, Toronto. Caoa.la.
Razor Sharpener.
Do n .t lh:uw aw ay your mune in harinj
a new Bag .r hecsu•e one will not
work. but buy a cske of our " Perls -tion
L-ai',r Parte'- shoes I. id k.ep'-ur Itws.•r
III perfect guttingc•nntltton, and 111th Ciro
will 130 y .'u a lifetime. 1f your Ilardwa e
nr Drug Realer d• es n
w t.eand w e
is palatable, very nourishing,
and easily digested.
It is no trouble to prepare.
A spoonful c,f BOVRIL stir•
rel into a cul) of boffin:.;
water is the finest tonic and
Dietl: -!UC up,
ojw33 f >F°oxs